The book,The Birds of Scotlandwas published by the SOC in December 2007. The publication proved a financial success for the Club and The Birds of Scotland Fund was established to build on its success and assist related publications and projects. 

The Birds of Scotland Fund was established in 2008 and since then it has helped to finance over 25 ornithological publications and special projects. Click here to view the list of projects supported to date.

What is the Fund for?

The Council of the SOC and the editors of The Birds of Scotland have agreed that:

The purpose of the fund will be to support ornithological publications and special projects in Scotland; this may include extending current publications (e.g. increasing the number of editions of Scottish Birds per annum), and the provision of grants and/or loans to aid the publication of local/regional atlases and avifaunas and other works deemed appropriate by the trustees. Specific projects which promote the development of ornithology (particularly among the youth and wider public) in Scotland will be eligible for support. Effort should be made to ensure that at least 50% of the funds are spent on supporting publications.

Applications are welcome from anybody who has a project which they believe meets these aims. Early applications (Stage One, see below) for projects which may not be completed until a few years’ time are welcomed to allow early consideration of these projects and to improve financial planning of The Birds of Scotland Fund.

How do I apply?


How will applications be considered?

Applications will be considered as a two stage process by a group of four members of the Fund committee. This comprises members of the SOC Council and the editors of The Birds of Scotland. The first stage will consider a project in principle and assess how well it will meet the purposes laid out for The Birds of Scotland Fund alongside other applications received. The details required for Stage One, have been kept to a minimum to allow an early decision for support to be made. At the end of Stage One applicants will either receive an ‘orange light’ indicating a willingness in principle to provide some funding to the project, or a ‘red light’ indicating that the project will not be supported. Stage One applications can be made at any time of the year.

At the conclusion of Stage One, the Fund committee will provide reasons for refusal of an unsuccessful application, or may provide pointers for additional issues to be considered during Stage Two.

At Stage Two, a more detailed consideration will be given to those projects which have reached that stage. Applicants will be required to provide details of the budget for their project along with details of existing and possible sources of funding. Key deliverables and timescales should be detailed, giving an indication of when the funding is required.

What form will the contribution take?

The contribution from The Birds of Scotland Fund may comprise a grant or a loan to the project. The decision on which is provided will be at the sole discretion of the Fund committee.


All projects in receipt of money from the Fund will be required to include accreditation to The Birds of Scotland Fund by including a copy of the SOC logo along with the wording “Birds of Scotland Fund”. Electronic copies of this will be provided to successful applicants.

Frequently Asked Questions


Applicants to Stage One should normally expect to receive an indication of whether their application to The Birds of Scotland Fund has received agreement in principle within one month of receipt of their application. Applicants will be provided with details of information required for Stage 2 applications; we request that this is submitted within two months, or if longer please let us know (we understand that gathering the necessary information can take time). Stage 2 applicants will be notified of the success or otherwise of their applications as soon as possible.

Yes, but the Fund committee may consider providing a pump-priming grant or provide a loan for such proposals, and ongoing payments are unlikely.

No initial boundaries have been set for ‘special projects’, but these may be developed in due course. Each project will be judged on its own merits and how it may meet the aims of the fund and the sums of money involved.

Payment will be made in line with agreements reached following submission and acceptance of Stage Two applications.

There are no fixed levels of funding, with applications assessed on a case by case basis.

No. The SOC will continue to supply research grants from its Endowment Fund.

No, the Fund will not seek to further Scottish ornithology through the management of land or sites.