We're delighted to share details of the meetings season (September 2024 - April 2025) for members to enjoy. The full list, which will be held as a hybrid (online/in-person) programme, will be added to the website in due course.
More information about each talk will be emailed to members around a week in advance of the event. To receive these emails (including Zoom joining instructions for online meetings), you must be signed up to the Branch News & Events - Talks & Workshops mailing list.
Mon 14 Apr
Stan da Prato – Warbler identification by sight and sound (TBC, note change of date from 10 March)
Wed 16 Apr
Darren Woodhead & Chris Rose – Capturing the spirit of birds (online)
John Turner, email
Venue for in-person meetings:
Eildon Suite, Melrose Rugby Club, Greenyards, Melrose TD6 9SA (click here to view a map of the venue and surrounding area)
Excursion details will be sent to SOC Borders branch members by email, if you have signed up for this (or click here if you haven't already done so).
Saturday 29 March
Musselburgh Lagoons
John Turner, tel 07702 457007 or send John an email
Branch Committee
Secretary :
John Turner, tel 07702 457007 or send John an email
Chair and representative of branch on SOC Council :
Neil Stratton
Richard Jackson
Engagement Officer:
Alasdair Reid
Bridget Khursheed
Borders recorder:
Other Information
Borders Birds, Borders Branch Website
The branch has recently launched a fantastic new website - you can take a look at it here.
Whether you are new to birdwatching, an experienced birder, or somewhere in between, the purpose of the website is to get you involved and further your enjoyment of Scotland's wonderful birdlife. Keep up to date with the latest local news or find out what birds you can expect to find in the region with a comprehensive bird list. The Recording and Reporting section contains useful information on how to report bird sightings, and there's a handy Resources section which includes links to local and national surveys.
Social media:
The branch has recently launched a new Facebook group - this is a public group, so all posts are available for anyone to see. However, to post you must be a member and answer a couple of very quick questions to get access. The branch also has a Twitter page.
If you would like to join the SOC Borders Branch News Group (Borders Birds) then please email the group owner, David Parkinson. The group has been primarily set up for members to post interesting sightings of birds in the Scottish Borders area and find out "what's about".
Talks and outings reminders:
Members who've consented to Local Branch news and events e-communications from SOC, are sent a reminder about forthcoming talks (with more information on the speaker and subject where possible), usually a week or so in advance of the meeting. A similar reminder service operates for outings. If you don’t already receive these alerts and would like to, please make sure you've completed a Mailing List Consent Form to allow the Club to contact you. If you've already completed a form, check your junk/spam/clutter folders to make sure our emails aren't landing there. Still nothing? Contact Headquarters as we may not have a correct or up to date email address on file for you.
AGM minutes, Chairman's Report and Annual Accounts
Please click on the links below:
Discussion Group:
Borders Discussion Group meets from September to March on a Monday evening (usually the Monday after the branch meeting) in Melrose. The meetings are usually announced on the Borders Bird News Forum and are open to anyone wishing to attend.
Birdwatching in the area
Click here for a guide of recommended sites to visit in the Borders and to download the branches’ free, full-colour birdwatching guide to the area.
Click here for our guide to Birdwatching on the Berwickshire coast
Bird recording in the area
Visit the Borders recording area page for details of the latest bird report, back issues, species considered locally and for Local Recorder contact information.