The following records have been accepted by the Scottish Birds Records Committee. The records will be formally published in the Scottish Birds Records Report, which is published annually in the June issue of Scottish Birds. Excel files containing SBRC records of each species are published and available for download on the SBRC Species Analysis page, where downloadable versions of published Scottish Birds Records Report are also available.


Batch 270 (added 17 June 2024)

Arctic Warbler Brigg, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 18 Sep 2023
Arctic Warbler Cottie Dyke, Ancum, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 24 Aug 2023
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Stromness Point, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 6-7 Sep 2023
Cory's Shearwater The Minch, Stornoway-Ullapool ferry, Outer Hebrides 13 Aug 2023
Cory's Shearwaters (20) Brevig, Barra, Outer Hebrides 11 Aug 2023
Lesser Yellowlegs (1CY) Loch Stiapabhat, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides 26 Sep - 3 Oct 2023
Night-heron (3CY+) Loch Stiapabhat, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides 9-10 Apr 2023
Night-heron (2CY+) East Loch Olabhat, Benbecula, Outer Hebrides 17 May 2023
Night-heron (3CY+) Carnan, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 9-28 Apr 2023
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY) NRBO, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 18 Oct 2023
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY/female) Lurand, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 9 Oct 2023
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY/female) Isle of May 8 Oct 2023
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY/female) Claypows North Ronaldsay, Orkney 8-19 Oct 2023
Woodchat Shrike Stilligarry, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 27-28 May 2023
Melodious Warbler (1CY) Westness, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 16 Aug 2023
Woodlark Sangar, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 23-26 Oct 2023



Batch 269 (added 14 May 2024)

Arctic Warbler West Sandwick, Yell, Shetland 21-22 Sep 2023
Arctic Warbler Levenwick, Mainland, Shetland 5 Oct 2023
Arctic Warbler Arisdale, Yell, Shetland 24-27 Sep 2023
Arctic Warbler Burrafirth, Unst, Shetland 20 Aug 2023
Arctic Warbler Brough, Whalsay, Shetland 26 Aug 2023
Black-winged Stilt (2CY+ female)* Ythan Estuary, North Meiklemoss, Meikle Loch & Slains Pools, NE Scotland 2 May 2023
Cory's Shearwater Kinghorn, Fife 24-25 Aug 2023
Cory's Shearwater** Fife Ness, Fife 17 Sep 2023
Cory's Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 3 Aug 2022
Cory's Shearwater Chanonry Point, Ross & Cromarty, Highland 14 Sep 2023
Cory's Shearwater North Ronaldsay, Orkney 10 Aug 2023
Cory's Shearwaters (3)** Isle of May 18 Aug 2023 (2), 17 Sep 2023 (1)
Red-footed Falcon (2CY+ female) Crathie, NE Scotland 5 Jun 2022
Melodious Warbler Cruden Bay, NE Scotland 5-9 Sep 2022
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY) Sandwick, Mainland, Shetland 18 Sep 2023
Red-flanked Bluetail Camb, Yell, Shetland 7 Oct 2023
White-rumped Sandpiper (2CY+) Loch of Swartmill, Westray, Orkney 11-16 Aug 2023
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Bakkasetter, Mainland, Shetland 8 Sep 2023
Night Heron (3CY+) Norwick, Unst, Shetland 8 Apr - 1 May 2023
Woodchat Shrike (2CY+ female) Bigton, Mainland, Shetland 12-15 Jun 2023
Great Shearwater North Ronaldsay, Orkney 10 Aug 2023
Dusky Warbler Isle of May 14 Oct 2020

* Same as Wick, Caithness 6-10 May 2023 (Batch 264).

** Same bird at Fife Ness and Isle of May, 17 Sep.


Batch 268 (added 14 April 2024)

Cattle Egret River Bladnoch estuary & airfield, Wigtown, Dumfries & Galloway 26 Nov 2023
Cattle Egret * Holin, Stronsay, Orkney 13 Oct 2014
Cattle Egret various locations, Mainland, Orkney Stromness 7 Oct, Maeshowe 9-14 Oct, Loch of Sabiston 25-26 Oct 2023
Cattle Egret ** South Light, Fair Isle 25 Sep 2023
Cattle Egret ** Spiggie & various locations south Mainland, Shetland 27 Sep - 21 Nov 2023
Cory's Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 18 Aug 2023
Cory's Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 17 Aug 2023
Great Shearwaters (2) Mull Head, Papa Westray, Orkney 5 Sep 2023
Great Shearwater (2) Bow Head, Westray , Orkney 5 Sep 2023
Great Shearwater Isle of May 26 Sep 2022
Great Shearwater Barns Ness, Lothian 21 Sep 2014
Arctic Warbler (1CY, trapped) Observatory, Fair Isle 17-19 Sep 2023
Arctic Warbler Aird Mhor Plantation, Barra, Outer Hebrides 8-10 Oct 2023
Melodious Warbler North Raeva, Fair Isle 9 Sep 2023
Red-flanked Bluetail Troila Geo, Fair Isle 17 Sep 2023
Woodchat Shrike (1CY) Boini Mire, Fair Isle 24-26 Aug 2023
Short-toed Lark (2CY+ male, audio, singing) Braeriach, Badenoch & Strathspey, Highland 12 Jun 2023
Night Heron (2CY) Sullom, Mainland, Shetland 19-21 May 2023
Night Herons (4: 3x3CY + 1x2CY) Village Bay, Hirta, St Kilda, Outer Hebrides 18 Apr - 7 May 2023
Night Heron (3CY+) Loch of Strom, Mainland, Shetland 9-10 May 2023
Radde's Warbler Gilsetter, Fair Isle 28 Sep 2023
Radde's Warbler (1CY, trapped) Isle of May 31 Oct 2021
Red-rumped Swallow Scousburgh, Mainland, Shetland 1 Jun 2023
Red-rumped Swallow Northdale, Unst, Shetland 2 Jun 2023
Dusky Warbler Skirza, Caithness 4 Nov 2023
Lesser Yellowlegs (1CY) Loch Aird an Sgairbh, Kildonan, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 11 Oct 2023
Caspian Gull (1CY) Cramond, Lothian 19 Dec 2023

* Same as Westray 15 Oct 2014, already accepted by SBRC (Batch 192).

** Same bird on Shetland and Fair Isle.



Batch 267 (added 18 February 2024)

Caspian Gull (1CY) Whitesands Quarry, Dunbar, Lothian 1 and 3 Oct 2023
Caspian Gull (1CY) Tyninghame, Lothian 28 Aug 2023
Cattle Egret Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 23 Oct 2023
Cattle Egret Balvicar, Seil Island, Argyll 12-13 Oct 2023
Cory's Shearwater Isle of May 25 Aug 2023
Cory's Shearwaters (5) Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 30 Aug 2023 (1), 31 Aug 2023 (3), 3 Sep 2023 (1)
Cory's Shearwater West Haven, Carnoustie, Angus & Dundee 21 Sep 2023
Cory's Shearwater Hemlsdale, Sutherland, Highland 4 Sep 2022
Cory's Shearwaters (3) Tarbat Ness, Ross & Cromarty, Highland 3 Sep 2022
Cory's Shearwaters (6) Hemlsdale, Sutherland, Highland 18 Aug 2023
Cory's Shearwater Eyemouth, Borders 31 Aug 2023
Cory's Shearwater Brora, Sutherland, Highland 17 Aug 2023
Great Shearwaters (4) Hemlsdale, Sutherland, Highland 4 Sep 2022
Great Shearwaters (8) Tarbat Ness, Ross & Cromarty, Highland 3 Sep 2022
Great Shearwaters (9) Hemlsdale, Sutherland, Highland 5 Sep 2022
Great Shearwater Kinghorn, Fife 26 Sep 2023
Great Shearwater Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 5 Sep 2023
Dusky Warbler Freswick, Caithness 23 Oct 2023
Short-toed Lark Hushinish, Harris, Outer Hebrides 12 Oct 2023
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY/female) St Abb's Head, Borders 8 Oct 2023
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY male) St Peter's Cemetery, Aberdeen, NE Scotland 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2023



Batch 266 (added 17 December 2023)

Cory's Shearwater Griminish Point, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 1 Jul 2023
Cory's Shearwater Port Seton, Lothian 17 Aug 2023
Cory's Shearwaters (3) Rubha Rohanais, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides 22 Aug 2023
Cory's Shearwaters Fife Ness, Fife 17 Aug 2023
Cory's Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 17 Aug 2023
Cory's Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 17 Aug 2023
Cory's Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 18 Aug 2023
Cory's Shearwater The Oa, Islay, Argyll 29 Jul 2023
Cory's Shearwater Aberlady, Lothian 13 Sep 2020
Cory's Shearwater Nybster, Caithness 18 Aug 2023
Cory's Shearwater Dunbar , Lothian 17 Aug 2023
Cory's Shearwater Scoughall, Lothian 26 Aug 2023
Citrine Wagtail (adult female) Balnakeil Marsh, Sutherland, Highland 13-15 May 2023
Night-heron (adult) Shader, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides 13 Apr 2023
Ring-billed Gull (2CY) Balgray Reservoir, Clyde 28 Jan 1996
White-winged Black Tern (adult) Coot Loch, Benbecula, Outer Hebrides 19-23 Aug 2023
Wilson's Petrel NW St Kilda, 58.160N, 10.155W, Outer Hebrides 18 Jul 2023
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Loch Paible, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 20 Aug 2023
Red-crested Pochard (juvenile/female) Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 25-31 Aug 2023
Arctic Warbler Exnaboe, Mainland, Shetland 31 Aug - 5 Sep 2023
Black Kite (2CY+) Nybster, Caithness 7 May 2023
Greenish Warbler Nybster, Caithness 20 Aug 2023
Greenish Warbler (1CY) Forties, 57o20'59.1"N 1o05'06.8"E, At Sea 30 Aug 2023
Red-rumped Swallow (2CY+) Nybster, Caithness 9 May 2023
Stone-Curlew Aberlady, Lothian 27 Aug 2023



Batch 265 (added 30 November 2023)

Black Kites (2) Baliasta & various sites, Unst, Shetland 19-20 May 2022
Bee-eater Gartymore, Sutherland, Highland 28 May 2023
Bee-eater Strathkinness, Fife 17 Jun 2023
Red-flanked Bluetail (2CY+ male) Kergord Mainland, Shetland 18-25 Oct 2022
Red-rumped Swallow (2CY+) Virkie Mainland, Shetland 11 May 2023
White-winged Black Tern (adult) Priest Island, Ross & Cromarty, Highland 4 Jun 2023
Woodchat Shrike (1CY) Haroldswick, Unst, Shetland 24-25 Sep 2022
Alpine Swift Dun I Cairn, Iona, Argyll 16 Mar 2023
Alpine Swift (2) Ganavan Sands, Oban, Argyll 23 Mar 2023
Cory's Shearwater Brevig, Barra, Outer Hebrides 22 Aug 2022
Melodious Warbler (1CY) Skaw, Whalsay, Shetland 30 Jul 2023
Stone Curlew Da water, Fair Isle 30 Apr - 10 May 2023
Woodlark Lerness, Fair Isle 11 Apr - 1 May 2023
Citrine Wagtail (2CY female) Ultra Scrape, Fair Isle 5-9 May 2023



Batch 264 (added 21 September 2023)

Alpine Swift Cleadale, Eigg, Lochaber, Highland 3 Apr 2023
Alpine Swift Mallaig, Lochaber, Highland 19 Mar 2023
Arctic Warbler Channerwick, Mainland, Shetland 8 Sep 2022
Arctic Warblers (2) Scousburgh, Mainland, Shetland 19 Sep 2022
Arctic Warbler Ham & The Manse, Foula, Shetland 1-6 Sep 2022
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Grutness & Sumburgh, Mainland, Shetland 31 Aug - 3 Sep 2022
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Dalsetter, Boddam, Mainland, Shetland 5 Sep 2022
Red-flanked Bluetail Dale of Walls, Mainland, Shetland 16 Oct 2022
Great Shearwaters (37) Beacon, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 17 Aug - 3 Oct 2022
Cory's Shearwater Beacon, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 4 Sep 2022
Night-heron (adult) Baron's Haugh & Merryton, Clyde 21-24 Apr 2023
Black-winged Stilt Wick River Marshes, Caithness 6 May 2023
Black Kite Achnahard, Bunessan, Mull, Argyll 30 May 2023
Cetti's Warbler Bemersyde Moss, Borders 11 Feb - 7 Mar 2023



Batch 263 (added 11 August 2023)

Alpine Swift Almorness Point, Dumfries & Galloway 19 Mar 2023
Alpine Swift Carham Wiel, River Tweed, Borders 22 Mar 2023
Alpine Swifts (2) Bridge of Don, NE Scotland 4 Apr 2023
Alpine Swift Thornhill, Dumfries & Galloway 13 Mar 2023
Arctic Warbler Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 3-4 Sep 2022
Black Kite Gifford, Lothian 28 Apr 2022
Cetti's Warbler Linlithgow Loch, Lothian 27 Feb - 10 Mar 2023
Stone Curlew Anstruther, Fife 10 Apr 2023
Cory's Shearwater Beacon, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 27 Aug 2022
Great Shearwaters (2) Oban to Tiree ferry, Argyll 3 Sep 2022
Red-rumped Swallow (adult) Holland House, Westness & Brides, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 8-22 Jun 2022
Serin Holland House, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 1 Sep 2022
Lesser Yellowlegs (1CY) Rubha Mor, Balemore, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 19-20 Nov 2022



Batch 262 (added 16 June 2023)

Caspian Gull (1CY) Donmouth, NE Scotland 27 Aug 2022
Cory's Shearwater Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 27 Jul 2022
Cory's Shearwater off Lochboisdale, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 18 Aug 2022
Cory's Shearwater Kinnaird Head, NE Scotland 17 Aug 2022
Great Shearwater Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 30 Aug 2022
Great Shearwater ~50 km NW Yell, Shetland, 'At Sea' 14 Aug 2022
Great Shearwater off North Rona (59 32'N 5 15'W), Highland/Outer Hebrides, 'At Sea' 24 Jan 2023
Dusky Warbler Collieston, NE Scotland 12 Nov 2022
Dusky Warbler South Galson, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides 30 Nov - 2 Dec 2022
Radde's Warbler Isle of May 20-21 Oct 2022
Radde's Warbler (trapped) Isle of May 29 Sep 2022
Radde's Warbler Verracott, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 29 Sep 2022
Arctic Warbler Burrafirth, Unst, Shetland 7 Sep 2022
Greenish Warbler Isle of May 3 Sep 2022
Red-flanked Bluetail Isle of May 20 Oct 2022
Red-flanked Bluetail Windhouse, Mid Yell, Yell, Shetland 20-25 Oct 2022
Parrot Crossbills (2) Ungirsta, Unst, Shetland 16-17 Oct 2022
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Norwick, Unst, Shetland 30-31 Aug 2022
Woodchat Shrike (1CY) Norwick, Unst, Shetland 2 Sep 2022
Black-winged Stilt (1CY) Papil, Cullivoe, Yell, Shetland 12-18 Oct 2022



Batch 261 (added 27 May 2023)

Caspian Gull (1CY) Loch of Skaivjar, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 18 Nov 2022
Caspian Gull (3CY) Eyemouth, Borders 14 Nov 2022
Caspian Gull (1CY) Port Seton, Lothian 12-17 Oct 2022
Lesser Yellowlegs (1CY) Maryton, Montrose Basin, Angus & Dundee 11 Nov 2021
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Musselburgh, Lothian 22-25 Aug 2022
White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY) Stinky Bay, Benbecula, Outer Hebrides 1-8 Nov 2022
Serin (male, adult) Cleadale, Isle of Eigg, Lochaber, Highland 21-29 Nov 2022
Ortolan Bunting Fivepenny, Ness, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides 4-5 May 2022
Cory's Shearwater Pentland Firth, Orkney 8 Sep 2022
Great Shearwaters (2) Milton, Tiree, Argyll 8 Sep 2022
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Pullar's Loch, Lerwick, Mainland, Shetland 15-19 Sep 2022
sinensis Cormorant (adult) Duddingston, Edinburgh, Lothian 25 May 2012
Melodious Warbler (1CY) Glen, Hirta, St Kilda, Outer Hebrides 23-24 Sep 2022



Batch 260 (added 27 May 2023)

Arctic Warbler (1CY, trapped) Gully, Fair Isle 30 Aug - 1 Sep 2022
Arctic Warbler (1CY) Chalet, Fair Isle 20-21 Sep 2022
Red-flanked Bluetail Burkle & Quoy, Fair Isle 29 Sep - 1 Oct 2022
Red-flanked Bluetail Kilminning, Fife 21-22 Oct 2022
Black Kite (2CY+) Fitty Hill, Westray, Orkney 21 May 2022
Cattle Egret Wick, Caithness 3 Oct 2020
Cattle Egret Sprouston, Borders 3-7 Dec 2022
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Braewick, Eshaness Mainland, Shetland 26 Aug 2022
Melodious Warbler Schoolton, Fair Isle 22 Aug - 2 Sep 2022
Radde's Warbler School, Fair Isle 29 Sep 2022
Red-rumped Swallow Gilsetter, Fair Isle 5-6 Jun 2022
Cetti's Warbler (audio recording) St Margaret's Marsh, Fife 3-12 Dec 2022



Batch 259 (added 11 March 2023)

Arctic Warbler Baltasound, Unst, Shetland 1-3 Sep 2022
Arctic Warbler Geosetter, Mainland, Shetland 3-11 Sep 2022
Arctic Warbler Hillsgarth, Baltasound, Unst, Shetland 10-13 Sep 2022
Arctic Warbler Arisdale, Yell, Shetland 20 Sep 2022
Arctic Warbler Holland, Papa Westray, Orkney 8-9 Sep 2022
Red-flanked Bluetail Eswick, Mainland, Shetland 19 Oct 2022
Red-flanked Bluetail Tingwall, Mainland, Shetland 30 Oct 2022
Red-flanked Bluetail Hoswick, Mainland, Shetland 20-22 Oct 2022
Red-flanked Bluetail Bilsdean, Lothian 21 Oct 2022
Radde's Warbler Bilboa, Papa Westray, Orkney 29 Sep - 4 Oct 2022
Citrine Wagtail Baltasound, Unst, Shetland 30-31 Aug 2022
Cetti's Warbler (1CY female) location withheld 21 Oct 2022
Cetti's Warbler (1CY female) location withheld 12 Nov 2022
Cetti's Warbler (1CY female) location withheld 22 Nov 2022
Cetti's Warbler location withheld 29 Nov 2022
Woodchat Shrike Foula, Shetland 9 May 2022
Lesser Yellowlegs (1CY) South Wick, Papa Westray, Orkney 27 Oct - 2 Nov 2022



Batch 258 (added 11 March 2023)

Great Shearwater Girdle Ness, NE Scotland 17 Aug 2022
Great Shearwater* Skye, Skye & Lochalsh, Highland 21 Jul 2022
Great Shearwaters (2) Bun Ilidh, Helmsdale, Sutherland, Highland 2 Sep 2022
Great Shearwater The Minch, Ross & Cromarty, Highland 6 Sep 2022
Great Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 17 Aug 2022
Great Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 17 Aug 2022
Great Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 8 Sep 2022
Great Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 29 Sep 2022
Great Shearwater** Fife Ness, Fife 18 Sep 2022
Great Shearwaters (2)** Isle of May 18 Sep 2022
Great Shearwater Isle of May 17 Sep 2022
Great Shearwater Eyemouth, Borders 16 Aug 2022
Great Shearwaters (1+3) Milton, Tiree, Argyll 7-8 Sep 2022
Great Shearwater The Minch, Ross & Cromarty, Highland 15 Oct 2022
Great Shearwaters (5) North Head, Wick, Caithness 4 Sep 2022
Great Shearwater Nybster, Caithness 3 Sep 2022
Great Shearwater North Head, Wick, Caithness 18 Sep 2022
Great Shearwater Eyemouth, Borders 3 Sep 2022
Great Shearwaters (6) Lothbeg Point & Embo, Sutherland, Highland 4 Sep 2022
Great Shearwaters (4) Neuks, Sanday, Orkney 18 Sep 2022
Great Shearwaters (2) Neuks, Sanday, Orkney 19 Sep 2022
Great Shearwaters (3) Neuks, Sanday, Orkney 20 Sep 2022

*Tideline corpse, specimen at NMS

**The first of the two birds seen from Fife Ness on 18 Sep was the same bird seen from the Isle of May that day.

Cory's Shearwater Girdle Ness, NE Scotland 30 Aug 2022
Cory's Shearwater Chanonry Point, Ross & Cromarty, Highland 30 Aug 2022
Cory's Shearwater Kinghorn, Fife 25-30 Jul 2022
Cory's Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 15 Aug 2022
Cory's Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 6 Sep 2022
Cory's Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 17 Sep 2022
Cory's Shearwater Tiumpan Head, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides 15 Sep 2022
Cory's Shearwater at sea, Outer Hebrides 13 Aug 2022
Cory's Shearwater St Abbs village, Borders 1 Sep 2022
Cory's Shearwater Isle of May 17 Sep 2022
Cory's Shearwater Isle of May 10-11 Nov 2022
Cory's Shearwater Dunbar Harbour, Lothian 18 Oct 2022
Cory's Shearwater Lothbeg Point, Sutherland, Highland 4 Sep 2022
Cory's Shearwater Embo, Sutherland, Highland 2 Sep 2022
Cory's Shearwaters (2) Embo, Sutherland, Highland 4 Sep 2022
Cory's Shearwater Nybster, Caithness 3 Sep 2022



Batch 257 (added 20 February 2023)

White-winged Black Tern (1CY) Cowdrait, Borders 5 Sep 2022
Cattle Egret (2CY+) East Murkle, Caithness 8-10 Oct 2022
Cattle Egret (2CY+) Clauchlands, Arran, Clyde Islands 8 Aug 2011
Cattle Egret (1CY) Eochar, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 13 Oct 2022
Montagu's Harrier (2CY+) Alemoor Reservoir, Borders 9 Aug 2022
Purple Heron (1CY) Teviot Haughs, Borders 27-28 Aug 2022
Red-rumped Swallows (2) (2CY+) Dalabrog, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 19-25 May 2022
Yellow-legged Gull (4CY+) Inchgarth, NES 3 Oct - 1 Dec 2022
Red-flanked Bluetail Isle of May 19 Oct 2022
Red-flanked Bluetail Barns Ness, Lothian 20-23 Oct 2022
White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY) Balgarva, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 13 Oct 2022
White-rumped Sandpiper (2CY+) Pool of Virkie, Mainland, Shetland 17-18 Jul 2022
Radde's Warbler Mains of Usan, Angus & Dundee 21-23 Oct 2022
Arctic Warbler Creachan, Barra, Outer Hebrides 9 Sep 2022
Arctic Warbler (male) Eoligarry, Barra, Outer Hebrides 14-16 Sep 2022
Cetti's Warbler Willow Burn, Powhillon, Caerlaverock, Dumfries & Galloway 25-27 Oct 2022
Lesser Yellowlegs Loch of Strathbeg, NES 3-12 Nov 2022



Batch 256 (added 2 Feb 2023)

Black Kite Outhead, Eden Estuary, Fife 12 Sep 2022
Red-flanked Bluetail Fife Ness, Fife 10 Sep 2022
Caspian Gull (1CY) Girdle Ness, NE Scotland 30 Aug 2022
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Aberlady, Lothian 29 Aug - 2 Sep 2022
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Kilrenny Burn, Fife 5 Aug 2022
Rose-coloured Starling (adult) Kilmory & Kinloch, Rum, Lochaber, Highland Jun 2003
Arctic Warbler (1CY) Bruray, Out Skerries, Shetland 2 Sep 2022
Arctic Warbler Craighead Cottages, nr Fife Ness, Fife 11-14 Sep 2022
Arctic Warbler Swinister Burn, Mainland, Shetland 13 Sep 2022
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Quendale, Mainland, Shetland 5 Sep 2022
Lesser Yellowlegs (1CY) Loch Bewan, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 7-10 Sep 2021
Yellow-legged Gull (5CY) North Commonside Farm, Inchinnan, Clyde 2 Jan 2022
Woodlark Voe, Mainland, Shetland 28 Mar - 2 Apr 2022
Serin * Talmine, Sutherland, Highland 17 May 2021

* Previously accepted by SBRC (Batch 246), but now considered not a wild bird following another ringed Serin at the same site in 2022 considered by SBRC an escape from captivity.



Batch 255 (added 1 December 2022)

Arctic Warbler Gravity, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 29 Sep - 2 Oct 2021
Black Kite Colt, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 17 May 2021
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Norwick, Unst, Shetland 28 Sep - 2 Oct 2021
Cory's Shearwater Brevig, Barra, Outer Hebrides 5 Aug 2021
White-rumped Sandpiper Letham Pools, Fife 19-20 Jul 2022
Greenish Warbler (male, singing) Sandbank, Argyll 16 Jun 2022
Lesser Yellowlegs (1CY) Loch Stiapabhat, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides 29 Sep - 5 Oct 2021
Lesser Yellowlegs (2CY+) fields west of Skerryholm, Fair Isle 6-17 Apr 2022
Lesser Yellowlegs (2CY+) Meikle Loch, NE Scotland 13-14 May 2022
Serin (adult female) Quoy, Schoolton & various locations, Fair Isle 20 May - 2 Jun 2022
Cattle Egrets (3) Gremista, Lerwick, Mainland & Voeside, Bressay, Shetland 31 Oct - 3 Nov 2021
Wilson's Petrel at sea NW of Tiree, Argyll 20 Jul 2022



Batch 254 (added 16 October 2022)

Black Kite (3CY+) Saughtree, Newcastleton/Kielder, Borders 10 May 2022
Black Kite (3CY+) Loch Cuin, Dervaig, Mull, Argyll 16 May 2022
Cetti's Warbler (adult) Mersehead, Dumfries & Galloway 14 Apr - 2 May 2022
Stone-Curlew Balinoe, Tiree, Argyll 10 May 2022
Black-winged Stilt Lochwinnoch, Clyde 19 May 2022
Lesser Yellowlegs (2CY+) Clyde, Frankfield Loch, Glasgow 4 Jun 2022
Serin (2CY+, male) Lephenstrath, Argyll 6 Jun 2022
Cetti's Warbler Wigtown Bay Wetland, Dumfries & Galloway 16 Mar 2022



Batch 253 (added 16 August 2022)

Red-rumped Swallow (2, both 2CY+) Strathbeg, NE Scotland 30 Apr 2022
Red-rumped Swallow (2CY+) Twingness, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 31 May - 1 Jun 2021
Red-rumped Swallow (2CY+) Links & Sandback, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 4-7 May 2022
Red-rumped Swallow (2CY+)* Peedie Sea, Mainland, Orkney 12-14 May 2022
Caspian Gull (2CY) Guardbridge, Fife 29 Oct 2021
Buff-Breasted Sandpiper Rum, Lochaber, Highland 13-15 Sep 2000
Greenish Warbler Isle of May 23-27 May 2021
Woodchat Shrike Isle of May 3 Jun 2021
Melodious Warbler (1CY) Westness, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 10-13 Aug 2020
Melodious Warbler Dennishill, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 19 Aug 2020
Yellow-legged Gull (5CY+) Kilkenzie, Kintyre, Argyll 14 Apr 2022
Cattle Egret (2CY+) Stewarton, Kintyre, Argyll 13 Apr 2022

* same birds as Links & Sandback, North Ronaldsay.



Batch 252 (added 16 June 2022)

Red-flanked Bluetail Swining, Mainland, Shetland 27 Oct 2021
Lesser Yellowlegs (1CY) North Ronaldsay, Orkney 13-15 Oct 2021
Radde's Warbler Hoswick, Mainland, Shetland 19 Oct 2021
Short-toed Lark Rubha Ardvule, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 12 Oct 2013
White-winged Black Tern (adult) Coot Loch, Benbecula, Outer Hebrides 13-14 May 2016



Batch 251 (added 13 May 2022)

Woodchat Shrike (1CY) Aith, Mainland, Shetland 30 Sep - 12 Oct 2021
Red-flanked Bluetail Gories, Bressay, Shetland 3 Jun 2021
Red-flanked Bluetail South Raeva, Fair Isle 19 Oct 2021
Red-flanked Bluetail Biel of Duncansby, John O'Groats, Caithness 4 Oct 2020
Red-flanked Bluetail Burns, Foula, Shetland 29 Sep 2021
Black Kite (adult)* Collieston & Cotehill, NE Scotland 4-6 May 2021
Radde's Warbler Duncansby, Caithness 6-8 Oct 2020
Lesser Yellowlegs (1CY) Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 30 Sep - 13 Oct 2021
Caspian Gull (2CY) private site, Midlothian, Lothian 25 Mar - 8 Apr 2021
Cattle Egret Friockheim & Keptie Pond, Arbroath, Angus & Dundee 9 Nov 2021, 21 Nov 2021
Black Kite Heddle, Firth, Mainland, Orkney 25 Apr 2021
Dusky Warbler Barns Ness, Lothian 18-22 Oct 2021

*Same bird as seen on Fair Isle 16-17 May 2021 (see Batch 246).



Batch 250 (added 16 April 2022)

Cetti's Warbler (audio) Kilconquhar Loch, Fife 10-11 Dec 2021
Cetti's Warbler (1CY female) Kinneil, Upper Forth 13 Nov 2021
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY male) Voe, Mainland, Shetland 22-26 Oct 2021
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY/female) Lerwick, Mainland, Shetland 7 Nov 2021
Melodious Warbler* (1CY) Observatory, Fair Isle 24 Aug 2021
Melodious Warbler* (1CY) Burkle, Fair Isle 31 Aug 2021
Melodious Warbler* (1CY+) Setter, Fair Isle 2 Sep 2021
Melodious Warbler* (1CY) Lower Leogh & Nethertaft, Fair Isle 6-16 Sep 2021
Melodious Warbler* (1CY+) Utra & Haa, Fair Isle 8 Sep 2021
Woodchat Shrike Well Park, Papa Westray, Orkney 5-6 Jun 2021
Lesser Yellowlegs North Loch, Sanday, Orkney 19-21 Dec 2021
Greater Short-toed Lark Mullach Sgar, Ruaival & Village, Hirta, St Kilda, Outer Hebrides 29 Sep - 13 Oct 2021
Radde's Warbler Sullom, Mainland, Shetland 1 Nov 2021
Radde's Warbler Sullom, Mainland, Shetland 5 Oct 2021
Radde's Warbler Kergord, Mainland, Shetland 5 Oct 2021
Cory's Shearwater Skateraw, Lothian 16 Aug 2020
Caspian Gull (2CY) Newbie, Dumfries & Galloway 23 Sep 2013
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Everland, Fetlar, Shetland 4 Oct 2021
Citrine Wagtail (female) Spiggie, Mainland, Shetland 10 May 2021

*Five different birds recorded.



Batch 249 (added 12 March 2022)

Arctic Warbler (2) Quendale, Mainland, Shetland 13-14 Sep 2021
Arctic Warbler Dalsetter, Mainland, Shetland 10 Sep 2021
Yellow-legged Gull (3CY/4CY) Balgray, Clyde 3 Dec 2020 to 20 Feb 2021
Yellow-legged Gull (2CY) Leven, Fife 10 May 2021
Red-footed Falcon (2CY female) Dorenell, Moray & Nairn 4 Jun 2020
White-winged Black Tern (adult) Loch Spynie, Moray & Nairn 2-6 Jun 2021
Woodchat Shrike (1CY) Bragar, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 2-3 Oct 2020
Subalpine Warbler (2CY+ female) Rubha Ardvule, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 14 May 2015
Red-flanked Bluetail Skaw, Whalsay, Shetland 26 Sep 2021
Cattle Egret Kingussie, Highland 5-16 Nov 2021
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Hirta, St Kilda, Outer Hebrides 9 Sep 2021



Batch 248 (added 13 February 2022)

Arctic Warbler Quendale, Mainland, Shetland 11-14 Sep 2021
Arctic Warbler (1CY) Aithness, Fetlar, Shetland 12 Sep 2021
Dusky Warbler Lower Kilminning, Fife 19-22 Oct 2021
Lesser Yellowlegs (2CY+) Grutness, Mainland, Shetland 6-7 Jun 2021
Lesser Yellowlegs (1CY) Papa Stour & Melby, Mainland, Shetland 29 Sep - 6 Oct 2021
Red-rumped Swallow Grogarry Lodge, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 13 May 2021
Red-rumped Swallow Vidlin & Brae, Mainland, Shetland 9-11 Jun 2021
White-rumpled Sandpiper (2CY+) Virkie, Mainland, Shetland 22-24 Jul 2021
White-rumped Sandpiper (2CY+) Aberlady, Lothian 26 Aug 2021
Wilson's Petrel (2CY+) At sea, Shetland 10 Aug 2021
Melodious Warbler (1CY) Sumburgh, Mainland, Shetland 2 Nov 2021
Red-flanked Bluetail Hestingott, Mainland, Shetland 17 Oct 2021
Yellow-legged Gull (Sub-adult) Invergowrie Bay, Angus & Dundee/Perth & Kinross 12-15 Mar 2021



Batch 247 (added 31 December 2021)

Arctic Warbler Salties, Sanday, Orkney 12 Sep 2021
Arctic Warbler (1CY) Balinoe, Tiree, Argyll 12 Sep 2021
Arctic Warbler Wirvie Burn, Fair Isle 28 Aug 2021
Arctic Warbler (1CY) Medway, Fair Isle 27-28 Aug 2021
Red-flanked Bluetail (female/1CY) Norwick, Unst, Shetland 27 Sep 2020
Melodious Warbler Nurse House, Fetlar, Shetland 22 Aug 2020
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Da Water, Buness & South Harbour, Fair Isle 31 Aug - 2 Sep 2021
Cory's Shearwater Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 4 Sep 2021
Woodchat Shrike Corrimony, Inverness-shire, Highland 9-11 Jun 2021
Woodchat Shrike (2CY+ male) Auld Haa, Fair Isle 9 Sep - 3 Oct 2021
Radde's Warbler Isle of May 7-8 Oct 2021



Batch 246 (added 15 November 2021)

Black Kite (adult) Pund & various locations, Fair Isle 16-17 May 2021
Wilson's Petrel 58.43809, -8.501641, along the shelf break ∼68km/37nm N of St Kilda and 88km/47.5nm WNW of Aird Uig, Outer Hebrides/At Sea 15 Jul 2021
Serin (adult male) Midtown-Talmine, Sutherland, Highland 17 May 2021
Stone-curlew (2CY+) Udi Geo & various locations, Fair Isle 11 Jul 2021
Woodchat Shrike (2CY male) Everland, Fetlar, Shetland 4-8 Jun 2021
Great Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 21-22 Aug 2021
Great Shearwater Strathy Point, Sutherland, Highland 18 Aug 2021
Citrine Wagtail (2CY female) Utra Scrape & various locations, Fair Isle 12-15 May 2021
Alpine Swift Fife Ness, Fife 25 Mar 2021



Batch 245 (added 13 October 2021)

Arctic Warbler Camb, Yell, Shetland 3 Sep 2020
Black Kite (3CY+) Holland, Papa Westray & Westray, Orkney 17 Apr 2021
Cattle Egret Loch Dubh Mhic, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 26 Sep - 4 Oct 2012
Great Shearwater Off Muckle Flugga, Unst, Shetland 16 Aug 2020
Woodchat Shrike (female) Ardmore, Clyde 12 Jun 2021
Lesser Yellowlegs (1CY) Paiblesgarry, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 24 Sep 2020
Black Brant (adult) Broadford River mouth (27 Apr) & Glas Eilean (27-29 Apr), Skye & Lochalsh, Highland 27-29 Apr 2021


Batch 244 (added 14 July 2021)

Lesser Yellowlegs (1CY) Hougarry, Balranald, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 26 Oct 2020
Lesser Yellowlegs (1CY) Ardivachar, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 7-21 Dec 2020
White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY) Loch Ordais, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 29 Sep 2020
Wilson's Petrel "off" St Kilda, Outer Hebrides 6 Jul 2020
Woodchat Shrike (male) Askernish, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 28-30 May 2020
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Aberdeen Beach, North-east Scotland 6 Oct 2020
Citrine Wagtail (male) Stannochy Quarry, Angus & Dundee 24 Apr 2021
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Swinister Burn, Mainland, Shetland 2-9 Sep 2020
Cattle Egret Dalvore, Argyll 22 Oct 2020


Batch 243 (added 10 June 2021)

Greenish Warbler (1CY) Isle of May 13 Aug 2020
Greenish Warbler (2CY+) Isle of May 25 Jun 2020
Citrine Wagtail (male)* Ham, Foula, Shetland 1-2 Jun 2020
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Loch of Norby, Mainland, Shetland 4 Oct 2020
Citrine Wagtail Baltasound, Unst, Shetland 18-20 Aug 2020
Arctic Warbler The Manse, Foula, Shetland 23 Aug 2020
Cory's Shearwater Isle of May 30 Jul 2020
Red-rumped Swallow North Biggings, Foula, Shetland 28 Jun 2020
Yellow-legged Gull (4CY+) Richmond Park, Shawfield, Glasgow, Clyde 23 Dec 2019 - 15 Mar 2020
Woodchat Shrike (1CY) Virkie, Mainland, Shetland 26-27 Sep 2020
Woodchat Shrike (1CY) Ham, Foula, Shetland 20-29 Sep 2020
Radde's Warbler Isbister, North Roe, Mainland, Shetland 9 Oct 2020

* Same as Fair Isle 4-24 Jun 2020 (Batch 237).


Batch 242 (added 21 May 2021)

Cattle Egret) Caerlaverock WWT, Dumfries & Galloway 9 Aug 2020
Yellow-legged Gull (4CY/5CY) Balgray Reservoir, Clyde 29 Nov 2019 - 12 Mar 2020
Yellow-legged Gull (adult) Balgray Reservoir, Clyde 3-22 Feb 2020
Arctic Warbler Windhouse, Yell, Shetland 1-3 Sep 2020
Woodchat Shrike (male) The Shunan, Harray, Orkney 7-11 Jun 2020
Woodchat Shrike (1CY) Windhouse, Yell, Shetland 8-23 Sep 2020
Red-flanked Bluetail (adult female) Creachan Community Woodland, Barra, Outer Hebrides 17-26 Oct 2020
Cory's Shearwater Hound Point, Lothian 9 Aug 2020
Woodlark Twingness, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 3 Nov 2020 - 31 Jan 2021


Batch 241 (added 5 April 2021)

Black Kite Ballindarg, near Padanaram, Angus & Dundee 12 Apr 2008
Red-footed Falcon (2cy+ female) Kinpurney Hill, Newtyle, Angus & Dundee 11 Jun 2012
Woodchat Shrike (1CY) Levenwick, Mainland, Shetland 16-19 Sep 2020
Red-flanked Bluetail Sand Lodge, Leebitten, Sandwick, Mainland, Shetland 12-17 Oct 2020
Wilson's Petrel (2) North-west of Shetland, At sea 10 Aug 2020
Cattle Egret Loch of Strathbeg, North-east Scotland 3-5 Sep & 12-13 Nov 2020
Cattle Egret Martingirth Farm, New Abbey, Dumfries & Galloway 24 Jan 2021
Serin (2cy+ female) Collieston, North-east Scotland 15-17 Jun 2020
Great Shearwater North Ronaldsay, Orkney 10 Sep 2020
Greenish Warbler (1CY) Barns Ness, Lothian 22-24 Aug 2020
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Sumburgh Hotel and West Voe of Sumburgh, Mainland, Shetland 23 Sep 2020
Cory's Shearwater Corsewall Point, Dumfries & Galloway 25 Sep 2020
Yellow-legged Gull (adult) Loch Ryan, Dumfries & Galloway 6 Dec 2020


Batch 240 (added 19 February 2021)

Red-flanked Bluetail Beosetter, Bressay, Shetland 6 Oct 2020
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY male) Swannay, Birsay, Orkney 7-8 Oct 2020
Red-flanked Bluetail Valyie, Unst, Shetland 10 Oct 2020
Great Shearwater Rora Head, Hoy, Orkney 9 Sep 2020
Radde's Warbler Lea Gardens, Tresta, Mainland, Shetland 9 Oct 2020
Radde's Warbler Clickimin, Lerwick, Mainland, Shetland 29 Oct 2020
Radde's Warbler Norwick, Unst, Shetland 10 Nov 2020
Radde's Warbler Freyers, Foula, Shetland 1 Oct 2020
Radde's Warbler Culswick Marsh, Mainland, Shetland 26 Oct 2020
Arctic Warbler Voe, Mainland, Shetland 5-6 Oct 2020
Arctic Warbler Skaw, Unst, Shetland 1-2 Sep 2020
Arctic Warbler Skaw, Unst, Shetland 17-18 Sep 2020
White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY) Ness, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 22 Oct 2019
White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY) Sgarasta Bheag, Harris, Outer Hebrides 20 Sep 2019


Batch 239 (added 5 February 2021)

Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Cleat, Barra, Outer Hebrides 23 Sep 2020
Dusky Warbler Glen, Barra, Outer Hebrides 5-7 Nov 2020
Dusky Warbler Rubha Dearg, Ross & Cromarty, Highland 9-10 Nov 2020
Radde's Warbler Skaw, Whalsay, Shetland 1-3 Oct 2020
Radde's Warbler Virkie, Mainland, Shetland 3 Oct 2020
Red-flanked Bluetail Skaw, Whalsay, Shetland 6 Oct 2020
Arctic Warbler (1CY) Nether Taft & various locations, Fair Isle 1-4 Sep 2020
Arctic Warbler (2CY+) Lower Leogh, Chapel Plantation & Plantation, Fair Isle 31 Aug - 7 Sep 2020
Arctic Warbler Cullivoe & Gutcher, Yell, Shetland 29 Sep - 4 Oct 2020
Serin (male, 2CY) Scatness, Mainland, Shetland 25-29 May 2020
Melodious Warbler Burrastow, Mainland, Shetland 5 Oct 2020


Batch 238 (added 31 January 2021)

White-winged Black Tern (1CY) Echna Loch, Burray, Orkney 31 Aug - 3 Sep 2020
Cattle Egret Carbarns Pool, Motherwell, Clyde 25 Oct 2020
Citrine Wagtail (adult) Quivals & Lettan, Sanday, Orkney 26-29 Aug 2020
Citrine Wagtail (male) North Wick, Papa Westray, Orkney 7 May - 17 Jun 2020
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Boini Mire, Da Water & Field Ditch, Fair Isle 4-16 Sep 2020
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Furse, Da Water & Setter, Fair Isle 29 Sep - 9 Oct 2020
Arctic Warbler (1CY) The Patch, Fife Ness, Fife 6-8 Oct 2020
Red-footed Falcon (female 2CY+) near Hundland, Papa Westray, Orkney 30 May 2020
Woodchat Shrike North Hill, Papa Westray, Orkney 30 May 2020
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY) Gully, Fair Isle 16 Oct 2020
Red-flanked Bluetail Jivvy Geo, Fair Isle 14 Oct 2020
Red-flanked Bluetail Whitehowe, Papa Westray, Orkney 3 Oct 2020
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Glen Bay, Hirta, St Kilda, Outer Hebrides 21 Sep 2019
Short-toed Lark Nigg Bay, Girdle Ness, North-east Scotland 9 Nov 2020


Batch 237 (added 23 December 2020)

Dusky Warbler Balcomie Castle, Fife 6 Oct 2020
Dusky Warbler Balephuil, Tiree, Argyll 14 Oct 2020
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (male) Cauldhame, Trondra, Mainland, Shetland 5 Oct 2020
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Upper Kergord, Mainland, Shetland 9 Oct 2020
White-winged Black Tern (1CY) The Whig, Loch Ryan, Dumfries & Galloway 5-23 Oct 2020
Citrine Wagtail (male) Da Water, Fair Isle 4-24 Jun 2020
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Sumburgh & Virkie, Mainland, Shetland 31 Aug 2020
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Sumburgh & Boddam, Mainland, Shetland 12-14 Aug 2020
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Grutness & Quendale, Mainland, Shetland 16 Sep 2020
Arctic Warbler (1CY) Maywick, Mainland, Shetland 3-4 Sep 2020
Arctic Warbler (1CY) Spiggie, Mainland, Shetland 30 Aug 2020
Radde's Warbler Maywick, Mainland, Shetland 26-27 Sep 2020
Radde's Warbler Rerwick, Mainland, Shetland 2-3 Oct 2020
Radde's Warbler Brake, Mainland, Shetland 4 Oct 2020


Batch 236 (added 12 December 2020)

White-rumped Sandpiper (2CY+) Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 6-10 Sep 2019
Cory's Shearwater Saltcoats, Ayrshire 10 Aug 2020
Cory's Shearwater Tarbat Ness, Ross & Cromarty, Highland 13 Aug 2020
Cory's Shearwater Tarbat Ness, Ross & Cromarty, Highland 14 Aug 2020
Cory's Shearwater Tarbat Ness, Ross & Cromarty, Highland 19 Aug 2020
Cory's Shearwater Brora, Sutherland, Highland 25 Aug 2020
Great Shearwater Tarbat Ness, Ross & Cromarty, Highland 25 Aug 2020
Great Shearwater (2) Strathy Point, Sutherland, Highland 5 Sep 2020
Cattle Egret Lantonside Farm, Castle Corner, Caerlaverock, Dumfries & Galloway 3 Sep 2020
Greenish Warbler Tarbat Ness, Ross & Cromarty, Highland 26 Aug 2020
Greenish Warbler Fife Ness, Fife 17 Aug 2020
Greenish Warbler Mire Loch, St Abbs Head, Borders 26 Aug 2020
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Hillswick, Mainland, Shetland 4 Sep 2020
Lesser Yellowlegs (1CY) Fail Loch, Ayrshire 12-13 Sep 2020
Marsh Warbler Balephuil, Tiree, Argyll 19 Sep 2020


Batch 235 (added 21 November 2020)

Montagu's Harrier (2CY+ female) Newmains Farm, Reston, Borders 14 May 2020
Montagu's Harrier (adult male) Thornhill, Upper Forth 28 May 2020
Melodious Warbler Glen Barra, Outer Hebrides 22-29 Sep 2014
Woodchat Shrike Out Skerries, Shetland 1 Jun 2020
Red-footed Falcon (2CY+ female) Ballater, NE Scotland 8 Jun 2020
White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY) Loch Ordais, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides 20 Oct 2019
Red-rumped Swallow Boini Mire & various locations, Fair Isle 28 May - 1 Jun 2020
Stone-curlew Gilsetter & Chatham's Land, Fair Isle 26 May 2020
Cory's Shearwater Hound Point, Lothian 29 Jul 2020
Purple Heron (1CY) Lochfoot Caravan Park, Lochrutton Loch, Dumfries & Galloway 7 Sep 2019


Batch 234 (added 23 September 2020)

Woodchat Shrike Grutness, Mainland, Shetland 7 May 2020
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Balta Isle, Unst, Shetland 29 Aug 2019
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Baltasound, Unst, Shetland 3-4 Sep 2019
Stone-curlew Ardalanish Bay, Mull, Argyll 19 Apr 2020
White-rumped Sandpiper (11, 1CY) Ardivachar Point, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 12 Oct - 10 Nov 2019
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Barvas beach, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides 16 Sep 2019
Wilson's Petrel At sea off Lochboisdale, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 25 Aug 2019
Little Bunting Inverbervie, NE Scotland 14 Oct 2019
Purple Heron Bolnabodach, Barra, Outer Hebrides 16-26 May and 9-10 Jun 2019


Batch 233 (added 17 August 2020)

Stone-curlew Ness, Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides 25 June 2019
Arctic Warbler (1CY) Isle of May 22-23 September 2019
Blyth's Reed Warbler (1CY) Isle of May 18 October 2019
Melodious Warbler (2CY+) Isle of May 30-31 July 2019
Olive-backed Pipit Isle of May 5 November 2019
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY) Isle of May 4-6 October 2019
Red-flanked Bluetail Holland House, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 24 September 2019
Black Kite* Norwick, Unst (20th), Cunningsburgh & Sumburgh, Mainland (22nd), Shetland 20-24 April 2019
White-billed Diver** Uig Bay, Isle of Skye, Highland 20 January 2018
White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY) Ythan, NE Scotland 14-18 October 2019
White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY) Ythan, NE Scotland 17-18 October 2019
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Aberlady, Lothian 2 August 2019
Woodchat Shrike (2CY+ female) Hatston Industrial Estate, Kirkwall, Mainland, Orkney 17-18 May 2019

*The same bird as seen on Fair Isle 19 April and 28 April to 1 May 2019 (Batch 227).

**Not the same bird seen at the same site 28 February to 15 March 2016 (Batch 203).


Batch 232 (added 13 May 2020)

Blyth's Reed Warbler (1CY) Bruernish, Barra, Outer Hebrides 24-27 September 2019
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Shoadals, Foula, Shetland 15-28 September 2019
Little Bunting Garvock Lodge, Loch Gryfe, Clyde 19 November 2019
Little Bunting Isle of May 28 September 2019
White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY) Shoadals, Foula, Shetland 10-19 October 2019
Marsh Warbler Isle of May 5 June 2019
Radde's Warbler Isle of May 21-23 October 2019


Batch 231 (added 19 April 2020)

Arctic Warbler* Braidfit, Foula, Shetland 12 July 2019
Alpine Swift Skaw, Unst, Shetland 27 September 2019
Alpine Swift Burwick, South Ronaldsay, Orkney 8 June 2019
Melodious Warbler (1CY, trapped) Twingness, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 25-26 August 2019
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY/female, trapped) Queenamidda, Rendall, Mainland, Orkney 14 October 2019
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY/female) Neuks, Sanday, Orkney 5 October 2019
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Dale of Walls, Mainland, Shetland 27 August 2019
White-billed Diver (adult) The Ouse, Finstown, Mainland, Orkney 6 January 2018
White-billed Diver) Brig o' Waithe, Mainland, Orkney 19 December 2018
White-billed Diver (adult) Burghead, Moray & Nairn 16-25 April 2018
White-billed Diver (3 adults) Cullen, Moray & Nairn 1-29 April 2018
Blyth's Reed Warbler (2CY+) Kirkton, Collieston, North-east Scotland 6 June 2019
White-winged Black Tern (adult) Ythan Estuary, North-east Scotland 28 July 2019

*Same individual as bird seen on Fair Isle (13-16 July 2019), Batch 227


Batch 230 (added 19 April 2020)

Lesser Scaup (adult male) Millar's Moss & Mire Loch, St Abb's Head, Borders 18 May to 10 July 2019
Greenish Warbler (1CY) Bornish, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 3-4 September 2014
Greenish Warbler (1CY) Castlebay, Barra, Outer Hebrides 13 September 2014
Melodious Warbler Out Skerries, Shetland 25-29 September 2019
Lesser Yellowlegs (1CY) Ardivachar, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 24 October to 2 November 2019
Kentish Plover (male 2CY/3CY) Borve, Berneray, Outer Hebrides 15-16 May 2017
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Rubha Ardvule South, Uist, Outer Hebrides 5-6 September 2019
White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY) Rubha Ardvule South, Uist, Outer Hebrides 28 October 2019
White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY) Rubha Ardvule South, Uist, Outer Hebrides 8 November 2019
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Kilauley Machair & South Ford, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 17-18 September 2019
White-rumped Sandpipers (7, 1CY) Ardivachar Point, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 15 October 2019
White-rumped Sandpipers (2, 1CY) Ardivachar Point, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 3 November 2019
White-rumped Sandpipers (2, 1CY) Loch Paible, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 13 October 2019
White-rumped Sandpipers (2, 1CY) Kilpheder, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 19 October 2019
White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY) Boisdale & Kilpheder, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 31 October 2019
Olive-backed Pipit Tarbet Ness, Ross & Cromarty, Highland 05 November 2019
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Hillswick, Mainland, Shetland 2 September 2019
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY/female) Da Sneck o' da Smaalie, Foula, Shetland 24-27 September 2019
Cattle Egret Bolfornought Farm, Stirling, Upper Forth 10-16 October 2019


Batch 229 (added 17 January 2020)

Black-winged Stilt (1CY) North Haven, Fair Isle 9 October 2019
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Various locations, Fair Isle 25-27 August 2019
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) North Wick, Papa Westray, Orkney 6-17 September 2019
Radde’s Warbler Klinger’s Geo, Fair Isle 17-18 October 2019
Woodlark Hoiligoini, Fair Isle 29 October 2019
Woodchat Shrike (1CY) Holland, Papa Westray, Orkney 10 September 2019
White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY) Skinflats, Upper Forth 29-30 September 2019
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY female) Wester Lother, Fair Isle 23 September 2019
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY female) Wester Lother, Fair Isle 6 October 2019
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY) Observatory, Fair Isle 14 October 2019
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY female) South Raeva, Fair Isle 14 October 2019
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY female) North Gunnawark, Fair Isle 15 October 2019


Batch 228 (added 17 January 2020)

Greenish Warbler (2CY+) Rattray Head, NES 31 May to 01 June 2018
Greenish Warbler Girdle Ness, Battery, NES 10 September 2019
Black-winged Stilt (1CY) Greenlaw Farm Pond, Foulden, Borders 29 August 2019
Olive-backed Pipit Mains of Usan, A&D 6 October 2019
Red-rumped Swallow Sumburgh, Mainland, Shetland

20 May 2019

White-rumped Sandpiper (Adult)

Caolas, Vatersay, OHs

22-23 July 2019

White-rumped Sandpiper

Piltanton Burn, Luce Bay, D&G 

4 August 2019

White-rumped Sandpiper (Adult) Eshaness, Mainland, Shetland 16 September 2019
2 White-rumped Sandpipers (1CY) Sanaigmore, Islay, Argyll 12-13 October 2019
2 White-rumped Sandpipers Fail Flash, Ayrshire 16-24 October 2019
Red-flanked Bluetail Norwick, Unst, Shetland 1-3 October 2019
Red-flanked Bluetail Rattray Head, NES 6 October 2019
Red-flanked Bluetail Sound, Lerwick, Mainland, Shetland 21 October 2019
Blyth's Reed Warbler Barn’s Ness, Lothian 8-9 October 2019
Lesser Yellowlegs Capringstone Flash, Irvine, Ayrshire 1-3 October 2019
Little Bunting Kilminning, Fife 23 September 2019
Ortolan Bunting (1CY) Biel, Duncansby, Caithness 28 September 2019


Batch 227 (added 23 December 2019)

Black Kite Ward Hill, Schoolhouse & various locations, Fair Isle 19 April 2019 and 28 April to 01 May 2019
Citrine Wagtail (1CY) Culsetter, Mainland, Shetland 31 August 2018
Citrine Wagtail (male) Walli Burn & Easter Lother Water, Fair Isle 14 May 2019
Citrine Wagtail (male) Da Water, Fair Isle 27-28 June 2019
Arctic Warbler (2CY+) Observatory, Fair Isle

13-16 July 2019

Melodious Warbler (2CY+)

Lower Stoneybrek, Fair Isle

4-8 June 2019

Red-rumped Swallow

Malcolm’s Head & South Harbour, Fair Isle

21 May 2019

White-rumped Sandpiper (2 adults) Loch of Strathbeg, NES 17-18 July 2019
Montagu’s Harrier (2CY) Da Water & various locations, Fair Isle 3 June 2013
Blyth’s Reed Warbler (male) Balranald, North Uist, OHs 21 June 2019


Batch 226 (added 23 October 2019)

Cattle Egret North Porton Farm, Bishopton, Clyde 12-17 November 2018
Black Kite North Dales, Stenness/Orphir, Mainland, Orkney 20 April 2019
Black Kite (2CY, same as North Ronaldsay bird) Plantation, then roaming, Fair Isle 7-12 June 2018
Black Kite (same as Fair Isle bird) Brides, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 7 June 2018
Lesser Yellowlegs (2CY+, same as Da Water, Fair Isle bird) Scatness, Mainland, Shetland

23-29 May 2019 and 19-21 June 2019

Lesser Yellowlegs (same as Scatness, Shetland bird)

Da Water, Fair Isle

18-19 May 2019

Ortolan Bunting (female)

Mull of Galloway, D&G

26 May 2019

Red-flanked Bluetail Holland House, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 24 May 2019
Red-flanked Bluetail Burrafirth, Unst, Sheltand 12 April 2019
Stone-curlew (2CY+) Virkie & Clevigarth, Mainland, Shetland 17 May 2019
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Virkie, Mainland, Shetland 15-23 August 2018
Woodchat Shrike (adult male) Baltasound, Unst, Shetland 17 April 2018
Melodious Warbler Lunna, Mainland, Shetland 29 September 2018 to 8 October 2018


Batch 225 (added 20 September 2019)

Black-winged Stilt (male, 2CY) Tiree, Heylipol Church, Argyll 16-17 April 2019
Short-toed Lark     Isle of May 26 May to 2 June 2018
Melodious Warbler (1CY) Mainland, Melby, Sandness, Shetland 3 September 2018
Serin (male, adult) Barra, Nask, OHs 29-30 April 2019
Serin (female) Walsay, Brough, Shetland

26-27 April 2019

Citrine Wagtail (1CY)

Bressay, Gardie, Shetland

2-13 October 2018

Citrine Wagtail (1CY)

Unst, Saxa Vord, Haroldswick 

Unst, Norwick

21-22 September 2018

30 September 2018 to 4 October 2018

Little Bunting Barra, Eoligarry, OHs 6-7 May 2019
Blyth's Reed Warbler (male, singing) High Wards Farm, Gartocharn, Clyde 4 June 2019


Batch 224 (added 16 July 2019)

Cattle Egret Caerlaverock, D&G 10 October 2018
Lesser Scaup (male, adult) Loch Ryan, D&G 9-30 January 2019
White-billed Diver (immature) Maidens, Ayrshire  9 February 2019
White-billed Diver (adult) North Ronaldsay, Dennis Head, Orkney 7 May 2018
Yellow-legged Gull (adult) Skye, Lower Milovaig, Highland

23 February 2019 to 12 March 2019

Yellow-legged Gull (adult)

Thurso, Caithness

15 April 2018


Batch 223 (added 16 May 2019)

Melodious Warbler (1CY) St Abbs, Borders 2 September 2018
White-billed Diver (Adult) Mainland, Orphir, Houton Head, Orkney 2 November 2017 to 26 March 2018
White-billed Diver (Adult) North Ronaldsay, Nousta Bay, Orkney 29 May 2018
White-billed Diver Papa Sound, Orkney 19 June 2018
Little Bunting St Kilda, OHs

9 July 2018

Greenish Warbler (1CY)

Isle of May

27 May 2018

Olive backed Pipit

Isle of May

11-13 October 2018

Ortolan Bunting (1CY)

Isle of May

1-2 September 2018

Marsh Warbler (2 males singing)

Skirza, Caithness

2 June 2018 - 7 July 2018

Marsh Warbler

Isle of May

26 May 2018


North Ronaldsay, Sandar, Orkney

3 April 2018

Blyth's Reed Warbler (1CY)

North Ronaldsay, Holland House, Orkney

3 October 2018

Blyth's Reed Warbler (1CY)

Barra, Creachan, OHs

4-5 October 2018

Citrine Wagtail (1CY)

St Kilda, OHs

30 September 2018


Batch 222 (added 5 April 2019)

Cattle Egret Mull, Calgary, Argyll 12 October 2018 to 13 November 2018
Cattle Egret Caerlaverock WWT, D&G 7 October 2018
Cattle Egret South Uist, Frobost, Aird Michael, Ormiclate, OHs 16-28 October 2018
Cattle Egret, same as Musselburgh, Lothian bird (Batch 217), but different from Trochry, P&K bird (Batch 212) Prora, Lothian 29-30 September 2017
Little Bunting Barra, football pitch, OHs

23 October 2015

Little Bunting

Isle of Lewis, Linshader, OHs

9-10 April 2018


Fetlar, Wick of Gruting, Shetland

23 October 2017


Ferry Hills, Fife

10 November 2018

White-rumped Sandpiper (adult)

South Uist, Balgarva, OHs

18 September 2018

White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY)

Mainland, Virkie, Shetland

14 October 2018

Woodchat Shrike (female)

Strathdearn, Highland

7-9 June 2017

White-billed Diver (adult)

Fife Ness, Fife

27 October 2018


Batch 221 (added 20 March 2019)

Parrot Crossbills (3) 2males, 1 female Sand, Mainland, Shetland 3-4 October 2017
Parrot Crossbills (3) 2 males, 1 female Lerwick, Mainland, Shetland 3-13 October 2017
Parrot Crossbill female Langass Wood, North Uist, OHs 23 October 2017
Parrot Crossbills (2) 2 males Heddle Hill, Finstown, Mainland, Orkney 6-7 October 2017
Parrot Crossbills (5) 2 males, 3 females Setter's Hill Estate, Unst, Shetland

2-11 October 2017

Parrot Crossbills (8) 3 males, 5 females

Haroldswick, Unst, Shetland

4 October 2017


Batch 220 (added 7 February 2019)

Yellow-legged Gull (Adult) Glasgow, Blythswood Square, Clyde 5-10 April 2018
Great Shearwater Corsewall Point, D&G 19 September 2018
Cory's Shearwater Corsewall Point, D&G 8 August 2018
Red-rumped Swallow  c. 50km east of Lybster, Caithness, 'At sea' 26 May 2018
Red-rumped Swallow Foula, Ham, Shetland

1-2 May 2018

Woodchat Shrike (1CY)

Barn's Ness, Lothian

16-29 September 2018

Black Kite (Adult) Scoolary, Caithness 19 June 2012
Marsh Warbler (Male, singing) St John's Pool, Caithness 10 May 2018 to 10 June 2018
White-billed Diver Cullen, M&N 23 March 2017
White-billed Diver (Adult) Lossiemouth, M&N 22-23 April 2017 & 16 May 2017
White-billed Diver (Adult) Fife Ness, Fife 26 October 2018
White-winged Black Tern (Adult) Harris, Seilebost, OHs 14-19 July 2017


Batch 219 (added 2 January 2019)

Subalpine Warbler (Male, not identified to species) Carnan Mor, Tiree, Argyll 7 May 2017
Subalpine Warbler (Male, not identified to species) Torosa Cornaigbeg, Tiree, Argyll 8 June 2018
Stone-curlew  Rigifa Pond, NES 19 August 2018
Serin (Female) North Light area, Fair Isle 16 May 2018
Red-rumped Swallow (Adult) Various locations, Fair Isle

3-4 May 2018

White-rumped Sandpiper (Adult) 

Baleshare, North Uist, OHs

29-30 July 2017

White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY) Aird an Rùnair, North Uist, OHs 5 October 2017
White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY) Balgarva, South Uist, OHs 7-9 October 2017
White-billed Diver Lido Beach, Peterhead, NES 29 April 2018


Batch 218 (added 19 November 2018)

Radde's Warbler Dale of Walls, Mainland, Shetland 8 October 2017
Caspian Gull (2CY) Leven, Fife 11 - 13 May 2018
Marsh Warbler (singing male) Fife Ness, Fife 12 May 2018
Marsh Warbler Balephuil, Tiree, Argyll 3 June 2018
White-winged Black Tern (Adult) Melvich, Sutherland, Highland

30 May 2018

Woodchat Shrike (2CY male)

Mey, Caithness

28 May 2018

Black Kite  Vigon, Yell, Shetland 24 May 2018
Yellow-legged Gull (2CY) Loch Gilp, Argyll 17 May 2018


Batch 217 (added 10 September 2018)

White-billed Diver  Mull Head, Papa Westray, Orkney 1 November 2016
White-billed Diver  Tongue Bay, Sutherland, Highland 19 May 2018
White-billed Diver  Tarbat Ness, Easter Ross, Highland 22 May 2018
White-billed Diver  Isle of May 6 November 2017
Yellow-legged Gull (2CY/3CY) Balgray Reservoir, Clyde

22 November 2017 to 20 January 2018

Cory's Shearwater

The Minch, OHs

21 July 2017

Stone-curlew (Adult) Balnakeil, Sutherland, Highland 15 May 2018
Lesser Scaup (Adult male) Alturlie, Inverness, Highland 18-19 April 2018

Cattle Egret (1CY)

Musselburgh Lagoons, Lothian 26 September 2017


Batch 216 (added 26 July 2018)

White-billed Diver (1CY) Eyemouth, Borders  10 November 2017
White-billed Diver (Adult) Portknockie, Moray & Nairn 9 April 2018
White-billed Diver (Adult) Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 19 May 2017
White-billed Diver (Adult) Houton Head, Orphir, Mainland, Orkney 2 November 2017 - 3 January 2018
White-billed Diver (Adult) Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay, Orkney

29 November 2017

White-billed Diver (Adult)

Mull Head, Papa Westray, Orkney

6 November 2017

Blyth’s Reed Warbler (1CY) Sandside Bay, Deerness,  4 October 2017
Blyth’s Reed Warbler (1CY) Sandback, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 25 August 2017

White-rumped Sandpiper (Adult)

Loch of Strathbeg, NES 21 - 25 July 2016
White-winged Black Tern (same as bird seen on Fair Isle - Batch 211) Ancum Loch, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 9 - 18 July & 1-19 August 2017

Radde's Warbler

Sandwick, Mainland, Shetland

29 September 2017


Batch 215 (added 11 June 2018)

Woodchat Shrike (male) Burness, Sanday, Orkney  16 June 2017
Cory's Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 23 August 2017
Cattle Egret West Fife, Fife 4 November 2017 - 13 December 2017
Egyptian Goose (adult) Musselburgh, Lothian 5 August 2016
Little Bunting Isle of May

16-18 September 2017

Olive-backed Pipit

Isle of May

27-28 September 2017

Red-flanked Bluetail (female/first-calendar-year) Coastguard Station, Wick, Caithness 19 October 2017
White-billed Diver (adult, non-breeding) Holborn Head, Caithness 7-8 January 2018

White-billed Diver

Broadford Bay, Skye, Highland 6 February 2018
White-billed Diver (second-calendar-year) Sanday, Orkney 24 May 2017

Marsh Warbler (male, singing)

Castlebay, Barra, OHs

4 June 2017


Batch 214 (added 19 April 2018)

Radde's Warbler (Ringed, 1CY) Isle of May 6 October 2016
Short-toed Lark Tyninghame, Lothian 22 July 2017
Olive-backed Pipit St Abb's Head, Borders 13 October 2016
Woodchat Shrike (1CY) Kirkton Farm, Crianlarich, Upper Forth 13 October 2017
White-billed Diver (Non-breeding) Fraserburgh, NES

19 November 2017

White-billed Diver (2CY)

Papa Westray, Orkney

1 June 2017

Dusky Warbler St Abb's Head, Borders 16 October 2016

Ortolan Bunting (1CY)

St Abb's Head, Borders 8 October 2016
Purple Heron Scoughall, Lothian 14 April 2017

Red-rumped Swallow

Unst, Norwick, Shetland

16 May 2017


Batch 213 (added 2 April 2018)

Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY) Isbister, North Roe, Mainland, Shetland 5 -16 October 2017
Blyth’s Reed Warbler (trapped, 1CY) Holland House, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 26 - 29 September 2017
Cattle Egret Culmore Farm, Sandhead, D&G 8 - 25 November 2017
Glossy Ibis Loch of Strathbeg, NES 18 - 22 December 2016
Glossy Ibis (2) Loch of Strathbeg, NES

16 & 20 - 26 May 2016

Great Shearwater

Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay, Orkney

31 August 2017

Great Shearwater Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 1 September 2017

Great Shearwater

Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 10 September 2017
Melodious Warbler (1CY) Cott, Papa Westray, Orkney 25 August 2017

White-billed Diver (Non-breeding)

Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay, Orkney

17 April 2017

White-billed Diver

North/South Wick, Papa Westray & Pierowall, Westray, Orkney

6 - 30 April 2017 & 24 May 2017

White-billed Diver (3CY+)

Burghead Bay, M&N

10 -16 July 2016

Woodchat Shrike (1CY)

Bewan, Papa Westray, Orkney

25 September 2017

White-winged Black Tern (3CY)

Meikle Loch, NES

29 - 30 July 2016


Batch 212 (added 20 February 2018)

Melodious Warbler Schoolton & Houll, Fair Isle 17 September 2017
Citrine Wagtail (1CY)  South Harbour, Fair Isle 17 September 2017
Woodchat Shrike (1CY) Pund, Fair Isle 19 August 2017
Red-flanked Bluetail (1CY) School & Hall, Fair Isle  18 - 19 October 2017
Little Bunting  Skateraw, Lothian 20 - 21 October 2017

Night-heron (2)

(1) 2CY

(2) 3CY

Glen & Garrygall, Barra, OHs

(1) 25 April 2017 to 13 May 2017

(2) 25 - 28 April 2017

Cattle Egret Trochry, P&K 28 September 2017

Red-rumped Swallow (2)

(1) adult

(2) 2CY

Stornoway, Lewis, OHs 14 May 2011
White-rumped Sandpiper (2) (1CY) Scarista, Harris, OHs 8 November 2011


Batch 211 (added 3 January 2018)

Yellow-legged Gull (1CY) Mount Vernon, Glasgow, Clyde 24 September 2016 - 29 October 2016
White-winged Black Tern (Adult) Buness, Fair Isle 21 July 2017
Glossy Ibis Letham Pools, Fife 25 November 2016
White-rumped Sandpiper (Adult) Aird an Runair, North Uist, OHs 2 - 3 August 2017
Ortolan Bunting (1CY) 35 nautical miles NE Peterhead, Buzzard Field, on Osprey Explorer, At Sea 19 August 2016
Black Kite Leurbost, Lewis, OHs 25 - 27 April 2016
Cory’s Shearwater Girdle Ness, NES 23 August 2017
Stone-curlew (Adult) Kintessack, near Forres, M&N 25 June 2016
Little Bunting Keodale, near Durness, Highland 29 September 2017
sinensis Cormorant (Adult, first Scottish record, specimen at NMS, Edinburgh) Orkney 30 March 1873
White-winged Black Tern (Adult) Spey Bay, M&N 21 June 2016


Batch 210 (added 1 December 2017)

Blyth’s Reed Warbler (male, singing) Aviemore, Highland 28 June - 3 July 2017
Greenish Warbler (male, singing) Colonsay, Argyll  15 June 2017
Greenish Warbler (1CY) Loch of Strathbeg, NES 25 August 2015
Red-rumped Swallow Fair Isle 23 May 2017
Woodchat Shrike (2CY) Fair Isle 16 June 2017
Little Bunting (2) Isle of May

(1) 3 October 2016

(2) 19 October 2016

Montagu’s Harrier (female, 3CY+) Mainland, Shetland 14 May 2017
White-billed Diver (adult) Lossiemouth, M&N 1 - 6 May 2016
White-billed Diver (3CY+) Burghead, M&N 2 April 2017
White-rumped Sandpiper (1CY) Loch of Strathbeg, NES 18 October to 1 November 2015
White-winged Black Tern (adult) Benbecula, OHs 19 June 2017


Batch 209 (added 11 October 2017)

Black Kite (adult) Strath Fleet, near Loch Craggie, Highland 23 May 2017
Black Kite Bruntsfield, Edinburgh, Lothian 28 April 2017
Citrine Wagtail (female, 2CY) Isle of May 10-11 May 2016
Alpine Swift Barons’ Haugh, Clyde 16-21 March 2017
Caspian Gull (adult) Skateraw, Lothian 7-17 March 2017
Greenish Warbler (adult male, singing) Eriskay, OHs 31 May 2017
Red-rumped Swallow Peedie Sea, Kirkwall, Orkney 11-14 May 2017
Red-rumped Swallow Gott, Tiree, Argyll 24 May 2017
White-billed Diver (2) (two adults) North Ronaldsay, Orkney 8-12 May 2017
Lesser Scaup (adult male) Loch of Skene, NES 23-24 May 2017


Batch 208 (added 22 August 2017)

Blyth’s Reed Warbler (1cy) Unst, Northdale and Norwick, 22 September – 4 October 2016
Cattle Egret Auchneel Farm, Stranraer, D&G 29 January – 15 February 2017
Glossy Ibis (4) four, at least three 1cy Caerlaverock (30/09-03/10), D&G
Mersehead (03/10), D&G
Crook of Baldoon (08-09/10), D&G
30 September – 9 October 2013
Glossy Ibis (1cy) Allasdale, Barra, OHs 30 August – 1 September 2015
Little Bunting (1cy) Creachan, Breibhig, Barra, OHs 10 October 2016
Little Bunting (unaged) Skallary, Barra, OHs 4 November 2016
White-billed Diver (unaged) Sandwood Bay, Sutherland, Highland 12 February 2017
White-billed Diver (2cy) Ferny Ness, Lothian 8 February & 1 March 2017
Caspian Gull (2cy) Skateraw, Lothian 23-25 February 2016
Caspian Gull (2cy) Skateraw, Lothian 8-9 April 2016


Batch 207 (added 20 June 2017)

Blyth’s Reed Warbler (1cy) Isle of May 5 October 2016
Blyth’s Reed Warbler (1cy) Bruray, Out Skerries, Shetland 6 October 2016
Dusky Warbler Isle of May 14 October 2016
Dusky Warbler Barns Ness, Lothian 16 – 21 October 2016
Little Bunting (3) Isle of May 7 – 19 October 2016 (1)
8 – 11 October 2016 (2)
Olive-backed Pipit Ardmhor, Barra, OHs 6 October 2016
Olive-backed Pipit Isle of May 13-15 October 2016
Radde’s Warbler Skateraw, Lothian 16 October 2016
Stone-curlew Sangar, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 30 May 2016
White-billed Diver (adult) Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 6 November 2016
White-billed Diver (adult) Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 28 May 2016
White-billed Diver (adult) Peterhead, NES 13 September 2016
White-billed Diver Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 2 February 2017
Woodlark (2) Northdale, Unst (1), Shetland
Haroldswick, Unst (2), Shetland
Northdale, Unst (2), Shetland
Norwick, Unst (2), Shetland
12 November 2016
17 November 2016
19 November 2016
10 February to 8 March 2017
Lesser Scaup (adult male) Loch of Boardhouse, Birsay, Mainland, Orkney 26 November 2016 to 24 April 2017
White-winged Black Tern (adult/3cy) Meikle Loch, Collieston, NES 5 August 2016
Glossy Ibis (2cy) Slains Pool and Strathbeg, NES 20 May 2016


Batch 206 (added 13 April 2017)

Blyth’s Reed Warbler (1cy) Havens & Observatory, Fair Isle 2 October 2016
Blyth’s Reed Warbler (1cy) Observatory, Fair Isle 6 October 2016
Blyth’s Reed Warbler (1cy) Mid Geo & Skadan, Fair Isle 28 August 2016
Blyth’s Reed Warbler Quendale, Mainland, Shetland 2 October 2016
Blyth’s Reed Warbler Houlland, Baltasound, Unst, Shetland 25 September – 5 October 2016
Blyth’s Reed Warbler (1cy) Lettan, Sanday, Orkney 8 October 2016
Blyth’s Reed Warbler (1cy) Skaw, Whalsay, Shetland 9-16 October 2016
Lesser Scaup (adult male) Loch Ryan, D&G 12-24 December 2016
Eyptian Geese (2) North End, Sanday, Orkney 1 February 2016
Citrine Wagtail (1cy) Meadow Burn & Da Water, Fair Isle 13 September 2016
Greenish Warbler (1cy) Forvie, NES 19-20 August 2016
Little Bunting (1cy) near Leswalt, Stranraer, D&G 21 October 2016
Night Heron (1cy) Whiteness, Mainland, Shetland 4 December 2016
Night Heron (1cy) Black Loch, Cleat, Sanday, Orkney 22 November – 13 December 2016
Cetti’s Warbler Location withheld 8 October 2016
Radde’s Warbler Opposite Burkle, Fair Isle 2 October 2016
Radde’s Warbler Burns, Foula, Shetland 2 October 2016
Radde’s Warbler Norwick, Unst, Shetland 27 September 2016
White-billed Diver (2cy) Loch Broom, Ullapool, Highland 11 April 2016
White-billed Diver (3cy) Blackdog, NES 14 August 2016
Yellow-legged Gull (adult) Barassie, Ayrshire 24 November 2016
Glossy Ibis Hooking Loch, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 30 October-15 November 2016
Black Kite Bennan, D&G 21 April 2016


Batch 205 (added 01 February 2017)

White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Lochdar, South Uist, OH 1 June 2016
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Greyhope Bay, Girdle Ness, NES 10 – 19 August 2016
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Rossie Spit, Montrose Basin, Angus & Dundee 2 – 5 August 2016
Red-rumped Swallow (2cy or older) Utra and Hesti Geo, Fair Isle 5 – 6 May 2016
Red-rumped Swallow Lerwick, Mainland, Shetland 2 – 14 July 2015
Greenish Warbler (1cy) Isle of May 25 August 2016
Greenish Warbler Kilminning, Fife 20 August 2016
Woodchat Shrike (male) Nether Taft and various, Fair Isle 11 – 24 May 2016
Olive-backed Pipit Seacliff, Lothian 24 April 2016
Olive-backed Pipit Whitesands, Lothian 8 October 2016
Blyth’s Reed Warbler (1cy) Uyeasound, Unst, Shetland 20 – 29 September 2016
Citrine Wagtail (1cy) Stinky Bay, Benbecula, OH 26 September 2016
Citrine Wagtail (1cy) Norwick, Unst, Shetland 17 – 19 September 2015
Cory’s Shearwater Scoughall, Lothian 29 August 2016
Egyptian Goose (adult) The Wilderness, Ladybank, Fife 24 July 2016
Alpine Swift Fethaland, Mainland, Shetland 26 June 2016
Black Kite nr Machrihanish village, Kintyre, Argyll 11 May 2016
Little Bunting North Loch Eynort, South Uist, OH 17 October 2016


Batch 204 (added 07 November 2016)

Cattle Egret Carbans, Clyde 24 April 2016
Red-footed Falcon(juvenile) Isle of May 14-19 September 2015
Ortolan Bunting (adult male) Morar, Lochaber, Highland 23-26 June 2015
Woodchat Shrike (adult male) St Abbs, Borders 19-24 June 2016
White-billed Diver Dunskirloch, Corsewall Point, Dumfries & Galloway 28-30 Apr 2016
Lesser Scaup (adult male) Barr Loch, Lochwinnoch, Clyde 30 April – 1 May 2016
Stone-curlew (adult) Balnakeil, Sutherland, Highland 28-30 May 2016
Black Kite Flodda, Benbecula, Outer Hebrides 12 May 2016
Marsh Warbler (male) The Glebe, Scarinish, Tiree, Argyll 4 June 2016
Subalpine Warbler (1st summer male) Kinnabus, The Oa, Isle of Islay, Argyll 16 May 2016


Batch 203 (added 08 July 2016)

Blyth’s Reed Warbler (1st w) Senness, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 22 September 2015
Egyptian Goose River North Esk, Angus & Dundee 26 May 2015
Radde’s Warbler (1cy) Chalet, Barkland, School & Field, Fair Isle 14 – 19 October 2015
Glossy Ibis (1st w) Buddabreak, Unst, Shetland 19 December 2015 to January 2016
Glossy Ibis Mull Head, Papa Westray, Orkney 23 October 2015
Glossy Ibis Faulds, Caithness 2 – 3 January 2014
Glossy Ibis Wick riverside, Caithness 8 November 2013
Lesser Scaup (adult female) Loch a’Phuill, Tiree, Argyll 16 November 2015
 White-rumped Sandpiper (juvenile moulting to 1st w) Musselburgh, Lothian 12 – 14 November 2015
Melodious Warbler Valyie, Norwick, Unst, Shetland 25 – 27 August 2015
White-billed Diver (1st w) Sandside, Caithness 7 – 9 February 2014
 White-billed Diver (adult) Uig Bay, Skye, Highland 28 February – 15 March 2016
 White-billed Diver (adult) North coast of Mull, Ardnamurchan, Argyll 5 March 2016
 White-billed Diver (2) Findlater Castle, nr Sandend, NES 16 March 2016
White-billed Diver Dunglass, Borders/ Lothian 18 – 19 April 2015
Great Shearwater St Abbs, Borders 21 September 2014
Blyth’s Reed Warbler Symbister, Whalsay, Shetland 27 September 2015


Batch 202 (added 07 April 2016)

Glossy Ibis Kyleakin, Isle of Skye, Highland 10 January 2016
Glossy Ibis (1st winter) Blacklands, Kilwinning, Ayrshire 21-29 October 2015
Glossy Ibis (adult) Ormiclate Castle, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 31 December 2015 – 2 January 2016
Yellow-legged Gull (2cy/3cy) Strathclyde Country Park and Carbans, Clyde 24 October 2015 to 26 March 2016
Montagu’s Harrier (female) Priestlaw Hill/Duddy Bank, Lammermuir Hills, Lothian 3-4 May 2014
Red-footed Falcon (2cy male) Newtonhill, NES 25 August 2015
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Sandsheen and Bewan, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 20-24 July 2015
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult, same as North Ronaldsay, Orkney individual 01-03/05/2015) Loch of the Taing, Papa Westray, Orkney 25-28 April 2015
 Lesser Scaup (2cy male) Broadwood Flash, Ayrshire 10 February 2015
 White-billed Diver (adult) Off Troon, Ayrshire 9 June 2015
 Black Kite Sumburgh Airport, Tingwall Airport, Mainland, Shetland 26-27 April 2015
 Blyth’s Reed Warbler Out Skerries, Shetland 5 October 2015
 Blyth’s Reed Warbler Easting, Unst, Shetland 23-24 September 2015
 Blyth’s Reed Warbler (singing male) Port Elphinstone, Inverurie, NES 15-27 June 2015
Greenish Warbler Forvie, NES 24-25 August 2015
Olive-backed Pipit (2) Isle of May 11-12 October 2015
Olive-backed Pipit Brevig, Barra, Outer Hebrides 18 October 2015
Red-rumped Swallow Marwick, Mainland, Orkney 8 June 2015
Woodlark Kirbest, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 12 October 2015


Batch 201 (added 03 March 2016)

Glossy Ibis (5) Fair Isle 2 – 15 October 2015
Great Shearwater Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 4 September 2015
Red-footed Falcon (juv) Girdle Ness, NES 31 August – 13 September 2015
Red-footed Falcon (juv) Kingsbarns, Fife 24 August 2015
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Bewan Loch, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 1 – 3 May 2015
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Baleshare, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 14 – 15 August 2015
Woodchat Shrike Ancum, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 19 May 2015
Radde’s Warbler Troup Head, NES 8 October 2014
 White-billed Diver (adult) Cullen, M&N 4 – 7 May 2014
 White-billed Diver (adult) Cullen, M&N 8 May 2015
 White-billed Diver (3) (adult) (3) Portknockie, M&N 3 May 2014
 White-billed Diver Rosehearty, NES 30 January – 1 February 2014
 White-billed Diver (adult) Peterhead, NES 22 May 2014
 White-billed Diver (adult) Snarravoe, Mainland, Shetland 7 – 12 February 2014
 Woodlark Skelberry, Dunrossness, Mainland, Shetland 29 – 30 October 2015
 Lesser Scaup (1st w male) Lochs of Houlland and Benston, Mainland, Shetland 12 November 2015 – January 2016


Batch 200 (added 03 March 2016)

Cetti’s Warbler Nasg, Barra, Outer Hebrides 12 October 2014
Black Kite Seli Voe, Mainland, Shetland 13 June 2014
Ortolan Bunting St Abbs Head, Borders 24 August 2015
Blyth’s Reed Warbler (1cy) Upper Stoney Breck and Lower Leogh, Fair Isle 20 – 25 September 2015
Blyth’s Reed Warbler Exnaboe, Mainland, Shetland 12 October 2015
Blyth’s Reed Warbler Toab, Mainland, Shetland 30 September – 4 October 2015
Blyth’s Reed Warbler Hestingott, Mainland, Shetland 26 – 30 September 2015
Blyth’s Reed Warbler North Town, Virkie, Mainland, Shetland 25 September 2015
Blyth’s Reed Warbler Exnaboe, Mainland, Shetland 27 September 2015
Cattle Egret Hillwell, Mainland, Shetland 1 November 2015
Cattle Egret (presumed same as Hillwell) South Collafirth, Mainland, Shetland 16 – 25 October 2015
Citrine Wagtail (1cy) Guidicum, Fair Isle 12 September 2015
Citrine Wagtail (1cy) Gilsetter, Auld Haa and Skerryholm, Fair Isle 1 – 8 September 2015
Citrine Wagtail (1cy) Hooking Loch, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 30 August 2015
Citrine Wagtail (1cy) Quendale, Mainland, Shetland 25-27 August 2015
Citrine Wagtail (1cy) Brideness and Hooking, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 6 – 9 September 2015
Greenish Warbler Boarhills, Fife 23 August 2015


Batch 199 (added 12 January 2016)

Kentish Plover (female) Balcomie beach, Fife 30- 31 May 2015
Yellow-legged Gull (sub-adult) Balgray Reservoir, Clyde 10 – 16 January 2015
Yellow-legged Gull (adult) Balgray Reservoir, Clyde 7 – 21 February 2015
Rustic Bunting (unaged) Cove, North-east Scotland 1-3 November 2013
Blyth’s Reed Warbler Fair Isle 8 June 2015
Woodchat Shrike (male 2cy) Near Strathy, Highland 18 May 2015
Nightingale (unaged) Isle of May 13 June 2015
Marsh Warbler (male singing) Tongue, Highland 26 June 2015
White-billed Diver (10) Off Portsoy, North-east Scotland 26 March – 6 April 2014


Batch 198 (added 22 September 2015)

Egyptian Goose (adult) Strath Farm, Campbeltown, Argyll & Bute 22 May 2015
Egyptian Goose (adult) Abbeymill, Lothian 24 – 28 February 2013
White-billed Diver (2cy) Rubha Ardvule, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 13 March 2015
White-billed Diver Loch Ewe, Highland 11 February 2015
White-billed Diver Gruinard Bay, Highland 15 April 2015
White-billed Diver Burghead, Moray & Nairn 2 – 6 April 2014


Batch 197 (added 22 September 2015)

Lesser Scaup (2cy female) Loch Ardvule, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 11 April 2015
Kentish Plover (adult male) Dornoch Point, Highland 7 – 10 May 2015
Caspian Gull (adult) Belhaven Bay, Lothian 15 November 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Asta golf course, Shetland 8 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Eastshore, Virkie, Shetland 11 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Uyeasound, Unst, Shetland 11 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Haggrister, Whiteness, Shetland 11- 12 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit (2) Helendale, Lerwick, Shetland 13 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Swinister Burn, Shetland 18 – 26 October 2014
Greenish Warbler (male singing) Tyninghame Bay, Lothian 7 – 22 June 2014
Cory’s Shearwater Lossiemouth, Moray & Nairn 14 August 2014
Cory’s Shearwater Lossiemouth, Moray & Nairn 29 July 2014


Batch 196 (added 7 June 2015)

Serin (female) Isle of May 4 May 2014
Glossy Ibis Colonsay, Argyll 27 December 2013 and 25 January – 5 February 2014
Olive-backed Pipit North Ronaldsay, Orkney 18 – 20 September 2014
Olive-backed Pipit North Ronaldsay, Orkney 6 – 8 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit North Ronaldsay, Orkney 6 – 8 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit North Ronaldsay, Orkney 6 – 8 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit North Ronaldsay, Orkney 8 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit North Ronaldsay, Orkney 10 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Papa Westray, Orkney 8 – 14 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Deerness, Orkney 1 October 2014
Radde’s Warbler Mid Dale, Shetland 8 October 2014
Caspian Gull (1st w/2cy) At Sea, Shetland 6 February 2015
Olive-backed Pipit Sullom Voe, Shetland 3 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Loch of Hillwell, Shetland 7 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit (2) Vidlin, Shetland 7 – 8 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Baltasound, Shetland 8 – 9 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Hermaness, Shetland 2 May 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Toab, Shetland 17 November 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Lower Voe, Shetland 10 October 2014
Great Shearwater North Ronaldsay, Orkney 21 August 2014


Batch 195 (added 7 June 2015)

Yellow-legged Gull (adult) Stranraer, Dumfries & Galloway 27 – 30 December 2014
Melodious Warbler (1st year) Out Skerries, Shetland 6 October 2014
Glossy Ibis North Ronaldsay, Orkney 13 February – 12 June 2014
Stone-curlew Loch Stiapavat, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 18 May 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Fair Isle 21 – 22 September 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Fair Isle 7 – 13 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Fair Isle 8 – 18 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Fair Isle 13 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Fair Isle 18 – 26 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Fair Isle 19 November – 6 December 2014
Woodchat Shrike (female) Palace, Birsay, and Stromness, Orkney 12, 13 – 24 June 2014
White-rumped Sandpiper (juv) Fivepenny, Ness, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 27 October 2014


Batch 194 (added 26 March 2015)

Egyptian Goose Isle of May 7 February 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Otterswick, Yell, Shetland 8 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Houbie, Fetlar, Shetland 8-10 October 2014
Night Heron (adult) Brake, Quendale and Spiggie, Mainland, Shetland 18, 20-30 April 2014
Yellow-legged Gull (adult, ringed and corpse) Foula, Shetland 6-7 July 2014
Glossy Ibis (same bird as Unst and Fair Isle 2014) Hillwell, Virkie and Sumburgh, Mainland, Shetland 20-28 May 2014
Glossy Ibis (same bird as Hillwell and Fair Isle 2014) Haroldswick and Baltasound, Unst and Spiggie, Mainland, Shetland 6-9, 10-11, 12 January 2014
Red-rumped Swallow Burrafirth, Unst, Shetland 18-19 May 2014
Radde’s Warbler Toab, Mainland, Shetland 14 October 2010
Radde’s Warbler Sumburgh Hotel, Mainland, Shetland 6 October 2014
Little Bunting Barra, Outer Hebrides 22 October 2013
Red-footed Falcon (2cy male) Harray and other sites, Orkney 22-27 July 2014
White-billed Diver (13) Portsoy, North-east Scotland 21 April – 12 May 2013


Batch 193 (added 26 March 2015)

Black Kite Various locations, Shetland 19-27 June 2012
Olive-backed Pipit Mid Yell, Yell, Shetland 26 October 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Exnaboe, Mainland, Shetland 11 October 2014
Caspian Gull (2cy) Montrose Basin, Angus and Dundee 19 October 2014
Greenish Warbler Brevig, Barra, Outer Hebrides 18 September 2014
Cory’s Shearwater Brora, Highland 28 August 2014
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Virkie, Mainland, Shetland 29-30 July 2014
White-rumped Sandpiper (juv) Balgarva, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 5-18 October 2014
Great Shearwater Loch Snizort, Skye, Highland 18 August 2013
Great Shearwater North Ronaldsay, Orkney 22 September 2014
White-billed Diver (3) Scapa Flow, Mainland, Orkney 17 February 2014


Batch 192 (added 16 January 2015)

Greenish Warbler (adult male) Loch Eynort, South Uist, Outer Herbrides 7 June 2014
Melodious Warbler Ormiclate, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 23 August 2014
Yellow-legged Gull (adult) Stanhope, Dumfries & Galloway 28- 29 July 2014
White-billed Diver (2cy) Eriskay, Outer Hebrides 21 April 2014
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Tiree, Argyll 31 Aug – 1 Septermber 2014
White-rumped Sandpiper (2) (2 adults) Ardivachar Point, South Ford, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 18-23 September 2012
Glossy Ibis (unaged) Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 1 November 2013
Cattle Egret (specimen) Westray, Orkney 15 October 2014


Batch 191 (added 16 January 2015)

Purple Heron St Kilda, Outer Hebrides 14 April 2011
White-billed Diver (adult) Ham Voe, Foula, Shetland 13 May 2014
Marsh Warbler Mannal, Tiree, Argyll 28 May 2014
Red-rumped Swallow Ceann A’ Mhara, Tiree, Argyll 26 May 2014
Rustic Bunting (2) (Imm male/female; adult male) Balephuil, Tiree, Argyll 21 May 2014 & 2-3 June 2014
Melodious Warbler (1st winter) Scarinish, Tiree, Argyll 18 September – 4 October 2014
Caspian Gull (adult) Belhaven Bay, Lothian 27 December 2013
Glossy Ibis (1 bird) Fair Isle 16, 25 May 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Collarfirth, Shetland 23 September 2013
Olive-backed Pipit East Denwick Plantation, Deerness, Orkney 1 October 2014
Red-rumped Swallow Hilwell, Shetland 20 – 22 May 2014
Greenish Warbler Girdleness, NE Scotland 23 August 2013
Greenish Warbler Girdleness, NE Scotland 25 August 2013
Greenish Warbler Altens, NE Scotland 25 August 2013
Greenish Warbler Blackdog, NE Scotland 25 August 2013
Greenish Warbler Longhaven, NE Scotland 24-25 August 2013


Batch 190 (added 27 October 2014)

Alpine Swift Hermaness, Shetland 24 May 2014
Black Kite Virkie, Shetland 7 April 2012
Rough-legged Buzzard Unst, Shetland 10 May 2012
Short-toed Lark (song recorded: male) South Uist, Outer Hebrides 20 May – 10 June 2014
Stone-curlew Noss, Shetland 4, 19 June 2013
White-winged Black Tern (three adults in total) Balranald, Outer Hebrides 20 – 24 May 2014
Red-rumped Swallow Boddam, Shetland 25 May 2014
Glossy Ibis (immature) Cambus Clacks, Upper Forth 2, 11 June 2014
White-billed Diver (immature) Kirkabister, Shetland 18 April 2014
White-winged Black Tern (adult) Stronsay, Orkney 26 May 2014
White-billed Diver (adult transitional) Tiumpian Head, Outer Hebrides 7 April 2014
Rough-legged Buzzard Unst, Shetland 12/02- 02/03/2012


Batch 189 (added 27 October 2014)

Glossy Ibis (2CY) Tiree, Argyll 13 Jan 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Hamister Whalsay, Shetland 4 – 5 Oct 2013
Olive-backed Pipit Setter’s Hill Estate, Baltasound, Unst, Shetland 30 Sept 2013
Kentish Plover (adult male) Dunvegan, Skye, Highland 23 May 2014
Alpine Swift Birsay, Orkney 26 – 27 May 2014
Black Kite Kilmichael Glen, Argyll 3 May 2014
Rustic Bunting (1st summer) Iona, Argyll 27 May 2014
Yellow- legged Gull (adult) 60 miles NW St Kilda, Outer Hebrides 4 April 2014
White-billed Diver (adult summer) Machrihanish, Argyll 17 May 2014
Egyptian Goose Blairdrummond, Upper Forth 12 -17 May 2014
Marsh Warbler Fife Ness, Fife 29 May 2014


Batch 188 (added 22 July 2014)

Black Kite (unaged) Inverpolly, Ross-shire, Highland 19 Apr 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Sheep Cru, Fair Isle 2 Oct 2013
Olive-backed Pipit Hesswalls Geo to Lower Leogh, Fair Isle 8 Oct – 2 Nov 2013
Olive-backed Pipit Midway, Fair Isle 14 Oct 2013
Olive-backed Pipit Observatory, Fair Isle 25 Sept 2013
Glossy Ibis (2CY) Kinross and Vane Farm, Loch Leven, Perth & Kinross 6 Mar – 23 Aug 2014
Night Heron (adult) Boreray near St Kilda, Outer Hebrides 4 May 2011
Night Heron (adult) Reawick, Shetland 18-21 Apr 2014
Olive-backed Pipit Ham, Foula, Shetland 26-28 Oct 2013
Olive-backed Pipit Papa Westray School, Orkney 26 Sept 2013
Olive-backed Pipit Skaw, Whalsay, Shetland 30 Sept 2013
Greenish Warbler (unaged) Lybster, Caithness 24 Aug 2013
Little Bunting Isle of May 29 Sept 2013
Serin (female) Askernish & South Glendale, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 10-12 Apr 2014
Radde’s Warbler Isle of May 3-4 Oct 2013
Red-rumped Swallow Asta Golf Course, Tingwall, Shetland 13 June 2013
White-billed Diver (2) (adult winter) Bluemull Sound, Shetland 28 Oct – 14 Nov 2013 into 2014
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Foula, Shetland 2-3 Sept 2013
White-rumped Sandpiper (juv) Scord/Pool of Virkie/Boddam, Shetland 11-21 Oct 2013
Yellow-legged Gull (adult) Campbeltown, Kintyre, Argyll 21-22 Feb 2014
Woodchat Shrike (female) Baltasound, Unst, Shetland 1 June 2013


Batch 187 (added 6 May 2014)

White-billed Diver (unaged) Gruinard Bay, Highland 19 Apr 2013
Egyptian Goose Loch Ryan, Dumfries & Galloway 29 Dec 2013
Olive-backed Pipit Twingness, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 20 Oct 2013
Woodlark Thrave, Sanday, Orkney 5-7 Oct 2013
Short-toed Lark Aird an Runair, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 19 May 2013


Batch 186 (added 6 May 2014)

Glossy Ibis (minimum of 8) various locations (multiple sightings), Outer Hebrides 25 Oct 2013 – 12 Jan 2014
Glossy Ibis (minimum of 2) various locations (multiple sightings), Orkney 17 Dec 2013 – 8 Feb 2014
Glossy Ibis Ballencreiff, Lothian 16 Jan 2014
White-rumped Sandpiper (2 juvs) Ardivachar Point, South Uist, Outer Hebrides (2) 5 Nov 2013, (1) 24 Nov 2013
Yellow-legged Gull (adult) Fivepenny, Ness, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 2 Oct 2013
Red-rumped Swallow Hillswick, Mainland, Shetland 29 May 2013
Black Kite (unaged) Decca Station, Dounby, Orkney 1 May 2013
White-billed Diver (up to 12) Between Port of Ness and Port Skigersta, with one off Cuishiadar, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 27 Mar – 29 May 2013
White-billed Diver (unaged) Tiumpan Head, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 7 Feb 2014
Red-rumped Swallow Scourie, Sutherland, Highland 20 May 2013
Olive-backed Pipit Vidlin, Mainland, Shetland 19-20 Oct 2013
Radde’s Warbler St Abb’s Head, Borders 19 Oct 2013


Batch 185 (added 26 February 2014)

White-billed Diver Portsoy, North-east Scotland 17 March – 29 April 2012
Marsh Warbler (male) Collieston, North-east Scotland 9 June 2012
Little Bunting Collieston, North-east Scotland 27 September 2012
Marsh Warbler (male) Balmedie, North-east Scotland 9 June 2012
Alpine Swift Corstorphine Hill, Edinburgh, Lothian 17 – 18 August 2012
Tawny Pipit (2CY) North Ronaldsay, Orkney 25 June 2013
Olive-backed Pipit North Ronaldsay, Orkney 4 – 6 October 2013
Olive-backed Pipit North Ronaldsay, Orkney 15 October 2013
White-rumped Sandpiper (2)(Both juv/1st w) Ardivachar, North Bay and Balgarva, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 5 – 9 November 2013
Marsh Warbler Mingulay, Outer Hebrides 5 – 6 June 2013
Night Heron (adult) Hirta, St Kilda, Outer Hebirdes 16 March 2012


Batch 184 (added 24 January 2014)

Egyptian Goose (adult) Carbans, Motherwell, Clyde 16 – 20 March 2011
Greenish Warbler (unaged) Tarbat Ness, Highland 24 August 2013
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Findhorn Bay, Moray & Nairn 10 – 14 June 2013
Black Kite (2CY) South Glendale, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 11 September 2013
Great Shearwater North Ronaldsay, Orkney 12 September 2013
White-billed Diver (2) (2 CY & adult) Off Rousay, Orkney 28 & 29 March 2013
Dusky Warbler Fife Ness Muir, Fife 18 – 20 October 2013
White-rumped Sandpiper (juv) Ardivachar Point, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 29 – 30 October 2013
White-rumped Sandpiper (juv) Aird an Runair, Balranald, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 3 November 2013
Stone-curlew Loch of Brough, Bressay and Noss, Shetland 4 and 16 June 2013
Olive-backed Pipit Frakkafield, Lerwick, Shetland 25 – 26 September 2013


Batch 183 (added 20 November 2013)

White-billed Diver (ad) Aird an Runair, Balranald, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 20 May 2013
Black Kite (unaged) Faseny water, Lammermuirs, Lothian 4 June 2012
Cory’s Shearwater North Ronaldsay, Orkney 13 August 2013
Woodchat Shrike subspecies badius (unaged) Ham, Foula, Shetland 28 May 2013
Black Kite (unaged) Bernisdale, Skye, Highland 21 June 2013
Melodious Warbler North Reeva then Chalet/Barkland area, Fair Isle 15-16 May 2013
Marsh Warbler (Male singing) North Loch Eynort, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 24 May 2013
Woodchat Shrike (1st summer male) Isle of May 31 May – 1 June 2013
White-billed Diver (transitional to adult) Gairloch, Highland 8 April 2013
White-billed Diver (unaged) Opinan Bay, SW of Port Henderson, Highland 10 April 2013
White-billed Diver (transitional to adult) Gruinard Bay, Highland 11 April 2013
Marsh Warbler  (Male singing) Uig Bay, Trotternish, Skye, Highland 16 – 28 June 2013
Yellow-legged Gull (4CY) Stranraer, Bishop Burn, Dumfries & Galloway 7 July 2013
Yellow-legged Gull (adult) WWT Caerlaverock, Dumfries & Galloway 5 August 2013


Batch 182 (added 3 September 2013)

White-billed Diver (ad w or 2nd S) Loch Ewe, Highland 15 April 2013
White-billed Diver (2: 1 ad + 2nd S) Gruinard Island, Highland 11-13 April 2013; 13 April 2013
White-billed Diver (ad or 2nd s) Tiumpan Head, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 8 April 2013
White-billed Diver (unaged) Mellon Udrigle, Gruinard Bay, Highland 16-19 April 2012
White-billed Diver (ad s) Sumburgh Head, Mainland, Shetland 28 May 2012
Red-rumped Swallow (2) Skaw, Unst, Shetland 25 May 2012
Radde’s Warbler Quoy, Fair Isle 13-14 October 2010
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (juv; not racially identified) Scalloway, Mainland, Shetland 15-19 October 2012
Rough-legged Buzzard (2 juv) Fair Isle 16 October 2010
Rough-legged Buzzard Baltasound, Unst , Shetland 27 September 2012
Woodchat Shrike (female) Carnan Mor, Tiree, Argyll 19-21 May 2013
Night Heron (immature) Sandvoe Beach, North Roe, Shetland 28 June 2012


Batch 181 (added 31 May 2013)

Little Bunting (unaged) Isle of May 1 Oct 2011
Greenish Warbler (2) Isle of May 6-10 June 2012; 6-8 June 2012
Melodious Warbler Isle of May 7-9 June 2012
Nightingale Isle of May 30 April-1 May 2012
White-billed Diver (adult winter) Isle of May 23 Jan 2013
Woodlark Isle of May 26-28 Mar 2013
White-billed Diver (2cy) Uisead Point, Machrihanish, Argyll 5 Mar 2013
Egyptian Goose (2)* Dalswinton Loch, Castle & Kirk Lochs, Lochmaben, Dumfries & Galloway 13 Sep 2007; 1-3 Nov 2011
Egyptian Goose* New Deer, North-East Scotland 12 Apr 2008
Woodchat Shrike (unaged) Redland Firth, Mainland, Orkney 24 May 2012
White-billed Diver (2) (adult summer) Rerwick Head, Mainland, Orkney 29 Apr 2012
White-billed Diver (unaged) Holm, Mainland, Orkney 10 Feb 2013

* Accepted as Category C.


Batch 180 (added 15 Apr 2013)

sinensis Cormorant (adult) Port Seton, Lothian 4-13 Feb 2012
Radde’s Warbler Kilminning, Fife 18-21 Oct 2012
sinensis Cormorant (5 adults) Lochs of Hillwell and Spiggie, Shetland 31 Mar – 20 May 2012
White-billed Diver (adult) Outshore Point, Sandwick, Orkney 30 Apr 2012
Great White Egret Sound of Islay, Argyll 16 Oct 2009
Marsh Warbler (3 different records) Isle of May 7 Jun 2011; 22-25 May 2012; 29 May – 2 Jun 2012
White-billed Diver (adult or near adult) Rerwick Head, Tankerness, Orkney 9 Jun 2012
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Tyninghame, Lothian 1-4 Aug 2012
Marsh Warbler (singing male) Windyhills, Angus & Dundee 27 May 2012
White-billed Diver (adult) Water Sound, South Ronaldsay, Orkney 29 Jan 2013
Alpine Swift (unaged) Butt of Lewis, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 24-25 Mar 2012
White-billed Diver (5-7) Between Port Nis and Port Skigersta, Outer Hebrides (1–3) 22-26 Mar; (2) 9-10 Apr; (2) 23 Apr 2012
White-billed Diver (1st summer) Sand of Sand, Brough Lodge, Fetlar, Shetland 10-13 Jun 2012
White-billed Diver (unaged) Sound Gruney, Bluemull Sound, Fetlar, Shetland 3 Oct 2010
Cory’s Shearwater Scurdie Ness, Angus & Dundee 21 Aug 2005


Batch 179 (added 1 Mar 2013)

White-rumped Sandpiper (juv) Brora, Highland 28-30 Oct 2012
Radde’s Warbler Lunan Bay, Angus & Dundee 18-21 Oct 2012
Water Pipit Broxmouth, Lothian 5 Nov 2011
Woodlark Fair Isle 16/10-5 Nov 2012
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Tiree, Argyll 6-7 Aug 2012
Egyptian Goose * Little Green Holm & Loons, Orkney 30 Jun 2008 & 7 Nov 2008
Red-rumped Swallow Blackness, Upper Forth/Lothian 3-4 Nov 2012
Red-rumped Swallow Cults, NE Scotland 14 May 2012
Dusky Warbler Balmedie, NE Scotland 4-12 Nov 2011
Dusky Warbler Girdle Ness, NE Scotland 15 Nov 2011
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Ythan, NE Scotland 29 Jul 2011

* Accepted as Category C.


Batch 178 (added 5 Jan 2013)

Little Bunting (unaged) Northbay, Barra, Outer Hebrides 2-10 Oct 2011
Black Kite (adult or 2cy) Bridge of Dun, Angus & Dundee 19 Aug 2012
Cattle Egret Corpach, Highland 22 Sep 2012
Woodlark (1st w) Isle of Eigg, Highland 27-28 Oct 2012
Red-rumped Swallow (1cy) Mirbister, Harray, Orkney 22 Oct 2012
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Hopeman, Moray & Nairn 23 Sep 2011
White-billed Diver (up to 3: 1 adult, 2 unaged) Burghead, Moray & Nairn 20 Apr – 8 May 2011 (1, adult); 29 Apr 2011 (3)
White-billed Diver (1-2: 1 adult, 1 subadult) Burghead, Moray & Nairn 12 Apr -8 May 2012 (1, adult); 19-23 Apr 2012 (2, adult + sub adult)
Black Kite (unaged) Miltonhaven, NE Scotland 10 Jun 2011
Marsh Warbler (adult, not singing) Mingulay, Outer Hebrides 11 Jun 2012
Great Shearwater North Ronaldsay, Orkney 27 Aug 2011
White-billed Diver (adult) Evie, Eynhallow Sound, Orkney 3 Jun 2012
White-billed Diver (adult) Howequoy Head, Orkney 11-19 Jun 2012
White-billed Diver (adult) North Ronaldsay, Orkney 6 May 2012
White-billed Diver (adult) Water Sound, Orkney 15 Jan -5 Feb 2012
sinensis cormorant (adult) Ythan, NE Scotland 17 Aug 2011


Batch 177 (added 18 Nov 2012)

Melodious Warbler (male) Isle of Coll, Argyll 8 Jun 2012
Tawny Pipit (ad) Nestie Voe, Noss, Shetland 9-11 May 2011
Alpine Swift Laxo, Cunningburgh, Shetland 29 Sep – 1 Oct 2011
Rough-legged Buzzard (1st w) Toft, Shetland 5 Jan – 26 Apr 2011
Black Kite (ad) Yell, Unst, Whalsay, Shetland 5-9 May 2011
Woodlark Lerwick, Shetland 27 Oct 2011
Rough-legged Buzzard (ad fem) Orphir Hills, Orkney 29 Feb – 2 May 2012
Sinensis cormorant (ad) Kilconquhar Loch, Fife 7 Jun 2012
Red-rumped Swallow Utra, Fair Isle 22-25 May 2012
Red-footed Falcon (ad fem) Dalrawer, Aberfeldy, Perth & Kinross 30 May – 1 Jun 2012
Rough-legged Buzzard (juv) Laxobiggin, Shetland 5 Nov 2011 into 2012
Yellow-legged Gull (4cy) Loch Sandary, N Uist, Outer Hebrides 24 Mar 2012
Purple Heron (2cy) Loch Spynie, Moray & Nairn 19-25 Apr 2011
White-billed Diver (unaged) Buckie, Moray & Nairn 13 Mar 2012
Rough-legged Buzzard (2 juvs) Valla Field, Unst, Shetland 1 Jan – 8 Apr 2011
Rough-legged Buzzard Caldback, Unst, Shetland 1 Dec 2011
White-rumped Sandpiper Fetlar, Shetland 31 May 2011
Rustic Bunting Mingulay, Outer Hebrides 30 May – 8 Jun 2012
Subalpine Warbler (male) Mingulay, Outer Hebrides 22 May 2012
Black Brant Aird an Runair, N Uist, Outer Hebrides 20 Apr 2012


Batch 176 (added 28 Jan 2013)

Purple Heron (1cy) Mires of Funzie, Fetlar, Shetland 20 Apr 2011
White-rumped Sandpiper Savoch Low Ground, Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 19 Aug 2011
Rough-legged Buzzard (ad) Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 27 Apr 2011
Great White Egret Kinneil Lagoon, Upper Forth 26 Oct 2011
Great White Egret Munlochy Bay, Highland 24 Apr 2012
Water Pipit Barns Ness, Lothian 25 Oct 2011
Rough-legged Buzzard (2cy) SE of Forsinard, Sutherland, Highland 25-26 Apr 2012
White-billed Diver (ad) Papa Westray, Orkney 27 Apr 2012
White-billed Diver (3cy) South Ronaldsay, Orkney 20 Apr – 21 May 2012
American Golden Plover (juv) Ormiclate, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 15-20 Oct 2007
Marsh Warbler (male) Tiree, Argyll 28 May 2012
White-billed Diver (2 ads) North Ronaldsay, Orkney 30 Apr 2012
Black Brant (ad) Stinky Bay, Benbecula, Outer Hebrides 11 May 2012
Kentish Plover (fem) Tyninghame, Lothian 18-19 Apr 2011


Batch 175 (added 29 Oct 2012)

Night Heron (adult) Creagorry, Benbecula, Outer Hebrides 22-23 Jun 2010
Ortolan Bunting (1st w) Isle of May 22 Sep 2010
Dusky Warbler (1st w) Isle of May 14 Nov 2011
sinensis Cormorant (adult) Seafield Pond, Lothian 22-30 Apr 2011
White-billed Diver (juv) Kirk/Holm Sound, Mainland, Orkney 12 Dec 2011
Black Kite (unaged) Portree, Isle of Skye, Highland 30 May 2010
Black Kite (2)* Various, Orkney 2-4 & 28-29 May 2011
Rough-legged Buzzard (2cy) Stembister, Toab and Langskaill, Tankerness, Orkney 17-24 Nov 2011
Melodious Warbler (1st w) Stove, Deerness, East Mainland, Orkney 26 Sep 1998
White-billed Diver (adult) Peninerine, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 14-16 Nov 2011
White-rumped Sandpiper (juv) Balgarva, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 20-22 Oct 2011
Rough-legged Buzzard (juv) Isbister, Houll and Vatshoull, Whalsay, Shetland 18-21 Nov 2011
Great White Egret (2) (2) Whalsay and (1) Out Skerries, Shetland (2) 24 Oct – (1) 5 Nov – 31 Dec 2011, (1) 6-19 Nov 2011
Woodlark Skaw, Unst, Shetland 14 Nov 2011-16 Jan 2012
Woodlark Hamister, Whalsay, Shetland 10-26 Apr 2011
Red-rumped Swallow (at least 2cy) Loch of Hillwell, Shetland 19-21 Jul 2011

* Date extension to previously accepted record – see Batch 172.


Batch 174 (added 19 Nov 2012)

White-rumped Sandpiper (ad) * Musselburgh, Lothian 30 Sep – 4 Oct 2011
White-rumped Sandpiper (ad) * Loch Leven, Perth & Kinross 13 Oct 2011
Water Pipit Aberlady, Lothian 8 Jan 2012
sinensis Cormorant Airthrey Loch, Upper Forth 25 Jan 2012
Great White Egret ** Tugnet and Bogmoor, Moray & Nairn 9 Jan – 1 May 2010, 27 Nov 2010 – 22 Feb 2011
White-billed Diver (2 ad, 1 imm) Burghead, Moray & Nairn (1 ad, 1 imm) 14 Apr – (2 ads) 2 May – (1 ad) 3 May 2010
Coues’s Arctic Redpoll Bell Wood, Cranshaws, Borders 4-30 Jan 2011
White-winged Black Tern North Ronaldsay, Orkney 9-10 Jul 2011
Water Pipit West Sands, St Andrews, Fife 9 Feb 2012
White Stork South Ronaldsay & North Ronaldsay, Orkney 8-25 Apr 2002
Egyptian Goose *** Meikle Loch & Ythan, NE Scotland 27 Mar 2010
White-billed Diver Port of Ness & Skigersta, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 2-5 May 2011
Cattle Egret Loch Stiapavat, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 29 Sep 2011
White-rumped Sandpiper (juv) Fivepenny, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 10 Oct 2011
White-rumped Sandpiper (juv) Fivepenny, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 15-18 Oct 2011
Red-rumped Swallow (ad) Butt of Lewis & Loch Stiapavat, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 9-11 May 2011
Woodchat Shrike (ad male) Port of Ness, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 6-7 May 2011
Montagu’s Harrier (2cy female) Sumburgh, mainland Shetland 9-17 May 2011

* Possibly the same bird.

** Probably a single bird.

*** Possibly the bird noted in Shetland (Batch 165).


Batch 173 (added 29 Aug 2012)

sinensis cormorant (ad) Musselburgh, Lothian 21 Jul – 8 Aug 2010
sinensis cormorant (2cy) Scatness, Shetland 1-3 Jun 2011
sinensis cormorant (ad) Loch of Hillwell, Shetland 29 May 2011
Great White Egret (unaged) Balnamoon Farm, Angus & Dundee 12-16 Dec 2011
Dusky Warbler (2) Cliffburn Gully, Arbroath, Angus & Dundee 27-30 Oct 2011 (1), 29-30 Oct 2011 (2)
Water Pipit Barns Ness, Lothian 28 Oct 2010 – 5 Apr 2011
Subalpine Warbler (male unaged, unraced) Birsay, Orkney 19-24 Apr 2011
Rough-legged Buzzard (juv) Harray, Orkney 13-20 Oct 2011
Ringed-billed Gull (ad) Loch Sandary, N Uist, Outer Hebs 22 Apr – 4 May 2008
White-rumped Sandpiper (ad) The Reef, Tiree, Argyll 15 Sep 2011
White-billed Diver (ad sp) Aird, Tiree, Argyll 18 Oct 2011
Cattle Egret* Croig, Mull, Argyll 27 Oct 2011
Cattle Egret* Whitehouse and Hough, Tiree, Argyll 17-25 Nov 2011
Water Pipit (2) Ardmore, Clyde 10 Dec 2010 – 4 Apr 2011 (1), 2 Mar – 4 Apr 2011 (2)

* The Mull and Tiree records are of the same bird.


Batch 172 (added 9 Aug 2012)

Great White Egret Carsebreck Lochs, P & K 26 Oct 2011
Short-toed Lark Oronsay, Argyll 1-5 Oct 2011
Black Kite (ad) Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 8-9 May 2011
Greenish Warbler Collieston, NE Scotland 24-25 Aug 2011
White-billed Diver (up to 5: 3 ad, 2 unaged) Portsoy, NE Scotland 21-30 Apr 2011
Cory’s Shearwater Dunbar, Lothian 17 Sep 2011
Melodious Warbler Auld Haa, Fair Isle 26 Aug 2011
Melodious Warbler (1st w) Schoolton to Shirva crofts, Fair Isle 12 Sep – 3 Oct 2011
Red-footed Falcon (ad female) Bunndaloch, Loch Long, Nr Dornie, Highland 20-22 Oct 2007
Great Shearwater North Ronaldsay, Orkney 9 Sep 2011
Great White Egret Montrose Basin, A & D 21-27 Nov 2011
Water Pipit (date extension) Vane Farm, P & K 21-24 Nov 2009
White-winged Black Tern (juv) Vane Farm, P & K 22 Aug 2010
Woodlark North Ronaldsay, Orkney 9 Oct 2011
Tawny Pipit North Ronaldsay, Orkney 18 Aug 2011
Rough-legged Buzzard (juv) Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 28-29 Oct 2011
Black Kite (1st s and ad) Various, Orkney 2 and 28 May 2011
Rough-legged Buzzard (2nd w) Swey, Fair isle 12-13 Nov 2011
White-rumped Sandpiper (2 ad + 2 juv) South Uist: Rubha Ardvule (ad), Kilpheder (ad), Bornish (juv), Orasay (juv), Outer Hebs 15 Sep, 21-22 Sep, 10-11 Oct, 6-9 Nov 2011


Batch 171 (added 13 Mar 2012)

Red-rumped Swallow (adult) Kirki Geo, Fair Isle 3 May 2011
White-winged Black Tern (adult) Setter, Fair Isle 16 Jul 2011
Greenish Warbler Auld Haa, Fair Isle 9-10 Jun 2011
Woodchat Shrike (female) Various, Fair Isle 14-16 Jun 2011
Great White Egret Kinnordy Loch, Angus & Dundee 5 Jun 2011
sinensis Cormorant (2: adult & unaged) Musselburgh, Lothian 22 Jul 2011
Yellow-legged Gull (2nd summer) Loch Ryan, Dumfries & Galloway 26 Jul – 5 Aug 2011
White-rumped Sandpiper (adult) Gott Bay, Tiree, Argyll 4 Aug 2011
American Golden Plover (adult) Hirta, St Kilda, Outer Hebs 23 Sep 2009
Yellow-legged Gull (2nd summer) Rubha Ardvule, South Uist, Outer Hebs 9 May 2011
Nightingale Vaul, Tiree, Argyll 3-8 Sep 2011
White-billed Diver (unaged) Labost, Lewis, Outer Hebs 19 Nov 2010
Water Pipit (adult) Seamill, Ayrshire 29 Nov 2010 – 28 Mar 2011
White-rumped Sandpiper (unaged) West Gerinish, South Uist, Outer Hebs 7-8 Oct 2011
Red-rumped Swallow Out Skerries, Shetland 1 May 2009
Black Kite Loch of Voe, mainland, Shetland 19 May 2010
White-billed Diver (adult) Mousa Sound, Shetland 24 Apr 2010
White-billed Diver (adult) Kirkabister, mainland, Shetland 2 May 2010


Batch 170 (added 8 Nov 2011)

Red-rumped Swallow Norwick & Haroldswick, Unst, Shetland 19-20 May 2010
Melodious Warbler Norwick, Unst, Shetland 19-27 Sep 2010
White-rumped Sandpiper Scatness, Shetland mainland 20 Jun 2010
Water Pipit Norwick, Unst, Shetland 21-22 Nov 2010
Radde’s Warbler Sumburgh, Shetland mainland 2-4 Oct 2010
Radde’s Warbler Skaw, Whalsay, Shetland 8 Oct 2010
Great White Egret Tain Bay, Highland 21 May 2011
Red-rumped Swallow (possible daurica)* Talisker, Skye, Highland 17-29 Jun 2011
Great White Egret Balgavies/Rescobie Lochs, Angus & Dundee 7-13 Apr 2010
White-billed Diver (2cy) North Ronaldsay, Orkney 28 Mar 2011
White-billed Diver Evie, Orkney mainland 7 Jun 2011
Red-rumped Swallow (possible daurica)* Sanday, Orkney 9 Jun 2011
Woodchat Shrike (male senator) Claddach-vallay, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 10-29 Jun 2011
Subalpine Warbler Grenitote, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 22-29 Apr 2011
Red-rumped Swallow Ballygown, Mull, Argyll 5 Jul 2011
Great White Egret Inveraray, Argyll 21 May 2011

* The Talisker and Sanday records are of the same bird.


Batch 169 (added 24 Sep 2011)

Rough-legged Buzzard (juv) North Ronaldsay, Orkney 16 Oct 2010
Rough-legged Buzzard (juv) North Ronaldsay, Orkney 16-17 Oct 2010
Rough-legged Buzzard (juv) North Ronaldsay, Orkney 18 Oct 2010
White-billed Diver Links of Aikerness, Gurness, Mainland, Orkney 2-5 Jul 2010
Rough-legged Buzzard (juv) various, mainland, Orkney 7-31 Jan 2010
Yellow-legged Gull (adult) Doonfoot, Ayrshire 1 Mar 2011
Water Pipit Maidens, Ayrshire 2-21 Dec 2010
White-billed Diver (up to 8; at least 2 adults; 2 on 6th; 6 on 10th; 1 on 11th; 1 on 24th; 2 on 25th Skigersta to Cuidhsiadar, Lewis, Outer Hebs 6-25 Apr 2010
White-billed Diver (ad/3cy) Melvaig Head, Highland 9 Apr 2011
White-billed Diver (ad/3cy) Loch Ewe, Highland 9 Apr 2011
White-billed Diver (ad/3cy) Gruinard Island, Highland 10 Apr 2011
Purple Heron Mountcastle Quarry, Fife 10 Apr 2011


Batch 168 (added 19 Aug 2011)

Stone-curlew North Ronaldsay, Orkney 19 Nov 2010
Marsh Warbler St Kilda, Outer Hebrides 2 Jun 2009
Rough-legged Buzzard (juv) Valla Field, Unst, Shetland 29 Dec 2010-2011
Rough-legged Buzzard (1st w) West Yell, Shetland 22 Nov 2010
White-billed Diver (ad) Bluemull Sound, Shetland 1 May 2010
White-billed Diver (ad) Lambaness, Unst, Shetland 31 May 2010
White-billed Diver (ad) Lunna, Vidlin, Shetland 1 May 2010
Radde’s Warbler Sandwick, Shetland 11 Oct 2010
Water Pipit Vane Farm, Perth & Kinross 26 Nov – 6 Dec 2009
Red-rumped Swallow South Ronaldsay, Orkney 20 May – 3 Jun 2010
Alpine Swift South Ronaldsay, Orkney 24 Jul – 7 Aug 2010
American Golden Plover (ad) South Uist, Outer Hebrides 29 Aug – 13 Sep 2009
Tawny Pipit North Ronaldsay, Orkney 23-26 Jun 2010
Radde’s Warbler Kineff Old Church, North-east Scotland 9 Oct 2010
Water Pipit Wigtown, Dumfries & Galloway 6-10 Feb 2011
Short-toed Lark Girdleness, North-east Scotland 30 Sep – 3 Oct 2010


Batch 167 (added 11 May 2011)

Red-rumped Swallow Fair Isle 20 Apr – 3 May 2009
Stone-curlew Fair Isle 24 May 2009
Woodlark (1-3) Fair Isle 1 on 23 Oct; 3 on 1-2 Nov 2009
Ring-billed Gull (ad)* undisclosed 13-17 Jun 2009

* First British breeding record.


Batch 166 (added 11 May 2011)

White-billed Diver* Sutherland, Highland Jan 1890
Cormorant sinensis (2: ad & 3rd cy) Girdle Ness, NE Scotland 2 May 2010
Woodlark Whalsay, Shetland 10 Oct 2009
Greenish Warbler Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 8 Sep 2010
White-rumped Sandpiper (ad) Montrose Basin, Angus & Dundee 1-2 Aug 2009
Woodlark Tankerness, Orkney 9-10 Nov 2010
Ortolan Bunting (1st cy) Isle of May 8 Sep 2010
Greenish Warbler (1st cy) Isle of May 10 Sep 2010
Little Bunting Isle of May 9 Oct 2010
Little Bunting Isle of May 8-9 Sep 2010
Woodlark Eigg, Highland 4 Dec 2010
American Golden Plover (juv) St Kilda, Outer Hebrides 1 Oct 2008

* First Scottish record.


Batch 165 (added 13 Mar 2011)

Kentish Plover (male – unaged) Aberlady Bay, Lothian 1-2 Jun 2008
Balearic Shearwater Corsewall Point, Dumfries & Galloway 24 Aug 2010
Red-rumped Swallow (juv) Eyemouth, Borders 18-24 Nov 2009
White-billed Diver (2) Loch Ewe, Highland 11 Apr 2009
Water Pipit Skateraw, Lothian 20 Dec 2009
Red-footed Falcon (female) nr Howgate, Lothian 22 May 2010
Red-footed Falcon (juv) Fife Ness, Fife 2 Nov 2010
Short-toed Lark Sandaig, Tiree, Argyll 2-7 Oct 2010
Great White Egret Barrahomid, Tayvallich, Argyll 12-13 Oct 2010
Rough-legged Buzzard West Ferry, Angus & Dundee 31 Oct 2010
Continental Cormorant (adult) Loch of Hillwell, Shetland 24 Apr 2010
Rough-legged Buzzard (1st cy) Scatness, Shetland 16 Oct 2010
Egyptian Goose* various locations, mainland, Shetland 24 Feb – 15 Mar 2010

* Accepted as coming from a feral population.


Batch 164 (added 11 Jan 2011)

Water Pipit Musselburgh, Lothian 18 Mar 2008
Water Pipit (2) Barns Ness, Lothian 6 Dec 2009 – 3 Apr 2010
Red-footed Falcon Glean Mor, Islay, Argyll 2 May 2010
White-billed Diver Peterburn, Melvaig Head, Highland 16 Mar 2010
Great Shearwater Labost, Outer Hebrides 9 Sep 2009
Black Kite Dalmally, Argyll 31 May 2010
American Golden Plover Baleshare, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 10-15 Oct 2009
White-billed Diver Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 25 May 2010
Great White Egret Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 30 May – 4 Jun 2010
Montagu’s Harrier Forvie NNR, NE Scotland 22 Jun 2010
Black Kite near Peterculter, NE Scotland 23 May 2010
Balearic Shearwater (3) Corsewall Point, Dumfries & Galloway 22 Aug 2010
Yellow-legged Gull Stevenston Point, Ayrshire 11, 20 Aug, and 11 Sep 2009
Great White Egret Merryton, Clyde 7 Feb 2009


Batch 163 (added 21 Nov 2010)

Great White Egret Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 11, 17 Nov 2009
Cory’s Shearwater N Ronaldsay, Orkney 14 Sep 2009
Water Pipit Coble Shore, Eden estuary, Fife 27-29 Mar 2009
Ortolan Bunting Craignure, Mull, Argyll 9-10 May 2009
Ortolan Bunting Arbroath-Auchmithie, Angus & Dundee 17 Oct 2009
Great White Egret Inverugie, NE Scotland 18-25 Jan 2010
Great White Egret Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 21 Apr – 2 May 2010
Red-rumped Swallow Forvie NNR, NE Scotland 11 May 2010
Great White Egret Kilconquhar Loch, Fife 6-12 Dec 2009
Rough-legged Buzzard Essich, Inverness, Highland 18 Apr 2010
Water Pipit Girvan, Ayrshire 31 Dec 2009 – 8 Jan 2010
Water Pipit Seamill, Ayrshire 30 Dec 2009 – 21 Mar 2010
Great Shearwater Dennis Head, N Ronaldsay, Orkney 30 Sep 2009


Batch 162 (added 27 Jul 2010)

White-billed Diver (7+) Port of Ness/Skigersta, Lewis, Outer Hebrides 12-26 Apr 2009
White-rumped Sandpiper Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 1-9 Oct 2009
Red-rumped Swallow Aberlady/Gosford, Lothian 3-5 Nov 2009
Montagu’s Harrier Forvie NNR, NE Scotland 16-17 May 2009
American Golden Plover Lambaness, Shetland 27-28 Sep 2009
American Golden Plover * Baltasound, Unst, Shetland 18 Dec 2008
American Golden Plover Boddam, Shetland 17 Oct 2009
Great White Egret Tirsa Water, Sandwater, Shetland 4-8 Aug 2009
Black-tailed Godwit (limosa) ** Loch an Eilein/Heylipol, Tiree, Argyll 6-7 May 2009
White-billed Diver *** Kirkabister, S Nesting, Shetland 1 Jan – 14 Feb, 18 Apr 2009
White-billed Diver *** S Gruney, Bluemull Sound, Shetland 15 Feb, 25 Apr 2009
White-billed Diver *** S Gruney, Bluemull Sound, Shetland 16 Nov 2009
White-billed Diver *** S Gruney, Bluemull Sound, Shetland 11 Dec 2009

* Regarded as same as Sep 2008 bird (Batch 153)

** First fully authenticated Scottish record of a nominate race individual (L. l. limosa)

*** Regarded as returning individuals – from 2008


Batch 161 (added 2 Jul 2010)

Great Shearwater (7) 9 miles E of Fetlar, Shetland 27 Aug 2009
Woodchat Shrike Skaw, Unst, Shetland 18 Sep 2009
Woodlark Brough, Whalsay, Shetland 23-24 Oct 2009
Black Kite Sandwick/Channerwick/Gulberwick, Shetland 27 Apr – 5 May 2009
Great Cormorant sinensis (4-5) Lochs of Hillwell & Spiggie, Shetland 20 Apr – 11 Jun 2009
White-billed Diver Mousa Sound, Shetland 26 Apr 2009
Rough-legged Buzzard Gordonbush Estate, Sutherland, Highland 27 Apr 2009
American Golden Plover (ad) Grindigar, Deerness, Orkney 21, 24-25, 29-30 Sep 2009
American Golden Plover (ad) Gloup, Grindigar, Watermoss, Waterfield, & Deerness, Orkney 24-25, 29-30 Sep, 1-2, 13 Oct 2009
American Golden Plover (juv) Watermoss, Waterfield, & Deerness, Orkney 20, 28-29 Oct 2009
American Golden Plover (juv) Grindigar, Watermoss, & Deerness, Orkney 30 Sep, 1-2, 18, 20, 23 Oct 2009


Batch 160 (added 8 May 2010)

Alpine Swift Barvas, W Isles 30 May 2009
White-billed Diver Girdleness, NE Scotland 12 May 2009
American Golden Plover Stenness, Eshaness, Shetland 20 Sep 2009
Great White Egret Brow Marsh, Dunrossness, Shetland 29 Apr – 2 May 2009
Woodlark N Ronaldsay, Orkney 31 Oct – 7 Nov 2009
Great White Egret Graemeshall Loch, Holm, Orkney 5-18 Jul 2009
White-billed Diver N Ronaldsay, Orkney 6 Apr 2009
White-billed Diver N Ronaldsay, Orkney 15 Apr 2009
White-billed Diver Off NW Hunda, Orkney 5 Oct 2009
Marsh Warbler Springfield Park, Arbroath, Angus & Dundee 1 Jun 2009
Radde’s Warbler Girdleness, NE Scotland 23 Oct 2009
Great Shearwater (2) Dennis Head, N Ronaldsay, Orkney 17 Sep 2009
Great Shearwater Dennis Head, N Ronaldsay, Orkney 18 Sep 2009


Batch 159 (added 17 Mar 2010)

Great White Egret Monikie/Forfar Loch, Angus 14 Dec 2009
White-winged Tern Eden estuary, Guardbridge, Fife 18 May 2009
American Golden Plover Eden estuary, Guardbridge, Fife 11-18 Oct 2009
Great Cormorant sinensis Port Seton harbour, Lothian 13 Mar 2007
Water Pipit Scoughall, Lothian 28 Nov 2009
White-winged Tern Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scot 29 Aug – 2 Sep 2009
Great White Egret Inchgarth Reservoir, Cults, NE Scotland 21 Dec 2009
Rough-legged Buzzard Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 19 May 2009
Short-toed Lark Seaton Cliffs, Arbroath, Angus 2-17 Jan 2009
Marsh Warbler Springburn Hotel, Arbroath, Angus 29 May 2008
Rough-legged Buzzard Balduff Hill, Glenisla, Angus 2 Apr 2008
Radde’s Warbler Easthaven, Angus 22 Oct 2009


Batch 158 (added 9 Mar 2010)

Great Cormorant sinensis (2) Musselburgh, Lothian 1 Aug 2009
Red-rumped Swallow Balblair, Highland 8 Nov 2009
Great White Egret Durris Bridge, Banchory, NE Scotland 5 Nov 2009
Ferruginous Duck Loch Gelly, Fife 26 Jul – 2 Sep 2009
Balearic Shearwater N Ronaldsay, Orkney 30 Sep 2009
American Golden Plover N Ronaldsay, Orkney 24-25 Sep 2009
White-billed Diver (5) Loch Ewe, Highland 12 Apr 2009
Rough-legged Buzzard Blackdog, NE Scotland 7 Nov 2009
Great White Egret Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 30 Apr – 3 May 2009
Great White Egret Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 28-30 Jun 2009
Greenish Warbler Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 4 Sep 2009
Cattle Egret Ballimartin, Islay, Argyll 23 Oct – 6 Nov 2009
Water Pipit Bracken Bay, Ayrshire 8-9 Nov 2009


Batch 157 (added 8 Mar 2010)

Great White Egret Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 21 Apr 2008
Greenish Warbler Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 20 Aug 2008
White-winged Tern Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 11 Aug 2008
Radde’s Warbler Fife Ness Muir, Fife 23 Oct 2009
American Golden Plover Borve, Berneray, Outer Hebrides 4 Oct 2009
Cory’s Shearwater Marwick Head, Birsay, Orkney 29 Oct 2009
Red-rumped Swallow Kilminning, Fife 28 Oct 2009
American Golden Plover Barrapol, Sandaig, Tiree, Argyll 14 Sep – 14 Oct 2009
American Golden Plover Sandaig, Tiree, Argyll 1-14 Oct 2009
American Golden Plover L a’ Phuill, Tiree, Argyll 1-2 Oct 2009
Water Pipit Rigg Bay, Dumfries & Galloway 22 Jan 2009


Batch 156 (added 8 Jan 2010)

Caspian Gull Peterhead, NE Scotland 10 Jan 2009
Red-footed Falcon Almondell viaduct, Lothian 25 May – 6 Jun 2008
Great Shearwater Orkney 31 Aug 2009
Honey Buzzard Balephuill, Tiree, Argyll 6 Sep 2008
Water Pipit Isle of May 3 May 2007
American Golden Plover Eoropie, Lewis, 20-22 Sep 2009
American Golden Plover Loch Bee, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 4-17 Sep 2009
Greenish Warbler Cruden Bay, NE Scotland 20 Aug 2008
Subalpine Warbler Forvie NNR, NE Scotland 18 May 2009


Batch 155 (added 16 Nov 2009)

Great White Egret Knapps Loch, Kilmacolm, Clyde 16 May 2009
Water Pipit Doonfoot, Ayrshire 5 Mar – 11 Apr 2008
Great Cormorant sinensis Musselburgh, Lothian 7 Jun 2009
Red-throated Pipit Pabbay, W Isles 24 May 2008
Rough-legged Buzzard Kilpheder, South Uist, W Isles 2 Oct 2008
Marsh Warbler St Abbs Head, Borders 28 May 2008
Ring-billed Gull Little Loch Broom, Highland 18 Mar 2008


Batch 154 (added 17 Sep 2009)

Rough-legged Buzzard Lyde Road, Harray, Orkney 3 May 2009
Red-rumped Swallow Kilmany, Fife 28-30 Apr 2009
Red-rumped Swallow Kilconquhar Loch, Fife 18 May 2009
Great Cormorant sinensis Stonehaven Harbour, NE Scotland 27 Mar 2009
Great Cormorant sinensis Girdle Ness, NE Scotland 7 Feb 2008
Yellow-legged Gull Castle Loch, Lochmaben, Dumfries & Galloway 5 Apr 2009
Marsh Warbler Newtonhill, NE Scotland 30 May 2008
American Golden Plover* Seafield Bay, Annan, Dumfries & Galloway 24 Oct 20007


Batch 153 (added 18 Jul 2009)

Ortolan Bunting Village Bay, St Kilda, W Isles 21-23 May 2008
White-rumped Sandpiper Village Bay, St Kilda, W Isles 12 Oct 2008
Subalpine Warbler Village Bay, St Kilda, W Isles 22 May 2008
Short-toed Lark Village Bay, St Kilda, W Isles 23 May 2008
Woodlark Peffer Sands, Scoughall, Lothian 15-24 Feb 2008
American Golden Plover Baltasound, Unst, Shetland 29-30 Sep 2008
White-billed Diver Laggan Bay, Mull, Argyll 1 Mar 2009
Great White Egret Gilmourton Ponds, Clyde 24 Feb – 8 Mar 2009
Ring-billed Gull Strathclyde Loch, Clyde 1, 6 Mar 2009
Water Pipit Meikle Loch, NE Scotland 14 Apr 2008
Marsh Warbler North Bank, Girdleness, NE Scotland 4 Jun 2008


Batch 152 (added 26 May 2009)

American Golden Plover Siadar/Arnol, Lewis, W Isles 12-17 Oct 2008
Red-throated Pipit Handa, Highland 12 May 2008
Great White Egret Baron’s Haugh, Clyde 7 Feb 2009
Water Pipit (2) Crom Minh marsh, L Lomond, Clyde 6 Dec 2008 (2), 27 Dec 2008 (1)
Rough-legged Buzzard Pegal Burn, Hoy, Orkney 5 Nov 2008
American Golden Plover Baltasound, Unst, Shetland 29-30 Sep 2008
White-rumped Sandpiper Virkie, Shetland 25 Oct 2008
Red-footed Falcon Bixter, Shetland 3-5 Jun 2008
Red-rumped Swallow Symbister, Whalsay, Shetland 5 Jun 2008
Great White Egret Haroldswick, Unst, Shetland 11-16 Apr 2008
Aquatic Warbler Skaw, Unst, Shetland 4 Aug 2008


Batch 151 (added 15 May 2009)

Great Shearwater Eshaness, Shetland 25 Aug 2008
White-rumped Sandpiper Balgarva/S Ford, S Uist, W Isles 22-25 Oct 2008
White-rumped Sandpiper Balgarva/S Ford, S Uist, W Isles 29 Oct – 2 Nov 2008
American Golden Plover Geirinis, S Uist, W Isles 24-26 Oct 2007
American Golden Plover Geirinis, S Uist, W Isles 26 Oct 2007
American Golden Plover Loch a’ Phuill, Tiree, Argyll 7 Oct 2008
American Golden Plover Balevullin, Tiree, Argyll 6-10 Oct 2008
American Golden Plover Torlum, Benbecula, W Isles 25-26 Sep 2008
Woodchat Shrike Papa Westray, Orkney 30 Sep – 2 Oct 2008


Batch 150 (added 23 Apr 2009)

White-rumped Sandpiper Ythan estuary, NE Scotland 29 Jul 2007
Red-throated Pipit Clevigarth, Shetland 5 Oct 2008
Melodious Warbler Sumburgh Head, Shetland 6 Aug 2008 +
Water Pipit Dunglass, Borders 17 Feb – 13 Apr 2008
American Golden Plover Add estuary, Argyll 21 Jul 2008
Kentish Plover South Ford, S Uist, W Isles 11 Nov 2007 – 20 Apr 2008
Little Bunting Ceres, Fife 1-3, 8, 9 Jan 2009


Batch 149 (added 26 Feb 2009)

Red-rumped Swallow Old Rattray Farm, Strathbeg, NE Scot 23 May 2006
American Golden Plover Eoligarry, Barra, W Isles 6-14 Oct 2008
Rosy Starling Whithorn, Dumfries & Galloway 18-19 Oct 2008
American Golden Plover L Bee/Gerinish, S Uist, W Isles 17, 20 Oct 2008
Red-throated Pipit Wirvie, Fair Isle 30 May 2008
Red-throated Pipit Boini Mire, Fair Isle 23 Sep 2008
Woodlark Midway, Fair Isle 6-18 Nov 2008
Black-crowned Night Heron (2) Bird Obs, Fair Isle 5-13 Apr 2008
Black Kite Fair Isle 7-10 May 2008
Ring-billed Gull Dundee, Angus & Dundee 2 Dec 2008


Batch 148 (added 18 Jan/updated 26 Feb 2009)

American Golden Plover Greenhill, Tiree, Argyll 5-6 Sep 2008
Cory’s Shearwater Butt of Lewis, W Isles 8 Sep 2007
American Golden Plover (2) Dalsetter, Shetland 24-27 Sep 2008
Tawny Pipit Dalsetter, Shetland 24-26 May 2008
American Golden Plover North Boisdale, S Uist, W Isles 29 Sep 2008
Red-rumped Swallow Scolpaig, N Uist, W Isles 6 Jun 2008
American Golden Plover Fleck, Shetland 4 Oct 2007
Great Shearwater (41) Labost, W Isles 25 Aug 2007
Great Shearwater (19) Labost, W Isles 26 Aug 2007
Great Shearwater (2) Butt of Lewis, W Isles 30 Aug 2007
Great Shearwater (7114) Butt of Lewis, W Isles 8 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater (165) Butt of Lewis, W Isles 9 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater (16) Labost, W Isles 9 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater (3) Brue, W Isles 9 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater (1076) Butt of Lewis, W Isles 10 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater (1) Labost, W Isles 12 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater (12) Butt of Lewis, W Isles 14 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater (5) Butt of Lewis, W Isles 21 Sep 2007
American Golden Plover Balgray Reservoir, Clyde 16 Sep 2007


Batch 147

Marsh Warbler Vaults Wood, Dunbar, Lothian 29 May 2008
American Golden Plover Ythan estuary, NE Scotland 20 Oct – 18 Nov 2007
Ring-billed Gull Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 16 Mar – 2 Apr 2007
Marsh Warbler Ratrray Head, NE Scotland 31 May 2007
White-winged Tern ** Dalcross airport, Highland 11-12 Aug 2008
White-winged Tern ** Allanfearn, Balloch, Highland 21-22 Aug 2008
Subalpine Warbler Middlequarter, N Uist, W Isles 23 May 2008
Black-crowned Night Heron Claddach Vallay, N Uist, W Isles 8 May 2008
Cory’s Shearwater Barns Ness, Lothian 1 Sep 2008
Short-toed Lark The Reef, Tiree, Argyll 12-29 Aug 2008
American Golden Plover Ceann Ear, Monachs, W Isles 14, 17 Jul 2007
Marsh Warbler Applecross, Highland 16-19 Jun 2007

** These records are of the same bird


Batch 146

Great Cormorant (sinensis) Uyeasound, Unst, Shetland 10 May 2008
Great Shearwater (12) Butt of Lewis, W Isles 14 Sep 2007
Subalpine Warbler St Kilda, W Isles 6 May 2008
Yellow-legged Gull Bettyhill, Highland 22 Jun 2008
Great Shearwater Lossiemouth, Moray & Nairn 3 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater (2) Lossiemouth, Moray & Nairn 14 Sep 2007
Ring-necked Duck St John’s Loch, Caithness 7 Oct 2007
Great Shearwater Collieston, NE Scotland 12 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater (2) Girdleness, NE Scotland 14 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater (3) Off Stonehaven, NE Scotland 12 Sep 2007


Batch 145

Great Shearwater (12) Ullapool-Stornoway ferry, Highland 8 Sep 2007
Ring-billed Gull Strathclyde CP, Clyde 9-10 Feb 2008
Great Shearwater (5) off Aird, Tiree, Argyll 10 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater (2) off Aird, Tiree, Argyll 14 Sep 2007
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (juv) Rubha Ardvule, S Uist, W Isles 31 Aug 2006
Great Shearwater Butt of Lewis, W Isles 25 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater Lambaness, Unst, Shetland 10 Sep 2007
Cory’s Shearwater Dennis Head, N Ronaldsay, Orkney 28 Aug 2007
Rough-legged Buzzard Torness, N Ronaldsay, Orkney 4-5 May 2008
Rustic Bunting Foveran, Newburgh, NE Scotland 2 Jun 2007


Batch 144

White-winged Tern Loch of Skene, NE Scotland 21-27 Oct 2007
Common Nightingale Garthdee, NE Scotland 7 May 2007
Ring-billed Gull (ad) N Ronaldsay, Orkney 9 Mar 2008
American Golden Plover (ad) Sandaig, Tiree, Argyll 5-6 Oct 2007
Great Shearwater (8) Whitaloo Pt, Birsay, Orkney 26 Aug, 28 Aug, 13 Sep 2007
Water Pipit Scoughall, Lothian 24-26 Mar 2008
Great Shearwater (3) St Abbs Head, Borders 10 Sep 2007
Balearic Shearwater (3) St Abbs Head, Borders 22 Jul, 18 Aug, 15 Sep 2007
Rough-legged Buzzard ** Mayshiel, Lothian 16 Feb 2006

** regarded as the bird seen in 2005 (Batch 124)


Batch 143

Great Shearwater (10+) At sea W of Shetland 26 Aug 2007
Great Shearwater (4) At sea W of Shetland 29 Aug 2007
American Golden Plover (juv) Haroldswick, Unst, Shetland 16 Oct 2007
American Golden Plover (juv) Stenness, Eshaness, Shetland 31 Oct 2007
White-rumped Sandpiper (juv) Quendale/Virkie, Shetland 17-22 Oct 2007
Red-rumped Swallow Collieston, NE Scotland 16 Apr 2007
Water Pipit Musselburgh lagoons, Lothian 4 Nov 2006 – 4 Mar 2007
Black-crowned Night Heron Bavelaw, Lothian 14-15 Feb 2007
American Golden Plover (ad) Hilltoft, Holm, Orkney 25, 26 Sep and 4 Oct 2007
American Golden Plover (ad) Greentoft, Deerness, Orkney 8-11 Sep 2007
White-rumped Sandpiper (ad/1st) Mill Sand, Tankerness, Orkney 14, 19-20 Aug 2007
White-winged Tern (ad) L of Tankerness, Orkney 8-10, 27 Aug 2007
White-winged Tern (2nd s) Tankerness/Mill Sand, Orkney 22-23 Jul 2007


Batch 142

Caspian Gull (1st w) Strathclyde CP, Clyde 9, 14 Feb 2008
Yellow-legged Gull (2) Strathclyde CP, Clyde 6 Jan, 2 & 23 Feb 2008 (1), 17 & 21 Feb 2008 (2)
Little Bunting Milton, Tiree, Argyll 23 Oct 2007
Red-rumped Swallow Port of Ness, Lewis, W Isles 28 Oct 2007
Ring-billed Gull Dingwall, Highland 25-26 Mar 2006
Ring-billed Gull Dingwall, Highland 4 Oct 2006
Woodlark Out Skerries, Shetland 27 Oct – at least 2 Dec 2007


Batch 141

Great White Egret* Carrick Loch, Eday, Orkney 17 May 2007
Great White Egret Bridesness, N Ronaldsay, Orkney 14 May 2007
Red-footed Falcon Tarbat Ness, Highland 15 Oct 2007
Rough-legged Buzzard Rue, N Ronaldsay, Orkney 16 May 2007
American Golden Plover Overbister, Sanday, Orkney 27-30 Sep 2006
Great White Egret Eriff, Loch Doon, Ayrshire 4-6 Jul 2007
Great Cormorant (sinensis) Gladhouse Reservoir, Lothian 21 Jan 2007
Subalpine Warbler Isle of May 6-9 May 2006
Subalpine Warbler Isle of May 21 Jun – 15 Aug 2007
Marsh Warbler Isle of May 13 Jun 2007
Great Shearwater Isle of May 11 Sep 2007
Marsh Warbler Isle of May 15-16 Sep 2006

* same individual as on Sanday, Shetland, 20 May 2007


Batch 140

Caspian Gull (1st w) Belhaven Bay/Dunbar Hbr, Lothian 28 Dec 2006, 9 Jan 2007
Caspian Gull (1st w) Tyninghame, Lothian 14 Oct 2007
Great Shearwater (346) North Ronaldsay, Orkney 23 Aug – 29 Sep 2007
American Golden Plover Tofts, Sanday, Orkney 8 Oct 2007
Rough-legged Buzzard Queenamidda, Rendall, Orkney 16-31 Dec 2007


Batch 139

Night Heron (juv) Bressay, Shetland 15 Sep 2007
White-rumped Sandpiper Pool of Virkie, Shetland 16 Aug 2007
White-rumped Sandpiper Norwick/Westing, Unst, Shetland ** 27 Sep – 1 Oct 2007
American Golden Plover (juv) West Burra, Shetland 10 Oct 2007
Great Shearwater (3) Lamba Ness, Unst, Shetland 10 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater Lamba Ness, Unst, Shetland 10 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater (dead) Rerwick Beach, Shetland 10 Sep 2007
Melodious Warbler Baltasound, Unst, Shetland * 30 Aug – 8 Oct 2007
Melodious Warbler Easter Quarff, Shetland * 9-12 Oct 2007
Radde’s Warbler Toab, Shetland 18 Oct 2007
Woodlark Noness, Shetland 9-13 Oct 2007
Rough-legged Buzzard Foula, Shetland 16-18 Oct 2007
White-rumped Sandpiper Fair Isle, Shetland ** 2 Oct 2007
  • * These records are of the same bird.
  • ** These records are of the same bird.


Batch 138

Yellow-legged Gull (3y) Peterhead, NE Scotland 27 Aug – Nov 2006
Great Shearwater (74) Griminish Pt, N Uist, W Isles 9 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater (4) Oban-Barra ferry, Argyll 7 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater (7) Oban-Barra ferry, W Isles 11 Sep 2007
American Golden Plover Griminish, Benbecula, W Isles 11 Oct 2007
Marsh Warbler Howmore, S Uist, W Isles 29 Sep 2007
American Golden Plover W Gerinish, S Uist, W Isles 17 and 24 Oct 2007
Ring-billed Gull Lunan Water Mouth, Angus & Dundee 3-6 Nov 2006


Batch 137

Great Shearwater (2) Rubha Ardvule, S Uist, W Isles 24 Aug 2007
American Golden Plover Geirinis, S Uist, W Isles 8 Sep 2007
Great Shearwater Rubha Ardvule, S Uist, W Isles 9 Sep 2007
Greenish Warbler Longhaven Quarry, NE Scotland 19-20 Aug 2006
Great White Egret Near Turriff, NE Scot 18-19 Jun 2006
Marsh Warbler Balephuil, Tiree, Argyll 8-9 Jun 2007
Short-toed Lark At sea, Buchan Alpha platform 22 May 2005
Great White Egret L Eynort, S Uist, W Isles 12 Oct 2007
Little Bunting South Glendale, S Uist, W Isles 19 Oct 2007
American Golden Plover Aberlady Bay, Lothian 22 Oct 2007 – ?


Batch 136

Great Cormorant – sinensis Loch Spynie, Moray and Nairn 26 Dec 1998 – 20 Jan 1999


Batch 135

Yellow-legged Gull Seafield, Edinburgh, Lothian 2 Jan 2007
Tawny Pipit Smerclate, S Uist, W Isles 16 Jun 2007
Great Cormorant – sinensis Loch of Hillwell, Shetland 30 Apr, 3 & 23 May, 4 Jun 2007
Great Cormorant – sinensis Lochs of Spiggie/Brow, Shetland 18-19 Jun 2007
Great White Egret Brow Marsh, Shetland 8, 15, 16, 26 May 2007
Ferruginous Duck Lochgelly Loch, Fife 16 Jul – 16 Aug 2006
Great White Egret Endrick Mouth, Clyde 3-14 Jul 2007
Ring-necked Duck Ardvule, S Uist, W Isles 29 Oct 2005
Ring-billed Gull Cnoc Gunna, Berneray, W Isles 6-7 Mar 2005
Cory’s Shearwater (dead) Aberlady Bay, Lothian 22 Apr 2004
Cory’s Shearwater (2) Butt of Lewis, W Isles 29 Aug 2006


Batch 134

Ring-billed Gull (2nd yr) Loch Barabhas, Lewis, W Isles 29-30 Mar 2007
Greenish Warbler Whinnyfold, NE Scotland 20 Aug 2006
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (2) St Kilda, W Isles 23 Aug 2005
Water Pipit Maidens, Ayrshire 24 Nov 2006 – 1 Apr 2007
Ring-billed Gull (1st s) Coltfield, M & N 27-28 Apr 2005
White-winged Tern Loch of Kinnordy, A & D 29 May 2007
Subalpine Warbler Vatersay, W Isles 3 May 2007
Red-throated Pipit Foula, Shetland 27 May – 1 Jun 2006


Batch 133

Black-crowned Night Heron Bridge of Allan, Forth 21 May 2006
Great Cormorant – sinensis Eyemouth harbour, Borders 25 Mar 2007
Great White Egret Loch of Banks, Orkney 28 Mar – 3 Apr 2007
Ring-billed Gull (1st w/s)* Howmore/Peninerine, W Isles 30 Jan – 29 Jul 2005
Ring-billed Gull (2nd w)** Howmore/Peninerine, W Isles 30 Jan – 7 Apr 2005
Ring-billed Gull (ad) Howmore/Peninerine, W Isles 27 Mar – 7 Apr 2005
Ring-billed Gull (2nd w/s) Howmore/Peninerine, W Isles 5 Apr 2005
Ring-billed Gull (2nd w) Tennamachar, Baleshare, W Isles 6 Feb 2005
Ring-billed Gull (2nd w)** Smerclate/Howmore/Peninerine, W Isles 10 Feb – 12 Mar 2005
Ring-billed Gull (2nd w)* Ardivachar, W Isles 3, 18 Sep 2005
Ring-billed Gull (2nd w)* Peninerine, W Isles 9 Nov 2005
Ring-billed Gull (2nd w) Tobha Beag, S Uist, W Isles 10 Nov 2005
American Golden Plover Greenhill/Crossapol, Tiree, Argyll 29 Aug – 3 Sep 2006
Ring-billed Gull Balranald, W Isles 19 Apr 2007
Red-rumped Swallow Foula, Shetland 7-8 May 2006
Woodlark Foula, Shetland 31 Mar 2006
Woodchat Shrike Foula, Shetland 28 Jun 2006
  • * These records are assumed to be the same bird.
  • ** These records are assumed to be the same bird.


Batch 132

Great Shearwater (4) Labost, Lewis, W Isles 24 Aug 2005
Great Shearwater (5) Labost, Lewis, W Isles 28-29 Aug 2006
Great Shearwater (190) Butt of Lewis, W Isles 29 Aug 2006
American Golden Plover L na Muilne, Cross, Lewis, W Isles 9 Sep 2006
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Stornoway, W Isles 24-25 Sep 2006
Ring-billed Gull Kinneil, Forth 26 Sep – 23 Dec 2006
Ring-billed Gull 1st w North Bay, S Uist, W Isles 9 Apr 2005
Greenish Warbler Findon, NE Scot 20-21 Aug 2006
Great Shearwater off Banff, NE Scot 17 Sep 2006
Red-footed Falcon (accepted as 2nd cal yr) Collafirth, Delting, Shetland 12 Jun 2006
Great Shearwater (accepted as 1 bird)* Minch, Highland 4 Sep 2006
American Golden Plover (accepted as juv)* Howmore, W Isles 31 Oct 2006
Balearic Shearwater* N Ronaldsay, Orkney 31 Aug 2006
Stone-curlew* Foula, Shetland 14 May 2004

* Recirculations/re-submissions. The American Golden Plover had already been accepted but age needed clarification.

Batch 131

Ring-billed Gull * Machir Bay, Islay, Argyll 29 Mar 2005
Ring-billed Gull 2nd CY * Bowmore, Islay, Argyll 4-5 Apr 2005
Common Rosefinch Bragar, Lewis, W Isles 22 Sep 2004
Ring-billed Gull 1st s Borve Beach, Lewis, W Isles 24 Jun 2006
Ring-billed Gull 1st s Shawbost/Labost/Bragar/Arnol, Lewis, W Isles 12-24 Jun 2006
Ring-billed Gull 1st s Shawbost/Bragar/Brue/Barvas Lewis, W Isles 6 Jun – 11 Jul 2004
White-rumped Sandpiper N Ronaldsay, Orkney 31 Jul 2006
White-rumped Sandpiper N Ronaldsay, Orkney 14-22 Oct 2006
Woodchat Shrike (female) Baltasound, Unst, Shetland 23-25 Sep 2006
Radde’s Warbler Scousburgh, Shetland 15 Oct 2006
American Golden Plover Funzie, Fetlar, Shetland 1-2 Oct 2006
American Golden Plover Challister, Whalsay, Shetland 2-4 Oct 2006
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Links, N Ronaldsay, Orkney 22-23 Sep 2005

* Returning birds


Batch 130

Aquatic Warbler Fair Isle 16-21 Sep 2006
Woodlark Fair Isle 5 Nov 2006
Red-throated Pipit Fair Isle 12-15 Oct 2006
Melodious Warbler Fair Isle 27 Aug – 2 Sep 2006
White-rumped Sandpiper Fair Isle 7-10 Oct 2006
Woodchat Shrike Fair Isle 2-13 Sep 2006
Red-rumped Swallow Baltasound, Shetland 6 May 2006
Rough-legged Buzzard Skaw, Unst, Shetland 7 May 2006
White-rumped Sandpiper Pool of Virkie, Shetland 22-25 Jul 2006
White-rumped Sandpiper Pool of Virkie, Shetland 24-25 Jul 2006
Red-footed Falcon Brow Marsh/Fladdabister, Shetland 10, 13 Jun 2006
Red-rumped Swallow Hoswick, Shetland 28 Aug – 18 Oct 2006
Woodchat Shrike * Fair Isle 18-20 Aug 2006
Red-throated Pipit Fair Isle 11-16 May 2006
Yellow-legged Gull Newmains, Reston, Borders/Lothian 3 Jan 2007

* Being considered as possibly belonging to eastern race niloticus.


Batch 129

Black Kite Inverness-shire, Highland 24 May 2006
Rough-legged Buzzard Hindera Fiold, Harray, Orkney 28 Jan – 11 Apr 2006
American Wigeon (2) Loch Bee, S Uist, W Isles 14-15 Nov 2006
Great White Egret Drimore, S Uist, W Isles 13-27 Feb 2006
Great Shearwater (57) N Ronaldsay, Orkney 30 Aug – 5 Sep 2006
Cory’s Shearwater (8) N Ronaldsay, Orkney 28 Aug – 3 Sep 2006
Rosy Starling Lairg, Highland 31 Jul 2002
Radde’s Warbler Gaylet Pot, Auchmithie, Angus & Dundee 15 Oct 2006
Red-footed Falcon Burgar Hill, W Mainland, Orkney 25 Jul 2006
Woodchat Shrike N Ronaldsay, Orkney 6 May 2006
Ferruginous Duck Threipmuir/Bavelaw, Lothian 22-26 Dec 2006


Batch 128

Ring-billed Gull (2nd w) North Tolsta, Lewis, W Isles 19 Feb 2006
Ring-billed Gull (2nd w) Loch Ordais, Lewis, W Isles 22 Sep 2006
American Wigeon Baile an Truiseil, Siadar, Lewis, W Isles 25 Jan – 1 Apr 2006**
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (2) St Kilda, W Isles 6 Sep 2006
Cory’s Shearwater Port Vasgo, nr Tongue, Highland 22 Aug 2003
Red-breasted Flycatcher The Manse, Barra, W Isles 17 Oct 2005
Red-breasted Flycatcher Cruachan, Barra, W Isles 16-17 Oct 2006
Red-rumped Swallow Red Castle, Lunan Bay, A & D 12 Nov 2006
European Bee-eater (3) Newmains, Borders 7 Jun 2006
Ring-billed Gull (2nd w) Bowmore, Islay, Argyll 22 Feb 2006
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Grogarry, S Uist, W Isles 11 Sep 2006
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Ormaclet, S Uist, W Isles 17 Aug 2006
Ring-necked Duck (female) L Ardvule, S Uist, W Isles 27 Oct 2005
Ring-necked Duck (female) L Sandary, N Uist/L an Faoilinn, Benbecula, W Isles 1-17 Oct 2005
Ring-necked Duck (female) L an Eilein, S Uist, W Isles 27 Nov – 20 Dec 2006

** Date extension – regarded as probably the same as the bird accepted (Batch 123) for L Barvas, Lewis 15 Jan 2005


Batch 127

Great Cormorant (sinensis) Princes Dock, Glasgow, Clyde 26 Dec 2005


Batch 126

Water Pipit Musselburgh, Lothian 5 Mar 2006
American Golden Plover The Wig, L Ryan, Dumfries & Galloway 16-29 Oct 2006
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (up to 5) Geirinish, S Uist, W Isles 2 from 6 Sep; 5 from 14-16 Sep; 1 till 27 Sep 2006
Pectoral Sandpiper Liniclate, Benbecula, W Isles 10 Sep 2006
Great Shearwater (3) Labost, Lewis, W Isles 4 & 5 Aug 2005
Marsh Warbler Gramsdale, Benbecula, W Isles 11 Jun 2006
Ring-billed Gull Sorobaidh Bay, Tiree, Argyll 2-6 Feb 2006
Cory’s Shearwater (3) Labost, Lewis, W Isles 4 & 5 Aug 2005
American Golden Plover Eoropie, Lewis, W Isles 15 Oct – at least 27 Nov 2006
Little Ringed Plover Stornoway, Lewis, W Isles 8 Oct 2005


Batch 125

Rosy Starling Sollas, N Uist, W Isles 25 Jun 2002
Rosy Starling Hirta, St Kilda, W Isles 9-12 Jul 2002
Rosy Starling Balranald, N Uist, W Isles 8-22 Aug 2002
Rosy Starling Leurbost, Lewis, W Isles 27 Aug 2002
Rosy Starling (juv) Shillay, Sound of Harris, W Isles 19 Sep 2002
Rosy Starling (juv) Upper Bayble, Lewis, W Isles 19 Oct 2002
Rosy Starling Garry Gaal, Barra, W Isles 20 Jun 2003
Rosy Starling Carloway, Lewis, W Isles 15-16 Jul 2003
Rosy Starling (juv) Stornoway, Lewis, W Isles 27 Sep – 1 Oct 2006
White-rumped Sandpiper L Paible, N Uist, W Isles 15-18 Nov 2006
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (3) Eachkamish, Baleshare, W Isles 15 Sep 2006


Batch 124

Buff-breasted Sandpiper Loch a’ Phuill, Tiree, Argyll 29 Aug 2006
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Seal Cottage, Oronsay, Argyll 10 Sep 2006
Yellow-legged Gull (2) Lossie estuary, Moray 29 Jun 2006
White-rumped Sandpiper Tyninghame, Lothian 6-9 Oct 2006
Surf Scoter (juv female) L Ardvule, S Uist, W Isles 7-20 Oct 2006
American Golden Plover (juv) Bornish, S Uist, W Isles 26 & 28 Sep 2006
Water Pipit Skateraw, Lothian 2 Apr 2006
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tyninghame/Aberlady, Lothian 4-6 May 2006
Rough-legged Buzzard Faseny Bridge, Lothian 28-29 Nov 2005


Batch 123

Yellow-legged Gull Troon Harbour, Ayrshire 17-28 Feb 2006
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tyninghame, Lothian 25 Aug 2005
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tyninghame, Lothian 15 Sep 2005
American Wigeon Loch Barvas, Lewis, W Isles 15 Jan 2005
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Steinish, Lewis, W Isles 1-7 Sep 2005
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Butt of Lewis, Lewis, W Isles 3 Sep 2005
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Butt of Lewis, Lewis, W Isles 15 Sep 2005
Yellow-legged Gull (2) Strathclyde C P, Clyde 18 Jan 2004 (1) & 25 Feb 2004 (2)
Cory’s Shearwater Girdleness, NE Scotland 10 Sep 2005
Great Shearwater Girdleness, NE Scotland 10 Sep 2005
Rough-legged Buzzard Bridgend, Newburgh, NE Scotland 16 Apr 2005
Rough-legged Buzzard Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 1-18 Jun 2005
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Traigh Golf Course, Highland 8 Sep 2005


Batch 122

Ring-billed Gull (adult)** Oban, Argyll 14 Jan – 19 Apr 2006
Ring-billed Gull (2nd w)** Oban, Argyll 28 Feb – 1 Mar 2006
Ring-billed Gull (2nd w)** Oban, Argyll 28 Feb 2006 at least
Marsh Warbler Isle of Eigg, Highland 10 Jun 05
Ring-billed Gull Machir Bay, Islay, Argyll 8 Nov 05
Rosy Starling (imm) Colomba Hotel, Iona Argyll 14 May 06
Rough-legged Buzzard* Fair Isle 13 May 05
Rough-legged Buzzard* Sumburgh Head, Shetland 13 May 05
Tawny Pipit Fair Isle 23 May 05
Great Shearwater Sumburgh Head, Shetland 24 Aug 05
Rough-legged Buzzard North Roe, Shetland 27 Oct 05
Rough-legged Buzzard Fetlar, Shetland 30 Oct – 18 Dec 05
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Lossie estuary, Moray 27 Jun 06
  • * These records were of the same individual.
  • ** Late additions to batch 122.


Batch 121

Water Pipit Hunterston Sands, Ayrshire 30 Dec 2005 – 31 Mar 2006
Ring-billed Gull Shawbost, Lewis, W Isles 11 Nov 2004
American Wigeon Howmore/L Bee, S Uist, W Isles 21 May – 21 Jun 2005
Buff-breasted Sandpiper North Ronaldsay, Orkney 23-26 Aug 2005
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (2) North Ronaldsay, Orkney 9 Sep 2005
Ring-billed Gull Thornton Pool, Fife 27 Feb 2006
Yellow-legged Gull Greengairs Landfill, Clyde 8 Jan 2006
Yellow-legged Gull Strathclyde Loch, Clyde 3 Feb 2006
Great Shearwater Off Cramond Island, Lothian 31 Aug 2005


Batch 120

Buff-breasted Sandpiper Kirkhouse, S Ronaldsay, Orkney 5 Sep 2005
American Wigeon Loch of Kinnordy, Angus & Dundee 15 Jul – 9 Sep 2005
Rough-legged Buzzard various N Uist sites, W Isles 6-29 Mar 2005
American Wigeon Ardnave Loch, Islay, Argyll 13 Feb – 3 Mar 2004
Melodious Warbler North Bay, Barra, W Isles 1-9 Oct 2003
Rose-coloured Starling Breibhig, Barra, W Isles 27 Sep 2003
Yellow-legged Gull Troon harbour, Ayrshire 25 Feb – 5 Mar 2005


Batch 119

Richard’s Pipit Newmains, Reston, Borders 30-31 Oct 2005
Rough-legged Buzzard Dowlaw, Borders 16 Oct 2005
Marsh Warbler Isle of May 1 Jun 2004
Yellow-legged Gull (adult) Lossie estuary, Moray 30 Mar – 4 Apr 2005
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (3) Borve, Berneray, W Isles 3 & 5 Sep 2005
Cory’s Shearwater Aird, Tiree, Argyll 24 Aug 2005
Great Shearwater Barra-Tiree ferry, Argyll 20 Oct 2005
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (3) Tiree, Argyll 3-8 Sep 2005
Ring-billed Gull (adult) Kinneil, Forth 1, 8, & 16 Oct 2005; 1 Nov 2005
Ring-billed Gull (adult) Kinneil, Forth Present from 16 Sep to 1 Nov 2005*

* Revised date.


Batch 118

Great Shearwater W of Rubha Ardvule, South Uist, Western Isles 14 Aug 2005
Great Shearwater Rubha Ardvule, South Uist, Western Isles 29 Aug 2005
Great Shearwater Rubha Ardvule, South Uist, Western Isles 20 Sep 2005
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (3) West Gerinish, South Uist, Western Isles Various dates, 22 Sep – 09 Oct 2004
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (5) Bornish Loch/machair, South Uist, Western Isles Various dates, 31 Aug – 20 Sep 2005
Buff-br Sandpiper W Gerinish/Ardivachar, South Uist, Western Isles 04-15 Sep 2005
Rosy Starling Teangue, Skye, Highland 8 Oct 2005
Cory’s Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 11 Sep 2005
Pallas’s Warbler North Loch Eynort, South Uist, Western Isles 20-22 Oct 2005
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Berneray, Western Isles 15 & 18 Sep 2004
Balearic Shearwater Corsewall Point, Dumfries & Galloway 27 Aug 2005
Yellow-legged Gull Hogganfield Loch, Clyde 02 Feb 2003
Water Pipit Barns Ness, Lothian 16 Apr 2004
Water Pipit Skateraw, Lothian 10 Apr 2004


Batch 117

Rosy Starling Straad, Bute 28-29 Jun 2005
Savi’s Warbler Tay Reedbeds, Perth & Kinross 10-16 May 2005
Woodchat Shrike Raffin, Stoer, Highland 21-27 Jul 2005
Rosy Starling Carnoustie, Angus 8-14 Jul 2005
Great Shearwater Tarbat Ness, Highland 5 Sep 2005
Great Shearwater Rudha Reidh, Gareloch, Highland 24 Aug 2005
Cory’s Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 10 Sep 2005
Yellow-legged Gull Strathclyde CP, Clyde 22 Feb and 9 Dec 2003
Ring-billed Gull Dingwall, Highland 25 Aug 2005
Ring-billed Gull (2nd winter) Oban, Argyll 12-20 Sep 2005
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter) L a’ Phuill, Tiree, Argyll 5 Apr 2005
Rosy Starling Totag, Stoer, Highland 26 Jul 2002
Rough-legged Buzzard Bettyhill, Highland 17-23 Nov 2004


Batch 116

Yellow-legged Gull Leven, Fife 18 Feb 2005
Great Cormorant (race sinensis) Eyemouth, Borders 18 Mar 2002
Rough-legged Buzzard Savoch, NE Scotland 13 May 2004
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (2 birds) Collieston, NE Scotland 24-29 Sep 2004
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Loch a’Phuill, Tiree, Argyll 15-16 Sep 2004
Cory’s Shearwater Machrihanish, Argyll 8 Sep 2003
Ring-billed Gull (1st summer) Oban, Argyll 4-11 Apr 2005
American Wigeon Add estuary, Argyll 25 Sep and 16 Oct 2004


Batch 115

Yellow-legged Gull (2nd win/3rd sum) Tayport, Fife 21 Jul 2002
Water Pipit Meikle Loch, NE Scotland 26-28 Feb 2004
Little Bunting near Midmar, NE Scotland 24 Jan 2004
Marsh Warbler Clachan Farm, North Uist, Western Isles 29-30 Sep 2003
Short-toed Lark Tyninghame, Lothian 16 May 2004
Rough-legged Buzzard Unst, Shetland 13 May 2004
Water Pipit Barns Ness, Lothian 2-16 December 2004
Rosy Starling North Berwick, Lothian 30 Sep 2004
American Wigeon (adult male) Loch Bee, South Uist, Western Isles 8 Jan – 14 Mar and 24 Oct – 5 Dec 2004
Woodchat Shrike Barra, Western Isles 1-2 Oct 2003
Little Bunting Barra, Western Isles 9 Oct 2003
American Wigeon (male) Caol, Fort William, Highland 2-6 Jan 2005
Cirl Bunting Dale Farm, Evie, Orkney 16 Nov 2003 – 16 Jan 2004
Woodchat Shrike Papa Westray, Orkney 5-7 Jun 2004
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (2 birds) South Ronaldsay, Orkney 2-11 and 3-11 Oct 2004 resp
Rosy Starling (immature) Lady Village, Sanday, Orkney 11 Oct 2004


Batch 114

Ring-billed Gull (1st winter) Daliburgh S Uist (W Isles) 19 Jan – 20 Mar 2004
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter) Howmore/Peninerine, S Uist (W Isles) 20-21 Mar 2004
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter) Howmore/Peninerine, S Uist (W Isles) 20-21 Mar 2004
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter) Howmore/Peninerine, S Uist (W Isles) 20 Mar – 5 Apr 2004
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter) Howmore/Peninerine, S Uist (W Isles) 21 Mar 2004
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter) Rubha Ardvule/Howmore/Peninerine, S Uist (W Isles) 21-22 Mar 2004
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter) Howmore/Peninerine, S Uist (W Isles) 5-6 Apr 2004
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter/summer) Howmore/Peninerine, S Uist (W Isles) 7-9 Apr 2004
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter/summer) Howmore/Peninerine, S Uist (W Isles) 17 Apr – 24 Jul 2004
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter/summer) Rubha Ardvule, Howmore, Peninerine, S Uist (W Isles) 18 Apr – 24 Jul 2004
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter/summer) Howmore/Peninerine/Grogarry, S Uist (W Isles) 20-24 Apr 2004
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter/summer) Howmore/Peninerine, S Uist (W Isles) 18 Apr 2004
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter) Rubha Ardvule, Howmore, Peninerine, S Uist (W Isles) 22 Mar 2004
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter) Rueval, S Uist (W Isles) 28-29 Mar 2004
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter) Kilpheder, S Uist (W Isles) 16 Apr – 12 Jun 2004
Ring-billed Gull (adult) Bornish Loch, S Uist (W Isles) 2 May 2004
Ring-billed Gull (2nd winter) Grenitote, N Uist (W Isles) 25-27 Mar 2004
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter) Loch Sandary, N Uist (W Isles) 12 Apr 2004
Ring-billed Gull (2nd summer) Teanamachar, N Uist (W Isles) 23 May 2004
Ring-billed Gull (adult) Balranald, N Uist (W Isles) 15 Apr 2002
Ring-billed Gull (1st winter) Balranald, N Uist (W Isles) 15 Apr 2002


Batch 113

Ring-billed Gull (1st winter) Spiggie, Mainland, Shetland 19-22 Feb 04
Serin (male) Baltasound, Unst, Shetland 17-24 Apr 04
Kentish Plover Pool of Virkie, Mainland, Shetland 24-27 Apr 04
Ring-billed Gull (1st summer) Loch of Hillwell, Mainland, Shetland 13-14 May 04
Ring-billed Gull (1st summer) Loch of Hillwell, Mainland, Shetland 13-22 May 04
Aquatic Warbler Hegri Burn, Fair Isle 12 Aug 04
Aquatic Warbler Pool of Virkie, Mainland, Shetland 14 Aug 04
Aquatic Warbler Quendale, Mainland, Shetland 14 Aug 04
Aquatic Warbler Walli Burn, Fair Isle 16 Aug 04
Ring-billed Gull (adult) Dingwall, Highland 25 Jan 04-8 Dec 04
Short-toed Lark Castleview, Ardnamurchan Peninsula 16 May 04


Batch 112

Ring-billed Gull (2nd winter) Stranraer, D & G 20 Oct 04
Water Pipit Dipple shore, Ayrshire 13 Nov 04
Melodious Warbler Waterhouse, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 10 Sep 03
Rosy Starling (adult) North Berwick, Lothian 30 Sep 04-1 Oct 04
Ring-billed Gull (adult) Machir Bay, Islay, Argyll 21 Feb 04
Common Redpoll Balephuil, Tiree, Argyll 1 Nov 03


Batch 110

Bluethroat Mains of Cairnbrock, nr Portpatrick, D & G 29 May 04
Common Crane 2 miles east of Caerlaverock, D & G 16 Apr 04
Nightingale Balephuil, Tiree, Argyll 2-4 May 04
Buff-breasted Sandpiper The Reef, Tiree, Argyll 17-19 Jun 04
Ring-billed Gull (2 adults) Balephetrish Bay, Tiree, Argyll 19-20 Mar 04
Rosy Starling (adult) Portnahaven, Islay, Argyll 15-16 Jun 03
Ring-billed Gull (2nd winter) Balgray Reservoir, Clyde 14 Mar 04
American Wigeon (adult male) Kyle of Tongue, Sutherland, Highland 11 May 03


Batch 109

American Wigeon (male) Loch Bee, Outer Hebrides 10 Feb 02-7 Apr 02
American Wigeon (male) Loch Bee, Outer Hebrides 15 Nov 02-27 Dec 02
American Wigeon (male) Loch Bee, Outer Hebrides 8 Feb 03-5 Apr 03
American Wigeon (male) Loch Bee, Outer Hebrides 14 Sep 03-18 Mar 04
Black-crowned Night-Heron Howbeg/Howmore River, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 13-15 Jun 03
Ortolan Bunting Liniclate machair, Benbecula, Outer Hebrides 10 Sep 02
Ring-billed Gull (adult) Cnoca Breac Beach, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 7 Apr 04
Ring-billed Gull (adult) Traighlar, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 20 Apr 04
Stone-curlew Musselburgh Lagoons, Lothian 26 Jun 04


Batch 108

Rosy Starling (juv) Stonehaven, NE Scotland 1-2 Nov 03
Montagu’s Harrier (1S female) Hatton, nr Cruden Bay, NE Scotland 29-30 May 03
Rough-legged Buzzard Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, NE Scotland 29 Mar 03
Yellow-legged Gull (michahellis)Ad Peterhead, NE Scotland 31 Dec 02 – 16 Mar 03
Water Pipit Maidens, Ayrshire 23 Nov 03 – 2004
Water Pipit (a second bird) Maidens, Ayrshire 30 Nov 03
American Wigeon (1W male) Bogside Flats and Martnaham Loch, Ayrshire 2 Jan 02 – 1 Apr 02
Ring-billed Gull (Ad) Mahir Bay, Islay, Argyll 11 Feb 03
Cory’s Shearwater Isle of May, Fife 29 Sep 02
Rough-legged Buzzard Rackwick Valley, Hoy, Orkney 27 Feb 03
Ring-necked Duck Milton Loch, D & G 27 Feb 04 – 6 Mar 04
Firecrest Mersehead RSPB Reserve, D & G 15 Feb 04 – 2 Mar 04
Scottish Crossbill (3+) Devilla Forest, Fife 10 Dec 01
Melodious Warbler Barrenha’, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 18-24 Aug 03
Woodchat Shrike (1Y) Lighthouse area, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 16-23 Sep 03
Rosy Starling (Ad) Stoer, Highland 26 Sep 03


Batch 107

Cory’s Shearwater Eyemouth, Borders 14 Jul 2001
American Wigeon Loch Feochan, Oban, Argyll 16-22 Mar 2003
American Wigeon Add estuary, Crinan, Argyll 17-19 Mar 2003
Rosy Starling Seil Island, Argyll 27 May – 8 Jun 2003
Rosy Starling Kilmelford, Argyll 21-23 May 2003
Rosy Starling Crossapoll, Tiree, Argyll 19-20 Sep 2003
Rosy Starling (imm) Portnahaven, Islay, Argyll 1 Oct 2003
Montagu’s Harrier (fem) Aberlady Bay, Lothian 17 Apr 2003
Great Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 5 Sep 2003
Common Nightingale Tornagrain, nr Dalcross, Highland 24-25 May 2003
Woodchat Shrike (juv) Maywick, Shetland 15-18 Sep 2003
Melodious Warbler Burns, Foula, Shetland 12-15 Jun 2003
Woodlark Fair Isle, Shetland 15-22 Nov 2003
Woodlark Fair Isle, Shetland 3-12 Mar 2003
Ring-billed Gull Kirk Loch, Vidlin, Shetland 24 Jan 2003
Rough-legged Buzzard Baltasound-Haroldswick, Unst, Shetland 17 Oct 2003
Rough-legged Buzzard Baltasound-Haroldswick, Unst, Shetland 6 May 2003
Rosy Starling Sauchie, nr Alloa, Central 17 Aug 2003
Rosy Starling California, Falkirk, Central 27 Aug 2003


Batch 106

Rosy Starling (juv) Kintra, Islay, Argyll 21-26 Oct & 17 Nov 2002
Rosy Starling Sandaig, Tiree, Argyll 8-9 Jun 2002
Rosy Starling Connel, Argyll 16-19 Jun 2002
Rosy Starling nr Lady Village, Sanday, Orkney 3-4 Jun 2002
Rosy Starling Castlesween, Argyll 29 Jun 2002
Yellow-legged Gull (1s/2s) Ullapool, Highland 18 Jun 2002
Yellow-legged Gull (2s) Tayport, Fife 16-27 Jul 2002
Ortolan Bunting Kilminning, Fife 18-19 Oct 2003
Melodious Warbler Nearhouse, Sanday, Orkney 11 Jun 2003
Montagu’s Harrier (fem) North Ronaldsay, Orkney 20 May 1996


Batch 105

Rosy Starling (Ad) Furrowend, Shapinsay, Orkney 14 Jul 02
Bee-eater (2) Drummore, Mull of Galloway, D & G 9 May 03
Pectoral Sandpiper Folly Loch, Borders 8-9 Sep 03
Rough-legged Buzzard Forvie, Newburgh, NE Scotland 1 Nov 01 – 2 Jan 02
Rough-legged Buzzard Gairnshiel, NE Scotland 5 Apr 03
Woodchat Shrike Isle of May, Fife 3 Jun 03
Woodchat Shrike (imm female) Naast, Poolewe, Highland 2-5 Jun 03
Ring-billed Gull (2W) Lochinver, Sutherland, Highland 2-3 Mar 02
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Stoer Point Lighthouse, Highland 27 Sep 00
Water Pipit Eden Estuary, Fife 18-19 Feb 03
Water Pipit Barns Ness, Lothian 28 Dec 02 – 23 Mar 03
Rosy Starling (6) Gullane, Lothian 5-24 Jun 02
Rosy Starling (ad) Ad Rueval, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 9 Jun 02
Rosy Starling (1S) Bornish, and Rubha Ardvule, South Uist, O. H. 14-15 Jun 02
Rosy Starling Ardivachar Pt / Ardkenneth / Eochar, South Uist, O.H. 19 Jun 02 – 7 Jul 02
Rosy Starling (ad) North Boisdale, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 28 Jun 02 – 8 Jul 02
Rosy Starling (ad) Kallin Grimsay, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 21 Sep 02


Batch 104

Rosy Starling Mallaig, Inverness-shire 15-17 Jul 02
Rosy Starling 114 Horolage Hill, Arbroath, Angus & Dundee 22 Aug 02
Aquatic Warbler Isle of May, Fife 19 Aug 01
American Wigeon (male) Meikle Loch, Collieston, NE Scotland 25 Mar 02 – 24 Apr 02
Rosy Starling Deeside Gardens, Aberdeen, NE Scotland 20 Jul 02 – 7 Aug 02
Stone-curlew Blackdog, NE Scotland 28 May 02
Tawny Pipit Foveran, Newburgh, NE Scotland 13-16 May 02
Parrot Crossbill near Pitlochry, Perth & Kinross August 1928


Batch 103

American Wigeon ad male Loch of Kinnordy, Angus & Dundee 8 Oct 02
Herring Gull michahellis ad Loch Gruinart, Islay, Argyll 1-7 Sep 02
Rosy Starling ad Bowmore, Islay, Argyll 21 Jun 02
Rosy Starling ad/2nd cal yr Bowmore, Islay, Argyll 31 Aug 02
Cory’s Shearwater Frenchman’s Rocks, Islay, Argyll 29 Aug 02
Kentish Plover female Aberlady Bay, Lothian 11-12 May 02
Rosy Starling ad North Ronaldsay, Orkney 18 Jun 02, 25 Jun 02-5 Jul 02 and 21-28 Jul 02
Cirl Bunting ad female North Ronaldsay, Orkney 13 Aug 02-20 Oct 02
White-billed Diver* ad shot Aberdeen, NE Scotland 17 Dec 1891

*This record of White-billed Diver becomes the 1st Scottish (probably 2nd British) record.


Batch 102

White Stork Threave Castle, R Dee, Dumfries & Galloway 25 May 2002
Rosy Starling Invergordon, Highland 16 Jun 2002
Rosy Starling (juv) Eoligarry, Barra, W Isles 20 Sep 2002
Rosy Starling Laurencekirk, NE Scotland 17 Oct 2002
Ring-billed Gull (2 w/s) Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 28 Apr 2002
Rosy Starling (juv) Herston, S Ronaldsay, Orkney 4-8 Sep 2002
Rosy Starling Herston, S Ronaldsay, Orkney 20-19 Jul 2002
Rosy Starling Holland, N Ronaldsay, Orkney 21 Jul 2002
Ring-necked Duck Milton Loch, Dumfries & Galloway 31 Dec 2002 – 4 Jan 2003
Rough-legged Buzzard Findhorn Valley, Highland 12 Feb 2002
Little Bunting St Margaret’s Hope, S Ronaldsay, Orkney 22 Sep 1996


Batch 101

Woodchat Shrike Delamford, nr Dailly, Ayrshire 10-11 Jun 02
Herring Gull michahellis ad Hoggenfield Loch, Glasgow, Clyde 3 Feb 02
American Wigeon ad male Forfar Loch, Angus & Dundee 29 Apr 02 – 3 May 02
Rosy Starling ad East Langwell, Sutherland, Highland 26 Jun 02
Stone-curlew Inver, Highland 18-22 May 00
Rosy Starling ad Ockle, Ardnamurchan, Highland 9-15 Jun 02
Rosy Starling ad Loch Flemington, Highland 22 Jun 02
Montagu’s Harrier juv found dead, Invershin, Sutherland, Highland 7 Oct 02


Batch 100

Montagu’s Harrier male Fair Isle 21-24 May 02
Woodlark Hamister, Whalsay, Shetland 20 Oct 02
Woodlark Dale of Walls, Shetland 22 Oct 02
Tawny Pipit Skaw, Unst, Shetland 25 May 02
Melodious Warbler Fair Isle 14 Aug 02
Melodious Warbler Sumburgh Head, Shetland 17-18 Aug 02
Woodchat Shrike Foula, Shetland 9 Jul 02
Rosy Starling ad Mosstodloch, Moray & Nairn 4-15 Aug 02
Rosy Starling ad Hopeman, Moray & Nairn 9 Jul 02
American Wigeon ad male Loch Oire, Moray & Nairn 2 Mar 02 to end April 02
Rosy Starling Inverallochy, Highland 4-15 Jul 02
Cory’s Shearwater Girdleness, NE Scotland 10 Sep 02
Rosy Starling juv Cupar, Fife 20 Oct 02
Rosy Starling adult Linburn Road, Erskine, Renfrewshire, Clyde 9-14 Jun 02
Sabine’s Gull Old Lighthouse, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 22 Sep 02


Batch 99

Common Redpoll Balemartin, Tiree, Argyll 15 Sep 01
Ring-billed Gull ad Doonfoot, Ayrshire 4-11 Sep 01
Ring-billed Gull ad Ballantrae, Ayrshire 6 Mar 01
Rosy Starling 1st S Polewarth St., Galston, Ayrshire 30 Jun 02
Rosy Starling 2 ads Harbour Road, Maidens, Ayrshire 17 Jun 02
Rosy Starling ad Cumnock, Ayrshire 3 Jun 02
Rosy Starling ad Inchmurrin Drive, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire 7 Sep 02
Melodious Warbler St Abbs Head, Borders 22 May 02
Rosy Starling ad male Caravan Park, Fife Ness, Fife 30 Jun 02-1 Jul 02
Rosy Starling 2 ad males Caravan Park, Fife Ness, Fife 9 Jul 02
Cory’s Shearwater Kinghorn Harbour, Fife 20-24 Jul 02
Marsh Warbler Quoydale Burn, Hoy, Orkney 15 Jun 02
Purple Heron Penderry Hill, South Ayrshire 4 May 02


Batch 98

Rosy Starling 4 ads Gullane Point, Lothian 15 Jun 02
Rosy Starling Giffordtown, Cupar, Fife 22 Jun 02
Rosy Starling Tay Street, Tayport, Fife 20 Jun 02
Rosy Starling ad male New England Bay Caravan Park, Drummore, Dumfries & Galloway 4-27 Jun 02
Rosy Starling female Gartmore, Stirling, Central 5-7 Aug 02
Rosy Starling male Auchmithie, Angus & Dundee 11 Jun 02
Rosy Starling male Craigmill Den, Carnoustie, Angus & Dundee 1 Jul 02
Rosy Starling male Kirkton Terrace, Carnoustie, Angus & Dundee 20 Jun 02-3 Jul 02
Rosy Starling adult Nursery Street, Forfar, Angus & Dundee 11 Jul 02
Rosy Starling ad male Fersness Quarry, Eday, Orkney 11 Jun 02
Rosy Starling Cotton of Lownie, nr Forfar, Angus & Dundee 9-15 Aug 02


Batch 97

Ring-billed Gull 1stW Bowmore, Islay, Argyll 29 Dec 01-2 Jan 02
Marsh Warbler Fife Ness, Fife 8-11 Jun 02
Marsh Warbler Westness, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 7 Jun 02
Woodchat Shrike Tayport, Fife 28 May 02-19 Jun 02
Marsh Warbler East Barns, Lothian 8-9 Jun 02
Montagu’s/Pallid Harrier juv Ythan Estuary, NE Scotland 24 Aug 01


Batch 96

Lesser Black-backed Gull Ad intermedius Leven, Fife 30 Mar 01
Buff-breasted Sandpiper Loch of Tankerness, Orkney 22 Sep 01
Little Bunting North Ronaldsay, Orkney 19 Oct 01
Little Bunting North Ronaldsay, Orkney 20 Oct 01
Cory’s Shearwater Hound Point, Lothian 17 Jul 01
Herring Gull michahellis 2 Ads Strathclyde Park, Clyde 6 Jan 01 – 4 Feb 01 and 9 Nov 01 – 6 Jan 02


Batch 95

Great Shearwater (3) Machrihanish, Kintyre, Argyll 31 Aug 01
Great Shearwater (2) Balevullin, Tiree, Argyll 13 Sep 01
Cory’s Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 4 Aug 01
Rough-legged Buzzard Glen Esk, Angus & Dundee 25 Apr 89


Batch 94

Herring Gull michahellis Ad River Ugie, Peterhead, NE Scotland 9 Jul 00
Herring Gull michahellis 4thY Tayport, Fife 24 May 01


Batch 93

Little Bunting Cove, NE Scotland 3 Oct 01
Yellow-browed Warbler Mersehead RSPB Reserve, Dumfries & Galloway 14 Oct 01
Great Shearwater (2) Rubha Ardvule, South Uist 2 Oct 01


Batch 92

Herring Gull michahellis 3S Tayport Pigfields, Fife 22 Jul 01
Ring-billed Gull Ad Crossapol Farm, Tiree, Argyll 23 Jun 01-24 Jul 01
Little Bunting Girdleness, NE Scotland 25-26 Sep 01
Ring-billed Gull 2W Musselburgh, Lothian 22 Oct 00
Little Bunting Sangar, North Ronaldsay, Orkney 16 Oct 99


Batch 91

Yellow-legged Gull Strathclyde CP, Clyde 9-13 Dec 2000; 7 Jan – 4 Feb 2001
Cory’s Shearwater Kinghorn, Fife 8 Jul 2001
Yellow-legged Gull (4th year) Tayport, Fife 24 May 2001
Little Bunting Sheshader, Lewis, W Isles 3 May 2001
Cory’s Shearwater Griminish Pt, N Uist, W Isles 28 Jun 2001
Ring-billed Gull (1st s) Loch Sandary, N Uist, W Isles 8-9 Jun 2001
Yellow-Legged Gull (2 – ads) Strathclyde CP, Clyde 6 Jan – 4 Feb 2001
Little Bunting Largoward, Fife 27 Mar 1999


Batch 90

Cory’s Shearwater Lossiemouth, Moray & Nairn 9 Jul 2000
Rough-legged Buzzard Collieston, NE Scotland 11 Mar 2000


Batch 89

Water Pipit Largo Bay, Fife 17 Dec 2000
Honey Buzzard Montreathmont Forest, Angus & Dundee 30 May & 10 Jun 2000
Little Bunting St Kilda, W Isles 18 Sep 2000
Short-toed Lark St Kilda, W Isles 21 Oct 2000
Ring-necked Duck Lochore Meadows CP, Fife 2-6 Jan 2001


Batch 87

Great Shearwater Papa Westray, Orkney 26 Oct 00
Great Shearwater North Ronaldsay, Orkney 10 Sep 00
Little Bunting North Ronaldsay, Orkney 23 Sep 00
Little Bunting North Ronaldsay, Orkney 27-28 Sep 00
Melodious Warbler Graemeshall, Holm, Orkney 29 Sep 00
Ring-billed Gull, 2nd-summer Ythan Estuary, NE Scotland 10 Jun 00
Ring-billed Gull, adult Dingwall, Highland 30 Aug 00
Sabine’s Gull, adult Chanonry Point, Highland 10-11 Sep 00
Sabine’s Gull, 1st-winter Chanonry Point, Highland 16 Sep 00
Yellow-legged Gull, michahellis, 3rd-s/4th-w Tayport, Fife 11 Aug 00
Balearic Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 22 Aug 00
Balearic Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 20 Sep 00
Common Crane, 3 Newmains, Reston, Borders 10 May 00
Richard’s Pipit St Abbs, Borders 9 Nov 00
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler Fast Castle Head, Dowlaw Dean, Borders 8 Nov 00
Cory’s Shearwater Isle of May, Fife 13 Sep 00


Batch 86

Montagu’s Harrier, sub-adult male Rattray Head, NE Scotland 18 May 00
Balearic Shearwater Strathy Point, Sutherland 26 Aug 00
Mediterranean Gull, 2nd-winter Mallaih, Highland 28 Mar 98
Cory’s Shearwater Kinghorn, Fife 5,12,15 Sep 00
Great Shearwater Griminish Point, North Uist 6 Sep 00
Ring-necked Duck Elrig Loch, Wigtownshire 8 Mar 00
Wood Lark Isle of May, Fife 15-21 Oct 97
Little Bunting Isle of May, Fife 21 Sep 00
Melodious Warbler Isle of May, Fife 21 May 98


Batch 85

Bearded Tit 4 (3 female, 1 male) Isle of May, Fife 5 Oct 99
Water Pipit Cocklemouth Burn, Largo Bay, Fife 18 Mar 00-10 Apr 00
Ring-billed Gull 1stW Lochan Luing, nr Rhunahaorine Pt, Argyll 4 Apr 00
Ring-billed Gull adult Machir Bay, Islay 12-26 Mar 00
Purple Heron Meggathead, Borders 28 Jun 99


Batch 84

Scandinavian Rock Pipit Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay 10 Apr 99-22 Jul 99
Rough-legged Buzzard Rue, North Ronaldsay 26 Apr 99
Little Bunting Garden of Dale, Costa, W Mainland, Orkney 17-19 Nov 99
Little Bunting Snishival, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 1 Oct 98
Cory’s Shearwater Rubha Ardvule, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 30 Aug 98
Great Shearwater Rubha Ardvule, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 9 Sep 99
Short-toed Lark North Rona, Outer Hebrides 8 Jun 99
Great Shearwater 70+ Hawes Bank, north of Coll, Argyll, from Barra to Oban ferry 3 Oct 99
Bearded Tit adult male SWT Centre, Montrose, Angus 3 Oct 98
Ring-billed Gull 2ndW Stranraer, Loch Ryan, Dumfries & Galloway 4 Oct 99-3 Jan 00
Cory’s Shearwater Kinghorn Harbour, Fife 4 Jul 99, (2) 13 Jul 99, 17 Jul 99 and 28 Jul 99


Batch 83

Water Pipit Doonfoot, Ayrshire 28 Feb 99-20 Mar 99
Herring Gull race michahellis adult Barassie, Ayrshire 17 Aug 99
Melodious Warbler Grogarry, South Uist, Outer Hebrides 17-18 Oct 99
Great Shearwater Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay 27 Aug 99
Great Shearwater Dennis Head, North Ronaldsay 5 Oct 99
Great Shearwater Old Beacon, North Ronaldsay 29 Sep 99
Ring-billed Gull adult Point of Ayre, Deerness, Orkney 8 Sep 99
Herring Gull race michahellis adult near Ancum Loch, North Ronaldsay 2 Sep 99
Short-toed Lark Breck, North Ronaldsay 23 Sep 99
Aquatic Warbler East Loch Park, North Ronaldsay 21-22 Sep 99


Batch 82

Yellow-legged Gull (ad michahellis) Doonfoot, Ayrshire 16 Apr 97
Ring-billed Gull (adult) Doonfoot, Ayrshire 3 Dec 98
Ring-billed Gull (adult) Ardrossan, Ayrshire 14 Mar 99
Ring-billed Gull (1stS) Barassie shore, Ayrshire 13 Jun 99
White Stork* Rathen nr Fraserburgh, NE Scotland 19-20 Apr 99
White Stork* New Pitsligo nr Fraserburgh, NE Scotland 24 Apr 99
Cory’s Shearwater Girdleness, NE Scotland 14 Sep 98 6.30 pm
Cory’s Shearwater (2) Girdleness, NE Scotland 14 Sep 98 7.15 pm
Cory’s Shearwater (found dead) Balmedie beach, NE Scotland 3 Oct 98
Yellow-legged Gull (ad michahellis) River Ugie, Peterhead, NE Scotland 15 Aug 98
Yellow-legged Gull (ad michahellis) Ythan Estuary, NE Scotland 28 Jun 99
Short-toed Lark Ythan, Newburgh, NE Scotland 8-10 May 99
Bearded Tit (5) Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 18 Oct 98
Bearded Tit (2) Loch of Strathbeg, NE Scotland 30 Jan 99
Honey Buzzard Isle of May, Fife 19 Sep 99
Ring-billed Gull (2ndW/Ad ) Sorobaidh Bay, Tiree, Argyll 15 May 99

*accepted on basis that both records refer to same bird


Batch 81

Mediterranean Gull (2ndW) Kyle of Durness, Sutherland, Highland 20 Sep 98
Cory’s Shearwater Tarbet Ness, Ross-shire, Highland 30 Jul 98
Ring-billed Gull (adult) Heylipol Farm, Tiree, Argyll 19 Jul 99
Kentish Plover Musselburgh, Lothian 4 May 99
Short-toed Lark Papa Westray, Orkney 10 May 99
Great Shearwater Scapa Bay, Orkney 25 Sep 99
Cory’s Shearwater The Minch, Outer Hebrides 15 Jul 99
Great Shearwater Griminish Point, North Uist, Outer Hebrides 30 Aug 99
Spoonbill Ettrick Bay, Isle of Bute, Clyde Islands 28 Oct 98


Batch 80

Ring-billed Gull (adult) Stromness, Orkney 12 Jan 99
Woodlark Skateraw, Lothian 16 May 98
Ring-billed Gull (2nd W) Strathclyde Park, Clyde 3 Dec 98
Ring-billed Gull (adult) Strathclyde Park, Clyde 1-3 Jan 99
Woodchat Shrike, remains found at Sparrowhawk plucking post Loch a Chroisg, Achnasheen, Highland 31 Aug 98
Rough-legged Buzzard Rue, North Ronaldsay 25-27 Apr 98
Rough-legged Buzzard Rue, North Ronaldsay 16 May 98
Cory’s Shearwater Fife Ness, Fife 12 Jun 99
Bearded Tit (male found dead) Seafield, Edinburgh 3 Oct 98

Page header image © John Nadin