Refund Policy

We aim to deliver any goods to which you are initially entitled as a member (‘membership pack’) to the address given on your application form within 30 days of receiving your application. If you have not received your 'membership pack' within 30 days then you may cancel your application and we will refund any money paid by you. The cost of delivery of the membership pack to you is included in the cost of Membership or is at the SOC's expense.

No contract will exist between you and the SOC until the SOC has notified you of acceptance of your application, received any payments due or dispatched the membership pack, whichever is the later.

You have the right, in addition to your other statutory rights, to cancel your application for Membership within seven days of SOC receiving payment from you or you receiving the membership pack from us, whichever is the later. You must notify SOC in writing within this seven day period of your wish to cancel, and must return the membership pack and any free gifts associated with joining to the SOC, at your own cost. SOC will refund any payments made by you in respect of your Membership within 30 days of receiving notice that you wish to cancel your Membership application.