Since 2005, easyfundraising has helped raise over £33 million for thousands of community groups, sports clubs, schools and small and large charities across the UK.

Make your shopping count without spending a penny extra

With the doors to Waterston House closed for much of the past year, the SOC is looking at ways to raise funds for the Club.

Easyfundraising turns your everyday online shop into donations for the SOC, at no extra cost to you, or to the Charity! You can raise money each time you shop online at over 4,600 retailers, whether you’re buying your weekly groceries, your car insurance or your business supplies. Once you’re registered (which is totally free) with the scheme and have nominated the SOC as your chosen cause, every time you shop through the easyfundraising platform, the Club receives a small donation.

To get started, simply register (just your name and email address) here, or alternatively, search for our cause ('Scottish Ornithologists’ Club') on the easyfundraising website.


Now you’re ready to shop! Go to the easyfundraising website (if you're not already on it), search for the retailer you’d like to shop with and you’ll be taken to that retailer's website. Shop as normal. When you check out, the retailer will donate to the SOC at no extra cost to you (or us)! A couple of days after making your purchases through easyfundraising, you'll receive an email from them letting you know how much you have kindly raised for the Charity.

What's in it for easyfundraising? Like price comparison websites, the organisation makes money through affiliate marketing. Retailers pay easyfundraising a small commission each time a sale is made through their website. The commission amount is completely separate from the donation the Charity receives when you shop – the Club receives the donation amount in full, and all the money you raise for us is paid to the SOC every quarter.

For more information, including details of which retailers are registered with the scheme, and to start raising funds for the SOC through your online shopping, click here.

Thank you very much for considering this way to support us.