Upper Forth Area Bird Report

The Upper Forth Area Bird Report is published annually in The Forth Naturalist and Historian Journal. The journal is published in November. The journal provides a medium for papers and information relevant to naturalist and historical interests of the Forth Valley area. As well as the Bird Report, the journal also contains other bird related articles. Journals older than three years are available online (see www.fnh.stir.ac.uk/journal).


N. Bielby, G. Garner & Dr C. Pendlebury

Latest issue:

2023 report, published in FNH Journal volume 47.


£17 for hard copy journal or £5 for PDF.

Available from:

For any inquiries regarding the journal please contact Dan Jackman (email danieljoan1@virginmedia.com). Current postage and package rates will apply.

Back issues:

Please contact Roy Sexton RoyGravedigger@aol.com (or as above). Volumes 40, £5 plus £2 p&p and all earlier volumes are £2 plus £2 p&p per volume.