You can find out about our North-East Scotland branch below. 


We're delighted to share details of the meetings season (September 2024 - April 2025) for members to enjoy. The full list, which will be held as a hybrid (online/in-person) programme, will be added to the website in due course. 

More information about each talk will be emailed to members around a week in advance of the event. To receive these emails (including Zoom joining instructions for online meetings), you must be signed up to the Branch News & Events - Talks & Workshops mailing list.



Wed 18 Sep       
Jonathan Meiburg – The Caracaras would like to meet you: introducing the world’s smartest and strangest birds of prey (online)

Mon 7 Oct         
Andrew Painting, NTS – The past, present and future of Crested Tits in Deeside: searching for an enigma in the pinewoods

Wed 16 Oct       
Dave Parish, NatureScot – Stepping up efforts to save Scotland’s critically endangered Chough (online)

Mon 4 Nov        
Louise Bacon, BTO & BBRC – British Birds Rarities Committee: past, present and YOU?

Wed 20 Nov      
Ian Thomson, RSPB – Ending raptor persecution on Scotland’s grouse moors? (online)

Mon 2 Dec         
Julie Black, JNCC – Net zero and space for nature: offshore wind farms, seabirds and climate change

Dates for January-April 2025 will be announced in due course.


John Wills
01467 651296

Venue for in-person meetings:

In-person meetings will be held at Main Lecture Theatre, Zoological Dept., University of Aberdeen, Tillydrone Ave, Aberdeen AB24 2TZ (click here to view a map of the venue and surrounding area).


No outings are currently planned.


John Wills

Branch Committee


John Wills, 01467 651296

Chair & representative of the branch on SOC Council:

Alan Knox


Mark Sullivan

Committee Members:

Ian Broadbent (ex officio as Branch Recorder) and Claire Marsden

North-East Scotland recorder:

Ian Broadbent

Other Information

Talks reminders:

Members who've consented to Local Branch news and events e-communications from SOC, are sent a reminder about forthcoming talks (with more information on the speaker and subject where possible), usually a week or so in advance of the meeting. If you don’t already receive these alerts and would like to, please make sure you've completed a Mailing List Consent Form to allow the Club to contact you. If you've already completed a form, check your junk/spam/clutter folders to make sure our emails aren't landing there. Still nothing? Contact Headquarters as we may not have a correct or up to date email address on file for you.

Branch Newsletter:

North-East Scotland Branch Newsletter is published once or twice annually and emailed to branch members, as well as being made available to view below. The newsletter shares details of notable bird sightings and records in the region, research and survey developments and updates, branch news and activities and often includes contributions from the Grampian Ringing Group.

Click here to read back issues of the branch newsletter.

Social media:

Facebook: Type ‘ABZ Rare Birds’ in the search bar

Birding Guide to North-East Scotland

North-East Scotland is often overlooked by birdwatchers. Yet just a very brief visit reveals an incredibly rich area for birds and even those living and working here may not know some of the more hidden sites. Over 150 species are known to nest, and regular winter and passage visitors and vagrants bring the total to 387. This detailed illustrated guide shows how to find birds and other wildlife at many sites and contains a full checklist of birds recorded. It is the most comprehensive guide yet published on where to see birds in Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City.

Production of the guide was supported by the local RSPB team, Aberdeenshire Council and via the SOC’s Birds of Scotland Fund.

To order your copy, please send a cheque for £10 per copy + £2.50 p+p made payable to ‘Aberdeen and District RSPB Group’, to M. Sullivan, 29 Earlswells Rd, Cults, Aberdeen AB15 9NY, along with the completed order form (download here) or email Mark.

Click here for our guide to Birdwatching the Ythan Estuary

Visit the RSPB’s Loch of Strathbeg nature reserve website 

Bird recording in this area

Visit the North-East Scotland recording area page for details of the latest bird reports, back issues, species considered locally and for Local Recorder contact information.

The Breeding Birds of North-East Scotland

Click here to read about this atlas, which covers Moray, Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City.