Spectacles of Nature
This exhibition presents tapestries and sculptures that celebrate some of the breathtaking spectacles of nature such as a starling murmuration or the migration of salmon swimming upstream. The show includes two large tapestry projects created by an international group of weavers from the UK, Netherlands, USA and Canada, as well as a series of metal work wall sculptures by Sottish artist Sam MacDonald.
‘Murmuration Collaboration’ comprises 12 tapestries that together create a spectacular woven murmuration, shaped to reflect a flock of birds, twisting, turning and forming shape-shifting patterns in the sky. Over a period of two years, the weavers jointly created a design in which each artist would then weave one part of the tapestry. This allowed them to incorporate their own vision and technique while remaining true to the overall concept. When hung together the final tapestries present a murmuration that crosses the entire installation and swoops dramatically across the back wall of the gallery.
A second collection of tapestries, ‘Waterline’, brings together a series of interlocking weavings inspired by rivers and seas. The pieces hang together as a whole guided by the high waterline which links each tapestry to the next.
Responding to the tapestries, and no less spectacular, are a series of wall sculptures by Sam MacDonald. Sam is inspired by his love of fishing, diving, and the sea. His work ‘endeavours to express an emotional response to often fleeting moments in nature’. Sam grew up on the Isle of Lewis. After studying at Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts, he settled in Orkney for 19 years but now lives in East Lothian. Using traditional metal work techniques, he creates unique sculptural panels that capture the shimmering movement of fish under water. Rather like an underwater murmuration, these swirling shoals are perfectly represented by the varied shimmering textures of the metal work and are testament to Sam's craftmanship.