Birds of Caithness including the Breeding & Wintering Atlas 2007 – 2012

The ‘Birds of Caithness’ DVD was published in December 2015 by Caithness SOC. It is the distillation of over 200 years of observations documenting the fascinating birdlife of the county. The 458 page document is formatted to allow for viewing either as double-page spreads on the web or as high-resolution pdfs. To find out more about the publication, click here. There are still a few copies for sale at Waterston House, SOC's headquarters. Please phone us on 01875 871330 if you'd like to purchase a copy.


In January 2017, Caithness SOC announced the publication of a revised edition of The ‘Birds of Caithness’, in book form! This hard-backed book is 458pp and A4 in size, with dust jacket.

The atlas’ new format includes amended maps and revised texts. The cost is £40 + p&p. To purchase a copy, please email Sinclair Manson or contact him at 7 Duncan Street, Thurso, KW14 7HZ.