Lothian is currently the largest SOC branch, with over 1000 members from across the region. We hold monthly talks between September and April and field trips throughout most of the year. We also have a discussion group, where we consider local conservation issues and organise survey work, see below for details.
Talks reminders:
Members who've consented to Local Branch news and events e-communications from SOC, are sent a reminder about forthcoming talks (with more information on the speaker and subject where possible), usually a week or so in advance of the meeting. If you don’t already receive these alerts and would like to, please make sure you've completed a Mailing List Consent Form to allow the Club to contact you. If you've already completed a form, check your junk/spam/clutter folders to make sure our emails aren't landing there. Still nothing? Contact Headquarters as we may not have a correct or up to date email address on file for you.
Branch newsletter
Lothian Bird E-Bulletin is periodically emailed to branch members and includes details of branch talks, outings and activities locally as well as summaries of recent outings and other branch-related news. Read the latest issue here.
AGM minutes, Chairman's Report and Annual Accounts:
Please click on the links below:
Lothian branch AGM Agenda 2024
Lothian branch SOC Chairman's report 2023-24
Lothian branch AGM Minutes 2024
Lothian branch accounts 2023-24
Discussion group:
Lothian Discussion Group meets September to April, on the first Wednesday evening of the month to plan local survey fieldwork and review results, discuss atlas work and other activities. Meetings are held at 7.30pm in Waterston House. These are open to all SOC members. For more information on the group please email Mark Holling.
Social media:
Twitter: www.twitter.com/birdinglothian
Birdwatching in the Lothians
Click here for our guide to Birding the Lothians.
Click here to download the SOC’s free guide: Birdwatching on the East Lothian coast
Bird recording in the Lothians
Visit the Lothian recording area page for details of the latest bird report, back issues, species considered locally and the latest Lothian Bird Records Committee decisions and for Local Recorder contact information.
Volunteering at Waterston House
Waterston House, SOC headquarters, is located in Lothian region, on the outskirts of Aberlady village. Please visit our volunteering page for more information.
Lothian Bird Bulletin Archive
Click here to download archive issues of Lothian Branch newsletter.