The 2024 Spring Migrants Arrivals Table 

This popular facility, brought to you by Birdline Scotland and a resource available exclusively on the SOC website, details the dates of migrant birds (which spend the summer here) arriving into Scotland, by recording area and species. 

Please note that the letters in brackets following each entry denotes the specific recording area the sighting comes under, i.e. ARG = Argyll. Tables for previous years can be viewed below this year’s. We need your records to make it as comprehensive as possible. To submit sightings for inclusion please email, or whatsapp or text your sighting(s) to 07808734760.

There are some record-breaking arrivals in 2024! The earliest ever Willow Warbler in Moray & Nairn, (potentially) the earliest ever Tree Pipit recorded from Orkney, and the earliest arrival of an Arctic Tern to the Ythan Estuary (per NatureScot NNR staff).

  Shetland, Fair Isle, Orkney and Outer Hebrides Highland, Caithness and Argyll North-East Scotland, Moray & Nairn, Angus and Perth & Kinross Fife, Isle of May, Upper Forth, Lothian and Borders Clyde, Clyde Islands, Ayrshire and Dumfries & Galloway
Manx Shearwater One past Ardvule Point, South Uist (OH) 21st Mar; two past North Ronaldsay (ORK) 10th Apr; 84 past Tiumpan Head, Lewis (OH) 12th Apr One off NW Mull (ARG) 9th Mar; one between Mull & Coll (ARG) 24th Mar; c.50 off Ardnamurchan Point (HIGH) 1st Apr; one past Lybster (CAITH) 4th Apr; 200+ between Rum and Eigg (HIGH) 8th Apr Two past Scurdie Ness (ANG) 16th Apr; one past Fowlsheugh RSPB (NES) 16th Apr One off North Berwick (LOTH) 29th Mar; three Elie Bay (FIFE) 14th Apr; five past Fife Ness (FIFE) 19th Apr; one past Isle of May 19th Apr; one past St. Abb's (BORD) 4th May One past Maidens (AYRS) 30th Mar; two off Culzean CP (AYRS) 31st Mar; five off Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 1st Apr; one Mull of Galloway (D&G) 2nd Apr; one Corsewall Point (D&G) 4th Apr; one off Ascog, Bute (CLY ISL) 6th Apr; one off Gourock (CLYDE) 26th Apr; two past Cloch Point (CLYDE) 15th May
Garganey Two (drake & female) Eoligarry, Barra (OH) 19th Apr; two (drake & female) The Loons RSPB (ORK) 24th Apr; drake Grutness (SHET) 30th Apr; drake Loch an't-saile, South Uist (OH) 1st May; drake Shapinsay (ORK) 3rd May; drake Fair Isle 7th May Drake Bunessan, Mull (ARG) 28th Apr; drake Castle Stuart Burn (HIGH) 30th Apr; two drakes RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 1st May; 1+ Balnakeil (HIGH) 4th May, drake on 9th Two RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 7th Apr, four drakes on 8th May; drake Ythan Estuary (NES) on 27th Apr; drake Loch Spynie & drake Balormie Pig Farm (both M&N) both on 1st May; drake RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 3rd May; drake Carsebreck Loch (P&K) 7th May Two drakes past Hound Point (LOTH) 2nd May; two Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 5th May; drake Letham Pools (FIFE) 12th May; drake RSPB Black Devon Wetlands (UF) 14th May Two (drake & female) Kildonan Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 11th Mar; drake Fail (AYRS) 9th Apr; drake Wigtown Harbour NR (D&G) 27th Apr; drake WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 2nd May; drake RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 4th May; two drakes Hoodston Bridge Flash (AYRS) 4th May
Marsh Harrier One Rendall (ORK) 23rd Mar; one Sanday then North Ronaldsay (ORK) on 8th Apr; one Baltasound, Unst & one Rerwick (both SHET) both on 30th Apr Female Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 9th Apr; male & female at undisclosed site Highland on 15th Apr; one at a central Caithness site (CAITH) 18th Apr One Findhorn Bay (M&N) 21st Feb; three (including a male) Tay Reedbeds (P&K) 16th Mar; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 4th Apr; male RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 7th Apr One River Forth, near Alloa (UF) 23rd Feb, one RSPB Black Devon Wetlands on 28th, male on 10th Mar; one past Seacliff (LOTH) 23rd Mar; one Mugdrum Island (FIFE) 30th Mar; one Bemersyde Moss SWT (BORD) 9th Apr; one over Kinghorn (FIFE) 14th Apr One Threave NTS (D&G) 18th Mar; two (male & female) RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 27th Apr; female RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 1st May
Osprey One Stromness (ORK) 7th Apr; one Borve, Lewis (OH) 24th Apr; one over Mid Yell, Yell & one Hermaness NNR, Unst (both SHET) both on 27th Apr; one Fair Isle 22nd May One north at Glen Nevis near Fort William (HIGH) 10th Mar; one Loch Pityoulish (HIGH) 11th Mar; one over Inverness (HIGH) 14th Mar; one back at eastern Flows (CAITH) 14th Mar; one Ford (ARG) 16th Mar; one Inver & one Beauly Firth (both HIGH) both on 17th Mar; one Craobh (ARG) 23rd Mar Female back SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 8th Mar; one Monzie (P&K) 8th Mar; one back at a west Moray nest site (M&N) 19th Mar; one over Backwater Dam (ANG) 22nd Mar; one Lochter (NES) 28th Mar One Lake of Menteith (UF) 4th Mar; one reported River Tweed near Innerleithen (BORD) 7th Mar; one Manor Valley (BORD) 18th Mar; one East Lomond (FIFE) 19th Mar; one over Craiglockhart Hills, Edinburgh (LOTH) 27th Mar; one over the Isle of May 29th Mar; one Musselburgh (LOTH) 14th Apr One reported Brodick Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 29th Feb; one reported River Clyde, Abington (CLYDE) 11th Mar; one Strathclyde CP (CLYDE) 13th Mar; one over Lily Loch (CLYDE) 16th Mar; one back NTS Threave (D&G) 22nd Mar; one back at nest site on Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 22nd Mar; one back at a South Ayrshire nest site (AYRS) on 24th Mar
Dotterel One Baleshare, North Uist (OH) 16th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 30th Apr, two on 12th May; one Fair Isle 24th May, two on 25th One Coulags, Strathcarron (HIGH) 30th Mar; three Kerrera (ARG) 20th Apr; two Beinn Eighe (HIGH) 21st Apr; three Monadhlaith Tops (HIGH) 23rd Apr; one Beinn a' Bhuiridh (ARG) 25th Apr; one over Freswick (CAITH) 27th Apr; three Oronsay (ARG) 29th Apr; two Ben Alder (HIGH) 4th May Four Lochnagar (NES) 10th May; one Glas Maol (ANG/NES) 10th May One Carnethy Hill (LOTH) 1st May
Whimbrel One Grobust, Westray (ORK) 26th Mar, one Westray on 14th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 7th Apr; two Fair Isle 8th Apr; one near Carinish, North Uist (OH) 11th Apr, six on 14th; one Virkie (SHET) 18th Apr; 20 past Balranald, North Uist (OH) 19th Apr; seven over Dalsetter (SHET) 22nd Apr; 100 Loch Sandary, North Uist (OH) 26th Apr One Broadford Bay, Skye (HIGH) 6th Apr; two near Portnahaven, Islay (ARG) 12th Apr; one over Nybster (CAITH) 14th Apr; six Dornoch beach (HIGH) 14th Apr; 16 Loch Slapin, Skye (HIGH) 18th Apr; 147+ at Rockmountain, Islay (ARG) 3rd May One past Tugnet (M&N) 14th Apr; one Carsebreck Loch (P&K) 15th Apr; one Ythan Estuary (NES) 16th Apr; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 20th Apr; one East Haven (ANG) 21st Apr; two RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 22nd Apr Two Thorntonloch (LOTH) 4th Mar; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 6th Apr; one Tullibody Inch (UF) 8th Apr; one Eden Estuary (FIFE) 13th Apr; one Isle of May 22nd Apr; two Linkim shore (BORD) 29th Apr One Bishop Burn, Loch Ryan (D&G) 2nd Apr; one Fail (AYRS) 7th Apr; six past Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 15th Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch & 5+ Ardmore Point (both CLYDE) both on 17th Apr; three Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 18th Apr
Common Sandpiper One Maivaig, Harris (OH) 14th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th Apr; one Castlebay, Barra (OH) 17th Apr; one Westray (ORK) 23rd Apr; two Haroldswick, Unst (SHET) 26th Apr; two Fair Isle 29th Apr One Nostie, Lochalsh (HIGH) 18th Mar; one reported Helmsdale (HIGH) 3rd Apr; one Croggan, Mull (ARG) 4th Apr; one Loch Feochan & two Ormsary (both ARG) both on 7th Apr; one Kinloch, Rum (HIGH) 7th Apr; small arrival noted Highland on 9th-10th Apr; one Halkirk (CAITH) 24th Apr One Cortachy (ANG) 8th Apr; one Cairnbulg (NES) 8th Apr; six on the Spey Estuary (M&N) 10th Apr; one Kirkgate, Loch Leven (P&K) 15th Apr Two Gladhouse Reservoir (LOTH) 6th Apr; one Guardbridge (FIFE) 7th Apr; one Dye Water near Longformacus & one on River Teviot near Jedburgh (both BORD) both on 12th Apr; two Cambusmore GPs & one Cambus (both UF) both on 13th Apr; influx noted Borders on 14th Apr; one Isle of May on 4th May One Wigtown Harbour (D&G) 5th Apr; singles Lochcraig Reservoir & Hogganfield Loch (both CLYDE) both on 6th Apr; one Lugar Water, Ochiltree (AYRS) 6th Apr; two Merkland, Arran (CLY ISL) 8th Apr
Sandwich Tern One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th Mar; up to nine off Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 7th Apr; one Norwick, Unst (SHET) 11th May One Loch Fleet (HIGH) 18th Mar, five on 23rd; one Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 24th Mar; two Port Charlotte, Islay (ARG) 2nd Apr; one Ardpatrick (ARG) 3rd Apr Two Nairn (M&N) 18th Mar; one Ythan Estuary (NES) 19th Mar; two Girdle Ness & 1+ Portsoy (both NES) both on 7th Apr; two Montrose Basin (ANG) 8th Apr One past Fife Ness (FIFE) 15th Mar; 1+ Seton Sands (LOTH) 30th Mar; one past Burnmouth (BORD) 6th Apr; three Gosford Bay & five Torness Power Station (both LOTH) both on 7th Apr; influx noted Fife 16th Apr; first Isle of May 23rd Apr; seven past RSPB Powfoulis (UF) 22nd May One Stevenston Point (AYRS) 18th Mar; one Dunure (AYRS) 19th Mar; one Luce Bay (D&G) 27th Mar; two Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 28th Mar; one Isle of Whithorn (D&G) 31st Mar; one Greenock (CLYDE) 4th Apr
Common Tern Two past Port of Ness, Lewis (OH) 7th Apr; one South Ford, South Uist (OH) 9th Apr; one Weisdale (SHET) 23rd Apr; 32 at Voy & one Sanday (both ORK) both on 29th Apr One Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 7th Apr; one Tobermory Bay, Mull (ARG) 11th Apr; one Dornoch (HIGH) 18th Apr; one St. John's Pool (CAITH) 18th Apr; one Chanonry Point (HIGH) 22nd Apr, 16 on 23rd; 18 Neist Point, Skye (HIGH) 12th May One River Spey, Rothes (M&N) 17th Apr; one Ythan Estuary (NES) 22nd Apr; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 5th May One Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 14th Apr, 24 on 6th May; one past Musselburgh Lagoons & one Dunbar (both LOTH) both on 24th Apr; eight past Fife Ness (FIFE) 4th May; first Isle of May on 8th May; 50+ off Kinghorn harbour (FIFE) 12th May Singles River Dee, Threave & Palmallet Loch (both D&G) both on 7th Apr; 2+ Bowling (CLYDE) 21st Apr; two Irvine harbour (AYRS) 28th Apr
Arctic Tern Two Grutness (SHET) 7th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th Apr, 23 on 8th May; one North Ford, North Uist (OH) 13th Apr; one Sandside Bay (ORK) 29th Apr; c.50 Loch of Spiggie (SHET) 3rd May; 50+ Westray (ORK) 9th May; first birds,15, on Fair Isle on 14th May, 73 on 16th One Vaul, Tiree (ARG) 8th Apr; two West Loch Tarbert (ARG) 23rd Apr; one St. John's Pool (CAITH) 24th Apr; two Dornoch (HIGH) 6th May; nine past Embo (HIGH) 9th May One Ythan Estuary (NES) 8th Apr, next arrivals there on 25th; one reported Donmouth (NES) 10th Apr; one Lunan Bay (ANG) 27th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 6th May; four Portknockie (M&N) 8th May; two Lossiemouth (M&N) 10th May One past Fife Ness (FIFE) 8th Apr; seven past Skateraw (LOTH) 28th Apr; one Isle of May 29th Apr; one Birgham near Coldstream (BORD) 7th May Three Hogganfield Loch (CLYDE) 8th Apr; 25+ past Dunure (AYRS) 26th Apr; 70+ past Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 3rd May; 13 Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 6th May
Little Tern One near Carinish, North Uist (OH) 9th Apr; four Traigh Mhor, Barra & one off Balgarva, South Uist (both OH) both on 14th Apr; one Kirk Sound, Holm (ORK) 29th Apr One Sorobaidh Bay, Tiree (ARG) 15th Apr, 14 at Gott Bay, Tiree on 22nd; eight Dornoch (HIGH) 29th Apr; one Chanonry Point (HIGH) 9th May First Ythan Estuary (NES) on 3rd May; one off Girdle Ness (NES) 6th May; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 10th May; one Findhorn Bay (M&N) 14th May Two Out Head (FIFE) 30th Apr; three Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 30th Apr; one Thorntonloch (LOTH) 4th May One Pow Burn (AYRS) 5th May
Cuckoo One Morghan, Barra (OH) 17th Apr; two Sandygill, Waulkmill (ORK) 22nd Apr; one Kirbister Loch, Orphir (ORK) 27th Apr; one Hoswick (SHET) 2nd May; one Fair Isle 11th May One near Campbeltown (ARG) 2nd Apr; two reported Ardtornish (HIGH) 3rd Apr; one Kilmichael Glen (ARG) 5th Apr; two Kinnabus, Islay (ARG) 7th Apr; one Bunessan, Mull (ARG) 10th Apr; one Ardgay (HIGH) 13th Apr; singing male Kilbride, Torrin, Skye (HIGH) 15th Apr; one Corrimony, Glen Urquhart (HIGH) 16th Apr; one Reay (CAITH) 20th Apr; widespread arrival noted Highland on 20th Apr; one Ardgay, Sutherland (HIGH) 24th Apr Singing male Kinnoull Hill (P&K) 8th Apr; one Haughend, Glen Esk (ANG) 17th Apr; one Glenartney (P&K) 21st Apr; one Red Moss of Netherley (NES) 24th Apr; one Ballantruan (M&N) 29th Apr One reported Pitcairn, Glenrothes (FIFE) 13th Apr; one Tayport (FIFE) 14th Apr; one near Gladhouse Reservoir (LOTH) 16th Apr; two Sheriffmuir (UF) 17th Apr; one Braes of Doune (UF) 19th Apr; two Knockhill (FIFE) 19th Apr; two Glen Lochay (UF) 20th Apr; one Loganlea Path, Pentland Hills (LOTH) 20th Apr; one Broadmeadows, Selkirk (BORD) 23rd Apr; one Leithen Lodge & one West Water Reservoir (both BORD) both on 30th Apr; one Isle of May on 2nd May One Conic Hill (CLYDE) 8th Apr; one Glenvernoch, Newton Stewart (D&G) 14th Apr; one Ness Glen (AYRS) 15th Apr; singing male Glen Fruin (CLYDE) 15th Apr; one High Newton, Arran (CLY ISL) 17th Apr; one Cairnsmore of Fleet NNR (D&G) 17th Apr; one singing Dhu Loch, Bute (CLY ISL) 19th Apr
Swift One reported Stinky Bay, Benbecula (OH) 27th Apr; one over Tiumpan Head, Lewis (OH) 10th May; one Borve, Benbecula (OH) 12th May; one Ardivachar, South Uist (OH) 20th May; one Sanday (ORK) 22nd May; one Fair Isle 23rd May; three Tingwall Loch, one Lerwick & three Sumburgh area (all SHET) all on 23rd May; seven North Ronaldsay (ORK) 24th May One Broomhill, Nethybridge (HIGH) 16th Apr; two Glen Lonan & one Oban (both ARG) both on 30th Apr; one Ballachulish (HIGH) 30th Apr; one Inverness (HIGH) 8th May, four on 10th; eight Grantown-on-Spey (HIGH) 10th May; first birds back Thurso (CAITH) 11th May Two over Strathbraan (P&K) 2nd May; one Dinnet (NES) 4th May; six Kinloss (M&N) 6th May; one Riverside NP, Dundee & one Friockheim (both ANG) both on 7th May; two Torry, Aberdeen (NES) 7th May; 1+ Muthill (P&K) 8th May; two Kinross (P&K) 10th May One RSPB Black Devon Wetlands (UF) 20th Apr; one Kilconquhar (FIFE) 29th Apr; two Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 30th Apr; two Water of Leith, Edinburgh (LOTH) 3rd May, five on 4th; five Peebles (BORD) 4th May; four Musselburgh (LOTH) 4th May; four Blairdrummond GPs & four Grangemouth (both UF) both on 4th May; 1+ Lochore Meadows CP (FIFE) 5th May; two St. Abb's Head (BORD) 5th May One reported Girvan (AYRS) 16th Apr; two RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 22nd Apr; three Castle Semple Loch (CLYDE) 28th Apr, 5+ on 3rd May; one Stevenston (AYRS) 29th Apr; one Corsewall Point (D&G) 29th Apr; one Hunterston (AYRS) 30th Apr; one Wigtown (D&G) 3rd May; seven New Galloway (D&G) on 9th May; two Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 22nd May
Sand Martin Four Loch Sandary, North Uist (OH) 1st Apr; one Westray (ORK) 7th Apr; one Haroldswick, Unst (SHET) 9th Apr; two Fair Isle 9th Apr One Loch Insh (HIGH) 18th Mar; one Culloden (HIGH) 20th Mar; 3+ Loch Skerrols, Islay (ARG) 22nd Mar; two Pennygown, Mull (ARG) 23rd Mar; four Acharacle, Loch Shiel (HIGH) 22nd Mar; one Scrabster (CAITH) 31st Mar Three Loch Leven & one over Kinross (both P&K) both on 16th Mar; four Loch Spynie (M&N) 18th Mar; one St. Fittick's, Aberdeen (NES) 19th Mar; 11 Rescobie Loch (ANG) 26th Mar Two over Dunbar (LOTH) 7th Mar; one River Teith, Deanston (UF) 9th Mar; three Yetholm Loch (BORD) 15th Mar; three Lecropt (UF) 19th Mar; one Letham Pools (FIFE) 19th Mar; 60 Gartmorn Dam CP (UF) 20th Mar; first Isle of May 7th Apr One reported over Summer Park, Dumfries (D&G) 4th Mar; one Barr Loch, RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 9th Mar; nine Black Loch (D&G) 15th Mar; one Loch Ken & one NTS Threave (both D&G) both on 16th Mar; one Baron's Haugh RSPB (CLYDE) 17th Mar; three Gailes Marsh SWT & one Martnaham Loch (both AYRS) both on 18th Mar; two RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 19th Mar; 70+ at Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 20th Mar, c.400 there on 22nd; two Loch Quien, Bute (CLY ISL) 26th Mar; four Kilmory, Arran (CLY ISL) 1st Apr
Swallow One Papa Westray (ORK) 30th Mar; one Fair Isle 6th Apr, 12 on 11th; one Vatersay (OH) 6th Apr; small influx noted Orkney on 7th Apr; one Port of Ness, Lewis (OH) 7th Apr; four on Unst (SHET) on 9th Apr Two Cairnbaan (ARG) 27th Mar; one Harrapool, Skye (HIGH) 28th Mar; one Glen Aros, Mull (ARG) 2nd Apr; one Strathpeffer & one Inverness (both HIGH) both on 2nd Apr; one on Rum (HIGH) 6th Apr; one Scrabster (CAITH) 7th Apr; arrival noted on Islay (ARG) on 7th Apr One Kinross (P&K) 23rd Mar; one near Mains of Thornton, Laurencekirk (NES) 30th Mar; one Carsebreck Loch (P&K) 31st Mar; one Loch Kinord (NES) 1st Apr; one Sanquhar Loch (M&N) 1st Apr; one East Haven (ANG) 6th Apr; one Portsoy (NES) 6th Apr; two Dundee (ANG) 7th Apr; one near Laurencekirk (NES) 7th Apr; influx noted Loch Leven (P&K) 7th Apr One Skateraw (LOTH) 19th Mar; one (with c.25 Sand Martins) Hirsel CP (BORD) 25th Mar; one Gartmorn Dam CP (UF) 29th Mar; two Tweedbank (BORD) 30th Mar; arrival noted in Borders on 4th April; arrival noted in Upper Forth on 6th Apr; three Cameron Reservoir, one Ferry Hills, one Balmullo & seven Kilconquhar Loch (all FIFE) all on 6th Apr; first Isle of May 8th Apr One Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 23rd Mar; one Loch Ryan (D&G) 25th Mar; one Wigtown (D&G) 27th Mar; one Dunure (AYRS) 27th Mar; one Maidens (AYRS) 29th Mar; one (with c.750 Sand Martins) Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 1st Apr; one Newshot Island (CLYDE) 4th Apr; one East Bennan, Arran (CLY ISL) 7th Apr; one Birgidale, Bute (CLY ISL 8th Apr
House Martin Two Fair Isle 7th Apr; 8+ Finstown (ORK) 7th Apr; two Nordalea, Unst (SHET) 9th Apr; two Boddam (SHET) 10th Apr; one Shulishader, Lewis (OH) 21st Apr; one Orosay, South Uist (OH) 24th Apr One Kilchoman, Islay (ARG) 16th Mar; one Colintraive, Cowal (ARG) 3rd Apr; two reported Cradlehall, Inverness (HIGH) 3rd Apr; one Scrabster (CAITH) 14th Apr; influx, birds noted back at breeding areas, in Highland on 26th Apr One Loch of Skene (NES) 1st Apr; one Arbroath Cliffs (ANG) 6th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 7th Apr; one Clatto CP (ANG) 7th Apr; one Cawdor (M&N) 7th Apr; two SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 9th Apr Two Tweedbank (BORD) 27th Mar; one Gartmorn Dam CP (UF) 29th Mar; one Loch Gelly (FIFE) 1st Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 1st Apr, one on 14th; two Kilconquhar Loch (FIFE) 6th Apr singles Auchencrow & Hirsel CP (both BORD) both on 7th Apr; one nest building at Minto (BORD) 21st Apr; arrival noted Dunblane (UF) 25th Apr; influx noted in Borders on 26th Apr; first Isle of May 29th Apr One Carlingwark Loch (D&G) 26th Mar; one Annan (D&G) 28th Mar; one Balmore Pool (CLYDE) 6th Apr; 10 at Lagg Hotel, Arran (CLY ISL) 6th Apr; three Irvine (AYRS) 7th Apr; four Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 11th Apr
Tree Pipit One Westray (ORK) 11th Apr; one Rendall (ORK) 21st Apr; one Fair Isle 28th Apr, 10 on 29th, 49 on 3rd May; five North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Apr; two Geosetter & one Sumburgh Head (both SHET) both on 29th Apr One Glen Lochy (ARG) 2nd Apr; one Glen Lonan (ARG) 4th Apr; two Inverliever Forest (ARG) 13th Apr; one Aldie Burn Woods, Tain (HIGH) 14th Apr; small arrival noted Highland on 16th Apr; one reported over Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 21st Apr One Girdle Ness (NES) 7th Apr; one Orton (M&N) 13th Apr; one Riverside Nature Park, Dundee (ANG) 17th Apr; four Portmoak Moss (P&K) 17th Apr; six around Comrie (P&K) on 20th Apr; two Whiteash Hill Wood & one Roy's Hill (both M&N) both on 24th Apr Two Grange plantation near Coldingham (BORD) 13th Apr; one Elibank (BORD) 14th Apr; two singing birds near Callander (UF) 16th Apr; one near Gladhouse Reservoir (LOTH) 16th Apr; one Haddington & one west over Joppa, Edinburgh (both LOTH) both on 17th Apr; two over Ferry Hills (FIFE) 18th Apr; one Kincraig Head (FIFE) 20th Apr; first Isle of May on 2nd May, six on 4th One over Glasserton (D&G) on 4th Apr, another on 5th; one RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 8th Apr; one BAE Systems, Bishopton (CLYDE) 11th Apr; singles Glen Afton & Loch Doon (both AYRS) both on 16th Apr; one Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th Apr
Yellow Wagtail One Stornoway Castle grounds, Lewis (OH) 21st Apr; one Allasdale, Barra (OH) 24th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Fair Isle on 26th Apr; one Fair Isle 30th Apr; one Foula (SHET) 7th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May; male Blue-headed Wagtail Foula (SHET) 14th May; Grey-headed Wagtail on Sanday (ORK) 23rd May; Grey-headed Wagtail Norwick, Unst (SHET) 25th May; three Grey-headed Wagtails on Fair Isle on 25th May; Grey-headed Wagtail & two Blue-headed Wagtails North Ronaldsay (ORK) 25th May One Freswick (CAITH) 27th Apr; male Blue-headed Wagtail Sandside Bay (CAITH) 30th Apr; one Balnakeil, male Insh Marshes RSPB & one reported Alness (all HIGH) all on 3rd May; Blue-headed Wagtail Balnakeil (HIGH) on 9th May, two on 10th One Hatton waste water works (ANG) 23rd Apr; male Grey-headed Wagtail Slains Pools (NES) 16th May One Barns Ness (LOTH) 8th Apr; one Belhaven Bay (LOTH) 10th Apr; one St. Abb's Head & one Birgham near Coldstream (both BORD) both on 19th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail at Luthrie (FIFE) 30th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Skateraw (LOTH) 1st May; Grey-headed Wagtail on Isle of May on 2nd May; Blue-headed Wagtail Birgham (BORD) 16th May Male Blue-headed Wagtail Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 1st May; one Town of Inchinnan farm (CLYDE) 23rd May
White Wagtail One Hamister, Whalsay (SHET) 19th Mar; one Smerclate, South Uist (OH) 4th Apr; one Fair Isle 11th Apr; one Westray (ORK) 12th Apr One Carradale, Kintyre (ARG) 19th Mar; one West Loch Tarbert (ARG) 20th Mar; one Forss (CAITH) 28th Mar; two Connage Bay (HIGH) 10th Apr; 11 Dornoch beach (HIGH) 14th Apr One Girdle Ness (NES) 17th Mar, one on 6th Apr; one Spey Estuary (M&N) 10th Apr, eight on 21st; one East Haven-Hatton (ANG) 12th Apr One Cocklemill Burn (FIFE) 1st Apr; two Musselburgh (LOTH) 6th Apr; 2+ Linkim Shore (BORD) 7th Apr; c.12 Barns Ness (LOTH) 8th Apr; four Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 8th Apr, 35 on 11th; seven by Braefoot plantation (FIFE) 10th Apr One reported Hunterston (AYRS) 16th Mar, one on 28th Mar; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 28th Mar; one RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 1st Apr, six at Wigtown Bay Wetlands on 7th, 82 at Wigtown Bay on 23rd Apr; one Porta Buidhe, Arran (CLY ISL) 3rd Apr; five Balgray Reservoir (CLYDE) 7th Apr; c.30 Ardrossan-Seamill (AYRS) 11th Apr
Redstart Female Fair Isle 22nd Apr, three on 28th Apr, 13 on 29th, 83 on 3rd May; one on Isle of Noss (SHET) 27th Apr; six North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Apr; two Sanday (ORK) 29th Apr One Achnacree (ARG) 16th Apr; male & female Dunadd (ARG) 19th Apr; one Moine Mhor NNR (ARG) 21st Apr; male & female Blackfold, Inverness (HIGH) 21st Apr; male Loch Mallachie (HIGH) 22nd Apr; one Dorrery (CAITH) 1st May One Scurdie Ness (ANG) 11th Apr; one Auchingarrich near Comrie (P&K) 20th Apr; one Craig Leek near Braemar (NES) 22nd Apr; several Crieff area & 3+ males Ben Vorlich area (both P&K) both on 27th Apr; male near Dulsie Bridge (M&N) 18th May One Killin (UF) 9th Apr; male St. Andrews (FIFE) 12th Apr; one Isle of May 13th Apr, two on 28th; one Torness Power Station (LOTH) 13th Apr; male near Leitholm (BORD) 16th Apr; one Kilmahog (UF) 19th Apr; male Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 24th Apr; first birds at Flanders Moss NNR (UF) on 25th Apr One RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 8th Apr, 13+ east Loch Lomondside on 23rd Apr; male Largiebeg, Arran (CLY ISL) 13th Apr; one Kirkconnell Flow (D&G) 13th Apr; male Woodcock Air, Hoddom (D&G) 15th Apr; single males Ness Glen & Glen Afton (both AYRS) both on 16th Apr; four Loch Doon (AYRS) 19th Apr
Whinchat One North Ronadsay (ORK) 28th Apr; three Fair Isle 29th Apr, 33 on 3rd May; one Grunitaing, Whalsay (SHET) 29th Apr; one Eday school (ORK) 30th Apr; two on Unst & one Virkie (both SHET) both on 30th Apr; one Scarista, Harris (OH) 30th Apr One Moine Mhor NNR (ARG) 21st Apr; 2+ back at sites in Badenoch (HIGH) 22nd Apr; one Smaull, Islay (ARG) 23rd Apr; one near Evanton (HIGH) 23rd Apr; 1+ Lochcarron (HIGH) 25th Apr; one Balemartine, Tiree (ARG) 25th Apr; one John O' Groats (CAITH) 2nd May Two Backwater Reservoir (ANG) 21st Apr; two near Langside, near Braco (P&K) 25th Apr; one near Crieff (P&K) 27th Apr; one near Gamrie, Banff (NES) 30th Apr; one Portsoy (NES) 6th May One Aberlady Bay (LOTH) on 20th Apr; one Manor Hills (BORD) 27th Apr; one Isle of May 28th Apr; two near Hownam (BORD) 30th Apr; one Sheriffmuir (UF) 1st May; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 2nd May; one Isle of May 3rd May; male Kilminning (FIFE) 7th May One Kingholm Quay (D&G) 18th Apr; one Glen Fruin (CLYDE) 21st Apr; one Machrie Moor, Arran (CLY ISL) 21st Apr; three males Balcorrach Wood, Campsie Glen (CLYDE) 24th Apr; male near Glasserton (D&G) 26th Apr; two Greenan & one Loch Doon (both AYRS) both on 2nd May
Wheatear One near Coot Loch, Benbecula & one Traigh Mhor, Barra (both OH) both on 24th Mar; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Mar; one Sumburgh (SHET) 30th Mar; three on Fair Isle on 30th Mar; three Papa Westray (ORK) 30th Mar One Loch Spelve, Mull (ARG) 17th Mar; one Carradale Bay (ARG) 18th Mar; singles Gribun & Croggan, both Mull (ARG) both on 18th Mar; one Insh Marshes (HIGH) 20th Mar; male Camas Malag, Torrin, Skye (HIGH) 22nd Mar; one Nybster (CAITH) 22nd Mar; two males Neist Point, Skye (HIGH) 24th Mar One Glen Prosen (ANG) 24th Mar; 4+ Glendevon (P&K) 30th Mar; one Longhaven (NES) 30th Mar; one Ailnack gorge (M&N) 30th Mar; three Glen Avon (M&N) 1st Apr Male Torness Power Station (LOTH) 15th Mar; one Wull Muir (BORD) 17th Mar; male St. Abb's Head & one Eyemouth (both BORD) both on 24th Mar; one Isle of May 26th Mar; one Myreton Hill (UF) 27th Mar; male Burntisland (FIFE) 4th Apr; nine at Kingsbarns (FIFE) on 14th Apr Male Thunderguy, Arran (CLY ISL) 17th Mar; one Troon & male Turnberry Point (both AYRS) both on 18th Mar; one Wigtown Bay LNR (D&G) 18th Mar; seven reported on Ayrshire coast (AYRS) on 20th Mar; female Port Logan (D&G) 20th Mar; one St. Ninian's, Bute (CLY ISL) 20th Mar; male Grey Mare's Tail NR (D&G) 22nd Mar; two Cathkin Braes (CLYDE) 24th Mar
Ring Ouzel One Fair Isle 31st Mar, 32 on 29th Apr; one Papa Westray (ORK) 31st Mar; male Gleann, Barra (OH) 25th Apr; one Out Skerries (SHET) 26th Apr; six on Unst (SHET) on 27th Apr; 11 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Apr, 20 on 29th One Cairngorm (HIGH) 30th Mar; one Fingal's Pinnacles, Skye (HIGH) 1st Apr; one St. John's Pool (CAITH) 25th Apr; four John O'Groats (CAITH) 29th Apr One near Finzean & one Glenshee (both NES) 31st Mar; one Glen Avon (M&N) 1st Apr; one Loch Turret (P&K) 7th Apr, 3+ on 14th; three Loch Lee (ANG) 22nd Apr Male Green Cleugh, Pentland Hills (LOTH) 19th Mar; one Isle of May 3rd Apr; male St. Abb's Head (BORD) 4th Apr; one Blackhopebyre (BORD) 6th Apr; two Lower Kilminning (FIFE) 9th Apr; male Glen Lochay (UF) 20th Apr; two Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 29th Apr Male Coulter Glen (CLYDE) 23rd Mar; one Blackhope Burn near Moffat (D&G) 24th Mar; two males in north Arran mountains (CLY ISL) on 24th Mar; one Irvinehill farm near Stewarton (AYRS) 6th Apr
Grasshopper Warbler One Fair Isle 15th Apr; one Glen, Barra (OH) 30th Apr, five on Barra on 5th May; one Coll, Lewis (OH) 2nd May; one Quendale & one Out Skerries (both SHET) both on 3rd May Singing male Moine Mhor NNR & one Ardfern (both ARG) both on 8th Apr; 2+ Add Bridge (ARG) 12th Apr; singles Nigg, Lochcarron, Drumfearn, Skye & Alturlie (all HIGH) all on 21st Apr; one Scarfskerry (CAITH) 30th Apr One Inchgarth NR (NES) 20th Apr; two Montrose Basin + singles at Pitkerro & Fintry, both Dundee (all ANG) all on 22nd Apr; one Muthill cycle track (P&K) 23rd Apr; one Wester Regaule (M&N) 27th Apr Singing male RSPB Black Devon Wetlands (UF) 10th Apr, 3+ on 21st, seven on 22nd; singing male Hunter's Bog, Edinburgh (LOTH) 12th Apr; singles Haddington & Skateraw (both LOTH) both on 13th Apr; singing male Boarhills (FIFE) 14th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 14th Apr; one Duns (BORD) 18th Apr; one Huntford (BORD) 19th Apr; one Isle of May on 5th May One Gatehouse of Fleet (D&G) 12th Apr; one Kerelaw, Stevenston (AYRS) 14th Apr; one Kingholm Quay (D&G) 14th Apr; three Pow Burn (AYRS) 16th Apr; singing male Gleniffer Braes (CLYDE) 17th Apr; one BAE Systems, Bishopton (CLYDE) 18th Apr; one Gortans, Bute (CLY ISL) 19th Apr; one Burrican, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th Apr
Sedge Warbler One Castlebay, Barra (OH) 27th Apr; one Westray (ORK) 27th Apr; one Fair Isle 27th Apr; one Quendale (SHET) 28th Apr; one Millfield, Unst (SHET) 29th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 30th Apr One Cow Hill, Fort William (HIGH) 17th Apr; one RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 22nd Apr; one Machrihanish & one Dervaig, Mull (both ARG) both on 25th Apr; one Edinbane, Skye (HIGH) 26th Apr; one Kinellan, Strathpeffer (HIGH) 29th Apr; two Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 29th Apr; one St. John's Pool (CAITH) 30th Apr; singles Arisaig & Broadford, Skye (both HIGH) both on 1st May One Montrose Basin (ANG) 11th Apr; one Errol (P&K) 19th Apr, four on 28th; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 26th Apr; four singing birds at NW end of Loch Leven (P&K) 27th Apr; 12+ at Duffus Castle (M&N) 3rd May; one Spey Bay (M&N) 4th May One Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 11th Apr; one Haddington (LOTH) 21st Apr; one near Dunblane (UF) 23rd Apr; one Bemersyde Moss NR & one Kelso Industrial Estate (both BORD) both on 26th Apr; 10 at RSPB Black Devon Wetlands (UF) 26th Apr; one Scoughall (LOTH) 27th Apr; one Boarhills (FIFE) 27th Apr; small arrival noted Fife on 29th Apr; one Isle of May 1st May, 10+ on 6th One by Prestwick Airport (AYRS) 14th Apr; one reported Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 16th Apr, singing male RSPB Lochwinnoch on 18th; one RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 18th Apr; two RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 19th Apr; one Ardeer (AYRS) 20th Apr; three Balgray Reservoir (CLYDE) 24th Apr; one Ettrick Bay, Bute (CLY ISL) 27th Apr
Lesser Whitethroat One Papa Westray (ORK) 15th Apr; one Eswick (SHET) 15th Apr; one Hoswick (SHET) 16th Apr; one Westray (ORK) 21st Apr; one South Dell, Lewis (OH) 27th Apr; two Fair Isle 27th Apr, 55 on 3rd May; one Howmore, South Uist (OH) 4th May One John O'Groats (CAITH) 1st May One Rattray Head (NES) 30th Apr; two Girdle Ness (NES) 4th May; one Castlesea Bay (ANG) 5th May; one Riverside NP, Dundee (ANG) 7th May; two Inchberry (M&N) 17th May One Easter Braes, Kinghorn (FIFE) 15th Apr; one Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 18th Apr; male Stenhouse Reservoir (FIFE) 19th Apr; male Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 21st Apr; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 26th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 28th Apr; two Isle of May 30th Apr, three on 1st May, five on 2nd Four males (including a ringed bird back for its 4th year) Ardeer (AYRS) 19th Apr; one Drumshang (AYRS) 20th Apr; three males Cardoness (D&G) 27th Apr; singing male Deadman's Bay, Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 1st May; two Brownside Braes (CLYDE) 6th May
Whitethroat One Haroldswick, Unst (SHET) 22nd Apr; two Fair Isle 29th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 30th Apr; male Kirkwall (ORK) 1st May; one Cheesebay, North Uist (OH) 17th May One RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 21st Apr; one Contin (HIGH) 24th Apr; one Dunlossit House, Islay & one Langamull, Mull (both ARG) both on 26th Apr; one Inverliever, Loch Awe (ARG) 29th Apr; two Cadboll Point (HIGH) 30th Apr; one John O'Groats (CAITH) 4th May One New Aberdour (NES) 27th Apr; one Blacksboat (M&N) 30th Apr; one Inverugie & one RAF Lossiemouth (both M&N) both on 1st May; one Elliot Burn (ANG) 2nd May; three Castlesea Bay (ANG) 5th May; one Kinfauns (P&K) 5th May; one Cairnfold (P&K) 8th May One Haddington (LOTH) 16th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 20th Apr; one Kinneil (UF) 21st Apr; one Out Head, St. Andrews & one Kilminning (both FIFE) both on 21st Apr; one Hawkcraig Point (FIFE) 22nd Apr; one Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 22nd Apr; 1+ Gullane Point (LOTH) 23rd Apr; singing male near Horndean (BORD) 26th Apr; one Isle of May 29th Apr, 15 on 6th May One reported by Lochrutton Loch (D&G) 16th Apr; one Pow Burn (AYRS) 20th Apr; singles Waterlands Road, Law & Gadloch (both CLYDE) both on 20th Apr; two near Kingholm Quay (D&G) 20th Apr; two Troon (AYRS) 21st Apr; one Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 21st Apr; one Balgray Reservoir (CLYDE) 21st Apr; one near Glasserton (D&G) 26th Apr; one Wigtown (D&G) 27th Apr
Garden Warbler One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Apr; one Easting, Unst (SHET) 30th Apr; one North Locheynort, South Uist (OH) 30th Apr; one Westray (ORK) 2nd May; first Fair Isle 11th May One Dores (HIGH) 20th Apr; one Nostie, Skye (HIGH) 26th Apr; one Taynish NNR & one near Campbeltown (both ARG) both on 28th Apr; one John O'Groats (CAITH) 29th Apr; one Glendaruel, Cowal (ARG) 1st May; one Tobermory, Mull (ARG) 3rd May; one Moy Island (HIGH) 5th May; one Loch Pityoulish & one Fort William (both HIGH) both on 6th May One near Aberfeldy (P&K) 25th Apr; one Portmoak Moss (P&K) 29th Apr; one Balgavies Loch (ANG) 1st May; one Kemnay (NES) 3rd May; eight at NW end of Loch Leven & three at Loch Leven RSPB (P&K) on 12th May; one Warren Wood (M&N) 15th May One near Blairhall (FIFE) 22nd Apr; one Whittinghame (LOTH) 22nd Apr; two Barns Ness (LOTH) 29th Apr; one near Duns (BORD) 30th Apr; one Westfield Opencast (FIFE) 1st May; one Eckford Loch & one Bowmont Forest (both BORD) both on 1st May; one Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 4th May, three on 8th; first Isle of May on 6th May; one RSPB Black Devon Wetlands (UF) 6th May One RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 19th Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 21st Apr; one Barony A Frame & one Garnock East (both AYRS) both on 22nd Apr; one Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 23rd Apr; one Shewalton Wood SWT (AYRS) 23rd Apr; three RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 25th Apr; one North Sannox, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th May
Blackcap One Fair Isle 29th Mar, 14 on 27th Apr, 41 on 29th; singing male Loch Druidibeg, South Uist (OH) 1st Apr; one Westray (ORK) 7th Apr; one Weisdale (SHET) 9th Apr; 14 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Apr One Ardentinny (ARG) 24th Mar; one Cairnbaan (ARG) 31st Mar; one Portmahomack (HIGH) 31st Mar; two Kilmartin & one Ledaig (both ARG) both on 1st Apr; male Fort William (HIGH) 1st Apr; singing male Dulnain Bridge (HIGH) 2nd Apr; small influx noted Highland on 4th Apr One Craig David Croft, Inverbervie (NES) 28th Mar; singing male Dundee Docks (ANG) 6th Apr; male Girdle Ness (NES) 6th Apr; one Riverside Narure Park, Dundee (ANG) 7th Apr; one Kirkgate Park, Kinross (P&K) 7th Apr; one Knock of Alves (M&N) 13th Apr One Isle of May 27th Mar; singing male Roseburn cycle path, Edinburgh (LOTH) 28th Mar; one North Haugh Pond, St. Andrews (FIFE) 29th Mar; male St. Abb's Head (BORD) 29th Mar; one Tweedbank (BORD) 30th Mar; singing male Samuelston (LOTH) 31st Mar; singing male Letham (FIFE) 1st Apr; one Holyrood Park, edinburgh (LOTH) 4th Apr; one Dunblane (UF) 5th Apr; three Fife Ness (FIFE) 7th Apr; one Alva Glen (UF) 7th Apr Two Minnigaff & one Dumfries (both D&G) both on 29th Mar; singing male RSPB Baron's Haugh (CLYDE) 31st Mar; singing male Kilwinning (AYRS) 2nd Apr; small arrival noted Clyde on 4th Apr; one Kerelaw, Stevenston (AYRS) 6th Apr; one Carronbridge (D&G) 8th Apr
Wood Warbler Four Fair Isle on 2nd May, 10 on 3rd, 12 on 4th; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 2nd May; one Boddam & one Hillwell (both SHET) both on 2nd May, seven birds throughout Shetland on 3rd; three Westray & one Grimbister (both ORK) both on 3rd May; one Creachan, Barra (OH) 5th May One Ardrishaig (ARG) 24th Apr; 2+ Taynish NNR (ARG) 26th Apr; one Strathfarrar (HIGH) 28th Apr; one Craigellachie (HIGH) 30th Apr; one John O'Groats (CAITH) 5th May One Killiecrankie (P&K) 24th Apr, four on 13th May; one near Crieff (P&K) 27th Apr; one Hightown, Collieston (NES) 30th Apr; one Crathie Wood (NES) 1st May Two by Loch Venachar (UF) 24th Apr; one Longniddry Dean (LOTH) 13th May; one Dowlaw & one Earlston (both BORD) both on 13th May; one Drumelzier (BORD) 18th May 1+ Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 19th Apr, two on 20th, 10+ east Loch Lomondside on 23rd; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 22nd Apr; one Ness Glen (AYRS) 2nd May
Chiffchaff One Grimista, Lewis (OH) 3rd Mar; one Hoswick (SHET) 4th Mar; one Fair Isle 7th Mar, three on 20th; one Askernish, South Uist (OH) 8th Mar; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th Mar; four noted on Shetland on 18th Mar; one Papa Westray (ORK) 19th Mar; three on Barra (OH) 19th Mar Single singing males Strathglass & Carrbridge (both HIGH) both on 16th Mar; one Ardrishaig (ARG) 18th Mar; arrival noted Highland 18th Mar including singing males at Fortose, Strathpeffer & Merkinch LNR, Inverness; singing male Wick (CAITH) 18th Mar; one Tighnabruaich, Cowal (ARG) 18th Mar; one Lephenstrath, Kintyre (ARG) 19th Mar; one Kinnabus, Islay (ARG) 20th Mar Three singing birds Cloddach quarry (M&N) 12th Mar; singing male Inchgarth NR (NES) 14th Mar; 3+ singing males Tay Reedbeds & two singing males Scone Palace (both P&K) both on 16th Mar; one St. Vigeans, Arbroath (ANG) 16th Mar; singing male Kinross (P&K) 17th Mar; singing male Comrie (P&K) 17th Mar; one Pitkerro, Dundee (ANG) 17th Mar; four Monike CP (ANG) 18th Mar; singing male Tugnet (M&N) 18th Mar; widespread reports in NES on 19th Mar; widespread reports in M&N on 20th Mar One Coates & one Aberlady Bay (both LOTH) both on 7th Mar; one St. Andrews (FIFE) 8th Mar; one singing Musselburgh (LOTH) 10th Mar; single singing birds Cambus & Gartmorn Dam CP (both UF) both on 11th Mar; one Birgham (BORD) 11th Mar; one South Queensferry (LOTH) 13th Mar; one St. Abb's Head & a singing male Chirnsidebridge (both BORD) both on 14th Mar; one Dunfermline (FIFE) 14th Mar; small arrival noted Borders 16th Mar; arrival noted Upper Forth on 17th Mar; influx noted Fife 17th Mar with 17+ birds reported; influx noted East Lothian (LOTH) 17th Mar; 2+ on Isle of May on 18th Mar; arrival noted Dunblane/Bridge of Allan (UF) 19th Mar One singing Bishopbriggs (CLYDE) 4th Mar; one singing RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 5th Mar; one Troon (AYRS) 6th Mar; one singing Kenmure Holms RSPB (D&G) 6th Mar; three in Bearsden/Milngavie area (CLYDE) on 7th Mar; singing male Browhouses (D&G) 12th Mar; one singing Barclaugh Wood, Coylton (AYRS) 13th Mar; one singing Bankend (D&G) 13th Mar; singing male Waulkmill Glen Reservoir (CLYDE) 14th Mar; one Cambusdoon (AYRS) 15th Mar; influx noted Clyde 17th Mar; singing male Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 18th Mar; one Bute (CLY ISL) 18th Mar, influx noted on Bute on 19th; influx noted Ayrshire 19th Mar
Willow Warbler One Finstown & one in Rendall (both ORK) both on 7th Apr; one Haroldswick, Unst (SHET) 9th Apr; one North Loch Eynort, South Uist (OH) 9th Apr; three on Fair Isle on 10th Apr; one Bakkasetter (SHET) 13th Apr One Ardrishaig (ARG) 28th Mar; one Port Righ, Kintyre (ARG) 30th Mar; two in Kintyre & two in Cowal (both ARG) both on 31st Mar; singing male Conon Bridge (HIGH) 31st Mar; one Poolewe (HIGH) 1st Apr; one Mellon Charles (HIGH) 2nd Apr; widespread arrival noted Highland on 9th Apr; one St. John's Pool (CAITH) 12th Apr One reported RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 28th Mar; one Kirkton of Maryculter (NES) 29th Mar; two Loch Kinord (NES) 31st Mar; one Tugnet (M&N) 1st Apr; singles RSPB Loch of Kinnordy & Dun's Dish (both ANG) both on 7th Apr; two Kirkgate Park, Kinross (P&K) 7th Apr One Yetholm Loch & two Tweedbank (both BORD) both on 26th Mar; two Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 30th Mar, c.5 on 31st; one reported Dalry cemetery, Edinburgh (LOTH) 30th Mar; two Bavelaw Marsh (LOTH) 31st Mar; one Leitholm (BORD) 31st Mar; first Isle of May 4th Apr; one Ferry Hills (FIFE) 6th Apr; 1+ Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 7th Apr; two Loch Fitty & two Tayport (both FIFE) both on 8th Apr One Laurieston (D&G) 27th Mar; singles RSPB Baron's Haugh & Luss (both CLYDE) both on 28th Mar; singing male Newton Mearns (CLYDE) 29th Mar; two Ardeer Fen (AYRS) 30th Mar; one New Galloway (D&G) 31st Mar; singing male Fail, one Nick o' the Balloch & one near Linfern Loch (all AYRS) all on 31st Mar; ; two singing males noted on Arran (CLY ISL) on 31st Mar; one Gortans, Bute (CLY ISL) 31st Mar; influx noted Clyde on 4th Apr including 8 singing males at RSPB Lochwinnoch
Spotted Flycatcher One reported Ardroil, Lewis (OH) 23rd Apr; mass first arrival of 26 birds Fair Isle on 2nd May, 51 on 3rd; four North Ronaldsay, one Sanday, one Grimness, two Westray & one Papa Westray (all ORK) all on 2nd May; three Geosetter, two Maywick & one Helendale, Lerwick (all SHET) all on 2nd May; two Barra (OH) 14th May, 6+ on 16th One Acharonich, Mull (ARG) 20th Apr; one Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 29th Apr; one Balnacoil, Brora (HIGH) 3rd May; one Ardchattan (ARG) 3rd May; one Noss Head (CAITH) 5th May; one Kilninver (ARG) 6th May; one Lochbuie, Mull (ARG) 7th May; one Morvich, Lochalsh (HIGH) 9th May One Cruden Bay (NES) 3rd May; one by Portmoak church (P&K) 10th May; one Kinfauns (P&K) 11th May; one near Kinross (P&K) 12th May; one Knockando (M&N) 12th May; one Glen Esk/Loch Lee (ANG) 12th May One reported Lindores Loch (FIFE) 30th Apr; one Kilminning (FIFE) 3rd May; one Killin (UF) 4th May; one Lady's Walk, Bowhill (BORD) 6th May; one Isle of May on 9th May; one North Berwick (LOTH) 13th May; one near Gifford & one Keith Marischal (both LOTH) both on 15th May One Craigengillan (AYRS) 3rd May; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (AYRS) 4th May; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 8th May; one Glen Afton (AYRS) 8th May; one Whitefarland, Arran (CLY ISL) 14th May
Pied Flycatcher One Fair Isle 28th Apr, 78 there on 2nd May, 95 on 3rd, 19 on 24th; one Lerwick & one Scousburgh (both SHET) both on 28th Apr; three North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Apr, 11+ on 3rd May; one Toab & one on Stronsay (both ORK) both on 30th Apr; three Papa Westray, two Westray, two Stronsay & one Sanday (all ORK) all on 2nd May Male Craigellachie (HIGH) 1st May; two John O'Groats (CAITH) 3rd May; one Noss Head (CAITH) 4th May; one near Tokavaig, Sleat, Skye (HIGH) 24th May Male RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 29th Apr; one Balmedie CP (NES) 1st May; two Cruden Bay (NES) 3rd May; one Killiecrankie (P&K) 13th May Male Yarrow Valley (BORD) 27th Apr; one Isle of May on 2nd May, three on 3rd, four on 6th; one Fife Ness & one Kilminning (both FIFE) both on 3rd May; male St. Abb's Head (BORD) 6th May; one Killin (UF) 11th May Singles Langholm & RSPB Wood of Cree (both D&G) both on 8th Apr; four RSPB Ken-Dee Marshes & one Hills Wood (both D&G) both on 18th Apr; three (two males & a female) Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 20th Apr; male Ness Glen (AYRS) 23rd Apr

  Shetland, Fair Isle, Orkney and Outer Hebrides Highland, Caithness and Argyll North-East Scotland, Moray & Nairn, Angus and Perth & Kinross Fife, Isle of May, Upper Forth, Lothian and Borders Clyde, Clyde Islands, Ayrshire and Dumfries & Galloway
Manx Shearwater One off Brevig, Barra (OH) 31st Mar; three past North Ronaldsay (ORK) 26th Apr; 1+ off Bressay (SHET) 2nd May; two past Watsness (SHET) 16th May; one off Fair Isle 15th June One off Hynish, Tiree (ARG) 22nd Mar, 420 on 28th; one off Waternish Point, Skye (HIGH) 30th Mar; 20 off Arisaig (HIGH) 1st Apr; 180+ Mallaig-Rum (HIGH) 10th Apr; three off Embo (HIGH) 12th Apr; one off Nybster (CAITH) 12th Apr One Girdle Ness (NES) 5th Apr; one north past Arbroath (ANG) 6th Apr; one past Lossiemouth (M&N) 23rd Apr One past Fife Ness (FIFE) 18th Feb, three on 22nd Apr; two off Linkim Shore (BORD) 27th Feb; one past Anstruther (FIFE) 27th Mar; two off Scoughall (LOTH) 11th Apr; one past Isle of May 20th Apr One off Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 22nd Mar; two past Dunure (AYRS) 26th Mar, nine on 30th, c.200 on 13th Apr; seven off Corsewall Point (D&G) 4th Apr, 36 on 6th; three past Maryport (D&G) 5th Apr; 79 off Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 8th Apr; one off Ardroscadale, Bute (CLY ISL) 10th Apr; one off Inverkip (CLYDE) 2nd May
Garganey Two (drake & female) North Ronaldsay (ORK) 19th Apr; two Loch Sandary, North Uist (OH) 3rd May; drake Fair Isle 8th May; drake Loch Stiapavat, Lewis (OH) 8th May; one Loch of Hillwell (SHET) 9th May Drake RSPB Loch Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 8th May; drake Balnakeil (HIGH) 8th May; drake Thuster Mains farm pools (CAITH) 10th May Two (drake & female) River Don, Grandholm, Aberdeen (NES) 31st Mar; two (drake & female) RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 5th Apr, four on 11th May; two (drake & female) Balormie (M&N) 22nd Apr; drake Murton NR (ANG) 8th May One Dunbar (LOTH) 8th Apr; drake Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 6th May; drake Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 7th May; two (drake & female) Clatto Reservoir (FIFE) 21st May Drake Balgray Reservoir (CLYDE) 26th Mar; single drakes RSPB Lochwinnoch & RSPB Baron's Haugh (both CLYDE) both on 3rd Apr; three (two drakes & a female) Carbarns Pool (CLYDE) 10th Apr; female RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 11th Apr, drake on 24th; drake Garnock Floods SWT (AYRS) 13th Apr
Marsh Harrier One Skaw, Unst (SHET) 9th Apr; one Dalsetter (SHET) 30th Apr; one reported near Balranald RSPB, North Uist (OH) 6th May Female Loch Bhasapol, Tiree (ARG) 4th May; one Dunadd (ARG) 29th May One RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 12th Mar; one over north end of Arbroath (ANG) 29th Mar; female RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 29th Mar, male on 30th; one Loch Spynie (M&N) 8th Apr; one RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 5th May Male & female Mugdrum Island (FIFE) 22nd Mar; female Longcarse (UF) 25th Mar; female Letham Pools (FIFE) 8th Apr; one Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 24th Apr One RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 30th Mar; male RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 2nd Apr; one South Medwin Pools (CLYDE) 19th Apr
Osprey One over Ardvule Point, South Uist (OH) 27th Apr; one Culsetter (SHET) 6th May; one Fair Isle 8th June; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th June Two reported South Kintyre (ARG) 8th Mar; one reported near Tarradale House, Beauly Firth (HIGH) 9th Mar; one Pennyghael, Mull (ARG) 16th Mar; one Add Estuary (ARG) 17th Mar; one The Mound, Loch Fleet and one over Cairngorm Plateau (both HIGH) both on 21st Mar; one Calder (CAITH) 21st Mar One back SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 17th Mar, two on 18th; one Nairn (M&N) 21st Mar; singles at Fochabers & near Forres (both M&N) both on 23rd Mar; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 30th Mar; birds back on territory at two sites in North-East Scotland both on 4th Apr One north at Skateraw (LOTH) 15th Mar; one west at Cramond (LOTH) 17th Mar; one over Ruddons Point (FIFE) 21st Mar; one over Garvald (LOTH) 24th Mar; one near Peebles (BORD) 25th Mar; one over St. Abb's Head (BORD) 26th Mar; one over Bo'ness (UF) 30th Mar; one over Deanston (UF) 31st Mar One west over Kilmory, Arran (CLY ISL) 11th Mar; one back NTS Threave (D&G) 17th Mar, two on 19th; one over Gleniffer Braes (CLYDE) 25th Mar; 2+ back on Bute (CLY ISL) 25th Mar; one over RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 26th Mar; one over Linn Falls (AYRS) 26th Mar; one RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 30th Mar; two back at Loch Doon (AYRS) 31st Mar
Dotterel Two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 1st May, four on 7th; one Hermaness, Unst (SHET) 10th May; two Balranald RSPB, North Uist (OH) 14th May Two Aonoch Mor (HIGH) 15th Apr, one on 18th; two Caliach Point, Mull (ARG) 23rd Apr One Beinn a Buird (NES) 10th May Four Doune Hill (CLYDE) 7th Apr; one Cairnsmore of Fleet (D&G) 20th May
Whimbrel One Skigersta, Lewis (OH) 14th Apr; one Fair Isle 17th Apr; one Spiggie (SHET) 17th Apr; one Skaw, Unst (SHET) 18th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th Apr; 225 on North Uist (OH) on 3rd May One Ulva Ferry, Mull (ARG) 7th Apr; four Campbeltown Loch (ARG) 12th Apr; two Dornoch (HIGH) 17th Apr; one Ham (CAITH) 18th Apr; two on Skye (HIGH) 18th Apr, eight on Skye on 23rd; one Tiree (ARG) 18th Apr, 35 on 23rd Four Findhorn (M&N) 8th Apr; one Ythan Estuary (NES) 10th Apr, one on 26th; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 16th Apr; 2+ over Girdle Ness (NES) on 26th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 8th May One past Eyemouth (BORD) 20th Mar; one Luthrie (FIFE) 21st Mar; one over Kennetpans (UF) 3rd Apr; 1+ North Berwick (LOTH) 17th Apr; three Caiplie (FIFE) 19th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 22nd Apr; one Isle of May 23rd Apr One Kilmichael, Bute (CLY ISL) 17th Mar; one Wigtown Bay (D&G) 24th Mar; one past Troon (AYRS) 27th Mar, one on 14th Apr; one RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 11th Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 12th Apr, three on 19th, 67 on 1st May; one past Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 17th Apr, eight on 18th; three Dunagoil Bay, Bute (CLY ISL) 18th Apr; three Porta Buidhe, Arran (CLY ISL) 19th Apr; 23 Kilbirnie Loch (AYRS) 24th Apr; 46 Skate Bay, Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 2nd May
Common Sandpiper One St. Kilda (OH) 20th Apr; one Clickimin Loch, Lerwick (SHET) 25th Apr; one Fair Isle 28th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Apr One The Mound, Loch Fleet (HIGH) 10th Apr; one Croggan, Mull (ARG) 10th Apr; one Knock, Mull (ARG) 14th Apr; one Loch Feochan (ARG) 15th Apr; arrival noted Speyside (HIGH) 16th Apr; one Westerdale (CAITH) 17th Apr One St. Cyrus (NES) 5th Apr; one River Earn, near Aberuthven (P&K) 7th Apr; two upper Glen Almond (P&K) 8th Apr; one Powmouth (ANG) 17th Apr; one Inchgarth NR (NES) 18th Apr; one Tugnet (M&N) 21st Apr One River Tweed near Sprouston (BORD) 7th Apr; one Faseny, Lammermuir Hills (LOTH) 8th Apr; one Whiteadder Reservoir (LOTH) 9th Apr; two River Devon, Dollar (UF) 12th Apr; one Tweedbank (BORD) 15th Apr; two Loch Fitty (FIFE) 21st Apr; one Isle of May 28th Apr One Walkinshaw, by Glasgow Airport (CLYDE) 8th Apr; one River Nith, Kirkton (D&G) 8th Apr, two nearby on 11th; one west Loch Lomond & one Victoria Park pond, Glasgow (both CLYDE) both on 12th Apr; one Lugar Water, Ochiltree (AYRS) 13th Apr; one Ardbeg, Bute (CLY ISL) 13th Apr; one Auchincruive (AYRS) 14th Apr; one Catacol Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 17th Apr
Sandwich Tern One Eoligarry, Barra (OH) 18th Mar; 1+ Papa Westray (ORK) 30th Mar; one Melby (SHET) 4th Apr; one Fair Isle 12th Apr One Loch Fleet (HIGH) 19th Mar, 12+ on 23rd; one Tayinloan (ARG) 21st Mar; two West Loch Tarbert (ARG) 26th Mar; one Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 28th Mar One Girdle Ness (NES) 18th Mar; four Kingsteps (M&N) 20th Mar; 10+ Nairn (M&N) 27th Mar; two Lunan Bay (ANG) 5th Apr Three Coldingham Bay (BORD) 22nd Mar; 3+ off Fife Ness (FIFE) 25th Mar; one Port Seton (LOTH) 29th Mar; three Isle of May 1st May; one River Forth, Dunmore (UF) 31st May One Prestwick (AYRS) 16th Mar; two Hunterston Sands (AYRS) 23rd Mar; two White Bay, Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 27th Mar; two Ardmore Point & one Helensburgh (both CLYDE) both on 2nd Apr; two Corsewall Point (D&G) 2nd Apr
Common Tern Three off Carinish, North Uist (OH) 14th Apr; one Hoswick (SHET) 26th Apr; two Weisdale (SHET) 28th Apr Two near Westport, Kintyre (ARG) 8th Apr; four Coul Links (HIGH) 12th Apr; one Chanonry Point (HIGH) 16th Apr, 52 on 29th; one Loch of Wester (CAITH) 20th Apr; four Loch Scridain, Mull (ARG) 28th Apr; one Isle of Eigg (HIGH) 29th Apr One Nairn (M&N) 1st Apr; first Sands of Forvie NR (NES) 19th Apr; eight Montrose Basin (ANG) 29th Apr One Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 27th Apr; three Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 30th Apr; four over Isle of May on 7th May; 1+ Seafield, Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 8th May 2+ off Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 28th Apr; one Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 29th Apr; one Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) on 30th Apr; 1+ off Corsewall Point (D&G) 16th May
Arctic Tern Four in Sound of Harris (OH) 13th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 19th Apr, 60 on 8th May; 74 Baleshare, North Uist (OH) 2nd May; one Virkie (SHET) 2nd May; 22 Fair Isle 9th May One Kennacraig-Islay (ARG) 14th Apr; four Kildalton, Islay (ARG) 23rd Apr; first back St. John's Pool (CAITH) 26th Apr; two Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 28th Apr; five Chanonry Point (HIGH) 1st May First Sands of Forvie NR (NES) 27th Apr; three Tugnet, Spey Bay (M&N) 30th Apr One Skateraw (LOTH) 22nd Apr; two Isle of May 26th Apr; 1+ Largo Bay (FIFE) 30th Apr One past Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 18th Apr, 22 on 19th; one off Gourock (CLYDE) 1st June
Little Tern One Callernish, North Uist (OH) 17th Apr; one Sumburgh (SHET) 22nd Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 17th May One Reef, Tiree (ARG) 21st Apr; two Dornoch (HIGH) 8th May First Sands of Forvie NR (NES) 1st May; two off Burghead (M&N) 15th May One off Barns Ness (LOTH) 22nd May
Cuckoo Singing male Portvoller, Lewis (OH) 1st Apr; one Lerwick (SHET) 29th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 3rd May; one Fair Isle 14th May One Glencruiten, Oban (ARG) 5th Apr; one Portree, Skye (HIGH) 12th Apr; small arrival noted in Argyll on 14th & 15th Apr; male Isleornsay, Skye (HIGH) 15th Apr; one Gruids, Lairg (HIGH) 18th Apr; one Broubster Forest (CAITH) 21st Apr One Newton of Dalvey (M&N) 26th Apr; one Glen Clova (ANG) 28th Apr; one An Sgarsoch (NES) 29th Apr; one Sands of Forvie NR (NES) 2nd May; at least 1 at Loch Leven (P&K) 6th May One Mayshiel, Lammermuir Hills (LOTH) 15th Apr; one reported near Buchany (UF) 17th Apr; singing male Sheriffmuir (UF) 18th Apr; one Bankhead Moss (FIFE) 23rd Apr; one Threipmuir Reservoir (LOTH) 23rd Apr; one Blebo Craigs (FIFE) 24th Apr; one Ashiestiel (BORD) 25th Apr; one singing Ferny Ness wood (LOTH) 30th Apr; two Isle of May 30th Apr Singing male Kilmacolm Meadow (CLYDE) 9th Apr; one Knockman Wood (D&G) 11th Apr; one Muirshiel CP (CLYDE) 11th Apr; one Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 13th Apr; one by Loch Finlas (AYRS) 14th Apr; one Cambret Hill (D&G) 15th Apr; one Glenburn Reservoir (AYRS) 17th Apr; one singing near Glenmore, Bute (CLY ISL) 17th Apr; at least one singing male near Barrhill (AYRS) 18th Apr; one Glen Rosa, Arran (CLY ISL) 19th Apr
Swift Two Fjara, Lerwick (SHET) 11th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 14th May; one Fair Isle 30th May; one Port of Ness, Lewis (OH) 20th June One Fort William (HIGH) 29th Apr; two Slockavullin (ARG) 1st May; two Kingussie (HIGH) 2nd May; three Oban (ARG) 2nd May; one Inverness (HIGH) 4th May One Kinross (P&K) 4th May, four at Loch Leven on 5th; one Banchory (NES) 7th May; 1+ RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 8th May; two Rothes, two near Forres & one Spey Bay (all M&N) all on 8th May; 2+ Aberdeen (NES) 9th May One Lower Largo (FIFE) 29th Apr; 3+ near Pitlessie (FIFE) 30th Apr; 10 Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 30th Apr; one Clerkington, Haddington (LOTH) 30th Apr; one Musselburgh (LOTH) 30th Apr; one Dryburgh, one Birgham, two Tweedbank & one Holydean (all BORD) all on 1st May; one Redcoll with also reports at Barns Ness, Tyninghame, Scoughall & Haddington (all LOTH) all on 1st May; three Dunblane (UF) 4th May; four Isle of May 23rd May Three reported Mull of Galloway (D&G) 8th Apr; one Garnock East (AYRS) 29th Apr; two Newton Stewart (D&G) 29th Apr, four on 5th May; two Balmore Pool, five RSPB Lochwinnoch, five Balgray Reservoir & one Lanark (all CLYDE) all on 1st May; two Auchincross (AYRS) 1st May; two Shiskine Valley, Arran (CLY ISL) 1st May; one Rothesay, Bute (CLY ISL) 2nd May; 30 Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 4th May; four Wigtown (D&G) 6th May
Sand Martin One Balranald NR, North Uist (OH) 2nd Apr; five North Ronaldsay (ORK) 2nd Apr; two Fair Isle 10th Apr; one Virkie (SHET) 13th Apr Two Loch Insh (HIGH) 18th Mar, 22+ on 22nd, 600+ on 12th Apr, 800+ on 23rd; one Inveraray Castle (ARG) 19th Mar; two Ardrishaig (ARG) 20th Mar; one St. John's Pool (CAITH) 25th Mar; one Isle of Eigg & 6+ Armadale, Skye (both HIGH) both on 3rd Apr 10 Rescobie Loch (ANG) 19th Mar; 1+ Loch of Skene (NES) 19th Mar; two Loch Leven (P&K) 20th Mar, c.60 on 22nd, 300+ on 25th; eight Dallachy Pool (M&N) 25th Mar One Isle of May 17th Mar; two near Doune & c.12 Bridge of Allan (both UF) both on 18th Mar; one River Tweed near Sprouston (BORD) 18th Mar; four Musselburgh Lagoons & 13 Gladhouse Reservoir (both LOTH) both on 19th Mar; 10+ Blairdrummond GPs & two Deanston (both UF) both on 19th Mar; four Birgham & three Pot Loch, Selkirk (both BORD) both on 19th Mar; two Leven (FIFE) 19th Mar; four Loch Fitty (FIFE) 20th Mar One Galston, three Ardeer Ponds & two Troon (all AYRS) all on 18th Mar; 2+ Threave, 8+ River Nith, Dumfries & four Wigtown harbour LNR (all D&G) all on 18th Mar; 100+ Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 18th Mar; 20+ Castle Semple Loch (CLYDE) 18th Mar, 40+ on 20th; 14+ RSPB Baron's Haugh, two Hogganfield Loch & one RSPB Loch Lomond (all CLYDE) all on 18th Mar; 20+ Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 20th Mar; 1+ NTS Threave (D&G) 21st Mar; one RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 24th Mar; two Mossend Pond, Arran (CLY ISL) 28th Mar
Swallow One Hoy & one Stromness (both ORK) both on 16th Mar; one Tiumpan Head, Lewis (OH) 26th Mar; one Lemreway, Harris (OH) 1st Apr; singles Scatsta & Spiggie (both SHET) both on 4th Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 10th Apr; three Fair Isle 12th Apr One Kinlochbervie (HIGH) 30th Mar; one Balnakeil, Sutherland (HIGH) 31st Mar; one Lochgilphead (ARG) 31st Mar, one on 2nd Apr; one Avielochan (HIGH) 1st Apr; one Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 2nd Apr; three on Mull (ARG) on 2nd Apr; one Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 6th Apr; arrival noted Highland 10th-12th Apr One Rescobie Loch (ANG) 19th Mar; one Banchory (NES) 30th Mar; two Loch Spynie (M&N) 1st Apr; 10+ at Loch Leven (P&K) 9th Apr One on wires Otterston Loch-Crossgates (FIFE) 18th Mar; one Gart GPs (UF) 19th Mar; one Gladhouse Reservoir (LOTH) 19th Mar; one near Dunbar (LOTH) 23rd Mar; one Port of Menteith (UF) 27th Mar; one Springkerse, Stirling (UF) 29th Mar; one Angle Park GP (FIFE) 30th Mar; one Birgham Haugh, two Hollybush Pond & one Bemersyde Moss (all BORD) all on 1st Apr; influx/large arrival noted Borders 8th Apr; first Isle of May 8th Apr One Castle Semple Loch (CLYDE) 18th Mar; one East Kilbride (CLYDE) 31st Mar; five north at Kilkerran, one Loch Doon & one Dunure (all AYRS) all on 1st Apr; two Balgray Reservoir (CLYDE) 1st Apr; one Penpont (D&G) 2nd Apr; two RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 4th Apr; one Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 6th Apr
House Martin One Voe (SHET) 4th Apr; one Adabroc, Lewis (OH) 8th Apr; one Grutness (SHET) 9th Apr; two Fair Isle 19th Apr One Port Wemyss, Islay (ARG) 25th Mar; two Kilnaughton, Islay (ARG) 28th Mar; one Freswick (CAITH) 11th Apr; three Conon Bridge (HIGH) 12th Apr; two Campbeltown (ARG) 12th Apr; one back at nest site near Kingussie (HIGH) 15th Apr; one Inverpolly (HIGH) 24th Apr One Banchory (NES) 5th Apr; two Loch na Bo (M&N) 8th Apr; two Loch Leven (P&K) 9th Apr; one Aberfeldy (P&K) 11th Apr; one Lossie Estuary (M&N) 12th Apr; one Inchgarth NR (NES) 12th Apr; two Loch Spynie (M&N) 14th Apr; one Crossans near Glamis (ANG) 16th Apr Two Samuelston (LOTH) 28th Mar; one River Tweed near Sprouston (BORD) 7th Apr; one Dunfermline (FIFE) 9th Apr; one Dunshalt (FIFE) 10th Apr; one Bridge of Allan (UF) 11th Apr; 2+ Carse of Stirling (UF) 12th Apr; one Manderston (BORD) 15th Apr; 12 Isle of May 1st May One Clarkston (CLYDE) 8th Apr; 1+ RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 10th Apr; one Brodick, Arran (CLY ISL) 11th Apr; one RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 12th Apr; one near Tongland (D&G) 12th Apr; one Ochiltree (AYRS) 17th Apr
Tree Pipit Two Millfield, Unst (SHET) 9th Apr; one Fair Isle 19th Apr, nine on 5th May, 16 on 8th, 34 on 11th May; one Grogarry Lodge, South Uist (OH) 29th Apr; four North Ronaldsay (ORK) 4th May 2+ Taynish NNR (ARG) 11th Apr; one Ardtur (ARG) 13th Apr; one Loch Pityoulish (HIGH) 14th Apr; two Bridge of Orchy (ARG) 17th Apr; one Lussa Glen (ARG) 19th Apr; one near Gairloch & 1+ Rhiddoroch Estate (both HIGH) both on 22nd Apr One Glen Lee (ANG) 3rd Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 14th Apr; three Whiteash Hill Wood (M&N) 17th Apr; one Bieldside (NES) 17th Apr; several back on territory around Comrie & Crieff (P&K) on 22nd Apr One Scoughall (LOTH) 11th Apr; one Wood Hill (UF) 17th Apr; one Cromlix (UF) 18th Apr; one Dunbar (LOTH) 18th Apr; one Venlaw Hill (BORD) 27th Apr; one Blairadam (FIFE) 28th Apr; singles Elibank & Ladyurd (both BORD) both on 28th Apr; one Isle of May 29th Apr, two on 1st May; one Boarhills & one Kilminning (both FIFE) both on 6th May; five on East Lothian coast (LOTH) on 6th May One Knockman Wood (D&G) 8th Apr; two RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 12th Apr; two Sallochy Wood & one Dumbrock Muir (both CLYDE) both on 18th Apr; one Balnakailly Wood, Bute (CLY ISL) 21st Apr; one Shewalton Wood SWT (AYRS) 28th Apr
Yellow Wagtail Blue-headed Wagtail Fair Isle 14th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Cullivoe, Yell (SHET) 30th Apr; one Fair Isle 4th May; one Haroldswick, Unst (SHET) 5th May; Grey-headed Wagtail Uyeasound, Unst (SHET) 7th May; Blue-headed Wagtail North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; Grey-headed Wagtail Grutness (SHET) 8th May; Grey-headed Wagtail Fair Isle 10th May; male Balranald RSPB, North Uist & one St. Kilda (both OH) both on 16th May; one Mingulay (OH) 10th June; probable Grey-headed Wagtail Port of Ness, Lewis (OH) 10th June One Moss, Loch Shiel (HIGH) 10th Apr; one Balnakeil (HIGH) 6th May, Blue-headed Wagtail there on 19th May; pair Blue-headed Wagtails near Lephenstrath farm, Kintyre (ARG) 7th July One Hatton (ANG) 25th Apr; Grey-headed Wagtail Spey Bay (M&N) 15th May; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 18th May; probable male Spanish Wagtail (form iberiae) Balormie Pig Farm (M&N) 24th May One back on territory on River Tweed (BORD) 9th Apr; two Birgham (BORD) 10th Apr; one Seafield Pond (LOTH) 19th Apr; one near Torness Power Station (LOTH) 21st Apr; one Isle of May 28th Apr, one on 8th May; one near Crail (FIFE) 28th Apr; Blue-headed type Wagtail Bilsdean (LOTH) 6th May
White Wagtail One Fair Isle 31st Mar, two on 7th Apr; three Loch Ordais, Lewis (OH) 15th Apr; one Carinish, North Uist (OH) 20th Apr; one Clickimin Loch, Lerwick (SHET) 25th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 2nd May One Sorobaidh Bay, Tiree (ARG) 18th Mar; one Carradale (ARG) 8th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 6th Apr; 14 Dornoch & at least 8 Moss, Loch Shiel (both HIGH) both on 10th Apr One reported Stonehaven (NES) 20th Mar; one Girdle Ness (NES) 1st Apr; one Mains of Gollachy (M&N) 18th Apr Two Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 6th Apr, c.10 on 7th; at least one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 8th Apr; one Kingsbarns (FIFE) 8th Apr; one Whitesands Bay (LOTH) 9th Apr; seven Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 13th Apr One reported New Cumnock (AYRS) 21st Mar; male Hunterston Sands (AYRS) 23rd Mar; three Port Buidhe, Arran (CLY ISL) 3rd Apr; male Doonfoot (AYRS) 4th Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch & six Ardmore Point (both CLYDE) both on 5th Apr; one Maryport (D&G) 8th Apr; 2+ RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 11th Apr
Redstart One Fair Isle 28th Apr, 11 on 8th May; one Scousburgh (SHET) 1st May; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 4th May; widespread records, amongst large numbers of common migrants, throughout Shetland on 7th May One Achnaba (ARG) 10th Apr; male Aros Woods, Mull (ARG) 11th Apr; singing male Loch Vaa (HIGH) 17th Apr; male Lussa Glen (ARG) 19th Apr; at least 4 males Taynish NNR (ARG) 20th Apr; singing male Glen Affric (HIGH) 30th Apr; 10+ Blackfold near Inverness (HIGH) 7th May One Muir of Dinnet NNR (NES) 11th Apr; one Braco Castle (P&K) 22nd Apr; singing male Dunearn/Burnside (M&N) 22nd Apr; one Collieston (NES) 30th Apr; one Glen Esk (ANG) 1st May One Isle of May 9th Apr, male on 22nd; one Borthwick Castle (LOTH) 13th Apr; arrival noted Borders on 16th Apr with males at Ashiestiel (2), near Leitholm & near Chirnside; male The Braids, Edinburgh (LOTH) 16th Apr; male Rossie Bog (FIFE) 16th Apr; one Tyninghame (LOTH) 17th Apr; one Doune Lodge Estate (UF) 18th Apr; one Little Druim Wood (UF) 23rd Apr Male RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 8th Apr, two males on 11th, 10 Sallochy Wood on 26th; male Cathkin Marsh SWT (CLYDE) 13th Apr; female RSPB Ken-Dee Marshes (D&G) 14th Apr; one Loch Doon (AYRS) 15th Apr; one near Glecknabae, Bute (CLY ISL) 25th Apr; male North Kiscadale, Arran (CLY ISL) 11th May
Whinchat One Fair Isle 30th Apr, seven on 8th May; male North Ronaldsay (ORK) 30th Apr; one Whalsay (SHET) 5th May; one Cuidir, Barra (OH) 7th May; eight reported on Shetland on 7th May Male Moine Mhor NNR & single males on Islay at Kinnabus & Glen Astle (all ARG) all on 25th Apr; two on Skye & one Drumguish (all HIGH) all on 28th Apr One Glen Shee (NES) 1st May; two Girdle Ness (NES) 7th May; male Rattray Head & up to six Collieston (both NES) both on 8th May; one Backwater Reservoir (ANG) 9th May; three males near Glendevon (P&K) 9th May One near Newcastleton (BORD) 25th Apr; two Sheriffmuir (UF) 26th Apr; male Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 26th Apr; one Isle of May 27th Apr; two Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 27th Apr; male outer Eden Estuary (FIFE) 28th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 30th Apr; 6+ singing males south of Hownam (BORD) 3rd May One Machrie Moor, Arran (CLY ISL) 26th Apr; one RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 27th Apr; four near Campsie Glen (CLYDE) 28th Apr; one Shewalton Wood SWT (AYRS) 28th Apr; four Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 28th Apr; one near Newton Mearns (CLYDE) 29th Apr
Wheatear Small arrival noted Barra & Vatersay (OH) 25th Mar; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 26th Mar, 37 on 4th Apr; one Fair Isle 28th Mar; one Grutness (SHET) 2nd Apr, small arrival noted Shetland on 3rd Apr One Forsinard & one Achiltibuie (both HIGH) both on 21st Mar; one Islay, two Kintyre, one on Mull & one on Tiree (all ARG) all on 21st Mar; one Dorrery (CAITH) 21st Mar; male Inverlochy (HIGH) 22nd Mar; arrival noted in several areas of Highland on 25th Mar; 10+ on Islay (ARG) on 26th Mar One Glen Lethnot (ANG) 19th Mar; five Glendevon (P&K) 25th Mar; one Cullen (M&N) 27th Mar; one Bogendriep (NES) 30th Mar; three Balintore (ANG) 30th Mar One Isle of May 17th Mar; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 18th Mar; two Ferny Ness (LOTH) 18th Mar; male Letham Pools (FIFE) 18th Mar; two Muchra & one Eyemouth (both BORD) both on 20th Mar; one Kilrenny Mill (FIFE) 23rd Mar; one Myreton Hill (UF) 30th Mar One Point of Lag (D&G) 18th Mar, two on 20th; one near Loch Thom (CLYDE) 18th Mar; one Burrow Head & male RSPB Crook of Baldoon (both D&G) both on 20th Mar; singles Troon & Prestwick (both AYRS) both on 20th Mar; first on Bute (CLY ISL) 20th Mar; two Dundonald Camp (AYRS) 21st Mar; one Drumadoon Point, Arran (CLY ISL) 21st Mar; two Balgray Reservoir (CLYDE) 25th Mar
Ring Ouzel Two Fair Isle 10th Apr; singles Leawart, Unst & Loch of Spiggie (both SHET) both on 13th Apr; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 21st Apr; male North Ronadsay (ORK) 23rd Apr One reported Badenoch (HIGH) 27th Mar; singing male Quiraing, Skye (HIGH) 30th Mar; singles Cairngorm & near Cromdale (both HIGH) both on 4th Apr; one Ben Cruachan (ARG) 13th Apr One Barry Buddon (ANG) 2nd Apr; one Glen Shee (NES) 3rd Apr; six singing males Glen Builg (M&N) 11th Apr; 1+ Glean Beag (P&K) 19th Apr One Kilminning (FIFE) 29th Mar; male Auldhame (LOTH) 2nd Apr; pair Green Cleuch, Pentland Hills (LOTH) 7th Apr; two near Dun Rig Horseshoe (BORD) 7th Apr; two Faseny, Lammermuir Hills (LOTH) 8th Apr; one Isle of May 21st Apr; three Kirkton (UF) 26th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 7th May Male Nick of the Balloch (AYRS) 3rd Apr; two Culter Waterhead (CLYDE) 5th Apr, pair on 8th; male Gogo Glen (AYRS) 10th Apr; two Mennock Pass (D&G) 25th Apr
Grasshopper Warbler One Brevig, Barra (OH) 18th Apr; two Fair Isle 1st May; one Skaw, Whalsay (SHET) 5th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 7th May One Ardfern, three Moine Mhor area & five singing birds reported on Cowal Peninsula (all ARG) all on 17th Apr; one Seil (ARG) 18th Apr; singing male near Dingwall (HIGH) 19th Apr; three singing males Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 22nd Apr; one Forsinard (HIGH) 24th Apr One Nigg Bay (NES) 18th Apr; one RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 21st Apr; one Barry Buddon (ANG) 30th Apr; six Knockando (M&N) 30th Apr; one Sands of Forvie NR (NES) 3rd May; one Buckpool GC (M&N) 3rd May Singing male Muirfield dunes (LOTH) 10th Apr; one Doorpool (BORD) 15th Apr; one RSPB Black Devon Wetlands (UF) 16th Apr, four on 20th; singing male Coates (LOTH) 16th Apr; one Loch Fitty (FIFE) 21st Apr; one Isle of May 3rd May Singing male Garnock Floods SWT (AYRS) 14th Apr; singing male Millersneuk Marsh (CLYDE) 16th Apr; one Mull of Galloway (D&G) 16th Apr; three singing males near New Galloway (D&G) 17th Apr; one Cathkin Marsh SWT (CLYDE) 17th Apr; one Loch Doon (AYRS) 17th Apr; one Glen Fruin (CLYDE) 18th Apr; five Gartloch Pools (CLYDE) 20th Apr; singing male near Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 22nd Apr
Sedge Warbler One Balivanich, Benbecula (OH) 20th Apr; one Nask, Barra (OH) 29th Apr, increase in numbers noted Barra on 3rd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 29th Apr; one Fair Isle 30th Apr; one Quendale (SHET) 7th May One RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 21st Apr; one Kinnabus, Islay & 1+ on Colonsay (both ARG) both on 27th Apr; one Moine Mhor NNR (ARG) 28th Apr; one Loch Flemington & one Hilton of Cadboll (both HIGH) both on 30th Apr; arrival noted on Skye (HIGH) on 3rd May One Tay Reedbeds (P&K) 17th Apr; one Carsehall, Loch Leven (P&K) 20th Apr; one Ythan Estuary (NES) 20th Apr; 2+ RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 27th Apr; one Gollachy (M&N) 29th Apr; three Loch Spynie (M&N) 30th Apr; 2+ St. Fittick's marsh, Girdle Ness & one Inchgarth NR (both NES) both on 30th Apr One Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 14th Apr; singing male RSPB Black Devon Wetlands (UF) 18th Apr; one Scoughall (LOTH) 20th Apr; at least five at Skinflats Lagoons (UF) on 23rd Apr; singing male Hirsel CP & one Upsettlington (both BORD) both on 23rd Apr; one Birgham (BORD) 25th Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 27th Apr; four Loch Fitty, three Letham Pools & one Kilminning (all FIFE) all on 28th Apr; two Isle of May 30th Apr One RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 11th Apr; one Garnock Lagoons (AYRS) 16th Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 20th Apr; 1+ singing male Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 20th Apr; three Balgray Reservoir (CLYDE) 23rd Apr; one Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 28th Apr; two Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 28th Apr
Lesser Whitethroat One Sumburgh (SHET) 28th Apr; three Fair Isle 28th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Apr, five on 1st May; male Glen, Barra (OH) 29th May One Craig David Croft, Inverbervie (NES) 28th Apr; one Kirkton, Collieston (NES) 30th Apr, three Collieston on 6th May; one Castlesea Bay (ANG) 7th May One St. Abb's (BORD) 23rd Apr; one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 26th Apr; singing male near Longniddry (LOTH) 27th Apr; two Isle of May 28th Apr, four on 5th May; one Haddington GC (LOTH) 28th Apr; one Lower Kilminning (FIFE) 30th Apr, three on 5th May; singing male The Binn, Burntisland (FIFE) 1st May; five St. Abb's Head & two Dowlaw (both BORD) both on 5th May Two singing males Ardeer (AYRS) 22nd Apr; one Dunure (AYRS) 23rd Apr; two Croy Shore (AYRS) 25th Apr; singing male Isle of Whithorn (D&G) 1st May; singing male Merryton (CLYDE) 7th May
Whitethroat One Fair Isle 28th Apr; three North Ronaldsay (ORK) 2nd May; one Barra (OH) 3rd May; one Noness, Sandwick (SHET) 3rd May One Stewarton, Kintyre (ARG) 11th Apr; one Loch Torr, Mull (ARG) 24th Apr; one Kinnabus, Islay (ARG) 27th Apr; one Balinoe (ARG) 28th Apr; one near Avoch, one Easter Dalziel & one Chanonry Point (all HIGH) all on 3rd May; two on Skye (HIGH) 6th May One Elliot (ANG) 28th Apr; one Kirkton, Collieston & one Arnhall Moss (both NES) both on 28th Apr; one Buckpool (M&N) 29th Apr; two Scotlandwell (P&K) 1st May; one Girdle Ness (NES) 2nd May One RSPB Black Devon Wetlands (UF) 14th Apr, two on 20th; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 16th Apr; one Gullane (LOTH) 26th Apr; one Holyrood Park, Edinburgh (LOTH) 26th Apr; one Isle of May 27th Apr, six on 5th May; singing male Cramond (LOTH) 27th Apr; one Kilminning, one The Binn, Burntisland & one Birnie Loch (all FIFE) all on 28th Apr; singing male Coldingham (BORD) 1st May; four singing males Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 3rd May One Merryton (CLYDE) 13th Apr; one near Bardowie (CLYDE) 16th Apr; one Carsluith (D&G) 22nd Apr; one Dunure (AYRS) 23rd Apr; singles Bishop Loch & Hogganfield Loch (both CLYDE) 26th Apr; one Pow Burn (AYRS) 26th Apr; two Balmore Pool (CLYDE) 27th Apr; one Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 28th Apr; one Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 28th Apr
Garden Warbler One Fair Isle 5th May; two Sumburgh (SHET) 6th May, six on Shetland on 7th; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 7th May; one Back, Lewis (OH) 23rd May; one St. Kilda (OH) 1st June One reported Ardentinny (ARG) on 17th Apr; one Lussa Glen (ARG) 19th Apr; one Kilmartin (ARG) 2nd May; one Merkinch LNR, Inverness (HIGH) 4th May One Clatto CP (ANG) 2nd May; one Mains of Usan (ANG) 5th May; one RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 6th May; one Banchory (NES) 7th May; three Girdle Ness (NES) 7th May; one Maryculter (NES) 7th May; one Collieston & one Old Portlethen (both NES) both on 8th May; one Blacksboat station (M&N) 21st May Singing male reported Alva Glen (UF) 14th Apr; one Upsettlington (BORD) 23rd Apr; one Birnie Loch (FIFE) 28th Apr; one Isle of May 30th Apr; singles Barns Ness, Keith Water & Roslin (all LOTH) all on 1st May; two Kippenrait Glen (UF) 6th May One reported Fominoch near Loch Ken (D&G) 15th Apr; singing male Carstramon Wood SWT (D&G) 24th Apr; one Ochiltree (AYRS) 26th Apr; one Shewalton Wood SWT (AYRS) 28th Apr; one Easter Braes, RSPB Baron's Haugh (CLYDE) 29th Apr; arrival noted Clyde on 1st May; one Ballochmartin Bay, Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 2nd May; 4+ around Lochwinnoch & five RSPB Baron's Haugh/Merryton (both CLYDE) both on 3rd May
Blackcap One Setter, Sandwick (SHET) 30th Mar; one South Nesting (SHET) 31st Mar; one Port of Nis, Lewis (OH) 5th Apr; three Fair Isle 6th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 7th Apr; two on Barra (OH) 16th Apr One Ardrishaig & one Oban (both ARG) both on 30th Mar; male Cairnbaan (ARG) 31st Mar; female Hilton of Cadboll (HIGH) 2nd Apr; singing male Portnalong, Skye (HIGH) 8th Apr; one Balmacara woodland gardens (HIGH) 9th Apr; one Castletown (CAITH) 16th Apr Singing male Balgavies Loch (ANG) 3rd Apr; singing male Inchgarth NR (NES) 9th Apr, three on 18th; singing male Kinross (P&K) 10th Apr; four singing males River Findhorn near Forres (M&N) 11th Apr Female Anstruther (FIFE) 26th Mar; two singing males Alva Glen (UF) 4th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 7th Apr; singing male Coltbridge Gardens, Edinburgh (LOTH) 7th Apr; singing male Eckford (BORD) 8th Apr; single singing males Samuelston & River Tyne at Amisfield (both LOTH) both on 8th Apr; one Boarhills (FIFE) 8th Apr; two males Birnie Loch (FIFE) 12th Apr; first two on Isle of May on 27th Apr Singing male Barclye (D&G) 29th Mar; one Auchincruive (AYRS) 3rd Apr; singing males Erskine & Rosshall Park, Glasgow (both CLYDE) both on 3rd Apr; two singing males Threave Gardens (D&G) 4th Apr; one Cairnpark, Thornhill (D&G) 5th Apr; three singing males Colmonell-Ballantrae (AYRS) 7th Apr; arrival noted D&G 8th Apr; singing male Kirkton (D&G) 11th Apr; 2+ Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 12th Apr
Wood Warbler One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 5th May; one West Burrafirth (SHET) 8th May; one Cullivoe, Yell (SHET) 9th May; one Hirta, St. Kilda (OH) 18th May Singing male near Inverewe Gardens (HIGH) 24th Apr; singing male in Cowal & one Cruachan visitor centre (both ARG) both on 28th Apr; one Strathglass (HIGH) 29th Apr; first Taynish NNR (ARG) 2nd May One Loch Leven RSPB (P&K) 3rd May; one near Braemar (NES) 4th May 2+ singing males Little Druim Wood near Brig O' Turk (UF) 23rd Apr; singing male Cottyburn (LOTH) 2nd May; one Traprain Law (LOTH) 4th May; singing male Datie Mill Plantation, Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 5th May; one Kippenrait Glen (UF) 6th May; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 7th May; one Caddonfoot (BORD) 11th May One Carstramon Wood SWT (D&G) 19th Apr; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 21st Apr; one Sallochy, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 24th Apr, two on 26th; two Smuggler's Trail, Dundonald (AYRS) 26th Apr; one Glen Afton (AYRS) 3rd May; one Brodick Country Park, Arran (CLY ISL) 7th May
Chiffchaff One Fair Isle 17th Mar; one Halligarth, Unst (SHET) 17th Mar; one Norwick, Unst (SHET) 17th Mar, three on 19th; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 26th Mar; one Northbay, Barra (OH) 27th Mar; one Askernish, South Uist (OH) 31st Mar; 14 Baltasound, Unst (SHET) 1st Apr One Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 6th Mar, one on 25th; one Kingussie (HIGH) 18th Mar; arrival noted Highland on 23rd-24th Mar; male Kames, Cowal (ARG) 24th Mar; influx noted Argyll 25th-26th Mar; one St. John's Pool (CAITH) 28th Mar One Girdle Ness (NES) 18th Mar; one Loch of Lintrathen (ANG) 19th Mar; one Torrieston woods (M&N) 20th Mar; four Loch Leven (P&K) 23rd Mar; one near Aberfeldy (P&K) 23rd Mar; arrival noted M&N 26th-27th Mar Two St Abb's Head (BORD) 17th Mar, three males on 18th; male Gartmorn Dam & one Blairdrummond GPs (both UF) both on 18th Mar; one Upper Kilminning & male The Binn, Burntisland (both FIFE) both on 18th Mar; two Selkirk & two near Sprouston (both BORD) both on 18th Mar; 2+ males Musselburgh Lagoons, one Colinton Dell, Edinburgh & one Gladhouse Reservoir (all LOTH) all on 19th Mar; three East Wemyss, one Kinghorn Loch & one Kilmany (all FIFE) all on 19th Mar; male Doune & male Stirling (both UF) both on 19th Mar; one Isle of May 21st Mar, five on 1st Apr One Barassie (AYRS) 18th Mar; male Hogganfield Loch (CLYDE) 18th Mar; one near Kirkconnell (D&G) 18th Mar; one Erskine (CLYDE) 19th Mar; singing male Shewalton Woods (AYRS) 20th Mar; singles RSPB Lochwinnoch, Gartloch Pools & RSPB Loch Lomond (all CLYDE) all on 21st Mar; singing male Chapelton wood, Bute (CLY ISL) 22nd Mar; singing male Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 23rd Mar; one SWT Southwick (D&G) 23rd Mar; one Mainsriddle (D&G) 24th Mar; one Whauphill (D&G) 25th Mar; influx noted D&G 26th-27th Mar
Willow Warbler One Morghan, Barra (OH) 3rd Apr; one Balivanich, Benbecula (OH) 5th Apr; one Hoswick (SHET) 7th Apr; one Boddam (SHET) 8th Apr; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 11th Apr; one Fair Isle 13th Apr Singing male Kilmartin (ARG) 26th Mar; one Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 31st Mar; one Laphroaig, Islay (ARG) 2nd Apr, 4+ birds on Islay on 5th; one Gobbagrennan, Kintyre (ARG) 2nd Apr; one Lochaline & one Broadford, Skye (both HIGH) both on 6th Apr; singing males near Nethybridge & Kincraig Bridge (both HIGH) both on 7th Apr; widespread arrival noted Argyll 9th-11th Apr; one Castletown (CAITH) 15th Apr One Auchenblae (NES) 30th Mar; one Girdle Ness (NES) 2nd Apr; single singing males upper Glen Almond & Glen Artney (both P&K) both on 8th Apr; singing male Seaton caravan park, Arbroath (ANG) 9th Apr; four singing males Loch Leven (P&K) 9th Apr; singing males Buckpool & Loch Spynie (both M&N) both on 14th Apr One Hirsel CP (BORD) 31st Mar; 3+ singing males reported around Edinburgh (LOTH) 3rd Apr; singing male Alva (UF) 5th Apr; one Bo'ness (UF) 6th Apr; four Loch Fitty (FIFE) 7th Apr; one Gullane Point (LOTH) 8th Apr; singing male Cottyburn railway walk (LOTH) 8th Apr; singing male Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 9th Apr; first Isle of May 16th Apr Singing male Linn Park (CLYDE) 29th Mar; one Kirk Dam, Bute (CLY ISL) 30th Mar; singing male RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 30th Mar; singing male Merryton (CLYDE) 1st Apr; male RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 2nd Apr, arrival noted there on 3rd; two Loch Mackie (D&G) 2nd Apr; two singing males Shewalton Wood (AYRS) 3rd Apr; singing males Newbie & near Portpatrick (both D&G) both on 3rd Apr; two singing males near Glenluce & three Threave Gardens (both D&G) both on 4th Apr; arrival noted in Ayrshire & Clyde on 5th Apr
Spotted Flycatcher One Cuithir, Barra & one North Locheynort, South Uist (both OH) both on 4th May; one Isle of Noss (SHET) 7th May; one Otterswick, Yell (SHET) 8th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May; one Fair Isle 10th May One Crinan Wood & one The Oa, Islay (both ARG) both on 3rd May; one Portree, Skye (HIGH) 5th May; one Battery Hill, Oban (ARG) 5th May; one Aviemore (HIGH) 12th May One Batchart Steadings, Blairs (NES) 2nd May; one Glenprosen village (ANG) 9th May; two Rothes (M&N) 6th June One Lower Kilminning (FIFE) 5th May, two Fife Ness/Kilminning on 7th; one Plora Woods (BORD) 6th May; one Kippenrait Glen, Dunblane (UF) 6th May; one Isle of May 6th May; one Scoughall (LOTH) 6th May; one Keith Marischal (LOTH) 13th May One reported Kirkgunzeon (D&G) 1st May; one Glen Afton (AYRS) 3rd May; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 3rd May; one Kelvingrove Park, Glasgow (CLYDE) 4th May; one RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 6th May; one Physgill Glen (D&G) 7th May; one Lagg Water, Arran & one Isle of Bute (both CLY ISL) both on 20th May
Pied Flycatcher One Uyeasound, Unst (SHET) 29th Apr; one Sandwick (SHET) 1st May; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 4th May; one Fair Isle 5th May, four on 8th; male Westray (ORK) 7th May; two Sanday & one Eday (both ORK) both on 8th May; one Glen, Barra (OH) 9th June Two Old Portlethen (NES) 7th May; three Rattray Head, three Girdle Ness & one Collieston (all NES) all on 8th May; one Glen Esk (ANG) 29th May Two Old Portlethen (NES) 7th May; three Rattray Head, three Girdle Ness & one Collieston (all NES) all on 8th May; one Glen Esk (ANG) 29th May Male Plora Woods, Innerleithen (BORD) 21st Apr; male near Abbotsford (BORD) 30th Apr; one Triangle Wood, Dunbar (LOTH) 7th May; male Lower Kilminning (FIFE) 7th May; one Isle of May on 7th May; one Glen Lochay (UF) 15th May Male RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 10th Apr; singles Hills Wood & Carstramon Wood SWT (both D&G) both on 13th Apr; three Sallochy Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 26th Apr; male RSPB Inversnaid (CLYDE) 26th Apr

  Shetland, Fair Isle, Orkney and Outer Hebrides Highland, Caithness and Argyll North-East Scotland, Moray & Nairn, Angus and Perth & Kinross Fife, Isle of May, Upper Forth, Lothian and Borders Clyde, Clyde Islands, Ayrshire and Dumfries & Galloway
Manx Shearwater 48 past Ardvule Point, South Uist (OH) 18th Apr; one past North Ronaldsay (ORK) 19th Apr, four on 20rh; two past Fair Isle 9th May; 10 past Watsness (SHET) 11th May; four past Fair Isle 11th June Two off Brora (HIGH) 8th Mar; five past Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 13th Mar; one Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 24th Mar; three off Hynish, Tiree (ARG) 25th Mar One Girdle Ness (NES) 6th Mar; one past Lossiemouth (M&N) 18th Apr, four on 7th May; one past Arbroath (ANG) 30th Apr One past Fife Ness (FIFE) 30th Mar,11 on 23rd Apr, 23 on 24th; one off St. Monans (FIFE) 6th Apr; 39 past Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 22nd Apr; four N past Isle of May 1st May; 26 past St. Abb's Head (BORD) 29th May 15+ off Dunure (AYRS) 25th Mar; five past Saltcoats harbour and one off Troon harbour (both AYRS) both on 5th Apr; two off Isle of Whithorn (D&G) 6th Apr
Garganey Drake Loch Mor, Baleshare (OH) 19th Mar; female on Sanday (ORK) 22nd Apr; drake Loch of Benston (SHET) 29th Apr Drake Loch Lieurary (CAITH) 26th Mar; two (drake & female) Loch Bhasapol, Tiree (ARG) 11th Apr; drake RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 15th Apr; drake St. John's Pool (CAITH) 23rd Apr; three (drake & two females) Loch an Aigeil, Clachtoll (HIGH) 29th Apr Two (drake & female) Loch of Skene (NES) 20th Mar; three (two drakes & a female) Murton NR (ANG) 22nd Mar; two (drake & female) Loch Spynie (M&N) 22nd Mar; two (drake & female) Stormont Loch (P&K) 11th Apr Drake Cameron Reservoir (FIFE) 13th Mar; two (drake & female) North Haugh, St. Andrews (FIFE) 28th Mar Drake Capringstone Flash (AYRS) 4th Mar; two (drake & female) River Clyde near Carstairs Junction (CLYDE) 30th Mar; one RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 2nd June
Marsh Harrier Two on North Uist (OH) on 12th Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 17th Apr; one Hermaness, Unst (SHET) 16th May; one Fair Isle 19th May One Drumlemble, Kintyre (ARG) 7th Apr; one Loch Tallant, Islay (ARG) 17th Apr; one Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 18th Apr; female Alturlie Point (HIGH) 1st May One RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 13th Mar; one Tay Reedbeds (P&K) 1st Apr; two (male & female) RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 6th Apr; one Spey Bay (M&N) 17th May Female Newburgh (FIFE) 4th Mar; one NW over Cambuskenneth (UF) 20th Mar; female Bo'ness (UF) 21st Mar; female Luthrie (FIFE) 2nd Apr; female north at Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 5th Apr; one at undisclosed site in Borders on 10th Apr One RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 6th Mar; female Gartloch Pools (CLYDE) 11th Apr
Osprey One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 14th Apr; one Fair Isle 27th Apr; one over Loch Fada, Benbecula (OH) 19th May; one Sae Water (SHET) 21st May One Loch Gilp (ARG) 16th Mar; one The Mound, Loch Fleet (HIGH) 19th Mar; one over Ballygrant, Islay (ARG) 25th Mar; one near Rothiemurchus (HIGH) 25th Mar; one near Halkirk (CAITH) 26th Mar One reported Loch of Clunie (P&K) 26th Feb, also on 27th; returning male back SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 13th Mar; one reported upper Donside (NES) 14th Mar; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 22nd Mar; one Ythan Estuary (NES) 26th Mar; one over Dundee (ANG) 30th Mar; one near Forres (M&N) 31st Mar One near Peebles (BORD) 22nd Mar; one over Blairadam (FIFE) 23rd Mar; one Innerleithen (BORD) 25th Mar; one over Penicuik (LOTH) 27th Mar; singles over Newburgh & at Lindores Loch (both FIFE) both on 27th Mar; one over Clerkington, Haddington (LOTH) 28th Mar; two near Roberton (BORD) 29th Mar; one over Doune (UF) 3rd Apr; one over the Isle of May 4th Apr One reported Loch Fad, Bute (CLY ISL) 12th Mar; one back at nest site on Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 21st Mar; one back at nest site NTS Threave (D&G) 22nd Mar; one over SWT Garnock Floods (AYRS) 25th Mar; one Balmaha (CLYDE) 27th Mar; one over Gadloch (CLYDE) 28th Mar; one Loch Thom (CLYDE) 29th Mar; one Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 30th Mar; male back at Loch Doon (AYRS) 2nd Apr, female on 3rd
Dotterel Five on Baleshare, North Uist (OH) 23rd Apr; six North Ronaldsay (ORK) 6th May; two near Bakkasetter (SHET) 10th May Five Loch a' Phuill, Tiree (ARG) 11th Apr; one Sgor Gaoith, Cairngorms (HIGH) 1st May One Cairngorm (NES) 19th May; one Ben Lawers (P&K) 4th June Four Teviot Haughs (BORD) 13th Apr Three Corserine (D&G) 13th May
Whimbrel Four Fair Isle 14th Apr; singles on North Uist & South Uist (both OH) both on 15th Apr; one Norwick, Unst (SHET) 15th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 25th Apr; 47 Frobost, South Uist (OH) 28th Apr One Loch Craignish (ARG) 17th Mar; one Murkle (CAITH) 2nd Apr; 20 past Brora (HIGH) 10th Apr; one Salen Bay, Mull (ARG) 11th Apr; two Udale Bay & one Embo (both HIGH) both on 12th Apr; one Broadford Bay, Skye (HIGH) 13th Apr; 11 on Tiree (ARG) on 21st Apr One Cairnbulg (NES) 10th Apr; one past Lossiemouth (M&N) 16th Apr; two Montrose Basin (ANG) 18th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 25th Apr One John Muir CP (LOTH) 16th Mar; one Higgin's Neuk (UF) 17th Mar; one Burnmouth (BORD) 8th Apr; one Fife Ness (FIFE) 10th Apr; one Scoughall (LOTH) 14th Apr; three Tyninghame Bay (LOTH) 19th Apr; one over RSPB Black Devon Wetlands (UF) 22nd Apr; one Isle of May on 2nd May Three Ardmillan, Girvan (AYRS) 13th Apr; one Cleats, Arran (CLY ISL) 13th Apr; one St. Ninian's, Bute (CLY ISL) 14th Apr; two Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 17th Apr; two Drummore (D&G) 17th Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 18th Apr, five on 20th; one Kippford (D&G) 26th Apr; 2+ RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 27th Apr; six Browhouses (D&G) 1st May
Common Sandpiper Two Meavaig, Harris (OH) 15th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 26th Apr; one Virkie (SHET) 29th Apr; one Fair Isle 3rd May One Loch na Keal, Mull (ARG) 11th Apr; one Loch Feochan (ARG) 12th Apr; one near Ardgay, Strathcarron (HIGH) 14th Apr; one Loch Fleet (HIGH) 15th Apr; one Braal (CAITH) 27th Apr One recorded on nocmig flying over Cults (NES) overnight on 10th/11th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 14th Apr; one Pitchroy (M&N) 14th Apr; one Murton NR (ANG) 16th Apr One Belhaven Bay (LOTH) 23rd Mar; one Doune (UF) 10th Apr; one River Tweed, St. Boswells (BORD) 12th Apr; two Skateraw & one Musselburgh Lagoons (both LOTH) both on 13th Apr; six Teviot Haughs & three Lees Haugh, Coldstream (both BORD) both on 13th Apr; one Cambus (UF) 13th Apr; one Kinghorn Loch (FIFE) 15th Apr; one Isle of May on 2nd May One Southerness Point (D&G) 23rd Mar; one reported River Clyde, Uddingston (CLYDE) 7th Apr; one RSPB Baron's Haugh (CLYDE) 10th Apr; one Dunagoil Bay, Bute (CLY ISL) 11th Apr; one Tarbolton Fishery & one Girvan (both AYRS) both on 14th Apr; one River Nith near Thornhill (D&G) 16th Apr
Sandwich Tern One off Churchill No.2 barrier (ORK) 17th Mar; three South Ronaldsay (ORK) 30th Mar; one Lochmaddy, North Uist (OH) 30th Apr; two Pool of Virkie (SHET) 13th May One Dornoch Point (HIGH) 24th Mar; one Balephetrish Bay, Tiree (ARG) 24th Mar; one Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 26th Mar; 11 Loch Fleet (HIGH) 29th Mar, 48 on 31st; one Machrihanish (ARG) 29th Mar One Lossiemouth (M&N) 12th Mar; one Nairn (M&N) 14th Mar; two Ythan Estuary (NES) 23rd Mar; two past Elliot burn (ANG) 31st Mar Two off North Berwick (LOTH) 25th Mar; one off Sauchope Links (FIFE) 26th Mar; two Coldingham Bay (BORD) 14th Apr; two on Isle of May 4th May One Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 26th Mar; one Ballochmartin Bay, Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 28th Mar; one Stevenston Point (AYRS) 29th Mar; one Port Glasgow (CLYDE) 1st Apr; one Isle of Whithorn (D&G) 7th Apr; five Loch Ryan (D&G) 10th Apr
Common Tern One Baleshare, North Uist (OH) 12th Apr; two Pool of Virkie (SHET) 29th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th May Two Chanonry Point (HIGH) 17th Apr, 22 on 21st, 75+ on 28th; one Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 19th Apr; four off Ardrishaig (ARG) 4th May First Ythan Estuary (NES) 15th Apr; four River Spey, Rothes (M&N) 19th Apr; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 24th Apr Two Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 25th Apr; three Fife Ness (FIFE) 27th Apr; two Grangemouth (UF) 1st May; two Isle of May on 3rd May; one Fireburnmill (BORD) 26th May One Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 12th Apr, 32 on 28th; three Kippford (D&G) 12th Apr; one Stevenston Point (AYRS) 24th Apr; one Barassie (AYRS) 28th Apr
Arctic Tern Four Ardvule Point, South Uist (OH) 18th Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 1st May, 300+ present on 5th; one Catfirth (SHET) 2nd May; three Fair Isle 9th May, 44 on 10th 15+ Milton, Tiree (ARG) 24th Apr; two Oban-Colonsay ferry (ARG) 27th Apr; first Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 30th Apr; three on Isle of Eigg (HIGH) 1st May; first Melvich, Sutherland (HIGH) 7th May First Ythan Estuary (NES) 21st Apr; two Findhorn Bay (M&N) 7th May; two Scurdie Ness (ANG) 10th May One Fife Ness (FIFE) 24th Apr; two Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 28th Apr; three Isle of May 1st May; two Eyemouth (BORD) 31st May One Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 11th Apr, c.250 past there on 4th May; one Portpatrick (D&G) 15th Apr; three Dunure (AYRS) 24th Apr, 120+ past there on 4th May
Little Tern One Gramsdale, North Uist & one Ardvule Point, South Uist (both OH) both on 18th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 14th May One Sorobaidh Bay, Tiree (ARG) 14th Apr; one Embo (HIGH) 23rd Apr First Ythan Estuary (NES) 26th Apr; two Montrose (ANG) 3rd May; three off Lossiemouth & eight Spey Bay (both M&N) both on 8th May One East Lothian coast (LOTH) 14th May
Cuckoo Two Glen, Barra (OH) 24th Apr; one Fair Isle 10th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 14th May; one Sullom (SHET) 15th May One reported singing Portsonachan (ARG) 29th Mar; singing males Kilmichael Glen & Craignure gc, Mull (both ARG) both on 12th Apr; one Elgol, Skye & one near Lairg (both HIGH) both on 13th Apr; one Plockton (HIGH) 14th Apr; single singing males Strachur & Knapdale (both ARG) both on 15th Apr; one Dunnet Nay (CAITH) 17th Apr; singing male Dores (HIGH) 21st Apr; first Melvich, Sutherland (HIGH) 27th Apr One Backwater Reservoir (ANG) 14th Apr; one near Howe of Alford (NES) 15th Apr; singing male Comrie Moor (P&K) 21st Apr; one Glenlivet (M&N) 21st Apr One Whitelaw Cleuch near Middleton & singing male Balgone, North Berwick (both LOTH) both on 16th Apr; one Cromlix (UF) 17th Apr; singing male Dunblane (UF) 18th Apr; singing male near Fauldhouse (LOTH) 23rd Apr; one Cademuir (BORD) 24th Apr; one Hill of Tarvit (FIFE) 26th Apr; one Broadmeadows (BORD) 26th Apr; singing male Ashiestiel Hill & one Ettrick Marshes (both BORD) both on 30th Apr; one Isle of May on 6th May Singing male near Stranraer (D&G) 12th Apr; one Ardeer (AYRS) 15th Apr; one Kirk o Shotts (CLYDE) 16th Apr; one Balmaclellan (D&G) 16th Apr; singing male Machrie Moor, Arran (CLY ISL) 17th Apr; one near Kilmacolm (CLYDE) 17th Apr; three on the Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 17th Apr; one Auchenhay, Corsock (D&G) 19th Apr; one near Samquhar (D&G) 21st Apr
Swift One Boddam (SHET) 17th May; two Loch Bee, South Uist & one Cheese Bay, North Uist (both OH) both on 17th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th May; first Fair Isle 19th May Two Dornoch (HIGH) 30th Apr; one Innellan, Cowal (ARG) 3rd May; first Inverness & Beauly (both HIGH) both on 9th May; 13 Campbeltown (ARG) 11th May; one Thurso (CAITH) 11th May One Inglismaldie (NES) 2nd May; one north over Kinross (P&K) 3rd May; one Cragganmore (M&N) 8th May; one Auchmithie (ANG) 10th May; arrival noted Moray & Nairn on 10th May Two Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 30th Apr; one Balerno (LOTH) 1st May; one over Blindwells (LOTH) 4th May; one over Dunblane (UF) 5th May; one Innerleithen (BORD) 5th May; one Coldstream (BORD) 7th May; three St. Abb's (BORD) 9th May; four Cellardyke (FIFE) 9th May; arrival noted Upper Forth on 10th May; first Dunfermline & St. Andrews (both FIFE) both on 10th May; five Isle of May 11th May Three Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 30th Apr, 12+ on 8th May; four Dumfries (D&G) 4th May; one Kirkton (D&G) 5th May; one Wigtown (D&G) 7th May; one Saltcoats harbour, one Crookedholm, one Dalrymple, two Culzean CP & 2+ Castlepark, Irvine (all AYRS) all on 9th May; first St. John's Town of Dalry (D&G) 10th May; 48 Bishop Loch (CLYDE) 11th May; 50+ Castle Semple Loch (CLYDE) 12th May
Sand Martin Three Drimsdale, South Uist (OH) 15th Apr; two Fair Isle 15th Apr; seven North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th Apr; one Loch of Hillwell (SHET) 24th Apr One RSPB Loch Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 18th Mar; two North Moine Mhore & three near Campbeltown (both ARG) both on 19th Mar; two Loch Insh (HIGH) 20th Mar; one Dunbeath (CAITH) 21st Mar; two Loch Morar (HIGH) 26th Mar One Loch Leven (P&K) 14th Mar, four on 21st; one Inchgarth NR & one Dalmadilly (both NES) both on 18th Mar; two Loch Spynie (M&N) 25th Mar; six RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 6th Apr One Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 14th Mar; three Lochore Meadows CP (FIFE) 15th Mar; five Menstrie (UF) 17th Mar, 20 on 22nd; one Belhaven Bay (LOTH) 18th Mar; two Birgham (BORD) 20th Mar; four Innerleithen (BORD) 21st Mar; c.60 The Hirsel (BORD) 26th Mar; three Isle of May 20th Apr Two Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 3rd Mar, 50 on 16th, 900 on 12th Apr; one Merryton Haugh (CLYDE) 11th Mar; one Balgray Reservoir (CLYDE) 14th Mar; two Martnaham Loch, one Auchincross Loch & one Dundonald Camp (all AYRS) all on 16th Mar, 18 at Martnaham Loch on 30th; two over Drumlanrig bridge (D&G) 24th Mar; two over Machrie GC, Arran (CLY ISL) 24th Mar; two River Cree, Newton Stewart (D&G) 26th Mar
Swallow One Howmore, South Uist (OH) 5th Apr; one Dalsetter (SHET) 9th Apr; one Fair Isle 11th Apr; one Burrafirth, Unst (SHET) 13th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th Apr One Loch Gorm, Islay (ARG) 26th Mar; one Ellister, Islay (ARG) 31st Mar; one Scarinish, Tiree (ARG) 6th Apr; one Dores (HIGH) 7th Apr; two Lagganulva, Mull (ARG) 8th Apr; one Dochgarroch, Inverness (HIGH) 9th Apr; one Loch Eye (HIGH) 12th Apr; one Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 13th Apr; two Melvich, Sutherland (HIGH) 19th Apr One Loch Leven (P&K) 9th Apr, four on 11th; one Loch of Skene (NES) 11th Apr; three Loch Spynie (M&N) 13th Apr; one Kirriemuir (ANG) 14th Apr; one Easthaven (ANG) 18th Apr; two Inglismaldie (NES) 19th Apr; four Abernethy (P&K) 21st Apr One St. Andrews (FIFE) 5th Apr; 2+ Deanston (UF) 11th Apr; one Newhailes, Musselburgh (LOTH) 11th Apr; one Lewinshope (BORD) 11th Apr; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 12th Apr; one Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 12th Apr; one North Berwick Law, two Seafield Pond, one Aberlady, one Scoughall, six at Auchendinny & three north at Skateraw (all LOTH) all on 13th Apr; four Isle of May 13th Apr; arrival noted Borders on 13th Apr One RSPB Baron's Haugh (CLYDE) 31st Mar, three on 6th Apr; one NTS Threave (D&G) 6th Apr; singles Newton Shore & SWT Garnock Floods (both AYRS) both on 6th Apr; two on Arran (CLY ISL) on 6th Apr; one RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 10th Apr; one Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 10th Apr; arrival noted Clyde 12th Apr; one Cairnpark, Thornhill (D&G) 13th Apr; first Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 14th Apr
House Martin One Bosta, Great Bernera, Lewis (OH) 1st Apr; one Lower Voe (SHET) 17th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 21st Apr; first Fair Isle 29th Apr Four Loch Skerrols, Islay (ARG) 5th Apr; two Kellan, Mull (ARG) 12th Apr; four Isleornsay, Skye (HIGH) 14th Apr; two Nethybridge, two Conon Bridge & one Strathpeffer (all HIGH) all on 15th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 15th Apr One Loch Leven (P&K) 11th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 12th Apr; singles at Forfar & West Haven (both ANG) both on 13th Apr; one Mosstodloch (M&N) 14th Apr; two near Comrie (P&K) 16th Apr Four Caddonfoot (BORD) 12th Apr; one Stirling (UF) 12th Apr; one north at Skateraw, one Aberlady Bay & one Seafield Pond (all LOTH) both on 13th Apr; two St. Abb's Head, two Teviot Haughs & one Manderston (all BORD) all on 13th Apr; two Balmullo (FIFE) 14th Apr; eight Lindores Loch (FIFE) 15th Apr; five Isle of May on 1st May One Symington (CLYDE) 21st Mar; two Helensburgh Reservoirs (CLYDE) 29th Mar; two Largymore, Arran (CLY ISL) 6th Apr; one Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 9th Apr; three Knockentiber & one Martnaham Loch (both AYRS) both on 11th Apr; influx noted in Clyde on 12th Apr; one Cairnpark, Thornhill (D&G) 13th Apr; one Loch Ken (D&G) 14th Apr
Tree Pipit Two Fair Isle 17th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th Apr; one Skaw, Whalsay (SHET) 4th May One Kilmartin (ARG) 11th Apr; one Clachaig, Cowal (ARG) on 12th Apr; one near Nethybridge (HIGH) 15th Apr; arrival noted Highland on 19th Apr with influx noted on 6th May; one Skirza (CAITH) 19th May One Glen Muick (NES) 11th Apr; one Glen Lednock & 2+ near Crieff (both P&K) both on 15th Apr; two Whiteash Hill Wood (M&N) 15th Apr; three singing near Comrie (P&K) 16th Apr; one Hill of Fare (NES) 17th Apr; one Backwater Reservoir (ANG) 17th Apr One near Callander (UF) 14th Apr; one over Ferry Hills (FIFE) 16th Apr; one Thirlestane Hill, Hopehouse (BORD) 16th Apr; one Penicuik (LOTH) 19th Apr; two Beecraigs (LOTH) 22nd Apr; one Isle of May 25th Apr; 2+ near Falkland (FIFE) 29th Apr One RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 12th Apr; one Gortans, Bute (CLY ISL) 14th Apr; one Knockman Wood (D&G) 15th Apr; 4+ near Moniaive (D&G) on 17th Apr; singles Stinchar Bridge & Rowantree Toll (both AYRS) both on 17th Apr; one East Morton (D&G) 17th Apr
Yellow Wagtail One Mill Pond, Burra (SHET) 3rd May; one North Ronadsay (ORK) 4th May; one Loch of Spiggie (SHET) 5th May; one Fair Isle 10th May, a Blue-headed Wagtail there on 17th with two Grey-headed Wagtails on 20th May, three on 21st; male Grey-headed Wagtail, Kirkwall (ORK) 14th May; Blue-headed Wagtail at Skaw, Unst (SHET) 17th May; Grey-headed Wagtail Out Skerries (SHET) 17th May, two on 18th; two Grey-headed Wagtails St. Kilda (OH) on 18th May, Blue-headed Wagtail there on 19th; single Grey-headed Wagtails on North Ronaldsay & Papa Westray (both ORK) both on 19th May Blue-headed Wagtail RSPB Loch Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 18th May; Blue-headed Wagtail Balevullin, Tiree (ARG) 19th May; two Grey-headed Wagtails Balnakeil (HIGH) 20th May One Montrose Basin (ANG) 18th Apr; one Hatton (ANG) 25th Apr; one over Inverbervie (NES) 7th May One Lees Haugh, Coldstream (BORD) 13th Apr, two males on 14th; 1+ near Crail (FIFE) 18th Apr, Blue-headed Wagtail near Crail on 19th; one Tyninghame Bay (LOTH) 28th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Tyninghame Bay (LOTH) 17th May One reported near Lochinvar (D&G) 27th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 19th May
White Wagtail One Fair Isle 8th Apr; singles Skaw, Unst & Swinister Burn (both SHET) both on 13th Apr; 40 at Aird an Runair, North Uist (OH) on 24th Apr One Noss Head (CAITH) 27th Mar; two Lagganulva, Mull & two Traigh Bhi, Tiree (both ARG) both on 27th Mar; one Achnahaird Bay (HIGH) 11th Apr; 4+ Alturlie (HIGH) 15th Apr; two Melvich beach, Sutherland (HIGH) on 21st Apr; 15 Dornoch (HIGH) 22nd Apr One Murton NR (ANG) 13th Mar; one Girdle Ness (NES) 17th Apr; one Nairn (M&N) 17th Apr Two Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 22nd Mar; one Pleasants Farm Pools (FIFE) 31st Mar; one Kingsbarns (FIFE) 10th Apr; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 10th Apr; one near Knockhill (FIFE) 10th Apr; two Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 14th Apr; 23 at Skateraw (LOTH) 16th Apr; one Isle of May 29th Apr One Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 18th Mar; two Dundonald Camp (AYRS) 21st Mar; three Buchley Pool (CLYDE) 30th Mar; one RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 10th Apr; five Girvan (AYRS) 13th Apr; one Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 13th Apr
Redstart One Bigton (SHET) 2nd May; female Fair Isle 4th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th May Male Barslosnoch (ARG) 16th Apr; one Loch Vaa (HIGH) 19th Apr; 1+ Taynish NNR (ARG) 20th Apr; one loch Garten (HIGH) 28th Apr; 2+ singing males Blackfold (HIGH) 4th May; one John o' Groats (CAITH) 18th May One Braco (P&K) 16th Apr; one Gella Bridge, Glen Clova (ANG) 20th Apr; two Ballater (NES) 23rd Apr Male Tweeddale Burn Wood (LOTH) 14th Apr; two Stow (BORD) 15th Apr; one Port of Menteith (UF) 18th Apr; one Isle of May 21st Apr, three on 7th May; one Silverburn, Edinburgh (LOTH) 4th May One RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 13th Apr; two males Loudoun Hill (AYRS) 15th Apr; one Knockman Wood (D&G) 15th Apr; two males near Moniaive (D&G) 17th Apr; three males near Morton Loch (D&G) 17th Apr; one Castramon Wood (D&G) 17th Apr
Whinchat One Cuithir, Barra (OH) 24th Apr; one Fair Isle 8th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th May; one Geosetter & one Swinister (both SHET) both on 18th May Single males Barravullin & on Jura (both ARG) both on 19th Apr; male Lower Breakish, Skye (HIGH) 19th Apr; one Harrapool, Skye (HIGH) 20th Apr; one Badenoch (HIGH) 5th May One Comrie (P&K) 23rd Apr; one Glen Dye (NES) 25th Apr; one Glen Lethnot (ANG) 3rd May One Menstrie Glen (UF) 17th Apr; one near Sheriffmuir (UF) 23rd Apr; one Clarilaw (BORD) 29th Apr; singles Den's Cleugh & Musselburgh Lagoons (both LOTH) both on 30th Apr; one Northrigg, Blackridge (LOTH) 4th May; one Crail (FIFE) 5th May; two Isle of May on 6th May Male Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 16th Apr; one Moor of Barclye (D&G) 20th Apr; one Campsie Glen & one Culter Glen (both CLYDE) both on 21st Apr; two Glen Rosa, Arran (CLY ISL) 24th Apr; one Shewalton Wood SWT (AYRS) 27th Apr
Wheatear One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 19th Mar; singles Brevig, Barra & Carinish, North Uist (both OH) both on 20th Mar; four Papa Westray (ORK) 24th Mar; male Fair Isle 26th Mar; one Dunrossness (SHET) 27th Mar; two males Skara Brae (ORK) 31st Mar; arrival noted on Harris & Lewis (OH) 4th-6th Apr Male Lagganulva, Mull (ARG) 11th Mar; male Kerrera & male Danna Island (both ARG) both on 12th Mar; one Lower Milovaig, Skye (HIGH) 13th Mar; one Sanaig, Islay (ARG) 14th Mar; singles Broadford, Skye, on Rum and at Morar (all HIGH) all on 18th Mar; three Stoer Head lighthouse (HIGH) 20th Mar; one Navidale & two Loch Fleet, both Sutherland (both HIGH) both on 23rd Mar; six noted on Tiree (ARG) on 23rd Mar; one Reiss (CAITH) 24th Mar; one Lismore (ARG) 29th Mar Male Tarfside, Glen Esk (ANG) 17th Mar; one Balintore (ANG) 20th Mar; male Burghead (M&N) 20th Mar; one Griffin Windfarm near Aberfeldy (P&K) 23rd Mar; male Strathlene (M&N) 25th Mar; 2+ Glen Dye (NES) 26th Mar; one Backwater Reservoir (ANG) 28th Mar One Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 19th Mar; one Hownham (BORD) 19th Mar; one Cademuir, Peebles (BORD) 20th Mar; one Eddleston (BORD) 21st Mar; male St. Abb's Head (BORD) 23rd Mar; four reported in Lothian on 25th Mar; first Isle of May 30th Mar; one Rossie Bog (FIFE) 2nd Apr; male Bengengie Hill, Ochil Hills (UF) 10th Apr Male Dundonald Camp (AYRS) 15th Mar, two males on 16th; male by Cock of Arran, Arran (CLY ISL) 15th Mar; one Burrow Head (D&G) 19th Mar; two Glenbuck (AYRS) 20th Mar; one near Overtoun House (CLYDE) 20th Mar; two Dalveen Pass (D&G) 22nd Mar; one Troon South Beach (AYRS) 22nd Mar; one Hunterston (AYRS) 23rd Mar; one Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 23rd Mar; one near Crawford (CLYDE) 26th Mar
Ring Ouzel One Fair Isle 12th Apr; one Sumburgh & one Buddabrake, Unst (both SHET) both on 13th Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 13th Apr; one Hushinish, Harris (OH) 3rd May One Cairngorm ski area (HIGH) 22nd Mar; two males RSPB Insh Marshes (HIGH) 23rd Mar; one Dunnet Head (CAITH) 23rd Apr; one Glen Shira (ARG) 28th Apr; one Kerrera (ARG) 29th Apr One Glen Dye (NES) 27th Mar; one Little Glenshee (P&K) 28th Mar; one Glen Esk (ANG) 10th Apr Two Piper's Grave (BORD) 22nd Mar; male Faseny, Lammermuir Hills (LOTH) 26th Mar, two on 27th; one Blackhopebyre (BORD) 26th Mar; two St. Abb's Head (BORD) 30th Mar; two Beinn Each (UF) 2nd Apr; one Isle of May 13th Apr; 12+ near Portmore Loch (BORD) 14th Apr; male Myreton Hill (UF) 27th Apr; male Kingsbarns (FIFE) 7th May Male Culter Waterhead (CLYDE) 28th Mar; two Nick of the Balloch (AYRS) 1st Apr; female Blackcraig Hill (AYRS) 5th May
Grasshopper Warbler One Fair Isle 13th Apr; one Noness (SHET) 14th Apr; one Gleann, Barra (OH) 21st Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Apr; one Leurbost, Lewis (OH) 5th June One Ardfern (ARG) 14th Apr; singing males Cairnbaan & Kilmichael Glen (both ARG) both on 15th Apr; one Ardnamurchan & one Upper Tote, Skye (both HIGH) both on 19th Apr; singing male Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 21st Apr; one Golspie (HIGH) 24th Apr; one St. John's Loch (CAITH) 27th Apr One Inchgarth NR (NES) 17th Apr; one Red Moss of Netherley (NES) 17th Apr, two on 18th; one St. Cyrus (NES) 19th Apr; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 19th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 19th Apr; one Hillpark (M&N) 20th Apr Two Aberlady Bay, one Threipmuir Reservoir & one Gullane Hill (all LOTH) all on 15th Apr; singing male RSPB Black Devon Wetlands (UF) 15th Apr; singing male Kinneil Lagoon (UF) 16th Apr; singles St. Abb's Head & Gattonside-Melrose (both BORD) both on 17th Apr; singing male in front garden Linlithgow (LOTH) 17th Apr; singles Kinghorn & near Blairhall (both FIFE) both on 17th Apr Singing male near Dalmellington (AYRS) 14th Apr; 3+ at Ardeer & one Greenan (both AYRS) both on 15th Apr; singing males at Hogganfield Loch, one Kirk o Shotts & one RSPB Loch Lomond (all CLYDE) all on 15th Apr; one Knockman Wood (D&G) 15th Apr; first Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 15th Apr; one Lochranza, Arran (CLY ISL) 17th Apr; one Mull of Galloway (D&G) 18th Apr; one RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 20th Apr
Sedge Warbler One Sumburgh (SHET) 20th Apr; one Askernish, South Uist (OH) 1st May; one Fair Isle 4th May, 23 on 20th; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 6th May; one Mingulay (OH) 22nd May One RSPB Loch Gruinart & one on Colonsay (both ARG) both on 19th Apr; ; 1+ Taynish NNR & one Dervaig, Mull (both ARG) both on 20th Apr; one Kilmuir, Skye (HIGH) 21st Apr; one Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 23rd Apr; small arrival noted Highland on 28th Apr; one St. John's Loch (CAITH) 2nd May; first Melvich, Sutherland (HIGH) 7th May One RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 17th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 19th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 24th Apr; one Kingston (M&N) 24th Apr; several Elliot Links (ANG) 30th Apr Singing male River Devon, Glenochil (UF) 14th Apr; singing male Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 15th Apr; one near Bathgate (LOTH) 16th Apr; two Cambus (UF) 17th Apr; one Lower Kilminning (FIFE) 20th Apr; one Hirsel CP (BORD) 22nd Apr; one Charterhall (BORD) 24th Apr; one Isle of May 5th May One Castle Semple Loch (CLYDE) 15th Apr, 13 at RSPB Lochwinnoch on 20th Apr; one Ardeer (AYRS) 15th Apr; two Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 16th Apr; one Mull of Galloway (D&G) 16th Apr; one Pow Burn (AYRS) 17th Apr; one Gortans, Bute (CLY ISL) 17th Apr; one Greenan (AYRS) 18th Apr; four at RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 20th Apr
Lesser Whitethroat One Loch of Spiggie (SHET) 17th Apr; one Quendale (SHET) 19th Apr; one Fair Isle 29th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 7th May; one Castlebay, Barra (OH) 9th June One Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 7th May; one The Glebe, Tiree (ARG) 17th May; one Sheigra, Sutherland (HIGH) 29th May; one Ardgeal, Kingussie (HIGH) 6th June Singing male Inverbervie (NES) 7th May; two Auchmithie (ANG) 8th May One Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 16th Apr; one Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 18th Apr; singing male Seafield (FIFE) 29th Apr; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 3rd May; one Isle of May 9th May Two Ardeer (AYRS) 20th Apr; one Croy Shore (AYRS) 23rd Apr; three Dunure & two Greenan (both AYRS) both on 28th Apr; singles Gutcher's Isle, Colvend & Rockcliffe (both D&G) both on 29th Apr; one Merryton Haugh (CLYDE) 30th Apr; one Burrowhead (D&G) 4th May; singing male Ross Bay, Borgue & one RSPB Mersehead (both D&G) both on 7th May
Whitethroat One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 12th Apr; one Fair Isle 13th Apr; one South Uist (OH) 12th May; one Sandwick & one on Unst (both SHET) both on 17th May Two Bellanoch (ARG) 19th Apr; one Balintore (HIGH) 20th Apr; one Carskiey Bay, Kintyre (ARG) 20th Apr;; singing male Port Wemyss, islay (ARG) 21st Apr; male Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 26th Apr; two near Newhall Point (HIGH) 27th Apr One Rosehearty (NES) 16th Apr; one St. Cyrus (NES) 19th Apr; one Leysmill (ANG) 22nd Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 23rd Apr; singing male near Elgin (M&N) 28th Apr One Isle of May 13th Apr; one East Calder (LOTH) 16th Apr; one Cambus (UF) 17th Apr; one Gattonside-Melrose (BORD) 17th Apr; one Gullane & one Musselburgh Lagoons (both LOTH) both on 18th Apr; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 19th Apr; 1+ male Holyrood Park, Edinburgh (LOTH) 19th Apr; one Burntisland (FIFE) 24th Apr; arrival noted Fife 29th Apr Two singing males Pow Burn (AYRS) 17th Apr; one Hogganfield Loch (CLYDE) 18th Apr; one Greenan (AYRS) 18th Apr; two Mull of Galloway (D&G) 18th Apr; one Auchenhew Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 19th Apr; one RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 21st Apr; one Riddrie, Glasgow (CLYDE) 22nd Apr; one Merryton Haugh (CLYDE) 24th Apr; male near Moniaive (D&G) 29th Apr
Garden Warbler One Fair Isle 1st May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 3rd May; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 21st May; one Clickimin, Lerwick (SHET) 7th June Singing male near Kilmartin (ARG) 15th Apr; 1+ Taynish NNR (ARG) 20th Apr; two Aros, Mull (ARG) 21st Apr; one near Tayinloan (ARG) 23rd Apr; one Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 4th May; one Balvonie of Leys, Inverness (HIGH) 8th May; one John o' Groats (CAITH) 21st May Two Colliston ANG) 1st May; singing male Kirkgate, Loch Leven (P&K) 3rd May; 2+ Inchgarth NR (NES) 7th May; one Fochabers (M&N) 17th May One The Binn, Burntisland & one Valleyfield Lagoons (both FIFE) both on 24th Apr; two Haining & one Charterhall (both BORD) both on 24th Apr; one Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 29th Apr; one Doune & one Bo'ness (both UF) both on 30th Apr; one by Water of Leith near art gallery, Edinburgh (LOTH) 3rd May; one Isle of May on 4th May; singing male Northrigg, Blackridge (LOTH) 4th May; two Isle of May 10th May One Trabboch Loch (AYRS) 16th Apr; one Campsie Glen (CLYDE) 20th Apr; one Merryton Haugh (CLYDE) 22nd Apr; one near Cardross (CLYDE) 24th Apr; one Straiton (AYRS) 29th Apr; one RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 2nd May; one Cally Woods, Gatehouse of Fleet (D&G) 5th May
Blackcap One Lower Voe (SHET) 23rd Mar; two on Barra (OH) 24th Mar; one Fair Isle 11th Apr; two Sumburgh & one on Yell (both SHET) both on 13th Apr; three North Ronaldsay (ORK) 13th Apr Singing male Calgary, Mull (ARG) 23rd Mar; male Kilkenneth, Tiree (ARG) 7th Apr; two singing males Campbeltown (ARG) 8th Apr; singing male near Rosemarkie (HIGH) 11th Apr; singing male Glen Nevis (HIGH) 12th Apr; singing male Castletown (CAITH) 14th Apr; one Melvich, Sutherland (HIGH) 17th Apr Female Balgavies Loch (ANG) 25th Mar; one Blairgowrie (P&K) 10th Apr; singles Harthill & Seaton Park, Aberdeen (both NES) both on 10th Apr; one Loch Spynie (M&N) 15th Apr; arrival noted North-East Scotland on 15th Apr Two St. Boswells (BORD) 22nd Mar; single singing males at Dunblane & Cambus (both UF) both on 25th Mar; singing male Burntisland (FIFE) 31st Mar; male St. Andrews (FIFE) 1st Apr; singing male Abercorn (LOTH) 4th Apr; one The Hirsel (BORD) 7th Apr; singing male Roslin Glen (LOTH) 11th Apr; first Isle of May 13th Apr Male RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 23rd Mar, singing male on 29th, three Lochwinnoch on 10th Apr; one Symington (AYRS) 24th Mar; singing male RSPB Baron's Haugh (CLYDE) 27th Mar; singing male Lanark (CLYDE) 29th Mar; singing male RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 1st Apr; singing male Irvine (AYRS) 6th Apr; one Wigtown (D&G) 8th Apr; two Newton Stewart (D&G) 9th Apr; singing male Rockcliffe-Kippford (D&G) 10th Apr; one Galston Loch (AYRS) 10th Apr; 14 recorded on a cycle ride in Newton Stewart area (D&G) on 11th Apr
Wood Warbler One Kergord (SHET) 18th May One reported Raasay Ash Wood, Kishorn (HIGH) 17th Apr; one Strathglass (HIGH) 21st Apr; singles Grass Point & Ardura Forest, both Mull (both ARG) both on 21st Apr; two Castle Lachlan, Cowal (ARG) 22nd Apr; one Craigellachie NNR (HIGH) 2nd May One Monzie Estate (P&K) 15th Apr; one Glen Esk (ANG) 8th May 1+ Little Druim Wood, Venachar (UF) 23rd Apr; one Ettrick Marshes (BORD) 7th May; one Archerfield (LOTH) 8th May; one Bonchester Bridge (BORD) 21st May Singing male near Buchley Pool (CLYDE) 16th Apr; one Loch Lomondside (CLYDE) 17th Apr, three at RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) on 18th Apr, 10 at Loch Lomondside on 19th; 2+ RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 20th Apr; one Lylestone Wood, Kilwinning (AYRS) 8th May
Chiffchaff One Cunningsburgh (SHET) 5th Mar; one Swinister, Sandwick (SHET) 6th Mar; one Camb, Yell (SHET) 10th Mar; one Fair Isle 15th Mar; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th Mar; one Castlebay, Barra (OH) 17th Mar; one singing Skigersta, Lewis (OH) 20th Mar; one Eday (ORK) 23rd Mar One Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 3rd Mar; one Dervaig, Mull (ARG) 4th Mar; singles singing at Munlochy Bay & Gollanfield (both HIGH) both on 13th Mar; one Reay (CAITH) 14th Mar; one singing Tain Links (HIGH) 14th Mar; arrivals at Inverness & on Rum (both HIGH) both on 15th Mar; one singing Carsaig (ARG) 16th Mar; one singing Ardrishaig (ARG) 17th Mar; one Loch Kinellan (HIGH) 18th Mar; two Achavandra, Sutherland (HIGH) 19th Mar; one singing Melvich, Sutherland (HIGH) 24th Mar One Auchmithie (ANG) 12th Mar; one Stonehaven (NES) 12th Mar; one Lossiemouth (M&N) 12th Mar; one singing Burleigh Sands, Loch Leven (P&K) 13th Mar; one Murton NR (ANG) 13th Mar; one Loch Spynie (M&N) 14th Mar; 4+ Inchgarth NR (NES) 15th Mar; arrival noted Loch Leven (P&K) 16th Mar; one singing Balgay Park, Dundee (ANG) 19th Mar; six Errol (P&K) 19th Mar; arrival noted in Angus on 21st Mar; one Haddo Country Park (NES) 21st Mar Singles St. Boswells & Denholm (both BORD) both on 1st Mar; one singing Kinneil Lagoon (UF) 10th Mar; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 11th Mar; singles Thornhill Carse & Skinflats Lagoons (both UF) both on 11th Mar, seven at Skinflats Lagoons on 12th; one by St. Margaret's Loch, Holyrood Park (LOTH) 11th Mar; one Langton Mill, Duns (BORD) 11th Mar; one Longniddry Bents (LOTH) 13th Mar; one Peppermill Dam (FIFE) 13th Mar; one Isle of May 14th Mar; four singing birds Coates (LOTH) 14th Mar; small arrival noted in Fife on 14th Mar; one by River Almond (LOTH) 14th Mar; arrival noted in Borders on 16th Mar; one singing Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 18th Mar; one singing Auchendinny (LOTH) 20th Mar; 23 recorded in 5 tetrads in Borders on 22nd Mar One Kenmure Holms (D&G) 7th Mar; one Caerlaverock NNR (D&G) 10th Mar; two Locherwood Community Woodland, one Rouken Glen, one Tannochside & one South Haugh, Hamilton (all CLYDE) all on 11th Mar; one singing Threave (D&G) 13th Mar; two Glenstockdale (D&G) 14th Mar; one singing Rozelle Park, Ayr (AYRS) 14th Mar; one singing Rothesay, Bute (CLY ISL) 15th Mar; small arrival noted Ayrshire 16th Mar; influx noted Clyde 19th Mar including notable arrivals at east end of Glasgow and Cardross; three singing near Thornhill (D&G) 19th Mar; nine singing birds Fullarton Crescent-Lochgreen GC, Troon (AYRS) 19th Mar; one singing near Langholm (D&G) 21st Mar
Willow Warbler One on Barra (OH) 11th Apr; two on Fair Isle 12th Apr; singing male Carinish, North Uist (OH) 12th Apr; three North Ronaldsay (ORK) 12th Apr; four South Mainland (SHET) 13th Apr One Kinnabus, Islay (ARG) 24th Mar; one reported Fort William (HIGH) 25th Mar; singing male Ashaig, Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 28th Mar; singing male Lochaline (HIGH) 29th Mar; one Scarba (ARG) 29th Mar; singing male Cairnbaan (ARG) 5th Apr; one Avernish, Lochalsh (HIGH) 8th Apr; singing male St. John's Pool (CAITH) 11th Apr; one RSPB Insh Marshes (HIGH) 11th Apr; one Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 13th Apr; influx noted on Speyside & on Skye (both HIGH) both on 15th Apr; first Melvich, Sutherland (HIGH) on 15th Apr, one retrapped there on 17th was first ringed there on 17th Apr 2020 Singing male Balgavies Loch (ANG) 26th Mar; singing male Kinross (P&K) 12th Apr, arrival noted Loch Leven on 14th Apr; 2+ singing males RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 14th Apr; one near Inverbervie (NES) 14th Apr; two singing males Cloddach Quarry and three Loch Spynie (both M&N) both on 15th Apr Singing male Dunbar (LOTH) 24th Mar - earliest ever in Lothian; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 2nd Apr; one Almond Pools (LOTH) 5th Apr; one Inverleith Park, Edinburgh (LOTH) 6th Apr; one Dean Plantation, Crossford (FIFE) 9th Apr; singing male Manderston (BORD) 10th Apr; singing male Roslin Glen (LOTH) 11th Apr; one Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 11th Apr; first birds on Isle of May on 13th Apr; arrival noted West Lothian on 13th Apr; singing male Townhill CP (FIFE) 13th Apr One Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 16th Mar; one Dundonald Camp (AYRS) 22nd Mar; one NTS Threave (D&G) 22nd Mar; singing male Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 27th Mar; one Ardeer (AYRS) 27th Mar; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 27th Mar, two on 11th Apr, five on 13th; singing male reported Holy Isle (CLY ISL) 28th Mar; one near Stranraer (D&G) 28th Mar; singing male RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 29th Mar, three on 10th Apr; singles SWT Garnock Floods & Loans (both AYRS) both on 29th Mar; singing male Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 29th Mar; singing male SWT Garnock Floods (AYRS) 5th Apr
Spotted Flycatcher One Skaw, Unst (SHET) 11th May; four Fair Isle 15th May, 17 on 16th; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th May; one Cuithir, Barra (OH) 17th May One Castletown (CAITH) 11th May; one Craignure, Mull (ARG) 12th May; two Dalvore & one Clachaig, Cowal (both ARG) both on 14th May; one Fortrose (HIGH) 19th May; one Arisaig (HIGH) 22nd May One Glen Esk (ANG) 11th May; one Ruchilside (P&K) 15th May; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 17th May; one Hill of Glaschyle (M&N) 18th May Two Lower Kilminning (FIFE) 30th Apr; one near Whitfield, Reston (BORD) 30th Apr; one Barns Ness (LOTH) 6th May; singles Dywack & Floors Castle (both BORD) both on 10th May; one Keith Marischal (LOTH) 14th May; two Isle of May on 15th May, eight on 16th; one Deanston (UF) 17th May; arrival noted Upper Forth 22nd May One Muirshiel Country Park (CLYDE) 7th May; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 10th May; two near Moniaive (D&G) 12th May; one Glen Afton (AYRS) 16th May; one Holy Isle (CLY ISL) 17th May; singles RSPB Wood of Cree & RSPB Mersehead (both D&G) both on 19th May
Pied Flycatcher One Skaw, Whalsay (SHET) 11th May; one Fair Isle 16th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th May; one Westray (ORK) 19th May; one Creachan, Barra (OH) 25th May Singles Craigellachie NNR & Rothiemurchus (both HIGH) both on 4th May, three males Craigellachie on 22nd; one Bonawe wood (ARG) 5th June Male near Comrie (P&K) 16th Apr; 2+ Glen Esk (ANG) 11th May; 2+ Killiecrankie (P&K) 20th May, four on 28th; one Crathie (NES) 1st June One Hell's Hole, Wauchope (BORD) 18th Apr; single males Elibank & near Abbotsford (both BORD) both on 3rd May; one Isle of May on 10th May; male Glen Dochart (UF) 22nd May One RSPB Ken-Dee Marshes (D&G) 14th Apr; one Knockman Wood (D&G) on 15th Apr; one Cairnpark, Thornhill (D&G) 18th Apr; three males Sallochy-Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) on 20th Apr; male Craigengillan (AYRS) 15th May

  Shetland, Fair Isle, Orkney and Outer Hebrides Highland, Caithness and Argyll North-East Scotland, Moray & Nairn, Angus and Perth & Kinross Fife, Isle of May, Upper Forth, Lothian and Borders Clyde, Clyde Islands, Ayrshire and Dumfries & Galloway
Manx Shearwater One past Mull Head, Papa Westray (ORK) 2nd Mar; one off Brevig, Barra (OH) 24th Mar; 62 past Ardvule Point, South Uist (OH) 8th Apr; one past North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th Apr; one off Fair Isle 14th June; one from Foula ferry (SHET) 3rd July Four past Aird, Tiree & one past Machrihanish SBO (both ARG) both on 11th Mar; 16 from Rum-Point of Sleat ferry, one off Isle of Eigg & two off Mallaig (all HIGH) all on 27th Mar; one off Holborn Head (CAITH) 25th May One past Inverbervie (NES) 31st Mar, nine on 8th May; two off Montrose (ANG) 8th May; one off Arbroath (ANG) 18th May; one past Lossiemouth (M&N) 11th June One off Boarhills (FIFE) 12th Apr; one off Gullane Point (LOTH) 18th Apr; seven past Fife Ness (FIFE) 24th Apr; one past Isle of May on 15th May; 146 north past Eyemouth (BORD) 26th June Four off Maidens (AYRS) 22nd Mar, 11 on 27th; two off Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 2nd Apr
Garganey Drake North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th Apr; drake Ardvule Loch, South Uist (OH) 26th Apr; one Sanday (ORK) 1st May; drake Shapinsay (ORK) 2nd May; drake Loch of Melby (SHET) 30th May Drake Tain Links (HIGH) 23rd Apr; female Brora (HIGH) 27th Apr; two Balnakeil, Sutherland (HIGH) 28th Apr; drake RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 4th May; drake Ardskenish, Colonsay (ARG) 15th May Drake Donmouth (NES) 27th Apr; three (two drakes & a female) Stonehaven Bay (NES) 30th Apr; drake Elliot Burn (ANG) 1st May; two RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 6th May, six on 9th; drake Loch Spynie (M&N) 29th May; pair RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 31st May Pair Black Devon Wetlands (UF) 21st Apr; drake Letham Pools (FIFE) 10th May; drake Seafield Pond (LOTH) 12th May Pair Wards Pond, RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 4th Apr; three (two drakes & a female) RSPB Baron's Haugh (CLYDE) 26th Apr; drake WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 27th Apr; drake Garnock Floods SWT (AYRS) 29th Apr; female RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 9th May, two drakes on 11th
Marsh Harrier One Papa Westray (ORK) 18th Apr; male north over Dalsetter (SHET) 24th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 24th Apr; one over Mid Yell, Yell (SHET) 25th Apr; one Loch Hallan, South Uist (OH) 11th May; female Fair Isle 19th May One Totronald, Coll (ARG) 4th Apr; female Strathcarron (HIGH) 23rd Apr; female Whiteness Head (HIGH) 24th Apr; 1+ near Thurso (CAITH) 12th May One RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 21st Feb, two (male & female) there on 20th Mar; 1+ RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 9th Mar; female Errol (P&K) 17th Mar, two on 11th Apr; female RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 25th May (note birds had overwintered in P&K at Tay Reedbeds) One Newburgh (FIFE) 13th Mar, one on 30th Mar; female Black Devon Wetlands (UF) 31st Mar; female over Penicuik (LOTH) 31st Mar; female Loch Gelly (FIFE) 4th May; one Bemersyde Moss (BORD) 8th May Female over Merryton (CLYDE) 30th Apr; one reported Loch Fad, Bute (CLY ISL) 11th May; one Bridgend farm pool (CLYDE) 22nd May; male Fail (AYRS) 19th June
Osprey One Foula (SHET) 26th Apr; one Loch of Harray (ORK) 8th May; one Fair Isle 11th May; one Benbecula (OH) 19th May One Dornoch Lochans (HIGH) 17th Mar; one Ormidale, Cowal (ARG) 17th Mar; one reported Loch Avich (ARG) 21st Mar; one The Mound, Loch Fleet (HIGH) 24th Mar; one near Inshriach (HIGH) 25th Mar; one Melldalloch, Cowal (ARG) 26th Mar; one Brawlbin (CAITH) 6th Apr One reported flying west at Glen Shee (P&K) 12th Mar; one upper Donside (NES) 20th Mar; male back at SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 21st Mar, returning female back on 25th Mar; one back at nest site Pitfour Lake (NES) 27th Mar; one Forfar Loch (ANG) 27th Mar; one Lossie Estuary (M&N) 31st Mar; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 31st Mar, three on 1st Apr One Sprouston (BORD) 5th Mar; two east over Kelso (BORD) 16th Mar; one near Doune (UF) 17th Mar; one Watch Water Reservoir (BORD) 27th Mar; one Innerleithen (BORD) 27th Mar; one back on territory at Midlothian site (LOTH) 28th Mar; one Carron Valley Reservoir (UF) 28th Mar; one north Whiteadder Reservoir & one NW over Belhaven Bay (both LOTH) both on 30th Mar; singles Newburgh & over West Lomond Hill (both FIFE) both on 30th Mar; one Queen Elizabeth Forest Park (UF) 30th Mar; one north past Isle of May on 8th Apr One reported Loch Quien, Bute (CLY ISL) 17th Mar; male back at nest NTS Threave (D&G) 23rd Mar; one Loch Fad, Bute (CLY ISL) 24th Mar; one RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 25th Mar; one Loch Doon (AYRS) 30th Mar
Dotterel Three Borve, Benbecula (OH) 8th May; one Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 13th May; one Clibberswick, Unst (SHET) 23rd May Four Ben Wyvis (HIGH) 15th May; two Oronsay off Skye (HIGH) 26th May Four at An Sgorsach/Carn an Fhidhleir (NES/P&K) 17th May; two Glas Maol (ANG) 16th July Two Scald Law (LOTH) 7th May; female Carnethy Hill (LOTH) 8th May; eight near Pittenweem (FIFE) 10th May One Blackcraig Hill (AYRS) 10th May, two on 11th
Whimbrel One Barra (OH) 4th Apr; seven Eochar, South Uist (OH) 15th Apr; one Fair Isle 16th Apr; one Halligarth, Unst (SHET) 17th Apr; one Papa Westray (ORK) 18th Apr; 103 birds in Stoneybridge area, South Uist (OH) 24th Apr One Craignish (ARG) 1st Apr; one in NW Mull (ARG) 2nd Apr; one Cromarty (HIGH) 11th Apr; one West Murkle (CAITH) 17th Apr Three Fraserburgh (NES) 11th Apr, 30+ on 28th; two Findhorn Bay (M&N) 23rd Apr; two Invergowrie Bay (P&K) 25th Apr; one near Easthaven (ANG) 26th Apr Four north past Scoughall (LOTH) 30th Mar; one Lower Burnmouth (BORD) 7th Apr; one Kingsbarns (FIFE) 11th Apr; one RSPB Powfoulis (UF) 13th Apr; four Isle of May 26th Apr; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 11th May One reported near Woodlands Bay (AYRS) 30th Mar; one reported Cosyden, Arran (CLY ISL) 10th Apr; one Dowhill Port (AYRS) 13th Apr; one Ettrick Bay, Bute (CLY ISL) 13th Apr; one RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 15th Apr; one RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 18th Apr; 19 Croy Shore (AYRS) 21st Apr; 78 East Kerse (CLYDE) 2nd May, 84 on 4th
Common Sandpiper One Meavaig, Harris (OH) 17th Apr; one Fair Isle 24th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 24th Apr; one Channerwick (SHET) 28th Apr One near Dundreggan (HIGH) 31st Mar; one Loch Aline (HIGH) 3rd Apr; one Loch Craignish (ARG) 3rd Apr; one Arduaine, Loch Melfort (ARG) 4th Apr; one Grantown-on-Spey (HIGH) 12th Apr; one Westerdale (CAITH) 19th Apr One River Don, Balgownie (NES) 26th Mar; singles Nairn & River Spey, Blacksboat (both M&N) both on 3rd Apr; one River Don, Kemnay (NES) 4th Apr; one Bridge of Earn (P&K) 8th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 9th Apr; one Glen Lethnot (ANG) 19th Apr One Aberfoyle (UF) 1st Apr; one Teviot Haughs (BORD) 2nd Apr, four on 9th; two Hollybush (BORD) 10th Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 11th Apr; one Loch Gelly (FIFE) 11th Apr; one Ellemford (BORD) 14th Apr; three Isle of May on 4th May One Lugar Water, Ochiltree (AYRS) 1st Apr; one River Clyde, Carbarns (CLYDE) 4th Apr; one Pow Burn (AYRS) 6th Apr; one Barr Loch, RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 9th Apr; one River Nith near Thornhill (D&G) 10th Apr; three Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 10th Apr; two Imachar, Arran (CLY ISL) 11th Apr; three Fleet Estuary (D&G) 11th Apr
Sandwich Tern One Ardvule Point, South Uist (OH) 29th Mar; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 3rd Apr; two Fair Isle 22nd May; one Sumburgh Head (SHET) 29th May Two Embo (HIGH) 18th Mar; one Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 25th Mar; two Whiteness Head (HIGH) 25th Mar; 30 at Loch Fleet (HIGH) 31st Mar; two Port Righ, Kintyre (ARG) 2nd Apr One Nairn (M&N) 21st Mar; first Forvie NNR (NES) 24th Mar; one West Haven (ANG) 3rd Apr; three Invergowrie Bay (P&K) 4th May One Belhaven Bay (LOTH) 17th Mar; one Fife Ness (FIFE) 31st Mar; one Port Seton (LOTH) 7th Apr; two Dunglass (BORD) 17th Apr; 3+ Coldingham (BORD) 17th Apr; two Isle of May 25th Apr Three Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 27th Mar; one Millport Bay, Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 27th Mar; small influx noted Ayrshire 30th Mar including five at Barassie; one Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 7th Apr; two Sandhead, Luce Bay (D&G) 10th Apr
Common Tern One Benbecula (OH) 17th Apr; one Weisdale Voe (SHET) 24th Apr; four noted South Mainland & one Nesbister (all SHET) all on 25th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 11th May Six off Colonsay (ARG) 16th Apr; one Brora & two Embo (both HIGH) both on 17th Apr; one St. John's Pool (CAITH) 17th Apr; 20 Chanonry Point (HIGH) 18th Apr One (with 26 Sandwich Terns) Findhorn beach (M&N) 4th Apr; one Blackdog, first Ythan Estuary and one Rattray Head (all NES) all on 19th Apr; 50 at Montrose (ANG) 8th May Two Inverkeithing Bay (FIFE) 22nd Apr; one Scoughall (LOTH) 24th Apr; c.20 Leith Docks (LOTH) 29th Apr; one Isle of May on 3rd May; two Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 7th May; one Newmains farm ponds, Reston (BORD) 23rd May 13 Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 23rd Apr
Arctic Tern One Carinish, North Uist (OH) 20th Apr; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 1st May; 600 past Balranald, North Uist (OH) 4th May; fiour Bigton (SHET) 7th May; three Fair Isle 9th May, 25 on 10th Two Cnoc Bay, Islay (ARG) 21st Apr; two Brora (HIGH) 26th Apr; one Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 27th Apr; three past Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 27th Apr; c.100 Muck (HIGH) 8th May First Ythan Estuary (NES) 21st Apr; two Delnies (M&N) 6th May; no Spring records this year in Angus, first of the year were 17 at Westhaven on 18th July Three off Fife Ness (FIFE) 24th Apr; two Scoughall (LOTH) 24th Apr; first Isle of May 24th Apr, 80 on 10th May; two Kinghorn harbour (FIFE) 27th Apr Four off Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 15th Apr; 40 past Maidens (AYRS) 24th Apr, 73 on 25th; one Corsewall Point (D&G) 6th May; six Pladda (CLY ISL) 12th May
Little Tern One Eoligarry, Barra (OH) 31st Mar; two Carinish, North Uist (OH) 15th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 4th May; one Lax Firth (SHET) 28th May Two Sorobaidh Bay, Tiree (ARG) 14th Apr, 15 on Tiree, at Gott Bay on 16th Apr; four Brora (HIGH) on 4th May; 1+ near Wick (CAITH) 16th May First Ythan Estuary (NES) 21st Apr; two Lossiemouth (M&N) 4th May One Scoughall (LOTH) 24th Apr; two Pathhead, Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 10th May Two Meikle Craigs (AYRS) 5th June
Cuckoo One singing Howmore, South Uist (OH) 6th Apr; one South Lochboisdale, South Uist (OH) 23rd Apr; one Swinister (SHET) 9th May; two Fair Isle 11th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th May One Morar (HIGH) 3rd Apr; singing male reported Lerags Glen (ARG) 6th Apr; one singing Kilmichael Glen (ARG) 6th Apr; singing male reported Kilmelford (ARG) 7th Apr; one Achavanich (CAITH) 12th Apr; widespread arrival noted Argyll 14th Apr; one Glen Urquhart (HIGH) 15th Apr; one Harrapool, Skye (HIGH) 17th Apr One reported Kingswells (NES) 17th Apr; one Braco (P&K) 23rd Apr; one singing Gleneagles GC (P&K) 24th Apr; singing male Knockando-Dallas (M&N) 25th Apr; one singing Backwater Reservoir (ANG) 1st May; one Glen Prosen (ANG) 2nd May One Sheriffmuir (UF) 15th Apr; one Stobs Castle, Hawick (BORD) 17th Apr; one Glen Finglas (UF) 21st Apr; one singing Blebo Craigs (FIFE) 23rd Apr; one singing Burnhead Moss WF (UF) 25th Apr; one Barns Ness (LOTH) 26th Apr one Skateraw (LOTH) 26th Apr; one singing Glencorse Reservoir (LOTH) 28th Apr; singles Hermitage Valley & Talla Reservoir (both BORD) both on 28th Apr; one near Bavelaw Marsh (LOTH) 29th Apr; one Peel House, Ashiestiel (BORD) 1st May; one singing Blawhorn Moss (LOTH) 2nd May; small arrival noted Fife on 2nd May; one Isle of May on 11th May One Carsegowan Moss (D&G) 7th Apr; one South Corriegills, Arran (CLY ISL) 14th Apr; one singing Loch Doon (AYRS) 15th Apr; one Fullarton Woods, Troon (AYRS) 17th Apr; one singing Loch Ardinning (CLYDE) 18th Apr; two singing males on Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 19th Apr; one RSPB Ken-Dee Marshes (D&G) 19th Apr; one Dalry (D&G) 25th Apr
Swift Two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 11th May; one Fair Isle 23rd May; two Out Skerries & one Dunrossness (both SHET) both on 24th May; one Barra (OH) 30th May Two reported over Inverness (HIGH) 15th Apr; one Isle of Eigg (HIGH) 26th Apr; one Muasdale, Kintyre (ARG) 27th Apr; one Grantown-on-Spey (HIGH) 29th Apr; one RSPB Insh Marshes (HIGH) 8th May;; small arrival noted Highland on 9th May including six at Fort William; small arrival noted Argyll 10th May; one Thurso (CAITH) 10th May Two Dunkeld (P&K) 24th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 27th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 1st May, two on 5th; one Loch of Skene (NES) 3rd May; three Cragganmore (M&N) 9th May One Eden Estuary (FIFE) 22nd Apr; singles Musselburgh & Belhaven Bay (both LOTH) both on 26th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 27th Apr; one Dunblane (UF) 28th Apr, four on 2nd May; two Greenlaw (BORD) 28th Apr; one Cameron Reservoir (FIFE) 30th Apr; one Tweedbank & one Kelso (both BORD) both on 1st May; first Isle of May on 2nd May One reported Largs (AYRS) 23rd Apr; one Dalry (D&G) 25th Apr; one Castle Semple Loch (CLYDE) 26th Apr; two River Nith north of Dumfries (D&G) 26th Apr, five on 27th; one Girvan (AYRS) 27th Apr; singles Langside, Glasgow & RSPB Baron's Haugh (both CLYDE) both on 27th Apr; small arrival noted Ayrshire on 2nd May; one Clachaig farm, Arran (CLY ISL 4th May; 1+ Loch Fad, Bute (CLY ISL) 6th May; one Gatehouse of Fleet (D&G) 9th May; 6+ Kirkcudbright (D&G) 12th May
Sand Martin Five on South Uist (OH) on 1st Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th Apr; three Skaw, Unst (SHET) 15th Apr; one Fair Isle 20th Apr One Loch na Keal, Mull (ARG) 4th Mar; one Glenforsa, Mull (ARG) 6th Mar; one Harrapool, Skye (HIGH) 25th Mar; three Calliburn, Kintyre (ARG) 25th Mar; two Loch Insh (HIGH) 27th Mar, 1,100 on 5th Apr; one Westfield, Thurso (CAITH) 30th Mar; widespread arrival noted in small numbers Argyll 31st Mar; 41 Loch Migdale, Sutherland & 30 past Chanonry Point (both HIGH) both on 2nd Apr, 450+ Loch Migdale on 7th 10+ Loch Leven (P&K) 25th Mar, c.180 on 30th; five Loch of Skene (NES) 26th Mar; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 26th Mar; two Loch Spynie (M&N) 30th Mar; c.250 Monikie CP (ANG) 31st Mar Two reported NW over near West Calder (LOTH) 7th Mar; one River Devon mouth, Cambus (UF) 16th Mar; two Sprouston (BORD) 20th Mar; singles Musselburgh Lagoons & Seafield Pond (both LOTH) both on 22nd Mar; eight Gartmorn Dam (UF) 22nd Mar, c.800 on 5th Apr, c.1,050 on 8th; two Bemersyde Moss (BORD) 24th Mar; one Balcomie (FIFE) 25th Mar; influx noted Borders 30th Mar including two St. Abb's Head & 42 Teviot Haughs; two Isle of May 30th Mar; influxes noted Fife, Lothian & Upper Forth 30th Mar Three reported N over Saltcoats (AYRS) 2nd Mar; one Mouse Water near Carstairs (CLYDE) 19th Mar; one over RSPB Baron's Haugh (CLYDE) 20th Mar; one Mochrum Loch (AYRS) 20th Mar; nine Castle Semple Loch (CLYDE) 20th Mar; one Kilkerran (AYRS) 21st Mar; up to five RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 21st Mar; four Kendoon Loch (D&G) 24th Mar; 13 Trabboch Loch (AYRS) 25th Mar; one Ardbeg, Bute (CLY ISL) 30th Mar; large influx noted Clyde 31st Mar
Swallow Two Fair Isle 14th Apr; singles Lewis, South Uist, North Uist & Barra (OH) all on 14th Apr; three North Ronaldsay (ORK) 14th Apr; two Foula & one Burrafirth, Unst (both SHET) both on 14th Apr One Kintra, Islay & one Stewarton, Kintyre (both ARG) both on 30th Mar; two Torosay Hill farm, Mull & one The Oa, Islay (both ARG) both on 31st Mar; two Spey Dam & seven reported Inverness harbour (both HIGH) both on 31st Mar; one Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 2nd Apr; one Keiss (CAITH) 12th Apr Three Monikie CP (ANG) 31st Mar; 1+ Loch of Skene (NES) 31st Mar; eight Muir of Dinnet NNR (NES) 2nd Apr; one Kilmagad Wood (P&K) 2nd Apr; one Nairn (M&N) 3rd Apr; one Goynd farm, Glenogil (ANG) 3rd Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 4th Apr; one Ardblair (P&K) 4th Apr; eight East Haven (ANG) 9th Apr Two Belhaven Bay (LOTH) 27th Mar; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 27th Mar; two Lochore Meadows CP & one Kirkcaldy (both FIFE) both on 30th Mar; one Allan Water, Laighills (UF) 30th Mar; one Kirkliston, one west at Musselburgh & one west over Seton Burn (all LOTH) all on 30th Mar; at least 1 (with c.350 Sand Martins) Cambus SWT (UF) 31st Mar; one St. Mary's Loch (BORD) 1st Apr; one Hirsel CP (BORD) 2nd Apr; small influx noted Lothian 31st Mar-1st Apr; one Balquhidder (UF) 3rd Apr; small arrival noted Borders on 3rd Apr; five Cramond Village (LOTH) 7th Apr One Lendalfoot (AYRS) 30th Mar; one near Hillhead farm by Langholm Moor (D&G) 30th Mar; two Balmore Pool & two over River Clyde, Motherwell (both CLYDE) both on 30th Mar; small influxes noted Clyde & Ayrshire 31st Mar; one Evertown near Canonbie (D&G) 31st Mar; one Gatehouse of Fleet (D&G) 2nd Apr; one RSPB Kenmure Holms (D&G) 1st Apr; one Crossbeg, Bute & one Sliddery, Arran (both CLY ISL) both on 3rd Apr
House Martin Singles South Scousburgh & Levenwick (both SHET) both on 2nd Apr; one Fair Isle 26th Apr; one Coot Loch, Benbecula (OH) 27th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 3rd May Two reported Strachur, Cowal & singles on Mull at Gorsten & Ben More car park (all ARG) all on 31st Mar; one near North Connel (ARG) 1st Apr; several reported Kilchoan, Ardnamurcham Peninsula (HIGH) 4th Apr; 1+ near Ardersier (HIGH) 14th Apr; one Helmsdale (HIGH) 16th Apr; one Uig, Skye (HIGH) 16th Apr; one Loch Watten (CAITH) 28th Apr One Cruden Bay (NES) 2nd Apr; one Backwater Dam (ANG) 2nd Apr; 2+ Fochabers lake (M&N) 6th Apr; five Errol (P&K) 11th Apr; one Rae Loch (P&K) 18th Apr; one Kinross (P&K) 20th Apr One Bridge of Allan (UF) 2nd Apr; one Denholm (BORD) 3rd Apr; one Kilconquhar Loch (FIFE) 4th Apr; four Almond Pools (LOTH) 4th Apr; six Gladhouse Reservoir (LOTH) 6th Apr; one Bowdenmoor Reservoir (BORD) 8th Apr; four Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 10th Apr; one Balmullo & one Dunfermline (both FIFE) both on 13th Apr; two St. Abb's Head (BORD) 14th Apr; 2+ Killin (UF) 17th Apr; two Isle of May 26th Apr Two reported Coylton (AYRS) 31st Mar; 2+ Ochiltree (AYRS) 4th Apr; two Brodick Castle, Arran (CLY ISL) 5th Apr; one Kilmacolm (CLYDE) 7th Apr;one RSPB Mull of Galloway (D&G) 13th Apr; singles Dargavel Ponds, Bishopton & Castle Semple Loch (both CLYDE) both on 18th Apr
Tree Pipit Two Fair Isle 25th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 26th Apr; one Askernish, South Uist (OH) 1st May; one Halligarth, Unst (SHET) 2nd May One Taynish NNR (ARG) 9th Apr; one Glen Lean, Cowal (ARG) 12th Apr; three Inshriach (HIGH) 13th Apr; three Whitebog & Grey Cairn Woods, Black Isle (HIGH) 15th Apr One Comrie (P&K) 11th Apr; 1+ RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 12th Apr; one Whiteash Hill Wood (M&N) 13th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 16th Apr; two Auchterhouse Hill-Kinpurney (ANG) 22nd Apr; several birds around Comrie & Crieff (P&K) 23rd Apr Two Gordon (BORD) 14th Apr; two Thirlestane Hill (BORD) 20th Apr; two over North Berwick Law & two past Scoughall (both LOTH) both on 20th Apr; 1+ Menstrie Glen & one Drumloist near Callander (both UF) both on 21st Apr; one over Rumblingwell, Dunfermline (FIFE) 22nd Apr; one Isle of May 8th May, seven on 13th One singing near Lochend Loch & one RSPB Loch Lomond (both CLYDE) both on 13th Apr; two Glenbuck (AYRS) 14th Apr; one Knockman Wood (D&G) 17th Apr; two over Garnock East (AYRS) 18th Apr; one Balnakailly Wood, Bute (CLY ISL) 24th Apr; one Cnocan Burn, Arran (CLY ISL) 27th Apr
Yellow Wagtail Male Blue-headed Wagtail Skaw, Unst (SHET) 16th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Fair Isle 28th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail North Ronaldsay (ORK) 30th Apr; Grey-headed Wagtail Hoswick (SHET) 14th May; Grey-headed Wagtail Fair Isle 17th May, two on 18th; Grey-headed Wagtail St. Kilda (OH) 31st May One River Bothy (CAITH) 7th May; Blue-headed Wagtail Durness (HIGH) 16th May One East Haven (ANG) 25th Apr; two RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 27th Apr; one Allan Water near Greenloaning (P&K) 29th Apr; one near Hatton Waterworks (ANG) 30th Apr; single Grey-headed Wagtails at Meikle Loch & Whinnyfold (both NES) both on 15th May; Blue-headed Wagtail near Brechin (ANG) 24th May One West Barns (LOTH) 12th Apr; two Wark (BORD) 15th Apr; two Tweed Haughs (BORD) 18th Apr; one over St. Abb's Head (BORD) 22nd Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Cambus (UF) 23rd Apr; one Sauchope, Crail (FIFE) 25th Apr; two Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 26th Apr; two males Torness Power Station (LOTH) 28th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail White Sands Bay (LOTH) 6th May; one Isle of May 8th May One Pow Burn (AYRS) 19th Apr; one past Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 21st Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Fail (AYRS) 23rd Apr; male Grey-headed Wagtail SWT Garnock Floods (AYRS) 12th May; one Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 27th May
White Wagtail One Fair Isle 31st Mar; one Quendale (SHET) 31st Mar; one West Kilbride, South Uist (OH) 4th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 14th Apr One Carradale (ARG) 6th Mar; one Embo (HIGH) 2nd Apr; three Craignure, Mull (ARG) 2nd Apr; two Port Righ, Kintyre (ARG) 3rd Apr; male Lochgilphead (ARG) 3rd Apr; two near Arisaig (HIGH) 3rd Apr; one Sandside Bay (CAITH) 12th Apr; 32 Dornoch Point (HIGH) 16th Apr Three Inverbervie (NES) 31st Mar; two Porttannachy (M&N) 9th Apr; one Easthaven (ANG) 2nd May One Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 21st Mar; 2+ Fairlaw farm near Reston & 3+ Edrom Mains near Duns (both BORD) both on 23rd Mar; male Isle of May 29th Mar; one near Ashfield (UF) 2nd Apr; five Barns Ness-Skateraw (LOTH) 3rd Apr; c.15 at RSPB Powfoulis (UF) 5th Apr; one Cameron Reservoir & six Elie (both FIFE) both on 10th Apr One Silver Sands, Arran (CLY ISL) 17th Mar; one Balmore Pool & two Carbarns Pool (both CLYDE) both on 21st Mar; one Crosbie, Troon (AYRS) 23rd Mar; 10 Walkinshaw farm near Linwood (CLYDE) 29th Mar; one RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 31st Mar; one Fail (AYRS) 31st Mar, two on 1st Apr; five Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 3rd Apr; 80+ Munnoch Reservoir (AYRS) 24th Apr; c.100 Saltcoats harbour-Auchenharvie GC (AYRS) 25th Apr
Redstart One Barra (OH) 30th Apr; male Balemore, North Uist (OH) 2nd May; two Fair Isle 8th May; seven North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May; several noted around Shetland on 9th May Male Taynish NNR (ARG) 16th Apr, four singing males on 24th; singles near Nethybridge & at Carrbridge (both HIGH) both on 21st Apr; 5+ males Blackfold (HIGH) 25th Apr One SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 16th Apr; one Loch Kinord (NES) 17th Apr; two males Auchterhouse Hill-Kinpurney (ANG) 22nd Apr; several singing males around Comrie & Crieff (P&K) 23rd Apr; male Loch Kirkaldy (M&N) 9th May One reported Ormiston (LOTH) 14th Apr; one Carcant (BORD) 16th Apr; one Killin (UF) 17th Apr; singles Musselburgh Lagoons & Aberlady Bay (both LOTH) both on 17th Apr; one Huntford, north of Carter Bar (BORD) 19th Apr; male Kilmany (FIFE) 20th Apr; one Glen Finglas (UF) 21st Apr; male Ballmuir Plantation, Smailholm (BORD) 21st Apr; male Cramond, Edinburgh (LOTH) 22nd Apr; two Isle of May 27th Apr Male RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 2nd Apr; one RSPB Ken-Dee Marshes (D&G) 16th Apr; one Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 17th Apr; singing male Ring Wood, RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 17th Apr; male near Morton Loch (D&G) 18th Apr; male Loch Doon & one Glen Afton (both AYRS) both on 19th Apr; female near Dickieland, Bute (CLY ISL) 25th Apr; three males Balnakailly Wood, Bute (CLY ISL) 11th May
Whinchat One Fair Isle 8th May; three South Mainland & one on Unst (SHET) all on 9th May; one Barra (OH) 13th May Male The Oa, Islay (ARG) 22nd Apr; two males Moine Mhor NNR (ARG) 25th Apr; one Kyleakin, Skye (HIGH) 25th Apr; one near Laggan (HIGH) 7th May; one Huna (CAITH) 16th May One Schiehallion (P&K) 16th Apr; one Invercauld estate (NES) 2nd May; one Backwater Reservoir (ANG) 5th May; two Struan (P&K) 15th May One Mountbengerhope (BORD) 24th Apr; one Tushielaw (BORD) 24th Apr; male Benhar near Fauldhouse (LOTH) 24th Apr; male Holyrood Park, Edinburgh (LOTH) 28th Apr; one Sheriffmuir (UF) 30th Apr; one Isle of May on 2nd May; first Flanders Moss NNR (UF) 7th May; two Kilminning & two Glenvale (both FIFE) both on 11th May One Munnoch Reservoir (AYRS) 20th Apr; singles near Abington & Helensburgh Reservoirs (both CLYDE) both on 21st Apr; small arrival noted Clyde on 24th Apr; one RSPB Barclye (D&G) 26th Apr; male Glen More, Bute (CLY ISL) 28th Apr
Wheatear First birds noted North Uist, Benbecula, South Uist & Vatersay (OH) all on 1st Apr; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 2nd Apr; male Fair Isle 6th Apr; male Sumburgh (SHET) 7th Apr; two Papa westray (ORK) 7th Apr; one near Inganess Bay (ORK) 17th Apr One Kilninian, Mull (ARG) 20th Mar; male Camas Malag, Torrin, Skye (HIGH) 22nd Mar; one Saligo, Islay (ARG) 22nd Mar; influx noted Argyll on 31st Mar; widespread arrival on Skye & on Rum (HIGH) on 1st Apr; one Drumhollistan (CAITH) 2nd Apr One Gilston (M&N) 19th Mar; male Arbroath cliffs (ANG) 1st Apr; one Findhorn Bay (M&N) 2nd Apr; two near Ballater (NES) 2nd Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 4th Apr; male Loch Leven (P&K) 5th Apr One Barns Ness (LOTH) 24th Mar; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 24th Mar; one Auchencrow (BORD) 27th Mar;one Ferny Ness (LOTH) 30th Mar; two Isle of May 30th Mar; one Outhead, five Kilrenny Mill & three Crail (all FIFE) all on 31st Mar; male Myreton Hill, Menstrie (UF) 1st Apr One Ettrick Bay, Bute (CLY ISL) 22nd Mar; male near Carsphairn (D&G) 22nd Mar; one Byne Hill, Girvan (AYRS) 24th Mar; two Shannochie, Arran (CLY ISL) 25th Mar; one Lunderston Bay (CLYDE) 27th Mar; first RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 30th Mar; influx noted Clyde 31st Mar
Ring Ouzel Male Fair Isle 14th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th Apr; one Scousburgh (SHET) 22nd Apr One Cromdale Hills (HIGH) 27th Mar; one Gaick (HIGH) 1st Apr; three Dingwall (HIGH) 6th Apr; male The Oa, Islay (ARG) 11th Apr; male near Ardfern (ARG) 15th Apr; one Broubster (CAITH) 9th May Male Glenshee (ANG) 1st Apr; one Glenshee (NES) 3rd Apr; one Glen Effock (ANG) 12th Apr; one Beinn Ghlas (P&K) 16th Apr; five Glen Lethnot (ANG) 19th Apr; four Glen Eagles (P&K) 21st Apr; 10 Glen Avon/Glen Builg area (M&N) 23rd Apr Male Green Cleugh, Pentland Hills (LOTH) 27th Mar, two on 30th, 3+ on 9th Apr; one Leithen Lodge (BORD) 31st Mar; one Faseny, Lammermuir Hills (LOTH) 4th Apr; one Bavelaw (LOTH) 7th Apr; two Earnscleugh Water, Lauder (BORD) 7th Apr; one Dumyat (UF) 10th Apr; one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 10th Apr; four reported over Dunblane (UF) 10th Apr; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 11th Apr, six on 30th; two near Eastside farm near Penicuik (LOTH) 12th Apr; male Dunnikier, Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 18th Apr; six Caerketton Hill (LOTH) 22nd Apr; six Holyrood Park, Edinburgh (LOTH) 24th Apr; one Glenvale (FIFE) 26th Apr; one Isle of May 27th Apr, seven on 4th May Four Culter Glen (CLYDE) 31st Mar; male Nick of the Balloch (AYRS) 10th Apr; one between Glentrool-Loch Dee (D&G) 25th Apr
Grasshopper Warbler One Barra (OH) 25th Apr; one Fair Isle 28th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 30th Apr One singing near Sligachan, Skye (HIGH) 1st Apr; singing males on Luing & at Ardfern (both ARG) both on 15th Apr; one Ord, Skye (HIGH) 16th Apr; one Heights of Dochcarty near Dingwall (HIGH) 21st Apr; widespread arrivals noted in Argyll on 22nd Apr; one Noss Head (CAITH) 28th Apr One singing Kingswells (NES) 19th Apr; one singing Kirkgate Park, Loch Leven (P&K) 25th Apr; one catsebreck Lochs (P&K) 25th Apr; one Elliot Burn (ANG) 29th Apr; one Tomintoul (M&N) 3rd May One Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 10th Apr; one Kinneil Lagoon (UF) 15th Apr; one Gullane (LOTH) 19th Apr; one Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 20th Apr; one near Auchendinny (LOTH) 20th Apr; one Scoughall (LOTH) 21st Apr; one Isle of May 21st Apr; one Kilmany (FIFE) 22nd Apr; one near Greenlaw (BORD) 25th Apr; widespread arrival noted Lothian on 24th-26th Apr One RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 9th Apr; one RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 14th Apr; two singing SWT Cathkin Marsh (CLYDE) 18th Apr; one Ardeer Fen (AYRS) 18th Apr; one Corriecravie Moor, Arran (CLY ISL) 19th Apr; first WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 19th Apr; widespread arrival noted Clyde 22nd Apr
Sedge Warbler One Boisdale, South Uist (OH) 28th Apr; one Fair Isle 2nd May; one West Burrafirth (SHET) 3rd May; three North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May One Broubster (CAITH) 19th Apr; one The Oa, Islay (ARG) 23rd Apr; small arrival noted Argyll on 24th-25th Apr; singles Tarbat Ness & Cadboll (High) both on 28th Apr; one Merkinch NR, Inverness (HIGH) 29th Apr Singing male RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 21st Apr; singing male Loch Spynie (M&N) 23rd Apr;one Powgavie (P&K) 23rd Apr; 2+ Kirkgate Park, Loch Leven (P&K) 25th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 25th Apr One Drem (LOTH) 17th Apr; one singing Dingleton, Melrose (BORD) 20th Apr; singing male Cameron Reservoir (FIFE) 21st Apr; first St. Abb's Head (BORD) 22nd Apr; two Kinneil Lagoon (UF) 25th Apr; influx noted Upper Forth on 26th Apr; first Isle of May 6th May Singing male RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 9th Apr; one Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 14th Apr; one Trabboch Loch (AYRS) 19th Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 19th Apr; one Greenock Cut (CLYDE) 21st Apr; one Cleats Shore, Arran (CLY ISL) 23rd Apr
Lesser Whitethroat Five North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May; one Fair Isle 11th May; one Isle of Noss (SHET) 11th May One RSPB Insh Marshes (HIGH) 23rd May One Broomfield, Montrose (ANG) 10th May; one Collieston (NES) 11th May One Isle of May 27th Apr; singing male Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 28th Apr; singing male Seafield, Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 2nd May; singing male Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 8th May Singing male Ardeer (AYRS) 26th Apr; one Garlieston (D&G) 1st May; one Finnart's Bay (AYRS) 2nd May; one Croyburnfoot (AYRS) 2nd May, three singing males there on 3rd; one Cleats shore, Arran (CLY ISL) 18th May
Whitethroat One Fair Isle 8th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; one Newpark, Whalsay (SHET) 9th May; one Carinish, North Uist (OH) 2nd June One Salachan, Morvern (HIGH) 25th Apr; one Craignure, Mull (ARG) 26th Apr; singing male Kilmartin (ARG) 27th Apr; singles Quarryfield & Cadboll, Easter Ross (HIGH) 28th Apr One Loch Leven (P&K) 22nd Apr; one Buckpool (M&N) 22nd Apr; one Dalmadilly (NES) 23rd Apr; two Findochty area (M&N) 25th Apr; one Riverside Nature Park (ANG) 25th Apr; one Garthdee (NES) 25th Apr; one Nairn (M&N) 26th Apr; one Elliot Burn (ANG) 1st May One Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 13th Apr, 3+ singing males on 23rd; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 18th Apr; singles Longniddry Bents & Belhaven Bay (both LOTH) both on 22nd Apr; singles St. Monans & Pittenweem (both FIFE) both on 22nd Apr; one Eckford Hall & singing male Gala sewage works (both BORD) both on 25th Apr; 8+ Kinneil Lagoon (UF) 25th Apr; first Isle of May 27th Apr, 37 there on 13th May; small arrival noted Fife on 29th Apr One Pow Burn (AYRS) 21st Apr; singles near RSPB Baron's Haugh & near Buchley Pool (both CLYDE) both on 21st Apr; one Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 22nd Apr; four singing males around Troon (AYRS) 22nd Apr; one RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 24th Apr; one near Newton Stewart (D&G) 26th Apr
Garden Warbler Singles Spiggie & Lerwick (both SHET) both on 10th May; one Barra (OH) 13th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th May; three Fair Isle on 17th May One Largiemore, Cowal (ARG) 27th Apr; singles Cowal & at Taynish NNR (both ARG) both on 2nd May; singles near Skye of Curr & Easter Moy (both HIGH) both on 11th May One Powgavie (P&K) 23rd Apr; singing male RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 7th May; singles Murton NR & Loch of Lintrathen (both ANG) both on 10th May; one Dalmadilly ponds (NES) 12th May One Deanston (UF) 22nd Apr; one Roxburgh Viaduct (BORD) 23rd Apr; one The Binn, Burntisland (FIFE) 24th Apr; one Duddingston, Edinburgh & one Spott (both LOTH) both on 24th Apr; one near Haddington (LOTH) 26th Apr; one Longnewton (BORD) 2nd May; one Selkirk (BORD) 3rd May; singing male Loch Gelly (FIFE) 4th May; one Isle of May 6th May One Kilmardinny Loch (CLYDE) 23rd Apr; one River Irvine walkway, Irvine (AYRS) 25th Apr; one near Buchley Pool (CLYDE) 25th Apr; one Gartness (CLYDE) 26th Apr; one RSPB Baron's Haugh (CLYDE) 27th Apr; one Knockman Wood (D&G) 5th May; one Lamlash, Arran (CLY ISL) 7th May; small arrival noted Clyde on 7th May
Blackcap Male Barra (OH) 24th Mar; one Castlebay, Barra & one Carinish, North Uist (both OH) both on 14th Apr; three Fair Isle 15th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th Apr; one Swinister (SHET) 16th Apr Singing male Loch Loskin, Dunoon (ARG) 31st Mar; singing male Ellary (ARG) 7th Apr; male Balmacara (HIGH) 10th Apr; one Glasnakille, Skye (HIGH) 12th Apr; two Rosehaugh Estate (HIGH) 12th Apr; one Reay (CAITH) 15th Apr Singing male Balgavies Loch (ANG) 1st Apr; male Inglismaldie (NES) 7th Apr; singing male RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 9th Apr; two Errol (P&K) 11th Apr; singing males Nairn & Spynie canal (both M&N) both on 14th Apr Singing male Haddington (LOTH) 19th Mar; one Peebles (BORD) 27th Mar; singles Morebattle & Lamberton (both BORD) both on 31st Mar; singing males Menstrie & near Dumyat (both UF) both on 1st Apr; male Waulkmill (FIFE) 1st Apr; singing male Kilmany & male Methil (both FIFE) both on 2nd Apr; three singing males Dryburgh-Mertoun (BORD) 7th Apr; 3+ singing males by River Esk, Musselburgh (LOTH) 8th Apr; two near Paxton (BORD) 9th Apr; pair nest building in a garden East Calder (LOTH) 13th Apr; male Isle of May 26th Apr Singing male Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 30th Mar; male RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 30th Mar; male Battlefield & a male and a female Hogganfield Park, both Glasgow (CLYDE) both on 31st Mar; two singing males Crow Wood, Ardmillan (AYRS) 31st Mar; male Chapelton Wood, Bute (CLY ISL) 1st Apr; small influx noted Ayrshire 2nd Apr; one Brighouse, Borgue (D&G) 9th Apr
Wood Warbler One Viewforth, Birsay (ORK) 6th May; two Dale of Walls (SHET) on 9th May; six in South Nesting (SHET) 11th May; one Northbay, Barra (OH) 12th May; one Fair Isle 13th May One Loch Coillie-Bharr (ARG) 16th Apr; one Arienas wood (HIGH) 17th Apr; one near Craignure, Mull (ARG) 23rd Apr; six at Taynish NNR (ARG) 24th Apr; several singing birds Strathconon (HIGH) 3rd May 1+ Glen Artney (P&K) 24th Apr; three Pass of Killiecrankie (P&K) 28th Apr; one Dinnet (NES) 1st June 1+ Glen Finglas (UF) 21st Apr; one Longniddry (LOTH) 23rd Apr; singing male Plora Wood (BORD) 29th Apr; two Sheriffmuir (UF) 30th Apr; one Philiphaugh Estate (BORD) 5th May; singing male Corstorphine Hill, Edinburgh (LOTH) 10th May; one Lower Kilminning (FIFE) 13th May One RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 20th Apr; seven Sallochy-Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 23rd Apr; one near New Lanark (CLYDE) 28th Apr; one Craigengillan (AYRS) 28th Apr; singing male Knockdolian (AYRS) 28th Apr; singing male Loch Fad, Bute (CLY ISL) 6th May
Chiffchaff One Quendale (SHET) 10th Mar; one Fair Isle 15th Mar; one Sandwick (SHET) 18th Mar; one Foula (SHET) 23rd Mar; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Mar; one Bornish, South Uist (OH) 29th Mar One Anagach, Grantown-on-Spey (HIGH) 10th Mar; one singing Uig Hotel, Skye & two singing Merkinch NR, Inverness (both HIGH) both on 14th Mar; one singing Innellan (ARG) 19th Mar; one singing Kames, Cowal (ARG) 20th Mar; one singing Shebster (CAITH) 23rd Mar One singing near Dunkeld (P&K) 28th Feb; one singing Inchgarth NR (NES) 1st Mar; one singing Waterford woods, Forres (M&N) 2nd Mar; one Riverside Nature Park, Dundee (ANG) 2nd Mar; one Maryfield (M&N) 12th Mar; one singing Montreathmont Forest (ANG) 19th Mar; one singing Allan Park, Cults (NES) 20th Mar; one singing Milltimber (NES) 21st Mar; one Crathie & two near Loch of Skene (both NES) both on 23rd Mar; one Balado (P&K) 28th Mar; one singing near Auchterarder (P&K) 30th Mar One singing Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 27th Feb, one on 3rd Mar, 2+ on 5th Mar; one Sprouston (BORD) 1st Mar; one Longniddry Bents (LOTH) 3rd Mar; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 4th Mar, one singing on 12th; one Ravenscraig, Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 7th Mar; one Scoughall (LOTH) 8th Mar; one Seton Burn (LOTH) 9th Mar; one singing Dean Burn, Bo'ness (UF) 11th Mar; one singing Newbyth (LOTH) 11th Mar; one Burnmouth (BORD) 11th Mar singles singing near Manor Powis & Gartmorn Dam (both UF) both on 15th Mar; singles Port Laing & Wormit (both FIFE) both on 15th Mar; one singing Oxton (BORD) 18th Mar; five birds reported in Lothian on 18th Mar; first singing birds Auchendinny (LOTH) 19th Mar; small influx noted Fife 19th-20th Mar; one Melrose-Newstead (BORD) 24th Mar; two Isle of May 24th Mar Two singing Hunterston (AYRS) 28th Feb; two RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 28th Feb; one singing Hogganfield Park LNR (CLYDE) 9th Mar; one RSPB Baron's Haugh & one singing Richmond Park, Glasgow (both CLYDE) both on 14th Mar; one singing Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 15th Mar; one singing near Kirkmichael (AYRS) 15th Mar; one singing Knockshinnoch Lagoons SWT & one Bogside (both AYRS) both on 16th Mar; one singing Threave Gardens (D&G) 16th Mar; one singing Auchenhew Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 17th Mar; five singing birds reported Clyde 18th Mar; five Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 20th Mar
Willow Warbler One Brae, (SHET) 7th Apr; one Bruernish, Barra (OH) 13th Apr; two singing males Stornoway Woods, Lewis (OH) 14th Apr; one Hoswick (SHET) 14th Apr; one Fair Isle 23rd Apr; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 25th Apr One Escart, Kintyre (ARG) 5th Mar; one singing Calliburn, Kintyre, one Ardrishaig & one The Oa, Islay (all ARG) all on 1st Apr; singing male Achabeag, Lochaber (HIGH) 11th Apr; single singing males on Skye & at Morar (both HIGH) both on 12th Apr; influx noted Wester Ross, Inverness area & Skye (all HIGH) all on 15th Apr; first Tiree (ARG) 16th Apr; one St. John's Pool (CAITH) 17th Apr One Inchyra (P&K) 2nd Apr; one Rae Loch (P&K) 8th Apr; three around Dundee (ANG) 9th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 11th Apr, singing male on 15th; 1+ singing Dalmadilly, Kemnay (NES) 14th Apr; singing male Spynie canal (M&N) 14th Apr; two Rhynd Reservoirs (P&K) 15th Apr; first Inglismaldie (NES) 25th Apr Two Holyrood Park, Edinburgh (LOTH) 25th Mar; singing male Camelon Cemetery (UF) 1st Apr; two singing males Bogburn, Bathgate (LOTH) 1st Apr; one Hermitage of Braid, Edinburgh (LOTH) 1st Apr; singing male Cupar (FIFE) 7th Apr; one near Paxton (BORD) 9th Apr; one Lanton (BORD) 10th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 10th Apr; one Menstrie (UF) 12th Apr; small arrival noted Fife 13th Apr; one Mertoun (BORD) 13th Apr; small arrival noted St. Abb's Head (BORD) 14th Apr; influx noted Upper Forth 15th Apr; arrival noted Fife 16th Apr; 2+ Isle of May 20th Apr; arrival noted Balquhidder area (UF) 21st Apr One Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 26th Mar; one Myoch Burn, Girvan (AYRS) 29th Mar; one by Barcraigs Reservoir & three Ladyton Loch (both AYRS) both on 31st Mar; singing male Threave Castle (D&G) 31st Mar; one RSPB Kenmure Holms & one WWT Caerlaverock (both D&G) both on 1st Apr; singles Erskine & Merryton (both CLYDE) both on 1st Apr; two singing males Cleats Shore, Arran (CLY ISL) 2nd Apr
Spotted Flycatcher One Fair Isle 9th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May, five on 13th; one Barra (OH) 13th May; one Exnaboe (SHET) 13th May; one Smerclate, South Uist (OH) 14th May One Dervaig, Mull (ARG) 30th Apr; one Drimvore (ARG) 8th May; one Avernish, Lochalsh (HIGH) 10th May; one Castletown (CAITH) 10th May; one Aviemore (HIGH) 11th May One Tomintoul (M&N) 11th May; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 12th May; two Mains of Usan (ANG) 13th May; one Loch Leven (P&K) 14th May; five Glen Prosen (ANG) 16th May One John Muir Country Park woods (LOTH) 5th May; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 11th May, two on 13th; one by Water of Leith, Edinburgh (LOTH) 11th May; one Falkland & one Lower Kilminning (both FIFE) both on 13th May; three Isle of May on 13th May; one Dunblane (UF) 15th May One near Biggar & one RSPB Inversnaid (both CLYDE) both on 7th May; one Gortans, Bute (CLY ISL) 8th May; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 11th May; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 11th May; one Glen Afton (AYRS) 12th May
Pied Flycatcher Female Baltasound, Unst (SHET) 24th Apr; male Fair Isle on 2nd May, four on 9th, 19 on 11th; 16 reported on Shetland on 9th May including nine at Geosetter; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May, 3+ on 11th; three Deerness (ORK) 11th May; four Papa Westray (ORK) 11th May; 29 in South Nesting (SHET) 11th May; male Creachan, Barra (OH) 25th May One near Millhouse, Cowal (ARG) 6th May; one Craigellachie NNR (HIGH) 10th May, two males on 11th; one Forss (CAITH) 14th May; one Arienas Wood (HIGH) 31st May One Pass of Killiecrankie (P&K) 28th Apr; singing male in an Angus Glen (ANG) 11th May; male RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 12th May; female Fishtown of Usan (ANG) 23rd May Male Little Drum Wood, Loch Venachar (UF) 30th Apr; one Isle of May 6th May; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 22nd May; singing male Plora Woods (BORD) 31st May One RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 14th Apr, three on 17th; male RSPB Inversnaid (CLYDE) 21st Apr; two (male & female) Ness Glen (AYRS) 25th Apr

  Shetland, Fair Isle, Orkney and Outer Hebrides Highland, Caithness and Argyll North-East Scotland, Moray & Nairn, Angus and Perth & Kinross Fife, Isle of May, Upper Forth, Lothian and Borders Clyde, Clyde Islands, Ayrshire and Dumfries & Galloway
Manx Shearwater One past Ardvule Point, South Uist (OH) 22nd Mar; two past North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th Apr; two past Wats Ness (SHET) 12th May; two off Fair Isle on 25th May Several off Caliach Point, Mull (ARG) 24th Mar; two Kildonan Point, Eigg (HIGH) 28th Mar; 300 between Coll-Tiree (ARG) 2nd Apr One past Lossiemouth (M&N) 20th Apr; three past East Haven (ANG) 16th May Two off Isle of May 31st Mar; one Fife Ness (FIFE) 8th Apr, 30 on 16th May; one past Scoughall (LOTH) 20th Apr; four past St. Abb's Head (BORD) 28th May Two reported off Troon (AYRS) 3rd Mar; two Corsewall Point (D&G) 14th Mar, 41 on 1st Apr; two Maidens (AYRS) 26th Mar; one Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 1st Apr; 40 reported off Drumadoon Point, Arran (CLY ISL) 4th Apr
Garganey Three (two drakes & a female) North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th Apr; pair Loch of Benston (SHET) 19th Apr; single drakes at Frobost, South Uist, Loch na Reivil, North Uist & at Loch Stiapavat, Lewis (all OH) all on 27th Apr Single drakes Broadford Bay, Skye & Balnakeil, Sutherland (both HIGH) both on 27th Apr; pair Craignure GC, Mull (ARG) 1st May; one Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 1st May Drake past Girdle Ness (NES) 30th Mar; drake RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 13th Apr; pair RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 20th Apr; pair Loch Spynie (M&N) 26th Apr Drake Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 21st Apr; drake Whitesands Quarry (LOTH) 2nd May; two drakes Eden Estuary (FIFE) 4th May Drake WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 7th Apr; pair RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 8th Apr; drake Garnock Floods (AYRS) 24th Apr
Marsh Harrier One Loch of Spiggie (SHET) 5th Apr; one Fair Isle 7th May; female North Ronaldsay (ORK) 14th May One Loch Gruinart RSPB, Islay (ARG) 17th May Male RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 24th Mar; three (male & two females) Tay Reedbeds (P&K) 31st Mar; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 11th Apr Female Letham Pools (FIFE) 19th Apr; female Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 22nd Apr; one Tullibody (UF) 27th Apr; one Tyninghame Bay (LOTH) 19th May One RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 5th Apr; one Ardeer Fen (AYRS) 7th Apr; female RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 17th Apr; one Machrie House, Arran (CLY ISL) 18th May
Osprey One Gallan Head, Lewis (OH) 27th Mar; one Northdale, Unst (SHET) 23rd Apr; one Stenness (ORK) 30th Apr; singles on North Uist & on Lewis (both OH) both on 15th May One reported over Boat of Garten (HIGH) 24th Feb; one Loch Melldalloch, Cowal (ARG) 26th Feb; one Braevallich, Loch Awe (ARG) 5th Mar; one Add Estuary (ARG) 23rd Mar; one back at nest site Caithness 25th Mar; one near Loch Fleet (HIGH) 27th Mar; one Loch Ruthven (HIGH) 31st Mar One over Piperdam, Dundee (ANG) 4th Mar; male back at SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 15th Mar - earliest arrival date noted for the male on the reserve; one River Findhorn near Forres (M&N) 29th Mar; one Pitfour (NES) 30th Mar; one Balgavies Loch & two RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (both ANG) both on 5th Apr; three Lossie Estuary (M&N) 6th Apr One north over Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 3rd Mar; one Eden Estuary (FIFE) 4th Mar; one north over Loch Gelly (FIFE) 18th Mar; one over Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 21st Mar; one over Marchmont, Edinburgh (LOTH) 23rd Mar; one Carron Valley Reservoir (UF) 26th Mar, three on 6th Apr; one over Isle of May 29th Mar; one over Dunbar (LOTH) 29th Mar; pair back at nest site in Tweed Valley (BORD) on 6th Apr One over Drymen Bridge (CLYDE) 28th Feb; one back at nest site NTS Threave (D&G) 21st Mar; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 2nd Apr; pair back Loch Doon (AYRS) 3rd Apr; one over Lamlash Bay, Arran & one on Bute (both CLY ISL) both on 7th Apr
Dotterel Three Ness, Lewis (OH) 29th Apr; one Papa Westray (ORK) 1st May; one near Dalsetter (SHET) 17th May; one Fair Isle 24th May Three at The Oa RSPB, Islay (ARG) 23rd Apr; three Glen Feshie hills & one Cairngorm (both HIGH) both on 29th Apr Two Rattray Head (NES) 26th Apr, 13 on 6th May; one Ben Alder (P&K) 5th May One upper Glen Finglas (UF) 22nd Apr; one Ben Cleuch, Ochil Hills (UF) 23rd Apr; one Carnethy Hill (LOTH) 1st May One Lowther Hill (CLYDE/D&G) 2nd May; one Blackcraig Hill (AYRS) 3rd May; six near Eaglesham (CLYDE) 4th May; two North Arran (CLY ISL) 4th May; two Corserine (D&G) 6th May
Whimbrel Three Loch Ardvule & one Bornish, both South Uist (OH) on 15th Apr; one Fair Isle 18th Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 19th Apr; one Maywick (SHET) 19th Apr One Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 20th Mar; one Loch Fleet (HIGH) 7th Apr; two Loch an Eilein, Tiree (ARG) 11th Apr; 11 Ardersier (HIGH) 18th Apr; one Castlehill, Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 19th Apr One over Bishopmill, Elgin (M&N) 9th Apr; one Rosehearty & one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (both NES) both on 20th Apr; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 20th Apr; 15 Cotehill Loch (NES) 27th Apr; two Loch Leven (P&K) 5th May One Belhaven Bay (LOTH) 28th Mar; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 11th Apr; two Torness Power Station (LOTH) 18th Apr; 10 Scoughall (LOTH) 19th Apr; five St. Abb's Head (BORD) 20th Apr; four Eden Estuary (FIFE) 21st Apr; one Isle of May 27th Apr One Port Bannatyne, Bute (CLY ISL) 13th Apr; 11 Corsewall Point (D&G) 15th Apr; one Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 16th Apr; three Stevenston Point & one Dowhill Port (both AYRS) both on 17th Apr; nine St. Ninian's Bay, Bute (CLY ISL) 19th Apr; four West Ferry (CLYDE) 21st Apr
Common Sandpiper One Fair Isle 15th Apr; one Northbay, Barra (OH) 16th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 19th Apr; one Hillwell (SHET) 24th Apr One Dervaig, Mull (ARG) 23rd Mar; one Craignure, Mull (ARG) 6th Apr; one Speydam (HIGH) 8th Apr; one Lochlonghead, Lochalsh (HIGH) 11th Apr; one Glendale, Skye (HIGH) 12th Apr; one Brims (CAITH) 20th Apr One Ardclach (M&N) 12th Apr; one Seaton Park, Aberdeen (NES) 12th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 15th Apr; one Scone Palace (P&K) 16th Apr; four Montrose Basin (ANG) 20th Apr Three Nisbet (BORD) 7th Apr; one Carronshore (UF) 8th Apr; one Carse of Lecropt (UF) 10th Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 11th Apr; one Isle of May 24th Apr; two Dalgety Bay (FIFE) 25th Apr One Newmilns (AYRS) 6th Apr; one Douglas Estate (CLYDE) 6th Apr; two on Arran (CLY ISL) on 15th Apr; one Soulseat Loch (D&G) 15th Apr
Sandwich Tern One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 26th Mar; one Eoligarry, Barra (OH) 16th Apr; two Sumburgh (SHET) 14th May One Brora (HIGH) 21st Mar; first St. John's pool (CAITH) 27th Mar; one West Loch Tarbert & one Machrihanish SBO (both ARG) both on 28th Mar Four Burghead & two Nairn (both M&N) both on 24th Mar, 10 Nairn on 29th Mar, 54 on 9th Apr; 1+ Cairnbulg (NES) 28th Mar; 4+ Ythan Estuary (NES) 29th Mar; eight Craigmill Burn mouth & six Lunan Bay (both ANG) both on 7th Apr Three Anstruther (FIFE) 3rd Apr; one Scoughall (LOTH) 3rd Apr; four Gosford Bay (LOTH) 5th Apr; two Starney Bay (BORD) 21st Apr; one Isle of May 30th Apr One Troon (AYRS) 21st Mar; one Loch Ryan (D&G) 25th Mar; two Greenan & one Saltcoats harbour (both AYRS) both on 1st Apr; 32 past Corsewall Point (D&G) on 1st Apr; two Arran & two Great Cumbrae (both CLY ISL) both on 2nd Apr; two Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 14th Apr
Common Tern Two Coot Loch, Benbecula (OH) 19th Apr, six on Benbecula on 22nd; one Scatness (SHET) 24th Apr Nine Whiteness Head (HIGH) 18th Apr; several Chanonry Point (HIGH) 19th Apr; one Traigh Bagh, Tiree (ARG) 23rd Apr One Spey Bay (M&N) 10th Apr; five reported Loch Leven (P&K) 21st Apr; one Ythan Estuary (NES) 22nd Apr; first RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 24th Apr, 11 on 28th; 40+ Montrose (ANG) 10th May Two Scoughall (LOTH) 20th Apr; two Isle of May 21st Apr; three North Queensferry (FIFE) 27th Apr; two Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 3rd May; four River Tweed by Coldstream (BORD) 8th May; one over Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 31st May One Seafield, Annan (D&G) 27th Apr; two Irvine (AYRS) 1st May; 17 at Bowling (CLYDE) 2nd May
Arctic Tern Two Scotvein, Grimsay (OH) 13th Apr; three Clachan Sands, North Uist (OH) 18th Apr; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 30th Apr; first on Shetland on 7th May, noted at several sites; first Fair Isle 8th May One Kennacraig-Islay (ARG) 13th Apr; two Embo (HIGH) 15th Apr; three Crossapol, Tiree (ARG) 20th Apr; one Wick (CAITH) 20th Apr; two Tongue Bay (HIGH) 22nd Apr 2+ Rattray Head (NES) 14th Apr; one West Haven (ANG) 15th Apr; six off Portknockie (M&N) 20th Apr; first Ythan Estuary (NES) 22nd Apr First Isle of May 26th Apr; one Scoughall (LOTH) 4th May Two Corsewall Point (D&G) 12th Apr; nine off Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 17th Apr; four Pladda (CLY ISL) 14th May; one Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 18th May; 4+ Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 30th May
Little Tern Four Clachan Sands, North Uist (OH) 18th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 19th May First Tiree (ARG) 11th Apr, four on 20th First Ythan Estuary (NES) 23rd Apr; two Spey Bay (M&N) 6th May One Leven (FIFE) 22nd Apr; two East Lothian coast (LOTH) 2nd May
Cuckoo Singles Brevig, Barra & Callernish, North Uist (both OH) both on 21st Apr; one Catfirth (SHET) 29th Apr; one Fair Isle 14th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 17th May Two Loch Eriboll (HIGH) 5th Apr; one Isle of Eigg (HIGH) 15th Apr; one Lismore (ARG) 16th Apr; singles Kilninver & Kilmartin (both ARG) both on 18th Apr; one Achiltibuie (HIGH) 18th Apr; one Loch Calder (CAITH) 19th Apr One RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 18th Apr; one near Pitfichie (NES) 20th Apr; one Backwater Dam (ANG) 21st Apr, two on 28th; one Birse Sawmill (NES) 21st Apr; one Balcorach, Strath Avon (M&N) 26th Apr; one Blair Atholl (P&K) 26th Apr; two Glen Prosen (ANG) on 28th Apr One Roslin (LOTH) 22nd Apr; one Glen Lochay (UF) 25th Apr; one Newcastleton (BORD) 28th Apr; one Isle of May 18th May One Dalcairney (AYRS) 18th Apr; one Balmaha (CLYDE) 18th Apr; one Fominoch (D&G) 18th Apr; one Gortans, Bute (CLY ISL) 18th Apr; one Lochranza, Arran (CLY ISL) 19th Apr; one near Castle Douglas (D&G) 19th Apr
Swift Singles on North Uist & on Harris (both OH) both on 13th May; two Fair Isle 14th May; rwo Virkie (SHET) 14th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 19th May One Cromarty (HIGH) 29th Apr; birds back at nest boxes Kilmichael Glen (ARG) 9th May; two Grantown-on-Spey (HIGH) 9th May; first Thurso (CAITH) 13th May; arrival noted Inverness (HIGH) 16th May; first Roy Bridge (HIGH) 25th May One Seaton Park, Aberdeen (NES) 30th Apr; two Port Allen (P&K) 4th May; three Loch Spynie (M&N) 10th May, 10 on 11th; three Barnhill, Dundee (ANG) 12th May One Byres Hill (LOTH) 28th Apr; two Dunblane (UF) 28th Apr; two North Queensferry (FIFE) 1st May; one Teviot Haughs, one Hirsel CP & five Fireburn Mill (all BORD) all on 5th May; first Isle of May 13th May One Hogganfield Loch (CLYDE) 1st May; three Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 3rd May; one St. John's Town of Dalry (D&G) 3rd May; three Bute (CLY ISL) 3rd May; two Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 4th May
Sand Martin One Howmore, South Uist (OH) 7th Apr; one Fair Isle 12th Apr; one Baltasound, Unst (SHET) 12th Apr; 3+ Peedie Sea, Kirkwall (ORK) 15th Apr; 90 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Apr One Portnahaven, Islay (ARG) 27th Feb; one Loch Leathan (ARG) 23rd Mar; three Arisaig & one Tarbat Ness (both HIGH) both on 31st Mar; one Thurso (CAITH) 5th Apr; 110 Loch Insh (HIGH) 7th Apr One RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 13th Mar; three Loch of Skene (NES) 22nd Mar; six Tay Reedbeds (P&K) 24th Mar; two Monikie CP (ANG) 24th Mar; four Perth (P&K) 30th Mar; five Loch Spynie (M&N) 30th Mar One Innerleithen (BORD) 10th Mar; one Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh (LOTH) 19th Mar; one Belhaven Bay (LOTH) 21st Mar; two Glenrothes (FIFE) 27th Mar; two River Carron near Falkirk & c.50 at Gartmorn Dam (both UF) both on 29th Mar; one Isle of May 18th Apr Two Trabboch Loch (AYRS) 1st Mar; one Loch Ardinning (CLYDE) 2nd Mar; one Irvine Beach Park (AYRS) 5th Mar; two Craigallion Loch (CLYDE) 9th Mar; seven Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 10th Mar; one RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 18th Mar; three Carlingwark Loch (D&G) 21st Mar; five Catacol, Arran (CLY ISL) 31st Mar
Swallow One Melby (SHET) 17th Feb; one Carishader, Lewis (OH) 17th Feb; one Eochar, South Uist (OH) 26th Feb; one Peedie Sea, Kirkwall (ORK) 6th Mar; one Tresta & one Burrafirth, Unst (both SHET) both on 12th Apr; one Fair Isle 12th Apr; one Berneray (OH) 13th Apr; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th Apr One Lochgilphead (ARG) 21st Mar; one Salen, Mull (ARG) 26th Mar; three noted on Skye (HIGH) on 31st Mar; one Street of Kincardine, Strathspey (HIGH) 5th Apr; one Loch Watten (CAITH) 7th Apr; influx noted east Highland on 19th Apr Two Tay Reedbeds (P&K) 24th Mar; one RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 26th Mar, one on 9th Apr; one Forres (M&N) 1st Apr; two Milltimber Ponds (NES) 2nd Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 3rd Apr; one Loch Spynie (M&N) 4th Apr; 2+ RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 6th Apr; small arrival noted Moray & Nairn 12th Apr One Belhaven Bay (LOTH) 21st Mar; one Skateraw (LOTH) 31st Mar; one Gartmorn Dam (UF) 2nd Apr; four Nisbet (BORD) 3rd Apr; three Loch Gelly, 2+ Angle Park GPs & five at Kilconquhar Loch (all FIFE) all on 6th Apr; six Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 6th Apr; one Isle of May 17th Apr One RSPB Ken-Dee Marshes (D&G) 20th Mar; one RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 24th Mar; 1+ St. John's Town of Dalry (D&G) 29th Mar; four Mochrum Loch (AYRS) 2nd Apr; first WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 2nd Apr; three Castle Semple Loch & 2+ Strathclyde Loch (both CLYDE) both on 3rd Apr; one Trabboch Loch & one Irvine (both AYRS) both on 4th Apr; one Dippen, Arran (CLY ISL) 6th Apr
House Martin 4+ Burland, Trondra (SHET) 16th Feb; one Norwick, Unst (SHET) 2nd Mar; two Brevig, Barra (OH) 30th Mar; one Fair Isle 18th Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Apr One Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 17th Feb; one Rhunahaorine Point (ARG) 19th Feb; one Ullapool (HIGH) 29th Mar; one Lechuary (ARG) 29th Mar; one Fortrose (HIGH) 11th Apr; small arrival noted Highland on 20th Apr; one Castletown (CAITH) 20th Apr Two reported Tay Reedbeds (P&K) 24th Mar; three St. Cyrus (NES) 25th Mar; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 28th Mar; one Loch Leven (P&K) 7th Apr; three Meikle Loch & one Loch of Skene (both NES) both on 12th Apr; one Fogwatt & three Broom of Moy (both M&N) both on 12th Apr; one Monikie CP (ANG) 14th Apr; two Scone Palace (P&K) 16th Apr Two Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 25th Mar; two Seafield Pond (LOTH) 1st Apr; one Kinbuck (UF) 5th Apr; three Kilconquhar Loch (FIFE) 6th Apr; one Tweedbank (BORD) 7th Apr; four Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 9th Apr; one Isle of May 19th Apr One reported near Dalbeattie (D&G) 29th Mar; 1+ Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 3rd Apr; one RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 4th Apr; two Helensburgh (CLYDE) 4th Apr; one Tarbolton (AYRS) 5th Apr; first WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 7th Apr; one Seaward, Kirkcudbright Bay (D&G) 8th Apr; one Collennan (AYRS) 13th Apr; four Newton Hill, Arran (CLY ISL) 14th Apr; first St. John's Town of Dalry (D&G) 15th Apr
Tree Pipit One Fair Isle 17th Apr; one South Nesting (SHET) 18th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 22nd Apr; one Creachan, Barra (OH) 2nd May One Clachaig, Cowal (ARG) 31st Mar; one Croggan, Mull (ARG) 11th Apr; one Hill of Fortrose (HIGH) 18th Apr; small arrival noted Highland on 20th Apr; one Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 23rd Apr One New Kinord (NES) 10th Apr; six near Comrie, one near Gleneagles & three Glen Artney (all P&K) all on 19th Apr; three Dulsie-Drynachan (M&N) 20th Apr; two Glen Prosen (ANG) 30th Apr One St. Abb's Head (BORD) 30th Mar; one Saltoun Big Wood (LOTH) 14th Apr; one Isle of May 18th Apr; one Kinneil Lagoon & two Trian (both UF) both on 19th Apr; three Scoughall (LOTH) 19th Apr; 1+ Fife Ness area (FIFE) 20th Apr; one Dowlaw (BORD) 21st Apr; two Redmyre (FIFE) 22nd Apr One Gala Lane near Loch Doon (AYRS) 10th Apr; one Gartocharn (CLYDE) 17th Apr; two over Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 18th Apr; five Knockman Wood & one Garlies Wood (both D&G) both on 18th Apr; one Corriecravie Moor, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th Apr
Yellow Wagtail One Fair Isle 22nd Apr; one Out Skerries & one Sumburgh (both SHET) both on 26th Apr; male Blue-headed Wagtail North Ronaldsay (ORK) 1st May; Grey-headed Wagtail on Fair Isle on 13th May; Grey-headed Wagtail Balranald RSPB, North Uist (OH) 17th May; one Gearreaidh Gall, North Uist (OH) 17th May; Grey-headed Wagtail Isle of Noss (SHET) 18th May; two Grey-headed Wagtails Out Skerries (SHET) 19th May Male Black-headed Wagtail Trumpan, Skye (HIGH) 26th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Balnakeil, Sutherland (HIGH) 2nd May, three Blue-headed and one Yellow Wagtail all there on 19th May; one Loch a' Phuill, Tiree (ARG) 8th May Male West Haven (ANG) 22nd Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 25th Apr Blue-headed Wagtail Letham Pools (FIFE) 17th Apr; male Grey-headed Wagtail Torness Power Station-Skateraw (LOTH) 18th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Skinflats (UF) 18th Apr; five (including two Blue-headeds) at Belhaven Bay (LOTH) on 20th Apr; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 23rd Apr; one Kilminning (FIFE) 25th Apr; male Grey-headed Wagtail St. Abb's Head(BORD) 10th May; one Isle of May 18th May One Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 2nd May; Blue-headed Wagtail Munnoch Reservoir (AYRS) 12th May; male Kilmory, Arran (CLY ISL) 31st May
White Wagtail One Lund, Unst (SHET) 31st Mar; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 5th Apr; two Balranald, North Uist (OH) 6th Apr; two Fair Isle 6th Apr Two Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 25th Mar; one Thurso (CAITH) 29th Mar; one Sorobaidh Bay, Tiree (ARG) 5th Apr; one Balnakeil Bay (HIGH) 5th Apr; 47 Dornoch Point (HIGH) 21st Apr One Loch of Skene (NES) 2nd Apr; one Spey Bay (M&N) 14th Apr; two Loch Leven (P&K) 16th Apr; one near Carnoustie (ANG) 18th Apr Singles Kilminning & Kingsbarns (both FIFE) both on 23rd Mar; two Newmains farm, Reston & one St. Abb's Head (both BORD) both on 23rd Mar; one Barns Ness (LOTH) 28th Mar; one Skinflats (UF) 29th Mar, 25+ on 18th Apr; one Isle of May 29th Mar One Clarkston (CLYDE) 2nd Apr; one Fail (AYRS) 2nd Apr; one Kilpatrick Point, Arran (CLY ISL) 4th Apr; 8+ RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 6th Apr; two WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 7th Apr; c.25 Seamill, four Maidens & one Blairbowie (all AYRS) all on 10th Apr
Redstart Male Fair Isle 16th Apr, three on 21st, 47 on 20th May; male North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th Apr; singles Culsetter, Quendale & on Whalsay (all SHET) all on 23rd Apr One Balevullin, Tiree (ARG) 11th Apr; male Loch Loskin, Dunoon (ARG) 12th Apr; male Tordarroch (HIGH) 20th Apr; male near Glenurquhart farm, Black Isle (HIGH) 21st Apr Two Glen Artney, one Invergeldie & three near Comrie (all P&K) all on 19th Apr; female Barry Buddon (ANG) 22nd Apr; two New Kinord (NES) 23rd Apr; male Dulsie (M&N) 27th Apr Male Isle of May 16th Apr; one Torness Power Station (LOTH) 18th Apr; 3+ males Lanrick near Doune (UF) 20th Apr; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 20th Apr; male Kilminning (FIFE) 20th Apr First RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 10th Apr; two RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 13th Apr; single males Craigencallie Wood & Ness Glen (both AYRS) both on 18th Apr
Whinchat Male Fair Isle 23rd Apr; male North Ronaldsay (ORK) 24th Apr; one Geosetter (SHET) 24th Apr; singles Barra & South Uist (both OH) both on 10th May Male Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 20th Apr; two The Oa, Islay (ARG) 22nd Apr; two males Dunvegan area, Skye (HIGH) 23rd Apr; one Loch Fleet (HIGH) 25th Apr Male near Backwater Dam (ANG) 28th Apr; one Little Glen Shee (P&K) 28th Apr; one Loch Davan (NES) 9th May; one Ethie Mains (ANG) 18th May; one Girdle Ness (NES) 19th May One Isle of May 20th Apr; one Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh (LOTH) 20th Apr; one Little France, Edinburgh (LOTH) 22nd Apr; two Glen Lochay (UF) 25th Apr; male St. Abb's Head (BORD) 27th Apr; male Kilminning (FIFE) 19th May Male Corriecravie Moor, Arran (CLY ISL) 18th Apr; one Ettrick, Bute (CLY ISL) 19th Apr; male Slot Burn (AYRS) 20th Apr; one Keir Hills (D&G) 20th Apr; one Durisdeer (D&G) 21st Apr; three Culter Glen (CLYDE) 22nd Apr
Wheatear One Clachan Sands, North Uist (OH) 26th Mar; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Mar; one Colvadale, Unst (SHET) 31st Mar; one Fair Isle 1st Apr One Tayinloan (ARG) 27th Feb; one Loch Spelve, Mull (ARG) 21st Mar; one Kilmory, Rum (HIGH) 22nd Mar; one Torrin, Skye (HIGH) 23rd Mar, three on Skye on 25th; one Moine Mhor NNR (ARG) 24th Mar; male Stoer (HIGH) 25th Mar; one Achreamie (CAITH) 26th Mar Male Carnoustie (ANG) 21st Mar; one Aberfeldy (P&K) 23rd Mar; one Spey Bay (M&N) 26th Mar; five Kingston, one Lossiemouth & one Findhorn (all M&N) all on 30th Mar; one Girdle Ness & one Glen Muick (both NES) both on 5th Apr; six Little Glen Shee (P&K) 7th Apr One Dunbar (LOTH) 9th Mar; male Pathhead, Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 10th Mar; one near Loch Glow (FIFE) 23rd Mar; one Birgham & five St. Abb's Head (both BORD) both on 23rd Mar; five males Faseny Bridge (LOTH) 26th Mar; first Isle of May 28th Mar; two Longcarse (UF) 2nd Apr One near Grobdale (D&G) 21st Mar; one Craigeach Fell (D&G) 23rd Mar; one Whitefarland, Arran (CLY ISL) 24th Mar; two males Daer Reservoir (CLYDE) 25th Mar; five Mull of Galloway (D&G) 27th Mar; one Loch Doon (AYRS) 29th Mar, 3+ on 31st
Ring Ouzel One Papa Westray (ORK) 30th Mar; one Fair Isle 4th Apr; one Quendale (SHET) 17th Apr Male Staffin, Skye (HIGH) 25th Mar; male Cairngorm (HIGH) 29th Mar; 1+ The Oa, Islay (ARG) 11th Apr; one Brims (CAITH) 26th Apr Singles near Newton Bridge & Sma' Glen (both P&K) both on 5th Apr; one Glen Ey (NES) 8th Apr; one Loch Lee (ANG) 11th Apr Male Faseny Bridge (LOTH) 26th Mar; one Broughton (BORD) 31st Mar; male Isle of May 7th Apr One Mennock Pass (D&G) 1st Apr; two males Culter Glen (CLYDE) 6th Apr; male North Sannox farm, Arran (CLY ISL) 7th Apr; male Nick o' the Balloch (AYRS) 10th Apr
Grasshopper Warbler One on Fetlar (SHET) 20th Apr; two Fair Isle 22nd Apr; one Newmarket, Stornoway, Lewis (OH) 22nd Apr; three on Barra (OH) 23rd Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 25th Apr One singing Lochgilphead meadows (ARG) 16th Apr; two on Islay, one Cairnbaan & one Dervaig, Mull (all ARG) all on 18th Apr; one Portree, Skye (HIGH) 19th Apr; one Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 20th Apr; one Moy Island, Brahan & one Rosemarkie (both HIGH) both on 21st Apr; one Westerdale (CAITH) 25th Apr One Inchgarth NR (NES) 20th Apr; one Findhorn Bay (M&N) 21st Apr; one North Kinkell (P&K) 21st Apr; one Bardmony (P&K) 22nd Apr; two Montrose Basin (ANG) 27th Apr One Isle of May 17th Apr; singles Kinneil Lagoon & Skinflats Lagoons (both UF) both on 19th Apr; two Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 19th Apr; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 19th Apr; small arrival noted Lothian on 20th Apr; singles Rossie Bog & Wilderness GP (both FIFE) both on 21st Apr One reported Cathkin Marsh SWT (CLYDE) 12th Apr; one Shewalton Wood (AYRS) 17th Apr; one Carstramon Wood (D&G) 17th Apr; one Imachar, Arran & one Glenmore, Bute (both CLY ISL) both on 19th Apr; small arrival noted Ayrshire on 19th Apr; one Balgray Reservoir & one near Shotts (both CLYDE) both on 19th Apr
Sedge Warbler One Fair Isle 22nd Apr; one Haroldswick, Unst (SHET) 24th Apr; one Grean, Barra (OH) 25th Apr; 5+ North Ronaldsay (ORK) 13th May One Loch Craignish (ARG) 20th Apr; one The Oa RSPB, Islay (ARG) 22nd Apr; singles on Skye & Isle of Rum (both HIGH) both on 23rd Apr; arrival noted Argyll on 23rd Apr; one Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 24th Apr; one Castletown (CAITH) 25th Apr One Loch of Skene (NES) 20th Apr; one Port Allen (P&K) 20th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 21st Apr; first Loch Spynie & one Portknockie (both M&N) both on 28th Apr One Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 19th Apr; five Skinflats Lagoons & one Cambus (both UF) both on 20th Apr; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 20th Apr; one Loch Gelly (FIFE) 21st Apr; first Isle of May 8th May One Greenan (AYRS) 17th Apr; one Balgray Reservoir (CLYDE) 19th Apr; small influx noted Ayrshire, including three at Garnock Lagoons, on 19th Apr; one Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock, one near Carsethorn & three near Tongland (all D&G) all on 20th Apr
Lesser Whitethroat One Fair Isle 23rd Apr; one Culsetter (SHET) 23rd Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 24th Apr; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 17th May One Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 24th Apr; one Dounreay (CAITH) 25th Apr; one Carnan Mor, Tiree (ARG) 13th May One Inverbervie (NES) 21st Apr; one Mains of Usan (ANG) 26th Apr One St. Abb's Head (BORD) 22nd Apr, three on 27th; three Isle of May 22nd Apr; one Pencaitland railway walk (LOTH) 24th Apr; one Anstruther & 2+ at Kilminning (both FIFE) both on 25th Apr; one Barns Ness (LOTH) 27th Apr One reported Greenan (AYRS) 19th Apr; one Merryton (CLYDE) 21st Apr; one Garnock Lagoons (AYRS) 22nd Apr; one Catacol, Arran (CLY ISL) 1st May
Whitethroat One Quendale (SHET) 23rd Apr; Fair Isle 24th Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 27th Apr; one Creachan, Barra (OH) 2nd May Male Port Charlotte, Islay (ARG) 19th Apr; one Cadboll Point (HIGH) 22nd Apr; one Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 23rd Apr; two Newhall (HIGH) 25th Apr; 2+ Dunbeath (CAITH) 9th May One Tay Reedbeds (P&K) 16th Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 22nd Apr; one Megginch (P&K) 24th Apr; two Lossie Estuary (M&N) 25th Apr; one Barry Buddon (ANG) 27th Apr One Isle of May 17th Apr; one Townhead Wood (LOTH) 17th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 18th Apr, two on 19th; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 19th Apr, three on 20th; small arrival noted Borders 21st Apr; one Kilminning (FIFE) 21st Apr; one near Skateraw (LOTH) 22nd Apr Singing male Palacerigg CP (CLYDE) 12th Apr; one Irvine (AYRS) 19th Apr; male Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th Apr; singles near Prestonmill & Carsluith (both D&G) both on 20th Apr; one Balgray Reservoir (CLYDE) 22nd Apr
Garden Warbler One Whalsay (SHET) 23rd Apr; one Fair Isle 29th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th May; one Castlebay, Barra (OH) 17th May One Castletown (CAITH) 25th Apr; one Inverawe (ARG) 30th Apr; single singing males Barnluasgan & Crinan Wood plus one at Balephuil, Tiree (all ARG) all on 1st May; one Insh Marshes RSPB (HIGH) 14th May One Seaside (P&K) 30th Apr; one near Bridge of Earn (P&K) 1st May; one Inchgarth NR (NES) 1st May; one Claverhouse, Dundee (ANG) 6th May; one Kemnay (NES) 9th May One Pressmennan Lake (LOTH) 17th Apr; one near Tentsmuir Forest (FIFE) 26th Apr; one Straiton Pond (LOTH) 28th Apr; one Westerside Dean (BORD) 29th Apr; two Lindores Loch (FIFE) 4th May; one Loch Rusky (UF) 6th May; two Isle of May 8th May One singing Fullarton Woods, Troon (AYRS) 21st Apr; two Rowardennan area, Loch Lomondside (CLYDE) 28th Apr; arrival noted Ayrshire on 2nd May
Blackcap Male Carnan, South Uist (OH) 30th Mar; male Northbay, Barra (OH) 31st Mar; one Fair Isle 9th Apr; one Ungirsta, Unst (SHET) 11th Apr; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th Apr One Kinnabus, Islay (ARG) 3rd Apr; male Balinoe, Tiree (ARG) 5th Apr; male Uig, Skye (HIGH) 12th Apr; singing male Craig Phadrig, Inverness (HIGH) 14th Apr; female Loch Watten (CAITH) 17th Apr; singing male Torlundy, Fort William (HIGH) 18th Apr Male Riverside Nature Park (ANG) 30th Mar; one Milltimber (NES) 4th Apr; male & female near Perth (P&K) 9th Apr; singing male Levenmouth, Loch Leven (P&K) 10th Apr; single singing males Monikie CP & Craigmill Burn (both ANG) both on 11th Apr; singing male Darkland (M&N) 12th Apr, five singing males Moray & Nairn on 13th Apr One Dunblane (UF) 2nd Apr; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 5th Apr, two on 9th; one Duddingston Loch (LOTH) 7th Apr; male Isle of May 7th Apr; at least 3 singing males Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 13th Apr; two Lochore Meadows CP (FIFE) 14th Apr Male Linn Park (CLYDE) 2nd Apr; one Castle Douglas (D&G) 3rd Apr; singing male Troon (AYRS) 5th Apr, two on 7th; two singing males Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 6th Apr; two males Ballantrae (AYRS) 6th Apr; small influx noted Clyde 9th Apr; three near Southwick Church (D&G) 9th Apr
Wood Warbler One Kergord (SHET) 24th Apr; one Creachan, Barra (OH) 29th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 30th Apr; two Fair Isle 18th May; one Stornoway Woods, Lewis (OH) 21st May Two Anagach, Grantown-on-Spey & two singing Druimindarroch, Arisaig (both HIGH) both on 19th Apr; one singing Quinish, Mull (ARG) 21st Apr; one singing Roy Bridge (HIGH) 7th May; one Isle of Canna (HIGH) 8th May; one singing St. John's Pool (CAITH) 14th May; one singing Balnakeil, Sutherland (HIGH) 17th May One Monzie Wood (P&K) 21st Apr One Glen Lochay (UF) 25th Apr; one Hillend Park (LOTH) 25th Apr; one Denburn Wood (FIFE) 26th Apr; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 26th Apr; one Isle of May 18th May One RSPB Inversnaid (CLYDE) 20th Apr; one Ness Glen (AYRS) 20th Apr; one Fullarton Woods, Troon (AYRS) 21st Apr; one Knockman Wood (D&G) 22nd Apr; one near Pirnmill, Arran (CLY ISL) 17th May
Chiffchaff One Norwick, Unst (SHET) 19th Mar; one Bakkasetter (SHET) 25th Mar; one Fair Isle 29th Mar; five on Barra (OH) on 30th Mar; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 30th Mar, 18 on 5th Apr One Achvarasdal (CAITH) 13th Mar; one singing Kinellan (HIGH) 24th Mar; one Java, Mull (ARG) 25th Mar; one singing Merkinch LNR, Inverness (HIGH) 25th Mar; one Strachur, Cowal (ARG) 29th Mar Single singing males Loch Spynie & Waterford (both M&N) both on 2nd Mar, two at Waterford on 20th; one Girdle Ness (NES) 10th Mar; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 21st Mar, three on 23rd; one Loch Leven (P&K) 21st Mar; at least two singing at Port Allen (P&K) 31st Mar One Hirsel CP (BORD) 3rd Mar; one Galashiels (BORD) 6th Mar; one Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 17th Mar; one singing Cameron Reservoir (FIFE) 18th Mar; one Duddingston Loch (LOTH) 19th Mar; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 19th Mar, 5 on 22nd, 12 on 9th Apr; singing male Coates by Longniddry (LOTH) 21st Mar; two Newburgh & six Cullaloe NR (both FIFE) both on 22nd Mar; one Isle of May 25th Mar One singing Barclaugh Wood, Coylton (AYRS) 26th Feb; one Trabboch Loch (AYRS) 3rd Mar; one RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 3rd Mar; singles singing Erskine & Adder's Gill (both CLYDE) both on 17th Mar; small influx noted Ayrshire 21st Mar; two Doach Wood, Gelston (D&G) 21st Mar; one Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 23rd Mar
Willow Warbler First Fair Isle 13th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 14th Apr; 4+ singing males North Loch Eynort, South Uist (OH) 15th Apr; one Norwick, Unst (SHET) 16th Apr One singing Drumbuie, Lochalsh (HIGH) 6th Apr; two singing males Kilmichael Glen (ARG) 7th Apr; one Torlundy, Fort William (HIGH) 9th Apr; one St, John's Pool (CAITH) 10th Apr; singles at Broadford, Skye & on Isle of Eigg (both HIGH) both on 10th Apr, five singing birds reported on Skye on 11th; influx noted Argyll 11th Apr; one Inverpolly (HIGH) 12th Apr; large influx noted Highland on 20th Apr Singing male reported Torrieston (M&N) 25th Mar; singing male reported Inchmarlo (NES) 26th Mar; one Milltimber (NES) 8th Apr; one Murton NR (ANG) 9th Apr; one Levenmouth, Loch Leven (P&K) 9th Apr; one Rumachroy (M&N) 12th Apr One Kilrenny (FIFE) 6th Apr; one SWT Cambus Pools (UF) 9th Apr; one Hillend ski centre (LOTH) 9th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 10th Apr; singles Musselburgh Lagoons & Seafield Pond (both LOTH) both on 11th Apr; three St. Abb's Head (BORD) 11th Apr; one near Leven (FIFE) 11th Apr; 2+ Isle of May 16th Apr One Torglass Wood near Gelston (D&G) 21st Mar; one Whitehaugh, Paisley (CLYDE) 29th Mar; one Erskine (CLYDE) 3rd Apr; one Ballantrae (AYRS) 6th Apr; three singing males Ardeer/Garnock Lagoons (AYRS) 7th Apr; one Scarrel Point, Bute (CLY ISL) 7th Apr; influx noted Clyde 9th Apr; four singing males on Arran (CLY ISL) on 10th Apr; first RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 10th Apr
Spotted Flycatcher One Barra (OH) 14th May, three on 15th; two Fair Isle 14th May; one Tresta, Fetlar (SHET) 16th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 17th May One Waterloo, Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 23rd Apr; one Redcastle Woods (HIGH) 1st May; one Crinan wood (ARG) 3rd May One Glen Prosen (ANG) 4th May; one Loch Davan (NES) 9th May; one Glen Lethnot (ANG) 12th May; one Elgin (M&N) 14th May; two Findowie & two Kinclaven wood (both P&K) both on 14th May; one near Ballater (NES) 16th May One Rossie Bog (FIFE) 30th Apr; one St. Abb's Head (BORD) 9th May; one Isle of May 14th May; one Hopes Reservoir (LOTH) 15th May; 2+ Fife Ness area (FIFE) 18th May One reported near Millport, Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 29th Apr; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 5th May; one Glen Afton (AYRS) 6th May; two near Longhaugh Point & one Mugdock Wood (both CLYDE) both on 11th May; one Pirnmill, Arran (CLY ISL) 13th May
Pied Flycatcher One Kergord, three Frakkafied, one Bigton & one on Whalsay (all SHET) all on 24th Apr; three Fair Isle 24th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 25th Apr; one Knockintorran, North Uist (OH) 28th May One Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 24th Apr; male Craigellachie NNR (HIGH) 28th Apr; one Ruther (CAITH) 9th May; singing male Loch Tulla (ARG) 28th May Male Girdle Ness (NES) 26th Apr; one Glen Turret (P&K) 2nd May Male Isle of May 25th Apr; male Kilminning (FIFE) 25th Apr; male St. Abb's Head (BORD) 27th Apr; singing male East Lothian site (LOTH) 11th May Two males RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 12th Apr; male Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 27th Apr; male Corriecravie, Arran (CLY ISL) 3rd May; male & female Glen Afton (AYRS) 5th May

  Shetland, Fair Isle, Orkney and Outer Hebrides Highland, Caithness and Argyll North-East Scotland, Moray & Nairn, Angus and Perth & Kinross Fife, Isle of May, Upper Forth, Lothian and Borders Clyde, Clyde Islands, Ayrshire and Dumfries & Galloway
Manx Shearwater Two past Ardvule Point, South Uist (OH) 23rd Mar; one past North Ronaldsay (ORK) 11th Apr; one off Fair Isle 10th May; three off Sumburgh Head (SHET) 9th June 10+ off Sorobaidh Bay, Tiree (ARG) 22nd Mar; one off Kildonan, Isle of Eigg (HIGH) 23rd Mar; one Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 2nd Apr; 300 off NW Mull (ARG) 5th Apr; one off Holborn Head (CAITH) 25th May One past Girdle Ness (NES) 14th Apr; one past Lossiemouth (M&N) 22nd Apr; 12 past Craigmill Burn (ANG) 11th May One past Isle of May 21st Apr; one past Scoughall (LOTH) 22nd Apr; two past Fife Ness (FIFE) 3rd May 12 past Corsewall Point (D&G) 21st Mar; one past Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 22nd Mar; one past Troon harbour headland (AYRS) 23rd Mar; one off south side of Arran (CLY ISL) 26th Mar; 10 off Millport, Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 18th Apr; one past Cloch Point (CLYDE) 2nd May
Garganey Drake The Loons RSPB & a pair on North Ronaldsay (both ORK) both on 27th Apr, five on North Ronaldsay on 17th May; drake Loch Bhrusda, Berneray (OH) 13th May; drake Loch of Collaster (SHET) 14th May Pair Heylipol, Tiree (ARG) 26th Apr; pair Balnakeil, Sutherland (HIGH) 7th May, three (two drakes) on 9th Pair Spey Bay (M&N) 13th Apr; pair RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 17th Apr Pair Barns Ness (LOTH) 19th Apr; drake Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 9th May; drake Letham Pools (FIFE) 20th May Drake WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 15th Mar
Marsh Harrier One reported Clachan Sands, North Uist (OH) 20th Mar; female near Barvas, Lewis (OH) 12th Apr; one Baltasound, Unst (SHET) 18th Apr; female Fair Isle 6th May Male Kinloch, Sleat, Isle of Skye (HIGH) 23rd May; one over St. John's Loch (CAITH) 25th May; one Lochindorb (HIGH) 28th May Male & female birds at RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 1st Apr; male near Errol (P&K) 5th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 17th Apr; one near Keith (M&N) 21st Apr One Barns Ness (LOTH) 5th Apr; male & female Mugdrum Island (FIFE) 18th Apr; one over Isle of May on 24th Apr; male & female near Grangemouth (UF) 29th Apr Female RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 9th Apr, male on 14th; one Blairbowie (AYRS) 13th Apr; one near Annan (D&G) 4th May
Osprey One Eela Water, Ollaberry (SHET) 12th Apr; one over Fair Isle 23rd May; one over Claddach Baleshare, North Uist (OH) 27th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 7th June One reported Cromarty Bridge (HIGH) 13th Mar; one Aviemore (HIGH) 21st Mar; female back RSPB Loch Garten (HIGH) 21st Mar; two Loch Fleet (HIGH) 27th Mar; one Thurso (CAITH) 28th Mar; one Loch Crinan (ARG) 3rd Apr One reported Burn O Vat (NES) 7th Mar; female back SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 20th Mar; one Mossat Trout Fishery (NES) 21st Mar; one near Forres (M&N) 26th Mar; two Balgavies Loch (ANG) 27th Mar One over Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 11th Mar; singles Mugdrum Island & over Wemyss Wood (both FIFE) both on 20th Mar; one over Isle of May 26th Mar; one Carron Valley Reservoir (UF) 31st Mar; singles over Edinburgh Park, Gullane & Skateraw (all LOTH) all on 5th Apr; one Alemoor Reservoir (BORD) 5th Apr; one over Gartmorn Dam (UF) 7th Apr One River Nith, Dalscone near Dumfries (D&G) 17th Mar; male back at nest site NTS Threave (D&G) 23rd Mar; one Loch Fad, Bute (CLY ISL) 26th Mar; two back at nest sites near Gartocharn (CLYDE) 4th Apr; female back at nest site Loch Doon (AYRS) 7th Apr
Dotterel One Fair Isle 5th Apr, three on 7th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 21st Apr; two The Range, South Uist & three Paiblesgarry, North Uist (both OH) both on 7th May; two Hill of Markamouth, Yell (SHET) 8th May One The Oa RSPB, Islay (ARG) 2nd May; two near Lairg (HIGH) 10th May Three near Collieston (NES) 13th May; 5+ Carn of Claise (ANG) 13th May; present Cairngorm plateau (M&N) 30th May Four Doon Hill, Dunbar (LOTH) 14th May
Whimbrel One Stinky Bay, Benbecula (OH) 14th Apr; one Maywick (SHET) 19th Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th Apr; first Fair Isle 21st Apr; 92 on South Uist (OH) on 27th Apr One Baugh, Tiree (ARG) 26th Mar; one Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 6th Apr; one St. John's Pool (CAITH) 9th Apr; one Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 12th Apr; one Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 18th Apr One Ythan Estuary (NES) 16th Apr, three on 21st; one Findhorn Bay (M&N) 17th Apr; one Arbroath (ANG) on 22nd Apr; 17 Meikle Loch (NES) 23rd Apr, 24 on 24th; four Loch Leven (P&K) 3rd May One Scoughall (LOTH) 20th Mar, one there on 15th Apr; one over Kilminning (FIFE) 14th Apr; two Barns Ness, one over Dunbar & one Aberlady Bay (all LOTH) all on 16th Apr; one over Teviot Haughs (BORD) 16th Apr; 12 Powfoulis (UF) 21st Apr; one Isle of May 24th Apr One Ettrick Bay, Bute (CLY ISL) 14th Apr; two Hunterston Sands (AYRS) 17th Apr; two Bell Bay, Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 18th Apr; four West Ferry (CLYDE) 20th Apr, 25 on 27th; 2+ Carsethorn (D&G) 23rd Apr
Common Sandpiper One Fair Isle 25th Apr; one Loch of Voe (SHET) 25th Apr; five on South Uist (OH) on 29th Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 3rd May; four Rackwick Bay, Hoy (ORK) 4th May One River Spey near Grantown (HIGH) 11th Apr; two on Isle of Mull (ARG) on 12th Apr; two Mellon Udrigle (HIGH) 13th Apr Singles Spey Bay & Delmore (both M&N) both on 15th Apr; one Backwater Reservoir (ANG) 16th Apr; two River Tay, North Muirtown (P&K) 16th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 18th Apr; singles Loch of Skene & near Kemnay (both NES) both on 20th Apr One River Teviot near Nisbet (BORD) 5th Apr; one Seafield Pond (LOTH) 8th Apr; one Powfoulis (UF) 14th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 15th Apr; first Isle of May 12th May One Black Cart Water, East Yonderton (CLYDE) 8th Apr; one Loans (AYRS) 12th Apr; nine birds reported on Arran (CLY ISL) on 14th Apr; three River Nith near Kirkton (D&G) 17th Apr
Sandwich Tern One off Aird an Runair, Balranald, North Uist (OH) 24th Mar; one Quendale (SHET) 25th Mar; three North Ronaldsay (ORK) 4th Apr One reported Machir Bay, Islay (ARG) 16th Mar; one Loch Fleet (HIGH) 17th Mar, 32 on 31st Mar; two Chanonry Point & 1+ Tarbat Ness (both HIGH) on 18th Mar; one Ardalanish, Mull (ARG) 20th Mar; four Embo (HIGH) 27th Mar; first St. John's Pool (CAITH) 7th Apr One Lossiemouth (M&N) 18th Mar; one Sands of Forvie NNR (NES) 22nd Mar; one Girdle Ness (NES) 25th Mar; two Westhaven (ANG) 25th Mar Two Gullane Bay (LOTH) 29th Mar; two Ruddons Point (FIFE) 6th Apr; 5+ off Kinneil & two Powfoulis (both UF) both on 14th Apr; three Eyemouth (BORD) 16th Apr; first Isle of May 20th Apr One Corsewall Point (D&G) 21st Mar; singles Saltcoats harbour & Stevenston Point (both AYRS) both on 25th Mar; one Blackwaterfoot, Arran (CLY ISL) 31st Mar; one Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 9th Apr
Common Tern One off Carinish, North Uist (OH) 10th Apr; one Sumburgh (SHET) 20th Apr; six South Walls (ORK) 7th May One Whiteness Head (HIGH) 15th Apr; one Loch Gilp (ARG) 22nd Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 28th Apr; 3+ Grantown-on-Spey (HIGH) 6th May One Brechin Quarry (ANG) 17th Apr; first Sands of Forvie NNR (NES) 18th Apr; one Burghead (M&N) 19th Apr; one Auchmithie (ANG) 22nd Apr One off Scoughall (LOTH) 18th Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 19th Apr; three Kinneil (UF) 30th Apr; 1+ Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 5th May; two Anstruther, nine Dalgety Bay & two Seafield, Kirkcaldy (all FIFE) all on 7th May; 20 Isle of May on 19th May One Carrick Shore (D&G) 20th Apr; first Inner Clyde Estuary (CLYDE) 21st Apr, 14 there between Longhaugh Point-Bowling on 27th; one Troon (AYRS) 24th Apr; four Loch Ryan (D&G) 25th Apr; two Finnart's Bay (AYRS) 12th May
Arctic Tern Four Ardvule Point, South Uist (13 there on the 20th) & one Stinky Bay, Benbecula (both OH) both on 18th Apr; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 27th Apr, 202 there on 5th May; two Scatness (SHET) 30th Apr, influx noted on Shetland on 5th May; first Fair Isle 6th May One Kilmaluag Bay, Skye (HIGH) 11th Apr; one Hunter's Quay, Cowal (ARG) 14th Apr; one Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 18th Apr; one Bruichladdich, Islay (ARG) 22nd Apr; first St. John's Pool (CAITH) 4th May Two Westhaven (ANG) 18th Apr; first Sands of Forvie NNR (NES) 24th Apr; three Spey Bay (M&N) 3rd May Three Isle of May 28th Apr, 20 on 5th May; two Fife Ness (FIFE) 3rd May; eight Ferryhills, North Queensferry (FIFE) 5th May; one off Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 8th May; three Kinneil (UF) 8th May; two Tynnghame Bay (LOTH) 15th May Two off Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 15th Apr, 19 on 4th May; six Dougarie-Imachar Point, Arran (CLY ISL ) 29th Apr; 107 off Sandhead (D&G) 4th May
Little Tern Two Baleshare, North Uist (OH) 9th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th Apr One Gott Bay, Tiree (ARG) 9th Apr First Sands of Forvie NNR (NES) 23rd Apr; 2+ Lossiemouth (M&N) 28th May; two Kinnaber Links (ANG) 17th June Four on East Lothian coast (LOTH) 15th May
Cuckoo One Griomsiader, Lewis (OH) 18th Apr; two on Barra & one North Uist (both OH) both on 23rd Apr; one Orphir Hills (ORK) 28th Apr; one Toab (SHET) 6th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May; two Fair Isle 9th May One reported singing Port Charlotte, Islay (ARG) 23rd Mar; one to the N of Grogport, Kintyre (ARG) 13th Apr; singles near Fort William & Drumfearn, Skye (both HIGH) both on 19th Apr; one Brawlbin (CAITH) 19th Apr; first The Oa RSPB, Islay (ARG) 20th Apr One Ballantruan (M&N) 22nd Apr; one near Kirriemuir (ANG) 22nd Apr; singles Strathdon & Loch Kinord (both NES) both on 27th Apr; one Mains of Knockaneorn (M&N) 27th Apr; one near Loch Tummel (P&K) 28th Apr One Dumyat (UF) 19th Apr; one Watch Water Reservoir (BORD) 19th Apr; one Glen Lochay (UF) 21st Apr; one Pentland Hills & one Gosford Estate (both LOTH) both on 23rd Apr; one Kilminning (FIFE) 3rd May; one Isle of May 8th May One Port Bannatyne, Bute (CLY ISL) 8th Apr; one Grobdale of Balmaghie (D&G) 16th Apr; one Glen Cloy, Arran (CLY ISL) 16th Apr; singles Garvock Lodge & Millarochy, Loch Lomond (both CLYDE) both on 19th Apr; one Kenmure Holms (D&G) 19th Apr; two singing Loch Doon (AYRS) 20th Apr
Swift One Gramsdale, Benbecula (OH) 5th May; one Baltasound, Unst (SHET) 20th May; two Fair Isle 21st May; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 22nd May First Thurso (CAITH) 8th May; 4+ Campbeltown (ARG) 8th May; first Inverness (HIGH) 11th May; one Tiree (ARG) 14th May; three Oban (ARG) 18th May, seven on 19th Seven Levenmouth, Loch Leven (P&K) 23rd Apr; one near Brechin (ANG) 25th Apr; four Loch of Skene (NES) 27th Apr, c.200 estimated there on 9th May; 4+ Glenlivet (M&N) 1st May; one Loch Spynie (M&N) 3rd May; first Broughty Ferry (ANG) late back on 12th May One Linlithgow Loch (LOTH) 23rd Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 26th Apr; two Dunblane & one Bo'ness (both UF) both on 29th Apr; one Tweedbank (BORD) 1st May; two Kelso (BORD) 4th May; three Falkland & two Lindores Loch (both FIFE) both on 5th May; first Isle of May 9th May One Baron's Haugh RSPB (CLYDE) 9th Apr; two Troon (AYRS) 23rd Apr; 3+ Castle Douglas (D&G) 27th Apr; three Lochwinnoch & one Kilpatrick Hills (both CLYDE) both on 29th Apr; two Rothesay, Bute (CLY ISL) 3rd May; two Blackwaterfoot, Arran (CLY ISL) 5th May
Sand Martin One Fair Isle 7th Apr; singles on Barra & at Bornish, South Uist (both OH) both on 8th Apr; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 19th Apr; one Hillwell (SHET) 1st May One Kellen, Mull (ARG) 2nd Apr; one Spean Bridge (HIGH) 7th Apr; 1+ Add Estuary (ARG) 7th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 7th Apr; one Melvaig (HIGH) 8th Apr; one Morar (HIGH) 8th Apr; 42 Loch Migdale, Sutherland (HIGH) 11th Apr Two Loch Leven (P&K) 19th Mar, influx noted there 9th-10th Apr; one Inchgarth NR (NES) 28th Mar; five Loch Clunie (P&K) 5th Apr; two Loch of Skene (NES) 6th Apr; three Balgavies Loch & one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (both ANG) both on 6th Apr; five Loch Spynie one one Nairn (both M&N) both on 8th Apr Two Bavelaw (LOTH) 29th Mar; four Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 30th Mar; eight Nisbet, three Tweedbank & one St. Abb's Head (all BORD) all on 5th Apr; one Guardbridge (FIFE) 5th Apr; 10 Letham Pools (FIFE) 6th Apr; 55 Gartmorn Dam (UF) 7th Apr; first Isle of May 19th Apr One Baron's Haugh RSPB (CLYDE) 15th Mar, two on 16th, 25 on 1st Apr; four Carlingwark Loch (D&G) 20th Mar; 20+ Loch Quien, Bute (CLY ISL) 4th Apr; four Irvine (AYRS) 6th Apr
Swallow One Hellister (SHET) 7th Apr; one Barra (OH) 9th Apr; one Fair Isle 11th Apr; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th Apr Two Clovullin, Ardgour (HIGH) 5th Apr; two singles in Cowal & two in Kintyre (both ARG) both on 7th Apr; one Strathdearn (HIGH) 8th Apr; four Lochindorb (HIGH) 10th Apr; one Duncansby (CAITH) 19th Apr One Loch Leven (P&K) 7th Apr, 2+ on 9th; one Girdle Ness (NES) 8th Apr; three Tugnet (M&N) 9th Apr; one Banchory (NES) 9th Apr; one Murton NR (ANG) 12th Apr One Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 5th Apr; two Kinneil, one Tullibody Inch, one Blackness & two Gartmorn Dam (all UF) all on 7th Apr; small influx noted Borders including two St. Abb's Head on 7th Apr; one Eden Estuary (FIFE) 7th Apr, three on 8th; first Isle of May 14th Apr One Waulkmill Glen Reservoir (CLYDE) 5th Apr; two reported Annbank & one Culzean CP (both AYRS) both on 5th Apr; one Craigmore, Bute (CLY ISL) 6th Apr; one Brodick Castle Gardens, Arran (CLY ISL) 6th Apr; singles Strathclyde Loch & Frankfield Loch (both CLYDE) both on 6th Apr; one Trabboch Loch & one Dunure (both AYRS) both on 8th Apr; 20 at Baron's Haugh RSPB (CLYDE) on 9th Apr; first WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 10th Apr
House Martin One St. Ninian's Isle (SHET) 12th Apr; one Barra (OH) 29th Apr; four Fair Isle on 5th May; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 6th May; one Loch Hougharry, North Uist (OH) 7th May One Carnain, Islay (ARG) 30th Mar; one Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 7th Apr; two Foyers-Whitebridge (HIGH) 12th Apr; one Loch Flemington (HIGH) 13th Apr; one Lochgilphead (ARG) 13th Apr; one Whaligeo (CAITH) 19th Apr One RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 6th Apr; one Murton NR (ANG) 9th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 10th Apr; four Burghead (M&N) 20th Apr; two Braco Castle, two Langside Muir & two Glen Artney (all P&K) all on 20th Apr Singles Musselburgh & Skateraw (both LOTH) both on 5th Apr; one Kemback-Cupar (FIFE) 9th Apr; three Musselburgh (LOTH) 11th Apr; 2+ Tweedbank (BORD) 14th Apr; one near Cupar (FIFE) 18th Apr; singles Walkerburn & Earlston (BORD) both on 19th Apr; two Isle of May 20th Apr; two Powfoulis (UF) 22nd Apr One River Clyde, Carbarns (CLYDE) 8th Apr; two Loch Kindar (D&G) 11th Apr; one Blackwaterfoot, Arran (CLY ISL) 15th Apr; one Morton Loch near Thornhill (D&G) 17th Apr; four Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 18th Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 18th Apr; two Doonfoot (AYRS) 19th Apr
Tree Pipit Two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 14th Apr; one Fair Isle 14th Apr; two in north Unst (SHET) 15th Apr; one over Brevig, Barra (OH) 29th Apr One Gribun, Mull (ARG) 7th Apr; two Mount High, Black Isle (HIGH) 15th Apr; one Hill of Fortrose (HIGH) 19th Apr; one Glen Massan, Cowal (ARG) 20th Apr One Torlum Wood near Crieff (P&K) 18th Apr; one Gleneagles Estate (P&K) 19th Apr; one Glen Esk (ANG) 19th Apr; one Scootmore (M&N) 20th Apr; one Gairn, Ballater (NES) 20th Apr; one Glen Tanar (NES) 21st Apr One singing Tillycoultry-Dollar (UF) 7th Apr; singles over Musselburgh Lagoons & Tyninghame (both LOTH) both on 8th Apr; 3+ Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 15th Apr; two River Tweed near Birgham Haugh (BORD) 18th Apr; one Isle of May 20th Apr; one over Ferryhills, North Queensferry (FIFE) 28th Apr One reported near Muirkirk (AYRS) 8th Apr; one singing Loch Doon (AYRS) 11th Apr; five east Loch Lomondside (CLYDE) 19th Apr; one Barclye (D&G) 19th Apr; one North Sannox, Arran (CLY ISL) 24th Apr; one Balnakailly, Bute (CLY ISL) 29th Apr
Yellow Wagtail Blue-headed Wagtail North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th Apr; one Fair Isle 22nd Apr, Blue-headed Wagtail there on 24th; Grey-headed Wagtail North Ronaldsay (ORK) 26th Apr; Black-headed or Grey-headed Wagtail Isle of Noss (SHET) 10th May; Blue-headed Wagtail Spiggie (SHET) 12th May; one Vatersay (OH) 12th May; Grey-headed Wagtail Fair Isle 14th May; male Grey-headed or Black-headed Wagtail on St. Kilda (OH) 1st June Male near Neist Point, Isle of Skye (HIGH) 2nd May; one Balnakeil, Sutherland (HIGH) 9th May, two on 10th One RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 17th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Spey Bay (M&N) 13th May; Grey-headed Wagtail Cuthlie harbour (ANG) 28th May One Skateraw (LOTH) 16th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Barns Ness (LOTH) 17th Apr; three Barns Ness (LOTH) 18th Apr; six River Tweed between Birgham Haugh-Redden Haugh (BORD) 18th Apr; one Crail (FIFE) 19th Apr; one Isle of May 20th Apr; male Grey-headed Wagtail Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 7th May One Fail (AYRS) 21st Apr; one West Freugh (D&G) 5th May; male Daer Reservoir (CLYDE) 25th May; male Grey-headed Wagtail Doonfoot (AYRS) 8th June
White Wagtail First Fair Isle 23rd Mar; one Norwick, Unst (SHET) 26th Mar; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 29th Mar; one Earsary, Barra (OH) 3rd Apr Male Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 22nd Mar; one Lower Milovaig, Skye (HIGH) 8th Apr; three Loch Eye & one Gruinard Bay (both HIGH) both on 9th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 15th Apr One near Tugnet (M&N) 6th Apr; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 16th Apr; one Cairnbulg (NES) 10th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 15th Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 19th Apr One Eyemouth (BORD) 17th Mar; one Barns Ness (LOTH) 6th Apr; four St. Abb's Head (BORD) 7th Apr; seven Torness-Dunbar (LOTH) 9th Apr; two Isle of May 11th Apr; one Kincraig Point (FIFE) 14th Apr; two Powfoulis (UF) 22nd Apr Two reported Bishopton (CLYDE) 9th Mar; four Tarbolton (AYRS) 7th Apr, 42 on 16th Apr; two Porta Buidhe, Arran (CLY ISL) 7th Apr; one Doonfoot (AYRS) 8th Apr; four Cardross (CLYDE) 9th Apr; 27 Wigtown Bay (D&G) 10th Apr; 58 at West Freugh (D&G) 11th Apr
Redstart One Fair Isle 9th May; singles Scatness & Spiggie (both SHET) both on 14th May; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 30th May One RSPB Loch Garten & male near Nethybridge (both HIGH) both on 22nd Apr; singles Loch Ashie, Drumguish & Kinveachy Forest (all HIGH) all on 23rd Apr; one Feshiebridge (HIGH) 24th Apr; one Loch Ba, Mull (ARG) 7th May; two males Torrisdale Castle, Kintyre (ARG) 13th May One Gleneagles Estate (P&K) 19th Apr; one Glen Artney (P&K) 20th Apr; one Dinnet (NES) 21st Apr; one Dulsie (M&N) 22nd Apr; one Glen Prosen (ANG) 24th Apr Male Hirsel CP (BORD) 15th Apr; one Seafield Pond (LOTH) 15th Apr; present Auchlyne, Killin & Lochearnhead (all UF) all on 21st Apr; one Isle of May 22nd Apr; male near Gorebridge (LOTH) 28th Apr One Lanfine Estate (AYRS) 15th Apr; male near Balmaha (CLYDE) 16th Apr; one Loch Doon (AYRS) 20th Apr; one Carstramon Wood (D&G) 20th Apr; male Balnakailly, Bute (CLY ISL) 4th May
Whinchat Male Fair Isle 21st Apr; one Glen Noustapal, South Uist (OH) 29th Apr; singles Bakkasetter & on Unst (both SHET) both on 23rd May; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 1st June One Inverlussa, Mull (ARG) 21st Apr; two reported on Isle of Skye (HIGH) 23rd Apr; male Inverbroom Lodge (HIGH) 24th Apr; male Moine Mhor NNR (ARG) 25th Apr, two on 28th One Girdle Ness (NES) 20th Apr; one Glen Cally (ANG) 24th Apr; one Carsebreck Lochs (P&K) 24th Apr A very early report on the Isle of May on 23rd Mar, male there on 5th May; two Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 4th May; two males near Borthwickshiels (BORD) 4th May; one Glen Vale (FIFE) 6th May; male Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 6th May Male Monkton & two Loans-Troon (both AYRS) both on 21st Apr; one near Gatehouse of Fleet (D&G) 25th Apr; one Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 28th Apr; singles Balgray Reservoir & Cathkin Marsh SWT (both CLYDE) both on 5th May
Wheatear One Balranald, North Uist (OH) 12th Mar; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th Mar; one Fetlar (SHET) 25th Mar; first Fair Isle 31st Mar One Ardnave, Islay (ARG) 12th Mar; one Calgary, Mull (ARG) 14th Mar; singles near Lochgilphead & Isle of Luing (both ARG) both on 17th Mar; male Torrin, Skye (HIGH) 21st Mar; one Isle of Eigg (HIGH) 23rd Mar; one Holborn Head (CAITH) 7th Apr One Backwater Reservoir (ANG) 25th Mar; two males Barry Buddon (ANG) 1st Apr; three Burghead (M&N) 6th Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 8th Apr; one Invergeldie (P&K) 16th Apr One Holyrood Park, Edinburgh (LOTH) 17th Mar; one Megget Reservoir (BORD) 20th Mar; one Skateraw (LOTH) 20th Mar; one Powfoulis (UF) 24th Mar; two Isle of May 31st Mar; male Balcomie FIFE) 1st Apr One Maidens (AYRS) 15th Mar; male Seamill (AYRS) 18th Mar; male Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 18th Mar; singles Lunderston Bay & Ardmore Point (both CLYDE) both on 19th Mar; two WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 21st Mar
Ring Ouzel Male South Ronaldsay (ORK) 31st Mar; first Fair Isle 8th Apr, 22 on 13th, two Saxa Vord, Unst (SHET) 12th Apr; three south Mainland & one Tresta, Fetlar (all SHET) all on 13th Apr; male Glen Noustapal, South Uist (OH) 29th Apr One Beinn Mheadhoin, Morvern (HIGH) 1st Apr; four Slochd & three Cairngorm (both HIGH) both on 7th Apr; one Holborn Head (CAITH) 19th Apr; one Port Wemyss, Islay (ARG) 25th Apr One Gairnsheil (NES) 11th Apr; one Cowie-Stonehaven GC (NES) 14th Apr; two Beinn a' Bhuird (M&N) 15th Apr; two Little Glenshee (P&K) 23rd Apr, eight there on 29th; 1+ Glen Esk (ANG) 25th Apr One Isle of May 31st Mar; male Torness Power Station & one Holyrood Park, Edinburgh (both LOTH) both on 5th Apr; male Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 7th Apr; 1+ Faseny, Lammermuir Hills (LOTH) 9th Apr One Coulter Dam (CLYDE) 10th Apr; male Loudoun Hill (AYRS) 12th Apr; one Beinn Bharrain, Arran (CLY ISL) 29th Apr
Grasshopper Warbler One Fair Isle 12th Apr; one Creachan, Barra (OH) 23rd Apr; one Fladdabister (SHET) 18th May One Cairnbaan (ARG) 19th Apr; one Shurrey (CAITH) 19th Apr; 8+ singing Moine Mhor NNR (ARG) 20th Apr; two singing birds reported on Isle of Skye (HIGH) on 21st Apr; one Heights of Dochcarty, Dingwall (HIGH) 23rd Apr One singing RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 18th Apr; one Inchgarth NR (NES) 27th Apr; two Red Moss of Netherley (NES) 28th Apr; one Port Allen (P&K) 28th Apr; one Blackhillock (M&N) 29th Apr One Holyrood Park, Edinburgh (LOTH) 9th Apr; one singing Mire Loch, St. Abb's Head (BORD) 17th Apr; singles Musselburgh Lagoons & Blindwells (both LOTH) both on 20th Apr; 2+ singing Skinflats Lagoons & two Kinneil (both UF) both on 21st Apr; one Kilrenny Mill (FIFE) 22nd Apr One singing Cathkin Marsh SWT (CLYDE) 15th Apr, three on 20th; one Pow Burn (AYRS) 18th Apr; one Barclye (D&G) 19th Apr, four on 22nd; one Whitefarland, Arran (CLY IS) 20th Apr
Sedge Warbler One Fair Isle 22nd Apr; 2+ on Barra (OH) 29th Apr; singles Sand, Sandgarth & on Isle of Noss (all SHET) all on 7th May; one Northton, Harris (OH) 8th May; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; one The Loons RSPB (ORK) 9th May One near Lochgilphead & two on Islay (all ARG) all on 19th Apr; one Loch Flemington & one Ardnamurchan (both HIGH) both on 21st Apr; one Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 22nd Apr One Loch of Skene (NES) 20th Apr; one Levenmouth Pools, Loch Leven (P&K) 25th Apr; two Loch Spynie (M&N) 26th Apr; one Loch Leven RSPB (P&K) 29th Apr; two Elliot Burn (ANG) 29th Apr One Barns Ness (LOTH) 19th Apr; one Kinneil (UF) 21st Apr, three on 29th; one Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 21st Apr; five Lochore Meadows CP (FIFE) 29th Apr; one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 29th Apr; first Isle of May 3rd May; influx noted Lothian 4th-5th May Singles Lochwinnoch RSPB & Dams to Darnley CP (both CLYDE) both on 19th Apr; one Garnock Lagoons (AYRS) 20th Apr; one Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th Apr; one Kildavannan Point, Bute (CLY ISL) 21st Apr; two RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 21st Apr; two Sheriff's Port, Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 21st Apr
Lesser Whitethroat Two Fair Isle 13th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th Apr; one Eela Water (SHET) 18th Apr One Upper Killeyan, Islay (ARG) 23rd Apr One Girdle Ness (NES) 20th Apr; one Collieston (NES) 22nd Apr; one East Seton farm (ANG) 29th Apr One Kilminning (FIFE) 14th Apr; one Isle of May 14th Apr; one John Muir CP (LOTH) 15th Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 20th Apr; one Kinneil (UF) 29th Apr; one near Whitsome (BORD) 13th May One Todhill near Stevenston (AYRS) 19th Apr; one Cardoness (D&G) 19th Apr; one Greenan (AYRS) 20th Apr, three singing birds there on 21st; one Merryton (CLYDE) 22nd Apr; one Cleats Shore, Arran (CLY ISL) 30th Apr
Whitethroat Three Fair Isle on 5th May; one Norwick, Unst (SHET) 6th May; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; two Barra & one on Eriskay (both OH) both on 13th May One reported Ardtalla, Islay (ARG) 22nd Apr; one Harrapool, Skye (HIGH) 24th Apr; one Moine Mhor NNR (ARG) 28th Apr; one Munlochy Bay (HIGH) 1st May; one Loch Watten (CAITH) 12th May One reported Fetternear (NES) 21st Apr; one Burghead-Cummingston (M&N) 25th Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 27th Apr; one Auchmithie (ANG) 3rd May; one Kirkstyle (P&K) 6th May One Barns Ness (LOTH) 19th Apr; one Kinneil (UF) 21st Apr, six on 29th; one Blindwells (LOTH) 21st Apr; one Kilmany (FIFE) 28th Apr; one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 29th Apr; two Kilminning (FIFE) 29th Apr; three on Isle of May 4th May; influx noted Lothian on 4th-5th May Singing male Dams to Darnley CP (CLYDE) 19th Apr; one Greenan (AYRS) 21st Apr; one Gypsy Pool, Loans (AYRS) 22nd Apr; one Mainsriddle (D&G) 23rd Apr; small influx noted Clyde & Ayrshire on 27th Apr; three on west side of Great Cumbrae & one Sliddery, Arran (both CLY ISL) both on 27th Apr
Garden Warbler One Fair Isle 4th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May; one Isle of Noss (SHET) 9th May One Brenfield, Ardrishaig (ARG) 4th May; one near Fort William (HIGH) 12th May; one Thurso (CAITH) 18th May One Inchberry (M&N) 29th Apr; one near Levenmouth, Loch Leven (P&K) 4th May; one Crawton (NES) 6th May; two Murton NR & one Botanics, Dundee (both ANG) both on 6th May; one Kinross (P&K) 8th May One Isle of May 4th May; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 5th May; one Lindores Loch (FIFE) 5th May, 2+ on 7th; one Seafield Pond (LOTH) 6th May; one Eckford (BORD) 8th May One Dundonald Hill (AYRS) 19th Apr; one near Rowardennan (CLYDE) 20th Apr; two Wards Pond, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 25th Apr; one Greenan (AYRS) 29th Apr; one near Parton (D&G) 30th Apr; one Gortonallister, Arran (CLY ISL) 31st May
Blackcap One Kergord (SHET) 28th Mar; one Barra (OH) 8th Apr, 10 on the island on 15th; three on south Mainland (SHET) 9th Apr; male Fair Isle 11th Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 12th Apr Male Carsaig, Mull (ARG) 5th Apr; male Kenovay, Tiree (ARG) 8th Apr; female Kinloch, Rum (HIGH) 8th Apr; female Kilmaluag, Skye (HIGH) 11th Apr; one St. John's Pool (CAITH) 20th Apr Singing male Balgavies Loch (ANG) 9th Apr, six males on 16th; one Craibstone (NES) 13th Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 14th Apr; one near Waterford (M&N) 15th Apr; one River Tay, North Muirtown (P&K) 16th Apr; singing male Kinross (P&K) 17th Apr One Aberlady (LOTH) 5th Apr; two males Tweedbank (BORD) 7th Apr; one Isle of May 11th Apr; male Kilminning (FIFE) 11th Apr; singing males Stirling & Larbert House woods (both UF) both on 16th Apr One Newton Stewart (D&G) 29th Mar; singles at Linn Park, Hurlethill & Strathclyde Loch (all CLYDE) all on 7th Apr; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 7th Apr; male Coylton (AYRS) 8th Apr; first WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 15th Apr
Wood Warbler One Symbister, Whalsay (SHET) 13th May; one Sanday (ORK) 28th May; one Creachan, Barra (OH) 30th May One near Glencripesdale (HIGH) 22nd Apr; two Dalavich (ARG) 22nd Apr; two near Contin (HIGH) 23rd Apr; one Dalvore Woods (ARG) 23rd Apr; one Carnan Mor, Tiree (ARG) 6th May One Torlum Wood near Crieff (P&K) 18th Apr; one Ferness (M&N) 28th May Two singing Larbert House woods (UF) 19th Apr; one Skateraw (LOTH) 5th May; one Plora Wood, Innerleithen (BORD) 30th May Five east Loch Lomondside (CLYDE) 19th Apr, 16 birds reported there mainly to the north of Rowardennan on 20th; one Killiegowan Wood (D&G) 20th Apr; two RSPB Wood of Cree & one Barclye (both D&G) both on 22nd Apr; one Dalzell Woods (CLYDE) 22nd Apr
Chiffchaff Singles Sandgarth, Quendale & on Yell (all SHET) all on 29th Mar; first Fair Isle 30th Mar, 45 on 13th Apr; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 31st Mar; one Liniclate, Benbecula (OH) 2nd Apr One Rosemarkie (HIGH) 20th Mar; one singing Whiteness (HIGH) 25th Mar; one Kilmory (ARG) 30th Mar; one Innellan (ARG) 1st Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 7th Apr Singles Inchgarth NR & Peterculter (both NES) both on 25th Mar; one Blacksboat-Tamdhu (M&N) 28th Mar; one Girdle Ness (NES) 30th Mar; two Barry Buddon & one Loch of Lintrathen (both ANG) both on 1st Apr; one near Dalchonzie Power Station (P&K) 1st Apr; one Balgavies Loch (ANG) 5th Apr One Wester Branxholme Loch (BORD) 13th Mar; one singing East Whitburn (LOTH) 19th Mar; one singing near Newstead (BORD) 22nd Mar; one Inverleith Pond (LOTH) 22nd Mar; first Isle of May 22nd Mar, 12 there on 31st; one Lochore Meadows CP (FIFE) 25th Mar; two River Tyne, Haddington (LOTH) 26th Mar; one Morton Lochs (FIFE) 26th Mar; two Cottyburn (LOTH) 28th Mar; 10+ St. Abb's Head (BORD) 5th Apr; singing birds at Kinneil, Gartmorn Dam & Skinflats Lagoons (all UF) all on 7th Apr One singing Brodick Country Park, Arran (CLY ISL) 11th Mar; one Baron's Haugh RSPB (CLYDE) 15th Mar; two singing West Bay, Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 24th Mar; one singing Fullarton Woods, Troon (AYRS) 24th Mar; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 25th Mar
Willow Warbler First Fair Isle 7th Apr; one Bornish, South Uist (OH) 7th Apr; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 12th Apr; one Fetlar (SHET) 12th Apr One reported singing Minard (ARG) 19th Mar; one Whiteness (HIGH) 5th Apr; one singing Carsaig, Mull (ARG) 5th Apr; 1+ singing Taynish NNR (ARG) 7th Apr; first birds reported from Speyside, Wester Ross & on Isle of Skye (all HIGH) all on 9th Apr; one Castlehill (CAITH) 15th Apr One RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 7th Apr, 5+ singing males on 16th; one Loch Leven (P&K) 11th Apr; one Crathie (NES) 13th Apr; one Cloddach (M&N) 14th Apr; one near Errol (P&K) 14th Apr; two Ythan Estuary (NES) 18th Apr Singing birds at Skinflats Lagoons & Gartmorn Dam (both UF) both on 7th Apr; one Keith Marischal (LOTH) 7th Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 8th Apr; one Cottyburn (LOTH) 9th Apr; one near Nisbet (BORD) 9th Apr; 15 on Isle of May 14th Apr One Shewalton Wood SWT (AYRS) 29th Mar, eight singing males there on 8th Apr; one singing Bishopton (CLYDE) 6th Apr; two singing Garnock Lagoons (AYRS) 7th Apr; small influx noted Clyde area 7th Apr; one Clauchlands, Arran (CLY ISL) 7th Apr; first RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 7th Apr; one Kilchattan Bay, Bute (CLY ISL) 8th Apr; first WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 10th Apr; one Brigton, Cree Valley (D&G) 11th Apr
Spotted Flycatcher One Fair Isle 13th May; four North Ronaldsay (ORK) 14th May; two singles on Unst (SHET) on 14th May; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 24th May One St. Catherines, Cowal (ARG) 30th Apr; four Torrisdale Castle, Kintyre & one on Islay (both ARG) both on 13th May; one Strathconon Power Station (HIGH) 14th May; one Lochmore Side, Sutherland (HIGH) 15th May; one Contin (HIGH) 18th May One Girdle Ness (NES) 5th May; one Blacksboat (M&N) 10th May; one Prosen (ANG) 11th May; one Pitfour (NES) 12th May; one Kirkstyle (P&K) 18th May One reported Skateraw (LOTH) 22nd Apr; one Isle of May 5th May; one Scoughall (LOTH) 5th May; one Dumyat (UF) 15th May; singles Talla Reservoir & Plora Wood and two St. Mary's Loch (all BORD) all on 18th May; one Kilminning (FIFE) 20th May One High Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 30th Apr; one Linn Park, Glasgow (CLYDE) 2nd May; one Castle Douglas (D&G) 5th May; one Loch Doon & one Glen App (both AYRS) both on 7th May
Pied Flycatcher Male Fair Isle 4th May, two on 5th; one Skaw, Unst (SHET) 6th May; singles Ocraquoy & Bressay (both SHET) both on 7th May; one Balemore, North Uist (OH) 20th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 21st May One Scarinish, Tiree (ARG) 30th Apr; one Loch an Eilein (HIGH) 1st May; one Torrisdale Castle, Kintyre (ARG) 13th May One RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 7th May One Skateraw (LOTH) 23rd Apr; one Torness Power Station (LOTH) 26th Apr; one Isle of May 25th May One near Thornhill (D&G) 19th Apr; one Carstramon Wood (D&G) 20th Apr, three males on 23rd; two RSPB Ken-Dee Marshes (D&G) 21st Apr; single males at Glen Afton & Knockdolian (both AYRS) both on 26th Apr; male Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 29th Apr

  Shetland, Fair Isle, Orkney and Outer Hebrides Highland, Caithness and Argyll North-East Scotland, Moray & Nairn, Angus and Perth & Kinross Fife, Isle of May, Upper Forth, Lothian and Borders Clyde, Clyde Islands, Ayrshire and Dumfries & Galloway
Manx Shearwater One past Ardvule Point, South Uist (OH) 8th Mar, four on 1st Apr; one past North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th Apr; one off Out Skerries (SHET) 18th Apr; 13 past Fair Isle 24th June One Carradale harbour (ARG) c.8th Feb; one off Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 17th Mar; 970 between Coll-Tiree (ARG) 4th Apr; 1+ Kilmory, Rum (HIGH) 9th Apr Two Carnoustie Bay (ANG) 18th May; six past Girdle Ness (NES) 27th May; two past Lossiemouth (M&N) 28th May One past Isle of May 14th Apr; one past Fife Ness (FIFE) 29th Apr; two Scoughall (LOTH) 14th May; eight past Port Seton (LOTH) 27th May; 32 past St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 1st July Singles past Maidens & Troon harbour (both AYRS) both on 21st Mar; 20+ off Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 3rd Apr; three off Brodick, Arran (CLY ISL) 15th Apr; four past Wemyss Bay (CLYDE) 15th May
Garganey Drake Loch Fada, Benbecula (OH) 1st Apr; female Eastside, South Ronaldsay (ORK) 1st Apr; three (drake & two females) North Ronaldsay (ORK) 13th Apr; one Hillwell (SHET) 9th May Drake RSPB Loch Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 21st Apr; drake Canal Loch, Coll (ARG) 26th Apr; drake Alturlie (HIGH) 5th May Pair RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 31st Mar; drake RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 30th Apr Drake Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 30th Apr; drake Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 2nd May; one Foulden (BORD) 15th May Five (three drakes, two females) WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 11th Mar, seven (four drakes) there on 12th; drake RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 31st Mar; two drakes Gadloch (CLYDE) 11th Apr
Marsh Harrier One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 4th Apr; one Barra (OH) 5th May; one Fair Isle 12th May; one Geosetter (SHET) 14th May One Machir Bay, Islay (ARG) 27th Mar; female Kilmory, Rum (HIGH) 24th Apr Female RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 27th Mar, male on 29th; two (male and female) Errol (P&K) 1st Apr; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 16th Apr One over Tyninghame Bay (LOTH) 3rd Apr; two Mugdrum Island (FIFE) 7th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 9th Apr; one south over Isle of May 16th May One near Cronberry (AYRS) 12th Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 12th Apr; one past Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 25th Apr; male Barr Loch, Lochwinnoch RSPB (CLYDE) 14th May
Osprey One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 1st May; one Uyeasound, Unst (SHET) 3rd May; one Eriskay (OH) 9th May One reported over Nigg Ferry (HIGH) 6th Mar; one near Campbeltown (ARG) 16th Mar; female back Loch Garten RSPB (HIGH) 23rd Mar; one Loch Fleet (HIGH) 24th Mar Male back at SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 16th Mar, female back on 23rd; one Findhorn Bay (M&N) 26th Mar; one Balgavies Loch (ANG) 30th Mar, two on 2nd Apr; one back at nest site Aberdeenshire (NES) 2nd Apr Singles over Loch Glow & Dalgety Bay (both FIFE) both on 24th Mar; one over Livingston (LOTH) 25th Mar; one over Isle of May 30th Mar; one over Falkirk (UF) 1st Apr; one over Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 8th Apr One Carsegowan Moss (D&G) 19th Mar; one near Castle Douglas (D&G) 25th Mar; one over Shielhill Glen, Inverkip (CLYDE) 29th Mar; two back at nest site Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 1st Apr; one Loch Doon (AYRS) 4th Apr
Dotterel Three Paiblesgarry, North Uist & three Berneray (both OH) both on 5th May; three Papa Westray (ORK) 6th May; four Keen of Hamar, Unst (SHET) 11th May Two Cairngorm (HIGH) 1st May, 14 on 3rd; one Oronsay (ARG) 1st May Three RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 1st May; three RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 15th May Three West Kip, Pentland Hills (LOTH) 2nd May Seven near Eaglesham (CLYDE) 9th May; one Cairnsmore of Fleet (D&G) 12th May
Whimbrel One Fair Isle 10th Apr; 1+ Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 12th Apr; one Virkie (SHET) 17th Apr; 29 Ardvule Point, South Uist (OH) 19th Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 19th Apr; 160 Askernish, South Uist (OH) 1st May One reported Waterloo, Skye (HIGH) 28th Mar; one reported Lochdon, Mull (ARG) 29th Mar; two Reiff (HIGH) 1st Apr; one Loch Craignish (ARG) 7th Apr; one Tiree (ARG) 12th Apr; one Dornoch Point (HIGH) 17th Apr; 20 Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 19th Apr One Egnomoss (ANG) 10th Apr; two Findhorn Bay (M&N) 14th Apr; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 15th Apr; two Girdle Ness, one Ythan Estuary & two Loch of Skene (all NES) all on 19th Apr One Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 12th Apr; one Fife Ness (FIFE) 16th Apr; one Isle of May 19th Apr; one Burnmouth (BORD) 23rd Apr; two Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 28th Apr One Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 8th Apr; one Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 14th Apr; one Auchenhew Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 16th Apr; singles Greenan & Saltcoats harbour (both AYRS) both on 18th Apr; 6+ Carsethorn (D&G) 19th Apr; four Loch Ryan (D&G) 21st Apr; one Airds Point, Nith Estuary (D&G) 22nd Apr; 12 Newbie (D&G) 27th Apr
Common Sandpiper 3+ on South Uist (OH) 1st May; one Fair Isle 1st May; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 1st May; one Swinister, Sandwick (SHET) 3rd May One Loch Beg, Mull (ARG) 8th Apr; one Cromdale (HIGH) 11th Apr One near Brechin & one Murton NR (both ANG) both on 8th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 14th Apr; one River Findhorn near Forres (M&N) 15th Apr; two reported Drumoak (NES) 16th Apr; 1+ Loch of Skene (NES) 21st Apr One Blindwells (LOTH) 9th Apr; one Tullibody Inch (UF) 10th Apr; one Eye Water, Ayton (BORD) 14th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 14th Apr; singles Mountcastle GP & Wilderness GP (both FIFE) both on 19th Apr; one Isle of May 30th Apr One Carbarns Pool & one River Clyde, Baron’s Haugh RSPB (both CLYDE) both on 9th Apr; one Troon harbour (AYRS) 9th Apr; one RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 9th Apr; one North Sannox, Arran (CLY ISL) 15th Apr
Sandwich Tern One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 19th Mar; one Eoligarry, Barra (OH) 21st Mar; two Grutness (SHET) 14th May One Dornoch (HIGH) 17th Mar; three Castletown (CAITH) 26th Mar; one Bruichladdich, Islay (ARG) 27th Mar One Burghead (M&N) 14th Mar; one Cairnbulg (NES) 29th Mar; one Lunan Bay (ANG) 2nd Apr; 2+ Girdle Ness (NES) 3rd Apr One Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 27th Mar; one Burnmouth (BORD) 9th Apr; one Isle of May 14th Apr; one Hound Point (LOTH) 17th Apr; two Seafield, Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 19th Apr; four Blackness (UF) 23rd Apr Two Hunterston (AYRS) 24th Mar; one West Bay, Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 28th Mar; 19 Irvine harbour mouth (AYRS) 1st Apr; c.30 The Wig, Loch Ryan (D&G) 2nd Apr; two Inverkip-Cloch Point CLYDE) 8th Apr; one Loch Ken (D&G) 9th Apr
Common Tern Three North Ronaldsay (ORK) 2nd Apr; one Carinish, North Uist (OH) 20th Apr; five Whiteness & one Scatness (both SHET) both on 28th Apr; first Fair Isle 16th June One Port Ban, Islay (ARG) 21st Apr; two Loch a’ Phuill, Tiree (ARG) 24th Apr; 30+ Avoch (HIGH) 29th Apr One Girdle Ness (NES) 18th Apr; three Loch Spynie (M&N) 28th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 3rd May; c.50 Montrose Basin (ANG) 5th May One Joppa (LOTH) 26th Apr; first Isle of May on 5th May; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 5th May; five Fife Ness (FIFE) 18th May; one Dunglass (BORD) 11th June Two Bowling (CLYDE) 25th Apr; 45 reported off Lady Isle (AYRS) 9th May
Arctic Tern 4+ Carinish, North Uist & three North Bay, South Uist (both OH) both on 21st Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 21st Apr, 210+ on 4th May; one Sand (SHET) 1st May; first Fair Isle 8th May Two Embo (HIGH) 17th Apr; two Loch Indaal, Islay (ARG) 18th Apr One Spey Bay (M&N) 20th Apr; two Lunan Bay (ANG) 22nd Apr; 1+ Ythan Estuary (NES) 3rd May; 16 Elliot Burn mouth (ANG) 13th May One Scoughall (LOTH) 19th Apr; two St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 23rd Apr; first Isle of May 29th Apr, 20 on 1st May; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 30th Apr; one North Queensferry & one Fife Ness (both FIFE) both on 6th May Three reported Brighouse Bay (D&G) 16th Apr; one Doonfoot (AYRS) 19th Apr; 50+ Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 29th Apr, 200 on 6th May; three Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 14th May; six Seafield, Annan (D&G) 19th May
Little Tern One Berneray (OH) 20th Apr; 1+ Burray (ORK) 6th May Two Salum, Tiree (ARG) 11th Apr, 4 on 13th; one Kennacraig (ARG) 12th Apr; one Loch Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 16th Apr One Spey Bay (M&N) 28th Apr, five on 4th May One Scoughall (LOTH) 19th Apr; two Tentsmuir Point NNR (FIFE) 14th May; two Isle of May 27th May (first there since 2004) One past Troon harbour (AYRS) 3rd May
Cuckoo One Leurbost, Lewis (OH) 19th Apr; one Fair Isle 3rd May; one Ronas Voe (SHET) 4th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th May One singing Clachan, Kintyre (ARG) 7th Apr; one singing Portree, Skye (HIGH) 15th Apr; four reported in Argyll on 17th Apr One near Dulsie farm (M&N) 22nd Apr; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 30th Apr; one Balnaguard (P&K) 30th Apr; one Backwater Dam (ANG) 2nd May One Flanders Moss NNR (UF) 18th Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 19th Apr; one Bushelhill & one Innerleithen (both BORD) both on 2nd May; two Kilminning (FIFE) 14th June One singing Brodick Castle CP, Arran (CLY ISL) 8th Apr; one Lochranza, Arran (CLY ISL) 11th Apr; one Port Bannatyne, Bute (CLY ISL) 15th Apr; two Glen Fruin (CLYDE) 17th Apr; one upper Skelmorlie Water (AYRS) 18th Apr; one Glen Trool (D&G) 19th Apr; one RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 22nd Apr; one Loch Doon (AYRS) 23rd Apr; influx noted Ayrshire 28th Apr
Swift Two Caldback, Unst (SHET) 2nd May; one Glean, Barra (OH) 6th May; one Fair Isle 9th May; small influx Shetland 14th May; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th May; one Loch Stiapavat, Lewis (OH) 23rd May Three Campbeltown (ARG) 19th Apr; one Croy & one Tain (both HIGH) both on 6th May; one Loch Kinellan & one Udale Bay (both HIGH) both on 7th May One Sands of Forvie NR (NES) 11th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 30th Apr; one Battleby (P&K) 2nd May; first Loch Leven (P&K) 5th May; one Aberlour (M&N) 6th May; 1+ Kirriemuir (ANG) 7th May One Isle of May 18th Apr; two Tyninghame Bay (LOTH) 30th Apr; one River Tweed, West Ord (BORD) 1st May; one Bridge of Allan (UF) 3rd May; three North Queensferry & one Coaltown of Balgonie (both FIFE) both on 6th May; one over Isle of May on 6th May; one South Queensferry (LOTH) 6th May One Thornhill (D&G) 27th Apr; 3+ New Farm, Kilmarnock (AYRS) 5th May; three Lanark & six Castle Semple Loch (both CLYDE) both on 5th May; two on Arran (CLY ISL) 5th May; one Rothesay Castle, Bute (CLY ISL) 5th May; eight Millport, Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 6th May
Sand Martin One North Ronaldsay and one Papa Westray (both ORK) both on 2nd Apr; one Fair Isle 3rd Apr; three North Uist (OH) 7th Apr; one Loch Stiapavat, Lewis (OH) 8th Apr; one Old Scatness (SHET) 12th Apr One Loch Insh (HIGH) 17th Mar, 16 on 29th, 470 on 4th Apr; one Loch Gruinart RSPB (ARG) 19th Mar; one Sound of Gigha (ARG) 25th Mar; three Loch Feorlin (ARG) 28th Mar One Inchgarth NR (NES) 12th Mar; two Loch Davan (NES) 20th Mar; two Forfar Loch & one Balgavies Loch (both ANG) both on 20th Mar; 20+ Loch Leven (P&K) 22nd Mar; two Fochabers (M&N) 23rd Mar; 20 at Monikie CP (ANG) 31st Mar One Tyninghame Bay (LOTH) 12th Mar; one River Carron, Falkirk (UF) 12th Mar; two Innerleithen (BORD) 19th Mar; one Kinghorn (FIFE) 24th Mar; 10 Blair Drummond GPs (UF) 26th Mar; 50 Letham Pools (FIFE) 1st Apr; one Isle of May 18th Apr 6+ Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 12th Mar, 50+ on 18th; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 12th Mar; one Greenan (AYRS) 12th Mar; one Prestwick (AYRS) 13th Mar; five Kilbirnie Loch (AYRS) 15th Mar; three Castle Semple Loch (CLYDE) 15th Mar, 60+ on 1st Apr; three River Nith, north of Dumfries (D&G) 15th Mar; one Loch Fad, Bute (CLY ISL) 28th Mar; 100+ Soulseat Loch (D&G) 29th Mar
Swallow One Eoropie, Lewis (OH) 26th Mar; one Loch Stiapavat, Lewis (OH) 8th Apr; one Fair Isle 9th Apr; two Loch Eynort, South Uist (OH) 9th Apr; one Urafirth (SHET) 9th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 14th Apr One Nigg Ferry (HIGH) 26th Mar; three Knock, Mull (ARG) 29th Mar; singles Barrapol, Tiree & Rockside, Islay (both ARG) both on 30th Mar; one Arabella (HIGH) 3rd Apr; one Boat of Garten (HIGH) 4th Apr One Rosehearty (NES) 6th Mar; one Fraserburgh (NES) 11th Mar; two Loch Leven (P&K) 31st Mar; one Girdle Ness (NES) 1st Apr; one near Dunkeld (P&K) 1st Apr; one Craigmill Den (ANG) 2nd Apr; one Brechin (ANG) 6th Apr; one Easthaven (ANG) 7th Apr; one Tugnet (M&N) 8th Apr One Little Denny Reservoir (UF) 29th Mar; one Barns Ness (LOTH) 30th Mar; one near Longformacus (BORD) 1st Apr; two Whitesands Bay (LOTH) 3rd Apr; one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 3rd Apr; one Kinghorn (FIFE) 8th Apr; first Isle of May 8th Apr; three Loch Laggan (UF) 9th Apr One Kilpatrick farm, Arran (CLY ISL) 26th Mar; one Soulseat Loch (D&G) 29th Mar; one Mull of Galloway (D&G) 1st Apr; two near Newton of Belltrees, Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 2nd Apr; two Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 2nd Apr; one West Kilbride & one Irvine harbour (both AYRS) both on 2nd Apr; influx noted Clyde on 3rd Apr
House Martin One Earsary, Barra (OH) 13th Mar; three Fair Isle 9th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 29th Apr; one Cullivoe, Yell (SHET) 30th Apr One Kildonan, Eigg (HIGH) 14th Mar; one Arinagour, Coll (ARG) 15th Mar; one Loch Gruinart RSPB (ARG) 19th Mar; one Avielochan (HIGH) 6th Apr; six Cromarty & five Dochgarroch (both HIGH) both on 18th Apr One Mains of Usan (ANG) 19th Mar; one Loch of Skene (NES) 11th Apr; three Meikle Loch (NES) 13th Apr; one Lossiemouth (M&N) 23rd Apr; one Carnbo (P&K) 28th Apr One reported Stirling (UF) 2nd Apr; four Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 5th Apr; one Isle of May 8th Apr; one Mugdum Island (FIFE) 9th Apr; one Scoughall & nine Longniddry (both LOTH) both on 9th Apr; one Innerleithen (BORD) 15th Apr One Blackwaterfoot, Arran (CLY ISL) 12th Mar; two Loch Doon (AYRS) 2nd Apr; three near West Freugh (D&G) 2nd Apr; one Loans (AYRS) 4th Apr; two Mull of Galloway (D&G) 5th Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 8th Apr; two Howwood (CLYDE) 9th Apr; two Glentrool village (D&G) 16th Apr; first WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 19th Apr
Tree Pipit One Barra (OH) 5th Apr; one Fair Isle 29th Apr, five on 30th; four North Ronaldsay (ORK) 1st May; two Whalsay & two on Unst (both SHET) both on 2nd May One Carrbridge (HIGH) 8th Apr; singles Loch Alvie & Fort George (both HIGH) both on 13th Apr; two Glen Aros, Mull & one Kilmichael Forest (both ARG) both on 17th Apr One Muir of Dinnet (NES) 12th Apr; one Cothall Wood (M&N) 26th Apr; one Glen Garr track (P&K) 27th Apr; 2+ Glen Esk (ANG) 9th May One Dean Plantation, Carnock (FIFE) 8th Apr; two Tentsmuir Point NNR (FIFE) 10th Apr; one Tyninghame Bay & 2+ Scoughall (both LOTH) both on 19th Apr; one Isle of May 19th Apr; one Doune ponds (UF) 19th Apr; two St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 1st May One Bishopton ROF (CLYDE) 11th Apr, three on 19th; three Knockman Wood (D&G) 14th Apr; one Woodend, Loch Fad, Bute (CLY ISL) 18th Apr; one Ness Glen & one Little Shalloch (both AYRS) both on 28th Apr
Yellow Wagtail One Fair Isle 19th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Fair Isle on 4th May; one South Ronaldsay (ORK) 6th May; one Eoligarry, Barra (OH) 10th May; male Grey-headed Wagtail Fair Isle 10th May, three on 11th; male Grey-headed Wagtail Skaw, Unst (SHET) 12th May; six different throughout Shetland on 14th May; male Grey-headed Wagtail Carinish, North Uist (OH) 22nd May Blue-headed Wagtail Balnakeil (HIGH) 5th May, two on 6th; male Grey-headed Wagtail Balnakeil (HIGH) 12th May; one, possibly a Grey-headed Wagtail, near Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 16th May One RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 2nd May; one Carnoustie (ANG) 24th May One Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 8th Apr; one Skateraw (LOTH) 18th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Whitesands Bay (LOTH) 20th Apr; four River Tweed near Birgham (BORD) 30th Apr; one Isle of May 2nd May; one near Crail (FIFE) 18th May One Longhaugh Point field pools (CLYDE) 25th Apr
White Wagtail One Fair Isle 10th Mar; male North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Mar; one Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 3rd Apr; one Scatness (SHET) 22nd Apr Two Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 23rd Mar, 5+ on 27th; 14 Dornoch Point (HIGH) 9th Apr One near Arbroath (ANG) 4th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 18th Apr, nine on 24th; one Gilston (M&N) 25th Apr Two Whitesands Bay (LOTH) 15th Mar, 11 on 1st Apr; male Burnmouth (BORD) 24th Mar; two Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 26th Mar; one Isle of May 30th Mar; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 7th Apr; one Ferryhills, North Queensferry (FIFE) 9th Apr 3+ Loudoun Hill (AYRS) 5th Apr; one Blackwaterfoot, Arran (CLY ISL) 7th Apr; two Heritage Loch (CLYDE) 9th Apr; one Borgue (D&G) 16th Apr; 21+ Pow Burn (AYRS) 17th Apr; 80+ WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 21st Apr; 90 Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 23rd Apr
Redstart One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 29th Apr; nine Fair Isle 1st May; one Isle of Noss, one Whalsay & one Sandwick (all SHET) all on 1st May one Sandside Bay (ORK) 4th May Male Dalvore woods, Moine Mhore (ARG) 19th Apr; one RSPB Loch Garten (HIGH) 22nd Apr Male RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 23rd Apr; two Dulsie (M&N) 29th Apr; one Collieston (NES) 1st May; 10 White Drums near Crieff (P&K) 5th May Male Isle of May 20th Apr, six on 1st May; one Killin (UF) 21st Apr; one Humbie (LOTH) 23rd Apr; male Blackadder Water (BORD) 23rd Apr; male Doune Lodge estate (UF) 24th Apr; one Fife Ness (FIFE) 18th May One RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 4th Apr; one Knockman Wood (D&G) 14th Apr; four males Gartfairn Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 22nd Apr; one near Straiton (AYRS) 23rd Apr; one Balnakailly, Bute (CLY ISL) 5th May
Whinchat Male Fair Isle 30th Apr; one Noss & three on Whalsay (both SHET) both on 1st May; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 2nd May; one Glen, Barra (OH) 6th May One Portree, Skye (HIGH) 26th Apr; one Loch Scridain, Mull (ARG) 29th Apr One Glen Lethnot (ANG) 29th Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 1st May; one Comrie & three Carsebreck Lochs (both P&K) both on 7th May Two Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 30th Apr; five on Isle of May on 1st May; two Cacrabank, Ettrick (BORD) 2nd May; one Gartrenich (UF) 4th May; one Kilminning (FIFE) 13th May Male Lower Carbarns farm (CLYDE) 23rd Apr; one near Loch Urr (D&G) 27th Apr; one Glenbuck (AYRS) 30th Apr; one Glen Rosa, Arran (CLY ISL) 1st May
Wheatear One Claddach Carinish, North Uist (OH) 23rd Mar; one Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 27th Mar; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 27th Mar; two Fair Isle 28th Mar; one Toab (SHET) 29th Mar One Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 15th Mar; four on Isle of Mull (ARG) 18th Mar; two Isle of Rum (HIGH) 20th Mar; 8+ on Isle of Luing (ARG) 25th Mar; six on the Isle of Skye (HIGH) 25th Mar; two Dunnet Head (CAITH) 26th Mar One Kinloss (M&N) 24th Mar; male Glen Lednock (P&K) 27th Mar; one Girdle Ness (NES) 29th Mar; one near Arbroath (ANG) 30th Mar Male Skateraw (LOTH) 7th Mar; one Coates (LOTH) 15th Mar; one Isle of May 22nd Mar; male Leithen Valley (BORD) 24th Mar; two St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 25th Mar; one Dumyat (UF) 25th Mar; one Pathhead, Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 26th Mar; one Gargunnock Hills (UF) 28th Mar One reported Seamill (AYRS) 11th Mar; male Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 15th Mar; singles Irvine Beach Park & Doonfoot (both AYRS) both on 19th Mar; male Kilpatrick Point, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th Mar; one Clints of Dromore (D&G) 20th Apr; two St. Ninian’s, Bute (CLY ISL) 26th Mar; one Mersehead Bay (D&G) 27th Mar; two RSPB Crook of Baldoon (D&G) 30th Mar
Ring Ouzel One Woodwick, Unst (SHET) 7th Apr; one Papa Westray (ORK) 9th Apr; one Fair Isle 9th Apr Two Strathdearn (HIGH) 25th Mar; male Old Man of Storr, Skye (HIGH) 28th Mar; one Beinn Buidhe, Glen Fyne (ARG) 8th Apr Male Ailnack Gorge, Tomintoul (M&N) 2nd Apr; two Lochlee (ANG) 6th Apr; 3+ Glen Dye (NES) 8th Apr; one Auchnafree (P&K) 22nd Apr Two Pentland Hills near Penicuik (LOTH) 24th Mar; five on Isle of May 28th Mar; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 9th Apr; male Lees Hill (UF) 17th Apr; one near Steelend (FIFE) 22nd Apr; one Loch Voil (UF) 29th Apr One reported Glen Afton (AYRS) 26th Mar; two Loch Macaterick (AYRS) 9th Apr; 2+ Culter Waterhead (CLYDE) 13th Apr; male near Mullach Buidhe, Arran (CLY ISL) 2nd May
Grasshopper Warbler One Fair Isle 30th Apr; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 1st May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 1st May; one Baltasound, Unst (SHET) 2nd May One singing Minard (ARG) 17th Apr; one Torlundy, Lochaber (HIGH) 23rd Apr; one Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 28th Apr One singing Ythan Estuary (NES) 24th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 28th Apr; one singing Carnoustie GC (ANG) 29th Apr; two Loch Leven NNR (P&K) 3rd May; one Kinloss & one Spey Bay (both M&N) both on 4th May One singing Cambus (UF) 20th Apr; one singing Cowdenbeath (FIFE) 20th Apr; one singing Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 22nd Apr; two Isle of May 30th Apr; one Cacrabank, Ettrick (BORD) 2nd May Singles singing Ardeer & Garnock Lagoons (both AYRS) both on 14th Apr; one singing Kirk o’ Shotts (CLYDE) 14th Apr; one singing Monyquil, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th Apr; two RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 26th Apr
Sedge Warbler One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 29th Apr; one Barra (OH) 30th Apr; two Fair Isle 30th Apr; one Vatshoull, Whalsay (SHET) 1st May One Keills, Islay (ARG) 13th Apr; one Dervaig, Mull (ARG) 22nd Apr; singles Balloch & Loch Flemington (both HIGH) both on 1st May 1+ singing RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 23rd Apr; one Cloddach GP (M&N) 30th Apr; one Loch Leven & one Carsebreck Lochs (both P&K) both on 1st May; one Ythan Estuary & 1+ RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (both NES) both on 1st May One Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 22nd Apr; one Isle of May 27th Apr; one Loch Gelly (FIFE) 28th Apr, 4+ on 2nd May; two Bemersyde Moss (BORD) 29th Apr; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 1st May; one Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 7th May One singing Ardeer (AYRS) 12th Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock & one Kirkbean (both D&G) both on 19th Apr; one Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th Apr; two Bishop Loch, one RSPB Lochwinnoch & one Douglas Water (all CLYDE) all on 23rd Apr
Lesser Whitethroat One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 29th Apr; three Fair Isle 1st May; seven reported throughout Shetland on 1st May, six on 2nd; one Barra (OH) 4th May; one Liniclate, Benbecula (OH) 19th May One Point Sands, Kintyre (ARG) 5th May; one Carnan Mor, Tiree (ARG) 6th May; two singing Strathdearn (HIGH) 22nd May One Collieston, one Girdle Ness & one Rattray Head (all NES) all on 1st May; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 1st May One singing Arthur’s Seat, Holyrood Park (LOTH) 18th Apr; one singing Ferryhills, North Queensferry (FIFE) 30th Apr; one Isle of May 30th Apr, 30 on 1st May; six Fife Ness area (FIFE) 2nd May; one Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 5th May; one near Whitsome (BORD) 10th May One Mullock Bay, Dundrennan (D&G) 17th Apr; five singing males Ardeer & one Greenan (both AYRS) both on 23rd Apr; one Merryton Haugh (CLYDE) 8th May; one Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 11th May
Whitethroat One Barra (OH) 30th Apr; three Fair Isle 30th Apr; two Skaw, Whalsay (SHET) 1st May; three North Ronaldsay (ORK) 1st May One near Avoch (HIGH) 29th Apr; one Glen Fyne (ARG) 30th Apr; four males South Kessock-Muirtown Pools, Inverness (HIGH) 5th May Singing male Cloddach (M&N) 18th Apr; one near Carnoustie (ANG) 29th Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 2nd May; male The Pier, Kinross (P&K) 3rd May; two Kinloss (M&N) 4th May; male Barry Buddon (ANG) 6th May Two Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 26th Apr; one Bo’ness (UF) 27th Apr; one Isle of May 29th Apr, five on 30th; male Nisbet (BORD) 30th Apr; male Coates (LOTH) 2nd May; one Kilminning (FIFE) 2nd May One Erskine (CLYDE) 19th Apr; one Collennan Reservoir (AYRS) 19th Apr; male Hurlet Hill, Glasgow (CLYDE) 21st Apr; one Greenan (AYRS) 26th Apr; one High Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 30th Apr; male Kirkbean Fishery (D&G) 1st May
Garden Warbler One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 29th Apr; singles Kergord & Virkie (both SHET) both on 3rd May; two Fair Isle 12th May One Ardno, Cowal (ARG) 2nd May; one Balephuil, Tiree & one Cairnbaan (both ARG) both on 3rd May; one Longman, Inverness (HIGH) 4th May One singing Forfar Loch (ANG) 26th Apr; two by The Pier, Kinross (P&K) 1st May; one Girdle Ness (NES) 2nd May; one Battleby & one Kirkstyle (both P&K) both on 2nd May; one Mosstodloch (M&N) 11th May One Dunfermline (FIFE) 30th Apr; one Isle of May 30th Apr; two Loch Gelly (FIFE) 2nd May; one near Cardrona (BORD) 2nd May; one East Whitburn (LOTH) 2nd May; one Doune (UF) 7th May; one Scoughall (LOTH) 10th May; eight Torness Power Station (LOTH) 13th May Two singing Collennan Reservoir (AYRS) 19th Apr; two Greenan (AYRS) 29th Apr; one Ross Park, Loch Lomond & one Uplawmoor (both CLYDE) both on 30th Apr; four near Lochaber Loch (D&G) 2nd May; one Mountstuart, Bute (CLY ISL) 5th May; first WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 11th May
Blackcap Male Fair Isle 1st Apr; one Barra (OH) 5th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th Apr; two Sumburgh area (SHET) 30th Apr Four singing males Longman, Inverness, one Drummond, two singing males Acnashellach Station & one Loch Kinellan (all HIGH) all on 9th Apr; singles Ballygrant, Islay, Tobermory, Mull, Lochgilphead & Benmore Gardens (all ARG) all on 10th Apr Singing male Den of Cults (NES) 6th Apr; one Glendoick (P&K) 7th Apr; two River Findhorn, Forres (M&N) 9th Apr; two singing males Forfar Loch & two Riverside Nature Park (both ANG) both on 10th Apr One Ravelston Woods LNR, Edinburgh (LOTH) 30th Mar; one Isle of May 1st Apr; two Duddingston Loch & one Blindwells (both LOTH) both on 2nd Apr; one Cambus (UF) 2nd Apr; one Gartmorn Dam CP (UF) 4th Apr; one Low Valleyfield (FIFE) 8th Apr; singing male East Ord (BORD) 6th Apr; one St. Abb’s Head & 2+ Burnmouth (both BORD) both on 9th Apr Two Muirhouse, Troon (AYRS) 28th Mar; singing male RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 1st Apr; singing male Lady Bay (D&G) 2nd Apr; singles singing near Ballantrae & Corshillmuir Wood, Kilwinning (both AYRS) both on 2nd Apr; 1+ near Thornhill & one Gatehouse of Fleet (both D&G) both on 5th Apr; singing male near Shalunt, Bute (CLY ISL) 6th Apr
Wood Warbler One Fair Isle 3rd May; one South Ronaldsay (ORK) 6th May; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 9th May; one Upper Kergord (SHET) 14th May; one Stornoway Castle Grounds, Lewis (OH) 21st May One Dalvore woods, Moine Mhore (ARG) 19th Apr; three Craigellachie (HIGH) 28th Apr, four on 2nd May; one Rum (HIGH) 2nd May; one Carnan Mor, Tiree (ARG) 22nd May Two Killiecrankie (P&K) 3rd May; one singing Glendoll (ANG) 17th June One Abbey Craig (UF) 21st Apr; singles singing Balerno & Gosford Estate (both LOTH) both on 1st May; one Isle of May 1st May; one Plora Wood, Innerleithen (BORD) 6th May One Sallochy, Loch Lomondside (CLYDE) 19th Apr; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 25th Apr, two on 26th; three Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 25th Apr; one Auchenhew, Arran (CLY ISL) 7th May; two singing Balnakailly Forest, Bute (CLY ISL) 14th May; one Ness Glen (AYRS) 20th May
Chiffchaff One Fair Isle 13th Mar; two Norwick, Unst (SHET) 18th Mar; two Barra (OH) 24th Mar; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 25th Mar; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Mar One Loch Insh (HIGH) 13th Mar; one Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 14th Mar; one singing Loch Kinellan (HIGH) 18th Mar; small influx noted Easter Ross (HIGH) 23rd Mar Two Ferryden (ANG) 6th Mar; one Monifieth (ANG) 10th Mar; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 11th Mar; one singing Kinross (P&K) 15th Mar; one singing Kingswells (NES) 15th Mar; one Loch Spynie (M&N) 17th Mar; singles Loch of Lintrathen & Monike CP (both ANG) both on 19th Mar One singing Leith Links (LOTH) 9th Mar; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 10th Mar; one singing Dunblane (UF) 11th Mar; one singing St. Boswells (BORD) 14th Mar; one Crail (FIFE) 16th Mar; seven singing birds between East Linton-Hailes Castle (LOTH) 16th Mar; one singing Morton Lochs NNR (FIFE) 18th Mar; two Coldingham & one East Ord (both BORD) both on 18th Mar; three Isle of May 23rd Mar, 10 on 28th One singing RSPB Baron’s Haugh & one Balgray Reservoir (both CLYDE) both on 9th Mar; one RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 12th Mar, two on 14th; one singing Sannox Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 13th Mar; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 14th Mar; one Collennan Reservoir (AYRS) 15th Mar; one Minnigaff & one Threave Gardens (both D&G) both on 16th Mar; two singing Ardencraig House, Bute (CLY ISL) 20th Mar
Willow Warbler One Cleat, Barra (OH) 3rd Aprone Leurbost, Lewis (OH) 14th Apr; one Papa Westray (ORK) 14th Apr; small influx noted Uists (OH) 17th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 17th Apr; one Isle of Noss (SHET) 19th Apr; four Fair Isle 28th Apr One Tayinloan (ARG) 24th Mar; three singing birds reported Lower Milovaig area, Skye (HIGH) 28th Mar; two Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 3rd Apr; one Kilmichael Glen (ARG) 4th Apr; one Hill of Fortrose (HIGH) 6th Apr; one Whiteness Head (HIGH) 7th Apr; influx noted Argyll 8th Apr Two Loch Leven (P&K) 6th Apr; one Spey Bay (M&N) 8th Apr; three Forres (M&N) 9th Apr; one Carnoustie (ANG) 9th Apr; one Riverside Nature Park & one Balgavies Loch (both ANG) both on 10th Apr; two singing Westmuir (ANG) 12th Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 13th Apr Singing male Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 1st Apr; two singing River Tyne, Haddington & one singing Harlaw Reservoir (both LOTH) both on 2nd Apr; singing male near Selkirk (BORD) 2nd Apr; one Cambus (UF) 3rd Apr; singing male Angle Park GP (FIFE) 7th Apr; two Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 7th Apr; first Isle of May 8th Apr; 13 St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 9th Apr Singing male Linwwod Community Woodland (CLYDE) 29th Mar; singing male Capringstone Flash (AYRS) 30th Mar; one Mull of Galloway (D&G) 31st Mar; singing male RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 2nd Apr; singing male High Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 4th Apr; 1+ RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 4th Apr; 1+ near Thornhill (D&G) 5th Apr; one Inchmarnock, Bute (CLY ISL) 9th Apr
Spotted Flycatcher One Fair Isle 2nd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 11th May; one Gleann, Barra (OH) 13th May; one Swinister, Sandwick (SHET) 13th May, nine reported throughout Shetland on 14th One RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 10th May; one Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 11th May; four reported around Speyside (HIGH) 13th May; three The Oa, Islay (ARG) 17th May One near Arbroath (ANG) 13th May; two Fochabers (M&N) 13th May; singles Girdle Ness & Rattray Head (both NES) both on 13th May; three Butterstone Wood (P&K) 14th May; c.15 birds recorded in the Crieff, Auchterarder areas (P&K) all on 19th May One Scoughall (LOTH) 10th May; two Isle of May 11th May, 17+ on 13th; one Torness Power Station (LOTH) 12th May, eight on 13th; one near Innerleithen (BORD) 12th May; 6+ Fife Ness area (FIFE) 13th May; three St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 13th May; one Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 16th May One Ness Glen (AYRS) 2nd May; one Linn Park, Glasgow (CLYDE) 11th May; one near Machrie Moor, Arran (CLY ISL) 17th May; two WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 18th May
Pied Flycatcher One Fair Isle 30th Apr; one Noss (SHET) 2nd May; male Watermoss Plantation (ORK) 2nd May Three Craigellachie (HIGH) 2nd May; one Carnan Mor, Tiree (ARG) 22nd May One Killiecrankie (P&K) 7th May; male Rattray Head (NES) 14th May One Isle of May 2nd May; male Sawpit Wood, Balerno (LOTH) 5th May; male Lindean Mill, Selkirk (BORD) 5th May; one Glen Lochay (UF) 6th May Two Knockman Wood (D&G) 14th Apr, 17 reported there on 6th May; male RSPB Ken Dee Marshes (D&G) 17th Apr; one reported RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 25th Apr; two RSPB Inversnaid (CLYDE) 30th Apr

  Shetland, Fair Isle, Orkney and Outer Hebrides Highland, Caithness and Argyll North-East Scotland, Moray & Nairn, Angus and Perth & Kinross Fife, Isle of May, Upper Forth, Lothian and Borders Clyde, Clyde Islands, Ayrshire and Dumfries & Galloway
Manx Shearwater Four past Ardvule Point, South Uist (OH) 26th Mar; five past North Ronaldsay (ORK) 17th May; three past Lamba Ness, Unst (SHET) 20th May; one from “Good Shepherd” off Fair Isle 21st May Two Uig-Lochmaddy (HIGH) 30th Mar; 44 off Aird, Tiree (ARG) 2nd Apr Two past Stonehaven (NES) 4th May; one past Lossiemouth (M&N) 7th May; 52 past Arbroath (ANG) 28th May Three past Isle of May 6th May; one past Barns Ness (LOTH) 7th May, nine on 8th; one past Burnmouth (BORD) 8th May; eight past Fife Ness (FIFE) 11th May 10+ past Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 27th Mar, 400+ on 17th Apr; 30 Largymore, Arran (CLY ISL) 2nd Apr
Garganey Drake Scatness (SHET) 21st Apr; drake North Ronaldsay (ORK) 26th Apr; drake Yesnaby (ORK) 28th Apr; pair Loch Sandary, North Uist (OH) 9th May Drake Alturlie (HIGH) 10th Apr; drake Westport Marsh (ARG) 2nd May One reported Carsebreck Loch (P&K) 26th Feb; pair Girdle Ness (NES) 22nd Apr; drake Tugnet (M&N) 8th May; pair Montrose Basin (ANG) 9th May; drake RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 16th May Pair Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 20th Apr; drake Kilconquhar Loch (FIFE) 1st May; drake Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 7th May, three (two drakes) on 8th Female Garnock Floods SWT (AYRS) 9th Apr; two drakes Wigtown harbour & a drake WWT Caerlaverock (both D&G) both on 13th May
Marsh Harrier Female South Ronaldsay (ORK) 29th Mar; one Fair Isle 29th Apr; one Quendale (SHET) 22nd May One Jura (ARG) 6th May; one Loch Bhasapol, Tiree (ARG) 5th June Male RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 27th Mar, female on 3rd Apr; male near Errol (P&K) 30th Mar; one near Peterculter (NES) 22nd Apr Male Newburgh (FIFE) 1st Apr; male Kinneil Lagoon (UF) 23rd Apr; one past Barns Ness (LOTH) 2nd May; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 8th May; one Isle of May 19th June One Bogside Flats (AYRS) 13th May; one Wigtown harbour (D&G) 19th May; one Kirk Dam, Bute (CLY ISL) 28th May
Osprey One over Traigh Ghriais, Lewis (OH) 20th Apr; one Rousay (ORK) 25th Apr; one Hagdale, Unst (SHET) 27th Apr; one Fair Isle 19th May Singles Lochindorb & Lochluichart (both HIGH) both on 10th Mar; two reported Island of Danna (ARG) 12th Mar; female back RSPB Loch Garten (HIGH) 21st Mar; one Loch Fleet (HIGH) 25th Mar; one back at nest site near Thurso (CAITH) 28th Mar; one Loch Ederline & one Loch nan Cadhan, Islay (both ARG) both on 28th Mar Female back SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 18th Mar; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 27th Mar; one Carsebreck Lochs & one Stormont Loch (both P&K) both on 28th Mar; one Forres (M&N) 29th Mar; two Balgavies Loch (ANG) 29th Mar One over Innerleithen (BORD) 4th Mar; one over Millerhill (LOTH) 4th Mar; one Lindores Loch (FIFE) 4th Mar; one Blair Drummond (UF) 6th Mar; one over Tweedbank (BORD) 24th Mar; one over Pathhead, Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 27th Mar; one Loch Rusky (UF) 27th Mar; singles over Tyninghame Bay & Musselburgh (both LOTH) both on 28th Mar; pair back at nest site Lanton Mill (BORD) 2nd Apr One Loch Ascog, Bute (CLY ISL) 13th Mar; one north over Drumpellier CP (CLYDE) 23rd Mar; female back Threave Castle NTS (D&G) 23rd Mar, male seen on 27th; one over River Nith, Dumfries (D&G) 28th Mar; one near Douglas (CLYDE) 28th Mar; one Loch Doon (AYRS) 29th Mar; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 30th Mar
Dotterel One Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 2nd May; one Fair Isle 7th May; two near Sandy Loch (SHET) 11th May; one Ward Hill, Hoy (ORK) 5th June Five Oronsay (ARG) 30th Apr; three birds back on a breeding site Highland 6th May; one Glenstrathfarrar (HIGH) 7th May Eight Glas Maol (ANG) 9th May; nine near Glen Shee (NES) 20th May Two Carnbee Reservoir (FIFE) 22nd Apr; two Carnethy Hill (LOTH) 7th May Six near Corrie Common (D&G) 29th Apr; five Blackcraig Hill (AYRS) 6th May, six on 7th; four Lowther Hill (CLYDE) 8th May
Whimbrel One Butt of Lewis, Lewis, two Balranald RSPB, North Uist & three Ardvule Point, South Uist (all OH) all on 18th Apr; two Fair Isle 19th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 23rd Apr; three Scatness (SHET) 24th Apr; 48 Yesnaby area (ORK) 24th Apr Six Castlehill then East Murkle (CAITH) on 28th Mar; three Redcastle (HIGH) 6th Apr; 11 north over Inverness Airport & three Dornoch (both HIGH) both on 7th Apr; one by Bonar Bridge (HIGH) 8th Apr; 12 past Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 17th Apr One Ythan Estuary (NES) 6th Apr; one Findhorn Bay (M&N) 6th Apr; two Easthaven (ANG) 20th Apr Four Cambus & one Skinflats (both UF) both on 16th Apr; 22 past Inverkeithing harbour (FIFE) 16th Apr; three Barns Ness (LOTH) 17th Apr; one Burnmouth (BORD) 23rd Apr; one Isle of May 24th Apr Eight reported over Barcraigs Reservoir (CLYDE) 27th Mar; one Auchenhew Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 10th Apr; one past Maidens (AYRS) 13th Apr; three Barlocco (D&G) 15th Apr; nine past Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 17th Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 18th Apr; one Rowbank Reservoir (CLYDE) 19th Apr
Common Sandpiper One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th Apr; one Brevig, Barra (OH) 22nd Apr; one Fair Isle 29th Apr; one Isle of Noss (SHET) 7th May One Otter Ferry (ARG) 14th Apr; one River Nairn near Inverarnie (HIGH) 15th Apr; one Broadford Bay, Skye (HIGH) 18th Apr; three Westerdale (CAITH) 22nd Apr Four Forfar Loch & one Monikie CP (both ANG) both on 14th Apr; one River Spey, Delnapot (M&N) 16th Apr; singles Knockando & Balnught (BOTH M&N) both on 17th Apr; one near Drumoak (NES) 19th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 20th Apr One River Devon near Dollar (UF) 8th Apr; two West Water Resr & two Baddinsgill Resr (both BORD) both on 15th Apr; 2+ Faseny Water (LOTH) 17th Apr; one Letham Pools (FIFE) 18th Apr; one Isle of May 29th Apr One Loch Thom (CLYDE) 14th Apr; one North Sannox, Arran (CLY ISL) 14th Apr; one Pow Burn (AYRS) 16th Apr; one River Nith north of Dumfries (D&G) 19th Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 20th Apr
Sandwich Tern First Papa Westray (ORK) 30th Mar; 1+ North Ronaldsay (ORK) 2nd Apr; two Traigh Mor, Barra (OH) 8th Apr; one Sumburgh (SHET) 9th June Three Loch Fleet (HIGH) 25th Mar; one Bruichladdich, Islay (ARG) 30th Mar; one Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 31st Mar One Burghead (M&N) 24th Mar; first Ythan Estuary (NES) 25th Mar; two Girdle Ness (NES) 27th Mar; three West Haven (ANG) 7th Apr One Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 25th Mar; 10 Ruddons Point (FIFE) 31st Mar; one Burnmouth (BORD) 14th Apr; two Isle of May 21st Apr; four Blackness (UF) 1st May One Barassie (AYRS) 16th Mar; one Saltcoats & two Doonfoot (both AYRS) both on 27th Mar; one Kilpatrick Point, Arran (CLY ISL) 30th Mar; 2+ Carrick beach (D&G) 4th Apr; 19 Garlieston (D&G) 6th Apr; nine Lunderston Bay (CLYDE) 9th Apr
Common Tern Two Stromness (ORK) 19th Apr; 3+ Carinish, North Uist (OH) 20th Apr; two Loch of Strom (SHET) 24th Apr; first Fair Isle 9th June Three by the Cromarty Bridge & 1+ Traigh, Morar (both HIGH) both on 2nd May; one Loch Feochan (ARG) 5th May Four Burghead & one Findhorn (both M&N) both on 26th Apr; first RSPB Loch of Strathbeg & Ythan Estuary (NES) 30th Apr, 40 RSPB Loch of Strathbeg on 2nd May; 1+ Montrose (ANG) 3rd May One Torness Power Station (LOTH) 9th Apr; one Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 23rd Apr; one Scoughall (LOTH) 30th Apr; one Blackness (UF) 1st May; two Isle of May 11th May Two Ascog, Bute (CLY ISL) 9th Apr; three past Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 4th May; three Castle Loch, Mochrum (D&G) 4th June
Arctic Tern Four in Sound of Harris (OH) 16th Apr; two Loch of Strom (SHET) 29th Apr; one Grutness (SHET) 1st May; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 1st May; 15 Fair Isle 6th May Two near Ardbeg, Islay (ARG) 17th Apr; two Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 1st May Five off Old Portlethen (NES) 28th Apr; one past Lossiemouth (M&N) 2nd May Three Isle of May 2nd May, 13 on 4th; one Crail (FIFE) 2nd May; two Tyninghame Bay (LOTH) 17th May; two Ansytuther (FIFE) 18th May; one Port Seton (LOTH) 21st May Two reported past Powillimount (D&G) 13th Apr; one Maidens (AYRS) 17th Apr; one Corsewall Point (D&G) 18th Apr; c.60 Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 2nd May; two Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 18th May
Little Tern One Eoligarry, Barra (OH) 18th Apr, five on 20th; one Balemore North Uist (OH) 19th Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 13th May; one East Sandwick, Unst (SHET) 13th June Six on Tiree (ARG) 20th Apr One Montrose (ANG) 24th Apr; 8+ Ythan Estuary (NES) 30th Apr; five Spey Bay (M&N) 6th May Six at Tyninghame Bay (LOTH) 17th May; two St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 29th May One Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 2nd May
Cuckoo One Ahmore, North Uist (OH) 24th Apr; one Rendall (ORK) 29th Apr; one Fair Isle 7th May; one Foula (SHET) 22nd May One near golf course Strathpeffer (HIGH) 3rd Apr; one reported Durness (HIGH) 11th Apr; one Kilmartin (ARG) 13th Apr; one Alturlie Point (HIGH) 13th Apr; singles Duart, Mull & Kilmichael Glen (both ARG) both on 14th Apr; one Strontian (HIGH) 17th Apr; one Achvarasdal (CAITH) 27th Apr; one Harpsdale (CAITH) 28th Apr One Wellheads (M&N) 17th Apr; one near Blackford (P&K) 21st Apr; one Backwater Dam (ANG) 6th May; two Portsoy (NES) 7th May One Braes of Doune (UF) 14th Apr; one Dunbar, one Musselburgh Lagoons & one Craigmillar Castle, Edinburgh (all LOTH) all on 20th Apr; one singing Dye Water (BORD) 24th Apr; one Yellowcraig, Dirleton (LOTH) 24th Apr; one Isle of May 1st May; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 3rd May; one near Holl Reservoir (FIFE) 8th May One Loudoun Hill (AYRS) 10th Apr; one Bull Loch, Bute (CLY ISL) 15th Apr; one Loch Humphrey (CLYDE) 16th Apr; one Stockie Muir (CLYDE) 19th Apr; one near Leswalt (D&G) 19th Apr; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 20th Apr; one Muirshiel CP (CLYDE) 21st Apr
Swift One North Ronaldsay & one Deerness (both ORK) both on 5th May; one Sumburgh (SHET) 22nd May; two Fair Isle 23rd May; two Brevig, Barra (OH) 29th May Three Kilmichael Glassary (ARG) 6th May; one Inverness (HIGH) 7th May; 3+ Loch Kinellan (HIGH) 8th May One Loch Leven (P&K) 29th Apr; three Loch of Skene (NES) 1st May; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 5th May; first Elgin, Garmouth & Lossiemouth (all M&N) all on 5th May; one Dunkeld (P&K) 5th May One Musselburgh (LOTH) 24th Apr, two on 30th; one Newburgh (FIFE) 29th Apr; one near RSPB Skinflats Tidal Exchange (UF) 30th Apr; one Tweedbank (BORD) 1st May; four Isle of May 5th May One Hogganfield Loch (CLYDE) 23rd Apr; one Strathclyde CP (CLYDE) 24th Apr; one Castle Douglas (D&G) 28th Apr; one Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 2nd May; two Rothesay Castle, Bute (CLY ISL) 5th May
Sand Martin One Fair Isle 2nd Apr; one Sanday (ORK) 2nd Apr; three Port Scolpaig, North Uist (OH) 10th Apr; one Virkie (SHET) 13th Apr; five North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th Apr One RSPB Loch Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 27th Mar; four Loch Leathan (ARG) 27th Mar, six on 28th; one Morar (HIGH) 30th Mar; 37+ Loch Insh (HIGH) 1st Apr; one Scrabster (CAITH) 19th Apr One Loch Leven (P&K) 18th Mar, 15 on 29th Mar; one Clatto Reservoir & three RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (both ANG) both on 27th Mar; 6+ Loch of Skene (NES) 30th Mar, 60+ on 1st Apr; five Loch Spynie (M&N) 1st Apr One Tyninghame Bay (LOTH) 25th Mar; two Innerleithen (BORD) 25th Mar; five Kilconquhar Loch (FIFE) 26th Mar; two River Tweed, below Abbotsford House (BORD) 27th Mar; four Cambusmore GPs (UF) 27th Mar; four Seafield Pond (LOTH) 27th Mar; one Isle of May 5th Apr One reported Torranyard (AYRS) 18th Mar; one Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 24th Mar; three Castle Semple Loch (CLYDE) 25th Mar; one Penwhirn Reservoir & two Glenluce-Stairhaven (both D&G) both on 25th Mar; 30+ Strathclyde Loch & five Carbarns Pool (both CLYDE) both on 26th Mar; three Sannox Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 31st Mar; c.20 Loch Ascog, Bute (CLY ISL) 1st Apr
Swallow One Noss (SHET) 4th Apr; one Fair Isle 5th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 6th Apr; one Eoligarry, Barra (OH) 10th Apr; one Daliburgh, South Uist (OH) 11th Apr Two Islay & one Isle of Seil (both ARG) both on 28th Mar; five Loch Insh (HIGH) 1st Apr; two Strathpeffer (HIGH) 4th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 11th Apr; four Scrabster (CAITH) 19th Apr; influx Dornoch area (HIGH) 19th Apr; first Dingwall (HIGH) 20th Apr One Girdle Ness (NES) 31st Mar; one Loch of Skene (NES) 1st Apr; two Loch Leven (P&K) 2nd Apr; one Burghead (M&N) 5th Apr; 3+ RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 5th Apr; three River Findhorn west of Forres & nine Portgordon (both M&N) both on 6th Apr One north at Barns Ness (LOTH) 25th Mar; one Kilconquhar Loch (FIFE) 28th Mar; one Blair Drummond GPs (UF) 29th Mar; one Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 3rd Apr; one Cambusmore GPs (UF) 3rd Apr; two Tweedbank (BORD) 4th Apr; two Isle of May 4th Apr One Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 26th Mar; one Carbarns Pool (CLYDE) 27th Mar; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 27th Mar; one Threave Castle NTS (D&G) 31st Mar; one Gryfe No.1 Reservoir (CLYDE) 31st Mar; one Minishant (AYRS) 2nd Apr; one Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 2nd Apr; five Balkenna (AYRS) 3rd Apr; one Corsewall Point (D&G) 3rd Apr
House Martin One Fair Isle 4th Apr; one Loch of Skaill (ORK) 12th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 13th Apr, four on 20th; one Loch of Spiggie (SHET) 5th May; singles Barra & South Uist (both OH) both on 6th May One Arisaig (HIGH) 31st Mar; one Lochindorb (HIGH) 5th Apr; one Glen Etive (ARG) 9th Apr; one Loch Indaal, Islay (ARG) 12th Apr; one Brora (HIGH) 18th Apr; c.20 (with Swallows & Sand Martins) Loch Calder (CAITH) 24th Apr One Portgordon (M&N) 6th Apr; two Inglismaldie, Laurencekirk (NES) 8th Apr; one Forfar Loch (ANG) 11th Apr; two Lossiemouth (M&N) 12th Apr Two Cambusmore GPs (UF) 3rd Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 4th Apr; 1+ reported Peebles (BORD) 5th Apr; 1+ Kailzie Gardens (BORD) 6th Apr; one Newburgh (FIFE) 11th Apr, 10+ on 21st; one Isle of May 19th Apr Two WWT Caerlaverock (D*G) 3rd Apr; one Waulkmill Glen Reservoir (CLYDE) 5th Apr; 3+ Martnaham Loch & one Auchenharvie GC (both AYRS) both on 6th Apr; one Dumfries (D&G) 11th Apr; one RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 11th Apr; one Bennecarrigan, Arran (CLY ISL) 11th Apr
Tree Pipit One Fair Isle 10th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 12th Apr; one Norwick, Unst (SHET 7th May; one Brevig, Barra (OH) 18th May One Strathpeffer (HIGH) 4th Apr; one Nethybridge (HIGH) 11th Apr; two Taynish NNR (ARG) 16th Apr; one Drumfearn, Skye (HIGH) 20th Apr One Brathens, Banchory (NES) 18th Apr; one Forest of Birse (NES) 19th Apr; one Drummond Castle woods (P&K) 19th Apr; one Newtyle Forest (M&N) 20th Apr; three Glen Esk (ANG) 20th Apr Two Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 8th Apr; two Gordon Community Woodland (BORD) 8th Apr; one Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 17th Apr; one Isle of May 20th Apr One RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 8th Apr; one Ravenscraig, Motherwell (CLYDE) 14th Apr; one Mugdock CP & six singing Loch Lomondside (both CLYDE) both on 19th Apr; one Ness Glen (AYRS) 20th Apr; one Maol Donn, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th Apr
Yellow Wagtail Two Blue-headed Wagtails North Ronaldsay (ORK) 3rd May; one Fair Isle 6th May; Blue-headed Wagtail Haroldswick, Unst (SHET) 8th May; Blue-headed Wagtail Fair Isle 8th May; Grey-headed Wagtail Fair Isle 9th May; single Grey-headed Wagtails Burray & Papa Westray (both ORK) both on 10th May One over Cairngorm (HIGH) 27th May; one Balnakeil, Sutherland (HIGH) 29th May One RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 23rd Apr; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 28th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Girdle Ness (NES) 9th May; Grey-headed Wagtail RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 17th May One Torness Power Station (LOTH) 18th Apr; one Thorntonloch (LOTH) 19th Apr; one Birgham Haugh (BORD) 19th Apr, three on 24th; four Kirkmay farm, Crail (FIFE) 6th May, six on 7th; one Isle of May 6th May; Black-headed Wagtail Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 12th May One Heads of Ayr (AYRS) 6th May; one Carbarns Pool (CLYDE) 29th May
White Wagtail Three North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Mar; four on Fair Isle 4th Apr; one Sumburgh (SHET) 4th Apr; two Ardvule Point, South uist (OH) 11th Apr One Uisaed Point (ARG) 15th Mar, 10+ on 16th; one Strathy Point (HIGH) 22nd Mar; one Portmahomack (HIGH) 3rd Apr; two Dornoch (HIGH) 6th Apr One Balormie pig farm, Hopeman (M&N) 20th Apr, nine on 21st; two Easthaven (ANG) 20th Apr; one near Aboyne (NES) 24th Apr Four Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 23rd Mar; one RSPB Skinflats (UF) 29th Mar; one Whitesands Bay (LOTH) 3rd Apr; one Isle of May 18th Apr Five Maidens (AYRS) 3rd Apr; seven Bishopton (CLYDE) 8th Apr; 12 West Freugh (D&G) 8th Apr, 54 on 18th; five Auchenhew Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 10th Apr
Redstart Male Fair Isle 10th Apr; one Geosetter (SHET) 11th Apr; male Fivepenny, Lewis (OH) 8th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May Six Taynish NNR (ARG) 16th Apr; male River Nairn near Farr (HIGH) 21st Apr One Lonmay (NES) 12th Apr; one Brathens, Banchory (NES) 19th Apr; two males Drummond Castle woods (P&K) 19th Apr; one Glen Esk (ANG) 20th Apr; one Dulsie Bridge (M&N) 23rd Apr Male Isle of May 6th Apr; female Kilminning (FIFE) 13th Apr, two on 14th; one Skateraw & male Goshen farm, Musselburgh (both LOTH) both on 14th Apr; male Coldstream (BORD) 19th Apr; male & female Fairlaw & male Peebles (both BORD) both on 20th Apr; one Loch Voil (UF) 20th Apr Male Kirkton (D&G) 7th Apr; first RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 13th Apr; male Glen Afton (AYRS) 14th Apr; male Ravenscraig, Motherwell (CLYDE) 17th Apr; one Monyquil, Arran (CLY ISL) 18th Apr; four Endrick Mouth, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 20th Apr
Whinchat One Fair Isle 8th May; one Out Skerries (SHET) 9th May; two Deerness, one North Ronaldsay & three on South Ronaldsay (all ORK) all on 11th May One Moine Mhor (ARG) 20th Apr; two by Inverness Airport (HIGH) 2nd May; male Udale Bay (HIGH) 4th May One near Blackford (P&K) 21st Apr; male Back Water Reservoir (ANG) 28th Apr; one Glenlivet-Bridge of Avon (M&N) 30th Apr; one Sands of Forvie NR (NES) 8th May One Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 23rd Apr; one Kinneil Lagoon (UF) 24th Apr; male Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 27th Apr; one Isle of May 5th May; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 7th May, two on 8th; one Leithen Valley & three Rankle Burn (both BORD) both on 7th May; three Fife Ness (FIFE) 8th May Male Culter Glen (CLYDE) 21st Apr; one Grobdale (D&G) 23rd Apr; one Loch Doon (AYRS) 28th Apr; male Glen Rosa, Arran (CLY ISL) 2nd May
Wheatear One Loch Sandary, North Uist (OH) 15th Mar; one Ben Hacklett, North Uist (OH) 19th Mar; one Sumburgh (SHET) 29th Mar; one Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 30th Mar; one Bay of Skaill (ORK) 30th Mar; one Fair Isle 30th Mar; six North Ronaldsay (ORK) 2nd Apr One Loch More (CAITH) 8th Mar; one Ross of Mull, Mull (ARG) 23rd Mar; one near Loch Spelve, Mull (ARG) 24th Mar; male Kilchiaran & one The Oa, both Islay (both ARG) both on 25th Mar; one Kildonan Point, Isle of Eigg (HIGH) 26th Mar; four Isle of Colonsay (ARG) 27th Mar; two males Neist Point, Skye (HIGH) 29th Mar; two males Mellon Udrigle (HIGH) 31st Mar One Portknockie (M&N) 13th Mar; one Dava (M&N) 16th Mar; one Montquhir near Carmyllie (ANG) 17th Mar; six Girdle Ness (NES) 3rd Apr; 5+ Sma’ Glen-Newton Bridge (P&K) 6th Apr Male Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 23rd Mar; one Coates (LOTH) 28th Mar; two Manor Valley (BORD) 28th Mar; four Lammermuir Hills (LOTH) 31st Mar; three Fife Ness (FIFE) 3rd Apr; four Isle of May 4th Apr; two Blackness (UF) 5th Apr One Kirkcowan (D&G) 25th Mar; male Hunterston (AYRS) 27th Mar; singles Corsewall Point, Mennock Pass, Mull of Galloway, RSPB Mersehead & Southerness (all D&G) all on 28th Mar; one Cathkin Marsh SWT (CLYDE) 28th Mar; one Sannox, Arran (CLY ISL) 28th Mar; three Loch Doon (AYRS) 29th Mar
Ring Ouzel One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 4th Apr; one Fair Isle 5th Apr; one Sumburgh Head (SHET) 7th Apr; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 22nd Apr Male near Lochan Add (ARG) 29th Mar; male Cairngorm (HIGH) 31st Mar Male Clash of Scalan (M&N) 17th Mar; two Rattray Head & one Girdle Ness (both NES) both on 5th Apr; three Glen Esk (ANG) 16th Apr One Faseny Bridge, Lammermuir Hills (LOTH) 31st Mar; one Isle of May 5th Apr; 2+ Hope Burn near Culter Fell (BORD) 10th Apr; two Blackhopebyre & one Colquhar (both BORD) both on 11th Apr; one Gargunnock Hills (UF) 20th Apr; male West Lomond (FIFE) 24th Apr One near Moffat (D&G) 15th Mar; male Culter Waterhead (CLYDE) 30th Mar; one Mull of Galloway (D&G) 31st Mar; male Loudoun Hill (AYRS) 10th Apr, 3+ on 14th; male Goatfell, Arran (CLY ISL) 10th Apr
Grasshopper Warbler One Castlebay, Barra (OH) 21st Apr; one Fair Isle 6th May; one Rendall (ORK) 6th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 11th May One Drumfearn, Skye (HIGH) 20th Apr; one Lochgilphead & one singing Kintyre Peninsula (both ARG) both on 20th Apr; one by River Nairn near Farr (HIGH) 5th May One Red Moss of Netherley (NES) 1st May; one singing Findhorn Bay (M&N) 5th May; one Dighty Burn, Monifieth (ANG) 6th May One Isle of May 18th Apr; one singing Musselburgh Lagoons & one Aberlady Bay (both LOTH) both on 19th Apr; influx noted Lothian 20th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 22nd Apr; one Lindores Loch (FIFE) 23rd Apr; one near Duns (BORD) 1st May; one Old Roxburgh Castle (BORD) 2nd May One singing Park Burn, Lenzie (CLYDE) 15th Apr; one singing Bogside Flats (AYRS) 16th Apr; one singing Gartloch Pools (CLYDE) 17th Apr; 2+ singing Ardeer (AYRS) 19th Apr; two Caerlaverock NNR (D&G) 23rd Apr; one near Dhu Loch, Bute (CLY ISL) 23rd Apr
Sedge Warbler Two Fair Isle 5th May; one Brevig, Barra (OH) 6th May; first Mainland (ORK) 6th May; singles Quendale & on Unst (both SHET) both on 7th May; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May One RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 13th Apr; one East Loch Fada, Colonsay (ARG) 23rd Apr; three singing Kinellan, Strathpeffer (HIGH) 6th May; one Balnakeil, Sutherland (HIGH) 7th May One Loch Leven (P&K) 21st Apr; 3+ RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 21st Apr; one Loch Spynie (M&N) 23rd Apr; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 30th Apr; one Red Moss of Netherley (NES) 1st May One Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 22nd Apr; one Duddingston Loch (LOTH) 25th Apr; two Isle of May 2nd May; two Lindores Loch (FIFE) 2nd May; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 5th May One RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 14th Apr; one Windlaw Marsh (CLYDE) 19th Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 20th Apr; one Barr Loch, RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 21st Apr; one Doonfoot (AYRS) 21st Apr; one Corriecravie, Arran (CLY ISL) 4th May; three on Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 5th May
Lesser Whitethroat One Fair Isle 2nd May; one Virkie (SHET) 4th May; first Mainland (ORK) 6th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; one near Balranald, North Uist (OH) 9th May One singing near Moy (HIGH) 30th May One Riverside Nature Park, Dundee (ANG) 28th Apr; one Sands of Forvie NR (NES) 9th May One Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 21st Apr; one Gullane Point (LOTH) 25th Apr; two Isle of May 5th May; one Fife Ness (FIFE) 8th May; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 14th May One Greenan & one near Ashgrove Loch (both AYRS) both on 22nd Apr; at least 4 singing Barlocco (D&G) 6th May; one Merryton (CLYDE) 8th May
Whitethroat One Fair Isle 10th Apr; one Virkie (SHET) 3rd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; four Barra (OH) 9th May One near Keills (ARG) 24th Apr; one Isle of Eigg (HIGH) 6th May; one Alturlie (HIGH) 7th May One Auchmithie (ANG) 1st May; one Lossie Estuary (M&N) 3rd May; one Perthumie Bay, Stonehaven (NES) 3rd May One Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 20th Apr; two Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 22nd Apr; one NewmaIns farm, Reston (BORD) 26th Apr, two on 27th; two Isle of May 29th Apr; one Kilrenny (FIFE) 30th Apr One reported Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 13th Apr; one Pow Burn (AYRS) 21st Apr; one RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 21st Apr; one Annan Waterfoot (D&G) 24th Apr; singles Milngavie & Erskine (both CLYDE) both on 26th Apr; five on the Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 6th May
Garden Warbler One Scousburgh (SHET) 11th Apr; one Isle of Noss (SHET) 5th May; one Fair Isle 7th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; one North Bay, Barra (OH) 5th June Singles Minard & Ardkinglas Woodland (both ARG) both on 6th May; one Glen Etive (HIGH) 20th May One Dunkeld (P&K) 2nd May; three Powmouth & two Balgavies Loch (both ANG) both on 8th May; one Girdle Ness (NES) 8th May; one near Mosstodloch (M&N) 8th May One Musselburgh Lagoons & one Cramond (both LOTH) both on 27th Apr; one by River Teviot near Roxburgh (BORD) 2nd May; one Isle of May 8th May; one Kirkton of Balmerino (FIFE) 15th May; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 15th May One RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 27th Apr; one Shewalton Woods SWT (AYRS) 30th Apr; one Ross Park, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 4th May; one Duchess Court, Arran (CLY ISL) 18th May
Blackcap One Cullivoe, Yell (SHET) 30th Mar; one Fetlar (SHET) 31st Mar; one Finstown (ORK) 3rd Apr; seven on Fair Isle 4th Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 4th Apr; one Brevig, Barra (OH) 22nd Apr; male Fivepenny, Lewis (OH) 23rd Apr Female Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 10th Apr; two singing males Lochgilphead (ARG) 15th Apr; singing male Kinloch, Skye (HIGH) 21st Apr; male Fairy Glen, Rosemarkie (HIGH) 22nd Apr Singing male Dundee (ANG) 6th Apr; female Girdle Ness (NES) 10th Apr; singing male Balgavies Loch (ANG) 11th Apr; one Delnies Community Woodland (M&N) 16th Apr One Kilminning (FIFE) 3rd Apr, four Fife Ness area on 16th; two Isle of May 4th Apr; male near Duddingston Loch (LOTH) 9th Apr; one Musselburgh (LOTH) 13th Apr; three Tweedbank (BORD) 14th Apr; one Burnmouth (BORD) 14th Apr; two Gartmorn Dam CP (UF) 17th Apr; two Lochore Meadows CP (FIFE) 19th Apr; singing male Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 21st Apr Singing male RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 9th Apr; singing male Mainsriddle & one Threave Castle NTS (both D&G) both on 9th Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock & one Brighouse Bay (both D&G) both on 10th Apr; one Skerroll-Glecknabae, Bute (CLY ISL) 13th Apr; 2+ singing Rozelle, Ayr (AYRS) 15th Apr
Wood Warbler One Baltasound, Unst (SHET) 6th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 10th May; one Fair Isle 11th May One Kilmichael Glen (ARG) 17th Apr; two Contin (HIGH) 2nd May One Dunkeld (P&K) 25th Apr; one reported Balmoral (NES) 4th May; one Whiteash Hill Wood (M&N) 25th May Two Killin (UF) 21st Apr; one near Dunbar (LOTH) 1st May; one Isle of May 10th May One Sallochy, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 20th Apr, eight singing birds nearby at Ross Wood on 24th; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 20th Apr; one Gartloch Pools (CLYDE) 27th Apr; one Ness Glen (AYRS) 3rd June
Chiffchaff One Grutness (SHET) 27th Mar; one Hestily, South Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Mar; three Fair Isle 29th Mar, 87 on 13th Apr; four North Ronaldsay (ORK) 30th Mar, 45 on 11th Apr; one Port of Ness, Lewis, one South Glendale, South Uist & one Barra (all OH) all on 4th Apr One Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 14th Mar; one singing Craig Phadrig, Inverness (HIGH) 20th Mar; one singing near Minard Castle (ARG) 27th Mar; one Isle of Luing (ARG) 28th Mar; one Isle of Eigg (HIGH) 30th Mar; one Thurso (CAITH) 11th Apr One singing Cloddach Quarry (M&N) 20th Mar; one The Balloch near Crieff (P&K) 25th Mar; one Clatto Reservoir & 2+ singing RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (both ANG) both on 27th Mar; one singing Scotstown Moor & two Girdle Ness (both NES) both on 27th Mar; singing birds Drumoak & Inchgarth NR (both NES) both on 28th Mar; two near Errol (P&K) 30th Mar One Haystoun, Peebles (BORD) 11th Mar; one Hule Moss (BORD) 13th Mar; one Musselburgh (LOTH) 14th Mar; one singing Tweedbank (BORD) 19th Mar; one Scoughall (LOTH) 20th Mar; three singing Gosford Estate (LOTH) 22nd Mar; one Isle of May 24th Mar, 10 on 26th; one singing Dalgety Bay (FIFE) 25th Mar; one Dunblane (UF) 26th Mar; four Tyninghame & three Musselburgh (both LOTH) both on 26th Mar; one singing Loch Rusky (UF) 27th Mar; 10+ Burnmouth (BORD) 27th Mar; 8+ singing birds Birnie & Gaddon Lochs LNR (FIFE) 28th Mar; five birds new in between Coates-Spittal (LOTH) 28th Mar Two singing Shewalton Woods (AYRS) 15th Mar, three on 22nd; one singing Milngavie (CLYDE) 16th Mar; one singing RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 17th Mar; six singing birds Collennan (AYRS) 22nd Mar; three Dundrennan (D&G) 25th Mar; one singing Brodick Castle, Arran (CLY ISL) 29th Mar
Willow Warbler One Fair Isle 5th Apr, eight on 10th; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th Apr, six on 11th; two Baltasound, Unst (SHET) 11th Apr; one Eoligarry, Barra (OH) 10th Apr; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 13th Apr One Barr Glen (ARG) 7th Apr; one Ormsary & one near Fishnish, Mull (both ARG) both on 9th Apr; small influx noted Argyll 10th Apr; six singing birds on Isle of Skye, one Alturlie & one Isle of Eigg (all HIGH) all on 11th Apr; influx Dornoch area (HIGH) 19th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 21st Apr One Sands of Forvie NR (NES) 4th Apr; one Rattray Head (NES) 5th Apr; one East Seaton farm (ANG) 8th Apr; first Loch Leven (P&K) 11th Apr; one Tomnamoon (M&N) 14th Apr; four singing birds Anmore Wood (P&K) 19th Apr One East Linton (LOTH) 1st Apr; one Tweedbank (BORD) 7th Apr; one Gordon Community Woodland (BORD) 8th Apr; one Fife Ness (FIFE) 9th Apr; one River Carron near Falkirk (UF) 9th Apr; one Blairdrummond GPs & one Skinflats Lagoons (both UF) both on 10th Apr; 18 singing birds Lochore Meadows CP (FIFE) 19th Apr One singing Whitehaugh, Paisley (CLYDE) 3rd Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 4th Apr; one Dumbarton (CLYDE) 4th Apr; 2+ singing by Fleet railway viaduct (D&G) 5th Apr; one by Ayr hospital (AYRS) 7th Apr; one Kirkton & one RSPB Wood of Cree (both D&G) both on 7th Apr; one Mountstuart, Bute (CLY ISL) 8th Apr; small influx noted Ayrshire 10th Apr; 11 singing birds reported Arran (CLY ISL) 10th Apr
Spotted Flycatcher Three on Barra (OH) 9th May; 9+ around Shetland 9th May including five on Out Skerries; 11 on Fair Isle 9th May; four North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May One reported Garmony, Mull (ARG) 30th Apr; one Portmahomack Community Wood (HIGH) 6th May; one Taynish NNR (ARG) 7th May; three Tiree & two The Oa, Islay (both ARG) both on 10th May One Loch Lee (ANG) 7th May; one Archiestown (M&N) 9th May; one near Cleish (P&K) 10th May; one Girdle Ness (NES) 12th May; one Dinnet (NES) 14th May Good numbers amongst a fall in East Lothian (LOTH) on 8th May; 3+ Fife Ness (FIFE) 8th May; 21 at St Abb’s Head & six Burnmouth (both BORD) both on 8th May; five Isle of May 8th May; one Kilmahog (UF) 9th May One reported near Greenside Reservoir (CLYDE) 24th Apr; two RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 27th Apr; one Dams to Darnley CP (CLYDE) 6th May; one Glen Afton (AYRS) 8th May; one High Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 8th May; one Minnigaff & one Southwick Burn (both D&G) both on 8th May
Pied Flycatcher One Sumburgh Head & one Yell (both SHET) both on 9th May; two Fair Isle 9th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May; one Shapinsay (ORK) 18th May; one Bevig, Barra (OH) 28th May Two Knock, Mull (ARG) 21st Apr; male Scarinish, Tiree (ARG) 7th May; one Craigellachie NNR (HIGH) 9th May, 3+ males on 14th; male Kincraig (HIGH) 12th May One Killiecrankie (P&K) 5th May Male near Broughton (BORD) 5th May; one Isle of May 9th May Three, two males & a female RSPB Ken-Dee Marshes (D&G) 19th Apr; first RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 20th Apr; male RSPB Inversnaid (CLYDE) 23rd Apr; two males Ness Glen (AYRS) 30th Apr

  Shetland, Fair Isle, Orkney and Outer Hebrides Highland, Caithness and Argyll North-East Scotland, Moray & Nairn, Angus and Perth & Kinross Fife, Isle of May, Upper Forth, Lothian and Borders Clyde, Clyde Islands, Ayrshire and Dumfries & Galloway
Manx Shearwater Two past Ardvule Point, South Uist (OH) 23rd Mar; one past Ireland, Bigton (SHET) 7th May; two past North Ronaldsay (ORK) 7th May; seven from the “Good Shepherd” off Fair Isle on 6th June 36 past Aird, Tiree (ARG) 26th Mar, 520 past on 31st; six off Isle of Eigg (HIGH) 1st Apr Two past Girdle Ness (NES) 9th May, 28 on 14th; two past Lunan Bay (ANG) 10th May; 14 past Lossiemouth (M&N) 16th May One past Isle of May 1st May, 48 on 14th; 85 past Fife Ness (FIFE) 14th May; 16 past Dunbar (LOTH) 23rd May One past Stevenston Point (AYRS) 30th Mar; c.150 off Irvine (AYRS) 11th Apr; 10+ off Largybeg, Arran (CLY ISL) 12th Apr; five off WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 5th May
Garganey Pair The Loons RSPB (ORK) 19th Apr; drake Baltasound, Unst (SHET) 21st Apr; three North Ronaldsay (ORK) 6th May; drake Loch Fada, Benbecula (OH) 8th May Pair Tiree (ARG) 17th Apr; drake St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 6th May Drake RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 6th Apr; pair RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 9th Apr; drake Findhorn Bay (M&N) 14th Apr; female RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 19th Apr; drake Port Allen (P&K) 4th May Pair Musselburgh (LOTH) 4th May; drake Cambus (UF) 9th May Pair RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 12th Mar; pair RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 12th Apr, two drakes on 6th May; drake Doonfoot (AYRS) 11th May
Marsh Harrier One Trumland, Rousay (ORK) 9th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 17th May; female Fair Isle 23rd May Female Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 19th Apr; female Loch Insh (HIGH) 24th Apr Male RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 31st Mar; one Loch Spynie (M&N) 7th Apr; imm. Male near Errol (P&K) 11th Apr; female RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 11th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 15th May Female Mugdrum Island, Newburgh (FIFE) 30th Mar; female Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 11th May One reported WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 16th Mar, female there on 11th & 18th May
Osprey One Bernera (OH) 30th Apr; one Rendall (ORK) 1st May; one over Fair Isle 4th May; one over Compass Head (SHET) 9th May; one Loch Druidibeg, South Uist (OH) 11th May One Clunes, Loch Lochy (HIGH) 15th Mar; one near Newtonmore (HIGH) 29th Mar; one over Loch Garten (HIGH) 29th Mar, returning female back there on 2nd Apr; one reported West Loch Tarbert (ARG) 2nd Apr; one back at nest site near Dornoch (HIGH) 2nd Apr; one back at nest site near Ford (ARG) 4th Apr; one back at nest site near Thurso (CAITH) 7th Apr One reported over Coupar Angus (P&K) 11th Mar; male back at SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 21st Mar; one Backwater Reservoir (ANG) 21st Mar; one back at nest site Balgavies Loch (ANG) 3rd Apr; one Findhorn Bay & one back at nest site near Forres (both M&N) both on 4th Apr; one over just to N of Dundee (ANG) 5th Apr; one back at nest site near Loch of Skene (NES) 10th Apr One reported over Yetholm Loch (BORD) 4th Mar; one over Eden Estuary (FIFE) 12th Mar; one Loch Gelly (FIFE) 13th Mar; one over Camilla Loch (FIFE) 15th Mar; one Kinlochard (UF) 16th Mar; one over Stirling (UF) 20th Mar; one Denholm (BORD) 23rd Mar; male back at nest site near Aberfoyle (UF) 2nd Apr; one over East Linton (LOTH) 5th Apr; one North Esk Reservoir (LOTH/BORD) 6th Apr; one over Isle of May 15th June One near Kirk Dam, Bute (CLY ISL) 23rd Mar; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 24th Mar; one Loch Fad, Bute (CLY ISL) 25th Mar; male back at nest site Threave (D&G) 2nd Apr; one back at nest site Loch Doon (AYRS) 8th Apr
Dotterel Two RSPB Loch na Muilne, Lewis (OH) 27th Apr; five Balranald, North Uist (OH) 2nd May; three Baleshare, North Uist (OH) 4th May; nine Sanday (ORK) 9th May; one South Ronaldsay (ORK) 10th May; four Fair Isle 18th May One Oronsay (ARG) 29th Apr; one at The Oa, Islay (ARG) 4th May; two Bruach na Frith, Skye (HIGH) 14th May; two Sarek’s Meadow, Cairngorms (HIGH) 14th May 29 at Pluckerston farm, Kirriemuir (ANG) 9th May; 10 St. Combs (NES) 14th May; three near Collieston (NES) 15th May One Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 2nd May; two Carnethy Hill (LOTH) 3rd May Four near New Galloway (D&G) 27th Apr; one near Green Lowther Hill (D&G/CLYDE) 8th May; one Blackcraig Hill (AYRS) 13th May; seven Tinto (CLYDE) 14th May
Whimbrel Two Smerclate, South Uist (OH) 16th Apr; two Fair Isle 16th Apr; two Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 17th Apr; one Dalsetter (SHET) 19th Apr; 84 Loch of Skaill (ORK) 28th Apr; 150 Widewall (ORK) 3rd May One reported past Machrihanish SO (ARG) 19th Mar; one Tiree (ARG) 16th Apr; one Isle of Eigg (HIGH) 16th Apr; one St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 16th Apr; four Dornoch (HIGH) 17th Apr; 40 Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 25th Apr One Easthaven (ANG) 18th Apr; two Ythan Estuary (NES) 18th Apr, 30+ on 25th Apr, 61 on 1st May; one Findhorn Bay (M&N) 20th Apr; four Loch Leven (P&K) 5th May Two Musselburgh & two Dunbar (both LOTH) both on 15th Apr; one Largo Bay (FIFE) 21st Apr; 30 Barns Ness (LOTH) 26th Apr; 16 Longcarse, Alloa (UF) 1st May One Stevenston Point (AYRS) 16th Apr; two Carse Bay (D&G) 16th Apr; two Auchenhew Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 16th Apr, 16 on 4th May; one Wigtown Bay (D&G) 19th Apr; two Saltcoats & one Martnaham Loch (both AYRS) both on 20th Apr; 10 West Ferry (CLYDE) 23rd Apr, 34 on 1st May; six Mount Stuart, Bute (CLY ISL) 7th May
Common Sandpiper One Fair Isle 19th Apr; two Grimsay, North Uist (OH) 24th Apr; 3+ South Uist (OH) 24th Apr; first Mainland (ORK) 2nd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 5th May; three Sumburgh area & one Skaw, Unst (both SHET) both on 6th May One Loch na Keal, Mull (ARG) 7th Apr; one Add Estuary & one near Kilmelford (both ARG) both on 12th Apr; one Avielochan (HIGH) 14th Apr; one Contin, one Strathdearn, one Ullapool, one Loch Insh & one on Skye (all HIGH) all on 16th Apr One River Findhorn west of Forres (M&N) 8th Apr; one Invermark Lodge (ANG) 10th Apr; one Dinnet Bridge (NES) 12th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 15th Apr; one Spey Bay (M&N) 17th Apr; one Loch Kennard (P&K) 17th Apr One Letham Pools (FIFE) 9th Apr; one Whitesands Quarry (LOTH) 11th Apr; one River Devon at Harveston (UF) 11th Apr; one Edrington Castle (BORD) 12th Apr; one River Tweed near Peebles (BORD) 13th Apr; two Musselburgh (LOTH) 15th Apr; 5+ Loch Gelly (FIFE) 15th Apr; two Isle of May 5th May Two Drymen Bridge (CLYDE) 10th Apr; one River Nith north of Dumfries (D&G) 12th Apr; one Galston Loch (AYRS) 13th Apr; 3+ River Clyde in Carbarns area (CLYDE) 14th Apr; one North Sannox, Arran (CLY ISL) 14th Apr; one Capringstone Flash (AYRS) 15th Apr; two Carse Bay (D&G) 16th Apr; two Ardmaleish, Bute (CLY ISL) 23rd Apr
Sandwich Tern One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th Mar; two Papa Westray (ORK) 29th Mar; one Grutness (SHET) 13th Apr; two Loch Stiapavat, Lewis (OH) 6th June Two Machrihanish SBO, one Port Charlotte, Islay & one Tayinloan (all ARG) all on 9th Apr; one St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 9th Apr; two Rosemarkie & two Brora (both HIGH) both on 11th Apr One Nairn (M&N) 12th Mar; two Portknockie (M&N) 21st Mar; four Lossiemouth (M&N) 22nd Mar; two Ythan Estuary (NES) 23rd Mar; one Elliot Burn (ANG) 13th Apr One Seafield (LOTH) 24th Mar; two Eyemouth (BORD) 6th Apr; five Gosford Bay (LOTH) 8th Apr; one St. Andrews (FIFE) 11th Apr; one Isle of May 19th Apr; five Blackness (UF) 3rd May Two Irvine harbour (AYRS) 4th Apr; two Sandbraes, Arran (CLY ISL) 7th Apr; one Southerness Point (D&G) 13th Apr, 15 on 14th; two Rothesay Bay, Bute (CLY ISL) 17th Apr; two Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 22nd Apr
Common Tern One Berneray (OH) 15th Apr; two Stromness (ORK) 18th Apr; 5+ North Ford, North Uist (OH) 19th Apr; one Scatness (SHET) 28th Apr; two Fair Isle 10th May One Sorobaidh Bay, Tiree (ARG) 28th Apr; 100+ back at nesting rafts Avoch (HIGH) 2nd May; seven St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 7th May One River Spey, Rothes & one Lossiemouth (both M&N) both on 19th Apr; 2+ Blackdog (NES) 30th Apr; 28 RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 30th Apr, 50+ on 2nd May; four Montrose Basin (ANG) 3rd May Four off Torness Power Station (LOTH) 25th Apr; 60 back Leith Docks (LOTH) 1st May; two Isle of May 2nd May; seven Blackness (UF) 3rd May; c.30 Kinneil (UF) 6th May; two Folly Loch (BORD) 9th May; 17 Fife Ness (FIFE) 14th May Two Bowling (CLYDE) 19th Apr; one Hunterston (AYRS) 30th June
Arctic Tern One Borve, Barra (OH) 18th Apr; one Pool of Virkie (SHET) 26th Apr; two Graemeshall Loch (ORK) 26th Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 29th Apr; first Fair Isle 8th May One St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 16th Apr; one Gunna Sound (ARG) 23rd Apr; three Tongue (HIGH) 27th Apr; six on Tiree (ARG) 28th Apr Two Spey Bay (M&N) 24th Apr; two Blackdog (NES) 26th Apr; 2+ Scurdie Ness, Montrose (ANG) 15th May; five Loch Leven (P&K) 2nd June One Isle of May 1st May; one Kinneil (UF) 6th May; 1+ Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 7th June One Blackwaterfoot, Arran (CLY ISL) 23rd Apr; one Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 26th Apr, c.150 on 5th May; one Castle Loch, Lochmaben (D&G) 6th May
Little Tern One Loch Bee, South Uist (OH) 16th Apr; up to five Burray (ORK) 21st May Three on Tiree (ARG) 16th Apr; one Sandside Bay (CAITH) 23rd May Three Ythan Estuary (NES) 26th Apr; three Montrose Basin (ANG) 3rd May; two Lossie Estuary (M&N) 12th May One Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 7th June Two Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 20th May
Cuckoo Singles Lewis & South Uist (both OH) both on 17th Apr; one Rendall (ORK) 17th Apr; one singing Stenness (ORK) 30th Apr; one Fair Isle 5th May; one Mid Yell, Yell (SHET) 11th May One Kensaleyre, Skye (HIGH) 9th Apr; one Glen Fyne (ARG) 11th Apr; singles Inveraray, Ford & Kilfinan (all ARG) all on 16th Apr; mini influx noted Highland 17th Apr, with 10 birds reported, mainly from the west coast; one near Scrabster (CAITH) 26th Apr One Glen Esk (ANG) 10th Apr; one Edzell (NES) 16th Apr; one near Cornhill (NES) 18th Apr; one Cragganmore (M&N) 22nd Apr; one Sma’ Glen (P&K) 24th Apr One Balquhidder Glen (UF) 18th Apr; one Leithen Water (BORD) 19th Apr; one Isle of May 25th Apr, three on 5th May; one Barns Ness (LOTH) 30th Apr; one Kilminning (FIFE) 5th May Singles Helensburgh, Snypes Dam & Meikle Bin (all CLYDE) all on 16th Apr; one Glen Rosa, Arran (CLY ISL) 16th Apr; one Loch Fad, Bute (CLY ISL) 16th Apr; one Loch Riecawr (AYRS) 18th Apr; one Gatehouse of Fleet (D&G) 18th Apr; one singing near Loch Ken (D&G) 18th Apr
Swift One Fair Isle 6th May; one Noss (SHET) 6th May; one near Druidibeg Plantation, South Uist (OH) 14th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th June One reported Wick (CAITH) 11th Apr; one Kingussie (HIGH) 6th May; two Kilmichael Glassary (ARG) 7th May; one Inverness Castle (HIGH) 9th May; eight Campbeltown (ARG) 10th May; first back Willowbank, Wick (CAITH) 11th May One Carsebreck Loch (P&K) 25th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 29th Apr, 80 on 10th May; one Forfar Loch (ANG) 2nd May; one Findhorn Bay (M&N) 4th May; 60 Loch Leven (P&K) 4th May; one Union Street, Aberdeen (NES) 5th May; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 7th May One reported Luffness (LOTH) 17th Apr; one Linlithgow Loch (LOTH) 25th Apr; two The Hirsel & one Tweedbank (both BORD) both on 27th Apr; seven Loch Gelly & one Fife Ness (both FIFE) both on 4th May; one Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 4th May; one Isle of May 5th May Three Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 19th Apr; 1+ RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 24th Apr; two over River Nith, Kirkton (D&G) 25th Apr; one Dumfries (D&G) 3rd May; 2+ Cumnock (AYRS) 5th May; first back Castle Douglas (D&G) 5th May; three on Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 10th May, 30+ there at Loch Fad on 11th
Sand Martin Three Skara Brae (ORK) 10th Apr; two Bornish, South Uist (OH) 12th Apr; three North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th Apr; one Virkie (SHET) 18th Apr; first Fair Isle 22nd Apr Two Loch Leathan (ARG) 22nd Mar; one Kinellan, Strathpeffer (HGH) 22nd Mar; one Arisaig (HIGH) 26th Mar; three Harrapool, Skye (HIGH) 9th Apr; two Loch Calder (CAITH) 9th Apr; one Loch Insh (HIGH) 9th Apr, 210 on 11th, 410 on 28th; four Glen Aros, Mull (ARG) 10th Apr One Loch Spynie (M&N) 14th Mar; three Loch Leven (P&K) 18th Mar; one Aboyne (NES) 20th Mar; one Loch of Skene (NES) 25th Mar; one Clatto Reservoir (ANG) 29th Mar; 2+ RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 7th Apr One Whiteadder Water near Paxton (BORD) 15th Mar; one Dunblane (UF) 21st Mar; one Skateraw (LOTH) 24th Mar; one Gart GP (UF) 29th Mar; four Loch Gelly (FIFE) 6th Apr, c.25 on 8th; first Isle of May 21st Apr One White Loch, Castle Kennedy (D&G) 13th Mar, seven on 14th; four Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 14th Mar, 100+ on 7th Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 16th Mar; two Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 23rd Mar, 10 on 24th; one Sannox, Arran (CLY ISL) 4th Apr; eight Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 7th Apr
Swallow Singles Papa Westray & North Ronaldsay (both ORK) both on 8th Apr; one Fair Isle 9th Apr; one Sumburgh Head & two Noss (both SHET) both on 10th Apr; one Balranald, North Uist (OH) 17th Apr; 10 Finstown (ORK) 19th Apr; two Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 22nd Apr One at The Oa, Islay (ARG) 17th Mar, two there on 6th Apr, five on 8th; two Ardrishaig & two Ormsary (both ARG) both on 6th Apr; one Tayinloan (ARG) 7th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 8th Apr; 3+ Isle of Skye & two Isle of Eigg (both HIGH) both on 9th Apr; four over Bogbain (HIGH) 9th Apr; two Bunessan, Mull (ARG) 10th Apr; 10+ Craig Dunain (HIGH) 12th Apr; one Glengolly (CAITH) 13th Apr 2+ Loch Leven (P&K) 9th Apr; one Cullen & three Loch Spynie (both M&N) both on 9th Apr; two Hatton Mill (ANG) 9th Apr; at least 8 by River Findhorn west of Forres (M&N) 10th Apr; one Gowanhill (NES) 10th Apr; one Elliot Burn (ANG) 10th Apr; three Inverbervie (NES) 11th Apr; three Monikie CP (ANG) 12th Apr One reported Barns Ness (LOTH) 5th Apr; one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 7th Apr; one Dunbar (LOTH) 7th Apr; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 7th Apr; one Duns (BORD) 8th Apr; three Isle of May 9th Apr; one Colquhar (BORD) 9th Apr; one near Kippen (UF) 9th Apr; one near Aberdour (FIFE) 10th Apr; one Kinneil (UF) 10th Apr One reported Garlieston (D&G) 2nd Apr; one Mainholm (AYRS) 5th Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 6th Apr; two Dipple (AYRS) 6th Apr; singles Bishopton, RSPB Baron’s Haugh, Strathclyde Loch and Easter Yonderton + four at Lanark Loch (all CLYDE) all on 7th Apr; one Mull of Galloway (D&G) 7th Apr; two Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 7th Apr; one Carlingwark Loch (D&G) 7th Apr; one Rothesay, Bute (CLY ISL) 8th Apr; one Kirkton, near Dumfries (D&G) 8th Apr; one Dalry (AYRS) 8th Apr
House Martin Two reported Garrabost, Lewis (OH) 27th Mar; one North Ronaldsay & one Skara Brae (both ORK) both on 10th Apr; one Orosay, South Uist (OH) 21st Apr; one Fair Isle 21st Apr; two Unst, one Sumburgh & one Out Skerries (all SHET) all on 6th May One Scarinish, Tiree (ARG) 7th Apr; two The Oa, Islay (ARG) 8th Apr; one Portree, Skye (HIGH) 9th Apr; one Alness (HIGH) 10th Apr; three Scrabster (CAITH) 10th Apr; one Loch Insh (HIGH) 11th Apr; four back Wick (CAITH) 25th Apr One Hatton Mill (ANG) 9th Apr; two by River Findhorn west of Forres (M&N) 10th Apr; up to 10 Strathallan (P&K) 12th Apr; one Castlesea Bay (ANG) 13th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 15th Apr One Musselburgh (LOTH) 8th Apr, two on 11th; one Letham Pools (FIFE) 11th Apr; one Alva (UF) 11th Apr; eight Paxton House (BORD) 14th Apr; one Tweedbank (BORD) 14th Apr; first Isle of May 18th Apr One Carlingwark Loch (D&G) 7th Apr; one Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 9th Apr; one Kirk Dam, Bute (CLY ISL) 10th Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 12th Apr, 2 on 13th; one Garscube Estate (CLYDE) 13th Apr; two Shewalton (AYRS) 13th Apr; one near Thornhill (D&G) 19th Apr
Tree Pipit One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 23rd Apr; one Fair Isle 25th Apr, 23 on 6th May; one Baltasound, Unst (SHET) 4th May; one Aird an Runair, North Uist (OH) 12th May One reported Ormsary (ARG) 8th Apr; one Dog Falls, Glen Affric (HIGH) 18th Apr; three singing birds Mid-Argyll (ARG) 18th Apr; 1+ Abernethy Forest (HIGH) 19th Apr One Muldearie (M&N) 11th Apr; 2+ singing birds Glen Esk (ANG) 12th Apr; two near Glensherup Reservoir (P&K) 20th Apr; c.4 Brathens, Banchory (NES) 21st Apr; three Collieston (NES) 5th May One Keir Estate (UF) 16th Apr; one Barns Ness (LOTH) 17th Apr; c.6 Tentsmuir (FIFE) 19th Apr; three Lochearnhead (UF) 19th Apr; one Isle of May 23rd Apr, 50 on 5th May; one Gordon Community Woodland (BORD) 25th Apr One over near Dalry (D&G) 7th Apr; three singing birds RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 10th Apr; one Loch Doon (AYRS) 15th Apr; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 16th Apr; 2+ Gleann Dubh, Arran (CLY ISL) 21st Apr
Yellow Wagtail Four on Fair Isle (including two Blue-headed) on 3rd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 3rd May; one Out Skerries (SHET) 6th May; Blue-headed Wagtail on North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; Grey-headed Wagtail on Fair Isle 9th May; Grey-headed Wagtail at Haroldswick, Unst (SHET) 7th June   Blue-headed Wagtail at Kirkton, Collieston (NES) 5th May; one Kirkgate, Loch Leven (P&K) 5th May; Grey-headed Wagtail at King’s Links, Aberdeen (NES) 7th May; one Garmouth (M&N) 8th May One Barns Ness (LOTH) 17th Apr; one Isle of May 24th Apr; one Kilrenny Mill (FIFE) 30th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Belhaven Bay (LOTH) 3rd May; 8+ at River Tweed, Birgham (BORD) 9th May Male Blue-headed Wagtail Maidens (AYRS) 11th Apr; one Ardeer Quarry (AYRS) 29th Apr; one Gartloch Pool (CLYDE) 7th May
White Wagtail One Fair Isle 9th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th Apr; 4+ Balranald, North Uist & three Ardvule Point, South Uist (both OH) both on 17th Apr; one Grutness (SHET) 17th Apr; 28 Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 23rd Apr One Broadford Bay, Skye (HIGH) 28th Mar; two Machrihanish SO (ARG) 2nd Apr, three on 6th; nine Dornoch (HIGH) 17th Apr; one Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 18th Apr; 59 Tayinloan (ARG) 28th Apr One Findhorn Bay (M&N) 16th Apr; three Easthaven (ANG) 18th Apr; one near Aboyne (NES) 21st Apr At least one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 12th Mar; one Skateraw (LOTH) 4th Apr; three Letham Pools (FIFE) 11th Apr; seven Whitesands Bay (LOTH) 12th Apr; 20+ Dunbar (LOTH) 16th Apr; one Isle of May 17th Apr; three Airth (UF) 30th Apr One Mull of Galloway (D&G) 7th Apr; 31 birds at Maidens (AYRS) 11th Apr; three Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 12th Apr; two Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 15th Apr; 19 Wigtown Bay (D&G) 19th Apr; 28 Castle Semple Loch (CLYDE) 24th Apr
Redstart Three Fair Isle 3rd May, 13 on 6th; seven Bressay, one Whalsay & three Sumburgh (all SHET) all on 4th May; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 5th May One RSPB Loch Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 17th Apr; male Blackfold (HIGH) 19th Apr; male Taynish NNR (ARG) 19th Apr; 4+ males Abernethy Forest (HIGH) 19th Apr; one Wick (CAITH) 5th May Five at Drummond Castle Woods (P&K) 16th Apr; male Carnferg, Aboyne (NES) 17th Apr; one Invermark Lodge, Glen Esk (ANG) 20th Apr; male Dinnet NNR (NES) 21st Apr; male Knockando (M&N) 2nd May Male Torness Power Station (LOTH) 11th Apr; male St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 12th Apr; one Lochearnhead (UF) 19th Apr; one Kilmahog (UF) 22nd Apr; two females Isle of May 24th Apr, 10 on 5th May; male Kilminning (FIFE) 4th May One RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 16th Apr, seven on 21st; one near Gatehouse of Fleet (D&G) 18th Apr; female Carrot farm, Eaglesham (CLYDE) 19th Apr; four males Inchcailloch, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 19th Apr; male by Prestwick Airport (AYRS) 20th Apr; four males Ness Glen (AYRS) 21st Apr
Whinchat Two Fair Isle 3rd May; one Spiggie (SHET) 3rd May; two Whalsay, one Sumburgh & one on Bressay (all SHET) all on 4th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 5th May Male Moine Mhor NNR (ARG) 18th Apr; one Kilmichael Glen (ARG) 18th Apr; male Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 19th Apr Two males Struan (P&K) 19th Apr; male Clashindarroch Forest (NES) 2nd May; two Kirkton, Collieston (NES) 5th May; two Glen Prosen & one Glen Lethnot (both ANG) both on 8th May One Pentland Hills (LOTH) 19th Apr; male Isle of May 24th Apr, five on 5th May; male Flanders Moss (UF) 26th Apr; one Cellardyke (FIFE) 5th May; one East Loch (BORD) 11th May One Braid Fell (D&G) 18th Apr; two males Craigallian Loch (CLYDE) 21st Apr; one Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 21st Apr; one Dundonald Camp (AYRS) 22nd Apr; male Thunderguy, Arran (CLY ISL) 24th Apr
Wheatear One South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 26th Mar; two males Bay of Skaill (ORK) 29th Mar; one Fair Isle 7th Apr; nine North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th Apr; one Norwick, Unst & one Virkie (both SHET) both on 10th Apr Two Claddach, Islay (ARG) 15th Mar; two males Jura (ARG) 18th Mar; one Coll (ARG) 18th Mar; one Isle of Rum (HIGH) 19th Mar; male West Hynish, Tiree (ARG) 21st Mar; single males Neist Point & Upper Milovaig, both Skye (HIGH) both on 21st Mar; one near Thurso (CAITH) 23rd Mar; one Castletown (CAITH) 6th Apr Male Lossie Estuary (M&N) 23rd Mar; three Glen Lethnot (ANG) 2nd Apr; male Glen Buchat (NES) 2nd Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 9th Apr Male Ladyside, Moorfoot Hills (BORD) 19th Mar; male Musselburgh Lagoons & two Pentland Hills (both LOTH) both on 24th Mar; one Isle of May 24th Mar; one near Tyndrum (UF) 24th Mar; male St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 30th Mar; one Braefoot Point (FIFE) 10th Apr; 70+ Thorntonloch-Barns Ness (LOTH) 11th Apr Male Stevenston Point (AYRS) 17th Mar; male Drumadoon Point, Arran (CLY ISL) 17th Mar; one near Sanquhar (D&G) 18th Mar; one near Hawks Neb, Bute (CLY ISL) 18th Mar; two Glasserton & two RSPB Mersehead (both D&G) both on 19th Mar; male Maidens (AYRS) 20th Mar; male Greenock Cut (CLYDE) 22nd Mar
Ring Ouzel Male Fair Isle 13th Apr; female Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 17th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th Apr; male Vatersay (OH) 18th Apr; one Noss (SHET) 20th Apr One Cairngorm (HIGH) 2nd Apr, male on 8th; male Glen Feshie (HIGH) 3rd Apr; one The Storr, Skye (HIGH) 9th Apr; male near Campbeltown (ARG) 13th Apr Male Glensherup Reservoir (P&K) 6th Apr; five near Loch Lee (ANG) 7th Apr; three Glenshee ski centre (NES) 8th Apr; one Sma’ Glen (P&K) 24th Apr One Carnethy Hill (LOTH) 8th Apr; male Isle of May 9th Apr; one Norman’s Law (FIFE) 18th Apr; female Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 22nd Apr; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 23rd Apr Two Mennock Pass (D&G) 20th Mar; two Culter Glen (CLYDE) 10th Apr, eight on 12th; male Loudoun Hill (AYRS) 12th Apr; male Goatfell, Arran (CLY ISL) 7th May
Grasshopper Warbler One Fair Isle 25th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 6th May; two Breivig, Barra (OH) 13th May One Portnahaven, Islay (ARG) 16th Apr; two singing Moine Mhor NNR (ARG) 19th Apr; one singing Fairy Bridge, Skye (HIGH) 19th Apr; one singing Halkirk (CAITH) 8th May One singing Red Moss of Netherley (NES) 24th Apr; one RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 1st May; one Spynie canal (M&N) 2nd May; one singing Lochindores (ANG) 7th May Two Gullane (LOTH) 17th Apr; one Lochore Meadows CP (FIFE) 22nd Apr; one Cambus Pools (UF) 23rd Apr; one Isle of May 24th Apr; one singing The Hirsel (BORD) 6th May One Bogside (AYRS) 18th Apr; one Craigend, Glasgow (CLYDE) 19th Apr; one singing Lakin, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th Apr; one near Corsock (D&G) 20th Apr; one Gortans, Bute (CLY ISL) 21st Apr; small influx noted Ayrshire & Clyde on 22nd Apr
Sedge Warbler One Harray (ORK) 2nd May; one Bornish, South Uist (OH) 3rd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 4th May; one Sandwick, Whalsay (SHET) 5th May; one Fair Isle 5th May One Kintyre Peninsula (ARG) 21st Apr; one Bellanoch (ARG) 22nd Apr; one Oronsay (ARG) 23rd Apr; one Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 24th Apr; one Portnalong, Skye (HIGH) 29th Apr; one singing Scullamus, Breakish, Skye (HIGH) 30th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 8th May One Kirkgate, Loch Leven (P&K) 20th Apr; two RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 22nd Apr; one Portknockie (M&N) 22nd Apr; one Red Moss of Netherley (NES) 1st May; first RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 2nd May 2+ Skateraw (LOTH) 22nd Apr; one Cambus Pools (UF) 23rd Apr; 1+ the Hirsel (BORD) 23rd Apr; one Isle of May 24th Apr; 3+ Loch Gelly (FIFE) 1st May One Sanquhar sewage works (D&G) 17th Apr; one RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 18th Apr; two Bogside (AYRS) 18th Apr; first WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 20th Apr; one Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 22nd Apr
Lesser Whitethroat One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 29th Apr, five on 4th May; one Bressay (SHET) 4th May; one Fair Isle 4th May; one Eoropie, Lewis (OH) 7th June   One Collieston (NES) 4th May; 2+ Riverside Nature Park, Dundee (ANG) 4th May; one singing Nether Dallachy (M&N) 14th June One Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 23rd Apr; one Gullane Hill (LOTH) 26th Apr; five Isle of May 3rd May; one Kilminning (FIFE) 4th May; one Kinneil Lagoon (UF) 6th May One Ardeer Fen (AYRS) 23rd Apr; one Auchie Glen, Mull of Galloway (D&G) 24th Apr; one Croy Bay (AYRS) 26th Apr; one singing Auchenhew, Arran (CLY ISL) 4th May
Whitethroat One Scows, Orphir (ORK) 28th Apr; one Fair Isle 3rd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 3rd May; one Toab & one on Whalsay (both SHET) both on 4th May; male Ardivachar, South Uist (OH) 8th May One Portnalong, Skye (HIGH) 1st May; one Easter Bennetsfield near Avoch (HIGH) 2nd May; two Luing (ARG) 2nd May; one Wick (CAITH) 5th May One Lossiemouth (M&N) 21st Apr; two Elliot, Arbroath (ANG) 1st May; one Girdle Ness & first RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (both NES) both on 2nd May; one Kinnesswood, Loch Leven (P&K) 5th May; one Collieston (NES) 5th May Two Kinneil (UF) 20th Apr; three Whitesands Bay (LOTH) 22nd Apr; three Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 23rd Apr; one Isle of May 24th Apr, 10 on 5th May; one Cullaloe NR (FIFE) 2nd May; one Kilminning (FIFE) 5th May Male RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 18th Apr; one Todhill Community Woodland (AYRS) 22nd Apr; one Cathkin Braes (CLYDE) 22nd Apr; one Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 22nd Apr; one Finnarts Bay (AYRS) 23rd Apr; one Kirkton & one near RSPB Wood of Cree (both D&G) both on 23rd Apr
Garden Warbler One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 5th May, 11 on 3rd June; one Fair Isle 5th May; one Sumburgh (SHET) 6th May One Kilmartin (ARG) 21st Apr; one singing Insh (HIGH) 9th May; one Thurso (CAITH) 23rd May One reported Carnoustie (ANG) 29th Apr; one Auchmithie (ANG) 3rd May; one singing Levenmouth, Loch Leven (P&K) 4th May; one Garmouth (M&N) 5th May; one Girdle Ness (NES) 5th May, three on 6th; one Balgavies Loch (ANG) 8th May One near Culross (FIFE) 21st Apr; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 23rd Apr; one Isle of May 24th Apr; four Barns Ness (LOTH) 4th May; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 4th May; two Fife Ness (FIFE) 5th May, eight on 6th One North Haugh, Hamilton (CLYDE) 26th Apr; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 26th Apr; one Ardeer (AYRS) 1st May; three singing birds RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 4th May
Blackcap Two males South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 8th Apr; two Norwick, Unst & one Sumburgh (both SHET) both on 10th Apr; two males Fair Isle 18th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Apr One near Thurso (CAITH) 2nd Apr; male Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 9th Apr; male Cairnbaan (ARG) 10th Apr; male Kinnabus, Islay (ARG) 16th Apr; singing male Isleornsay, Skye (HIGH) 17th Apr Singing male Rescobie Loch (ANG) 12th Apr; two Keptie Pond (ANG) 12th Apr; one Kinross (P&K) 16th Apr; one Tugnet (M&N) 17th Apr; singing male Loch of Skene (NES) 22nd Apr Two Cambus (UF) 11th Apr; singing male Paxton House (BORD) 11th Apr; six singing males Water of Leith near Balerno (LOTH) 12th Apr; two singing males Tweedbank (BORD) 13th Apr; female Aberdour (FIFE) 17th Apr; singing male Morton Lochs NNR (FIFE) 18th Apr; singing male Loch Gelly (FIFE) 19th Apr; male Isle of May 20th Apr One Mull of Galloway (D&G) 7th Apr; single singing males at Pollok CP & Linn Park (both CLYDE) both on 9th Apr; singing male Ardencraig House, Bute (CLY ISL) 10th Apr; singing male Rozelle Park, Ayr (AYRS) 11th Apr
Wood Warbler One North Loch Eynort, South Uist (OH) 8th May; one Sandwick (SHET) 9th May One Aros Park, Mull (ARG) 18th Apr; one Bellanoch (ARG) 19th Apr; one singing Clunes (HIGH) 22nd Apr; one by Loch Ness (HIGH) 26th Apr; one Contin (HIGH) 5th May; one singing Achvarasdal Wood (CAITH) 23rd May One Kirkton, Collieston (NES) 5th May; singles Killiecrankie & The Hermitage near Dunkeld (both P&K) both on 21st May One Kilmahog (UF) 22nd Apr; one Isle of May 6th May; one Fife Ness (FIFE) 6th May; one Barns Ness (LOTH) 12th May; one singing Plora (BORD) 10th June One Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 20th Apr; two RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 21st Apr; three Sallochy, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 22nd Apr; one singing Smugglers’ Trail, Dundonald (AYRS) 6th May
Chiffchaff One Grimsay (OH) 18th Mar; two Fair Isle 19th Mar; one Bornish, South Uist (OH) 23rd Mar; one Scalloway (SHET) 27th Mar; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 26th Mar, three on 30th One Dunoon (ARG) 17th Mar; one at The Oa, Islay (ARG) 18th Mar; one singing Kinellan, Strathpeffer (HIGH) 22nd Mar; one near Tain (HIGH) 23rd Mar; one Thurso (CAITH) 29th Mar One Nigg Bay, Girdle Ness (NES) 7th Mar; one Invergowrie (P&K) 9th Mar; one Cardean Estate (ANG) 19th Mar; one Waterford, Forres & one Kintessack (both M&N) both on 21st Mar; one singing Blackdog (NES) 21st Mar; two singing Seton Park & one Dunecht (both NES) both on 25th Mar; influx noted Angus and NES on 30th Mar; one singing Loch Leven (P&K) 2nd Apr One Belhaven Bay (LOTH) 3rd Mar; one Blindwells Pool (LOTH) 15th Mar; two Bemersyde Moss (BORD) 18th Mar; one singing Dunfermline (FIFE) 20th Mar; one singing Stirling University (UF) 20th Mar; two Cullaloe NR (FIFE) 20th Mar; one Dunblane (UF) 21st Mar; two singing Cottyburn railway walk (LOTH) 21st Mar; one Isle of May 26th Mar One singing near Dalry (D&G) 18th Mar; one Rothesay, Bute (CLY ISL) 18th Mar; singles singing Baron’s Haugh RSPB, Strathclyde CP & Renfrew (all CLYDE) all on 19th Mar; one singing Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 19th Mar; one singing Galston (AYRS) 19th Mar, five singing birds reported Ayrshire 21st Mar
Willow Warbler One Grenitote, North Uist (OH) 3rd Apr; one Fair Isle 14th Apr; six Loch Eynort, South Uist (OH) 16th Apr; one Muddisdale (ORK) 16th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 17th Apr; two Unst, one Sumburgh & one Hoswick (all SHET) all on 18th Apr One reported Sleat, Skye (HIGH) 2nd Apr; one near Campbeltown (ARG) 8th Apr; one The Oa, Islay (ARG) 9th Apr; one Inverpolly (HIGH) 9th Apr; one RSPB Loch Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 9th Apr; one Loch Beg, Mull (ARG) 9th Apr; one St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 9th Apr; one Portnalong, Skye (HIGH) 10th Apr; one singing Muirtown Basin (HIGH) 11th Apr; one Avielochan (HIGH) 14th Apr; one Whaligeo & one near Thurso (both CAITH) both on 16th Apr; influx noted Caithness 18th Apr; one Weydale (CAITH) 20th Apr One singing Forfar Loch (ANG) 13th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 15th Apr; one singing Park Bridge (NES) 15th Apr; one Kinross (P&K) 16th Apr; one Lossie Forest & three Cloddach Quarry (both M&N) both on 17th Apr One Cambus Pool (UF) 7th Apr; one singing Abbeymill Bridge, Haddington (LOTH) 9th Apr; one Innerleithen (BORD) 9th Apr; one Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 9th Apr; one Tweedbank (BORD) 9th Apr; one Cockburnspath (BORD) 10th Apr; one Birnie & Gaddon Lochs LNR (FIFE) 11th Apr; three singing Blairdrummond GP (UF) 12th Apr; one Isle of May 14th Apr; four singing males Craigluscar NR (FIFE) 18th Apr One reported RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 4th Apr; one Glenrickard, Arran (CLY ISL) 4th Apr; one Carlingwark Loch (D&G) 7th Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 8th Apr; two Collennan & two Turnberry GC (both AYRS) both on 8th Apr; single singing birds at Strathclyde CP & Linn Park (both CLYDE) both on 8th Apr; one Boganay Wood, Bute (CLY ISL) 11th Apr
Spotted Flycatcher One Fair Isle 7th May; one Holm (ORK) 12th May; 6+ on South Uist (OH) 14th May; one Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 15th May; one Out Skerries (SHET) 23rd May; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 31st May, 25 on 6th June One Cairnbaan (ARG) 4th May; one Treaslane Woods, Skye (HIGH) 6th May; one Loch Morlich (HIGH) 11th May; six on Tiree (ARG) 14th May; four Fairy Glen, Rosemarkie (HIGH) 15th May; one Thurso (CAITH) 17th May One Dunkeld (P&K) 4th May; one Kirkton, Collieston (NES) 5th May; one near Dufftown (M&N) 12th May; one Monifieth (ANG) 13th May; 2+ Loch Leven (P&K) 15th May; two Loch Spynie (M&N) 16th May One Fife Ness (FIFE) 5th May; two Isle of May 5th May; one Keith Marischal, Humbie (LOTH) 9th May; one Hermitage of Braid, Edinburgh & one Barns Ness (both LOTH) both on 10th May; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 11th May; 1+ Castleton near Dollar (UF) 13th May; two Tyndrum (UF) 15th May One Rozelle Park, Ayr (AYRS) 2nd May; one near Palnackie (D&G) 4th May; singles Mugdock Wood & Carrick GC, Loch Lomond (both CLYDE) both on 4th May
Pied Flycatcher One Baltasound, Unst & one Sand (both SHET) both on 4th May; male North Ronaldsay (ORK) 4th May; one Fair Isle 5th May Male Loch Insh church (HIGH) 14th May; male reported near Kilninver (ARG) 20th May Male Kirkton, Collieston (NES) 5th May, 4+ on 6th; male Girdle Ness (NES) 5th May; two Seaton Park, Aberdeen (NES) 5th May; two males West Seaton farm (ANG) 6th May; one Tugnet (M&N) 7th May; male near Dunkeld (P&K) 24th June Male Kilminning (FIFE) 4th May, three there on 5th, five on 6th; one Loch Katrine (UF) 4th May; female Lamberton (BORD) 5th May; male Barns Ness (LOTH) 5th May; three Isle of May 5th May; two St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 6th May At least one male RSPB Ken-Dee Marshes (D&G) 16th Apr; one Castramont Wood (D&G) 16th Apr; two males Orchard Wood, Hensol (D&G) 18th Apr; one near Gatehouse of Fleet (D&G) 18th Apr; male Lenzie GC (CLYDE) 19th Apr; two males Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 20th Apr; five RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 21st Apr

Shetland, Fair Isle, Orkney and Outer Hebrides Highland, Caithness and Argyll North-East Scotland, Moray & Nairn, Angus and Perth & Kinross Fife, Isle of May, Upper Forth, Lothian and Borders Clyde, Clyde Islands, Ayrshire and Dumfries & Galloway
Manx Shearwater One past Ardvule Point, South Uist (OH) 20th Mar; five Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 12th Apr; two past North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th May; 11 past Wats Ness (SHET) 16th May One past Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 14th Mar, four on 22nd; one past Hynish, Tiree (ARG) 24th Mar; one past Kildonan Point, Eigg (HIGH) 24th Mar; c.50 outer Loch Snizort, Skye (HIGH) 9th Apr; 5,000+ birds feeding off Tiree and Coll (ARG) on 10th Apr Five past Girdle Ness (NES) 19th May; four past Boddin Point (ANG) 23rd May; one Lossiemouth (M&N) 9th June One off Kinshaldy beach (FIFE) 20th Apr; one Isle of May 17th May; 13 past St. Abbs Head (BORD) 18th May; one past Torness Power Station (LOTH) 14th June Three off Brodick, Arran (CLY ISL) 7th Mar; one past Turnberry Point (AYRS) 21st Mar; 20+ Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 6th Apr, 200 on 11th; two Corsewall Point (D&G) 7th Apr
Garganey Drake Bornish, South Uist (OH) 22nd Apr; pair North Ronaldsay (ORK) 24th Apr, seven on 6th May; drake Loch of Spiggie (SHET) 24th Apr; pair Fair Isle 25th Apr Drake Loch of Wester (CAITH) 20th Apr; drake St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 5th May, two drakes on 7th; pair Isle of Luing (ARG) 10th May; drake Balnakeil, Sutherland (HIGH) 14th May Three (two drakes & a female) at RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 23rd Mar; pair RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 30th Apr; drake Logie Buchan Pool (NES) 11th May; drake Port Allen (P&K) 11th May; drake Loch Spynie (M&N) 13th May Pair Musselburgh (LOTH) 12th Apr; pair Costerton Mains Pond (LOTH) 13th Apr; four Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 16th Apr; drake Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 20th Apr; drake Letham Pools (FIFE) 21st Apr; five Dalgety Bay (FIFE) 26th Apr; three (two drakes & a female) Foulden Pool (BORD) 1st May Pair Greenan Loch, Bute (CLY ISL) 23rd Apr; pair RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 1st May; drake Blairbowie (AYRS) 11th May; two females WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 18th May
Marsh Harrier One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th Apr; one Kirkwall Airport (ORK) 20th Apr; male Hillwell (SHET) 28th Apr; female Rubha Arnal, North Uist (OH) 19th May Female Hough, Tiree (ARG) 25th Apr Female Montrose Basin & male RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (both ANG) both on 25th Mar; male back Tay Reedbeds (P&K) last week of March (a total of nine Marsh Harrier nests have been found on the Tay Reedbeds this year); one Haddo Country Park (NES) 18th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 3rd May Female near Bilsdean (LOTH) 31st Mar; two (male & female) Mugdrum Island (FIFE) 6th Apr; female over Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 25th Apr  
Osprey One Gulberwick (SHET) 27th Apr; one over Rousay (ORK) 28th Apr; one Fair Isle 18th May One reported near Dalwhinnie (HIGH) 18th Mar; one over Minard (ARG) 20th Mar; female back at RSPB Loch Garten (HIGH) on 24th Mar; one Ganavan Bay, Oban (ARG) 25th Mar; one Dunbeath (CAITH) 26th Mar; one Add Estuary (ARG) 1st Apr; one back at nest site near Thurso (CAITH) 4th Apr Male back at SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 21st Mar; one Carsebreck Loch & one Loch Leven (both P&K) both on 22nd Mar; one over Haddo Country Park (NES) 22nd Mar; one Loch of Lintrathen (ANG) 25th Mar; one Tugnet (M&N) 1st Apr; female back at nest site near Forres (M&N) 2nd Apr; small influx noted North-East Scotland on 5th Apr One over Bo’ness (UF) 21st Mar; one over Longniddry (LOTH) 23rd Mar; one Lake of Menteith (UF) 23rd Mar; male back at nest site near Aberfoyle (UF) 23rd Mar; one reported over Innerleithen (BORD) 27th Mar; one north over Old Craighall (LOTH) 28th Mar; one Thornylee (BORD) 30th Mar; satellite-tagged North of Scotland bird north over the Forth at North Queensferry (FIFE) 2nd Apr; one Eden Estuary (FIFE) 6th Apr One Balnakeilly Bay, Bute (CLY ISL) 12th Mar, also seen on 13th; one reported near Crossmichael (D&G) 16th Mar, reported to be catching frogs; one Cove, Long Loch (CLYDE) 23rd Mar; one River Cree, near Creetown (D&G) 26th Mar; one over Barrhead (CLYDE) 29th Mar; pairs back at nest sites near Dumfries & at Threave Castle NTS (both D&G) both on 30th Mar; one Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 30th Mar; one Loch Doon (AYRS) 7th Apr
Dotterel Three North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th Apr; four Dounby (ORK) 30th Apr; three Fair Isle 6th May; one Paiblesgarry, North Uist (OH) 11th May; one Ronas Hill (SHET) 13th May One Cairngorms (HIGH) 15th Apr; one between Munlochy-Avoch (HIGH) 17th Apr; one Oronsay (ARG) 5th May Six Glas Maol (ANG) 2nd May; two Glenshee (NES) 2nd May; two Rattray Head (NES) 23rd May Two Carnethy Hill (LOTH) 30th Apr Three Cairnsmore of Carsphairn (D&G) 27th Apr; two Lowther Hill (D&G/CLYDE) 29th Apr, four on 8th May
Whimbrel Two Fair Isle 14th Apr; four Loch Hallan, South Uist (OH) 17th Apr; one Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 19th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th Apr; one Trondra (SHET) 21st Apr; one Hermaness, Unst (SHET) 22nd Apr; 118 Loch Sandary, North Uist (OH) 1st May One Loch Indaal, Islay (ARG) 16th Mar; 12 past Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 4th Apr; one Broadford Bay, Skye (HIGH) 20th Apr, five on 21st; two St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 25th Apr; 175 Dunnet (CAITH) 29th Apr Two Findhorn (M&N) 8th Apr; two Portknockie (M&N) 10th Apr; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 13th Apr; two Easthaven (ANG) 20th Apr; one Ythan Estuary (NES) 21st Apr Three Barns Ness (LOTH) 17th Apr,eight on 21st; one Tullibody Inch (UF) 17th Apr; one Isle of May 21st Apr; one Burnmouth (BORD) 27th Apr Two Browhouses (D&G) 16th Mar; 14 Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 6th Apr; five Powillimount (D&G) 16th Apr, 34 on 24th; eight Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 19th Apr; two Dipple (AYRS) 20th Apr; nine West Ferry (CLYDE) 20th Apr; one Cleats Shore, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th Apr; 16 Bogside (AYRS) 23rd Apr; 60 Munnoch Reservoir & 38 Martnaham Loch (both AYRS) both on 27th Apr
Common Sandpiper Two South Uist (OH) 22nd Apr; first Fair Isle 22nd Apr; one Burray (ORK) 25th Apr; two Virkie (SHET) 27th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Apr Two Bellochantuy, Kintyre (ARG) 5th Apr; one Grantown-on-Spey (HIGH) 12th Apr; one River Spey, Advie (HIGH) 13th Apr; one Portnahaven, Islay (ARG) 13th Apr; one Heaste, Skye (HIGH) 14th Apr; one Loch Nell (ARG) 15th Apr; three Bruichladdich, Islay (ARG) 17th Apr; one Strath Helshetter (CAITH) 2nd May One River Findhorn to the west of Forres (M&N) 12th Apr; one Potarch (NES) 12th Apr; one near Brechin (ANG) 13th Apr; one Banchory (NES) 16th Apr; one Loch Kinord (NES) 20th Apr; one RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 23rd Apr Two Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 13th Apr; one River Devon, Dollar (UF) 13th Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 15th Apr; one Tweedbank (BORD) 16th Apr; one Letham Pools (FIFE) 17th Apr; first Isle of May 22nd May One River Clyde, Merryton (CLYDE) 11th Apr; one Endrick Water, Drymen Bridge (CLYDE) 14th Apr; one Martnaham Loch, one Doonfoot & one Pow Burn (all AYRS) all on 15th Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch & two Waulkmill Glen Reservoir (both CLYDE) both on 15th Apr; one South Feorline, Arran (CLY ISL) 15th Apr; two Rhubodach, Bute (CLY ISL) 16th Apr
Sandwich Tern Three Sanday (ORK) 30th Mar; three Papa Westray (ORK) 31st Mar; one West Sandwick, Yell (SHET) 5th Apr; four Ardivachar Point, South Uist (OH) 20th Apr; one Fair Isle 26th June One Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 25th Mar; two Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 3rd Apr; two Bruichladdich & five Port Ellen, both Islay (ARG) both on 4th Apr; three Castlehill (CAITH) 6th Apr; two Scrabster ( CAITH) 7th Apr; 22 Rosemarkie (HIGH) 13th Apr One Ythan Estuary (NES) 20th Mar; one Burghead (M&N) 24th Mar, 12 on 4th Apr; three Nairn (M&N) 25th Mar, 16 on 3rd Apr; one Carnoustie Bay (ANG) 16th Apr; six past Port Allen (P&K) 21st June One Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 2nd Mar; one Gosford Bay (LOTH) 18th Mar, 164+ Gosford Sands on 26th Apr; one Burnmouth (BORD) 13th Apr; first Isle of May 24th Apr One Newton Shore (AYRS) 26th Mar; two Stevenston Point (AYRS) 1st Apr; one Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 4th Apr; 10+ The Wig, Loch Ryan (D&G) 4th Apr; seven Stevenston Point (AYRS) 5th Apr; one Lamlash Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 6th Apr; two Corsewall Point & one Port Logan (both D&G) both on 7th Apr
Common Tern One Loch of Tankerness (ORK) 27th Apr; four Little Loch Roag, Lewis (OH) 28th Apr; one Sumburgh (SHET) 30th Apr; first Fair Isle 12th May 1+ Machrihanish-Ronachan Point (ARG) 24th Apr; 3+ Uig area, Skye (HIGH) 7th May; one River Spey, Grantown (HIGH) 8th May; three Embo-Dornoch (HIGH) 11th May; three Achnahaird (HIGH) 11th May Two Spey Bay (M&N) 24th Apr; one Ythan Estuary (NES) 26th Apr; one Elliot Burn (ANG) 29th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 7th May.30 Loch Spynie (M&N) 11th May; 52 Montrose (ANG) 20th May Four Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 16th Apr, 11 on 26th; one Braefoot Point (FIFE) 26th Apr; birds back at Leith Docks (LOTH) 29th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 2nd May; first Isle of May 9th May Four Powillimount (D&G) 17th Apr; six off Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 25th Apr; one Irvine harbour (AYRS) 21st June
Arctic Tern One Rubh’ Arnal, North Uist (OH) 14th Apr; one Lochmaddy, North Uist (OH) 16th Apr; one Fair Isle 24th Apr; three Stromness (ORK) 25th Apr; two Weisdale Voe (SHET) 28th Apr; 100 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 5th May Two Loch Indaal, Islay (ARG) 13th Apr; two Gott Bay, Tiree (ARG) 17th Apr; 4+ Loch Fleet (HIGH) 30th Apr; 51 Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 3rd May Two Rattray Head (NES) 7th Apr; nine past Girdle Ness (NES) 27th Apr; one Tugnet (M&N) 30th Apr; one Montrose (ANG) 10th May One Gosford Sands (LOTH) 26th Apr; one Dalgety Bay (FIFE) 27th Apr; two Isle of May 28th Apr, 10+ on 4th May, 80+ on 8th; three Tyninghame (LOTH) 2nd May Four Largybeg, Arran (CLY ISL) 16th Apr; one Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 21st Apr; three Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 22nd Apr, 20 on 26th, 100 on 2nd May; 31 Powillimount (D&G) 24th Apr
Little Tern One Grenitote, North Uist (OH) 14th Apr, three on North Uist on 22nd Apr; two Bay of Sandoyne (ORK) 25th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 31st May; one Pool of Virkie (SHET) 1st June One Gott Bay, Tiree (ARG) 17th Apr; one Loch Fleet (HIGH) 30th Apr; five Sinclair’s Bay (CAITH) 10th May; one Reiss beach (CAITH) 24th May Two Lossie Estuary (M&N) 27th Apr; three Ythan Estuary (NES) 27th Apr One Gosford Sands (LOTH) 27th Apr One Doonfoot (AYRS) 16th Apr; two Ayr (AYRS) 1st May
Cuckoo One near Gravir, Lewis (OH) 20th Apr; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 22nd Apr; one Greenigoe (ORK) 28th Apr; one singing Kergord (SHET) 3rd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 5th May; one Fair Isle 9th May One Croggan, Mull (ARG) 15th Apr; one near Arisaig, one Kintail & one Gedintailor, Braes, Skye (all HIGH) all on 17th Apr; one Loch Leathan (ARG) 18th Apr; one near Add Estuary (ARG) 19th Apr; one Dunnet (CAITH) 27th Apr; three Strath Helshetter (CAITH) 2nd May One near Keith (M&N) 24th Apr; one Glen Clova (ANG) 27th Apr; three Forest of Birse (NES) 28th Apr; one Kirkton of Glenisla (ANG) 28th Apr; one Lumphanan (NES) 28th Apr; one St. Fillans (P&K) 29th Apr One Eildon Hills (BORD) 21st Apr; one singing Archerfield (LOTH) 23rd Apr; one Dowlaw (BORD) 24th Apr; one singing near Bonnybridge (UF) 26th Apr; two Glen Finglas (UF) 27th Apr One North Sannox, Arran (CLY ISL) 16th Apr; one near Lochankit Reservoir (D&G) 18th Apr; one Greenock Cut (CLYDE) 19th Apr; two Sallochy, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 19th Apr; two Rowantree Toll & one Changue (both AYRS) both on 24th Apr
Swift One Bayhead, North Uist (OH) 3rd May; one Burrafirth, Unst (SHET) 18th May; four Fair Isle 21st May; one Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 23rd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 24th May One Grantown-on-Spey (HIGH) 1st May; one Lochgilphead (ARG) 7th May; two Embo, Sutherland (HIGH) 7th May; small influx noted Inverness area (HIGH) 12th May Two Loch Leven (P&K) 27th Apr; three Stonehaven (NES) 28th Apr; one Dundee (ANG) 3rd May; one Burghead (M&N) 6th May; at least 8 over River Findhorn west of Forres (M&N) 9th May One Birgham Haugh (BORD) 26th Apr; one River Tweed near Galashiels (BORD) 26th Apr; one Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 2nd May; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 2nd May, two on 3rd, 40 on 9th; two Tyninghame (LOTH) 3rd May; one Cupar (FIFE) 6th May; first Isle of May 7th May One Saltcoats (AYRS) 27th Apr; one Dalbeattie (D&G) 30th Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 2nd May, 20+ on 5th; two Garnock Floods (AYRS) 2nd May; 10 Strathcyde Loch (CLYDE) 4th May; 10 Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 4th May; two River Nith near Dumfries (D&G) 5th May; first Castle Douglas (D&G) 6th May; one Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 6th May; 5+ Rothesay area, Bute (CLY ISL) 7th May
Sand Martin Two Howmore, South Uist (OH) 2nd Apr; one Mainland (ORK) 3rd Apr; one Fair Isle 5th Apr; one Virkie (SHET) 7th Apr; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 11th Apr One north at Carradale (ARG) 12th Mar; one Loch Flemington (HIGH) 12th Mar, two on 23rd; one Loch More (CAITH) 23rd Mar; one Loch Leathan (ARG) 29th Mar; two Achnahaird (HIGH) 31st Mar; two Loch Morar (HIGH) 4th Apr; 70+ Loch Insh (HIGH) 8th Apr, 400 on 11th Two between Cummingston & Hopeman (M&N) 16th Mar; one Murton GPs (ANG) 21st Mar; one Inchgarth NR (NES) 22nd Mar; 12 at Loch Leven (P&K) 23rd Mar; 14 at Loch of Skene (NES) 25th Mar, 50+ on 4th Apr; three RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 26th Mar; 10 Balgavies Loch (ANG) 28th Mar; 12 Loch Spynie (M&N) 3rd Apr 2+ Melrose (BORD) 15th Mar; one Letham Pools (FIFE) 15th Mar; two Linlthgow Loch (LOTH) 17th Mar; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 17th Mar; one Belhaven Bay (LOTH) 20th Mar; one Keltie Bridge, Callander (UF) 23rd Mar; six Tweedbank (BORD) 27th Mar; one Duddingston Loch (LOTH) 28th Mar; 60 Lake of Menteith (UF) 1st Apr; 40+ Musselburgh (LOTH) 2nd Apr; two Isle of May 24th Apr One River Clyde at Carbarns (CLYDE) 9th Mar, c.20 at Carbarns on 26th; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 15th Mar, 80+ on 31st; two Halleaths (D&G) 16th Mar; three RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 26th Mar; one near Brodick, Arran (CLY ISL) 27th Mar; 11+ Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 27th Mar; 150+ Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 29th Mar; 220+ Castle Semple Loch (CLYDE) 31st Mar; 154 Loch Arthur (D&G) 3rd Apr
Swallow One Monach Isles NNR (OH) 4th Apr; one Fivepenny, Lewis (OH) 5th Apr; one Fair Isle 5th Apr; one Toab (SHET) 6th Apr; one Stornoway, Lewis (OH) 12th Apr; seven Fivepenny, Lewis (OH) 15th Apr; four North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th Apr One reported Kilmichael Glen (ARG) 30th Mar; one Saligo Bay, Islay (ARG) 1st Apr; one Bellochantuy (ARG) 5th Apr; one Tiree (ARG) 8th Apr; one Drynoch, Skye (HIGH) 8th Apr; one Gruinard Bay (HIGH) 11th Apr; one Uig, Skye (HIGH) 14th Apr; one near Milton of Leys (HIGH) 15th Apr amongst several reported in Highland on 14th-15th; one Reay (CAITH) 18th Apr One Riverside Nature Park, Dundee (ANG) 5th Apr; two Banchory (NES) 7th Apr; two Loch Leven (P&K) 7th Apr; one Lintmill (M&N) 9th Apr; two River Findhorn near Forres (M&N) 10th Apr; three RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 10th Apr; two near Amulree & one Alyth (both P&K) both on 14th Apr; one Methlick (NES) 15th Apr One Auchendinny (LOTH) 4th Apr; one Blakedean & one River Tweed opposite Norham (both BORD) both on 5th Apr; one Blindwells (LOTH) 5th Apr; one Gifford (LOTH) 6th Apr; one Coates (LOTH) 7th Apr; light passage noted Torness Power Station (LOTH) 10th Apr; first Isle of May 11th Apr; two Callander (UF) 12th Apr; one Letham Pools (FIFE) 13th Apr One RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 30th Mar, two on 4th Apr; one over Loch Doon & one Tarryholme, Irvine (both AYRS) both on 31st Mar; one Lamlash, Arran (CLY ISL) 1st Apr; two Ettrick Bay, Bute (CLY ISL) 2nd Apr; one Port William (D&G) 3rd Apr; four Cathkin Marsh SWT (CLYDE) 3rd Apr; one Loch Arthur (D&G) 3rd Apr; one Loch Riecawr (AYRS) 4th Apr; two Carbarns Pool (CLYDE) 5th Apr; two Bankend (D&G) 5th Apr; 12 at Lochfoot (D&G) 7th Apr; four Greenan Loch, Bute (CLY ISL) 8th Apr; passage noted Doonfoot (AYRS) 10th Apr
House Martin One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 11th Apr; one Aird an Runair, North Uist (OH) 15th Apr; three Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 16th Apr; one Kirkwall (ORK) 16th Apr; two Lerwick (SHET) 17th Apr; first Fair Isle 24th Apr Two RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 9th Apr; one near Arisaig (HIGH) 10th Apr; 1+ Loch Kinellan (HIGH) 16th Apr; two Milton of Leys (HIGH) 17th Apr; first back at nests at Tarbat Ness lighthouse (HIGH) on 25th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 28th Apr One RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 6th Apr; five at Loch Spynie (M&N) 9th Apr; one RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 11th Apr; two Loch of Skene (NES) 16th Apr; two Glamis (ANG) 24th Apr Two Whitmuirhaugh (BORD) 26th Mar; two Stenhousemuir (UF) 5th Apr; one Tweedbank (BORD) 12th Apr; one Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 13th Apr; three Spittal (LOTH) 14th Apr; two Cardrona (BORD) 14th Apr; one Isle of May 14th Apr; one Dalgety Bay (FIFE) 17th Apr; one Bonnybridge (UF) 17th Apr One reported RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 27th Mar, two on 12th Apr; one reported Blackwaterfoot, Arran (CLY ISL) 31st Mar; one Kirk Loch, Lochmaben (D&G) 2nd Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 4th Apr; one Rothesay, Bute (CLY ISL) 8th Apr; one River Ayr, Stair (AYRS) 10th Apr; one Auchenreoch Loch (D&G) 20th Apr
Tree Pipit One Fair Isle 21st Apr, seven on 25th; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 22nd Apr, 12 on 25th; two Fetlar (SHET) 25th Apr One Ormsary (ARG) 16th Apr; one Ballintean, Gen Feshie (HIGH) 18th Apr; one near Kilberry (ARG) 18th Apr; one Taynish NNR (ARG) 19th Apr; one St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 27th Apr One Loch Kinord (NES) 11th Apr; one Blacksboat (M&N) 16th Apr; one Anmore Wood near Muthill (P&K) 24th Apr; one Glen Esk & one Glen Clova (both ANG) both on 27th Apr One Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 16th Apr; one Lanrick Castle (UF) 17th Apr; one Isle of May 22nd Apr, 7+ on 25th; one singing Redmyre (FIFE) 23rd Apr; singles Tentsmuir, Fife Ness & Ruddons Point (all FIFE) all on 25th Apr; one St. Abbs Head (BORD) 29th Apr Two singing Wards Pond, RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 14th Apr; one Loch Riecawr (AYRS) 15th Apr; 2+ near Corsock (D&G) 15th Apr; four Knockman Wood & three RSPB Wood of Cree (both D&G) both on 18th Apr; three Mugdock CP (CLYDE) 19th Apr; one Ness Glen (AYRS) 19th Apr; good numbers noted back at breeding sites in Clyde on 21st-22nd Apr including 15 singing birds at RSPB Loch Lomond on 22nd; three Glen Rosa, Arran (CLY ISL) 27th Apr
Yellow Wagtail Blue-headed Wagtail Fair Isle 25th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail North Ronaldsay (ORK) 26th Apr; male Grey-headed Wagtail Fair Isle 9th May; male Grey-headed Wagtail North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th May; Grey-headed Wagtail Foula (SHET) 24th May; Black-headed Wagtail Funzie, Fetlar (SHET) 25th May; one Loch an Duin Mhoir, South Uist (OH) 26th May One reported Arabella Roundabout near Tain (HIGH) 4th May One Girdle Ness (NES) 19th Apr Two very early birds reported River Tweed near Kelso (BORD) 26th Mar; one Torness-Skateraw (LOTH) 15th Apr; male Whitesands Quarry (LOTH) 16th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 23rd Apr; male Isle of May 25th Apr; four males Birgham Haugh (BORD) 26th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Isle of May 28th May One Hunterston Sands (AYRS) 19th Apr
White Wagtail One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 26th Mar; one Butt of Lewis (OH) 29th Mar; one Ardvule, South Uist (OH) 30th Mar; one Hamister, Whalsay (SHET) 12th Apr; nine Askernish, South Uist (OH) 15th Apr; 50+ Balranald RSPB, North uist (OH) 30th Apr One Machrihanish (ARG) 20th Mar; one Lower Milovaig, Skye (HIGH) 11th Apr; one Rosemarkie (HIGH) 13th Apr; one Glasnakille, Skye (HIGH) 14th Apr; six RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 15th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 17th Apr; 15 Tiree (ARG) 19th Apr, 100+ Balephuil, Tiree on 23rd One near Aboyne (NES) 16th Mar; one by River Nairn near Howford Bridge (M&N) 2nd Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 5th Apr; one Murton GPs (ANG) 11th Apr One photographed Roslin & one Barns Ness (both LOTH) both on 2nd Mar; one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 13th Mar; one Ruddons Point (FIFE) 5th Apr; five Barns Ness-Skateraw (LOTH) 6th Apr, 10 on 8th, 25 on 17th Apr; seven Letham Pools (FIFE) 13th Apr, 13 on 17th; 10 Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 21st Apr; one Isle of May 21st Apr One Maidens (AYRS) 12th Mar; male Croy shore (AYRS) 23rd Mar; two Kilpatrick Point, Arran (CLY ISL) 30th Mar; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 13th Apr, 43 on 14th; nine Newshot Island (CLYDE) 13th Apr; 18 Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 19th Apr; 76 Dipple-Turnberry Point (AYRS) 20th Apr
Redstart Male Fair Isle 20th Apr, six on 24th, 11 on 25th; male North Ronaldsay (ORK) 22nd Apr; one Quendale (SHET) 23rd Apr Male Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 15th Apr; male Clunes (HIGH) 16th Apr; one near Kingussie (HIGH) 16th Apr; one Taynish NNR (ARG) 19th Apr; two Barnluasgan, Knapdale (ARG) 21st Apr Male Drummond Castle Woods (P&K) 11th Apr; male Glen Esk (ANG) 13th Apr, four on 17th; singing male Dinnet NNR (NES) 19th Apr; two males Dulsie (M&N) 27th Apr Male Whitehope near Innerleithen (BORD) 12th Apr; male Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 15th Apr; male Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 16th Apr; two near Yetholm (BORD) 16th Apr; male Newburgh (FIFE) 17th Apr; two males Lanrick Castle (UF) 17th Apr; two males Isle of May 22nd Apr Male Ness Glen (AYRS) 1st Apr – earliest ever in Ayrshire; four males Sallochy-Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 18th Apr; male Mugdock CP (CLYDE) 19th Apr; male SWT Castramont Wood (D&G) 19th Apr; male SWT Gailes Marsh (AYRS) 22nd Apr; one Balnakeilly Forest, Bute (CLY ISL) 24th May
Whinchat One Fair Isle 23rd Apr, one Virkie, one Levenwick, two Haroldswick, Unst & one Fetlar (all SHET) all on 25th Apr; one Skaill (ORK) 27th Apr; one Balranald RSPB, North Uist (OH) 1st May One by Add Estuary (ARG) 19th Apr; one Shurrey (CAITH) 20th Apr; male Glen Mullardoch (HIGH) 27th Apr Two Braco (P&K) 26th Apr; one Collieston (NES) 27th Apr; male Forest of Birse (NES) 28th Apr; one Backwater Dam (ANG) 9th May; one Kinloss (M&N) 21st May Male Isle of May 21st Apr; one St. Abbs Head (BORD) 28th Apr; two Coates (LOTH) 29th Apr; one Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 29th Apr; one Glen Vale, Lomond Hills (FIFE) 4th May Male Fleet Viaduct (D&G) 19th Apr; one Helensburgh Golf Course (CLYDE) 24th Apr; male Glen Rosa, Arran (CLY ISL) 30th Apr; one Dundonald Camp (AYRS) 10th May
Wheatear Male Ahmore, North Uist (OH) 17th Mar; one Grimsay (OH) 18th Mar; three Fair Isle 25th Mar, 10 on 7th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 27th Mar; one Sumburgh (SHET) 27th Mar; one Butt of Lewis (OH) 28th Mar; male Glimps Holm (ORK) 28th Mar; four at RSPB Balranald, North Uist (OH) 28th Mar One Auchencorvie near Campbeltown (ARG) 7th Mar; one Sandside Bay (CAITH) 11th Mar; male Ardnave, Islay (ARG) 12th Mar; male Rhu, Arisaig (HIGH) 12th Mar; male Loch na Keal, Mull (ARG) 13th Mar; male West Hynish, Tiree (ARG) 15th Mar; one Loch Scarmclate (CAITH) 16th Mar; one near Campbeltown and one Rhunahaorine Point (both ARG) both on 17th Mar; one Sconser, Isle of Skye (HIGH) 20th Mar; one Calder (CAITH) 21st Mar One Lossiemouth (M&N) 17th Mar; male Findhorn (M&N) 25th Mar; singles Backwater Reservoir & Braes of Coul (both ANG) both on 26th Mar; three Balintore road (ANG) 27th Mar; male Girdle Ness (NES) 31st Mar; one by RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 6th Apr; one Little Glenshee (P&K) 6th Apr One Coates (LOTH) 11th Mar; one Johnscleugh, Lammermuir Hills (LOTH) 17th Mar, two Lammermuir Hills on 23rd; one Larbert Pond (UF) 22nd Mar; one St. Abbs Head & one between Garvald and Dewar (both BORD) both on 24th Mar; four Isle of May 31st Mar; one Balgove Bay (FIFE) 6th Apr One RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 11th Mar, three on 23rd; one near St. Ninian’s saltmarsh, Bute (CLY ISL) 15th Mar; male The Wig, Loch Ryan (D&G) 17th Mar; one Whitelee Forest (CLYDE) 17th Mar; one Gortans, Bute (CLY ISL) 19th Mar; one Wigtown Bay (D&G) 21st Mar; one Tarryholme, Irvine (AYRS) 24th Mar; singles Muirshiel CP & Culter Waterhead Reservoir (both CLYDE) both on 24th Mar; male Dundonald Camp (AYRS) 24th Mar, three on 26th
Ring Ouzel One Fair Isle 30th Mar, four on 4th Apr, 19 on 24th, 44 on 25th; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 4th Apr; male Scatness (SHET) 4th Apr; male Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 4th May One Needle on the Quirang, Trotternish, Skye (HIGH) 31st Mar; one Strathdearn (HIGH) 2nd Apr; male Coire na Ciste carpark, Cairngorm (HIGH) 9th Apr; male Carnan Mor, Tiree (ARG) 18th Apr; male North Head (CAITH) 26th Apr; two Dunnet (CAITH) 28th Apr Male Gairnshiel (NES) 23rd Mar; male Glen Lethnot (ANG) 9th Apr; male Glen Maik (P&K) 15th Apr; two Inchrory, Glen Avon (M&N) 18th Apr Male Blackhopebyre (BORD) 19th Mar; single males in the Lammermuir Hills and the Pentland Hills (both LOTH) both on 26th Mar; one Isle of May 31st Mar; male St. Abbs Head (BORD) 5th Apr; one Kilrenny (FIFE) 24th Apr Male Culter Waterhead Reservoir (CLYDE) 24th Mar, five birds in the area 13th Apr; male Mennock Pass (D&G) 31st Mar, five birds in the area on 10th Apr; two Loudoun Hill (AYRS) 6th Apr; two Beinn Bharrain, Arran (CLY ISL) 27th Apr
Grasshopper Warbler One Sumburgh (SHET) 23rd Apr; one Fair Isle 24th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 30th Apr; one singing Loch Paible, North Uist (OH) 4th May One Kilmarie, Strathaird, Skye (HIGH) 14th Apr; one RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 15th Apr; two singing Broadford area, Skye (HIGH) 18th Apr; one Crinan Canal near Ardrishaig (ARG) 19th Apr; one Loch Leathan (ARG) 19th Apr; one Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 25th Apr; 6+ singing birds reported Caithness 28th Apr One singing near Boharm, Craigellachie (M&N) 15th Apr; one Inchberry (M&N) 15th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 25th Apr; one Carsebreck Loch (P&K) 26th Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 27th Apr; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 8th May; one Forfar (ANG) 10th May One singing Dunglass (LOTH) 10th Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons and one singing Longniddry Bents (both LOTH) both on 18th Apr; one singing Auchtermuchty Common (FIFE) 19th Apr; one singing Lake of Menteith (UF) 20th Apr; three singing Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 23rd Apr; one singing Fruid Reservoir (BORD) 24th Apr; one Bonnybridge (UF) 26th Apr; one Lindores Loch (FIFE) 26th Apr; two Isle of May 29th Apr Two singing Dumbreck Marsh LNR (CLYDE) 11th Apr; one singing near Coalburn (CLYDE) 14th Apr, at least seven singing birds on 26th; one singing Pow Burn, one Trabboch Loch & two singing Bogside (all AYRS) all on 18th Apr; one Rothesay, Bute (CLY ISL) 22nd Apr; one near Browhouses (D&G) 25th Apr
Sedge Warbler One Fair Isle 25th Apr, three on 27th; one Aith, Fetlar (SHET) 27th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 30th Apr; one Northton, Harris (OH) 2nd May; one Daliburgh, South Uist (OH) 2nd May; one Carinish, North Uist (OH) 2nd May; one Mill Burn, Hoy (ORK) 3rd May Two Waterloo, Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 25th Apr; one Portnahaven, Islay (ARG) 25th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 3rd May; one Tongue, Sutherland (HIGH) 5th May One Loirston Loch (NES) 17th Apr; two singing Loch Spynie (M&N) 20th Apr; one Tay Reedbeds (P&K) 22nd Apr; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 23rd Apr; one singing Forfar Loch (ANG) 25th Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 27th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 30th Apr One Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 21st Apr; one Seafield Pond (LOTH) 23rd Apr; one Lindores Loch (FIFE) 26th Apr; one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 26th Apr; four Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 27th Apr; one St. Abbs Head (BORD) 27th Apr; one Torness Power Station (LOTH) 27th Apr; two Isle of May 29th Apr One Tarryholme, Irvine (AYRS) 11th Apr; one RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 16th Apr; first RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 17th Apr, influx noted on 27th; one Bogside (AYRS) 18th Apr; one Threave Castle NTS (D&G) 20th Apr; one Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 20th Apr; one Greenan Loch, Bute (CLY ISL) 23rd Apr
Lesser Whitethroat One Grutness (SHET) 19th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 19th Apr; one Fair Isle 26th Apr Two Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 26th Apr; one John O Groats (CAITH) 27th Apr; one Carnan Mor, Tiree (ARG) 11th May Singing male Castlesea Bay (ANG) 6th Apr – earliest ever in Scotland; two Collieston (NES) 19th Apr, four on 27th; one Fishtown of Usan (ANG) 26th Apr; one Tay Reedbeds (P&K) 2nd May, male & female Powgavie on 4th; one Nether Dallachy (M&N) 15th May 3+ Isle of May 21st Apr; male Tyninghame (LOTH) 21st Apr; one Fife Ness (FIFE) 26th Apr; six St. Abbs Head (BORD) 26th Apr One near Gatehouse of Fleet (D&G) 16th Apr; two Garnock East near Ardeer (AYRS) 20th Apr, up to eight territories there on 13th May; one Carrick (D&G) 24th Apr; one Auchenhew, Arran (CLY ISL) 28th Apr
Whitethroat Three Fair Isle 25th Apr; two Virkie (SHET) 27th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 27th Apr; male Lochmaddy, North Uist (OH) 10th May One Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 18th Apr; one Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 18th Apr; male Rosemarkie (HIGH) 19th Apr; male Easter Moy (HIGH) 19th Apr; two near Kyleakin, Skye (HIGH) 21st Apr One Strichen (NES) 15th Apr; one Auchengarrich (P&K) 21st Apr; male Oldmeldrum (NES) 24th Apr; one old railway line Portknockie (M&N) 28th Apr; two Riverside Nature Park (ANG) 29th Apr Two Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 22nd Apr; one Isle of May 23rd Apr; one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 24th Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 24th Apr; four near Paxton House (BORD) 27th Apr; three Burnmouth (BORD) 27th Apr Singing male Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 9th Apr; one Greenan (AYRS) 16th Apr; one Strathclyde CP (CLYDE) 18th Apr; male Garnock Floods (AYRS) 20th Apr; one near Browhouses (D&G) 25th Apr
Garden Warbler One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 27th Apr; one Hoswick (SHET) 28th Apr; one Fair Isle 7th May; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 28th May One Loch Laich (ARG) 23rd Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 26th Apr; two singing Carr Brae, Lochalsh (HIGH) 13th May; one Melvich, Sutherland (HIGH) 20th May One singing Finzean (NES) 26th Apr; one near Dalchonzie Power Station, Comrie (P&K) 29th Apr; two Powmouth (ANG) 10th May One Lindores Loch (FIFE) 27th Apr; one Isle of May 27th Apr; one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 30th Apr; one North Berwick Law & one Tyninghame (both LOTH) both on 2nd May; one Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 4th May; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 5th May; one The Hirsel (BORD) 6th May One RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 23rd Apr; one near Browhouses (D&G) 25th Apr; one Hunterston (AYRS) 29th Apr; one Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 30th Apr; one singing Merkland Wood, Arran (CLY ISL) 13th May; one Glecknabae, Bute (CLY ISL) 14th May
Blackcap Male Monach Isles NNR (OH) 3rd Apr; male North Ronaldsay (ORK) 5th Apr; two Fair Isle 5th Apr; one Toab (SHET) 7th Apr Male Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 2nd Apr, two on Tiree 3rd Apr; singing male Rosemarkie (HIGH) 7th Apr; female Morar (HIGH) 8th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 19th Apr; one Reay (CAITH) 19th Apr Male & female Bridge of Don (NES) 4th Apr; male singing Bieldside (NES) 5th Apr; singing male Brodie Castle (M&N) 10th Apr; male Broughty Ferry (ANG) 10th Apr Male Tweedbank (BORD) 1st Apr; singles Dunblane & Bridge of Allan (both UF) both on 2nd Apr; male Gullane (LOTH) 3rd Apr; singing male Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 5th Apr; male singing Leven (FIFE) 11th Apr; five singing males Colinton Dell, Edinburgh (LOTH) 15th Apr; male Isle of May 21st Apr; male Fife Ness (FIFE) 25th Apr Single males Martnaham Loch & Knockdolian (both AYRS) both on 2nd Apr; two singing males RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 5th Apr; singing male Rothesay, Bute (CLY ISL) 7th Apr
Wood Warbler One Rendall (ORK) 22nd Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 25th Apr; one Hoswick (SHET) 26th Apr; one singing Callernish House, North Uist (OH) 11th May One Barnluasgan, Knapdale (ARG) 21st Apr; six singing Glen Mullardoch area (HIGH) 27th Apr; one singing Carr Brae, Dornie (HIGH) 27th Apr; one Carnan Mor, Tiree (ARG) 18th May At least 3 St. Fillans (P&K) 29th Apr; one Shaw Hill (M&N) 7th May One Lake of Menteith (UF) 19th Apr; one Glen Finglas (UF) 27th Apr; one singing Bavelaw (LOTH) 6th May; one Plora Woods (BORD) 7th May One Sallochy-Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 18th Apr; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 19th Apr; six Inchcailloch, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 23rd Apr; one Ness Glen (AYRS) 4th June; singing male Balnakeilly Forest, Bute (CLY ISL) 26th June
Chiffchaff One Skaw, Unst (SHET) 17th Mar; one South Ronaldsay & one in Holm (both ORK) both on 17th Mar; one Port of Ness, Lewis (OH) 18th Mar; six on Fair Isle on 25th Mar, 10 on 26th, 34 on 30th; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 25th Mar, 13 on 30th; one North Loch Eynort, South Uist (OH) 27th Mar One The Oa, Islay (ARG) 12th Mar; one singing Merkinch LNR, Inverness (HIGH) 15th Mar; two Kiltarlity & one Redcastle, Black Isle (both HIGH) both on 17th Mar; one Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 24th Mar; one Lower Milovaig, Skye (HIGH) 24th Mar; one John O’Groats (CAITH) 4th Apr; one Shebster (CAITH) 6th Apr One singing Bieldside (NES) 10th Mar; one Loch of Lintrathen (ANG) 10th Mar; one Girdle Ness (NES) 11th Mar, one on 21st; singles Rafford & Brodie Castle (both M&N) both on 16th Mar; one singing RSPB Culbin Sands (M&N) 17th Mar; one singing Kinnordy estate (ANG) 19th Mar; two singing The Balloch near Crieff (P&K) 24th Mar One near Haddington (LOTH) 9th Mar; one singing Mountcastle Quarry (FIFE) 9th Mar; one singing Larbert House (UF) 11th Mar, two on 16th; one near Pitmeddan (FIFE) 11th Mar; two singing Samuelston & one Coates (both LOTH) both on 11th Mar; one singing St. Abbs Head (BORD) 12th Mar; four around Musselburgh (LOTH) 15th Mar; one singing Holme Hill, Dunblane, two Skinflats Lagoons & two Menstrie (all UF) all on 16th Mar; two singing Newburgh & one singing Lindores Loch (both FIFE) both on 16th Mar; one Isle of May 20th Mar, 12 on 31st One Ryat Linn Reservoir (CLYDE) 10th Mar; one Tarryholme, Irvine (AYRS) 12th Mar; one singing near Glencaple & one singing near Ecclefechan (both D&G) both on 12th Mar; one near Kirkcudbright (D&G) 13th Mar; 3+ singing by Black Cart Water at Johnstone (one Paton’s Mill, 2+ Milliken Park) on 15th Mar; two singing RSPB Baron’s Haugh & one RSPB Lochwinnoch (both CLYDE) both on 16th Mar; one Glen App (AYRS) 17th Mar; one singing Kingscross, Arran (CLY ISL) 23rd Mar
Willow Warbler One singing Mishigarry, North Uist (OH) 31st Mar; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 1st Apr; four on Orkney on 5th Apr; one Otterswick, Yell (SHET) 6th Apr; first Fair Isle 7th Apr; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th Apr One (as well as three Chiffchaffs) at Milovaig, Glendale, Skye (HIGH) 30th Mar; one Balephuil, Tiree, two RSPB Gruinart, Islay & one on Coll (all ARG) all on 31st Mar; one Kilmichael Glen (ARG) 1st Apr; small influx noted Argyll (esp Kintyre & Islay) on 4th Apr; one Inverness (HIGH) 5th Apr; one Melvich, Sutherland (HIGH) 7th Apr; one near Halkirk (CAITH 7th Apr; small influx noted Highland 15th-16th Apr; one Reay (CAITH) 19th Apr One Maryton, Kirriemuir (ANG) 6th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 9th Apr; two near Auldearn (M&N) 11th Apr; singles Loch Oire & Altyre Woods (both M&N) both on 12th Apr; one singing RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 13th Apr; 2+ singing Loirston Loch (NES) 14th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 14th Apr; one Aboyne (NES) 15th Apr; one singing Dundee (ANG) 15th Apr One, seen well, and briefly in subsong Butterdean Wood (LOTH) 24th Mar – earliest ever in Lothian; one Peebles (BORD) 1st Apr; one singing Leamington Terrace, Edinburgh (LOTH) 4th Apr; one by old railway between Dunblane-Doune (UF) 4th Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 5th Apr; one St. Abbs Head (BORD) 5th Apr; one singing near Coates (LOTH) 5th Apr; three singing Town Loch, Dunfermline (FIFE) 7th Apr; two singing Mountcastle (FIFE) 8th Apr; one Isle of May 17th Apr 5+ Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 31st Mar; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 31st Mar; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 1st Apr, two on 2nd; one Rothesay, Bute (CLY ISL) 2nd Apr; two Kennethbank, Glencaple (D&G) 3rd Apr; small influx noted Ayrshire 4th Apr; small influx noted Clyde 5th Apr
Spotted Flycatcher One Fair Isle 9th May; one Skaw, Whalsay (SHET) 9th May, two on 10th; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 19th May One Kinnabus, Islay (ARG) 17th May; one Strathy Wood, Ardross (HIGH) 17th May; one Shebster (CAITH) 17th May; one Drummondreach Oak Wood, Black Isle (HIGH) 18th May; two Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 19th May; one Earlish, Skye (HIGH) 21st May; two Reay (CAITH) 4th June One River Nairn near Nairn (M&N) 3rd May; one Findowie (P&K) 14th May; one Balmoral Castle (NES) 15th May; one Glen Esk (ANG) 18th May; four Craigellachie-Balvenie (M&N) 25th May One Isle of May 16th May; three reported from East Lothian (LOTH) on 18th May; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 18th May; three St. Abbs Head (BORD) 18th May; one Wester Glassie (FIFE) 19th May Two Garnock North (AYRS) 13th May; one Minnigaff churchyard (D&G) 13th May; one near Muirkirk (AYRS) 13th May; one Cathkin Braes (CLYDE) 16th May; one Machrie, Arran (CLY ISL) 16th May; influx noted Clyde 18th May
Pied Flycatcher One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 22nd Apr, three on 25th; one Toab (SHET) 24th Apr; male Westray (ORK) 25th Apr; three Fair Isle 25th Apr One Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 26th Apr; male Dunadry, Cairnbaan (ARG) 8th May; female Carnan Mor, Tiree (ARG) 6th June Male Collieston (NES) 27th Apr; male Delnabo (M&N) 3rd May; one SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 5th May Two males Isle of May 25th Apr Two males Sallochy-Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 18th Apr; four RSPB Wood of Cree and one Knockman Wood (both D&G) both on 18th Apr; female Balnakeilly Forest, Bute (CLY ISL) 11th May

Shetland, Fair Isle, Orkney and Outer Hebrides Highland, Caithness and Argyll North-East Scotland, Moray & Nairn, Angus and Perth & Kinross Fife, Isle of May, Upper Forth, Lothian and Borders Clyde, Clyde Islands, Ayrshire and Dumfries & Galloway
Manx Shearwater Two past Ardvule Point, South Uist (OH) 23rd Mar; one past Ireland, Bigton (SHET) 7th May; two past North Ronaldsay (ORK) 7th May; seven from the “Good Shepherd” off Fair Isle on 6th June 36 past Aird, Tiree (ARG) 26th Mar, 520 past on 31st; six off Isle of Eigg (HIGH) 1st Apr Two past Girdle Ness (NES) 9th May, 28 on 14th; two past Lunan Bay (ANG) 10th May; 14 past Lossiemouth (M&N) 16th May One past Isle of May 1st May, 48 on 14th; 85 past Fife Ness (FIFE) 14th May; 16 past Dunbar (LOTH) 23rd May One past Stevenston Point (AYRS) 30th Mar; c.150 off Irvine (AYRS) 11th Apr; 10+ off Largybeg, Arran (CLY ISL) 12th Apr; five off WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 5th May
Garganey Pair The Loons RSPB (ORK) 19th Apr; drake Baltasound, Unst (SHET) 21st Apr; three North Ronaldsay (ORK) 6th May; drake Loch Fada, Benbecula (OH) 8th May Pair Tiree (ARG) 17th Apr; drake St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 6th May Drake RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 6th Apr; pair RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 9th Apr; drake Findhorn Bay (M&N) 14th Apr; female RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 19th Apr; drake Port Allen (P&K) 4th May Pair Musselburgh (LOTH) 4th May; drake Cambus (UF) 9th May Pair RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 12th Mar; pair RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 12th Apr, two drakes on 6th May; drake Doonfoot (AYRS) 11th May
Marsh Harrier One Trumland, Rousay (ORK) 9th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 17th May; female Fair Isle 23rd May Female Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 19th Apr; female Loch Insh (HIGH) 24th Apr Male RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 31st Mar; one Loch Spynie (M&N) 7th Apr; imm. Male near Errol (P&K) 11th Apr; female RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 11th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 15th May Female Mugdrum Island, Newburgh (FIFE) 30th Mar; female Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 11th May One reported WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 16th Mar, female there on 11th & 18th May
Osprey One Bernera (OH) 30th Apr; one Rendall (ORK) 1st May; one over Fair Isle 4th May; one over Compass Head (SHET) 9th May; one Loch Druidibeg, South Uist (OH) 11th May One Clunes, Loch Lochy (HIGH) 15th Mar; one near Newtonmore (HIGH) 29th Mar; one over Loch Garten (HIGH) 29th Mar, returning female back there on 2nd Apr; one reported West Loch Tarbert (ARG) 2nd Apr; one back at nest site near Dornoch (HIGH) 2nd Apr; one back at nest site near Ford (ARG) 4th Apr; one back at nest site near Thurso (CAITH) 7th Apr One reported over Coupar Angus (P&K) 11th Mar; male back at SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 21st Mar; one Backwater Reservoir (ANG) 21st Mar; one back at nest site Balgavies Loch (ANG) 3rd Apr; one Findhorn Bay & one back at nest site near Forres (both M&N) both on 4th Apr; one over just to N of Dundee (ANG) 5th Apr; one back at nest site near Loch of Skene (NES) 10th Apr One reported over Yetholm Loch (BORD) 4th Mar; one over Eden Estuary (FIFE) 12th Mar; one Loch Gelly (FIFE) 13th Mar; one over Camilla Loch (FIFE) 15th Mar; one Kinlochard (UF) 16th Mar; one over Stirling (UF) 20th Mar; one Denholm (BORD) 23rd Mar; male back at nest site near Aberfoyle (UF) 2nd Apr; one over East Linton (LOTH) 5th Apr; one North Esk Reservoir (LOTH/BORD) 6th Apr; one over Isle of May 15th June One near Kirk Dam, Bute (CLY ISL) 23rd Mar; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 24th Mar; one Loch Fad, Bute (CLY ISL) 25th Mar; male back at nest site Threave (D&G) 2nd Apr; one back at nest site Loch Doon (AYRS) 8th Apr
Dotterel Two RSPB Loch na Muilne, Lewis (OH) 27th Apr; five Balranald, North Uist (OH) 2nd May; three Baleshare, North Uist (OH) 4th May; nine Sanday (ORK) 9th May; one South Ronaldsay (ORK) 10th May; four Fair Isle 18th May One Oronsay (ARG) 29th Apr; one at The Oa, Islay (ARG) 4th May; two Bruach na Frith, Skye (HIGH) 14th May; two Sarek’s Meadow, Cairngorms (HIGH) 14th May 29 at Pluckerston farm, Kirriemuir (ANG) 9th May; 10 St. Combs (NES) 14th May; three near Collieston (NES) 15th May One Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 2nd May; two Carnethy Hill (LOTH) 3rd May Four near New Galloway (D&G) 27th Apr; one near Green Lowther Hill (D&G/CLYDE) 8th May; one Blackcraig Hill (AYRS) 13th May; seven Tinto (CLYDE) 14th May
Whimbrel Two Smerclate, South Uist (OH) 16th Apr; two Fair Isle 16th Apr; two Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 17th Apr; one Dalsetter (SHET) 19th Apr; 84 Loch of Skaill (ORK) 28th Apr; 150 Widewall (ORK) 3rd May One reported past Machrihanish SO (ARG) 19th Mar; one Tiree (ARG) 16th Apr; one Isle of Eigg (HIGH) 16th Apr; one St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 16th Apr; four Dornoch (HIGH) 17th Apr; 40 Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 25th Apr One Easthaven (ANG) 18th Apr; two Ythan Estuary (NES) 18th Apr, 30+ on 25th Apr, 61 on 1st May; one Findhorn Bay (M&N) 20th Apr; four Loch Leven (P&K) 5th May Two Musselburgh & two Dunbar (both LOTH) both on 15th Apr; one Largo Bay (FIFE) 21st Apr; 30 Barns Ness (LOTH) 26th Apr; 16 Longcarse, Alloa (UF) 1st May One Stevenston Point (AYRS) 16th Apr; two Carse Bay (D&G) 16th Apr; two Auchenhew Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 16th Apr, 16 on 4th May; one Wigtown Bay (D&G) 19th Apr; two Saltcoats & one Martnaham Loch (both AYRS) both on 20th Apr; 10 West Ferry (CLYDE) 23rd Apr, 34 on 1st May; six Mount Stuart, Bute (CLY ISL) 7th May
Common Sandpiper One Fair Isle 19th Apr; two Grimsay, North Uist (OH) 24th Apr; 3+ South Uist (OH) 24th Apr; first Mainland (ORK) 2nd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 5th May; three Sumburgh area & one Skaw, Unst (both SHET) both on 6th May One Loch na Keal, Mull (ARG) 7th Apr; one Add Estuary & one near Kilmelford (both ARG) both on 12th Apr; one Avielochan (HIGH) 14th Apr; one Contin, one Strathdearn, one Ullapool, one Loch Insh & one on Skye (all HIGH) all on 16th Apr One River Findhorn west of Forres (M&N) 8th Apr; one Invermark Lodge (ANG) 10th Apr; one Dinnet Bridge (NES) 12th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 15th Apr; one Spey Bay (M&N) 17th Apr; one Loch Kennard (P&K) 17th Apr One Letham Pools (FIFE) 9th Apr; one Whitesands Quarry (LOTH) 11th Apr; one River Devon at Harveston (UF) 11th Apr; one Edrington Castle (BORD) 12th Apr; one River Tweed near Peebles (BORD) 13th Apr; two Musselburgh (LOTH) 15th Apr; 5+ Loch Gelly (FIFE) 15th Apr; two Isle of May 5th May Two Drymen Bridge (CLYDE) 10th Apr; one River Nith north of Dumfries (D&G) 12th Apr; one Galston Loch (AYRS) 13th Apr; 3+ River Clyde in Carbarns area (CLYDE) 14th Apr; one North Sannox, Arran (CLY ISL) 14th Apr; one Capringstone Flash (AYRS) 15th Apr; two Carse Bay (D&G) 16th Apr; two Ardmaleish, Bute (CLY ISL) 23rd Apr
Sandwich Tern One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th Mar; two Papa Westray (ORK) 29th Mar; one Grutness (SHET) 13th Apr; two Loch Stiapavat, Lewis (OH) 6th June Two Machrihanish SBO, one Port Charlotte, Islay & one Tayinloan (all ARG) all on 9th Apr; one St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 9th Apr; two Rosemarkie & two Brora (both HIGH) both on 11th Apr One Nairn (M&N) 12th Mar; two Portknockie (M&N) 21st Mar; four Lossiemouth (M&N) 22nd Mar; two Ythan Estuary (NES) 23rd Mar; one Elliot Burn (ANG) 13th Apr One Seafield (LOTH) 24th Mar; two Eyemouth (BORD) 6th Apr; five Gosford Bay (LOTH) 8th Apr; one St. Andrews (FIFE) 11th Apr; one Isle of May 19th Apr; five Blackness (UF) 3rd May Two Irvine harbour (AYRS) 4th Apr; two Sandbraes, Arran (CLY ISL) 7th Apr; one Southerness Point (D&G) 13th Apr, 15 on 14th; two Rothesay Bay, Bute (CLY ISL) 17th Apr; two Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 22nd Apr
Common Tern One Berneray (OH) 15th Apr; two Stromness (ORK) 18th Apr; 5+ North Ford, North Uist (OH) 19th Apr; one Scatness (SHET) 28th Apr; two Fair Isle 10th May One Sorobaidh Bay, Tiree (ARG) 28th Apr; 100+ back at nesting rafts Avoch (HIGH) 2nd May; seven St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 7th May One River Spey, Rothes & one Lossiemouth (both M&N) both on 19th Apr; 2+ Blackdog (NES) 30th Apr; 28 RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 30th Apr, 50+ on 2nd May; four Montrose Basin (ANG) 3rd May Four off Torness Power Station (LOTH) 25th Apr; 60 back Leith Docks (LOTH) 1st May; two Isle of May 2nd May; seven Blackness (UF) 3rd May; c.30 Kinneil (UF) 6th May; two Folly Loch (BORD) 9th May; 17 Fife Ness (FIFE) 14th May Two Bowling (CLYDE) 19th Apr; one Hunterston (AYRS) 30th June
Arctic Tern One Borve, Barra (OH) 18th Apr; one Pool of Virkie (SHET) 26th Apr; two Graemeshall Loch (ORK) 26th Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 29th Apr; first Fair Isle 8th May One St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 16th Apr; one Gunna Sound (ARG) 23rd Apr; three Tongue (HIGH) 27th Apr; six on Tiree (ARG) 28th Apr Two Spey Bay (M&N) 24th Apr; two Blackdog (NES) 26th Apr; 2+ Scurdie Ness, Montrose (ANG) 15th May; five Loch Leven (P&K) 2nd June One Isle of May 1st May; one Kinneil (UF) 6th May; 1+ Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 7th June One Blackwaterfoot, Arran (CLY ISL) 23rd Apr; one Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 26th Apr, c.150 on 5th May; one Castle Loch, Lochmaben (D&G) 6th May
Little Tern One Loch Bee, South Uist (OH) 16th Apr; up to five Burray (ORK) 21st May Three on Tiree (ARG) 16th Apr; one Sandside Bay (CAITH) 23rd May Three Ythan Estuary (NES) 26th Apr; three Montrose Basin (ANG) 3rd May; two Lossie Estuary (M&N) 12th May One Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 7th June Two Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 20th May
Cuckoo Singles Lewis & South Uist (both OH) both on 17th Apr; one Rendall (ORK) 17th Apr; one singing Stenness (ORK) 30th Apr; one Fair Isle 5th May; one Mid Yell, Yell (SHET) 11th May One Kensaleyre, Skye (HIGH) 9th Apr; one Glen Fyne (ARG) 11th Apr; singles Inveraray, Ford & Kilfinan (all ARG) all on 16th Apr; mini influx noted Highland 17th Apr, with 10 birds reported, mainly from the west coast; one near Scrabster (CAITH) 26th Apr One Glen Esk (ANG) 10th Apr; one Edzell (NES) 16th Apr; one near Cornhill (NES) 18th Apr; one Cragganmore (M&N) 22nd Apr; one Sma’ Glen (P&K) 24th Apr One Balquhidder Glen (UF) 18th Apr; one Leithen Water (BORD) 19th Apr; one Isle of May 25th Apr, three on 5th May; one Barns Ness (LOTH) 30th Apr; one Kilminning (FIFE) 5th May Singles Helensburgh, Snypes Dam & Meikle Bin (all CLYDE) all on 16th Apr; one Glen Rosa, Arran (CLY ISL) 16th Apr; one Loch Fad, Bute (CLY ISL) 16th Apr; one Loch Riecawr (AYRS) 18th Apr; one Gatehouse of Fleet (D&G) 18th Apr; one singing near Loch Ken (D&G) 18th Apr
Swift One Fair Isle 6th May; one Noss (SHET) 6th May; one near Druidibeg Plantation, South Uist (OH) 14th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th June One reported Wick (CAITH) 11th Apr; one Kingussie (HIGH) 6th May; two Kilmichael Glassary (ARG) 7th May; one Inverness Castle (HIGH) 9th May; eight Campbeltown (ARG) 10th May; first back Willowbank, Wick (CAITH) 11th May One Carsebreck Loch (P&K) 25th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 29th Apr, 80 on 10th May; one Forfar Loch (ANG) 2nd May; one Findhorn Bay (M&N) 4th May; 60 Loch Leven (P&K) 4th May; one Union Street, Aberdeen (NES) 5th May; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 7th May One reported Luffness (LOTH) 17th Apr; one Linlithgow Loch (LOTH) 25th Apr; two The Hirsel & one Tweedbank (both BORD) both on 27th Apr; seven Loch Gelly & one Fife Ness (both FIFE) both on 4th May; one Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 4th May; one Isle of May 5th May Three Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 19th Apr; 1+ RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 24th Apr; two over River Nith, Kirkton (D&G) 25th Apr; one Dumfries (D&G) 3rd May; 2+ Cumnock (AYRS) 5th May; first back Castle Douglas (D&G) 5th May; three on Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 10th May, 30+ there at Loch Fad on 11th
Sand Martin Three Skara Brae (ORK) 10th Apr; two Bornish, South Uist (OH) 12th Apr; three North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th Apr; one Virkie (SHET) 18th Apr; first Fair Isle 22nd Apr Two Loch Leathan (ARG) 22nd Mar; one Kinellan, Strathpeffer (HGH) 22nd Mar; one Arisaig (HIGH) 26th Mar; three Harrapool, Skye (HIGH) 9th Apr; two Loch Calder (CAITH) 9th Apr; one Loch Insh (HIGH) 9th Apr, 210 on 11th, 410 on 28th; four Glen Aros, Mull (ARG) 10th Apr One Loch Spynie (M&N) 14th Mar; three Loch Leven (P&K) 18th Mar; one Aboyne (NES) 20th Mar; one Loch of Skene (NES) 25th Mar; one Clatto Reservoir (ANG) 29th Mar; 2+ RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 7th Apr One Whiteadder Water near Paxton (BORD) 15th Mar; one Dunblane (UF) 21st Mar; one Skateraw (LOTH) 24th Mar; one Gart GP (UF) 29th Mar; four Loch Gelly (FIFE) 6th Apr, c.25 on 8th; first Isle of May 21st Apr One White Loch, Castle Kennedy (D&G) 13th Mar, seven on 14th; four Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 14th Mar, 100+ on 7th Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 16th Mar; two Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 23rd Mar, 10 on 24th; one Sannox, Arran (CLY ISL) 4th Apr; eight Isle of Bute (CLY ISL) 7th Apr
Swallow Singles Papa Westray & North Ronaldsay (both ORK) both on 8th Apr; one Fair Isle 9th Apr; one Sumburgh Head & two Noss (both SHET) both on 10th Apr; one Balranald, North Uist (OH) 17th Apr; 10 Finstown (ORK) 19th Apr; two Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 22nd Apr One at The Oa, Islay (ARG) 17th Mar, two there on 6th Apr, five on 8th; two Ardrishaig & two Ormsary (both ARG) both on 6th Apr; one Tayinloan (ARG) 7th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 8th Apr; 3+ Isle of Skye & two Isle of Eigg (both HIGH) both on 9th Apr; four over Bogbain (HIGH) 9th Apr; two Bunessan, Mull (ARG) 10th Apr; 10+ Craig Dunain (HIGH) 12th Apr; one Glengolly (CAITH) 13th Apr 2+ Loch Leven (P&K) 9th Apr; one Cullen & three Loch Spynie (both M&N) both on 9th Apr; two Hatton Mill (ANG) 9th Apr; at least 8 by River Findhorn west of Forres (M&N) 10th Apr; one Gowanhill (NES) 10th Apr; one Elliot Burn (ANG) 10th Apr; three Inverbervie (NES) 11th Apr; three Monikie CP (ANG) 12th Apr One reported Barns Ness (LOTH) 5th Apr; one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 7th Apr; one Dunbar (LOTH) 7th Apr; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 7th Apr; one Duns (BORD) 8th Apr; three Isle of May 9th Apr; one Colquhar (BORD) 9th Apr; one near Kippen (UF) 9th Apr; one near Aberdour (FIFE) 10th Apr; one Kinneil (UF) 10th Apr One reported Garlieston (D&G) 2nd Apr; one Mainholm (AYRS) 5th Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 6th Apr; two Dipple (AYRS) 6th Apr; singles Bishopton, RSPB Baron’s Haugh, Strathclyde Loch and Easter Yonderton + four at Lanark Loch (all CLYDE) all on 7th Apr; one Mull of Galloway (D&G) 7th Apr; two Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 7th Apr; one Carlingwark Loch (D&G) 7th Apr; one Rothesay, Bute (CLY ISL) 8th Apr; one Kirkton, near Dumfries (D&G) 8th Apr; one Dalry (AYRS) 8th Apr
House Martin Two reported Garrabost, Lewis (OH) 27th Mar; one North Ronaldsay & one Skara Brae (both ORK) both on 10th Apr; one Orosay, South Uist (OH) 21st Apr; one Fair Isle 21st Apr; two Unst, one Sumburgh & one Out Skerries (all SHET) all on 6th May One Scarinish, Tiree (ARG) 7th Apr; two The Oa, Islay (ARG) 8th Apr; one Portree, Skye (HIGH) 9th Apr; one Alness (HIGH) 10th Apr; three Scrabster (CAITH) 10th Apr; one Loch Insh (HIGH) 11th Apr; four back Wick (CAITH) 25th Apr One Hatton Mill (ANG) 9th Apr; two by River Findhorn west of Forres (M&N) 10th Apr; up to 10 Strathallan (P&K) 12th Apr; one Castlesea Bay (ANG) 13th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 15th Apr One Musselburgh (LOTH) 8th Apr, two on 11th; one Letham Pools (FIFE) 11th Apr; one Alva (UF) 11th Apr; eight Paxton House (BORD) 14th Apr; one Tweedbank (BORD) 14th Apr; first Isle of May 18th Apr One Carlingwark Loch (D&G) 7th Apr; one Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 9th Apr; one Kirk Dam, Bute (CLY ISL) 10th Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 12th Apr, 2 on 13th; one Garscube Estate (CLYDE) 13th Apr; two Shewalton (AYRS) 13th Apr; one near Thornhill (D&G) 19th Apr
Tree Pipit One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 23rd Apr; one Fair Isle 25th Apr, 23 on 6th May; one Baltasound, Unst (SHET) 4th May; one Aird an Runair, North Uist (OH) 12th May One reported Ormsary (ARG) 8th Apr; one Dog Falls, Glen Affric (HIGH) 18th Apr; three singing birds Mid-Argyll (ARG) 18th Apr; 1+ Abernethy Forest (HIGH) 19th Apr One Muldearie (M&N) 11th Apr; 2+ singing birds Glen Esk (ANG) 12th Apr; two near Glensherup Reservoir (P&K) 20th Apr; c.4 Brathens, Banchory (NES) 21st Apr; three Collieston (NES) 5th May One Keir Estate (UF) 16th Apr; one Barns Ness (LOTH) 17th Apr; c.6 Tentsmuir (FIFE) 19th Apr; three Lochearnhead (UF) 19th Apr; one Isle of May 23rd Apr, 50 on 5th May; one Gordon Community Woodland (BORD) 25th Apr One over near Dalry (D&G) 7th Apr; three singing birds RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 10th Apr; one Loch Doon (AYRS) 15th Apr; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 16th Apr; 2+ Gleann Dubh, Arran (CLY ISL) 21st Apr
Yellow Wagtail Four on Fair Isle (including two Blue-headed) on 3rd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 3rd May; one Out Skerries (SHET) 6th May; Blue-headed Wagtail on North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; Grey-headed Wagtail on Fair Isle 9th May; Grey-headed Wagtail at Haroldswick, Unst (SHET) 7th June   Blue-headed Wagtail at Kirkton, Collieston (NES) 5th May; one Kirkgate, Loch Leven (P&K) 5th May; Grey-headed Wagtail at King’s Links, Aberdeen (NES) 7th May; one Garmouth (M&N) 8th May One Barns Ness (LOTH) 17th Apr; one Isle of May 24th Apr; one Kilrenny Mill (FIFE) 30th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Belhaven Bay (LOTH) 3rd May; 8+ at River Tweed, Birgham (BORD) 9th May Male Blue-headed Wagtail Maidens (AYRS) 11th Apr; one Ardeer Quarry (AYRS) 29th Apr; one Gartloch Pool (CLYDE) 7th May
White Wagtail One Fair Isle 9th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th Apr; 4+ Balranald, North Uist & three Ardvule Point, South Uist (both OH) both on 17th Apr; one Grutness (SHET) 17th Apr; 28 Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 23rd Apr One Broadford Bay, Skye (HIGH) 28th Mar; two Machrihanish SO (ARG) 2nd Apr, three on 6th; nine Dornoch (HIGH) 17th Apr; one Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 18th Apr; 59 Tayinloan (ARG) 28th Apr One Findhorn Bay (M&N) 16th Apr; three Easthaven (ANG) 18th Apr; one near Aboyne (NES) 21st Apr At least one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 12th Mar; one Skateraw (LOTH) 4th Apr; three Letham Pools (FIFE) 11th Apr; seven Whitesands Bay (LOTH) 12th Apr; 20+ Dunbar (LOTH) 16th Apr; one Isle of May 17th Apr; three Airth (UF) 30th Apr One Mull of Galloway (D&G) 7th Apr; 31 birds at Maidens (AYRS) 11th Apr; three Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 12th Apr; two Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 15th Apr; 19 Wigtown Bay (D&G) 19th Apr; 28 Castle Semple Loch (CLYDE) 24th Apr
Redstart Three Fair Isle 3rd May, 13 on 6th; seven Bressay, one Whalsay & three Sumburgh (all SHET) all on 4th May; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 5th May One RSPB Loch Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 17th Apr; male Blackfold (HIGH) 19th Apr; male Taynish NNR (ARG) 19th Apr; 4+ males Abernethy Forest (HIGH) 19th Apr; one Wick (CAITH) 5th May Five at Drummond Castle Woods (P&K) 16th Apr; male Carnferg, Aboyne (NES) 17th Apr; one Invermark Lodge, Glen Esk (ANG) 20th Apr; male Dinnet NNR (NES) 21st Apr; male Knockando (M&N) 2nd May Male Torness Power Station (LOTH) 11th Apr; male St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 12th Apr; one Lochearnhead (UF) 19th Apr; one Kilmahog (UF) 22nd Apr; two females Isle of May 24th Apr, 10 on 5th May; male Kilminning (FIFE) 4th May One RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 16th Apr, seven on 21st; one near Gatehouse of Fleet (D&G) 18th Apr; female Carrot farm, Eaglesham (CLYDE) 19th Apr; four males Inchcailloch, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 19th Apr; male by Prestwick Airport (AYRS) 20th Apr; four males Ness Glen (AYRS) 21st Apr
Whinchat Two Fair Isle 3rd May; one Spiggie (SHET) 3rd May; two Whalsay, one Sumburgh & one on Bressay (all SHET) all on 4th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 5th May Male Moine Mhor NNR (ARG) 18th Apr; one Kilmichael Glen (ARG) 18th Apr; male Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 19th Apr Two males Struan (P&K) 19th Apr; male Clashindarroch Forest (NES) 2nd May; two Kirkton, Collieston (NES) 5th May; two Glen Prosen & one Glen Lethnot (both ANG) both on 8th May One Pentland Hills (LOTH) 19th Apr; male Isle of May 24th Apr, five on 5th May; male Flanders Moss (UF) 26th Apr; one Cellardyke (FIFE) 5th May; one East Loch (BORD) 11th May One Braid Fell (D&G) 18th Apr; two males Craigallian Loch (CLYDE) 21st Apr; one Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 21st Apr; one Dundonald Camp (AYRS) 22nd Apr; male Thunderguy, Arran (CLY ISL) 24th Apr
Wheatear One South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 26th Mar; two males Bay of Skaill (ORK) 29th Mar; one Fair Isle 7th Apr; nine North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th Apr; one Norwick, Unst & one Virkie (both SHET) both on 10th Apr Two Claddach, Islay (ARG) 15th Mar; two males Jura (ARG) 18th Mar; one Coll (ARG) 18th Mar; one Isle of Rum (HIGH) 19th Mar; male West Hynish, Tiree (ARG) 21st Mar; single males Neist Point & Upper Milovaig, both Skye (HIGH) both on 21st Mar; one near Thurso (CAITH) 23rd Mar; one Castletown (CAITH) 6th Apr Male Lossie Estuary (M&N) 23rd Mar; three Glen Lethnot (ANG) 2nd Apr; male Glen Buchat (NES) 2nd Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 9th Apr Male Ladyside, Moorfoot Hills (BORD) 19th Mar; male Musselburgh Lagoons & two Pentland Hills (both LOTH) both on 24th Mar; one Isle of May 24th Mar; one near Tyndrum (UF) 24th Mar; male St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 30th Mar; one Braefoot Point (FIFE) 10th Apr; 70+ Thorntonloch-Barns Ness (LOTH) 11th Apr Male Stevenston Point (AYRS) 17th Mar; male Drumadoon Point, Arran (CLY ISL) 17th Mar; one near Sanquhar (D&G) 18th Mar; one near Hawks Neb, Bute (CLY ISL) 18th Mar; two Glasserton & two RSPB Mersehead (both D&G) both on 19th Mar; male Maidens (AYRS) 20th Mar; male Greenock Cut (CLYDE) 22nd Mar
Ring Ouzel Male Fair Isle 13th Apr; female Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 17th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th Apr; male Vatersay (OH) 18th Apr; one Noss (SHET) 20th Apr One Cairngorm (HIGH) 2nd Apr, male on 8th; male Glen Feshie (HIGH) 3rd Apr; one The Storr, Skye (HIGH) 9th Apr; male near Campbeltown (ARG) 13th Apr Male Glensherup Reservoir (P&K) 6th Apr; five near Loch Lee (ANG) 7th Apr; three Glenshee ski centre (NES) 8th Apr; one Sma’ Glen (P&K) 24th Apr One Carnethy Hill (LOTH) 8th Apr; male Isle of May 9th Apr; one Norman’s Law (FIFE) 18th Apr; female Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 22nd Apr; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 23rd Apr Two Mennock Pass (D&G) 20th Mar; two Culter Glen (CLYDE) 10th Apr, eight on 12th; male Loudoun Hill (AYRS) 12th Apr; male Goatfell, Arran (CLY ISL) 7th May
Grasshopper Warbler One Fair Isle 25th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 6th May; two Breivig, Barra (OH) 13th May One Portnahaven, Islay (ARG) 16th Apr; two singing Moine Mhor NNR (ARG) 19th Apr; one singing Fairy Bridge, Skye (HIGH) 19th Apr; one singing Halkirk (CAITH) 8th May One singing Red Moss of Netherley (NES) 24th Apr; one RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 1st May; one Spynie canal (M&N) 2nd May; one singing Lochindores (ANG) 7th May Two Gullane (LOTH) 17th Apr; one Lochore Meadows CP (FIFE) 22nd Apr; one Cambus Pools (UF) 23rd Apr; one Isle of May 24th Apr; one singing The Hirsel (BORD) 6th May One Bogside (AYRS) 18th Apr; one Craigend, Glasgow (CLYDE) 19th Apr; one singing Lakin, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th Apr; one near Corsock (D&G) 20th Apr; one Gortans, Bute (CLY ISL) 21st Apr; small influx noted Ayrshire & Clyde on 22nd Apr
Sedge Warbler One Harray (ORK) 2nd May; one Bornish, South Uist (OH) 3rd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 4th May; one Sandwick, Whalsay (SHET) 5th May; one Fair Isle 5th May One Kintyre Peninsula (ARG) 21st Apr; one Bellanoch (ARG) 22nd Apr; one Oronsay (ARG) 23rd Apr; one Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 24th Apr; one Portnalong, Skye (HIGH) 29th Apr; one singing Scullamus, Breakish, Skye (HIGH) 30th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 8th May One Kirkgate, Loch Leven (P&K) 20th Apr; two RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 22nd Apr; one Portknockie (M&N) 22nd Apr; one Red Moss of Netherley (NES) 1st May; first RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 2nd May 2+ Skateraw (LOTH) 22nd Apr; one Cambus Pools (UF) 23rd Apr; 1+ the Hirsel (BORD) 23rd Apr; one Isle of May 24th Apr; 3+ Loch Gelly (FIFE) 1st May One Sanquhar sewage works (D&G) 17th Apr; one RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 18th Apr; two Bogside (AYRS) 18th Apr; first WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 20th Apr; one Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 22nd Apr
Lesser Whitethroat One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 29th Apr, five on 4th May; one Bressay (SHET) 4th May; one Fair Isle 4th May; one Eoropie, Lewis (OH) 7th June   One Collieston (NES) 4th May; 2+ Riverside Nature Park, Dundee (ANG) 4th May; one singing Nether Dallachy (M&N) 14th June One Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 23rd Apr; one Gullane Hill (LOTH) 26th Apr; five Isle of May 3rd May; one Kilminning (FIFE) 4th May; one Kinneil Lagoon (UF) 6th May One Ardeer Fen (AYRS) 23rd Apr; one Auchie Glen, Mull of Galloway (D&G) 24th Apr; one Croy Bay (AYRS) 26th Apr; one singing Auchenhew, Arran (CLY ISL) 4th May
Whitethroat One Scows, Orphir (ORK) 28th Apr; one Fair Isle 3rd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 3rd May; one Toab & one on Whalsay (both SHET) both on 4th May; male Ardivachar, South Uist (OH) 8th May One Portnalong, Skye (HIGH) 1st May; one Easter Bennetsfield near Avoch (HIGH) 2nd May; two Luing (ARG) 2nd May; one Wick (CAITH) 5th May One Lossiemouth (M&N) 21st Apr; two Elliot, Arbroath (ANG) 1st May; one Girdle Ness & first RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (both NES) both on 2nd May; one Kinnesswood, Loch Leven (P&K) 5th May; one Collieston (NES) 5th May Two Kinneil (UF) 20th Apr; three Whitesands Bay (LOTH) 22nd Apr; three Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 23rd Apr; one Isle of May 24th Apr, 10 on 5th May; one Cullaloe NR (FIFE) 2nd May; one Kilminning (FIFE) 5th May Male RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 18th Apr; one Todhill Community Woodland (AYRS) 22nd Apr; one Cathkin Braes (CLYDE) 22nd Apr; one Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 22nd Apr; one Finnarts Bay (AYRS) 23rd Apr; one Kirkton & one near RSPB Wood of Cree (both D&G) both on 23rd Apr
Garden Warbler One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 5th May, 11 on 3rd June; one Fair Isle 5th May; one Sumburgh (SHET) 6th May One Kilmartin (ARG) 21st Apr; one singing Insh (HIGH) 9th May; one Thurso (CAITH) 23rd May One reported Carnoustie (ANG) 29th Apr; one Auchmithie (ANG) 3rd May; one singing Levenmouth, Loch Leven (P&K) 4th May; one Garmouth (M&N) 5th May; one Girdle Ness (NES) 5th May, three on 6th; one Balgavies Loch (ANG) 8th May One near Culross (FIFE) 21st Apr; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 23rd Apr; one Isle of May 24th Apr; four Barns Ness (LOTH) 4th May; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 4th May; two Fife Ness (FIFE) 5th May, eight on 6th One North Haugh, Hamilton (CLYDE) 26th Apr; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 26th Apr; one Ardeer (AYRS) 1st May; three singing birds RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 4th May
Blackcap Two males South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 8th Apr; two Norwick, Unst & one Sumburgh (both SHET) both on 10th Apr; two males Fair Isle 18th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Apr One near Thurso (CAITH) 2nd Apr; male Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 9th Apr; male Cairnbaan (ARG) 10th Apr; male Kinnabus, Islay (ARG) 16th Apr; singing male Isleornsay, Skye (HIGH) 17th Apr Singing male Rescobie Loch (ANG) 12th Apr; two Keptie Pond (ANG) 12th Apr; one Kinross (P&K) 16th Apr; one Tugnet (M&N) 17th Apr; singing male Loch of Skene (NES) 22nd Apr Two Cambus (UF) 11th Apr; singing male Paxton House (BORD) 11th Apr; six singing males Water of Leith near Balerno (LOTH) 12th Apr; two singing males Tweedbank (BORD) 13th Apr; female Aberdour (FIFE) 17th Apr; singing male Morton Lochs NNR (FIFE) 18th Apr; singing male Loch Gelly (FIFE) 19th Apr; male Isle of May 20th Apr One Mull of Galloway (D&G) 7th Apr; single singing males at Pollok CP & Linn Park (both CLYDE) both on 9th Apr; singing male Ardencraig House, Bute (CLY ISL) 10th Apr; singing male Rozelle Park, Ayr (AYRS) 11th Apr
Wood Warbler One North Loch Eynort, South Uist (OH) 8th May; one Sandwick (SHET) 9th May One Aros Park, Mull (ARG) 18th Apr; one Bellanoch (ARG) 19th Apr; one singing Clunes (HIGH) 22nd Apr; one by Loch Ness (HIGH) 26th Apr; one Contin (HIGH) 5th May; one singing Achvarasdal Wood (CAITH) 23rd May One Kirkton, Collieston (NES) 5th May; singles Killiecrankie & The Hermitage near Dunkeld (both P&K) both on 21st May One Kilmahog (UF) 22nd Apr; one Isle of May 6th May; one Fife Ness (FIFE) 6th May; one Barns Ness (LOTH) 12th May; one singing Plora (BORD) 10th June One Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 20th Apr; two RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 21st Apr; three Sallochy, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 22nd Apr; one singing Smugglers’ Trail, Dundonald (AYRS) 6th May
Chiffchaff One Grimsay (OH) 18th Mar; two Fair Isle 19th Mar; one Bornish, South Uist (OH) 23rd Mar; one Scalloway (SHET) 27th Mar; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 26th Mar, three on 30th One Dunoon (ARG) 17th Mar; one at The Oa, Islay (ARG) 18th Mar; one singing Kinellan, Strathpeffer (HIGH) 22nd Mar; one near Tain (HIGH) 23rd Mar; one Thurso (CAITH) 29th Mar One Nigg Bay, Girdle Ness (NES) 7th Mar; one Invergowrie (P&K) 9th Mar; one Cardean Estate (ANG) 19th Mar; one Waterford, Forres & one Kintessack (both M&N) both on 21st Mar; one singing Blackdog (NES) 21st Mar; two singing Seton Park & one Dunecht (both NES) both on 25th Mar; influx noted Angus and NES on 30th Mar; one singing Loch Leven (P&K) 2nd Apr One Belhaven Bay (LOTH) 3rd Mar; one Blindwells Pool (LOTH) 15th Mar; two Bemersyde Moss (BORD) 18th Mar; one singing Dunfermline (FIFE) 20th Mar; one singing Stirling University (UF) 20th Mar; two Cullaloe NR (FIFE) 20th Mar; one Dunblane (UF) 21st Mar; two singing Cottyburn railway walk (LOTH) 21st Mar; one Isle of May 26th Mar One singing near Dalry (D&G) 18th Mar; one Rothesay, Bute (CLY ISL) 18th Mar; singles singing Baron’s Haugh RSPB, Strathclyde CP & Renfrew (all CLYDE) all on 19th Mar; one singing Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 19th Mar; one singing Galston (AYRS) 19th Mar, five singing birds reported Ayrshire 21st Mar
Willow Warbler One Grenitote, North Uist (OH) 3rd Apr; one Fair Isle 14th Apr; six Loch Eynort, South Uist (OH) 16th Apr; one Muddisdale (ORK) 16th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 17th Apr; two Unst, one Sumburgh & one Hoswick (all SHET) all on 18th Apr One reported Sleat, Skye (HIGH) 2nd Apr; one near Campbeltown (ARG) 8th Apr; one The Oa, Islay (ARG) 9th Apr; one Inverpolly (HIGH) 9th Apr; one RSPB Loch Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 9th Apr; one Loch Beg, Mull (ARG) 9th Apr; one St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 9th Apr; one Portnalong, Skye (HIGH) 10th Apr; one singing Muirtown Basin (HIGH) 11th Apr; one Avielochan (HIGH) 14th Apr; one Whaligeo & one near Thurso (both CAITH) both on 16th Apr; influx noted Caithness 18th Apr; one Weydale (CAITH) 20th Apr One singing Forfar Loch (ANG) 13th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 15th Apr; one singing Park Bridge (NES) 15th Apr; one Kinross (P&K) 16th Apr; one Lossie Forest & three Cloddach Quarry (both M&N) both on 17th Apr One Cambus Pool (UF) 7th Apr; one singing Abbeymill Bridge, Haddington (LOTH) 9th Apr; one Innerleithen (BORD) 9th Apr; one Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 9th Apr; one Tweedbank (BORD) 9th Apr; one Cockburnspath (BORD) 10th Apr; one Birnie & Gaddon Lochs LNR (FIFE) 11th Apr; three singing Blairdrummond GP (UF) 12th Apr; one Isle of May 14th Apr; four singing males Craigluscar NR (FIFE) 18th Apr One reported RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 4th Apr; one Glenrickard, Arran (CLY ISL) 4th Apr; one Carlingwark Loch (D&G) 7th Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 8th Apr; two Collennan & two Turnberry GC (both AYRS) both on 8th Apr; single singing birds at Strathclyde CP & Linn Park (both CLYDE) both on 8th Apr; one Boganay Wood, Bute (CLY ISL) 11th Apr
Spotted Flycatcher One Fair Isle 7th May; one Holm (ORK) 12th May; 6+ on South Uist (OH) 14th May; one Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 15th May; one Out Skerries (SHET) 23rd May; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 31st May, 25 on 6th June One Cairnbaan (ARG) 4th May; one Treaslane Woods, Skye (HIGH) 6th May; one Loch Morlich (HIGH) 11th May; six on Tiree (ARG) 14th May; four Fairy Glen, Rosemarkie (HIGH) 15th May; one Thurso (CAITH) 17th May One Dunkeld (P&K) 4th May; one Kirkton, Collieston (NES) 5th May; one near Dufftown (M&N) 12th May; one Monifieth (ANG) 13th May; 2+ Loch Leven (P&K) 15th May; two Loch Spynie (M&N) 16th May One Fife Ness (FIFE) 5th May; two Isle of May 5th May; one Keith Marischal, Humbie (LOTH) 9th May; one Hermitage of Braid, Edinburgh & one Barns Ness (both LOTH) both on 10th May; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 11th May; 1+ Castleton near Dollar (UF) 13th May; two Tyndrum (UF) 15th May One Rozelle Park, Ayr (AYRS) 2nd May; one near Palnackie (D&G) 4th May; singles Mugdock Wood & Carrick GC, Loch Lomond (both CLYDE) both on 4th May
Pied Flycatcher One Baltasound, Unst & one Sand (both SHET) both on 4th May; male North Ronaldsay (ORK) 4th May; one Fair Isle 5th May Male Loch Insh church (HIGH) 14th May; male reported near Kilninver (ARG) 20th May Male Kirkton, Collieston (NES) 5th May, 4+ on 6th; male Girdle Ness (NES) 5th May; two Seaton Park, Aberdeen (NES) 5th May; two males West Seaton farm (ANG) 6th May; one Tugnet (M&N) 7th May; male near Dunkeld (P&K) 24th June Male Kilminning (FIFE) 4th May, three there on 5th, five on 6th; one Loch Katrine (UF) 4th May; female Lamberton (BORD) 5th May; male Barns Ness (LOTH) 5th May; three Isle of May 5th May; two St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 6th May At least one male RSPB Ken-Dee Marshes (D&G) 16th Apr; one Castramont Wood (D&G) 16th Apr; two males Orchard Wood, Hensol (D&G) 18th Apr; one near Gatehouse of Fleet (D&G) 18th Apr; male Lenzie GC (CLYDE) 19th Apr; two males Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 20th Apr; five RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 21st Apr

2014 (updated 4 July)

  Shetland, Fair Isle, Orkney and Outer Hebrides Highland, Caithness and Argyll North-East Scotland, Moray & Nairn, Angus and Perth & Kinross Fife, Isle of May, Upper Forth, Lothian and Borders Clyde, Clyde Islands, Ayrshire and Dumfries & Galloway
Manx Shearwater One past Ardvule Point, South Uist (OH) 20th Mar; five Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 12th Apr; two past North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th May; 11 past Wats Ness (SHET) 16th May One past Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 14th Mar, four on 22nd; one past Hynish, Tiree (ARG) 24th Mar; one past Kildonan Point, Eigg (HIGH) 24th Mar; c.50 outer Loch Snizort, Skye (HIGH) 9th Apr; 5,000+ birds feeding off Tiree and Coll (ARG) on 10th Apr Five past Girdle Ness (NES) 19th May; four past Boddin Point (ANG) 23rd May; one Lossiemouth (M&N) 9th June One off Kinshaldy beach (FIFE) 20th Apr; one Isle of May 17th May; 13 past St. Abbs Head (BORD) 18th May; one past Torness Power Station (LOTH) 14th June Three off Brodick, Arran (CLY ISL) 7th Mar; one past Turnberry Point (AYRS) 21st Mar; 20+ Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 6th Apr, 200 on 11th; two Corsewall Point (D&G) 7th Apr
Garganey Drake Bornish, South Uist (OH) 22nd Apr; pair North Ronaldsay (ORK) 24th Apr, seven on 6th May; drake Loch of Spiggie (SHET) 24th Apr; pair Fair Isle 25th Apr Drake Loch of Wester (CAITH) 20th Apr; drake St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 5th May, two drakes on 7th; pair Isle of Luing (ARG) 10th May; drake Balnakeil, Sutherland (HIGH) 14th May Three (two drakes & a female) at RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 23rd Mar; pair RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 30th Apr; drake Logie Buchan Pool (NES) 11th May; drake Port Allen (P&K) 11th May; drake Loch Spynie (M&N) 13th May Pair Musselburgh (LOTH) 12th Apr; pair Costerton Mains Pond (LOTH) 13th Apr; four Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 16th Apr; drake Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 20th Apr; drake Letham Pools (FIFE) 21st Apr; five Dalgety Bay (FIFE) 26th Apr; three (two drakes & a female) Foulden Pool (BORD) 1st May Pair Greenan Loch, Bute (CLY ISL) 23rd Apr; pair RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 1st May; drake Blairbowie (AYRS) 11th May; two females WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 18th May
Marsh Harrier One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th Apr; one Kirkwall Airport (ORK) 20th Apr; male Hillwell (SHET) 28th Apr; female Rubha Arnal, North Uist (OH) 19th May Female Hough, Tiree (ARG) 25th Apr Female Montrose Basin & male RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (both ANG) both on 25th Mar; male back Tay Reedbeds (P&K) last week of March (a total of nine Marsh Harrier nests have been found on the Tay Reedbeds this year); one Haddo Country Park (NES) 18th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 3rd May Female near Bilsdean (LOTH) 31st Mar; two (male & female) Mugdrum Island (FIFE) 6th Apr; female over Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 25th Apr  
Osprey One Gulberwick (SHET) 27th Apr; one over Rousay (ORK) 28th Apr; one Fair Isle 18th May One reported near Dalwhinnie (HIGH) 18th Mar; one over Minard (ARG) 20th Mar; female back at RSPB Loch Garten (HIGH) on 24th Mar; one Ganavan Bay, Oban (ARG) 25th Mar; one Dunbeath (CAITH) 26th Mar; one Add Estuary (ARG) 1st Apr; one back at nest site near Thurso (CAITH) 4th Apr Male back at SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 21st Mar; one Carsebreck Loch & one Loch Leven (both P&K) both on 22nd Mar; one over Haddo Country Park (NES) 22nd Mar; one Loch of Lintrathen (ANG) 25th Mar; one Tugnet (M&N) 1st Apr; female back at nest site near Forres (M&N) 2nd Apr; small influx noted North-East Scotland on 5th Apr One over Bo’ness (UF) 21st Mar; one over Longniddry (LOTH) 23rd Mar; one Lake of Menteith (UF) 23rd Mar; male back at nest site near Aberfoyle (UF) 23rd Mar; one reported over Innerleithen (BORD) 27th Mar; one north over Old Craighall (LOTH) 28th Mar; one Thornylee (BORD) 30th Mar; satellite-tagged North of Scotland bird north over the Forth at North Queensferry (FIFE) 2nd Apr; one Eden Estuary (FIFE) 6th Apr One Balnakeilly Bay, Bute (CLY ISL) 12th Mar, also seen on 13th; one reported near Crossmichael (D&G) 16th Mar, reported to be catching frogs; one Cove, Long Loch (CLYDE) 23rd Mar; one River Cree, near Creetown (D&G) 26th Mar; one over Barrhead (CLYDE) 29th Mar; pairs back at nest sites near Dumfries & at Threave Castle NTS (both D&G) both on 30th Mar; one Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 30th Mar; one Loch Doon (AYRS) 7th Apr
Dotterel Three North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th Apr; four Dounby (ORK) 30th Apr; three Fair Isle 6th May; one Paiblesgarry, North Uist (OH) 11th May; one Ronas Hill (SHET) 13th May One Cairngorms (HIGH) 15th Apr; one between Munlochy-Avoch (HIGH) 17th Apr; one Oronsay (ARG) 5th May Six Glas Maol (ANG) 2nd May; two Glenshee (NES) 2nd May; two Rattray Head (NES) 23rd May Two Carnethy Hill (LOTH) 30th Apr Three Cairnsmore of Carsphairn (D&G) 27th Apr; two Lowther Hill (D&G/CLYDE) 29th Apr, four on 8th May
Whimbrel Two Fair Isle 14th Apr; four Loch Hallan, South Uist (OH) 17th Apr; one Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 19th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th Apr; one Trondra (SHET) 21st Apr; one Hermaness, Unst (SHET) 22nd Apr; 118 Loch Sandary, North Uist (OH) 1st May One Loch Indaal, Islay (ARG) 16th Mar; 12 past Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 4th Apr; one Broadford Bay, Skye (HIGH) 20th Apr, five on 21st; two St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 25th Apr; 175 Dunnet (CAITH) 29th Apr Two Findhorn (M&N) 8th Apr; two Portknockie (M&N) 10th Apr; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 13th Apr; two Easthaven (ANG) 20th Apr; one Ythan Estuary (NES) 21st Apr Three Barns Ness (LOTH) 17th Apr,eight on 21st; one Tullibody Inch (UF) 17th Apr; one Isle of May 21st Apr; one Burnmouth (BORD) 27th Apr Two Browhouses (D&G) 16th Mar; 14 Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 6th Apr; five Powillimount (D&G) 16th Apr, 34 on 24th; eight Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 19th Apr; two Dipple (AYRS) 20th Apr; nine West Ferry (CLYDE) 20th Apr; one Cleats Shore, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th Apr; 16 Bogside (AYRS) 23rd Apr; 60 Munnoch Reservoir & 38 Martnaham Loch (both AYRS) both on 27th Apr
Common Sandpiper Two South Uist (OH) 22nd Apr; first Fair Isle 22nd Apr; one Burray (ORK) 25th Apr; two Virkie (SHET) 27th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Apr Two Bellochantuy, Kintyre (ARG) 5th Apr; one Grantown-on-Spey (HIGH) 12th Apr; one River Spey, Advie (HIGH) 13th Apr; one Portnahaven, Islay (ARG) 13th Apr; one Heaste, Skye (HIGH) 14th Apr; one Loch Nell (ARG) 15th Apr; three Bruichladdich, Islay (ARG) 17th Apr; one Strath Helshetter (CAITH) 2nd May One River Findhorn to the west of Forres (M&N) 12th Apr; one Potarch (NES) 12th Apr; one near Brechin (ANG) 13th Apr; one Banchory (NES) 16th Apr; one Loch Kinord (NES) 20th Apr; one RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 23rd Apr Two Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 13th Apr; one River Devon, Dollar (UF) 13th Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 15th Apr; one Tweedbank (BORD) 16th Apr; one Letham Pools (FIFE) 17th Apr; first Isle of May 22nd May One River Clyde, Merryton (CLYDE) 11th Apr; one Endrick Water, Drymen Bridge (CLYDE) 14th Apr; one Martnaham Loch, one Doonfoot & one Pow Burn (all AYRS) all on 15th Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch & two Waulkmill Glen Reservoir (both CLYDE) both on 15th Apr; one South Feorline, Arran (CLY ISL) 15th Apr; two Rhubodach, Bute (CLY ISL) 16th Apr
Sandwich Tern Three Sanday (ORK) 30th Mar; three Papa Westray (ORK) 31st Mar; one West Sandwick, Yell (SHET) 5th Apr; four Ardivachar Point, South Uist (OH) 20th Apr; one Fair Isle 26th June One Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 25th Mar; two Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 3rd Apr; two Bruichladdich & five Port Ellen, both Islay (ARG) both on 4th Apr; three Castlehill (CAITH) 6th Apr; two Scrabster ( CAITH) 7th Apr; 22 Rosemarkie (HIGH) 13th Apr One Ythan Estuary (NES) 20th Mar; one Burghead (M&N) 24th Mar, 12 on 4th Apr; three Nairn (M&N) 25th Mar, 16 on 3rd Apr; one Carnoustie Bay (ANG) 16th Apr; six past Port Allen (P&K) 21st June One Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 2nd Mar; one Gosford Bay (LOTH) 18th Mar, 164+ Gosford Sands on 26th Apr; one Burnmouth (BORD) 13th Apr; first Isle of May 24th Apr One Newton Shore (AYRS) 26th Mar; two Stevenston Point (AYRS) 1st Apr; one Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 4th Apr; 10+ The Wig, Loch Ryan (D&G) 4th Apr; seven Stevenston Point (AYRS) 5th Apr; one Lamlash Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 6th Apr; two Corsewall Point & one Port Logan (both D&G) both on 7th Apr
Common Tern One Loch of Tankerness (ORK) 27th Apr; four Little Loch Roag, Lewis (OH) 28th Apr; one Sumburgh (SHET) 30th Apr; first Fair Isle 12th May 1+ Machrihanish-Ronachan Point (ARG) 24th Apr; 3+ Uig area, Skye (HIGH) 7th May; one River Spey, Grantown (HIGH) 8th May; three Embo-Dornoch (HIGH) 11th May; three Achnahaird (HIGH) 11th May Two Spey Bay (M&N) 24th Apr; one Ythan Estuary (NES) 26th Apr; one Elliot Burn (ANG) 29th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 7th May.30 Loch Spynie (M&N) 11th May; 52 Montrose (ANG) 20th May Four Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 16th Apr, 11 on 26th; one Braefoot Point (FIFE) 26th Apr; birds back at Leith Docks (LOTH) 29th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 2nd May; first Isle of May 9th May Four Powillimount (D&G) 17th Apr; six off Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 25th Apr; one Irvine harbour (AYRS) 21st June
Arctic Tern One Rubh’ Arnal, North Uist (OH) 14th Apr; one Lochmaddy, North Uist (OH) 16th Apr; one Fair Isle 24th Apr; three Stromness (ORK) 25th Apr; two Weisdale Voe (SHET) 28th Apr; 100 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 5th May Two Loch Indaal, Islay (ARG) 13th Apr; two Gott Bay, Tiree (ARG) 17th Apr; 4+ Loch Fleet (HIGH) 30th Apr; 51 Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 3rd May Two Rattray Head (NES) 7th Apr; nine past Girdle Ness (NES) 27th Apr; one Tugnet (M&N) 30th Apr; one Montrose (ANG) 10th May One Gosford Sands (LOTH) 26th Apr; one Dalgety Bay (FIFE) 27th Apr; two Isle of May 28th Apr, 10+ on 4th May, 80+ on 8th; three Tyninghame (LOTH) 2nd May Four Largybeg, Arran (CLY ISL) 16th Apr; one Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 21st Apr; three Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 22nd Apr, 20 on 26th, 100 on 2nd May; 31 Powillimount (D&G) 24th Apr
Little Tern One Grenitote, North Uist (OH) 14th Apr, three on North Uist on 22nd Apr; two Bay of Sandoyne (ORK) 25th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 31st May; one Pool of Virkie (SHET) 1st June One Gott Bay, Tiree (ARG) 17th Apr; one Loch Fleet (HIGH) 30th Apr; five Sinclair’s Bay (CAITH) 10th May; one Reiss beach (CAITH) 24th May Two Lossie Estuary (M&N) 27th Apr; three Ythan Estuary (NES) 27th Apr One Gosford Sands (LOTH) 27th Apr One Doonfoot (AYRS) 16th Apr; two Ayr (AYRS) 1st May
Cuckoo One near Gravir, Lewis (OH) 20th Apr; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 22nd Apr; one Greenigoe (ORK) 28th Apr; one singing Kergord (SHET) 3rd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 5th May; one Fair Isle 9th May One Croggan, Mull (ARG) 15th Apr; one near Arisaig, one Kintail & one Gedintailor, Braes, Skye (all HIGH) all on 17th Apr; one Loch Leathan (ARG) 18th Apr; one near Add Estuary (ARG) 19th Apr; one Dunnet (CAITH) 27th Apr; three Strath Helshetter (CAITH) 2nd May One near Keith (M&N) 24th Apr; one Glen Clova (ANG) 27th Apr; three Forest of Birse (NES) 28th Apr; one Kirkton of Glenisla (ANG) 28th Apr; one Lumphanan (NES) 28th Apr; one St. Fillans (P&K) 29th Apr One Eildon Hills (BORD) 21st Apr; one singing Archerfield (LOTH) 23rd Apr; one Dowlaw (BORD) 24th Apr; one singing near Bonnybridge (UF) 26th Apr; two Glen Finglas (UF) 27th Apr One North Sannox, Arran (CLY ISL) 16th Apr; one near Lochankit Reservoir (D&G) 18th Apr; one Greenock Cut (CLYDE) 19th Apr; two Sallochy, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 19th Apr; two Rowantree Toll & one Changue (both AYRS) both on 24th Apr
Swift One Bayhead, North Uist (OH) 3rd May; one Burrafirth, Unst (SHET) 18th May; four Fair Isle 21st May; one Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 23rd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 24th May One Grantown-on-Spey (HIGH) 1st May; one Lochgilphead (ARG) 7th May; two Embo, Sutherland (HIGH) 7th May; small influx noted Inverness area (HIGH) 12th May Two Loch Leven (P&K) 27th Apr; three Stonehaven (NES) 28th Apr; one Dundee (ANG) 3rd May; one Burghead (M&N) 6th May; at least 8 over River Findhorn west of Forres (M&N) 9th May One Birgham Haugh (BORD) 26th Apr; one River Tweed near Galashiels (BORD) 26th Apr; one Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 2nd May; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 2nd May, two on 3rd, 40 on 9th; two Tyninghame (LOTH) 3rd May; one Cupar (FIFE) 6th May; first Isle of May 7th May One Saltcoats (AYRS) 27th Apr; one Dalbeattie (D&G) 30th Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 2nd May, 20+ on 5th; two Garnock Floods (AYRS) 2nd May; 10 Strathcyde Loch (CLYDE) 4th May; 10 Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 4th May; two River Nith near Dumfries (D&G) 5th May; first Castle Douglas (D&G) 6th May; one Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 6th May; 5+ Rothesay area, Bute (CLY ISL) 7th May
Sand Martin Two Howmore, South Uist (OH) 2nd Apr; one Mainland (ORK) 3rd Apr; one Fair Isle 5th Apr; one Virkie (SHET) 7th Apr; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 11th Apr One north at Carradale (ARG) 12th Mar; one Loch Flemington (HIGH) 12th Mar, two on 23rd; one Loch More (CAITH) 23rd Mar; one Loch Leathan (ARG) 29th Mar; two Achnahaird (HIGH) 31st Mar; two Loch Morar (HIGH) 4th Apr; 70+ Loch Insh (HIGH) 8th Apr, 400 on 11th Two between Cummingston & Hopeman (M&N) 16th Mar; one Murton GPs (ANG) 21st Mar; one Inchgarth NR (NES) 22nd Mar; 12 at Loch Leven (P&K) 23rd Mar; 14 at Loch of Skene (NES) 25th Mar, 50+ on 4th Apr; three RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 26th Mar; 10 Balgavies Loch (ANG) 28th Mar; 12 Loch Spynie (M&N) 3rd Apr 2+ Melrose (BORD) 15th Mar; one Letham Pools (FIFE) 15th Mar; two Linlthgow Loch (LOTH) 17th Mar; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 17th Mar; one Belhaven Bay (LOTH) 20th Mar; one Keltie Bridge, Callander (UF) 23rd Mar; six Tweedbank (BORD) 27th Mar; one Duddingston Loch (LOTH) 28th Mar; 60 Lake of Menteith (UF) 1st Apr; 40+ Musselburgh (LOTH) 2nd Apr; two Isle of May 24th Apr One River Clyde at Carbarns (CLYDE) 9th Mar, c.20 at Carbarns on 26th; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 15th Mar, 80+ on 31st; two Halleaths (D&G) 16th Mar; three RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 26th Mar; one near Brodick, Arran (CLY ISL) 27th Mar; 11+ Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 27th Mar; 150+ Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 29th Mar; 220+ Castle Semple Loch (CLYDE) 31st Mar; 154 Loch Arthur (D&G) 3rd Apr
Swallow One Monach Isles NNR (OH) 4th Apr; one Fivepenny, Lewis (OH) 5th Apr; one Fair Isle 5th Apr; one Toab (SHET) 6th Apr; one Stornoway, Lewis (OH) 12th Apr; seven Fivepenny, Lewis (OH) 15th Apr; four North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th Apr One reported Kilmichael Glen (ARG) 30th Mar; one Saligo Bay, Islay (ARG) 1st Apr; one Bellochantuy (ARG) 5th Apr; one Tiree (ARG) 8th Apr; one Drynoch, Skye (HIGH) 8th Apr; one Gruinard Bay (HIGH) 11th Apr; one Uig, Skye (HIGH) 14th Apr; one near Milton of Leys (HIGH) 15th Apr amongst several reported in Highland on 14th-15th; one Reay (CAITH) 18th Apr One Riverside Nature Park, Dundee (ANG) 5th Apr; two Banchory (NES) 7th Apr; two Loch Leven (P&K) 7th Apr; one Lintmill (M&N) 9th Apr; two River Findhorn near Forres (M&N) 10th Apr; three RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 10th Apr; two near Amulree & one Alyth (both P&K) both on 14th Apr; one Methlick (NES) 15th Apr One Auchendinny (LOTH) 4th Apr; one Blakedean & one River Tweed opposite Norham (both BORD) both on 5th Apr; one Blindwells (LOTH) 5th Apr; one Gifford (LOTH) 6th Apr; one Coates (LOTH) 7th Apr; light passage noted Torness Power Station (LOTH) 10th Apr; first Isle of May 11th Apr; two Callander (UF) 12th Apr; one Letham Pools (FIFE) 13th Apr One RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 30th Mar, two on 4th Apr; one over Loch Doon & one Tarryholme, Irvine (both AYRS) both on 31st Mar; one Lamlash, Arran (CLY ISL) 1st Apr; two Ettrick Bay, Bute (CLY ISL) 2nd Apr; one Port William (D&G) 3rd Apr; four Cathkin Marsh SWT (CLYDE) 3rd Apr; one Loch Arthur (D&G) 3rd Apr; one Loch Riecawr (AYRS) 4th Apr; two Carbarns Pool (CLYDE) 5th Apr; two Bankend (D&G) 5th Apr; 12 at Lochfoot (D&G) 7th Apr; four Greenan Loch, Bute (CLY ISL) 8th Apr; passage noted Doonfoot (AYRS) 10th Apr
House Martin One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 11th Apr; one Aird an Runair, North Uist (OH) 15th Apr; three Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 16th Apr; one Kirkwall (ORK) 16th Apr; two Lerwick (SHET) 17th Apr; first Fair Isle 24th Apr Two RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 9th Apr; one near Arisaig (HIGH) 10th Apr; 1+ Loch Kinellan (HIGH) 16th Apr; two Milton of Leys (HIGH) 17th Apr; first back at nests at Tarbat Ness lighthouse (HIGH) on 25th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 28th Apr One RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 6th Apr; five at Loch Spynie (M&N) 9th Apr; one RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 11th Apr; two Loch of Skene (NES) 16th Apr; two Glamis (ANG) 24th Apr Two Whitmuirhaugh (BORD) 26th Mar; two Stenhousemuir (UF) 5th Apr; one Tweedbank (BORD) 12th Apr; one Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 13th Apr; three Spittal (LOTH) 14th Apr; two Cardrona (BORD) 14th Apr; one Isle of May 14th Apr; one Dalgety Bay (FIFE) 17th Apr; one Bonnybridge (UF) 17th Apr One reported RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 27th Mar, two on 12th Apr; one reported Blackwaterfoot, Arran (CLY ISL) 31st Mar; one Kirk Loch, Lochmaben (D&G) 2nd Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 4th Apr; one Rothesay, Bute (CLY ISL) 8th Apr; one River Ayr, Stair (AYRS) 10th Apr; one Auchenreoch Loch (D&G) 20th Apr
Tree Pipit One Fair Isle 21st Apr, seven on 25th; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 22nd Apr, 12 on 25th; two Fetlar (SHET) 25th Apr One Ormsary (ARG) 16th Apr; one Ballintean, Gen Feshie (HIGH) 18th Apr; one near Kilberry (ARG) 18th Apr; one Taynish NNR (ARG) 19th Apr; one St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 27th Apr One Loch Kinord (NES) 11th Apr; one Blacksboat (M&N) 16th Apr; one Anmore Wood near Muthill (P&K) 24th Apr; one Glen Esk & one Glen Clova (both ANG) both on 27th Apr One Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 16th Apr; one Lanrick Castle (UF) 17th Apr; one Isle of May 22nd Apr, 7+ on 25th; one singing Redmyre (FIFE) 23rd Apr; singles Tentsmuir, Fife Ness & Ruddons Point (all FIFE) all on 25th Apr; one St. Abbs Head (BORD) 29th Apr Two singing Wards Pond, RSPB Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 14th Apr; one Loch Riecawr (AYRS) 15th Apr; 2+ near Corsock (D&G) 15th Apr; four Knockman Wood & three RSPB Wood of Cree (both D&G) both on 18th Apr; three Mugdock CP (CLYDE) 19th Apr; one Ness Glen (AYRS) 19th Apr; good numbers noted back at breeding sites in Clyde on 21st-22nd Apr including 15 singing birds at RSPB Loch Lomond on 22nd; three Glen Rosa, Arran (CLY ISL) 27th Apr
Yellow Wagtail Blue-headed Wagtail Fair Isle 25th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail North Ronaldsay (ORK) 26th Apr; male Grey-headed Wagtail Fair Isle 9th May; male Grey-headed Wagtail North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th May; Grey-headed Wagtail Foula (SHET) 24th May; Black-headed Wagtail Funzie, Fetlar (SHET) 25th May; one Loch an Duin Mhoir, South Uist (OH) 26th May One reported Arabella Roundabout near Tain (HIGH) 4th May One Girdle Ness (NES) 19th Apr Two very early birds reported River Tweed near Kelso (BORD) 26th Mar; one Torness-Skateraw (LOTH) 15th Apr; male Whitesands Quarry (LOTH) 16th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 23rd Apr; male Isle of May 25th Apr; four males Birgham Haugh (BORD) 26th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Isle of May 28th May One Hunterston Sands (AYRS) 19th Apr
White Wagtail One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 26th Mar; one Butt of Lewis (OH) 29th Mar; one Ardvule, South Uist (OH) 30th Mar; one Hamister, Whalsay (SHET) 12th Apr; nine Askernish, South Uist (OH) 15th Apr; 50+ Balranald RSPB, North uist (OH) 30th Apr One Machrihanish (ARG) 20th Mar; one Lower Milovaig, Skye (HIGH) 11th Apr; one Rosemarkie (HIGH) 13th Apr; one Glasnakille, Skye (HIGH) 14th Apr; six RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 15th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 17th Apr; 15 Tiree (ARG) 19th Apr, 100+ Balephuil, Tiree on 23rd One near Aboyne (NES) 16th Mar; one by River Nairn near Howford Bridge (M&N) 2nd Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 5th Apr; one Murton GPs (ANG) 11th Apr One photographed Roslin & one Barns Ness (both LOTH) both on 2nd Mar; one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 13th Mar; one Ruddons Point (FIFE) 5th Apr; five Barns Ness-Skateraw (LOTH) 6th Apr, 10 on 8th, 25 on 17th Apr; seven Letham Pools (FIFE) 13th Apr, 13 on 17th; 10 Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 21st Apr; one Isle of May 21st Apr One Maidens (AYRS) 12th Mar; male Croy shore (AYRS) 23rd Mar; two Kilpatrick Point, Arran (CLY ISL) 30th Mar; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 13th Apr, 43 on 14th; nine Newshot Island (CLYDE) 13th Apr; 18 Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 19th Apr; 76 Dipple-Turnberry Point (AYRS) 20th Apr
Redstart Male Fair Isle 20th Apr, six on 24th, 11 on 25th; male North Ronaldsay (ORK) 22nd Apr; one Quendale (SHET) 23rd Apr Male Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 15th Apr; male Clunes (HIGH) 16th Apr; one near Kingussie (HIGH) 16th Apr; one Taynish NNR (ARG) 19th Apr; two Barnluasgan, Knapdale (ARG) 21st Apr Male Drummond Castle Woods (P&K) 11th Apr; male Glen Esk (ANG) 13th Apr, four on 17th; singing male Dinnet NNR (NES) 19th Apr; two males Dulsie (M&N) 27th Apr Male Whitehope near Innerleithen (BORD) 12th Apr; male Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 15th Apr; male Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 16th Apr; two near Yetholm (BORD) 16th Apr; male Newburgh (FIFE) 17th Apr; two males Lanrick Castle (UF) 17th Apr; two males Isle of May 22nd Apr Male Ness Glen (AYRS) 1st Apr – earliest ever in Ayrshire; four males Sallochy-Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 18th Apr; male Mugdock CP (CLYDE) 19th Apr; male SWT Castramont Wood (D&G) 19th Apr; male SWT Gailes Marsh (AYRS) 22nd Apr; one Balnakeilly Forest, Bute (CLY ISL) 24th May
Whinchat One Fair Isle 23rd Apr, one Virkie, one Levenwick, two Haroldswick, Unst & one Fetlar (all SHET) all on 25th Apr; one Skaill (ORK) 27th Apr; one Balranald RSPB, North Uist (OH) 1st May One by Add Estuary (ARG) 19th Apr; one Shurrey (CAITH) 20th Apr; male Glen Mullardoch (HIGH) 27th Apr Two Braco (P&K) 26th Apr; one Collieston (NES) 27th Apr; male Forest of Birse (NES) 28th Apr; one Backwater Dam (ANG) 9th May; one Kinloss (M&N) 21st May Male Isle of May 21st Apr; one St. Abbs Head (BORD) 28th Apr; two Coates (LOTH) 29th Apr; one Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 29th Apr; one Glen Vale, Lomond Hills (FIFE) 4th May Male Fleet Viaduct (D&G) 19th Apr; one Helensburgh Golf Course (CLYDE) 24th Apr; male Glen Rosa, Arran (CLY ISL) 30th Apr; one Dundonald Camp (AYRS) 10th May
Wheatear Male Ahmore, North Uist (OH) 17th Mar; one Grimsay (OH) 18th Mar; three Fair Isle 25th Mar, 10 on 7th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 27th Mar; one Sumburgh (SHET) 27th Mar; one Butt of Lewis (OH) 28th Mar; male Glimps Holm (ORK) 28th Mar; four at RSPB Balranald, North Uist (OH) 28th Mar One Auchencorvie near Campbeltown (ARG) 7th Mar; one Sandside Bay (CAITH) 11th Mar; male Ardnave, Islay (ARG) 12th Mar; male Rhu, Arisaig (HIGH) 12th Mar; male Loch na Keal, Mull (ARG) 13th Mar; male West Hynish, Tiree (ARG) 15th Mar; one Loch Scarmclate (CAITH) 16th Mar; one near Campbeltown and one Rhunahaorine Point (both ARG) both on 17th Mar; one Sconser, Isle of Skye (HIGH) 20th Mar; one Calder (CAITH) 21st Mar One Lossiemouth (M&N) 17th Mar; male Findhorn (M&N) 25th Mar; singles Backwater Reservoir & Braes of Coul (both ANG) both on 26th Mar; three Balintore road (ANG) 27th Mar; male Girdle Ness (NES) 31st Mar; one by RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 6th Apr; one Little Glenshee (P&K) 6th Apr One Coates (LOTH) 11th Mar; one Johnscleugh, Lammermuir Hills (LOTH) 17th Mar, two Lammermuir Hills on 23rd; one Larbert Pond (UF) 22nd Mar; one St. Abbs Head & one between Garvald and Dewar (both BORD) both on 24th Mar; four Isle of May 31st Mar; one Balgove Bay (FIFE) 6th Apr One RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 11th Mar, three on 23rd; one near St. Ninian’s saltmarsh, Bute (CLY ISL) 15th Mar; male The Wig, Loch Ryan (D&G) 17th Mar; one Whitelee Forest (CLYDE) 17th Mar; one Gortans, Bute (CLY ISL) 19th Mar; one Wigtown Bay (D&G) 21st Mar; one Tarryholme, Irvine (AYRS) 24th Mar; singles Muirshiel CP & Culter Waterhead Reservoir (both CLYDE) both on 24th Mar; male Dundonald Camp (AYRS) 24th Mar, three on 26th
Ring Ouzel One Fair Isle 30th Mar, four on 4th Apr, 19 on 24th, 44 on 25th; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 4th Apr; male Scatness (SHET) 4th Apr; male Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 4th May One Needle on the Quirang, Trotternish, Skye (HIGH) 31st Mar; one Strathdearn (HIGH) 2nd Apr; male Coire na Ciste carpark, Cairngorm (HIGH) 9th Apr; male Carnan Mor, Tiree (ARG) 18th Apr; male North Head (CAITH) 26th Apr; two Dunnet (CAITH) 28th Apr Male Gairnshiel (NES) 23rd Mar; male Glen Lethnot (ANG) 9th Apr; male Glen Maik (P&K) 15th Apr; two Inchrory, Glen Avon (M&N) 18th Apr Male Blackhopebyre (BORD) 19th Mar; single males in the Lammermuir Hills and the Pentland Hills (both LOTH) both on 26th Mar; one Isle of May 31st Mar; male St. Abbs Head (BORD) 5th Apr; one Kilrenny (FIFE) 24th Apr Male Culter Waterhead Reservoir (CLYDE) 24th Mar, five birds in the area 13th Apr; male Mennock Pass (D&G) 31st Mar, five birds in the area on 10th Apr; two Loudoun Hill (AYRS) 6th Apr; two Beinn Bharrain, Arran (CLY ISL) 27th Apr
Grasshopper Warbler One Sumburgh (SHET) 23rd Apr; one Fair Isle 24th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 30th Apr; one singing Loch Paible, North Uist (OH) 4th May One Kilmarie, Strathaird, Skye (HIGH) 14th Apr; one RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 15th Apr; two singing Broadford area, Skye (HIGH) 18th Apr; one Crinan Canal near Ardrishaig (ARG) 19th Apr; one Loch Leathan (ARG) 19th Apr; one Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 25th Apr; 6+ singing birds reported Caithness 28th Apr One singing near Boharm, Craigellachie (M&N) 15th Apr; one Inchberry (M&N) 15th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 25th Apr; one Carsebreck Loch (P&K) 26th Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 27th Apr; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 8th May; one Forfar (ANG) 10th May One singing Dunglass (LOTH) 10th Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons and one singing Longniddry Bents (both LOTH) both on 18th Apr; one singing Auchtermuchty Common (FIFE) 19th Apr; one singing Lake of Menteith (UF) 20th Apr; three singing Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 23rd Apr; one singing Fruid Reservoir (BORD) 24th Apr; one Bonnybridge (UF) 26th Apr; one Lindores Loch (FIFE) 26th Apr; two Isle of May 29th Apr Two singing Dumbreck Marsh LNR (CLYDE) 11th Apr; one singing near Coalburn (CLYDE) 14th Apr, at least seven singing birds on 26th; one singing Pow Burn, one Trabboch Loch & two singing Bogside (all AYRS) all on 18th Apr; one Rothesay, Bute (CLY ISL) 22nd Apr; one near Browhouses (D&G) 25th Apr
Sedge Warbler One Fair Isle 25th Apr, three on 27th; one Aith, Fetlar (SHET) 27th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 30th Apr; one Northton, Harris (OH) 2nd May; one Daliburgh, South Uist (OH) 2nd May; one Carinish, North Uist (OH) 2nd May; one Mill Burn, Hoy (ORK) 3rd May Two Waterloo, Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 25th Apr; one Portnahaven, Islay (ARG) 25th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 3rd May; one Tongue, Sutherland (HIGH) 5th May One Loirston Loch (NES) 17th Apr; two singing Loch Spynie (M&N) 20th Apr; one Tay Reedbeds (P&K) 22nd Apr; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 23rd Apr; one singing Forfar Loch (ANG) 25th Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 27th Apr; one Loch Leven (P&K) 30th Apr One Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 21st Apr; one Seafield Pond (LOTH) 23rd Apr; one Lindores Loch (FIFE) 26th Apr; one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 26th Apr; four Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 27th Apr; one St. Abbs Head (BORD) 27th Apr; one Torness Power Station (LOTH) 27th Apr; two Isle of May 29th Apr One Tarryholme, Irvine (AYRS) 11th Apr; one RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 16th Apr; first RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 17th Apr, influx noted on 27th; one Bogside (AYRS) 18th Apr; one Threave Castle NTS (D&G) 20th Apr; one Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 20th Apr; one Greenan Loch, Bute (CLY ISL) 23rd Apr
Lesser Whitethroat One Grutness (SHET) 19th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 19th Apr; one Fair Isle 26th Apr Two Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 26th Apr; one John O Groats (CAITH) 27th Apr; one Carnan Mor, Tiree (ARG) 11th May Singing male Castlesea Bay (ANG) 6th Apr – earliest ever in Scotland; two Collieston (NES) 19th Apr, four on 27th; one Fishtown of Usan (ANG) 26th Apr; one Tay Reedbeds (P&K) 2nd May, male & female Powgavie on 4th; one Nether Dallachy (M&N) 15th May 3+ Isle of May 21st Apr; male Tyninghame (LOTH) 21st Apr; one Fife Ness (FIFE) 26th Apr; six St. Abbs Head (BORD) 26th Apr One near Gatehouse of Fleet (D&G) 16th Apr; two Garnock East near Ardeer (AYRS) 20th Apr, up to eight territories there on 13th May; one Carrick (D&G) 24th Apr; one Auchenhew, Arran (CLY ISL) 28th Apr
Whitethroat Three Fair Isle 25th Apr; two Virkie (SHET) 27th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 27th Apr; male Lochmaddy, North Uist (OH) 10th May One Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 18th Apr; one Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 18th Apr; male Rosemarkie (HIGH) 19th Apr; male Easter Moy (HIGH) 19th Apr; two near Kyleakin, Skye (HIGH) 21st Apr One Strichen (NES) 15th Apr; one Auchengarrich (P&K) 21st Apr; male Oldmeldrum (NES) 24th Apr; one old railway line Portknockie (M&N) 28th Apr; two Riverside Nature Park (ANG) 29th Apr Two Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 22nd Apr; one Isle of May 23rd Apr; one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 24th Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 24th Apr; four near Paxton House (BORD) 27th Apr; three Burnmouth (BORD) 27th Apr Singing male Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 9th Apr; one Greenan (AYRS) 16th Apr; one Strathclyde CP (CLYDE) 18th Apr; male Garnock Floods (AYRS) 20th Apr; one near Browhouses (D&G) 25th Apr
Garden Warbler One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 27th Apr; one Hoswick (SHET) 28th Apr; one Fair Isle 7th May; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 28th May One Loch Laich (ARG) 23rd Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 26th Apr; two singing Carr Brae, Lochalsh (HIGH) 13th May; one Melvich, Sutherland (HIGH) 20th May One singing Finzean (NES) 26th Apr; one near Dalchonzie Power Station, Comrie (P&K) 29th Apr; two Powmouth (ANG) 10th May One Lindores Loch (FIFE) 27th Apr; one Isle of May 27th Apr; one Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 30th Apr; one North Berwick Law & one Tyninghame (both LOTH) both on 2nd May; one Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 4th May; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 5th May; one The Hirsel (BORD) 6th May One RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 23rd Apr; one near Browhouses (D&G) 25th Apr; one Hunterston (AYRS) 29th Apr; one Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 30th Apr; one singing Merkland Wood, Arran (CLY ISL) 13th May; one Glecknabae, Bute (CLY ISL) 14th May
Blackcap Male Monach Isles NNR (OH) 3rd Apr; male North Ronaldsay (ORK) 5th Apr; two Fair Isle 5th Apr; one Toab (SHET) 7th Apr Male Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 2nd Apr, two on Tiree 3rd Apr; singing male Rosemarkie (HIGH) 7th Apr; female Morar (HIGH) 8th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 19th Apr; one Reay (CAITH) 19th Apr Male & female Bridge of Don (NES) 4th Apr; male singing Bieldside (NES) 5th Apr; singing male Brodie Castle (M&N) 10th Apr; male Broughty Ferry (ANG) 10th Apr Male Tweedbank (BORD) 1st Apr; singles Dunblane & Bridge of Allan (both UF) both on 2nd Apr; male Gullane (LOTH) 3rd Apr; singing male Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 5th Apr; male singing Leven (FIFE) 11th Apr; five singing males Colinton Dell, Edinburgh (LOTH) 15th Apr; male Isle of May 21st Apr; male Fife Ness (FIFE) 25th Apr Single males Martnaham Loch & Knockdolian (both AYRS) both on 2nd Apr; two singing males RSPB Baron’s Haugh (CLYDE) 5th Apr; singing male Rothesay, Bute (CLY ISL) 7th Apr
Wood Warbler One Rendall (ORK) 22nd Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 25th Apr; one Hoswick (SHET) 26th Apr; one singing Callernish House, North Uist (OH) 11th May One Barnluasgan, Knapdale (ARG) 21st Apr; six singing Glen Mullardoch area (HIGH) 27th Apr; one singing Carr Brae, Dornie (HIGH) 27th Apr; one Carnan Mor, Tiree (ARG) 18th May At least 3 St. Fillans (P&K) 29th Apr; one Shaw Hill (M&N) 7th May One Lake of Menteith (UF) 19th Apr; one Glen Finglas (UF) 27th Apr; one singing Bavelaw (LOTH) 6th May; one Plora Woods (BORD) 7th May One Sallochy-Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 18th Apr; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 19th Apr; six Inchcailloch, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 23rd Apr; one Ness Glen (AYRS) 4th June; singing male Balnakeilly Forest, Bute (CLY ISL) 26th June
Chiffchaff One Skaw, Unst (SHET) 17th Mar; one South Ronaldsay & one in Holm (both ORK) both on 17th Mar; one Port of Ness, Lewis (OH) 18th Mar; six on Fair Isle on 25th Mar, 10 on 26th, 34 on 30th; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 25th Mar, 13 on 30th; one North Loch Eynort, South Uist (OH) 27th Mar One The Oa, Islay (ARG) 12th Mar; one singing Merkinch LNR, Inverness (HIGH) 15th Mar; two Kiltarlity & one Redcastle, Black Isle (both HIGH) both on 17th Mar; one Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 24th Mar; one Lower Milovaig, Skye (HIGH) 24th Mar; one John O’Groats (CAITH) 4th Apr; one Shebster (CAITH) 6th Apr One singing Bieldside (NES) 10th Mar; one Loch of Lintrathen (ANG) 10th Mar; one Girdle Ness (NES) 11th Mar, one on 21st; singles Rafford & Brodie Castle (both M&N) both on 16th Mar; one singing RSPB Culbin Sands (M&N) 17th Mar; one singing Kinnordy estate (ANG) 19th Mar; two singing The Balloch near Crieff (P&K) 24th Mar One near Haddington (LOTH) 9th Mar; one singing Mountcastle Quarry (FIFE) 9th Mar; one singing Larbert House (UF) 11th Mar, two on 16th; one near Pitmeddan (FIFE) 11th Mar; two singing Samuelston & one Coates (both LOTH) both on 11th Mar; one singing St. Abbs Head (BORD) 12th Mar; four around Musselburgh (LOTH) 15th Mar; one singing Holme Hill, Dunblane, two Skinflats Lagoons & two Menstrie (all UF) all on 16th Mar; two singing Newburgh & one singing Lindores Loch (both FIFE) both on 16th Mar; one Isle of May 20th Mar, 12 on 31st One Ryat Linn Reservoir (CLYDE) 10th Mar; one Tarryholme, Irvine (AYRS) 12th Mar; one singing near Glencaple & one singing near Ecclefechan (both D&G) both on 12th Mar; one near Kirkcudbright (D&G) 13th Mar; 3+ singing by Black Cart Water at Johnstone (one Paton’s Mill, 2+ Milliken Park) on 15th Mar; two singing RSPB Baron’s Haugh & one RSPB Lochwinnoch (both CLYDE) both on 16th Mar; one Glen App (AYRS) 17th Mar; one singing Kingscross, Arran (CLY ISL) 23rd Mar
Willow Warbler One singing Mishigarry, North Uist (OH) 31st Mar; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 1st Apr; four on Orkney on 5th Apr; one Otterswick, Yell (SHET) 6th Apr; first Fair Isle 7th Apr; first North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th Apr One (as well as three Chiffchaffs) at Milovaig, Glendale, Skye (HIGH) 30th Mar; one Balephuil, Tiree, two RSPB Gruinart, Islay & one on Coll (all ARG) all on 31st Mar; one Kilmichael Glen (ARG) 1st Apr; small influx noted Argyll (esp Kintyre & Islay) on 4th Apr; one Inverness (HIGH) 5th Apr; one Melvich, Sutherland (HIGH) 7th Apr; one near Halkirk (CAITH 7th Apr; small influx noted Highland 15th-16th Apr; one Reay (CAITH) 19th Apr One Maryton, Kirriemuir (ANG) 6th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 9th Apr; two near Auldearn (M&N) 11th Apr; singles Loch Oire & Altyre Woods (both M&N) both on 12th Apr; one singing RSPB Loch Leven (P&K) 13th Apr; 2+ singing Loirston Loch (NES) 14th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 14th Apr; one Aboyne (NES) 15th Apr; one singing Dundee (ANG) 15th Apr One, seen well, and briefly in subsong Butterdean Wood (LOTH) 24th Mar – earliest ever in Lothian; one Peebles (BORD) 1st Apr; one singing Leamington Terrace, Edinburgh (LOTH) 4th Apr; one by old railway between Dunblane-Doune (UF) 4th Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 5th Apr; one St. Abbs Head (BORD) 5th Apr; one singing near Coates (LOTH) 5th Apr; three singing Town Loch, Dunfermline (FIFE) 7th Apr; two singing Mountcastle (FIFE) 8th Apr; one Isle of May 17th Apr 5+ Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 31st Mar; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 31st Mar; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 1st Apr, two on 2nd; one Rothesay, Bute (CLY ISL) 2nd Apr; two Kennethbank, Glencaple (D&G) 3rd Apr; small influx noted Ayrshire 4th Apr; small influx noted Clyde 5th Apr
Spotted Flycatcher One Fair Isle 9th May; one Skaw, Whalsay (SHET) 9th May, two on 10th; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 19th May One Kinnabus, Islay (ARG) 17th May; one Strathy Wood, Ardross (HIGH) 17th May; one Shebster (CAITH) 17th May; one Drummondreach Oak Wood, Black Isle (HIGH) 18th May; two Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 19th May; one Earlish, Skye (HIGH) 21st May; two Reay (CAITH) 4th June One River Nairn near Nairn (M&N) 3rd May; one Findowie (P&K) 14th May; one Balmoral Castle (NES) 15th May; one Glen Esk (ANG) 18th May; four Craigellachie-Balvenie (M&N) 25th May One Isle of May 16th May; three reported from East Lothian (LOTH) on 18th May; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 18th May; three St. Abbs Head (BORD) 18th May; one Wester Glassie (FIFE) 19th May Two Garnock North (AYRS) 13th May; one Minnigaff churchyard (D&G) 13th May; one near Muirkirk (AYRS) 13th May; one Cathkin Braes (CLYDE) 16th May; one Machrie, Arran (CLY ISL) 16th May; influx noted Clyde 18th May
Pied Flycatcher One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 22nd Apr, three on 25th; one Toab (SHET) 24th Apr; male Westray (ORK) 25th Apr; three Fair Isle 25th Apr One Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 26th Apr; male Dunadry, Cairnbaan (ARG) 8th May; female Carnan Mor, Tiree (ARG) 6th June Male Collieston (NES) 27th Apr; male Delnabo (M&N) 3rd May; one SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 5th May Two males Isle of May 25th Apr Two males Sallochy-Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 18th Apr; four RSPB Wood of Cree and one Knockman Wood (both D&G) both on 18th Apr; female Balnakeilly Forest, Bute (CLY ISL) 11th May

2013 (updated 2 July)

  Shetland, Fair Isle, Orkney and Outer Hebrides Highland, Caithness and Argyll North-East Scotland, Moray & Nairn, Angus and Perth & Kinross Fife, Isle of May, Upper Forth, Lothian and Borders Clyde, Clyde Islands, Ayrshire and Dumfries & Galloway
Manx Shearwater Three Aird an Runair, Balranald, North Uist (OH) 15th Apr, 33 on 16th; 350+ Ardvule Point, South Uist (OH) 16th Apr; two past Yesnaby (ORK) 28th Apr; three Watsness (SHET) 21st May; one off Fair Isle 7th June One Gunna Sound, off Tiree (ARG) 26th Mar; c.40 off Eigg (HIGH) 2nd Apr; three Dornoch Firth (HIGH) 24th Apr Two Collieston (NES) 19th Apr; one past Burghead (M&N) 22nd Apr; 10 past Lossiemouth (M&N) 28th Apr; 2+ Fishtown of Usan (ANG) 19th May 10 past Skateraw (LOTH) 27th Apr; two off Isle of May 27th Apr; one Fife Ness (FIFE) 9th May; 25 St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 24th May Two north past Maidens (AYRS) 29th Mar; 34 Turnberry Point (AYRS) 2nd Apr; three Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 3rd Apr; seven past Powillimount (D&G) 16th Apr; two Wemyss Point (CLYDE) 22nd May
Garganey Drake Egilsay (ORK) 6th May; drake Spiggie (SHET) 6th May; pair Fivepenny, Lewis (OH) 8th May; pair Baltasound, Unst (SHET) 8th May Drake Sinclair’s Bay (CAITH) 9th May; drake RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 12th May; drake Ruaig, Tiree (ARG) 13th May Drake RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 17th Apr, four (three drakes) on 13th May; pair RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 28th Apr Single drakes Letham & Inverkeithing (both FIFE) both on 21st Apr; pair Williestruther Loch (BORD) 7th May; female Lake of Menteith (UF) 29th May Pair Tarryholme, Irvine (AYRS) 7th May; drake Bridgend Farm Pool (CLYDE) 9th May; drake WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 16th June
Marsh Harrier Male Dale of Walls (SHET) 22nd Mar -earliest ever on Shetland; male Fair Isle 26th Mar; one east Mainland (ORK) 15th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 6th May Female St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 11th Apr; female near Westport, Kintyre (ARG) 30th Apr; female Invertromie (HIGH) 4th May Female Montrose Basin (ANG) 21st Mar; male RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 1st Apr; female RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 8th Apr Male Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 25th Mar; male over Seafield Pond, Dunbar (LOTH) 21st Apr; male near Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 25th Apr One Caerlaverock (D&G) 24th Mar; female Ardeer (AYRS) 19th May
Osprey One Loch of Voe (SHET) 14th Apr; one Shapinsay (ORK) 27th Apr; one Fair Isle 6th May; one Loch Euphort, North Uist (OH) 8th May Female back RSPB Loch Garten (HIGH) 27th Mar; one Loch Awe (ARG) 27th Mar; one back at nest site Caithness 28th Mar; one Achnamara (ARG) 30th Mar One reported near SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 12th Mar, one north over there (landing briefly at the nest site) on 18th Mar, 4 on reserve on 25th Mar; one Loch Leven (P&K) 28th Mar; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 30th Mar; one Tullich Fishery near Ballater (NES) 3rd Apr; one Roseisle Forest (M&N) 3rd Apr One near Polmont (UF) 15th Mar; singles Loch Venachar & Lake of Menteith (both UF) both on 20th Mar; one Duns Castle NR (BORD) 25th Mar; one Loch Glow (FIFE) 26th Mar; one Lake of Menteith (UF) 27th Mar; one over Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 31st Mar; one Gala Valley (BORD) 31st Mar; one Gosford Bay (LOTH) 1st Apr; one Isle of May 11th Apr One reported near Lochmaben (D&G) 15th Mar; one reported Loch Quien, Bute (CLY ISL) 17th Mar; one Gelston (D&G) 21st Mar; one Threave NT (D&G) 25th Mar; one over Barrhill (AYRS) 30th Mar; one over Lochwinnoch RSPB (CLYDE) 31st Mar; singles Endrick Mouth & Barcraigs Reservoir (both CLYDE) both on 1st Apr; one N end of Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 5th Apr
Dotterel One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th Apr, eight on 8th May; two The Range, South Uist (OH) 12th May; one Fair Isle 12th May Three Oronsay (ARG) 3rd May; two Iona (ARG) 5th May; four Cairngorm (HIGH) 17th May Three near Cairn o’ Mount (NES) 28th Apr; 20 Glas Maol area (ANG) 16th May; 13 Cairngorms plateau (M&N) 25th May One Carnethy Hill (LOTH) 9th May  
Whimbrel One Fair Isle 9th Apr; one Balranald RSPB, North Uist (OH) 14th Apr, seven on 17th; one Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 15th Apr; one South Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th Apr; two Quendale (SHET) 20th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th Apr One over Elgol, Skye (HIGH) 10th Apr; one Arisaig (HIGH) 12th Apr; one Rhunahaorine (ARG) 13th Apr; one Balinoe, Tiree (ARG) 17th Apr, 95+ birds on Tiree 23rd Apr; 100+ Rattar farm (CAITH) 29th Apr; 164 Dounreay (CAITH) 30th Apr One Ythan Estuary (NES) 18th Apr; two Forfar Loch (ANG) 19th Apr; five Tugnet (M&N) 21st Apr One Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 6th Apr; singles Skinflats & Kinneil (both UF) both on 13th Apr; one Barns Ness (LOTH) 16th Apr, 6+ on 19th; 16+ Cellardyke (FIFE) 27th Apr; 52 Alloa Inch (UF) 30th Apr; two St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 2nd May One Loans (AYRS) 14th Apr; three Powilllimount (D&G) 15th Apr; 10 Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 16th Apr; one River Nith near Dumfries (D&G) 18th Apr; five West Ferry (CLYDE) 20th Apr; six Auchenhew Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 22nd Apr
Common Sandpiper One Bornish, South Uist (OH) 1st May; one Fair Isle 3rd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 3rd May; one Vementry (SHET) 6th May Two Islandadd Bridge (ARG) 16th Apr; three Grantown-on-Spey, one Loch Insh & one Loch Alvie (all HIGH) all on 17th Apr; one Kintail (HIGH) 19th Apr; one The Mound, Loch Fleet (HIGH) 20th Apr; one Inverness (HIGH) 28th Apr One Burleigh Sands, Loch Leven (P&K) 13th Apr; one River South Esk, Kinnaird (ANG) 14th Apr; one River Dee, Banchory (NES) 15th Apr; one River Findhorn near Forres (M&N) 15th Apr One Tweedbank (BORD) 13th Apr; one Loch Gelly (FIFE) 14th Apr; two Musselburgh (LOTH) 16th Apr; one Isle of May 14th May One Carbarns Pool & one River Cart at Renfrew (both CLYDE) both on 13th Apr; singles Bogside & Hunterston Sands (both Ayrs) both on 13th Apr; two Milton Loch & two Auchenreoch Loch (both D&G) both on 13th Apr; one South Feorline, Arran (CLY ISL) 14th Apr
Sandwich Tern One Haroldswick, Unst (SHET) 18th Mar; one Askernish, South Uist (OH) 30th Mar; one Skigersta, Lewis (OH) 31st Mar; one Westray (ORK) 3rd Apr; one Fair Isle 13th June Two Brora (HIGH) 23rd Mar; one Dornoch (HIGH) 24th Mar; one south past Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 25th Mar One Findhorn Bay (M&N) 25th Mar; 24 birds at Nairn (M&N) 3rd Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 4th Apr; four Ythan Estuary (NES) 11th Apr; one Monifieth (ANG) 13th Apr; 30+ Kingoodie (P&K) 29th May One Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 24th Mar; eight Port Seton (LOTH) 7th Apr; one Anstruther (FIFE) 8th Apr; one Eyemouth (BORD) 14th Apr; two Isle of May 5th May Two Girvan (AYRS) 18th Mar; one Skelmorlie (AYRS) 22nd Mar; three Kirkcudbright (D&G) 10th Apr; two Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 13th Apr; one Greenock (CLYDE) 15th Apr
Common Tern One Grutness (SHET) 16th Apr; one Smerclate, South Uist (OH) 18th Apr; three Brig o’ Waithe (ORK) 24th Apr Three Loch Gilp (ARG) 12th Apr; two Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 9th May; six near Cromarty Bridge (HIGH) 10th May One Burghead (M&N) 14th Apr; 1+ Loirston Loch (NES) 16th Apr; three Spey Bay (M&N) 27th Apr; 1+ Montrose (ANG) 12th May One Linlithgow Loch (LOTH) 18th Apr; 2+ Isle of May 15th May Two Powillimount (D&G) 16th Apr; one Doonfoot (AYRS) 18th Apr; one (with two Arctic Terns) Machrie Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 19th Apr; one Ardgowan Point (CLYDE) 4th May; two Irvine (AYRS) 7th May
Arctic Tern 4+ Carinish, North Uist (OH) 15th Apr; one Graemeshall (ORK) 15th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 17th Apr; one Grutness (SHET) 18th Apr; first Fair Isle 8th May Two Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 8th Apr; one Tiree (ARG) 14th Apr; one Loch Indaal, Islay (ARG) 15th Apr; one Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 15th Apr; 10 Loch Insh (HIGH) 16th Apr; 46 at Dornoch beach (HIGH) 3rd May Two Loirston Loch (NES) 14th Apr, three on 15th; one Stonehaven (NES) 15th Apr; three Burghead (M&N) 15th Apr; two Loch Kinord (NES) 20th Apr One Dunbar (LOTH) 14th Apr; three Lake of Menteith (UF) 16th Apr; one Isle of May 17th Apr, 200+ on 15th May; 1+ off North Berwick (LOTH) 20th Apr 19 Powillimount (D&G) 12th Apr; one Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 12th Apr, c.20 on 15th; 20+ Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 16th Apr; six Balgray Reservoir (CLYDE) 16th Apr; two Whiting Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 18th Apr
Little Tern Three Sollas, North Uist (OH) 21st Apr; two Eoligarry, Barra (OH) 23rd Apr; 14 at breeding colony South Isles (ORK) 8th May One Loch Indaal, Islay (ARG) 14th Apr; three Tiree (ARG) 17th Apr; 16 Dornoch (HIGH) 3rd May One Montrose Bay (ANG) 28th Apr, two on 12th May; two Girdle Ness (NES) 28th Apr; one Lossiemouth (M&N) 7th May 2+ Tyninghame (LOTH) 18th May One Stevenston Point (AYRS) 29th Apr
Cuckoo One Bornish, South Uist (OH) 17th Apr; one Skeld (SHET) 3rd May; one Loch of Skaill (ORK) 8th May; one Fair Isle 10th May One Carr Brae, Lochalsh (HIGH) 17th Apr; one Carsaig, Tayvallich (ARG) 17th Apr; one Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 18th Apr; one Clachan, Kintyre (ARG) 18th Apr; one Colintraive (ARG) 18th Apr; two Moine Mhor (ARG) 20th Apr Two singing near Aboyne (NES) 25th Apr; one Glen Esk (ANG) 25th Apr; one near Findrassie (M&N) 30th Apr; one Little Glenshee (P&K) 4th May One Loch Venachar (UF) 18th Apr; one Ettrick Valley (BORD) 19th Apr; one Press Mains farm (BORD) 26th Apr; one Belhaven Bay & one Barns Ness (both LOTH) both on 28th Apr; one Glen Finglas (UF) 1st May; one Kilrenny Common (FIFE) 15th May One Glen Rosa, Arran (CLY ISL) 19th Apr; one near Muirshiel CP (CLYDE) 20th Apr; one Coylton (AYRS) 20th Apr; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 23rd Apr; one Caerlaverock NNR (D&G) 26th Apr; two Greenan (AYRS) 27th Apr
Swift One Fair Isle 16th Apr – earliest ever on Shetland, next one there not until 16th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th May; two Haroldswick, Unst (SHET) 16th May; one Askernish, South Uist (OH) 9th June; four Coot Loch, Benbecula & one Ben Risary, North Uist (both OH) both on 10th June One Melvich, Sutherland (HIGH) 30th Apr; one Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 5th May; four Inverness (HIGH) 7th May One RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 28th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 29th Apr; three Elgin (M&N) 9th May; 22 Loch Spynie (M&N) 11th May; one near Tullybelton (P&K) 15th May One Penicuik (LOTH) 19th Apr; two Lochore Meadows CP (FIFE) 24th Apr; one Angle Park GP (FIFE) 25th Apr; 1+ Duns (BORD) 25th Apr; one Stirling (UF) 26th Apr; two Dunbar (LOTH) 26th Apr; 60 Lake of Menteith (UF) 28th Apr; one Eyemouth (BORD) 30th Apr; two Isle of May 6th May One Battlefield, Glasgow (CLYDE) 18th Apr; three Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 21st Apr; one Cumnock (AYRS) 21st Apr; two Ayr (AYRS) 24th Apr; 10 Balgray Reservoir (CLYDE) 26th Apr; one Prestwick (AYRS) 27th Apr; one Stranraer & one Glencaple (both D&G) both on 1st May
Sand Martin Two Fair Isle 14th Apr; one Eday (ORK) 18th Apr; two Westray (ORK) 20th Apr; one Baltasound, Unst & one Quendale (both SHET) both on 20th Apr; three Bornish Loch, South Uist (OH) 21st Apr One near Arisaig (HIGH) 11th Apr; five Loch Awe & two Loch Leathan (both ARG) both on 12th Apr; one Dunbeath (CAITH) 13th Apr; 60+ Loch Insh (HIGH) 14th Apr; one near Dornoch (HIGH) 15th Apr Two Monikie CP (ANG) 8th Apr; one Loch Spynie (M&N) 10th Apr; one Aboyne Loch (NES) 12th Apr; three Rescobie Loch (ANG) 12th Apr; two Little Glenshee (P&K) 13th Apr; 10+ Loch Leven (P&K) 13th Apr; five Loirston Loch (NES) 13th Apr; c.50 Loch of Skene & 10+ RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (both NES) both on 14th Apr One Torness Power Station (LOTH) 4th Apr; one Tweedbank (BORD) 7th Apr; one Middleton Pond (LOTH) 7th Apr; one near Cardenden (FIFE) 8th Apr; three Loch Venachar (UF) 11th Apr; 25+ Lake of Menteith (UF) 11th Apr, 70 on 12th; 7+ Linlithgow Loch (LOTH) 12th Apr; 53 Lochore Meadows CP (FIFE) 12th Apr 10 Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 7th Apr, 150 on 12th; two Lands of Turnberry (AYRS) 7th Apr; eight Castle Loch, Lochmaben (D&G) 9th Apr; three Endrick Mouth & two RSPB Lochwinnoch (both CLYDE) both on 10th Apr; two Sannox Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 12th Apr
Swallow One Loch Bee, South Uist (OH) 12th Apr; one Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 14th Apr; first Fair Isle 15th Apr; one Burwick, South Ronaldsay & one North Ronaldsay (both ORK) both on 15th Apr; one Loch of Clickimin, two Unst & one Boddam (all SHET) all on 16th Apr One reported near Clachan, Kintyre (ARG) 7th Apr; one Kilkenneth, Tiree (ARG) 12th Apr; one Thurso (CAITH) 13th Apr; one Loch Insh (HIGH) 13th Apr, 5+ on 14th; 12 The Oa, Islay (ARG) 15th Apr; one Crinan (ARG) 15th Apr; two near Dornoch (HIGH) 15th Apr; one Morar (HIGH) 15th Apr One SWT Loch of the Lowes (P&K) 11th Apr; one Balgavies Loch (ANG) 13th Apr; one near Crombie CP (ANG) 13th Apr; three Loch Leven (P&K) 13th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 14th Apr; 22+ in the RSPB Loch of Strathbeg area (NES) on 14th Apr; three Spey Bay (M&N) 14th Apr; influx noted Moray & Nairn on 15th Apr One Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 11th Apr; two Innerleithen (BORD) 11th Apr; one Largoward (FIFE) 12th Apr; four Linlthgow Loch (LOTH) 12th Apr; three Lochore Meadows CP (FIFE) 12th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 13th Apr; one Craigluscar NR (FIFE) 13th Apr; first Isle of May 14th Apr; 12 Blairdrummond GPs (UF) 14th Apr; one Kinglassie (FIFE) 15th Apr; influx noted Lothian 15th Apr One over Clairmont Gardens, Glasgow (CLYDE) 11th Apr; 2+ Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 12th Apr; one Castle Semple Loch (CLYDE) 12th Apr; one Alloway, one Martnaham Loch, one Portencross, one Trabboch Loch & one Hunterston Sands (all AYRS) all on 13th Apr; seven Powillimount (D&G) 13th Apr; one Catacol, Arran (CLY ISL) 14th Apr
House Martin One Virkie (SHET) 18th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th Apr; one Stornoway, Lewis (OH) 21st Apr; one Westray (ORK) 2nd May; first Fair Isle 3rd May One Loch Insh & one Kingussie (both HIGH) both on 14th Apr; three at The Oa, Islay (ARG) 15th Apr; 2+ Arisaig (HIGH) 17th Apr; one Tayinloan (ARG) 18th Apr; one Loch Fleet (HIGH) 20th Apr; one Portmahomack (HIGH) 28th Apr Two Rescobie Loch & one Balgavies Loch (both ANG) both on 14th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 14th Apr; 1+ Loch Leven (P&K) 14th Apr; one Inchgarth NR (NES) 14th Apr; one Clochan (M&N) 15th Apr; one Elgin (M&N) 17th Apr One Thornielee (BORD) 13th Apr; two Blair Drummond GPs (UF) 14th Apr; one Garleton Hills (LOTH) 14th Apr; two Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 14th Apr; one Barns Ness (LOTH) 14th Apr; one Isle of May 20th Apr; two Dalgety Bay (FIFE) 22nd Apr One Powillimount (D&G) 13th Apr; two Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 14th Apr; two Shewalton (AYRS) 17th Apr
Tree Pipit One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th Apr; one Fair Isle 21st Apr; one Baltasound, Unst (SHET) 30th Apr Two Ormsary (ARG) 8th Apr; one Culbokie (HIGH) 15th Apr; one Nethybridge (HIGH) 17th Apr; one Minard Woods (ARG) 19th Apr; one Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 27th Apr 3+ Finzean (NES) 20th Apr; five singing Loch Kinord (NES) 20th Apr; several Glen Artney (P&K) 20th Apr; two Drynachan (M&N) 21st Apr Four Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 14th Apr; one Haddington (LOTH) 18th Apr; one Ard Forest, Aberfoyle (UF) 19th Apr; two near Bonchester Bridge (BORD) 28th Apr; one Isle of May 8th May; two Devilla Forest (FIFE) 23rd May Two Dumbrock Muir (CLYDE) 19th Apr; two east Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 19th Apr; two Loch Riecawr area (AYRS) 20th Apr; 1+ RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 23rd Apr; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 23rd Apr
Yellow Wagtail One Fair Isle 1st May, Grey-headed type on 8th May, five Grey-headeds on 16th; single Grey-headed Wagtails at Exnaboe & Scatness (both SHET) both on 10th May; two Grey-headed Wagtails North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th May; one Loch Sandary, North Uist (OH) 22nd May; Grey-headed type Barvas, Lewis (OH) 28th May Blue-headed Wagtail Udale Bay (HIGH) 23rd Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Criagnure, Mull (ARG) 24th Apr; one RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 1st May; one Avielochan (HIGH) 3rd May Two RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 30th Apr, two (including a Blue-headed Wagtail) on 4th May; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 30th Apr; Blue-headed Wagtail Meikle Loch (NES) 2nd May Singles Skateraw & near Haddington (both LOTH) both on 19th Apr; one near Ladykirk (BORD) 20th Apr; 7+ (including two Blue-headed) Seafield Pond (LOTH) on 21st Apr; one Letham (FIFE) 24th Apr; one Isle of May 1st May; two Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 10th May Blue-headed Wagtail Carbarns Pool (CLYDE) 20th Apr; one Hunterston (AYRS) 28th Apr; two (male & female) Twechar (CLYDE) 4th May; one Dornock Mains (D&G) 4th May; two Blue-headed Wagtails Auchenharvie GC (AYRS) 8th May
White Wagtail One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 17th Mar; one Quendale (SHET) 13th Apr; six Balranald RSPB, North Uist (OH) 3rd May; 47 Askernish, South Uist (OH) 7th May One Machrihanish SBO (ARG) 21st Mar, 2 on 29th, 30+ on 20th Apr; one Tiree (ARG) 5th Apr; singles Dornoch beach & Loch Fleet (both HIGH) both on 14th Apr; one Elgol, Skye (HIGH) 14th Apr One Findhorn (M&N) 6th Apr; one Tugnet (M&N) 18th Apr, 15 on 24th Apr; one Lochinch, Aberdeen (NES) 18th Apr; one Riverside Park, Dundee (ANG) 19th Apr; one Meikle Loch (NES) 19th Apr One Barns Ness (LOTH) 28th Mar, 63+ on 27th Apr; two St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 31st Mar; one Belhaven Bay (LOTH) 1st Apr; six Letham Pools (FIFE) 14th Apr, 40 on 26th; one Carse of Lecropt (UF) 15th Apr; eight Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 22nd Apr; 50+ Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 2nd May; first Isle of May on 2nd May Two Hightae Flood, near Lockerbie (D&G) 8th Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 9th Apr; three Blairbowie (AYRS) 10th Apr; two Kilpatrick Point, Arran (CLY ISL) 10th Apr; three Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 12th Apr, 12+ on 17th; 16 Auchenharvie GC (AYRS) 14th Apr, 37 on 21st; 40 River Nith near Dumfries (D&G) 17th Apr; 22 Carbarns Pool (CLYDE) 24th Apr
Redstart One Exnaboe (SHET) 19th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 21st Apr; one Fair Isle 22nd Apr One RSPB Gruinart, Islay (ARG) 20th Apr; male Knapdale forest (ARG) 23rd Apr; male Insh Marshes RSPB (HIGH) 23rd Apr; one The Mound Alderwoods, Sutherland (HIGH) 7th May Male Finzean (NES) 20th Apr; male Glen Artney (P&K) 20th Apr; male Loch Kinord (NES) 20th Apr; male Glen Isla (ANG) 20th Apr; male Tullybelton (P&K) 23rd Apr; one near Dulsie (M&N) 5th May Male Barns Ness (LOTH) 20th Apr; male Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 20th Apr; male Drumloist, Braes of Doune (UF) 20th Apr; 5+ Dunbar/Barns Ness area (LOTH) on 21st Apr; three St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 21st Apr; male Isle of May 28th Apr Male Mugdock CP (CLYDE) 18th Apr; male Kirkton, Dumfries (D&G) 18th Apr; three males Glen Afton (AYRS) 19th Apr; two Sallochy Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 19th Apr; male Browhouses (D&G) 20th Apr
Whinchat One Sumburgh (SHET) 3rd May; one Fair Isle 3rd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 10th May; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 11th May Male near Islandadd Bridge (ARG) 26th Apr; male near Otter Ferry, Cowal (ARG) 26th Apr; male Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 4th May, two further males on Skye on 5th May Two Girdle Ness (NES) 8th May; male Struan (P&K) 9th May; two Glen Prosen (ANG) 16th May; one Auchmithie (ANG) 17th May; one Findhorn (M&N) 26th May One Skateraw (LOTH) 19th Apr; male Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 20th Apr; five near Bonchester Bridge (BORD) 25th Apr; two males Glen Finglas (UF) 1st May; male Isle of May 6th May One WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 23rd Apr; three near Galston (AYRS) 24th Apr; male Ravenscraig, Motherwell (CLYDE) 24th Apr; pair Bogside (AYRS) 27th Apr
Wheatear One Bayhead, North Uist (OH) 1st Apr; one North Tolsta, Lewis (OH) 2nd Apr; small influx noted Uists & Benbecula (OH) 5th-7th Apr; one Sumburgh (SHET) 7th Apr; male North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th Apr; two Grutness (SHET) 10th Apr; first Fair Isle 10th Apr One Ardnave, Islay (ARG) 12th Mar; male High Ranachan, Kintyre & one Loch Buie, Mull (both ARG) both on 16th Mar; one Sanaigmore, Islay (ARG) 19th Mar; female Dunvegan, Skye (HIGH) 26th Mar; male Scourie (HIGH) 30th Mar; male Waternish Point, Skye (HIGH) 1st Apr; small influx noted Islay (ARG) 2nd-5th Apr; female Chanonry Point (HIGH) 7th Apr; influx noted Skye (HIGH) 8th Apr One Tronach Head (M&N) 31st Mar; male Carsebreck Lochs (P&K) 3rd Apr; male Montrose Bay (ANG) 9th Apr; one Burghead (M&N) 13th Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 14th Apr One Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 7th Apr; two Leadburn (BORD) 7th Apr; one Faseny Bridge, Lammermuir Hills (LOTH) 7th Apr; one Gargunnock Hills (UF) 11th Apr; 12 St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 11th Apr Two Seamill (AYRS) 23rd Mar; male Turnberry Point (AYRS) 26th Mar; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 26th Mar; one Crook of Baldoon, Wigtown Bay (D&G) 29th Mar; one Machrie, Arran (CLY ISL) 1st Apr; one Cardross (CLYDE) 7th Apr
Ring Ouzel One Fair Isle 11th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 14th Apr; one Skaw, Whalsay (SHET) 12th May One Old Man of Storr, Skye (HIGH) 9th Apr; three Glen Tromie (HIGH) 15th Apr Male Glen Esk (ANG) 13th Apr; male Glen Turret (P&K) 19th Apr; one SE side of Cairngorm (M&N) 29th Apr; one Glen Callater (NES) 11th May Male Blackhopebyre (BORD) 30th Mar; two Dumyat Hill (UF) 6th Apr; male Garleton Hills (LOTH) 7th Apr; male St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 7th Apr; one Kilrenny (FIFE) 13th Apr; male Isle of May 16th Apr Male Wester Hill (D&G) 31st Mar; male Loudoun Hill (AYRS) 7th Apr; male Culter Waterhead (CLYDE) 19th Apr; male Cir Mohr, Arran (CLY ISL) 20th May
Grasshopper Warbler One Fair Isle 23rd Apr; one Quendale (SHET) 8th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May; one South Uist (OH) 21st May; one Eriskay (OH) 29th May One Loch Laich (ARG) 20th Apr; one Loch Leathan (ARG) 22nd Apr; one Halsary (CAITH) 26th Apr; one Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 28th Apr; two Inverness (HIGH) 4th May One Red Moss of Netherley (NES) 24th Apr; one Spynie Canal (M&N) 27th Apr, three on 5th May; one Errol (P&K) 27th Apr; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 29th Apr One Pentland Hills (LOTH) 19th Apr; one near Kinghorn (FIFE) 19th Apr; one Isle of May 19th Apr; one Gullane Point (LOTH) 20th Apr; one Dunblane (UF) 22nd Apr; one near Bonchester Bridge (BORD) 26th Apr Four Pow Burn (AYRS) 19th Apr; one Cathkin Marsh SWT (CLYDE) 20th Apr; one Caerlaverock NNR (D&G) 26th Apr
Sedge Warbler One Fair Isle 3rd May; one Sumburgh (SHET) 4th May; 1+ Deerness (ORK) 5th May; one Balranald, North Uist (OH) 6th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 7th May; one Askernish, South Uist (OH) 7th May One Portnahaven, Islay (ARG) 19th Apr; one Lochgilphead meadows (ARG) 26th Apr; two Inverness (HIGH) 4th May; one Achavandra Muir, Sutherland (HIGH) 9th May One RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 21st Apr; five singing Tay Reedbeds, Errol (P&K) 27th Apr; one Spynie canal (M&N) 30th Apr; one singing Red Moss of Netherley (NES) 4th May Two Skateraw (LOTH) 24th Apr; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 25th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 26th Apr; one Bemersyde Moss (BORD) 27th Apr; one Isle of May 7th May One Carnsalloch, Dumfries (D&G) 19th Apr; one Bogside (AYRS) 20th Apr; one Baron’s Haugh RSPB (CLYDE) 23rd Apr; one Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 24th Apr; one Merryton (CLYDE) 24th Apr; one Trabboch Loch (AYRS) 26th Apr; one Lochwinnoch RSPB (CLYDE) 26th Apr, 14 singing birds on 27th; one Corricravie, Arran (CLY ISL) 29th Apr; one Mull of Galloway (D&G) 30th Apr
Lesser Whitethroat One Fair Isle 2nd May, eight on 11th; one Grutness (SHET) 8th May; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May One singing Dunvegan, Skye (HIGH) 1st June One Riverside Nature Park, Dundee (ANG) 27th Apr; one St. Cyrus NNR (NES) 4th May; one Girdle Ness (NES) 4th May One Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 25th Apr; one singing Reston (BORD) 1st May; one near Drem (LOTH) 2nd May; one Isle of May 19th May Two Irvine Beach Park (AYRS) 27th Apr; four Carrick Shore & Knockbrex, Gatehouse of Fleet (D&G) 27th Apr; three Garnock Lagoons (AYRS) 27th Apr; one Shewalton (AYRS) 28th Apr; male North Haugh, Strathclyde CP (CLYDE) 4th May; one singing Asda, Ayr (AYRS) 6th May
Whitethroat One Burray (ORK) 8th May; one Norwick, Unst (SHET) 8th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; two Fair Isle 8th May; one Paiblesgarry, North Uist (OH) 16th May One Otter Ferry, Cowal (ARG) 1st May; male Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 5th May; four singing Black Isle (HIGH) 7th May; one Inverness (HIGH) 9th May; one Carr Brae, Lochalsh (HIGH) 9th May; one Coul Links, Loch Fleet (HIGH) 10th May One Craigmill Den (ANG) 22nd Apr; one Riverside Nature Park, Dundee (ANG) 27th Apr; one Girdle Ness (NES) 28th Apr; one Spynie canal (M&N) 5th May One Stirling (UF) 19th Apr; one Skateraw (LOTH) 21st Apr; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 21st Apr; one Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 21st Apr; one Isle of May 21st Apr; two Kinneil (UF) 27th Apr; 6+ Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 2nd May One Balgray Reservoir (CLYDE) 19th Apr; one Caerlaverock NNR (D&G) 24th Apr; one Greenan (AYRS) 25th Apr; two Bogside (AYRS) 27th Apr; male Slidderywater, Arran (CLY ISL) 28th Apr; 3+ Mull of Galloway (D&G) 30th Apr; two near Glencaple (D&G) 2nd May; two near Dumfries (D&G) 2nd May
Garden Warbler One Fair Isle 13th May, 25 on 16th; one Skaw, Whalsay (SHET) 15th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 15th May, seven on 16th; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 29th May One Grantown-on-Spey (HIGH) 7th May; one Carr Brae, Lochalsh (HIGH) 9th May; one Carnan Mor, Tiree (ARG) 19th May One Forfar (ANG) 2nd May; one near Aboyne (NES) 7th May; one Portknockie (M&N) 15th May; 5+ Levenmouth Plantation, Loch Leven (P&K) 26th May One Tweedbank (BORD) 26th Apr; one Cambuskenneth (UF) 29th Apr; one Dunblane (UF) 30th Apr; one Haddington (LOTH) 30th Apr; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 3rd May; one Balcomie (FIFE) 9th May; two Isle of May 15th May One Baron’s Haugh RSPB (CLYDE) 26th Apr; one Brodick, Arran (CLY ISL) 29th Apr; one singing Lochwinnoch RSPB (CLYDE) 5th May; one RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 6th May; one Irvine (AYRS) 7th May
Blackcap One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th Apr; one Norwick, Unst (SHET) 17th Apr; one Fair Isle 18th Apr; one Carnan, South Uist (OH) 4th May Male Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 13th Apr; male Minard Castle (ARG) 17th Apr; two Inverness (HIGH) 21st Apr; one Glendale, Skye (HIGH) 21st Apr Male Arbroath (ANG) 11th Apr; one Kirriemuir (ANG) 17th Apr; male Loch Spynie (M&N) 17th Apr; singing male Inverurie (NES) 24th Apr; two singing males Errol (P&K) 27th Apr Singing male Spittal (LOTH) 10th Apr; singing male Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 11th Apr; one Dunblane (UF) 14th Apr; two St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 15th Apr; male Isle of May 15th Apr Male Erskine harbour (CLYDE) 13th Apr; first birds back Baron’s Haugh RSPB & Lochwinnoch RSPB (both CLYDE) both on 18th Apr; three Newton Stewart (D&G) 18th Apr; males Alloway & Kilmaurs (both AYRS) both on 18th Apr; one High Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 19th Apr
Wood Warbler One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May; one North Loch Eynort, South Uist (OH) 9th May; one Fair Isle 12th May; one Foula (SHET) 18th May One Minard Woods, one Loch Awe & one Benderloch (all ARG) all on 5th May; one Rothiemurchus (HIGH) 9th May; one Ardnamurchan (HIGH) 9th May; four singing Carr Brae, Dornie (HIGH) 9th May; several singing Strathconon (HIGH) 10th May One singing Dinnet oakwoods (NES) 21st May; one Birnam Hill Wood (P&K) 24th May One Pease Bay (BORD) 21st Apr; one singing near Brig O’ Turk (UF) 30th Apr; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 1st May; one near Drem (LOTH) 2nd May; one Duddingston Loch (LOTH) 5th May; one singing Plora Woods (BORD) 5th May Six Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 27th Apr; one Glen Afton (AYRS) 2nd May; one singing RSPB Lochwinnoch (AYRS) 5th May; several singing birds RSPB Wood of Cree (D&G) 6th May; three singing Castle Loch, Lochmaben (D&G) 7th May; one Merkland Wood, Arran (CLY ISL) 17th May; one singing Ness Glen (AYRS) 25th May
Chiffchaff One Claddach Vallay, North Uist (OH) 8th Apr; one Fair Isle 11th Apr; one Skaw, Whalsay (SHET) 12th Apr; two North Ronaldsay (ORK) 13th Apr; one Butt of Lewis, Lewis (OH) 14th Apr One Inverness (HIGH) 30th Mar, three singing on 11th Apr; one Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 2nd Apr; one Rosehaugh Estate, Black Isle (HIGH) 5th Apr; one Isleornsay, Skye (HIGH) 12th Apr One RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 29th Mar; one singing near Spynie Palace (M&N) 11th Apr; one singing Arbroath (ANG) 11th Apr; one singing Pitfodels, Aberdeen (NES) 13th Apr; one singing Kinross GC (P&K) 13th Apr; influx noted Angus 14th Apr; 2+ singing birds reported NES 14th Apr One singing Musselburgh (LOTH) 28th Mar; one singing Kinneil (UF) 31st Mar; one Halkburn (BORD) 3rd Apr; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 4th Apr; one singing Roslin Glen (LOTH) 4th Apr; singles singing Cullaloe NR & Birnie Loch (both FIFE) both on 6th Apr; one singing Airthrey Loch (UF) 8th Apr; two singing Yester Woods (LOTH) 10th Apr One Castle Loch, Lochmaben (D&G) 20th Mar; one Hunterston (AYRS) 23rd Mar; one WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 26th Mar; one singing Auchincruive (AYRS) 5th Apr; singles singing Strathclyde Park, Barrhead & near Milton of Campsie (all CLYDE) all on 6th Apr; one Baron’s Haugh RSPB (CLYDE) 7th Apr; one singing near Kirk Dam, Bute (CLY ISL) 7th Apr; one singing Millport, Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 12th Apr
Willow Warbler One Eday (ORK) 15th Apr; one Bornish, South Uist (OH) 17th Apr; first Fair Isle 18th Apr; singles Stenaday & South Ronaldsay (both ORK) both on 20th Apr; one Norwick, Unst (SHET) 20th Apr; two south Mainland (SHET) 22nd Apr One reported Bridgend, Islay (ARG) 11th Apr; four The Oa, Islay (ARG) 15th Apr; one Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 16th Apr; one Knockvologan, Mull (ARG) 16th Apr; one Eigg (HIGH) 17th Apr; one Kingussie (HIGH) 17th Apr; one St. John’s Loch (CAITH) 17th Apr; one Kylerhea Ferry, Skye (HIGH) 18th Apr; influx noted Argyll 18th Apr; influx noted Skye (HIGH) 19th Apr; several singing around Inverness (HIGH) 20th Apr One RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 16th Apr; one Loch of Skene (NES) 17th Apr; one Loch Spynie (M&N) 18th Apr; several Aboyne (NES) 18th Apr; one Glen Turret (P&K) 19th Apr; two Hill of Spynie (M&N) 19th Apr One Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 14th Apr, 10+ on 17th; four Barns Ness (LOTH) 14th Apr; one Clovenfords (BORD) 15th Apr; one Kilrenny (FIFE) 15th Apr; two St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 15th Apr; singles Bridge of Allan & Doune (both UF) both on 18th Apr; first Isle of May 19th Apr One reported Clauchlands, Arran (CLY ISL) 6th Apr; three Garnock Floods & one Underwood (both AYRS) both on 13th Apr; one Wigtown (D&G) 15th Apr; singles singing Loch Lomond NNR & Linn Park (both CLYDE) both on 15th Apr
Spotted Flycatcher Three Fair Isle 8th May; one Skaw, Whalsay (SHET) 8th May; five North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May; five noted on Shetland on 9th May; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 25th May Two near Newtonmore (HIGH) 18th May; one Noss Head (CAITH) 18th May; five noted on Black Isle (HIGH) 19th May; one Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 19th May; one Carnan Mor, Tiree (ARG) 22nd May One Glen Prosen (ANG) 15th May; one Coniecleugh near Huntly (NES) 15th May; two Levenmouth Plantation, Loch Leven (P&K) 29th May One Woodhall Dean (LOTH) 13th May; one St. Abb’s Head (BORD) 14th May; one Kilmany (FIFE) 16th May; one Isle of May 16th May Three by River Ayr near Muirkirk (AYRS) 7th May; one near Creetown (D&G) 16th May; two Birthwood, Culter Glen (CLYDE) 20th May
Pied Flycatcher Male Cara, South Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May, six on 11th; three Fair Isle 9th May, 16 on 11th; one Skaw, Whalsay (SHET) 9th May; two Sumburgh (SHET) 9th May; two Castlebay, Barra (OH) 19th May Singing male Aviemore (HIGH) 27th Apr; male Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 8th May; one Minard Woods (ARG) 10th May; male Noss Head (CAITH) 16th May Male Glen Clova (ANG) 19th May; male Tullos Hill, Aberdeen (NES) 21st May One Dollar (UF) 30th Apr; male Denburn Wood (FIFE) 10th May; two Isle of May 15th May Male Loch Ken (D&G) 22nd Apr; male Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 26th Apr; seven Inversnaid RSPB (CLYDE) 2nd May; male Ness Glen (AYRS) 25th May

Shetland, Fair Isle, Orkney and Outer Hebrides Highland, Caithness and Argyll North-East Scotland, Moray & Nairn, Angus and Perth & Kinross Fife, Isle of May, Upper Forth, Lothian and Borders Clyde, Clyde Islands, Ayrshire and Dumfries & Galloway
Manx Shearwater 2 Aird an Runair, North Uist (OH) 5th Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 14th Apr, 23 on 16th May; 4 past Watsness (SHET) 16th May 4 off Coll (ARG) 25th Mar; one Tarbat Ness (HIGH) 1st Apr; c.400 off Hyskeir (HIGH) 11th Apr; c.1,000 in The Minch north of Hawes Bank (ARG) 11th Apr; one Dornoch, Sutherland (HIGH) 21st Apr One past Fishtown of Usan (ANG) 10th May, 15 on 19th; 50 past Rattray Head (NES) 17th May 2 past Crail (FIFE) 21st Apr; 2 north past Barns Ness (LOTH) 29th Apr; one off Isle of May 3rd May; 32 past Port Seton (LOTH) 18th May; 4 past St. Abbs Head (BORD) 10th June One Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 5th Apr, 2 on 8th; one Mull of Galloway (D&G) 10th Apr; first Arran, off Whiting Bay (CLY ISL) on 11th Apr
Garganey Drake Graemeshall Loch (ORK) 16th Apr; one Loch of Trondavoe (SHET) 21st Apr; drake Haroldswick, Unst (SHET) 22nd Apr; female North Ronaldsay (ORK) 23rd Apr; drake Benbecula (OH) 17th May Pair Oronsay (ARG) 14th Apr; drake Loch a’ Phuill, Tiree (ARG) 27th Apr; drake St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 2nd May Drake RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 17th Apr; drake Errol (P&K) 5th May; drake Loch Spynie (M&N) 8th May Drake Loch Gelly (FIFE) 27th Apr; drake Kinneil (UF) 28th Apr; drake Tyninghame Bay (LOTH) 2nd May Pair Garnock Floods (AYRS) 4th Apr; drake Dyke Farm Quarry NR (D&G) 2nd May; drake Wigtown Bay (D&G) 7th May; pair Torr Righ Beag, Arran (CLY ISL) 9th May; pair Lochwinnoch RSPB (CLYDE) 6th June
Marsh Harrier One Quendale (SHET) 21st Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May; one Westray (ORK) 9th May Male Ham (CAITH) 1st May Male RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 24th Mar; male Port Allen (P&K) 27th Mar; one Loch Spynie (M&N) 19th Apr; female RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 23rd Apr Female Alva (UF) 21st Apr; female north Skateraw (LOTH) 13th May One RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 29th Apr
Osprey One Loch of Breksie, Unst (SHET) 22nd Apr; one Orphir Hills (ORK) 2nd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 10th May; one Fair Isle 10th May; one Berneray (OH) 24th May Female back RSPB Loch Garten (HIGH) 21st Mar; one Add Estuary (ARG) 25th Mar; one Loch Fleet (HIGH) 27th Mar; one Loch Watten (CAITH) 31st Mar; one Ford (ARG) 3rd Apr Back SWT Loch of the Lowes & one at Loch of Butterstone (both P&K) both on 23rd Mar; one back at nest site on Donside (NES) 24th Mar; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 25th Mar One NW over Kirkcaldy (FIFE) 25th Mar; one Loch Venachar (UF) 25th Mar; one near Doune & one Lake of Menteith (both UF) both on 27th Mar; 2 birds back at nest sites in Borders on 28th Mar; one west Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh (LOTH) 29th Mar; one over Baberton, Edinburgh (LOTH) 29th Mar; one Isle of May 3rd May One over Rowardennan, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 25th Mar; male back at nest site Threave (D&G) 29th Mar; female back at nest site near WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 2nd Apr; one Carsfad Loch (D&G) 4th Apr; one near New Cumnock (AYRS) 7th Apr; one north Saltcoats (AYRS) 8th Apr
Dotterel 3 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 7th May; 2 Berneray (OH) 15th May; 2 Fair Isle 23rd May One The Reef, Tiree (ARG) 18th Apr; 2 Lower Reiss farm (CAITH) 6th May; 2 Kinnabus, Islay (ARG) 11th May; 6 Shebster (CAITH) 15th May 5 Pluckerston farm near Kirriemuir (ANG) 8th May, 11 on 9th, 31 on 11th; 2 Rashiereive (NES) 13th May; 2 near Comrie (P&K) 22nd May 2 Carnbee (FIFE) 13th Apr; one Carnethy Hill (LOTH) 1st May One reported Green Lowther Hill (CLYDE) 3rd May, one on 5th; 10 Cairnsmore of Carsphairn (D&G) 5th May; one Beinn Tarsuinn, Arran (CLY ISL) 4th June
Whimbrel One Sumburgh (SHET) 9th Apr; one Kilpheder, South Uist (OH) 14th Apr; one Scatness (SHET) 21st Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 21st Apr; first Fair Isle 22nd Apr One Embo (HIGH) 4th Apr; 8 Mallaig (HIGH) 16th Apr; 20+ on Tiree (ARG) 23rd Apr, 169 on the island on 7th May, 156 then at Hough on 9th; one Castletown (CAITH) 25th Apr; 170 at Rattar farm (CAITH) 28th Apr, 220 on 4th May One RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 31st Mar; one Arbroath (ANG) 6th Apr; 3 Ythan Estuary (NES) 22nd Apr; one Glen Lednoch (P&K) 6th May; 17 Montrose Basin (ANG) 6th May One Dunglass (LOTH/BORD) 7th Apr; 38 reported past East Wemyss (FIFE) 21st Apr; one Whitesands Bay (LOTH) 22nd Apr; one Isle of May 23rd Apr; 2 Kinneil (UF) 6th May; one over Gordon (BORD) 6th May One Cardross Bay (CLYDE) 31st Mar; 2 Kirkcudbright Bay (D&G) 5th Apr; 3 New England Bay (D&G) 20th Apr; 9 Newbie (D&G) 23rd Apr; one Saltcoats harbour (AYRS) 23rd Apr; one Ardmore Point (CLYDE) 24th Apr; influx noted Ayrshire 24th Apr including 15 Bogside & 25 Munnoch Reservoir; 33 West Ferry-Longhaugh Point (CLYDE) 30th Apr
Common Sandpiper One Loch of Skaill (ORK) 21st Apr; 2 Fair Isle 29th Apr; one Eela Water (SHET) 30th Apr; 3 Loch Carnan, South Uist (OH) 1st May One Loch na Keal, Mull (ARG) 13th Apr; one The Mound, Loch Fleet (HIGH) 16th Apr; one Loch Leathan (ARG) 22nd Apr; 2 Broubster (CAITH) 6th May One River South Esk, Powmouth (ANG) 12th Apr; 2 near Brechin (ANG) 12th Apr; one Aboyne (NES) 14th Apr; 2 Kingston (M&N) 16th Apr; one Dunalistair Water (P&K) 18th Apr; at least 3 on River Dee at Banchory (NES) 21st Apr; first RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 29th Apr One Bo’ness (UF) 11th Apr; 2 Faseny Cottage, Lammermuir Hills (LOTH) 12th Apr; one Mountcastle (FIFE) 16th Apr; one St. Mary’s Loch (BORD) 22nd Apr; 2 River Teith, Lecropt (UF) 28th Apr; 2 Isle of May 1st May One River Clyde near Carbarns (CLYDE) 9th Apr; one River Nith, Kirkton (D&G) 11th Apr; one Castle Loch, Lochmaben (D&G) 13th Apr; 2 Stair (AYRS) 15th Apr; one Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 16th Apr
Sandwich Tern One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th Mar; one Stoneybridge, South Uist (OH) 8th Apr; one Grutness (SHET) 23rd Apr One Ardnave, Islay (ARG) 26th Mar; 2 Brora (HIGH) 28th Mar; 5 Loch Fleet (HIGH) 30th Mar; 2 St. John’s Loch (CAITH) 24th Apr One Aberdeen (NES) 8th Mar; one Nairn (M&N) 16th Mar; one Donmouth (NES) 17th Mar; one Lossiemouth (M&N) 18th Mar; 2 Findhorn (M&N) 23rd Mar; 2 Elliot Burn (ANG) 5th Apr One Inverkeithing (FIFE) 1st Mar; 2 Gosford Bay (LOTH) 24th Mar; 2 North Berwick (LOTH) 31st Mar; 3 Eyemouth (BORD) 1st Apr; 2 Isle of May 28th Apr; one Bo’ness (UF) 20th May One Saltcoats (AYRS) 13th Mar; one Drummore (D&G) 19th Mar; 3 Arran (CLY ISL) 10th Apr; 4 Wemyss Bay (CLYDE) 16th Apr
Common Tern One Carinish, North Uist (OH) 18th Apr; 6 Loch of Stenness (ORK) 21st Apr; one Virkie (SHET) 23rd Apr; 2 Fair Isle 20th May 15 near Storehouse Restaurant north of Cromarty Bridge (HIGH) 3rd May; 2 Dornoch (HIGH) 4th May; 6 Loch Caolisport (ARG) 12th May; 6 Loch Feochan (ARG) 13th May One Tugnet (M&N) 19th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 20th Apr; 2 Ythan Estuary (NES) 22nd Apr; one Aboyne Loch (NES) 15th May 16 Kinghorn Harbour (FIFE) 28th Apr; 20+ Port Edgar (LOTH) 3rd May; 40 Grangemouth (UF) 8th May 2 Dipple (AYRS) 2nd May; 4 Greenock & one West Ferry (both CLYDE) both on 9th May; 8 Luce Bay (D&G) 13th May
Arctic Tern 3 Carinish, North Uist (OH) 22nd Apr, 5 on 25th; 2 St. Peter’s Pool (ORK) 24th Apr; 2 Sumburgh (SHET) 30th Apr; 5 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 3rd May; first Fair Isle 9th May One St. John’s Pool (CAITH) 28th Apr, first back at nest sites there on 3rd May; 7 Tiree (ARG) 2nd May; 30 Dornoch (HIGH) 8th May; 300+ Dunnet Bay (CAITH) 12th May One Tugnet (M&N) 13th Apr; 20+ Ythan Estuary (NES) 2nd May; 5 Easthaven (ANG) 8th May 127 east past Kinghorn Harbour (FIFE) 28th Apr; 3 Scoughall (LOTH) 29th Apr; 2 Isle of May 2nd May, 10 on 6th One Newbie (D&G) 18th Apr; 2 Saltcoats (AYRS) 24th Apr, 100+ on 2nd May; 48 Turnberry Point (AYRS) 2nd May; 9 Pladda (CLY ISL) 20th May
Little Tern 2 Vallay, North Uist (OH) 25th Apr; 5 Burray (ORK) 21st May One Gott Bay, Tiree (ARG) 17th Apr, 4 on 21st; 4 Islay (ARG) 23rd Apr; 5 Dornoch (HIGH) 1st May First Ythan Estuary (NES) 25th Apr; one Tugnet (M&N) 9th May, 2 on 18th 5 Tyninghame (LOTH) 16th May  
Cuckoo One Grimsay (OH) 15th Apr; one Redland & one Linnadale (both ORK) both on 29th Apr; influx noted Outer Hebrides 3rd-4th May One Croig, Mull (ARG) 8th Apr; one reported Laggan (HIGH) 10th Apr; one Tayvallich (ARG) 14th Apr; one Sandaig, Lochalsh (HIGH) 15th Apr; 3 reported on Isle of Skye (HIGH) on 18th Apr; one Glen Strathfarrar (HIGH) 27th Apr; one Hollandmey Moss (CAITH) 30th Apr One RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 19th Apr; one Glen Garry (P&K) 2nd May; one Aboyne (NES) 4th May; one Crimond (NES) 8th May; one Lossiemouth Forest (M&N) 9th May 2 Loch Rusky (UF) 27th Apr; one Loch Chon (UF) 28th Apr; one Gullane Bents (LOTH) 30th Apr; one Craik (BORD) 3rd May; one Garvald Lodge, Moorfoot Hills (BORD) 3rd May; one Dunino (FIFE) 6th May; one Joppa, Edinburgh (LOTH) 7th May; 2 Isle of May 15th May One Muirshiel CP (CLYDE) 15th Apr; one near Balmaha (CLYDE) 15th Apr; one Glen Rosa, Arran (CLY ISL) 18th Apr; one Kirkconnell Flow (D&G) 24th Apr; one Drumlamford (AYRS) 27th Apr; one Loch Maberry (D&G) 27th Apr; one Carsphairn (D&G) 27th Apr
Swift One reported Back, Lewis (OH) 26th Apr; 2 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th May; first Fair Isle 20th May; one Skaw, Whalsay (SHET) 21st May One Oban (ARG) 7th May; one Thurso (CAITH) 13th May; 2 Dornoch Point (HIGH) 14th May 3+ Loch of Skene (NES) 28th Apr; 2 Balgavies Loch (ANG) 29th Apr; one Kinross (P&K) 30th Apr; 2 RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 30th Apr; 2 Clochan (M&N) 5th May; one Dunkeld (P&K) 11th May 12 Rossie Bog, 10+ Angle Park, c.20 Lindores Loch & 8 Loch Gelly (all Fife) all on 28th Apr; one Bridge of Allan (UF) 28th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 29th Apr; 2 Barns Ness (LOTH) 30th Apr; 12 Linlithgow Loch (LOTH) 1st May; 5 Tweedbank (BORD) 2nd May; 2 Isle of May 9th May One near Wigtown (D&G) 26th Apr; 10 Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 27th Apr; one Merryton (CLYDE) 28th Apr; one Trabboch Loch (AYRS) 28th Apr; 7 Lochwinnoch & 4 Balgray Reservoir (both CLYDE) both on 28th Apr; 3 Belston Loch, one Tarbolton & one Doonfoot (all AYRS) all on 29th Apr; 3 Dumfries (D&G) 3rd May; one Arran (CLY ISL) 20th May
Sand Martin One Haroldswick, Unst (SHET) 26th Mar; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 28th Mar; one Daliburgh, South Uist (OH) 4th Apr; 4 Warebeth (ORK) 20th Apr; one Fair Isle 8th May One near Calgary, Mull (ARG) 20th Mar; one The Aird, Skye (HIGH) 25th Mar; one Ensay Burn, Mull (ARG) 25th Mar; 5 noted around Caithness on 30th Mar; 4 Loch Insh (HIGH) 1st Apr; 6 Loch Eye (HIGH) 10th Apr One Murton GPs (ANG) 27th Mar; 2 near Loch Freuchie (P&K) 31st Mar; 2+ Loch Spynie (M&N) 31st Mar; 30+ Loch of Skene (NES) 31st Mar, 150 on 3rd Apr One Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 19th Mar, 2 on 24th; one Lake of Menteith (UF) 23rd Mar; 2 River Tweed, Innerleithen (BORD) 25th Mar; 3 Keltie Bridge, Callander (UF) 31st Mar; 2+ Loch Gelly (FIFE) 9th Apr, 40 on 14th Apr; 2 Isle of May 7th May One in-off Stevenston (AYRS) 17th Mar; one Baron’s Haugh RSPB & 9 at Strathclyde Loch (both CLYDE) both on 18th Mar; 6 Castle Loch, Lochmaben (D&G) 19th Mar; one Sliddery, Arran (CLY ISL) 25th Mar; 2 Carlingwark Loch (D&G) 26th Mar; 2 Low Coylton (AYRS) 26th Mar; 200 Strathclyde Loch (CLYDE) 4th Apr
Swallow One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 27th Mar, 2 on 18th Apr; 2 Kirkwall (ORK) 16th Apr; one Skaw, Whalsay (SHET) 18th Apr; first Fair Isle 18th Apr; one Askernish, South Uist (OH) 21st Apr One reported Foulis Ferry, Cromarty Firth (HIGH) 18th Mar; one The Oa, Islay (ARG) 27th Mar; 2 reported Portree, Skye (HIGH) 27th Mar; one Balinoe, Tiree (ARG) 31st Mar; one Dornoch (HIGH) 13th Apr; one Inverness (HIGH) 15th Apr; one Scrabster (CAITH) 18th Apr One reported Arbroath (ANG) 18th Mar; one Montreathmont Forest (ANG) 8th Apr; one Greens (NES) 9th Apr; 2 Maryton, Kirriemuir (ANG) 10th Apr; 2+ Loch of Skene (NES) 10th Apr; one Lossiemouth (M&N) 12th Apr One Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 3rd Apr, 3 on 8th; one Linlithgow Loch (LOTH) 5th Apr; one Carron (UF) 7th Apr; one St. Abbs Head (BORD) 8th Apr; 3 Manderston Lake (BORD) 10th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 11th Apr; 2 Luthrie (FIFE) 13th Apr; one Tyninghame (LOTH) 13th Apr; one Stirling University (UF) 13th Apr; 3 Blairdrummond Quarry (UF) 14th Apr; first Isle of May 18th Apr One Irvine (AYRS) 26th Mar; one Dunragit (D&G) 29th Mar; one Abington (CLYDE) 1st Apr; one near Springholm (D&G) 8th Apr; one Monkton (AYRS) 11th Apr; one Lamlash Bay, Arran (CLY ISL) 11th Apr; 3 Castle Loch, Lochmaben (D&G) 13th Apr
House Martin One Ardivachar, South Uist (OH) 24th Mar; one Kirkwall (ORK) 5th May, 12 on13th; one Scatness (SHET) 8th May; one Butt of Lewis (OH) 20th May; 5 Fair Isle 20th May; 10 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th May One Elgol, Skye (HIGH) 24th Mar; one The Oa, Islay (ARG) 29th Mar; one Scrabster (CAITH) 18th Apr; 6 near Helmsdale (HIGH) 21st Apr; 2 Oban (ARG) 9th May One Loch of Skene (NES) 10th Apr; 2 RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 18th Apr; one Cloddach (M&N) 21st Apr One Musselburgh (LOTH) 8th Apr; one Ploughlands (BORD) 9th Apr; one Alva (UF) 14th Apr; 2 Dunglass (LOTH/BORD) 16th Apr; 2 Blairdrummond Ponds (UF) 21st Apr; one Dalgety Bay (FIFE) 24th Apr; one Callander & one Bridge of Allan (both UF) both on 28th Apr; one Isle of May 30th Apr 2 near Rosebank (CLYDE) 14th Apr; 2 Balgray Reservoir (CLYDE) 14th Apr; 2 Maybole (AYRS) 15th Apr; one Newbie (D&G) 18th Apr
Tree Pipit One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 17th Apr, 33 on 8th May; one Fair Isle 18th Apr, 3 on 21st, 58 on 8th May; one Carnan, South Uist (OH) 5th May; one Baltasound, Unst (SHET) 7th May; 4 Whalsay (SHET) 8th May; 21 Sumburgh (SHET) 9th May One Taynish NNR (ARG) 12th Apr; one Dornie (HIGH) 19th Apr; present Glen Strathfarrar (HIGH) 27th Apr; 6 Strath Carnaig (HIGH) 28th Apr One Dinnet (NES) 9th Apr; 2+ singing Finzean (NES) 18th Apr; one Newtyle Hill (P&K) 15th Apr, 2+ on 29th; one Raemoir, Banchory (NES) 21st Apr; one Lossie Forest (M&N) 23rd Apr; several Glen Esk (ANG) 29th Apr One St. Abbs Head (BORD) 4th Apr; 2 over Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 15th Apr; one Glen Finglas (UF) 20th Apr; one Sheriffmuir & one Kinneil (both UF) both on 21st Apr; 2 Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 21st Apr; one Isle of May 29th Apr One Inchcailloch, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 15th Apr; one Glenmalloch Lodge (D&G) 15th Apr; 2 Courance (D&G) 19th Apr; 10 Loch Lomondside (CLYDE) 22nd Apr; one Ness Glen (AYRS) 28th Apr; one Glen Rosa, Arran (CLY ISL) 1st May
Yellow Wagtail One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 20th Apr; one Fair Isle 20th Apr, 3 on 9th May including a Grey-headed Wagtail; 2 Grey-headed Wagtails Hillwell (SHET) 9th May; male Grey-headed Wagtail Aird an Runair, Balranald, North Uist (OH) 9th May; male Blue-headed Wagtail North Ronaldsay (ORK) 14th May One reported Iona (ARG) 21st May One RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 8th May 2 Torness Power Station (LOTH) 1st May, 4 on 14th; male Nisbet (BORD) 7th May; one East Reston (BORD) 7th May; one Isle of May 19th May, male Blue-headed Wagtail there on 27th One WWT Caerlaverock (D&G) 9th May
White Wagtail Male Fair Isle 27th Mar; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 16th Apr; 2 Sumburgh & one Fetlar (both SHET) both on 18th Apr One Barsloisnoch (ARG) 4th Apr; one Balephetrish Bay, Tiree (ARG) 4th Apr; 2 Loch Beannacharan (HIGH) 15th Apr; one Scrabster (CAITH) 15th Apr; 2 Dornoch Point (HIGH) 19th Apr One RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 15th Apr; 4 Kingston (M&N) 16th Apr, 43 on 16th May; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 21st Apr Very early birds reported Barns Ness (LOTH) 11th Mar & Newmains farm, Reston (2) (BORD) on 13th Mar; 2 St. Abbs Head (BORD) 8th Apr; 4+ Barns Ness (LOTH) 10th Apr; 8 Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 15th Apr, 21 on 21st Apr; 5 Luthrie (FIFE) 16th Apr; one Isle of May 19th Apr; 20 Whitesands Bay (LOTH) 22nd Apr One Creetown (D&G) 30th Mar; 2 Loch Ryan (D&G) 5th Apr; 3 Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 11th Apr; 8 Blairbowie (AYRS) 13th Apr; 2+ Carbarns Pool (CLYDE) 15th Apr; 16+ Balgray Reservoir (CLYDE) 18th Apr
Redstart One South Ronaldsay (ORK) 19th Apr; male Toab (SHET) 21st Apr; male Fair Isle 24th Apr, 15 on 8th May; 54 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; 12 Whalsay (SHET) 8th May; one Uigen, Lewis (OH) 9th May One Taynish NNR (ARG) 18th Apr; male Balliemeanoch, Loch Awe (ARG) 22nd Apr; male RSPB Loch Garten (HIGH) 24th Apr; one Inversheil, Loch Duich (HIGH) 26th Apr; one Glen Strathfarrar (HIGH) 27th Apr; 2 Noss Head (CAITH) 9th May One near Aboyne (NES) 21st Apr; male Girdle Ness (NES) 26th Apr; 4 Braco (P&K) 28th Apr; male Newtyle Hill (P&K) 29th Apr; 6 males Glen Esk (ANG) 29th Apr; one Tomintoul (M&N) 29th Apr; male Raemoir, Banchory (NES) 1st May One Lake of Menteith (UF) 16th Apr; male Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 17th Apr; male St. Abbs Head (BORD) 19th Apr, 8 on 10th May; one Isle of May 20th Apr, 2 males on 27th; one Fife Ness (FIFE) 5th May Male Sallochy Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 16th Apr, 5 on 29th; one Castramon Wood (D&G) 18th Apr; male Courance (D&G) 19th Apr; 3 New Cumnock (AYRS) 20th Apr; female High Kildonan, Arran (CLY ISL) 4th May
Whinchat One The Range, South Uist (OH) 7th May; one Haroldswick, Unst (SHET) 8th May; 6 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; 6 Fair Isle 8th May one Sumburgh (SHET) 9th May Male Add Estuary (ARG) 1st May; male Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 2nd May; 3 Lochalsh (HIGH) 9th May; male The Biel, Duncansby (CAITH) 10th May One Braco (P&K) 28th Apr; one Sands of Forvie NR (NES) 1st May; one near Clunes Lodge (P&K) 2nd May; one Glen Esk (ANG) 11th May 2 St. Abbs Head (BORD) 28th Apr; one Barns Ness (LOTH) 30th Apr; 2 Isle of May 30th Apr; one Ben Vane (UF) 5th May; 2 Glenvale (FIFE) 9th May One Saltcoats harbour, 2 Dundonald Camp, one Loch Doon & one Muirkirk (all AYRS) all on 3rd May; one Lochwinnoch RSPB (CLYDE) 3rd May; one Brownside Braes (CLYDE) 3rd May; one Cairnsmore NR (D&G) 3rd May
Wheatear One Cravadale, Harris (OH) 22nd Mar; 2+ Aird an Runair, Balranald, North Uist (OH) 23rd Mar; 2 Butt of Lewis (OH) 25th Mar; male Yesnaby & a male on Westray (both ORK) both on 25th Mar; first Fair Isle 27th Mar; one Bridge of Walls (SHET) 2nd Apr One Portnahaven, Islay (ARG) 17th Mar; male Upper Milovaig, Skye (HIGH) 18th Mar; male Loch Fleet (HIGH) 19th Mar; two (male & female) New Ulva (ARG) 21st Mar; 3 males on Tiree (ARG) 22nd Mar; 3 Dunnet Head (CAITH) 27th Mar One Girdle Ness (NES) 21st Mar; two males Glen Prosen (ANG) 22nd Mar; two males Glen Maik (P&K) 25th Mar; 5 males Loch Lee, Glen Esk (ANG) 25th Mar; one Knaik Valley (P&K) 27th Mar; 7 Glen Dye (NES) 28th Mar; 2 Lossiemouth (M&N) 12th Apr Male Inverlochlarig (UF) 18th Mar; male Fala (LOTH) 18th Mar; male Musselburgh Lagoons (LOTH) 19th Mar; 3 Barns Ness-Skateraw (LOTH) 21st Mar; one Ladyside, Moorfoot Hills (BORD) 22nd Mar; first Isle of May 22nd Mar; 2+ St. Abbs Head (BORD) 25th Mar; male Kinneil (UF) 25th Mar; one Fife Ness (FIFE) 28th Mar 2 males RSPB Mersehead (D&G) 15th Mar; male Mull of Galloway & one Creetown (both D&G) both on 21st Mar; male Maidens (AYRS) 23rd Mar; female Inchinnan (CLYDE) 24th Mar; 3 Shannochie, Arran (CLY ISL) 25th Mar
Ring Ouzel Male Fair Isle 30th Mar; one Snarravoe, Unst (SHET) 17th Apr; 5 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 19th Apr Male Glen Strathfarrar (HIGH) 15th Apr; 2 Dunnet (CAITH) 27th Apr; male and female Glen Achall, Ullapool (HIGH) 29th Apr; 2 Fishnish Lochs, Mull (ARG) 4th May One Glen Beanie (ANG) 28th Mar; 2 Glen Isla (ANG) 31st Mar; male Sands of Forvie NNR (NES) 19th Apr; one Glen Lyon (P&K) 26th Apr Single males Pentland Hills & Faseny Bridge, Lammermuir Hills (both LOTH) both on 24th Mar; one Glen (BORD) 25th Mar; male Loch Gelly (FIFE) 14th Apr; one Isle of May 22nd Apr, 12 on 26th; one Dumyat (UF) 1st May One Drumgoyne, Strathblane (CLYDE) 27th Mar; 2 reported Arran (CLY ISL) 28th Mar; male Loudoun Hill (AYRS) 11th Apr; one near Sundaywell (D&G) 14th Apr; 6 between Wanlockhead-Mennock Pass (D&G) 15th Apr
Grasshopper Warbler One Sandwick (SHET) 21st Apr; one Fair Isle 24th Apr; one Durkadale (ORK) 29th Apr; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 12th May 3 singing Inverness (HIGH) 21st Apr, 5 on 22nd; 2 singing on Skye (HIGH) 21st Apr; one Ardrishaig-Oakfield (ARG) 21st Apr; one singing Coll (ARG) 23rd Apr; singles Keills & Taynish NNR (both ARG) both on 25th Apr; one Broubster (CAITH) 2nd May One RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 18th Apr; one Montrose Basin (ANG) 28th Apr, 3 on 30th; one Kineff Old Church (NES) 29th Apr; one singing near Calvine (P&K) 3rd May 2 Blackdevon Wetland & one Skinflats Lagoons (both UF) both on 21st Apr; one Musselburgh Lagoons & one Aberlady Bay (both LOTH) both on 21st Apr; one Loch Gelly (FIFE) 22nd Apr; 3 Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 22nd Apr; 5 Isle of May 30th Apr One singing Robroyston, Glasgow (CLYDE) 20th Apr; 2 Mull of Galloway (D&G) 21st Apr; 3 singing at Pow Burn, 4 singing Hunterston & one singing Cunning Park (all AYRS) all on 22nd Apr; 12 Pow Burn (AYRS) 2nd May; 1+ singing Great Cumbrae (CLY ISL) 3rd May
Sedge Warbler One The Loons RSPB (ORK) 28th Apr; one Scatness (SHET) 30th Apr; one Fair Isle 1st May; 4 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May One Moine Mhor NNR (ARG) 23rd Apr; one Rockside, Islay (ARG) 25th Apr; one Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 1st May; one Broadford, Skye (HIGH) 1st May; one Duncansby (CAITH) 2nd May; one Melvich, Sutherland (HIGH) 7th May; one near Inver, Easter Ross (HIGH) 7th May; one Ham (CAITH) 7th May One RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 19th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 20th Apr; one Levenmouth Cut, Loch Leven (P&K) 4th May; one Dinnet Lochs (NES) 5th May; one Tugnet (M&N) 6th May; one Girdle Ness (NES) 7th May One Loch Gelly (FIFE) 22nd Apr; one Cambus (UF) 22nd Apr; one Blindwells (LOTH) 26th Apr; one River Teith, Lecropt (UF) 28th Apr; one Aberlady Bay (LOTH) 2nd May; one Earlston (BORD) 3rd May; one Grange of Lindores (FIFE) 3rd May; first Fife Ness (FIFE) 5th May One Merryton (CLYDE) 23rd Apr; one Baron’s Haugh RSPB (CLYDE) 24th Apr; one Greenan (AYRS) 24th Apr; one Loch Nahinie (AYRS) 27th Apr; one RSPB Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) 28th Apr, 6 on 1st May, 25+ singing birds on 3rd May; one Corriecravie, Arran (CLY ISL) 29th Apr; 1+ Mull of Galloway (D&G) 3rd May; one Carlingwark Loch (D&G) 3rd May
Lesser Whitethroat 3 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; one Whalsay (SHET) 8th May; 2 Fair Isle 8th May; one Bornish, South Uist (OH) 30th May 2 Noss Head (CAITH) 9th May; one Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 27th May One singing Kineff Old Church (NES) 20th May; one singing Montrose Basin (ANG) 27th May 2 Isle of May 30th Apr; 2 Barns Ness (LOTH) 1st May, 3 on 2nd; 3 St. Abbs Head (BORD) 1st May; one singing Garleton Hills (LOTH) 6th May; first Isle of May 10th May; one Fife Ness (FIFE) 20th May One Deil’s Dyke (AYRS) 30th Apr; one Dornock (D&G) 2nd May; one singing Sandyford (AYRS) 3rd May; 2 reported singing Auchenhew, Arran (CLY ISL) 18th May
Whitethroat One North Ronaldsay (ORK) 21st Apr, 12 on 8th May; one Uyeasound, Unst (SHET) 1st May; 3 Sumburgh (SHET) 8th May; 9 Fair Isle 8th May; one South Glendale, South Uist (OH) 19th May One singing Morar (HIGH) 24th Apr; one Taynish NNR (ARG) 4th May; one Embo, Sutherland (HIGH) 7th May; 4 Islay (ARG) 12th May One Aboyne (NES) 26th Apr; one Powmouth (ANG) 3rd May; one Tugnet (M&N) 6th May; 2 Girdle Ness (NES) 7th May One Isle of May 19th Apr; one Cambus (UF) 22nd Apr; 2 singing Newmains farm, Reston (BORD) 28th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 29th Apr; one Barns Ness (LOTH) 30th Apr; one Guardbridge (FIFE) 5th May; 2 singing Coates (LOTH) 6th May One Merryton (CLYDE) 23rd Apr; one Isle of Whithorn (D&G) 27th Apr; one Carbarns (CLYDE) 28th Apr; 2 Croy Bay (AYRS) 28th Apr; one Arran (CLY ISL) 28th Apr; one Pow Burn (AYRS) 29th Apr, 3 on 2nd May; 4 near Browwell (D&G) 3rd May
Garden Warbler One Fair Isle 29th Apr; one Sandgarth, Voe (SHET) 3rd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; one Uigen, Lewis (OH) 9th May; one Quendale (SHET) 9th May One Lochgilphead (ARG) 27th Apr; one The Mound, Loch Fleet (HIGH) 29th Apr; one Taynish NNR (ARG) 4th May; one Dornie, Lochalsh (HIGH) 10th May One Kingennie fishery (ANG) 6th May; 3 Powmouth (ANG) 13th May; one Deesside (NES) 23rd May One Lanrick Estate (UF) 5th May; one Dunblane (UF) 6th May; 2 River Almond Pools (LOTH) 7th May; 3 Bowhill (BORD) 8th May; one Isle of May 9th May One Baron’s Haugh RSPB (CLYDE) 24th Apr; one Machrie, Arran (CLY ISL) 28th Apr; one singing Annbank (AYRS) 30th Apr; 2 Dundonald Hill (AYRS) 1st May; 2 High Camer (D&G) 2nd May; one Lochwinnoch RSPB & one IBM, Greenock (both CLYDE) both on 3rd May
Blackcap Female Fair Isle 27th Mar; male Langass Lodge, North Uist (OH) 3rd Apr; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 17th Apr; 2 Quendale (SHET) 18th Apr One Bellanoch (ARG) 8th Apr; male Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 9th Apr; singing male Torvean, Inverness (HIGH) 11th Apr; one Taynish NNR (ARG) 12th Apr; 4 singing Inverness (HIGH) 15th Apr, 11 on 22nd; one Castlehill and one singing Achvarasdale Wood (both CAITH) both on 6th May Male Monifieth (ANG) 9th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 16th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 21st Apr; 3 singing Banchory (NES) 21st Apr; one singing The Hermitage (P&K) 27th Apr Singles singing Newbattle Abbey & Auchendinny (both LOTH) both on 27th Mar; one singing Callander Park, Falkirk (UF) 28th Mar, 3 on 14th Apr; one Newton St. Boswells (BORD) 30th Mar; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 1st Apr; one singing Blakelaw farm (BORD) 1st Apr; 2 singing Colinton Dell (LOTH) 7th Apr; one singing Langlee Woods (BORD) 7th Apr; one Isle of May 10th Apr; one singing Tweedbank, one singing Coldingham & one singing Burnmouth (all BORD) all on 11th Apr 2 Culzean CP (AYRS) 31st Mar; 2 Baron’s Haugh RSPB (CLYDE) 4th Apr; one singing Garnock Floods (AYRS) 7th Apr; male singing Kirkton near Dumfries (D&G) 8th Apr; 2 Wigtown (D&G) 8th Apr; male Over Courance (D&G) 11th Apr
Wood Warbler 2 Fair Isle 3rd May; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; 2 Wideford Burn (ORK) 9th May; one Clachan Farm, North Uist (OH) 16th May One Taynish NNR (ARG) 24th Apr; 1+ Glen Nant (ARG) 27th Apr; 2 singing Dornie, Lochalsh (HIGH) 10th May; 4 Strathconan (HIGH) 28th May One Killiecrankie (P&K) 1st May One Kilmahog (UF) 1st May; one Auchendinny Glen (LOTH) 1st May; one Plora Woods, Innerleithen (BORD) 6th May 2 singing Ross Wood, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 20th Apr, 10 singing on 9th May; 3 singing Balmaha-Sallochy, Loch Lomondside (CLYDE) 29th Apr; one singing East Craigend, Erskine (CLYDE) 6th May; one Minnigaff (D&G) 8th May; one singing Glenashdale, Arran (CLY ISL) 8th May; 3 singing Knockman Wood (D&G) 9th May; one Craigengillan (AYRS) 24th May
Chiffchaff One singing Langass Lodge, North Uist (OH) 18th Mar; one North Ronaldsay (ORK) 22nd Mar; one Fair Isle 22nd Mar, 9 on 27th; one Maywick (SHET) 27th Mar; one Scousburgh (SHET) 1st Apr 2 singing Inverness (HIGH) 18th Mar; one singing Kilchoman, Islay (ARG) 22nd Mar; one singing Holme, Inverness (HIGH) 24th Mar; 2 singing Morar (HIGH) 24th Mar; one Balephuil, Tiree & one River Feochan (both ARG) both on 25th Mar; one singing Melvich, Sutherland (HIGH) 26th Mar; one St. John’s Loch (CAITH) 27th Mar One singing Barry Buddon (ANG) 22nd Mar; one singing Montreathmont Forest (ANG) 23rd Mar; 2 Loch of Blairs & 3 Loch na Bo (both M&N) both on 23rd Mar; one singing Kingswells, Aberdeen, one singing Potarch, one singing Girdle Ness & 2 singing Kirkhill Forest (all NES) all on 25th Mar; one Carse of Trowan (P&K) 27th Mar 2+ singing River Tyne near East Linton (LOTH) 11th Mar; one singing Colinton, Edinburgh (LOTH) 13th Mar; one singing Tweedbank (BORD) 14th Mar; 3+ singing Mire Loch, St. Abbs Head (BORD) 17th Mar; singles singing Pitmedden Forest & Kirkcaldy (both FIFE) both on 18th Mar; one singing Coates (LOTH) 22nd Mar; one singing Stirling (UF) 22nd Mar; one Loch Fitty (FIFE) 23rd Mar; one singing Holme Hill, Dunblane (UF) 24th Mar; first Isle of May 24th Mar; one singing Lake of Menteith (UF) 25th Mar; one Mill Glen, Tillicoultry (UF) 25th Mar One singing Parklea (CLYDE) 12th Mar; one singing Solway Gate, Dumfries (D&G) 15th Mar; one singing Cloncaird Castle (AYRS) 16th Mar, 2+ on 20th; one Shiskine, Arran (CLY ISL) 17th Mar; one singing Cardowan Moss LNR, Glasgow (CLYDE) 17th Mar
Willow Warbler One Fair Isle 10th Apr, 3 on 16th; 2 South Uist (OH) 14th Apr; one Holm & one Deerness (both ORK) both on 16th Apr; one Virkie (SHET) 18th Apr; 7 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 18th Apr One Ormsary (ARG) 27th Mar, another there on 5th Apr; one reported Glendale, Skye (HIGH) 31st Mar, next birds on Skye not until 13th Apr; one singing Kincraig (HIGH) 2nd Apr; one Bruichladdich, Islay (ARG) 7th Apr, 3 Islay on 9th; one singing Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 11th Apr; 3+ singing Taynish NNR (ARG) 11th Apr; one Isle of Seil (ARG) 12th Apr; one singing near Tain (HIGH) 14th Apr; one Kilninver (ARG) 14th Apr; one singing Culbokie (HIGH) 14th Apr; one Melvich, north Sutherland (HIGH) 18th Apr; first Iona & Ross of Mull (ARG) 18th Apr;influx noted east Sutherland (HIGH) 18th Apr; influx noted Caithness 19th Apr One Muir of Dinnet (NES) 9th Apr; one RSPB Loch of Kinnordy (ANG) 12th Apr; one singing Barry Buddon (ANG) 13th Apr; one singing Drummond Castle woods (P&K) 14th Apr; one Maryton, Kirriemuir (ANG) 15th Apr; one near Fowlis Wester (P&K) 16th Apr; one Archiestown (M&N) 17th Apr; one Clochan (M&N) 18th Apr; first RSPB Loch of Strathbeg (NES) 18th Apr; influx noted North-East Scotland 20th-21st Apr One singing Tweedbank (BORD) 6th Apr, 2 on 12th; one Mine Wood, Bridge of Allan (UF) 8th Apr; one Skinflats Lagoons (UF) 11th Apr, 4 on 15th; one Bathgate (LOTH) 11th Apr; 2 Carse of Lecropt (UF) 11th Apr; 2 Mountcastle (FIFE) 16th Apr; first Isle of May 19th Apr One singing near Beeswing (D&G) 25th Mar; one singing High Camer Wood (D&G) 27th Mar; one singing near Ayr Hospital (AYRS) 29th Mar; one singing Lochwinnoch (CLYDE) on 31st Mar, first on RSPB reserve there on 4th Apr; one Knockdolian (AYRS) 1st Apr; one singing Arran (CLY ISL) 1st Apr; 3 singing Bogside (AYRS) 7th Apr; one singing Foxbar, Paisley (CLYDE) 8th Apr; one Martnaham Loch (AYRS) 8th Apr; 3+ Garnock Floods (AYRS) 11th Apr; 2 Courance (D&G) 11th Apr
Spotted Flycatcher One Fair Isle 8th May; one Uigen, Lewis (OH) 9th May; one Helendale, Lerwick (SHET) 9th May; 2 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May; 5 Burwick, South Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May One Taynish NNR (ARG) 8th May; 2+ Langwell House (CAITH) 19th May; 6 The Mound, Loch Fleet (HIGH) 30th May One Glen Tanar (NES) 11th May; one Dunkeld (P&K) 11th May; one North Water Bridge (NES) 14th May; one Powmouth (ANG) 15th May One Newburgh (BORD) 5th May; one Oxton (BORD) 9th May; one St. Abbs Head (BORD) 10th May; one Isle of May 11th May; one Tillicoultry Glen (UF) 12th May; 2 Barns Ness (LOTH) 13th May; one Kilmany (FIFE) 19th May; 3 Kilminning (FIFE) 21st May One Mull of Galloway (D&G) 5th May; one Creetown (D&G) 7th May; 2 Hunterston (AYRS) 8th May; one Lochwinnoch RSPB (CLYDE) 9th May
Pied Flycatcher One Scatness (SHET) 20th Apr; one Fetlar (SHET) 22nd Apr; 4 Fair Isle 1st May; 6 North Ronaldsay (ORK) 8th May; one Sumburgh (SHET) 9th May; male Port of Ness, Lewis (OH) 9th May; 4 South Ronaldsay (ORK) 9th May; male Northlocheynort plantation, South Uist (OH) 9th May; 3 Uigen, Lewis (OH) 9th May Male reported Balemartine, Tiree (ARG) 2nd May; male Balephuil, Tiree (ARG) 9th May; female St. John’s Loch (CAITH) 9th May One Dunkeld (P&K) 3rd May; male Collieston (NES) 9th May; 1st-summer male East Seaton farm (ANG) 10th May; male Dinnet NNR (NES) 13th May; 3 males Killiecrankie (P&K) 19th May Male Isle of May 26th April, 6 on 10th May 2 males Castramon Wood & one Knockman Wood (both D&G) both on 18th Apr; one Ness Glen (AYRS) 28th Apr; male and female Sallochy, Loch Lomond (CLYDE) 1st May


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