You can find out about our Highland branch below.


We're delighted to share details of the meetings season (September 2024 - April 2025) for members to enjoy. This year's programme will be a held as a hybrid (online/in-person) programme. 

More information about each meeting will be emailed to members around a week in advance of the event. To receive these emails (including Zoom joining instructions and workshop booking information, where applicable), you must be signed up to the Branch News & Events - Talks & Workshops mailing list.



Tue 8 Apr
AGM & Derek McGinn – Half a century in Scotland with recorder and camera 

Wed 16 Apr
Darren Woodhead & Chris Rose – Capturing the spirit of birds (online)



Mary Galloway, send Mary an email or phone 07598 320978.


In-person meetings will be held at Culloden Library, Keppoch Road, Culloden, Inverness, IV2 7LL (click here for a map of the venue and surrounding area). Please note that there may be a small charge to cover room hire.


We plan to hold two outdoor trips per month – a full day outing on a Saturday or Sunday and a Thursday morning outing. On our outdoor trips, the aim is not just to see the largest number of birds, but to find and watch and enjoy. We think the pleasure comes from birdwatching with like-minded people, learning identification skills, enjoying the splendid sights and taking delighted in the unexpected find. If this whets your appetite and you feel you would enjoy these field trips, then you’d be most welcome to come along.

Booking is essential through the leader of the day and places are restricted.  Time and place to meet will be given at time of booking. Car sharing is only with agreement between driver and passengers. 


Weekend excursions are full day, Thursdays are usually mornings only. Thursday outings will be led by a committee member.

Sat 12 Apr                      
Corrimony (Leader: Carol Miller, email)

Thu 24 Apr                     
West coast (Leader: Alex Joss, email)

Sat 10 May                     
Handa (Leader: Mary Galloway, email and Alan Jones, email)

Sat 17- 21May                  
Trip to North Ronaldsay. FULLY BOOKED 

Thu 22 May                    
Dundreggan & Social (Leader: Carol Miller, email


Mary Galloway,  tel. 07598 320978 or email

Branch Committee



Mary Galloway, 07598 320978


Alister Clunas


Carol Miller

Committee members:

Jon Clarke, Alex Joss, Caroline Pearson, John Poyner, Fiona Reid, Sue Sykes and Alice Taylor

Committee member & Representative of the branch on SOC Council:

Peter Gordon

Highland recorder:

John Poyner

Outer Hebrides recorder:

Position vacant

Other Information

Talks reminders:

Members who've consented to Local Branch news and events e-communications from SOC, are sent a reminder about forthcoming talks (with more information on the speaker and subject where possible), usually a week or so in advance of the meeting. If you don’t already receive these alerts and would like to, please make sure you've completed a Mailing List Consent Form to allow the Club to contact you. If you've already completed a form, check your junk/spam/clutter folders to make sure our emails aren't landing there. Still nothing? Contact Headquarters as we may not have a correct or up to date email address on file for you.

Minutes from the 2024 Highland Branch AGM

Click here to download a copy of the minutes from the 2024 Highland Branch AGM.

Branch grapevine:

An email sightings service, contact Al McNee to be added to the mailing list.

Branch website:

Highland Birds is a website run by and for members of Highland branch, as well as visitors to the region. The site provides information on where to go birding in the region. There is a recording page showing how to submit your records, as well as a gallery of previous rarities and information on how to to download the latest Highland Bird Report and purchase back issues.

Birdwatching in the area

The Highland Branch website, Highland Birds, should be your first port of call for information on where to birdwatch across the Highland region. Likewise, if you're planning a trip to Skye and surrounding areas on the mainland, Skye Birds website is also a one stop shop for everything to do with birds and birding in the area!  

Bird recording in this area

Visit the Highland recording area page for details of the latest bird report, back issues, species considered locally and for Local Recorder contact information.

Highland Bird News- Archive

Click here to view archive issues of the branch's local newsletter, Highland Bird News. 

Highland Bird Report Gazetteer

SOC Highland branch has produced a gazetteer, listing almost 2600 site names referred to in the Highland Bird Report and their grid references. This can be downloaded from the Highland recording area page.