Latest sightings
Birdline Scotland provides the most comprehensive and up-to-the-minute information on bird sightings in Scotland. It is run by Angus Murray in cooperation with the SOC.
To hear the regularly updated recorded message, simply phone:
09068 700234
Calls are charged at 62p per minute plus your phone company’s network access charge. Note that this is a Premium Rate number, only available in the UK. For complaints or queries about this premium rate service, call 01875 871 330.
Reporting sightings
The success of Birdline Scotland relies on birdwatchers reporting their sightings of birds. Click here for a list of species which Birdline Scotland is interested in. Sightings can be emailed to, or whatsapped or texted to 07808 734760.
Please include your name and as much detail as possible about the sighting(s). If you think special instructions should be broadcast (grid reference, parking, access etc), please make these clear.
All records of rare birds are subject to acceptance by the relevant rarities committee.
Publicising sightings
Sightings reported to Birdline Scotland will normally be forwarded to the relevant Local Recorder. Please note that this is not intended as a substitute to the normal submission of records direct to the Recorders, rather as a means of keeping them up-to-date and ensuring that important records are not lost.
Birdline Scotland will not publicise records if it knows that:
- the bird(s) are on private land, and no arrangements have been made for visiting.
- there is a risk that rare/uncommon breeding birds could be disturbed.
- an unacceptable risk to the welfare of the bird(s) can be foreseen.
- Birdline Scotland and the SOC fully endorce the Birdwatchers’ Code.
Arrival dates of spring migrants
Click here to view the spring migrant arrivals table, which is compiled annually by Birdline Scotland.