
Screen grab from a digiscoped video of a group of Bean Geese
Scotland’s Taiga Bean Geese

The evocative calling of geese crossing autumn skies encourages birders and non-birders alike to gaze upward. Some will ponder on...

Black and White Warbler
A birder’s guide to surviving Disneyworld

The rain battering against the window, the quieter streets now the schools are back and the Hawaiian...

European Blackcap
Motus Wildlife Tracking System

The Motus Wildlife Tracking System, first established in North America in 2012, is a collaborative system developed to promote a global network...

Some Bird Camp artwork!
Bird Camp 2024

In the first weekend of June SOC and BTO Scotland welcomed 14 amazing participants to our base...

Lek It Be - Protecting our Capercaillie

There are only 532 Capercaillie left in the UK. That's half the number of birds we had...

Perched Kingfisher

David Raffle is the Birding and Science Officer for the Scottish Ornithologists’ Club (SOC). As part of...

Water Rail in the Tay Reedbeds
Water Rail in the Tay Reedbeds

Derek Robertson is a professional wildlife artist, a long-term member of the SOC, and an active ringer...

SOC Annual Conference – a speaker’s eye view
SOC Annual Conference – a speaker’s eye view

The Club’s 2023 annual get-together took place on the weekend of 24-26 November at the Atholl Palace...

A fifty-year study of Purple Sandpipers – what next?
A fifty-year study of Purple Sandpipers – what next?

This year, I published a monograph, The Purple Sandpiper, based partly on studies and surveys carried out...

Glasgow Peregrine Project
Glasgow Peregrine Project

As a long-standing SOC and Central Scotland Raptor Study Group (SRSG) member, I monitor Peregrine sites in west...