Areas covered:

South Ayrshire, East Ayrshire and North Ayrshire (excluding Arran and the Cumbraes)

Local recorder for the area:

Fraser Simpson

4 Inchmurrin Drive, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, KA3 2JD

Assistant local recorder for the area:

Angus Hogg

Record submission:

Voous species order, quarterly or by end February of the following year.


Ayrshire Bird Report


Angus Hogg and Dave Grant

Published by:

SOC Ayrshire branch

Latest issue:

2022 (digital)

It includes:

This year’s report contains articles on the Lesser Whitethroat in Ayrshire during 2022, an update on Bird Records for the Parish of New Cumnock and an update on Records of Rare Birds in Ayrshire.

These articles are followed by the Systematic List for 2022 which contains many photographs by local photographers.        



Available from:

The newly published Ayrshire Bird Report for 2022 is now available online, free to download as a PDF document on the Ayrshire Birding website.  

First published:


Back issues:

Some past issues are also available from Anne Dick, Rowanmyle House, Tarbolton, Mauchline, Ayrshire, KA5 5LU. Cheques should be made payable to “Ayrshire Bird Report”. Price £5.00 (+£1.00 p&p if applicable). Discount for multiple purchases - please ask

2020 report (digital)

Available to download for free from the Ayrshire Birding website.

2019 report (digital)

Available to download for free from the Ayrshire Birding website.

2018 report (digital)

Available to download for free from the Ayrshire Birding website.

2017 report (digital)

Available to download for free from the Ayrshire Birding website.

Contents of 2015 & 2016 report

Green Woodpecker in Ayrshire by Angus Hogg       
Colour Ringed Gulls 2015-16 by David Grant                                                                                                                              
Birds of the Upper Stinchar by Dick Vernon
Barn Owls in Ayrshire 2015 by David Gray and Jim Thomson                                                                                                    
Kestrel Annual Report 2015 by Gordon Riddle           
Lesser Whitethroat in Ayrshire 2015 by Tom Byars                     
Ailsa Craig Breeding Report 2015 by Crystal Maw                        
Systematic List 2015 by Fraser Simpson          
Photo Section by Peter Halbert, Angus Hogg and Bruce Kerr                           
Barn Owls in Ayrshire 2016 by David Gray and Jim Thomson    
Kestrel Annual Report 2016 by Gordon Riddle                                                        
Lesser Whitethroat in Ayrshire 2016 by Tom Byars
Systematic List 2016 by Fraser Simpson     
List of Contributors by Fraser Simpson        

Contents of 2012 report:

Lady Isle, an important island in the conservation of the west of Scotland’s Herring Gull population by David Grant
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 2012 by Gordon Riddle
River Ayr Dippers – Breeding Details 2012 by Ian Todd
Systematic List compiled by Fraser Simpson
Recent Rarities & Scarcities in Ayrshire by Angus Hogg, Bruce Kerr, Tom Byars
Gazetteer of Sites in Ayrshire compiled by Fraser Simpson
Checklist of Ayrshire Birds compiled by Angus Hogg & Fraser Simpson

Contents of 2011 report:

Pallid Harrier in Ayrshire
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 2011
Sparrowhawk Breeding Details 2011
River Ayr Dippers – Breeding Details 2011
Chronological Summary
Systematic List
Recent Rarities & Scarcities in Ayrshire
Gazetteer of Sites in Ayrshire
Checklist of Ayrshire Birds

Contents of 2010 report:

The Rise, Fall and Disappearance of Ayrshire’s Stonechats.
Kestrel in Ayrshire 2010.
Sparrowhawk Breeding Details 2010.
River Ayr Dippers – Breeding Details 2009/2010.
Chronological Summary.
Systematic List.
Recent Rarities in Ayrshire.
Checklist of Ayrshire Birds.

Contents of 2009 report:

Kilkerran Re-visited: What’s happening to our summer visitors?
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 2009
Sparrowhawk Breeding Details 2009
Chronological Summary
Systematic List
Recent Rarities in Ayrshire: Franklin’s Gull and Yellow-browed Warbler
Ayrshire Butterfly Reports 2008-2009

Contents of 2008 report:

Breeding Warblers in Culzean Country Park 1978-2008 (Katie Walker & Aidan Maccormick)
The Water Pipit in Ayrshire (Angus Hogg)
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 2008 (Gordon Riddle)
Sparrowhawk Breeding Details 2008 (Ian Todd)
Chronological Summary (Angus Hogg)
Systematic List (compiled by Fraser Simpson)
Recent Rarities in Ayrshire (Marsh Tit by Iain Hamlin)
Gazetteer of Sites in Ayrshire (compiled by Fraser Simpson)

Contents of 2007 report:

The Birds of the Hunterston Area: Early Years to 1968
Ayrshire’s Historical Rookeries
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 2007
Sparrowhawk Breeding
Chronological Summary
Systematic List
Recent Rarities in Ayrshire
Ayrshire Butterfly Report 2007

Contents of 2006 report:

The Birds of the Hunterston Area 1968-1999
Skaus at Saltcoats in 2006
Analysis of Barn Owl pellets in East Ayrshire
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 2006
Sparrowhawk Breeding Details 2006
Chronological Summary
Recent Rarities in Ayrshire
Systematic List
Ayrshire Butterfly Report 2006

Contents of 2005 report:

The Birds of the Hunterston Area
Birds in Ayr
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 2005
Sparrowhawk Breeding Details 2005
Chronological Summary
Recent Rarities in Ayrshire
Systematic List
The SBRC List
Ayrshire Butterfly Report 2005

Contents of 2004 report:

The Lesser Whitethroat in Ayrshire
Wood Nuthatch Nesting in Ayrshire
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 2004
Sparrowhawk Breeding Details 2004
Chronological Summary
Systematic List
Ayrshire Butterfly Report 2004

Contents of 2003 report:

Lady Isle – Britain’s First Seabird Reserve
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 2003
Sparrowhawk Breeding Details 2003
Chronological Summary
Systematic List
Ayrshire Butterfly Report 2003

Contents of 2002 report:

Park Life: the Birds of an Urban Country Park
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 2002
Sparrowhawk Breeding Details 2002
Late Season Breeding Ravens
Mute Swan Survey 2002
Migrant Arrival Dates
Chronological Summary
Systematic List

Contents of 2001 report:

The Birds of Turnberry
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 2001
That Redhead’s No Lady
Quarter Century of the Ayrshire Bird Report
Ringing in Ayrshire
Chronological Summary
Systematic List

Contents of 2000 report:

Ailsa Craig – Before and After the Eradication of Rats in 1991
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 2000
Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) in Ayrshire
Chronological Summary
Systematic List

Contents of 1999 report:

The Birds of North Craig Reservoir
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 1999
The Sparrowhawk in Ayrshire 1999
Chronological Summary
Systematic List
Recent Rarities in Ayrshire
Ayrshire Butterfly Report 1999

Contents of 1998 report:

Marsh Harrier Breeding in Ayrshire
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 1998
The Sparrowhawk in Ayrshire 1998
WeBS Counts Ayrshire 1997-1998
Ayrshire Butterfly Report 1998

Contents of 1997 report:

Ayrshire Rookery Survey 1996
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 1997
The Sparrowhawk in Ayrshire 1997
Ayrshire Butterfly Report 1997

Contents of 1996 report:

The Auld Brig Gull
WeBS Counts Ayrshire 1995-1996
The Kestrel in Ayrshire 1996
The Sparrowhawk in Ayrshire 1996
Ayrshire Butterfly Report 1996

Ayrshire Bird Records Committee:

Tom Byars, Angus Hogg, Marco McGinty, and Fraser Simpson.

More information:

Please visit the Ayrshire Birding website

Species that the committee considers: (*=SBRC species)

Red-necked Grebe, Slavonian Grebe, Black-necked Grebe, Cory’s Shearwater*, Great Shearwater*, Sooty Shearwater, Balearic Shearwater, Leach’s Petrel, Bittern, Little Egret, White Stork, Spoonbill, Bewick’s Swan, Bean Goose, White-fronted Goose (albifrons), Teal (carolinensis), Garganey, Red-crested Pochard, Ring-necked Duck, Surf Scoter, Velvet Scoter, Smew, Honey Buzzard, Red Kite, Marsh Harrier, Montagu’s Harrier*, Goshawk, Rough-legged Buzzard*, Golden Eagle, Osprey, Hobby, Ptarmigan, Quail, Spotted Crake, Corncrake, Crane, Avocet, Little Ringed Plover, Dotterel, Temminck’s Stint, Pectoral Sandpiper, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank, Green Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper, Red-necked Phalarope, Grey Phalarope, Pomarine Skua (imms only), Long-tailed Skua, Mediterranean Gull (imms only), Little Gull, Sabine’s Gull, Ring-billed Gull*, Yellow-legged Gull*, Iceland Gull (kumlieni)*, Roseate Tern, Black Tern, Little Auk, Turtle Dove, Little Owl, Long-eared Owl, Nightjar, Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Wryneck, Shore Lark, Rock Pipit (littoralis), Water Pipit*, Yellow Wagtail (not flavissima), Waxwing, Bluethroat, Black Redstart, Yellow-browed Warbler, Firecrest, Willow Tit, Nuthatch, Golden Oriole, Red-backed Shrike, Great Grey Shrike, Woodchat Shrike, Chough, Common Rosefinch, Hawfinch, Lapland Bunting, Little Bunting*

Not all records will require a full written description but, in some cases, detailed field notes may be required.

Useful links: