Publishing original material, articles, notices, branch and Club news, along with up to date information on birds in Scotland (including reports of rare and scarce bird sightings), our members tell us that Scottish Birds is one of the key benefits of belonging to the SOC.

Scottish Birds is the quarterly journal for SOC members and is published in March, June, September and December annually in hard copy format. Considered to be a leading authority on Scottish ornithology, Scottish Birds offers readers the complete story of birds in Scotland and acts as a channel of communication for SOC members.

Its different sections have been developed to meet the wide needs of the birdwatching community and it's a firm favourite amongst photographers for its first-class photography.

As of the June 2021 issue, a digital version of the journal is available. Members may opt for a Full (print + digital) subscription, or a digital-only subscription. By opting for digital, you will have online-only access to the Club’s quarterly journal, Scottish Birds, and receive all other core membership information electronically. New members can choose the digital option on our Join Us page. Alternatively, if you are already a member and wish to switch to a digital-only membership, or if you're experiencing difficulties accessing your account, please email our Membership Officer to let us know.

Not a member? To judge the quality of the publication for yourself, take a sneak peek at the latest issue or request a sample issue.


Request a sample issue

We'd be delighted to post you a sample issue - please contact us, or give us a call on 01875 871330 and a member of staff will be pleased to help.

Scottish Birds Editorial team:

Co-ordinating editor:

Harry Scott

Editor, Peer-reviewed Papers and Notes:

Dr Stan da Prato

Peer reviewers:

Dr I. Bainbridge, Dr M. Marquiss, Dr W.T.S. Miles, Dr C.R. McKay & R. Swann

Editor, Club Articles, News and Views:

Andrew Barker

Editor, Young Voices:

Asia Kane

Editors, Birding Articles and Observations:

Harry Scott & Mark Wilkinson

Book Reviews:

Nick Picozzi

Proof reader:

Al McNee

Maps & graphs:

Ian Andrews


Jean Torrance, assisted by Ian Andrews

Contributions to Scottish Birds

Material for contribution should be sent to the Admin Officer. Ideally, contributions should be submitted electronically and preferably by email. Contributors are encouraged to follow our House Style guidance. Before submitting material, please also read our Advice to Contributors, which includes important information regarding copyright.

Passing on your feedback to the Editors

Please send this c/o Waterston House, Aberlady, East Lothian, EH32 0PY or email the Admin Officer.

Subscribe to Scottish Birds today

Join us today to receive your copy of Scottish Birds every quarter or contact us if you would like more information about membership. If your Library or Institution would like to subscribe, please contact the SOC Librarian. The current subscription rate for libraries and institutions is £68 annually (for delivery to all non-UK addresses, a £15 postage supplement applies). To renew your Library or Institution subscription, please click here.

Purchase single issues

The current and recent back issues of the journal are available in hard copy format from Waterston House, SOC Headquarters, priced at £7.50 each plus p&p. To place an order, please contact us.

Scottish Birds online archive

Older back issues of the journal can now be downloaded in a searchable PDF format. Click here to start searching.